CLOSED SIGNUPS Amulets of the Elements (Info, OOC, and Sign-up)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I will be replying tomorrow I am also sorry for the late reply. I have been moving!
Ayy! I'm moving soon too! Good luck to both of us! ^o^

Don't worry about the lateness, and take your time to really polish whatever addition you got planned!
I finally figured out how tabs work, so now the OOC and Roleplay threads are interconnnected and easily accessed! I hope this makes it easier to keep up with the RP! ^o^
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@Ness and @Lesbingus , It's been a few weeks since me and Ariel have added to the RP. Is everything good?
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Oh snap! I never got the notification I'm sorry! I will post today!
I didn't get the notification either!! My bad!! I just started a summer semester so I've been a little busy ajsadsd
It might be a good idea to tag all the players in the GM posts.
Yeah, good idea @Ariel . I'll do that from now on, just in case no one gets notifications from following the channels.

But yeah it's ok @Lesbingus and @Ness ! I'm just glad you two are ok! ^o^
Finally posted!! So so so sorry for the wait!!! I've been really busy lately, but finally had the spoons to write!!
Hello @Lesbingus , @Ariel , and @Ness ! Are you all alive? ^o^ I'm really just waiting on Ness before we continue.

Sorry I've been gone for so long, btw. It has been…an eventful month for me. ToT
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I'm still here. Been some interesting times for me too. At least my finger's healed up now.
Hello @Lesbingus , @Ariel , and @Ness ! Are you all alive? ^o^ I'm really just waiting on Ness before we continue.

Sorry I've been gone for so long, btw. It has been…an eventful month for me. ToT
I'm alive too! Honestly I thought I was kicked off because I wasn't replying but if yall still up for it! I'll post tonight!
Alright! Posted, I'm really sorry about the wait everyone. This one is on me 🫠😅
I, too, am alive! Super glad I decided to check Iwaku, I haven't really been active since May LMAO
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Annnnd I have returned after many, many stuffs has happened. I'm so glad to be back! ToT
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Ariel
Welcome back :)