SIDE STORY Jackass: Evrensel Edition

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Wade Von Doom

All Caps when you spell the Man's name
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.
The following RP features stunts written either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals.* Accordingly, Evrensel and the Admins must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any stunt or activity performed on this RP.
(*Not really)

At first, there was darkness. An eerie silence surrounding them, like they had just woken up from a dream. Slowly, the floor began to rumble, and light began to shin down. There was a ceiling above them slowly opening. And the floor was raising them through the widening gap. Noise then began to echo around them, at first faint like an echo in the distance. But the further up they went, the louder the noise became. It was people. A crowd yelling and screaming in applause. When they finally were pushed through the gap, the lights were at first blinding.

But when they became use to it, they were surrounded by the cheers of what seemed like thousands. They were on a stage. And the crowd was cheering for them.


And once everyone was on stage, the floors stopped moving, and a light show began as music started playing. They all had no idea how they got here, what this place was, who these people watching them were, and what was going to happen next. What they did know, however, was at the top of the bleachers they could see a ramp that went from the top, all the way to the bottom where a ramp was aimed right for the stage. A man in an ill-fitting gray suit and black tie combo, soaked to the gills in water, was holding a water board, and placing the board on the ramp, stood on top of it with really shaky balance.

And before he could seemingly get his balance, was pushed down the ramp. He didn't even make it halfway before falling on his back while sliding down, and when he hit the ramp, went flying in the air; screaming the whole way. The water board flew off into the crowd, while the man hit the stage with a horrific thud on his shoulders and head, and gently slid across the floor a few feet before he stopped. The crowd gasped at first, shocked by how brutal the landing was. Yet, somehow, the man staggered back onto his feet, a manic smile on his face, and raised his arms up like this was somehow a success. The crowd started cheering again like crazy. With a small microphone attached to his ear, he finally spoke up to the crowd.

"Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville!

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