OPEN SIGNUPS Riley-Verses! (inactive scenario, see latest post)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Jus a lil Microwave named Riley

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
not very active on weekends
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. Agender
  6. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Romance
Imagine a god that is perfect in every way, no past present or future, the perfect being, that controls everything....
Now take that and throw it away cause thats not how it works here! WELCOME TO RILEY-VERSES! :>

These Universes are practically infinite, they would be infinite if it werent for the looming factor of several multiversal beings making themselves known throughout their community, The multiverse itself is infinite though, so you gotta be there somewhere right? (if you plan on joining this, then yes, thats right. :P)

Im Riley, a microwave that loves roleplay, and im here to bring my world to yours, a place with magic and alternate dimensions. where the most irresponsible crazy young adults can be gods and kings if they wanted to!

The main aspect of the story is interacting with the areas that are already there and creating stories of your own! Its an infinite multiverse out there after all, there are a few systems of how things work here too, but they are more of guidelines than actual rules.... :)

The Almighty complex: Every universe is held together by a cosmic force that resides within each individual god of their respective universe. This being, known as "The Almighty", is responsible for the maintainence of multiversal order within that universe, as well as the universes dying breath if the god should die by some means. This being is personified by a bright glowing figure that varies in size. This being can also be coaxed out by the god of that universe being near death or under adreniline. Each almighty exhibits different ranges of security, some dont allow any multiverse travellers in or out (like ours) while some are more carefree, it depends on the state of the universe it resides in as well as the state of the universes god/Riley based being.

Riley based beings: Riley based beings, or "Rileys", can be in any position of the universe. What sets these beings apart from any other being is their underlying consiousness of other "Rileys" and a deep understanding of the multiverse. Riley based beings dont nessacarily have to be named "Riley" to be one, its the traits that they exhibit that make them special. Each Riley has such a deep understanding they can project their being into other "shadow universes", which are areas projected by other Rileys, from there they can explore alternate universes without any harm to their body, and can use abilities within their minds that may not normally be usable in their origin universe. "Rileys" are the most common multiversal beings found as of right now. Rileys also have a slight connection to their worlds almighty, due to their universal projection. Rileys can be either mortal humans, or immortal gods of their universe.

Magical types: Within universes resides base types of magic characterized by color, the light sides are blue, orange, and green, while the darker sides are red, purple, and yellow. Blue/yellow magic is based on defense, with the light side using ones own strength while the dark side absorbs others life energy. Red/Orange is attack based energy, with light side users being more pure of heart and dark side users being malicious and destructive even to theirselves. Green/Purple magic is based on tricks/cantips, with the light side using ones own cleverness, and the dark side using weaknesses of others minds. Black and white are also the respective "ultimates" of each side, being very difficult to obtain/maintain, and being very rare to even unlock/discover.

Dimensionite: This is a magical stone found very rarely within certian universes. this stone radiates purple with universal energy, and is used for "jumping" dimensions. Certian dimension-wide organizations use this stone in mechanisms that teleport people wherever in the multiverse they want to go. This stone, when made stronger by certian refining methods, is also virtually indestructable and is the most magic conductive ever. However, when refined, the stone loses its multiverse hopping capabilities in exchange for its virtual indestructibility.

I have a lot more to tell about this, including its lore and its multiversal events. But for now, ill explain just a little bit of it.
Long ago there was "the old timeline", a past version of the multiverse that gave birth to a warrior known as "Riley Raider". After being exposed to multiversal energy due to an incident including dimensionite and magic, Riley Raider became "Riley" and "Raider". One being was the warrior the world once knew, just taller and better built with black hair and purple eyes, a very serious demeanor. While the other was the first documented "Riley based being", who had a connection with the fabric of the universe and was able to be its techincal god. after several battles and raider eventually dying to old age, and the ones who knew Riley had all dissapeared and gone seperate ways, Riley eventually put the universe to rest....
But then Riley realized he was never alone, he had overlooked the multiverse. he couldnt erase it all, not all of it belonged to him.
Riley raised his adoptive daughter and Raiders long lost son to be strong individuals, while multiversal events happened that caused others to discover the multiverse and its various ways. Several "Rileys" discovered their abilities and before long, there was an entire society of multiversal beings.....

Thats about all i can type right now as my time on the computer is running short, but if you want me to elaborate further, reply to this thread please! :)
Adding more to the lore

"Decca" beings: another being in the balance of each universe. They stay within their universes and are responsible for keeping the Riley's of their perspective universes in check, using the power of the Almighty if needed. The circle is Riley is beaten by Almighty, but Decca can beat Riley, and Decca controls most of the Almighty. If one falls they all fall, and it's hard for someone outside the circle to end even one.

The "A" factor: within every universe, there is someone that Riley is/used to interact with. And each universes "A" 's are connected nostalgicly. This being will bring nostalgia, whether good or bad, to ANY RILEY.
I will be adding plot outlines and potential ship roleplays, keep in mind i will only ship RP with redstars, its just a precaution im taking, any roleplay between my character and a bluestars will be strictly platonic and no romance and will more than likely be in forums/ a group. NO EXCEPTIONS.

In other news, i created a new character while half asleep this morning, ill share it soon along with everything else.
So i have some characters id like to bring into light, keep in mind that this post is for infomation. Not a roleplay scenario where you choose a character that i created within the universe. i will get to the open RP scenarios eventually, and roleplays will usually involve your own OC, in some cases i will add a character i created to be played by another, but i need to establish how they work first, there will be legroom though, dont worry, i just would like people to know what the characters are canonically like, rather than just allowing people to warp the personalities beyond any recognition of what the characters actually are originally.

And before i go onto the ramble of several characters, id like to say what the OC's you create for this world can be (please read the posts above or NONE OF THIS WILL MAKE SENSE). They can be part of the power triangle, but not an almighty (meaning they can be a Riley, or a Decca, But they cant be the role of the almighty itself) They can also be an "A" factor, but it would be good if there was a riley based being to go along with it, whether played by the same person or another player consenting the connection. But if youd rather stay away from the power triangle and just insert your character into the world, then be my guest, its welcome as the multiverse is infinite, just know that people outside the power triangle that try to break it wont have much of an effect on them, as the Decca and Riley are connected to the very being of the multiverse, as well as other multiversal versions who try to maintain each of the universes (this doesnt mean "You cant even touch a Riley LMAO" it means "It will be difficult to KILL a riley/decca, but if you do, know that the entire universe in which they are associated with is going to die, and that will attract a lot of attention to you, so you should tread lightly and keep your respective Riley/Decca alive or you will also die" :> (i swear im ok guys, im definitely not hyperfixating)

Anyways, now to the fun part!

Character Name: Riley Law (THE OG!)
Role: Riley/God
Universe/Story associated with: Divine earth.
Origin/Powers: Was associated with the Old timeline, has a adoptive daughter named Elis, and is within the higher ranks of the Rileys. His mortal-known origin is a outcasted magical boy whos powers were able to manipulate even a god, but thats just a fake story he goes by, and if it was discovered, he wouldnt really care. In the mortal world he is known for using strings of control that can bind and control his enemies, as well as using his god abilities, but in actuallity, he can basically do anything his mind is set to. He enjoys tacos, and showing off a little bit while teaching others he deems worthy godly techniques. He started a small friend group of Rileys consisting of "Riley Robin Law", "Riley law (De-Ri)","Reese", "Rodriguez", and himself. His daughter grew up and now works at a interdimensional plaza, but she still visits him often. He also raised his greatest creations son, whos name is "Nathen Raider". He Currently has no apprentice officially, but trains a woman named "Ali" in godly techniques to better protect her universe and help in others.
Other: He can create "ultra matter", but prefers not to make it public as ultra matter is very dangerous in the wrong hands

Character Name: Elis Law
Universe/Story associated with: UNK universe / Rileyverse: Nathen and Elis
Origin/Powers: Was found at a young age by Riley Law when she had no control of her powers and her touch corrupted and made everything glitch. She was raised and taught to control her powers, eventually being able to interact with non glitchproofed objects. She witnessed her adoptive father creating his own universe, and she learned from his mistakes, as well as from his gains. She enjoyed spending time with her (sorta)half-brother, Nathen. While she did learn godly techniques, she never really uses them for active fighting unless nessacary, preferring to live a semi-peaceful life that didnt involve much fighting. She eventually, after getting approval from her dad, tried creating her own little world using a creatin technique, but something in her didnt allow her to, and she was stranded in the middle of the void. she eventually drifted into the multiversal plaza, being found by the owner, another Riley going by the name of "Rin". Rin helped restore her lost magic power, and invited her to work at his casino, with the job offering room and board as well. She accepted, after she consulted her father about it first. She now works alongside her coworkers "Barrel" and "Rizzy" (a.k.a. "Cotton Candy"). Elis and Rizzy are slightly romantically involved, but Elis wants to focus more on her development of her reputation in the multiverse before focusing on a relationship, which Rizzy understood and didnt mind at all.
Other: Doesnt drink, alcohol has no effect on her according to Riley, and she trusts him, plus she wants to keep under control as if she were to get drunk, her powers may be let loose, thankfully due to her semi-godliness, she cant get drunk. She prefers to just watch over her friends, making sure they dont get hurt when they get drunk, especially Rizzy, though Rizzy just cuddles up to her rather than do much stupid things.

Character Name: Rin ("The Plaza Overlord")
Role: Riley
Universe/Story associated with: Unk universe / appears in Rileyverse: Nathen and Elis
Origin/Powers: His backstory is very vague, but legends say he was once owned a small casino table that he could summon at will. he bet money, but also dealed in magic power and life force. Eventually he grew to owning a large planet shaped space the size of about 2x2 baseball stadiums, allowing others to rent lots in his realm while hes in the current universe. He is very successful, but hated by certian multiversal groups. He used to look soft and friendly, and now he looks scary with his eyes glowing a magenta, a never ceasing smile, and his frame being tall and looming. He always holds a cane with a black stone on the top thats connected to him spiritually so that when he holds his cane, all power gained through the plaza goes towards him (it may seem special, but it common enough that he can just make another when its destroyed and rare for others enough to where it only works for him). Another thing that makes him hated is the rumors of him being rather sadistic to those who bet their power and life-force, and they see the betting of such powers immoral, yet he has never been sadistic towards others who have betted at his casino, and they gave away that power out of their own free will and even signed a contract that was not forced whatsoever. Those who have caused issues at the casino due to lost bets were simply escorted or teleported out of the casino. Rin, dispite his scary appearance, is actually quite caring to the weak and used, and to those who have kindness in their hearts. He helped a man named Rizzy out of an abusive employment, and Rizzy eventually became a respectable employee at the casino. Barrel wanted to sell drinks at Rins plaza, but didnt have the money to rent a lot, so Rin offered for him to work within the casino, creating a upgraded bar within the casino in an instant. Then after a long time he came across Elis, who he had sort of a emotional connection with unknowingly as Elis was the daughter of Riley, and Rin was a Riley. Rin helped heal her and found a way to contact her father through several contacts he had, one of which was one of Rileys friends, De-Ri. Elis soon started working at the casino after consulting her father.
Dispite his demeanor, and his kind actions dispite his look, in private his composure sometimes falters, his eyes stop glowing, and he feels weak, his smile isnt there anymore. He likes that his heart remained in the right place with most of the people hes come across, but he hated being scary to everyone who came across him, and the prejudice he got from practically every interdimensional agency. The power that he gained didnt take over his heart and soul, but it wore him out physically and warped him to look scary. His power, dispite his kindness, is demonic based, and he has an endless hunger for power. But at the end of they day he takes up his staff because he thinks its worth looking mad if it means he can give others a good time.
Other: He has a more powerful form unlocked through an energy called "ultra matter".

Character Name:Riley (AKA "The Horror")
Role:Riley/Sole inhabitant
Universe/Story associated with: UNK, but those who come across it know to turn back.
Origin/Powers: A normal timeline with one variant, something was wrong with the Riley of this timeline, to the point where it eventually caused the death of the entire universe, and everyone killed was crushed into a singular amalgamation of rotting matter that just wont die. The very planet you stand on when you teleport into the universe is actually a part of it, and staying there for long will guarantee your death. This Riley disguises itself to a newcomer as a normal riley with dark eyes, and the part where clothes are supposed to be sepreate actually fade into a skin tone. the more scared you are, or the more the Riley gets impatient, the more itll start to transform into a more monsterous being, it can grown extremely large and entrap you within vines of black rotting flesh and matter that it controls. It seeks only to torture and consume anyone that crosses into its territory.

I would type more but i have to switch classes. ill type out more soon ok!

Hi! ive become VERY inactive since about a week ago since the site is more dead than chivalry is to feminists(im a lil offensive in a joking way). Im just writing my own stories from time to time, but i mostly tell it to the people around me irl cause every time i try and type it i end up missing details/ having to tweak a few things/ the keyboard spasms and deletes all 900 OF MY WORDS IN A DRAFT, WHY MUST YOU HURT ME IWAKU?!?!?!

I may figure out a way to post my stories in small summaries that can be fixed up and updated easily, but it would be a bit relaxed rather than sceduled uploads cause im a little busy with getting ready for college and all.

I guess since im mentioning it, i should explain a little of what my story is about. It dives heavily into the concept of a multiverse and alternate versions of usually the same person, but also focus's on a interdimensional hierarchy that keeps the universes balanced with eachother, which obviously comes with a bit of conflict (or else, yknow, the story wouldnt exist!). Its mainly action based, with a little magic in the mix, it is better told in an anime type style with the dynamic of the story being like a crossover of the MCU and Dragonball if i had to describe it in that way.

Anyways, im not gonna ramble on much longer, as i dont know peoples tolerance with long responses, but the bottom line is i am mostly going to be developing my fictional universe lore, but i am open to sharing this lore with people to gain critique, or even collab in a way with people whether its by casual discussion with storybuilding or roleplaying in a specific enviornment.

feel free to DM me about it to learn more and give suggestions, or just talk. im also reachable at [email protected]

Happy Writing!