CHARACTER INDEX OUT OF CHARACTER Twisted Fates Characters & Chat(Texan & Moon)

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Slice Of Life, Paranormal
Scientists discover a dire wolf completely intact in Antarctica. They dig the large beast free of it frozen chambers before moving it into one of their facilities to unthaw it and start studying it. Little do they know that this beast is carrying a disease that will bring about ruin to the world. For some reason the disease began to target humans, breaking down their system and changing their very DNA. Turning them into mindless creatures, that craved blood. It swooped through the research facility and spread through the air before anyone knew what hit them. Scientists scrambled for a cure, taking note that wolves and dogs didn't seem to die from the disease unlike other animals injected with it. It made sense that the cure could be found from another canine source. They tampered with the dire wolf more, but most of them ended up dying due to the disease. The wolves and dogs experimented on changed, beginning to understand the human tongue, not only that but their saliva and blood held the cure. The only thing was...the only way to be cured left the longer human. They found themselves able to shift from human to canine, not fully able to control it...some even lost their human side completely...


Character Sheets




Type(Wolf or dog breed:







Turned or Normal:

Type(If turned):






Lone Canines

Diego: 4yrs: Breed/Type: Doberman​

Angel: 5yrs: Breed/Type: Wolf

Argos: 5yrs: Breed/Type: Wolf

Name: Age: Breed/Type: ___
Name: Age: Breed/Type: ___
Name: Age: Breed/Type: ___
Name: Age: Breed/Type: ___

Lone Humans
Alison Anderson: 13yrs: Turned: Wolf

Edward Blanche: 15yrs: Turned: Wolf/Rottweiler Mix​

Name: Age: Normal
Name: Age: Normal
Name: Age: Normal
Name: Age: Turned: ___
Name: Age: Turned: ___

Ben-Ben: 3yrs: Breed/Type: Purebred Dalmatian
Bryan Alrick: 29yrs: Turned: Dalmatian​
Serria Anderson: 17yrs: Normal
Ashely Hanfel: 30yrs: Normal​
Levi Thornfield: 30: Normal
Emily Thornfield: 20: Turned: German Shepherd
Scarlet(Gabby Hanfel): 25: Turned: True Immune
Gabiella: 11: Normal​
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Name: Diego

Age: 4yrs

Type(Wolf or dog breed: Doberman

History: Ever since Diego was born, he was either met with scorn, or fear, why? Because his breed was big, and sometimes had a bad temperament. But not him! He did his best to be a good boy, to obey every human he met. That was until THEY got their hands on him...evil...pure evil...pain...that was all he knew for about a year. Still, he held a small hope that he'd find a decent human...but when they died...something smelled wrong. They were clearly dead...but alive? He didn't understand it, but he knew one thing he was safe in the cage. The creepy humans soon moved on and another humans showed up releasing him from the cage along with the other dogs and wolves. Some of them attacked the poor guy...killing him. Others such as himself just ran. They were free.

Relatives: None

Crush: Open

Mate: Open
Name: Angel

Age: 5yrs

Type(Wolf or dog breed: Wolf

History: Angel was shot by a hunter and when she woke up she found herself bandaged up but trapped in a cage. At first she thought everything would be fine, they'd heal her and release her. But as time went on they started doing odd things to her and more dogs and wolves were brought in. They began injecting her stuff, testing on her and it only furthered her hatred for humans. It wasn't bad enough they killed her mate, now they wanted to torture her!

Relatives: None alive

Crush: None

Mate: Calfix(deceased)
Name: Ben-Ben

Age: 3yrs

Type(Wolf or dog breed: Purebred Dalmatian

History: Ben-Ben was born in a loving family, his humans took care of his brothers and sisters. But then one day someone broke into their fence and kidnapped not only him but his sisters. He was only a year old, and he had never known humans to be cruel. He didn't know what was going was going on and he didn't want to be separated from his sisters but he didn't have much of a choice. The world around them was changing, and so were they. The day that Ben-Ben when to say his thoughts to a human in anger and they understood him shocked him. In a sense dogs understood what humans said but it was never fully clear...that all started to change though... whatever the scientists had done to them had changed them forever. When he came across Bryan, he hadn't meant to bite the human, it had been an accident. But that accident opened both Ben and Bryan's eyes to a whole new world....Ben explains things to Bryan and the two decide to travel together in the messed up world.

Relatives: Doesn't know if his sisters are alive, but now considers Bryan to be like a brother.

Crush: Open

Mate: Open
Name: Argos

Age: 5yrs

Type(Wolf or dog breed: Wolf

History: Argos was captured soon after it was discovered dogs and wolves were affected by the disease. He didn't even get the chance to run or fight, he was a loner making him easy to target. They poked and prodded, before one day he woke up and chaos filled the lab he was in. Loud sounds buzzed in the place, and the humans had turned on each other....eating each was terrifying. One human was working hard to release the wolves and dogs in the cages, telling them to run and not look back. He didn't hate the humans, he had been treated okay, all things considered. He wanted the human to come with him but the humans eating the other humans attacked the girl and so he ran as she had instructed.

Relatives: None

Crush: Open

Mate: Open​
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Name: Serria Anderson

Age: 17

Turned or Normal: Normal

Type(If turned): N/A

History: Serria actually loved her younger sister, even when she became ill. She wanted to do nothing more than stay by her sisters side even as the world fell into ruin. But her parents ripped her away and Serria was never able to find her sister after that. To this day she prays her sister is magically alive out there, so she can tell her sorry about how foolish their parents were. She had found herself traveling with a strange woman at the moment. The woman comes off as distant and somewhat cold. Often messing with strange chemicals and taking samples of dead bodies. It scares Serria, but what in this world is normal....

Relatives: Alison, younger sister

Crush: Open

Lover: Open
Name: Ashely Hanfel

Age: 30

Turned or Normal: Normal

Type(If turned): N/A

History: Ashely was a part of the scientists working on the cure before everything flipped upside down on them. She was ushered out of the lab she was in, claiming her mind needed to be kept safe. Safe for what though? As time rolled on the world fell into true ruin, still though she worked to try and find a cure. Why? Maybe because it had been instilled in her bones that she needed to find one no matter what....perhaps it was the thought that if she had found a cure before all of this happened her younger sister would still be alive. Maybe that was also the reason she had grown attached to Serria and let the girl travel with her...

Relatives: Gabby(deceased)

Crush: Open

Lover: Open
Name: Edward Blanche

Age: 15

Turned or Normal: Turned

Type(If turned): Wolf/rottweiler mix

History: Edward was somewhat of an outcast among his school, and even his family. His parents scorned him for being born with strangely bright amber hazel eyes. It wasn't a common thing, not to mention both his parents were blondes, but he was born with striking black hair. It caused immense discord between his parents, with his father blaming his mother claiming she had cheated. Even when the DNA test said he belonged to them, it was still hard for them to accept. It was the black sheep of the family. As the world was turning to chaos it was like a freedom to him. He didn't really hold an attachment to anything. And when he happened across a strange wolfdog that could talk he thought his time had come. The animal attacked him, leaving him for dead, muttering at how much it hated humans....and he simply smirked...agreeing with it. It surprised the animal and he decided to leave Edward alone, he thought that he would die, but strangely...death didn't come. Ed found himself shifting painfully from his human form to a wolf form. In this new form he actually felt free, though the shifting was very painful and sometimes it happened against his will. The change inside of him was slowly settling down...He noticed the amber of his eyes also seemed to grow more golden with each shift.

Relatives: Probably all dead

Crush: Open

Lover: Open
Name: Bryan Alrick

Age: 29

Turned or Normal: Turned

Type(If turned): Dalmatian

History: Bryan was searching for food when he came across a Dalmatian that was stuck in a trap. His first thought was to save the dog, but he forgot the most important thing...not to startle it. Bryan had simply meant to help the dog, but in doing so he got a major surprise. The dog could talk!?!?! At first, when Ben-Ben had apologized to him about biting him, Bryan thought he had gone insane. But the real kicker happened about an hour after Bryan had been bitten. He fell sick, a heavy weight and high fever took over Bryan. He was so confused....wondering if he had gotten infected by the zombies running around somehow. But that wasn't the case as Bryan's body thrashed about, and his frame crunched down into that of a dog! He had been so disoriented when he saw his reflection in the glass pane of a window he yelped. Ben-Ben seemed just as shocked, but told Bryan about how he had been a test subject and it seemed whatever they had done to the dogs and wolves and given them some strange ability to change humans... Since then Bryan and Ben have been traveling together, dodging the zombies, though one of Bryan's shifts occurred and he ended up bitten by a zombie. He thought it was the end of him, but he never turned. Ben and Bryan had been traveling with this secret for a while...unsure if what they've discovered is actually a cure...

Relatives: None alive

Crush: Open

Lover: Open
Name: Levi Thornfield

Age: 30

Turned or Normal: Normal

Type(If turned): N/A

History: Levi was one of the lead scientists running the experiment, he was always living for his work and he didn't mind in the slightest if he got his hands dirty. No, he loved when he got his hands dirty. The thought of tampering with humankind made him feel bubbly inside. He was part of the reason the disease changed. Not that, that had been his intention when working with it, but he simply couldn't sit still. He even brought his younger sister in on it, showing her the experiments and then showing her a few of the contained zombies. He knew she had always been curious about his work, so he didn't think in the slightest that anything would go wrong. Or perhaps it all went right? First, the zombies got free and then he found his sister letting the experimented dogs go! At first, he had yelled at her before noticing she'd been bitten by one of the dogs. Instead of remaining there he took her to his secret lab, patched her up, and asked why she let the dogs go. She responded with, "If they survive out in the world you can just catch them again once things settle down!" He felt rather proud,

Relatives: Younger sister, Emily Thornfield

Crush: none

Lover: His work
Name: Emily Thornfield

Age: 20

Turned or Normal: Turned

Type(If turned): German Shepherd

History: Emily is probably one of the first people to shift from human to canine, being in the office of one of the first breakouts. She has grown rather accustomed to shifting. However, it still hurts a bit, not to mention the scents around them are about ten times worse in her dog form. Sure it's enhanced while she's human, but her dog form is by far worse. She has allowed her brother to experiment on her while they live in his secret lab. But he seems to have his some sort of block and he often takes his anger out on her. She knows he doesn't mean to...but it can be scary at times... especially when she is stuck in her dog form and he locks her in a cage. Still though, she looks up to him and wants to be of help to him.

Relatives: Older brother, Levi Thornfield

Crush: None

Lover: None​

Name: Scarlet(Gabby Hanfel)

Age: 25

Turned or Normal: Turned

Type(If turned): Immune

History: Scarlet was once known as Gabby Hanfel, a sick younger sister fighting the disease that was killing thousands of humans. Her older sister being a scientist that was trying her best to help Gabby. But in the end Gabby died, or so that was what everyone thought. She had a severe fever, one that had ate away most of her memories. Turning her mind into a fine mush of sorts. She was pronounced dead and it hurt Ash a great deal. But Ash never got to bury her sister's body, because it went missing! Yes, Scarlet wasn't dead, she woke up the day after she'd 'died'. She couldn't remember who she was, where she was or why she was laying on this cold metal table. Panic set in and she ran. Little did she know the world would collapse even with no memory of who she was. Another thing she noticed was about a week after she woke up her right eye turned a strange purple! She was quick to find an eye patch to cover her right eye. She also saw a magazine called Scarlett Tabs, so she decided to name herself Scarlet. She's been living in this crazy world as her mind slowly regains bits and pieces of her memory. All of which lead her to believe she was a human test subject of some sort. It made sense...the strange purple hue of her eye and the fact that she'd seen countless people bitten and turned, but when she got bit...nothing happened....

Relatives: Ashley Hanfel, Older sister(Doesn't remember her)

Crush: None

Lover: None​

Name: Gabiella (gabby)

Age: 11

Turned or Normal: Normal

History: Gabby was living within the ruins of the world with her family. They were doing fairly decent considering their situation. But then one day a group of humans invaded their home they murdered her parents and she watched it all from a hidden hole in the floor. It was where they stored a decent amount of food, water, and medical supplies. Why? Because a lot of the humans had become worse than the actual zombies. She watched in horror from her hidden cubby waiting until they were gone before coming out of hiding and trying to save her mother and father, but it was already too late. They were gone and she was on her own. On the bright side the hidden supplies would help her get by for a bit, she was fast so she could outrun most things....but it didn't change the fact she was this cold awful world.

Relatives: None alive

Crush: No one

Lover: No one
Name: Alison

Age: 13

Turned or Normal: normal

Type(If turned):

History: Ali had gotten sick she and her family didn't know what was wrong with her but each day she was getting worse and worse her family stopped coming to see her it broke her heart that they stopped coming

Relatives: Serria sister

Crush: None yet

Lover: None Yet​