Testy Testes

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

lately i have been genuinely depressed by how selfish and individualistic people are

i won't say 'have become', because ppl have been like this for a while, but i feel like it's so much worse now, especially since the pandemic. no one cares about other people. in fact how people acted in the pandemic is a big indicator of just how little they do.

it's like people heard 'you don't owe anybody anything!' and took it to the logical extreme. people don't care at all about how their actions might affect others; i can almost understand (but do not agree with) not caring how it affects strangers, but it's spilled over to people you're supposed to care about too.

seriously, the way some people talk about their so called 'friends' makes me so sad. people talking about how they'll dump friends for the most minor of things. no empathy for what others might be going through. saw someone say, in a discussion about ~trauma dumping~ (ugh), 'i asked my friend how they were and they trauma dumped in response like please'

like maybe i'm the odd one out here but i actually care about my friends and family? when i ask them 'how are you doing?' i would like a genuine answer, even if it's 'i'm doing really poorly right now and here's why'. i love the people in my life and i want to be there for them, i *want* to be a source of comfort them and for them to know i'm a shoulder to lean on. like, isn't that the point of having friends and family?

everything feels so transactional! like people don't care about others outside of what they can do for them. capitalism has harmed us so irreparably as people and i'm very sad about it

Name Luca Grubert
Age 18
Bio An only child; has lived with his maternal grandparents for most of his life, after his mother passed away giving birth to his younger sister (who was a stillbirth), and his father was arrested on drug possession charges. Despite these unfortunate circumstances, he grew up in a stable home, and his grandparents love him dearly. Presented as an alpha just like the rest of the men in his family.
- Daydreamer/easily distracted
- Extroverted but not especially outgoing
- A bit flaky
- A visual artist, not really much of an intellectual
- Easygoing
- Vain
- Honest but careful in his word choices/diplomatic
- Kind and generous
- Impulsive
- Can be irresponsible
- Tepid; he rarely gets emotional or passionate about anything which is a source of contention for many, as people think he just doesn't care (he does)
- A bit of a hedonist
- Lacks motivation
- Can be possessive and occasionally aggressive thanks to his hormones and hates that about himself

"So I imagine Sebastian's scent is a bit like Autumn? He smells like apples and crisp leaves and the sweeter, 'omega' tone that just became obvious with him presenting is, like, cinnamon sugar or something?"

"I was thinking of scents too! I couldn't quite think of something for Luca but you mentioning Sebastian smelling like Autumn made me think that he could smell kind of like Spring. Like dewy mornings and 'fresh' [I'm so bad at describing smells QQ] normally, but when aroused something like honey and citrus. "

Name: Vincent Curtis
Nicknames: Vince, by friends; Vinny, by relatives, or when people want to irritate him
Age: 17
Bio: Vincent was a bit of a cry baby as a young child, a trait which was quickly shaken out of him by his father. For whatever reason, their father was more critical of Vincent - perhaps because he looked like him - and because of that, requested that Vincent live with him after the divorce. He was raised to go hard or not at all, and to succeed with flying colours in everything he did - school, sports, his social life. The only person who still gets to see his softer side is his twin, and even that is rare these days. Though outgoing, he doesn't let people close to the vest - except his brother, of course.
- Outgoing
- A bit of a clown/prankster
- Disciplined
- Very self critical
- Easily stressed and frustrated
- Possessive of those he cares about
- Obsessive; when he finds something he likes, he goes hard, or not at all
- Competitive
- Vain
- Likes to feel needed
- Secretly a romantic


The first time he gets the idea, he's with Makoto in Shinjuku.

He's helping her with the detective work of uncovering the truth behind Eiko's suspicious host boyfriend. Unsurprisingly, most of the equally shady individuals they approach are not eager to help them, but once they find the jackpot, the information comes spilling out like tickets in an arcade. They learn more about the underworld of Shinjuku than either of them were prepared to know.

Makoto is, of course, mortified when she learns that there are girls their age being manipulated and blackmailed into sex work. She is terrified that her dear friend Eiko will be thrown into the same path.

It's not to say that Akira isn't also disturbed by the revelation.

They always need money. Mementos is lucrative, certainly, more lucrative than it has any right to be, but despite his deal with Iwai, their gear is expensive. He's not certain any of his teammates fully understand just how prohibitively expensive it is. Other than Ann, who assuredly gets paid from her few modeling gigs, he's the only one with any cash to spare. Yusuke is so poor he eats bean sprouts for every meal; Ryuji's eyes roll so far back into his skull that he must be able to taste them any time Akira brings up the possibility of getting a part time job.

Equipment, medicine, accessories - as the leader of the Phantom Thieves, the responsibility of buying them falls squarely on Akira's shoulders.

That night, once Morgana is fast asleep at the end of his bed, whiskers twitching as he dreams, Akira pulls out his phone, and types the words 'gay cam shows' into Zoogle. It takes him longer than it should just to get the words out; he feels like someone, somewhere, is watching him write them. Igor, maybe. Akira wouldn't be surprised if Igor even watches him shit.

He gets more hits than he was expecting. It's all he can do to just stare at the page with burning cheeks as he reads the descriptions of each web page.

He should be safe if he wears this, right? He assesses himself in the mirror, tilts his head, fluffs up his hair – pauses, fluffs it up some more. Heaves a sigh, bites his lips to redden them. Flexes in the mirror. Being Joker has given him lean muscle he never would have expected to have on the train ride over to Tokyo. He looks good. Really good, if he's honest. Better than a lot of the other skinny boys he saw on the catalog.

He stares at the page for much longer than is necessary. Coming up with the words is hard; it's so embarrassing he almost taps out, but reminds himself of the money, the money. He can get himself that new dagger he's been eying. Maybe even that adhesion from Tae.

He takes a deep breath and types in the words.

He counts down from three, and turns on the camera.

I basically never do fandom role-plays but I recently finish Persona 5 (way late to the fandom ik ik ik) and it is occupying my mind 8(
I want to spend all my money feeding Yusuke

I use Akira instead of Ren because I like it better. Bold indicates a character preference.

Yusuke/Akira ***

In general, I prefer AUs, or at least stories set well into the future from canon events. College, post-college, whatever. I have a few vague ideas for Yusuke/Akira and Ryuji/Akira but I'm always, always open to brain storming. I'd prefer to play Yusuke, but if for some reason you really want to, I'm down to play Akira as well!

As far as Akechi/Akira goes, I'm looking to do some angsty fix-it stories. I haven't played/read about P5R yet so I'm not sure what exactly they've done to expand on Akechi canonically, but I Love Him So Much so let's fix it ourselves!!

I adore the rest of the cast* so I'd love to incorporate them into the story somehow as well. : ) Just as far as romance goes, I'm only interested in those three pairings.

* Except Mishima. Fuck Mishima.
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For grand theft, impersonating royalty, and witchcraft
Known to the Emperor of Dovaria as 'Severin Tenebris'. May take other aliases. Do not be fooled.
Last seen fleeing towards the south border on a large crimson dragon.
Alert your local warden or sovereign representative immediately if sighted.

Outlaw appears to be a wood elf of average height. He has tanned tawny skin and thick, chestnut brown hair. Most reports describe it as messy. Some say it is shaved at the sides; others say it has been braided. It is unclear whether his hair is long or short. Witness reports are conflicting. All of those unfortunate enough to cross paths with this criminal claim he has eerie, piercing green eyes. Downright inhuman! Do not be fooled by his wiry frame; outlaw is strong and can cause you grievous bodily harm. Do not approach unarmed.

IDENTIFYING FEATURES: All witnesses describe the outlaw as having a large, reddish brown birthmark beneath his right eye in the shape of a teardrop. Outlaw also has a large scar running from the base of his left ear across to his chin. Sharp teeth have also been reported.

Some witnesses have claimed to see the outlaw sprout wings from his back. This is unconfirmed.

Outlaw is suspected of witchcraft. Several witnesses have reported seeing the outlaw:

- Wield the elements; wardens have returned with singed hair and burnished armor after approaching the fugitive
- Speak in tongues
- Demonstrate a degree of invulnerability; regular arrows do not seem to affect him. One warden claims to have injured the outlaw with a cold arrow. Unconfirmed; do not attempt.

Outlaw has been reported to be a smooth talker. If sighted, do not engage with him. Women and fairfolk especially are encouraged to KEEP THEIR DISTANCE. Some men have also reported falling prey to his charms. Does not seem to show any remorse for his crimes.


-- High Templar of Dovaria
on behalf of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Ilvisar Vegnes
By royal decree​
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  • hello! You can call me Sid. I am just a little mushroom spore drifting on the wind. I like video games, house plants, and napping away my existential dread. 2020 was a wet fart of a year for me and my mental health so I'm just trying to carve joy and hobbies back into my life after over a year of lying in bed staring at the ceiling.

    I'm looking for a few fun, easygoing roleplays to occupy my time with. For probably the first time in my life, I'm most keenly searching for fandom roleplays, but I also have some original ideas/characters that I would love to write. I'm pretty easy to get along with and love to chat, but there's a few things I should get out of the way first!

    1. Frequency Of Posting
    Like a lot of people, especially right now, I struggle with my mental health. Right now I am trying my best to crawl out of a very dark place. Because of that I can't guarantee I will reply on a consistent schedule, both IC and OOC. I have a lot of social anxiety and my progress in fixing it waxes and wanes, unfortunately. It's especially difficult when I am intimidated by someone (because you are just TOO cool). Because of this I ask for your patience! If I don't like the RP or want to drop, I'll let you know, but I can go silent just due to life circumstances. I just want everyone to know this up front because I realize (and completely understand) that it's a deal breaker for a lot of people.

    That being said when I'm really into an RP and in a Writing Zone I can reply multiple times a day. It's like a loot box, you just don't know what you're gonna get.

    2. Patience - For You
    How could I expect patience from others when I'm not patient myself? Take all the time you need to reply; I will never rush you. I'm even ghost/drop friendly, so no hard feelings if you just don't feel like role-playing anymore. Maybe you do the same thing I do and come back a few months after total silence and say, 'hey wanna continue our RP?' And the answer 99% of the time will probably be 'yes'!

    If that hasn't scared you away, let's move on to some more fun things...

  • M/M Only:
    I'm only interested in writing stories about gay (or otherwise men-loving) male characters. I like male characters of all kinds, too! From heavily masculine to waifishly fem - I love 'em all across the spectrum. I personally have a soft spot for androgynous characters especially. : ) Note that this includes fandom roleplays; I'm sorry but I'm not interested in doing m/f even if doubling.

    For side characters/NPCs however, I am totally up for f/f. I'm just not interested in writing anything explicit for them.

    I am most comfortable with my partner being 21+. I'm 29 myself.

    I will write tops, bottoms, and verses; doms, subs, and switches. I ask that my partner is able to do the same. It's all right to have preferences, but at this point in my role-playing life I'm over being expected to play the domineering top all the time. Can't a guy just play some dominant bottoms around here?

    I only role-play on the forums, not through PMs or off-site. Sorry if this is a deal breaker for you, but I'm uncomfortable role-playing any other way, because my brain is weird and PMs make me antsy. This is only for IC though; PMs are preferred for plotting and chatting!

    I like to collaborate and brainstorm with my partners. When you approach me, please be open to it. It's even better if you come charging in with new ideas of your own. Let's swap ideas and build off of each other. I don't like making all the decisions myself -- otherwise I'd just write a story!

    Tying into the above, I value open communication about the progress of our RP! If something's not going right, or you can't understand what I've written, or you want to ask any question at all, please don't hesitate to ask me. This should be fun for both of us. The one thing that I can't tolerate in a partner is passive-aggressiveness.

    Writing Style:
    Right now I am looking for some easy role-plays; I have a general propensity to write long posts, but that can get kind of stressful to keep up with, so I'm not looking to put any pressure on myself (or on my partner). I also think it's easier to set a good pace when responding to just one or two actions per post. It's a little more natural.

    That being said, sometimes I can't help myself, so if I do throw a 6+ paragraph reply out at you, please don't run away! I don't expect that much from my partners. All I ask is at least one paragraph, and enough action to easily respond to. I only write in third person, but I'm happy to write in either past or present tense.

    My Eyes:
    Minor but I'm old and my eyes are bad so if you use custom code for your posts (totally cool!) please make them not super tiny! It's difficult to read. D:

    My main hard limits are toilet play, DDLB/age play, m-preg, and cross-gen incest. I'm also not especially into non-con; it's not a 'hard no', but it's not something I typically enjoy writing. Dub-con is totally fine though. You can find my full F-list here.

    Special Note: Trans Characters
    I am okay with trans characters but I am also very picky about it. Please write them respectfully. I do not like to use female language (pussy, clit, etc.) for trans male characters. I don't like there to be much focus on the fact that a character is trans/to make transphobia or dysphoria a major plot point. I roleplay to escape from the world; that all hits too close to home.

    I don't take role-playing seriously! It's just a fun lil hobby. I don't expect perfection from you and I'd appreciate it if you don't expect it from me, either. I love being able to banter and have fun with my partners. It's no fun if we're serious all the time. D:

  • If applicable, bold indicates the character I would prefer to play (but am not demanding to play, we can work things out)
    * = sliding scale of how badly I would like to roleplay this
    & = I've got a plot or at least the skeleton of one

    I do not do canon x OC roleplays. I'll do OC x OC, but I'm mostly just interested in these specific ships.

    League of Legends

    ❖ Sett/Aphelios ********* &

    how did I get so invested in an otp that doesn't interact at all canonically and also comes from this game of all games?? beats me but I did!!

    I have no preferences as I've written for both characters and enjoy them equally. I have several plots, both AU and canon-compliant! I know it's a long shot but I would absolutely love to start something up about these two. (o´▽`o)

    TGCF/Heaven Official's Blessing

    ❖ He Xuan/Shi Qingxuan ******* &
    bring me fix-it... pls...

    Hua Cheng/Xie Lian *** &
    AUs or canon divergence only, there's not much else to be told for them in canon

    I also ship Yin Yu/Quan Yizhen and Feng Xin/Mu Qing, but have absolutely no plot ideas for them lmao
    but if you have any, I'd be down to hear about them!

    MDZS/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
    Note: I have not watched The Untamed/CQL. I'm a rare breed of novel-only fan lol. I know the general gist of differences between the novel and CQL but prefer to base things on the novel, especially re: LWJ being chief cultivator post-canon (because that makes no sense to me!!!)

    ❖ Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji *** &
    AUs and convoluted plots are amazing but tbh I'd also be down just to roleplay some ambling slice of life post-canon wangxian nonsense, to add years to my life

    ❖ Jiang Cheng/Mean Twink Who Makes Fun of His Cock Nie Huaisang ******* &
    let me play dom NHS!! service top 'just a pole' JC rights!!

    ❖ Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao ** &
    plot is bare bones, just some fix-it pls

    I don't usually do doubling but I would be up for some good end ("good end"...) 'married to the twin jades of gusu' wangxian/xiyao... let wwx and jgy try to be friends despite jgy's, well, everything

    I also ship Nie Mingjue/Meng Yao, Nie Mingjue/Nie Huaisang (preference again for playing NHS), and Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang (also XXC/Song Lan but only if Song Lan is developed a bit more to not be a non-entity...), but I don't really have any plots for them. if you have something though, hit me up!

    Persona 5

    ❖ Akira/Yusuke ****** &
    lots and lots of plots for these two because I love them dearly, just ask me!

    ❖ Akira/Akechi
    I still have yet to play P5 Royal so I don't know what they've added to Akechi's story and character... the game is just so long guys... :'(
    anyway I love this ship but have no ideas of my own, so if you have any I'd love to hear them

    Guild Wars 2

    No plots, I would just love to roleplay some of my sylvari (and one [1] haughty twink human mirage).

  • I only have a handful of non-fandom ideas I'd like to play at the moment.

    Serpent Charmer *****
    I have a character named Elias whose DNA was spliced with a snake. As a result, he's functionally blind, has a very low body temperature, and also is the owner of two functional penises. He works at a brothel, but has dreams of leaving one day and seeing more of the world. I guess at the core this would be some sugar daddy/sugar baby idea. YC could begin as a client of his at the brothel, and decide to 'buy' him. Not literally. Well, probably.

    The Worst Incubus ***
    Lysander is the underworld's worst incubus. He is completely unable to drain life force from humans without forming an almost immediate romantic attachment. Given one last chance to do his work properly, he is assigned to a human 'playboy'...but not getting attached is harder than it should be when you're a jealous incubus.

    Something's In The Water *****
    YC is a misfit, shunned from his peers. The only place he finds solace is the holy lake on the plateau near his village. Legend says a creature lives in that lake, connected to the gods, and every year, his people provide a sacrifice to it. While swimming in the lake one day, YC almost drowns...and when he wakes up, he has been rescued, but not by a human. The monster that he has grown up fearing is indeed fearsome, but not as vicious and inhumane as he was led to believe.

    Inspired by a Sidlink fic I read of all things. The 'creature' that lives in the lake would be somewhat of a mer-person, except without fins. Able to theoretically live on land. Shark-like, including having...you guessed it...two penises. I am a man with simple interests. I'd like him to be a bit more beast-like than pretty-merman-like. A romance at its core with some dark, religious, and violent undertones.

    Second Chances *** (omegaverse)
    Fane - an alpha in life - is a guardian angel, which is far from a respected position in the angel hierarchy. You get demoted to guardian angel when you fuck up big time, and Fane did: by interfering with fate and rescuing a little girl from abuse.

    His new job is demoralizing enough, but it gets worse for him when he discovers his newest charge is an omega, and in his new demi-mortal form, he is no longer immune to his earthly desires. A story about two damaged souls finding comfort in each other, despite every force on earth and beyond trying to keep them apart.


    Dumb Werewolf Boyfriend
    YC stumbles upon MC, an injured werewolf, in his canine form. He takes him home to nurse what seems like a big husky back to health, only to discover the next morning a big man spooning him in his bed! How long does it take YC to realize that MC is harmless, but now devoted to him for saving his life? (Omegaverse is okay here, MC would be an alpha. Totally optional though.)

    Size Differences
    I just really want to do something involving a very big size difference (not quite micro/macro, but significant 'hamster with banana' vibes). Maybe one character is a space explorer who ends up crash-landed on a strange planet where the main species is very large (and preferably, but optionally, monstrous). Or some D&D-style adventures with Big Man > small man.

    Omegaverse Organized Crime
    (Disclaimer: no pregnancy pls)
    I want to write some ridiculous OTT omega mob boss. He's got an entire city in the palm of his hand and a flock of alphas at his beck and call to ride and ditch. YC could be from a rival family, or some unfortunate soul who hasn't paid off his loan, something like that. Could be a fun dom omega/sub alpha situation or something involving role reversal.


    Omegaverse Notes
    Since everyone does omegaverse differently, I thought I'd jot down my preferences for it.

    - Once again, no m-preg as I don't like it! Potential for it is fine (especially since somehow I do enjoy breeding kink/risk of pregnancy but not actual children, minds are funny things), but I also often establish that male omegas are rare and have deformed reproductive organs, so they are unable to actually get pregnant. Birth control or character specific infertility is also fine.

    - I generally prefer there not to be much calling each other alpha/omega, even during sex. I'm not completely opposed to it though.

    - Love playing up the scent kink. Real big on pheromones and possessiveness.

    - I was not introduced to this until recently, and while I don't have any experience with it, I am willing to experiment with omegas having both sets of genitals.

    - Alternative omegaverse -- recently I've seen in a few comics based in ancient China/Korea having characters be 'yin' or 'yang', as in an omega would be a 'yin' male, overflowing with yin energy as opposed to yang energy. I thought it was really neat! Could be fun to play with, as something new. : )

    That's about everything I can think of where I might differ from other people.

Created by Jenamos | Inspired by MaryGold
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  • basics
    Jaculus, né Jun Kassabian
    19, already considered 'past his prime' for an Omega
    Cisgender male; Omega
    code by miserableyouth


  • appearance

    Tall for an Omega, standing at 5'10"; like the rest of the 'stars' in his house, he is lithe and slender, but he has strong legs and thick thighs from dancing - and from illicit kickboxing lessons. Has soft, feathery, inky black hair, and stunning jade eyes. Tawny skin, fair for his people due to lack of sun exposure; tans easily into a rich bronze when able to catch sunlight. Skin is eerily soft to the touch. Like everyone in his house, he has a tattoo of an ouroboros; everyone is able to choose the location of their tattoo, and Jac chose the center of his back.

    Though Kheran Omegas all wear makeup, regardless of primary gender, Jac isn't particularly fond of it, and tries to get away with wearing as little makeup as possible. Normally he can get away with only dark purple eyeliner and a touch of rouge; any less and the priests get angry. Both of his ears are pierced, along with his navel - and secretly the crown of his penis. Somewhere, his mother is turning over in her grave.

    Facial structure:
    Small, hooded eyes, small but full lips, long nose. Slender features in general. Heart shaped face, strong cheekbones.
  • personality
    When Kheran Omegas first present, they are placed in a quiet, dark room with the seer matriarch, and spend a day discovering their animal spirit. To no one's surprise, Jaculus - previously named Jun Kassabian - resonated with the serpent.

    He is naturally icy, intelligent, wry, and hardheaded. All of these traits made him an especially difficult Omega to train, and all contribute to the reason why he is still at the temple, even at age 19. Though he may be stunningly beautiful, he is not a wilting flower like many other Omegas. Few Omegas in house Ophiuchus are, but Jac embodies the serpent clan's traits to a perfect T. He refuses to bend his will to anyone - but unfortunately, he is at the mercy of his biology, which is a constant source of contention.

    Having presented his secondary gender early at age 13, he's had many years to be forcibly molded into the obedient, demure Omega that Khera wants him to be, and though it kills him inside, he does play the part well when necessary. He is polite, has impeccable manners, and moves with supernatural grace. His body is in peak physical condition, and though all Kheran Omegas are trained in dance, he also sneaks off three times weekly to train in kickboxing with a handful of other rebellious Omegas. He might be unable to stand up to most alphas, but he is far from physically weak. Mentally, he is as strong as steel.

    He is a bit hotheaded and has trouble swallowing his anger and insolence when it comes. Like most Kherans, he is very spiritual, and can often be found praying or meditating. His voice is very quiet, and when he is not acting, it is terse and almost monotonous. He likes to blame the fact that he's not paying attention to things on being 'an airhead' or 'a daydreamer', when in fact he just doesn't care what most people have to say. In fact, Jac can be quite rude when he thinks he can get away with it.

    He opens himself up to precious few, and even then, he isn't traditionally warm and friendly. He's a man of few words, and makes sure that every syllable counts. He would rather show his emotions - which are not stunted, contrary to what many think - through actions than words. All of this goes out the window when drunk. Drunk Jac is a sight to behold.
  • history
    Jaculus was never supposed to be an Omega.

    When he was younger - when he was still known as Jun Kassabian, and when he still had his own identity outside of his secondary gender - everyone in his life was certain he would present as an Alpha, just like every other man in his family. His lineage was flawless: Omega mothers and Alpha fathers tracing back countless generations. On all accounts, he should have followed in their footsteps, becoming the next Kassabian Alpha male.

    But he didn't. A mere three weeks after his thirteenth birthday, Jaculus presented, and it wasn't triggered by the scent of an Omega in heat, like so many of the Alphas in his family. No, it was triggered by the sight of his best friend - an older boy by the name of Leo, an Alpha - in the locker room, and the delicious pheromones that ensorcelled him, that triggered the uncomfortable heat spreading throughout his body, and the slick sticking to his thighs.


    His first heat lasted just over a week, and was the most miserable experience of his life to date. His family abandoned him almost immediately, sending him off to the Zodiac Temple without so much as a glance. He was worth nothing to them, now; he was a male Omega, worth less than a dog. He was a blemish to their perfect lineage, an embarrassment.

    He suffered alone, with only the assistance of priestesses, who pressed cool cloths to his burning skin, and offered him the services of several Betas to ease the pain resonating deep inside of him, pain that his own fingers could not soothe.

    He refused every time.

    Even as Jun Kassabian, Jaculus was stubborn and cold, two traits that conflicted with the cherished and desired Omega delicacy. Khera - his homeland, his proud nation - was renowned for the 'quality' of their Omegas. Kheran Omegas were considered prizes by many other nations, even those that had made great strides in Omega equality. They were trained from the moment they presented to be flawless images of grace and beauty. They were taught the importance of bending to your Alpha's will, and how it was an Omega's greatest honour to serve a strong Alpha like a king.

    Jaculus hated it. He hated everything about it. He wasn't a demure, fragile flower; he was still a man, despite the curse of his biology. Yes, he went weak in the knees every time he caught the scent of a strong Alpha, and yes, his body craved the care and attention, but he refused to be reduced to nothing but a sex toy. He fought it tooth and nail, and quickly became a thorn in his tutors' sides. The dark, cold punishment halls became almost a second home to him; there was even a stretch of time that had him seeing them more than his own bedroom.

    It's this rebellion that has left Jaculus unmated at the age of 19 - considered practically decrepit by many. Most Omegas leave the temple to be mated by the age of 16, but Jaculus is not exactly considered a prize.

    Since all Omegas are taught English from the moment they present, Jac is nearly fluent in English, though he has an easier time speaking it than reading it. He does occasionally mess up sentence structure and plural words, as well as not know the correct words for things or phrases.
  • red star information
    Has had little opportunity to explore his sexuality outside of what is expected of him.
    Smooth skin, hair only beneath his arms and neat, but full pubic hair. Slightly above average size, uncut. Has both his navel and frenum pierced.

Hayden Prescott​

Availability: Open!
Genre: Modern
Bedroom: Power bottom.

Character Name:
Hayden James Prescott




General Appearance:
Hayden is slight, having always been the small, skinny kid in school. As a teen and young adult, he has taken advantage of this, cultivating his thin, waifish body to be attractive to men of many different kinds. He is very attractive, with large, hazel eyes, long eyelashes, and plump lips. His blond hair is thick, cut in a feminine style that frames his face. His sweet face is very good at hiding a rotten side, and those he seduces are often surprised to discover just how filthy he can be.

Though he is male, and identifies as such, he occasionally enjoys dressing up like a woman, just to mess with men. Usually he only does this when prompted, however, or when he has his eye on a particularly 'straight' man.

- Design
- Tennis
- Dancing
- Chess
- Tying a cherry stem with his tongue

- Honesty
- Long-term relationships
- Losing gracefully
- Math

- Abandonment
- Snakes
- Heights

General Personality:
Hayden is used to getting what he wants. Being the baby of his family, and an unexpected, unwanted pregnancy, his parents had less time for him, and therefore turned to buying his affection with things when they could not dote upon him like they did their older children. He quickly became manipulative; when his parents refused to get him something he wanted, he would claim that it was because they didn't love him, as it was obvious they didn't have the time of day for him.

In essence, he is a brat.

He is very friendly, sometimes unsettlingly so. Boastful, a bit loud, quick to anger, quick to tears. Ambitious, though has a clear passion for fun in life. Much of his ambition is driven by his need to impress his parents.

Inner Personality:
Hayden suffers from a clear case of an inferiority-superiority complex. He acts the spoiled brat, the narcissist, but his lack of affection growing up took its toll on him. Everything he does is a cry for attention. All he truly wants is to be loved, and to be told that he is doing well for himself. He craves praise and acknowledgement.

Hayden is the youngest child of the prestigious Prescott family, and it was made clear from the time he was very young that he was an accident. His parents were both already in their early 40's when he was conceived, their youngest child just entering university. It was only their strong Catholic values that prevented the pregnancy from being terminated, but both of his parents were not up to the task of raising a fifth child - certainly not at their age. Almost as soon as he was born, he was handed off to a nanny.

All of his needs and cries for attention were bought off with things from the time he was very young. When Hayden's nanny was not around, and he cried for his mother, he given stuffed animals, toys, money instead of affection; anything to make him stop crying. As much as he liked the shiny things, nothing could really replace the touch of a mother - but he learned quickly to stop asking for it.

He went through several nannies, because he was a difficult child. He was manipulative, crying when he did not get his way, and claiming that it was because his parents did not love him. He frequently got into trouble, cheating at school, picking fights with other children, fights that he never won. He only stopped doing so when he was threatened with being sent to a boarding school for troubled boys by his father, whom he was afraid of - and still is.

He shaped up by the time he entered high school, studying hard and maintaining a 4.0 GPA. On the surface, no one would guess that he was well regarded as the school slut. He would spread his legs from anyone, claiming that it gave him a thrill, when in reality he craved the affection. Unfortunately for him, a relationship was never really in the cards. No one viewed him as anything other than a disposable lay who would do anything for a kiss on the cheek or a nice dinner.

He eventually got into university, studying fashion design like his mother, where he maintained his reputation, even going so far as to sleep with a few of his professors - not for grades, but for attention.


Uriel (no last name, or even birth certificate)
Uri (YOO-ree), Kitten, Pink
Bakeneko (unbeknownst to him)


Thick, wavy, naturally white. Is capable of shifting his hair/fur (ears and tails) into any colour he wants, which is most often a bubblegum pink.
Large, cat-like, amber eyes, lined by long, thick eyelashes.
Average height, thin, hips a bit wider than is typical for a man. Long fingers and toes.
Has small fangs and clawed fingers/toes that he keeps trimmed to a reasonable length.
Uriel loves clothes, and refuses to see them as gendered. To him, there are no 'men's' or 'women's' clothes; he wears what he likes, and what he thinks looks good. He has two different wardrobes - a 'working' wardrobe and a 'casual' wardrobe, though there isn't that vast of a difference between them. He likes bright colours, flashy patterns, and tight, form-fitting fabrics. He also really loves shoes. Has approximately two 'comfortable' outfits.
Natural ear colour is white, natural tail colour is black. Hair/fur are both very, very soft.

Larger than an average house cat, but not by much. White with black paws and a black tail. Can still speak in this form, but usually chooses not to (because 'human language feels weird like this').

Album: Uriel
(art in post by mei)

'Spirited' would be the polite way to put it - 'obnoxious' would be more accurate. Uriel had no traditional family to speak of, instead being raised by brothel workers, after he showed up seemingly out of no where, with no memories of who he was or where he came from. As a result, he speaks his mind no matter the consequences, and can be very loud. He also knows better than to trust anyone at face value, an instinct that was only reinforced when, at age 15, he was suddenly forced into prostitution by the only family he had ever known.

He is tenacious and headstrong, and refuses to yield to anyone, no matter how they try to break him. Has some trouble with authority figures, borne from his complicated relationship with his 'mother'. Is a fantastic actor, and a master manipulator. He is a shameless creature, and isn't above playing dirty to get what he wants. He knows how to play up his good features; he knows he is considered 'exotic' and 'adorable' by many, and uses it to his advantage - even if it makes him sick.

Has trouble processing and healthily coping with his emotions; where he comes from, you either cope or you die, and he quickly learned that the easiest way to cope with his life of trauma and stress was with anger and denial. Because of this, there is a volatile storm of emotion beneath the surface at all times, toiling away like lava in a volcano. It's hard to say when he will erupt.

He is flirtatious, mischievous, and overtly sexual, though it's questionable how much of it is his own libido and how much of it is conditioning. Sex is synonymous with life and comfort for him. It means survival. When he was first thrust into prostitution, he had difficulty coping with the fact that he was being forced to have sex when he had no desire for it. After talking with some of the other escorts at the brothel, he learned to force himself to adopt a sexual persona - to make his sexuality his own. It was necessary to survive. Now he has difficulty separating sex from his own sense of self. He certainly doesn't understand the concept of not needing to have sex if he doesn't feel like it. It's an impossibility to him, an absurdity. On some level, he genuinely believes that sex is all he is good for.

Also thanks to his lifestyle, he is loyal to a fault, and is always one to look after his own. He would give you the clothes off of his back if you needed them. This only really applies to those in similar positions, however; he has nothing but disdain for the upper class, or for most humans in general. If he passed by a rich human bleeding to death in the street, there is a good chance that he would walk away without so much as sparing them a glance.

He falls in love very easily, though he would never admit it - to himself or to others. As far as he is concerned, he has no time or use for love. Love only gets you hurt.

As an ordinary house cat - kitten, at the age of eight months - was killed by a little boy - the son of the two adults who had rescued him from a shelter. The little boy was angry that they had moved to America, and took it out on the kitten.
Was reborn as a bakeneko. Being so young, however, his memories were weak, and was unaware of exactly what he was, and why he was. Wandered all about the city in the dark, hopelessly lost. He shifted into a human form out of confusion, and was promptly unable to shift back out of it.

- Showed up seemingly out of nowhere on the stoop of a prominent brothel. Was taken in by the workers there, and thanks to his white hair and the fact that he was considered a 'miracle', was named 'Uriel' by one of the girls.
- Was raised quite well, all things considered. They homeschooled him and made sure that he was mostly shielded from the harsh reality of prostitution, until he was old enough that they couldn't prevent him from finding out on his own. They fed him and clothed him and put a roof over his head.
- At the age of fifteen, when he was considered sexually mature, was put to work by the brothel madam.
- Was immediately popular with clients due to his soft features, ears and tail, and innocence - which did not last very long after being put to work.
- Hardened quickly, out of necessity. Learned that no one could really be trusted, not even your family.

Gianna - The brothel madam. Was the most like a mother to him growing up, and in many ways, still is, but his trust in her is shattered. Serves her because he feels indebted to her.
Annabella ('Bella') - The girl who found him on the doorstep and gave him his name. No longer works at the brothel, but he still sees her frequently.

Shifters vs Humans:
- Pretty simple: shifters are treated as subhuman. Most are prostitutes, drug dealers, or are sold into the slave trade. Humans are very willing to turn the other eye when shifters are being abused.

Has absolutely zero idea about what he is or where he really came from. He knows he's a feline shifter, but that's about it. Would like to visit Japan some day to learn more about himself, but fears he will never be able to afford it.
Because he is unaware of what he is, and because he was 'born' so young, he isn't familiar with any potential powers (mostly nefarious) of his kind, other than being able to speak in his feral form.
Is quite intelligent and surprisingly well read. He speaks bluntly and without much class, which makes people believe he is stupid; the fact that playing dumb gets him better tips also doesn't help.

Power bottom. Switch; typically prefers to be dominant in bed, but given the right partner, is willing to take a submissive role. Of course, anything is game if he's being paid for it.

No body hair other than a small tuft of white pubic hair framing his penis. Average size, uncut. No body modifications of any kind. Very flexible.

- Anal (receiving)
- Rimming (receiving)
- Virginity
- Foot jobs (giving)
- Large cocks (size queen)
- Orgasm control (giving)
- Tail pulling
- Uniforms
- Wax play (giving/receiving)

- Uncleanliness
- Humiliation
- Dirty talk (if only because most are terrible at it)
- Possessiveness
- Face-fucking

- Violence/abuse
- Drug use/intoxication
- Sensory deprivation
- Toilet play
- Blood play


Living among humans are what are colloquially known as 'shifters' - human-animal hybrids that are capable of shapeshifting between an animal form and a quasi-human form. Unfortunately, these shifters are not in good standing in society. They are a relatively recent mutation, showing up seemingly out of nowhere only around ~500 years ago. Humans outnumber them roughly 10 to 1, and they face severe discrimination from humanity. Many shifters are forced to become prostitutes, or live on the streets. Most harrowing of all - though it is technically illegal - slave auctions are commonly held underground for the ownership of the prettiest of shifters. It is known by all, but rarely spoken of.

Uriel is a prostitute, and has been since he was a teenager. For the most part, he is savvy, but all it takes is one slip-up to find yourself waking up on the stage of one of these auctions. He normally doesn't get into cars, but this time he does. Foolishly, of course. So very foolishly. Whatever drug they inject him with knocks him out entirely, and when he comes to, he has no idea where he is - just that he is sore, confused, and very, very naked.

Though the plot does have slave elements, I'd like to make it clear that I do not want the relationship between our characters to be that of a master/slave. Uriel would make a terrible slave anyway. We can work out exactly the relationship between our characters/the route we want the story to take together (but I think it would be especially fun if your character also happens to be a shifter. At the very least, Uriel would be much more likely to trust him that way). All that being said, I would love to find someone who can punish him in bed a li'l when we get there. :^ )

Also, Uriel is technically a bakeneko! But he doesn't know that yet. His wee tail has yet to split.


Alternatively, I've got a less dark, more comedic plot idea involving Uriel being a con-man. He seduces men, pretends he's in love with them, and when he ends up at their place for a fling, he robs them blind. It's dumb, but I think it could be very fun. Perhaps YC is a bit unstable himself, and becomes a little bit of a stalker. Two assholes made for each other.

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(you can use this code if you want, i don't care)












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settphel plots
I prefer selectively mute Aphelios, even in AUs where he could feasibly still have his voice. 'Selectively mute' by which I mean 'he is technically physically able to speak but it hurts real bad so he opts not to most of the time and therefore it is a very big deal whenever he does.' I just think it's a very important part of his character that I don't like to do away with.

1. Royalty AU. Idea I had for a fic I will probably write... one day... but an RP would be fun too.
The Lunari is the ruling monarchy of Targon. Aphelios and Alune are the prince and crown princess. Sett, exiled from his people in Ionia for slaughtering half of his tribe after they murdered his mother, was saved from death by the Solari. He is captured by the Lunari, and Aphelios once again rescues him from death: this time by selecting him to be his 'pet'.

2. Dragon AU. Sett is a dragon; Aphelios is offered to him as a sacrifice.

3. Like plot one except minus the royalty part. Just Sett being a Solari soldier. A simple enemies-to-lovers/star-crossed lovers sort of story.

4. Just a fuckin' boyband AU man okay Riot is never going to give this to us so I must take things into my own hands.

5. Aphelios ends up working in Sett's pit for cash to help his sick twin sister. Sett takes a fondness to him.

6. Modern crime boss AU with Aphelios being the assassin sent to kill Sett--and he seduces him in order to do so.

kaeluc plots
My preferred Kaeluc (okay ~Luckae~ I'm still not used to these top/bottom specific ship names lol) dynamic is power bottom and/or dom Kaeya, and Diluc either being a whipped service top by choice or there being a power struggle between the two of them. I'm not against dom top Diluc/sub bottom Kaeya though.

Also, I head canon Diluc as a Very Strong young man who is riddled with scars and freckles. You know he has to be buff in order to swing that big ole sword around. Kaeya is also strong but he's got more of a fencer's build, also tiddies.

1. Diluc is a sexually frustrated turbo virgin; Kaeya is a very popular cam boy. Diluc discovers his stream and becomes obsessed with it, but given that Kaeya never shows his face, has no idea it is him. Diluc and Kaeya can either have their canon pseudo-brother dynamic or they could have met each other at college/work and struggle not to hate each other until Diluc realizes who exactly this mysterious streamer is.

2. Kaeya is a prince of Khaenri'ah. Diluc is part of the human-lead resistance against them; he is captured and Kaeya is the one to choose his punishment.

3. Omegaverse AU, alpha Diluc/omega Kaeya. We can go either close childhood friends, canon 'my dad took in this strange child and we grew up together', or 'actual adopted brothers'; I just want Kaeya to use his omega wiles to seduce Diluc and Diluc to struggle with it due to their relationship. Can be a dubcon situation or Kaeya doing it by accident.

4. Prince Kaeya... 2! Kaeya is the young prince of Khaenri'ah; Diluc is taken in to be his tutor. Can be young prince Kaeya manipulating poor Diluc into being more than just an academic tutor, or Diluc to teach naive prince Kaeya more about the world than what can be found in a book. Either dynamic works here.

5. Generic fantasy AU where Diluc is a templar and Kaeya a dark agent that had been captured by them some time ago. Diluc is the knight given the task of watching over Kaeya and trying to get information out of him. A forbidden romance blossoms between him and Diluc, only for Diluc to one day be branded a heretic by the Knights Templar and be charged with execution. The day he is slated to be executed, the temple is attacked, and both Kaeya and Diluc escape. Though they are forced to travel together to avoid detection (or for a multitude of other reasons, one of them being injured or cursed in the scuffle, etc. etc.), Diluc believes that Kaeya betrayed him to the Knights Templar and ruined his life.

6. Werewolf AU! Werewolf Diluc! Kaeya spots an injured wolf in Wolvendom and decides to take him in. Much to his surprise, that big red wolf turns into a big red man!

7. Arranged marriage. I'm such a sucker for this trope you don't even know. Again assuming Khaenri'ah is a living nation, and Diluc is a prince of Mondstadt.

chongqiu plots
1. A spin on omegaverse and also a play on Chongyun's excess yang energy. Xingqiu is a 'yin male', AKA he has an excess of yin energy. Think of yang excess = alpha and yin excess = omega, except minus the leaky butts and mpreg lol. As far as the setting goes, it's quite open-ended, but I would like it to be an AU.

sangcheng plots
1. Two young men with brother issues using each other as a replacement for the men they really love but are unable to have. And I guess maybe they can learn to love each other eventually, or something.

2. I don't even have a plot, I just want to write cruel dom bottom NHS tormenting masochist JC. Humiliation, cock stepping, orgasm denial, anything to give poor JC an outlet for all those feelings raging beneath the surface. And for NHS to have an outlet for his sadistic leanings, of course.

3. Political marriage between Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng.

niecest plots
1. Canon divergence where Jin Guangshan dies during the First Siege along with Xue Yang, which means Jin Guangyao never ends up needing to murder Nie Mingjue and becomes Jin sect leader without incident, leaving Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang to figure out how to cure the sabre curse on their own. (How did WWX get reincarnated then? Idk man! Magic!)

hualian plots
1. Soul mate vampire AU, with Hua Cheng being a vampire and Xie Lian being his human soul mate whom has been reincarnated several times in Hua Cheng's life span.

2. Modern AU. Hua Cheng is an underground crime boss; Xie Lian is thrown to him for one reason or another (debts, working for a rival syndicate, just general 'wrong place at wrong time' canon typical misfortune) and is convinced he's about to be slit open and left for dead. Hua Cheng surprises him by taking him under his wing instead. This is very modular lol. Needs some fine tuning.

wangxian plots
1. Foxxian and Noodleji!! Fox spirit Wei Wuxian finds tiny injured little lizard who he nurses back to health only for him to transform into a beautiful dragon!

2. There might be 1001 sugar daddy AUs on AO3, but I never get tired of it and would love to plot out another one. 8)

03 . MDZS
Note: I have not watched The Untamed/CQL; I've only read MDZS. I know the general gist of differences between the novel and CQL but prefer to base things on the novel, especially re: LWJ being chief cultivator post-canon (because that makes no sense to me!!)

Also, I love Wangxian but just don't really have an interest in RPing them. But if you have a Wangxian plot you are dying to try out, just let me know, I'm not against it if the plot is fun!

❖ Jiang Cheng/Nie Huaisang *** &
let me play dom NHS!! service top 'just a pole' JC rights!!

1. Two young men with brother issues using each other as a replacement for the men they really love but are unable to have. And I guess maybe they can learn to love each other eventually, or something.

2. I don't even have a plot, I just want to write cruel dom bottom NHS tormenting masochist JC. Humiliation, cock stepping, orgasm denial, anything to give poor JC an outlet for all those feelings raging beneath the surface. And for NHS to have an outlet for his sadistic leanings, of course.

3. Political marriage. Could be in canon, or an AU where NHS is a merman and JC is a human and they must marry for the good of their clans as a sign of peace. (if you read this Wangxian fic no you didn't)

❖ Nie Mingjue/Nie Huaisang **** &
AKA 'whatever the fuck is going on in Qinghe'

1. Canon divergence where Jin Guangshan dies during the First Siege along with Xue Yang, which means Jin Guangyao never ends up needing to murder Nie Mingjue and becomes Jin sect leader without incident, leaving Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang to figure out how to cure the sabre curse on their own. (How did WWX get reincarnated then? Idk man! Magic!)

2. Nie Mingjue and Meng Yao are engaged and, on the surface, in love. Nie Huaisang has always been madly in love with his brother and the two of them have been a little too close. Jealous, Nie Huaisang tries to get between the two and break them up--through whatever means necessary. Omegaverse optional!

04 . TGCF

❖ Hua Cheng/Xie Lian *** &
AUs or canon divergence only for these two, unless you have a super awesome canon-based plot!
Should anyone be looking at this who hasn't finished the series, there will be MAJOR spoilers in these plots!

1. Soul mate vampire AU, with Hua Cheng being a vampire and Xie Lian being his human soul mate who has been reincarnated several times in Hua Cheng's life span.

2. Modern AU. Hua Cheng is an underground crime boss; Xie Lian is thrown to him for one reason or another (debts, working for a rival syndicate, just general 'wrong place at wrong time' canon typical misfortune) and is convinced he's about to be slit open and left for dead. Hua Cheng surprises him by taking him under his wing instead. This is very modular lol. Needs some fine tuning.

3. If you are also into some bad end, hurt/comfort shenanigans I'd like to explore what would happen if Jun Wu/White No Face got his fingers into Xie Lian after all. I hesitate to call it a 'love triangle' but there will be three main characters present, four if you would like to include Mei Nianqing in some way. If a three-way, I'm happy to play both Hua Cheng and Jun Wu (unless you would rather do so, in which case I will be happy to play Xie Lian); if you want to include Mei Nianqing, I will play any combination of characters!

❖ He Xuan/Shi Qingxuan ** &

1. Beauty and the beast. Shi Qingxuan drowns at sea, but instead of regaining consciousness in the afterlife, he wakes up in the surreal undersea palace of He Xuan--a startling ocean demon. For all my fellow monsterfuckers and, potentially, tentacle enthusiasts.

2. This isn't much of a plot, but just some sort of fix-it where SQX ascends again by some miracle and decides to seek out He Xuan, beat the shit out of him, and then try and navigate a new, shaky relationship.

3. Another reincarnation plot, this time with He Xuan being the one who retains knowledge of his past life, and Shi Qingxuan who is always, in every life, drawn to him, despite He Xuan's fears of ever getting close to him again.

I also ship Yin Yu/Quan Yizhen and Feng Xin/Mu Qing, but have absolutely no plot ideas for them. if you have any, I'd be down to hear about them!

03 . PERSONA 5

Yusuke/Akira ****** &
One of my most beloved OTPs. I would really love to do something with them!

1. Akira is royalty, a prince, but the king and queen are abusive; they see him as a pawn, not as a son. They commission a 'lowly' painter from the kingdom to paint the portrait of the heir--Yusuke. He was the pupil of the previous royal painter, Madarame, who recently passed. He is not treated well by the king and queen, but he is the first person that sees Akira as an actual person. Their blooming relationship would need to be kept a secret, enthralling at first, but dangerous.

2. Akira is a vampire, and though he strives to keep his secret hidden, one night he is spotted by Yusuke as he feeds, and Yusuke being Yusuke, is so stricken by him that he is determined to chase after him and make him his muse. Akira could end up being spotted by hunters (maybe vampires are known of but highly targeted, considered dangerous creatures who should be exterminated), and though he tries to run, Yusuke runs with him, and swears to protect him.

❖ Akechi/Akira
I still have yet to play P5 Royal so I don't know what they've added to Akechi's story and character... the game is just so long guys... :'( anyway I love this ship but have no ideas of my own, so if you have any I'd love to hear them
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Hello! You can call me Sid (♂). I am a nature loving weirdo who likes to write and play video games. Nice to meet you!


art by fairydropart.tumblr.com

I'm currently looking for a few fun, easygoing roleplays to occupy my time with. I'm pretty easy to get along with and love to chat, but there's a few things I should get out of the way first!

1. Frequency Of Posting
Like a lot of people, I struggle with my mental health. Because of that I can't guarantee I will reply on a consistent schedule, both IC and OOC. I have a bad case of the Anxiety(tm) which can unfortunately make it difficult to interact with people. It's especially difficult when I am intimidated by someone (because you are just TOO cool). Because of this I ask for your patience! If I don't like the RP or want to drop, I'll let you know, but when my mental health takes a dip, I may go quiet for a while. I just want everyone to know this up front because I realize (and completely understand) that it's a deal breaker for a lot of people.

That being said, when I'm really into an RP and in a Writing Zone I can reply multiple times a day.

2. Patience - For You
How could I expect patience from others when I'm not patient myself? Take all the time you need to reply; I will never rush you. I'm even ghost/drop friendly, so no hard feelings if you just don't feel like role-playing anymore. Maybe you do the same thing I do and come back a few months after total silence and say, 'hey wanna continue our RP?' And the answer 99% of the time will probably be 'yes'!

If that hasn't scared you away, let's move on to some more fun things...


M/M Only
I'm only interested in writing stories about gay (or otherwise men-loving) male characters. I like male characters of all kinds, too! From heavily masculine to waifishly fem - I love 'em all across the spectrum. I personally have a soft spot for androgynous characters especially. : ) Note that this includes fandom roleplays; I'm sorry but I'm not interested in doing m/f even if doubling.

For side characters/NPCs however, I am totally up for f/f. I'm just not interested in writing anything explicit for them.

I'm 29 and I am most comfortable with my partner being 21+. However, as long as you are over 18, it's all good.

I will write tops, bottoms, and verses; doms, subs, and switches. I ask that my partner is able to do the same. It's all right to have preferences, but at this point in my role-playing life I'm over being expected to play the domineering top all the time. Can't a guy just play some dominant bottoms around here?

I like to collaborate and brainstorm with my partners. Let's swap ideas and build off of each other. I don't like making all the decisions myself -- otherwise I'd just write a story!

I prefer to RP on-site through forum threads. However, I will consider role-playing through PMs or on Discord if that's what you're more comfortable with. My Discord ID is Sidhe#5645.
I value open communication about the progress of our RP! If something's not going right, or you can't understand what I've written, or you want to ask any question at all, please don't hesitate to ask me. This should be fun for both of us. The one thing that I can't tolerate in a partner is passive-aggressiveness.

Writing Style
Right now I am looking for some easy role-plays; I have a general propensity to write long posts, but that can get kind of stressful to keep up with, so I'm not looking to put any pressure on myself (or on my partner). I also think it's easier to set a good pace when responding to just one or two actions per post.

That being said, sometimes I can't help myself, so if I do throw a 6+ paragraph reply out at you, please don't be intimidated! I don't expect that much from my partners. All I ask is at least one paragraph, and enough action to easily respond to. I only write in third person, but I'm happy to write in either past or present tense.

My main hard limits are toilet play, age play, m-preg (or anything kids/family centric), and cross-gen incest. I'm also not especially into non-con; it's not a 'hard no', but it's not something I typically enjoy writing. Dub-con is totally fine though. You can find my full F-list here.

I don't take role-playing seriously! It's just a fun lil hobby. I don't expect perfection from you and I'd appreciate it if you don't expect it from me, either. I love being able to banter and have fun with my partners. It's no fun if we're serious all the time. D:


If applicable, bold indicates the character I would prefer to play (but am not demanding to play, we can work things out)
* = sliding scale of how badly I would like to roleplay this
& = I've got a plot or at least the skeleton of one

I do not do canon x OC roleplays. I will consider doubling, but I will not double for an m/f ship under any circumstances. I also generally prefer static top/bottom (not dom/sub; totally up for power struggles) with some exceptions. Character written first in the ship is who I am interested in topping [ex: top/bottom].​


❖ Sett/Aphelios *********** &
I have no preferences as I've written for both characters and enjoy them equally. I have several plots, both AU and canon-compliant! I know it's a long shot but I would absolutely love to start something up about these two. (o´▽`o)

I prefer selectively mute Aphelios, even in AUs where he could feasibly still have his voice. 'Selectively mute' by which I mean 'he is technically physically able to speak but it hurts real bad so he opts not to most of the time and therefore it is a very big deal whenever he does.' I just think it's a very important part of his character that I don't like to do away with.

1. Royalty AU. Idea I had for a fic I will probably write... one day... but an RP would be fun too. The Lunari are the ruling monarchy of Targon. Aphelios and Alune are the prince and crown princess. Sett, exiled from his people in Ionia for slaughtering half of his tribe after they murdered his mother, was saved from death by the Solari. He is captured by the Lunari, and Aphelios once again rescues him from death: this time by selecting him to be his 'pet'.

2. Dragon AU. Sett is a dragon; Aphelios is offered to him as a sacrifice.

3. Like plot one except minus the royalty part. Just Sett being a Solari soldier. A simple enemies-to-lovers/star-crossed lovers sort of story.

4. Just a fuckin' boyband AU man okay Riot is never going to give this to us so I must take things into my own hands.

5. Aphelios ends up working in Sett's pit for cash to help his sick twin sister. Sett takes a fondness to him.

6. Modern crime boss AU with Aphelios being the assassin sent to kill Sett--and he seduces him in order to do so.

❖ Yasuo/Yone **


02 . MDZS
Note: I have not watched The Untamed/CQL. I'm a rare breed of novel-only fan lol. I know the general gist of differences between the novel and CQL but prefer to base things on the novel, especially re: LWJ being chief cultivator post-canon (because that makes no sense to me!!)

❖ Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian *** &
AUs and convoluted plots are amazing but tbh I'd also be down just to roleplay some ambling slice of life post-canon wangxian nonsense, to add years to my life. I will happily play either character, but I have a slight preference for LWJ.

Note: I'm sorry to bottom LWJ truthers but I just can't get into it. Top Lan Zhan/bottom Wei Ying for me.

1. Foxxian and Noodleji!! Fox spirit Wei Wuxian finds a tiny injured lizard who he nurses back to health only for him to transform into a beautiful dragon!

2. There might be 1001 sugar daddy AUs on AO3, but I never get tired of it and would love to plot out another one. 8)

3. Modern AU where a deeply closeted and miserable LWJ is visited by the spirit of his soul mate, Wei Ying.

4. Mer AU where Wei Ying is a mer prince, and in order to bring peace between the humans and the mer, he is to wed one of the finest humans in the land: Lan Zhan.

5. An exploration of their journey into a BDSM relationship. Can be a modern AU or post-canon. Obviously this is a smut-heavy idea, but I'd love to explore the non-sexual aspects of their relationship as well.

❖ Jiang Cheng/Nie Huaisang ******* &
let me play dom NHS!! service top 'just a pole' JC rights!!

1. Two young men with brother issues using each other as a replacement for the men they really love but are unable to have. And I guess maybe they can learn to love each other eventually, or something.

2. I don't even have a plot, I just want to write cruel dom bottom NHS tormenting masochist JC. Humiliation, cock stepping, orgasm denial, anything to give poor JC an outlet for all those feelings raging beneath the surface. And for NHS to have an outlet for his sadistic leanings, of course.

3. Political marriage between Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng. I have some ideas for how this could work that I'm too lazy to write down here (set either during canon or post-canon).

❖ Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao * &

❖ Nie Mingjue/Nie Huaisang **** &
AKA 'whatever the fuck is going on in Qinghe'

1. Canon divergence where Jin Guangshan dies during the First Siege along with Xue Yang, which means Jin Guangyao never ends up needing to murder Nie Mingjue and becomes Jin sect leader without incident, leaving Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang to figure out how to cure the sabre curse on their own. (How did WWX get reincarnated then? Idk man! Magic!)

2. Nie Mingjue and Meng Yao are engaged and, on the surface, in love. Nie Huaisang has always been madly in love with his brother and the two of them have been a little too close. Jealous, Nie Huaisang tries to get between the two and break them up--through whatever means necessary. Omegaverse optional!

❖ Nie Mingjue/Jin Guangyao ** &
war princess jiggy...
(also in writing I usually call jgy Meng Yao just fyi)

03 . TGCF

❖ Hua Cheng/Xie Lian *** &
AUs or canon divergence only, there's not much else to be told for them in canon

1. Soul mate vampire AU, with Hua Cheng being a vampire and Xie Lian being his human soul mate who has been reincarnated several times in Hua Cheng's life span.

2. Modern AU. Hua Cheng is an underground crime boss; Xie Lian is thrown to him for one reason or another (debts, working for a rival syndicate, just general 'wrong place at wrong time' canon typical misfortune) and is convinced he's about to be slit open and left for dead. Hua Cheng surprises him by taking him under his wing instead. This is very modular lol. Needs some fine tuning.

❖ He Xuan/Shi Qingxuan ** &

1. Beauty and the beast. Shi Qingxuan drowns at sea, but instead of regaining consciousness in the afterlife, he wakes up in the surreal undersea palace of He Xuan--a startling ocean demon. For all my fellow monsterfuckers and, potentially, tentacle enthusiasts.

2. This isn't much of a plot, but just some sort of fix-it where SQX ascends again by some miracle and decides to seek out He Xuan, beat the shit out of him, and then try and navigate a new, shaky relationship.

3. Another reincarnation plot, this time with He Xuan being the one who retains knowledge of his past life, and Shi Qingxuan who is always, in every life, drawn to him, despite He Xuan's fears of ever getting close to him again.

I also ship Yin Yu/Quan Yizhen and Feng Xin/Mu Qing, but have absolutely no plot ideas for them. if you have any, I'd be down to hear about them!

until I got into this fandom I didn't realize people still did the whole 'top character/bottom character' thing, so I'm using that here. First character listed in each pairing is the character I am interested in topping. Also, I do hope this goes without saying, but all characters will be adults. I have extensive head-canons for characters, especially Xingqiu and Chongyun!

❖ Diluc/Kaeya ******* &
We can go the (canon) 'sworn brothers' route or the 'foster/adopted brothers who struggle with the brother thing' route. Depends on whether or not you want to play up the brother thing... you're safe here with me.

My preferred Kaeluc (okay ~Luckae~ I'm still not used to these top/bottom specific ship names lol) dynamic is power bottom and/or dom Kaeya, and Diluc either being a whipped service top by choice or there being a power struggle between the two of them. I'm not against dom top Diluc/sub bottom Kaeya though.

Also, I head canon Diluc as a Very Strong young man who is riddled with scars and freckles. You know he has to be buff in order to swing that big ole sword around. Kaeya is also strong but he's got more of a fencer's build, also tiddies.

1. Diluc is a sexually frustrated turbo virgin; Kaeya is a very popular cam boy. Diluc discovers his stream and becomes obsessed with it, but given that Kaeya never shows his face, has no idea it is him. Diluc and Kaeya can either have their canon pseudo-brother dynamic or they could have met each other at college/work and struggle not to hate each other until Diluc realizes who exactly this mysterious streamer is.

2. Kaeya is a prince of Khaenri'ah. Diluc is part of the human-lead resistance against them; he is captured and Kaeya is the one to choose his punishment.

3. Omegaverse AU, alpha Diluc/omega Kaeya. We can go either close childhood friends, canon 'my dad took in this strange child and we grew up together', or 'actual adopted brothers'; I just want Kaeya to use his omega wiles to seduce Diluc and Diluc to struggle with it due to their relationship. Can be a dubcon situation or Kaeya doing it by accident.

4. Prince Kaeya... 2! Kaeya is the young prince of Khaenri'ah; Diluc is taken in to be his tutor. Can be young prince Kaeya manipulating poor Diluc into being more than just an academic tutor, or Diluc to teach naive prince Kaeya more about the world than what can be found in a book. Either dynamic works here.

5. Generic fantasy AU where Diluc is a templar and Kaeya a dark agent that had been captured by them some time ago. Diluc is the knight given the task of watching over Kaeya and trying to get information out of him. A forbidden romance blossoms between him and Diluc, only for Diluc to one day be branded a heretic by the Knights Templar and be charged with execution. The day he is slated to be executed, the temple is attacked, and both Kaeya and Diluc escape. Though they are forced to travel together to avoid detection (or for a multitude of other reasons, one of them being injured or cursed in the scuffle, etc. etc.), Diluc believes that Kaeya betrayed him to the Knights Templar and ruined his life.

6. Werewolf AU! Werewolf Diluc! Kaeya spots an injured wolf in Wolvendom and decides to take him in. Much to his surprise, that big red wolf turns into a big red man!

7. Arranged marriage. I'm such a sucker for this trope you don't even know. Again assuming Khaenri'ah is a living nation, and Diluc is a prince of Mondstadt.

8. Diluc joins the Fatui in order to learn how the organization works, and more about how they are bringing the abyss into Teyvat. It slowly begins to corrupt him, and his relationship with Kaeya suffers. Another idea that would need to be fleshed out a bit more.

❖ Chongyun/Xingqiu ****** &
I only have the slightest preference in playing Xingqiu, I will happily play Chongyun as well :)

1. A spin on omegaverse and also a play on Chongyun's excess yang energy. Xingqiu is a 'yin male', AKA he has an excess of yin energy. Think of yang excess = alpha and yin excess = omega, except minus the leaky butts and mpreg lol. As far as the setting goes, it's quite open-ended, but I would like it to be a complete AU not set in Teyvat.

2. Xingqiu is a spirit that Chongyun has been hunting, but cannot bring himself to kill. Super vague plot idea here.

3. Cherry Magic AU where Chongyun reaches 30 as a virgin and then discovers his dear friend and colleague Xingqiu has been thinking horrible filthy thoughts about him for years now, and does not know what to do with this information.

4. Xingqiu is a prince who has gone missing. The kingdom has been plagued by a particularly evil presence and they are convinced that it has taken their son. Chongyun is hired by his parents to deal with the evil and find Xingqiu.

Turns out Xingqiu had just run away, feeling overwhelmed by the pressure and wanting to lead a different, more carefree life. Chongyun encounters him on his journey, but doesn't know that he is the prince. Xingqiu, falling in love at first sight, asks to accompany him on his journey, and Chongyun--being Chongyun--agrees, not knowing that the prince he is searching for has been in his company the entire time.

Zhongli/Xiao *** &

1. Xiao--a lonely, troubled young man--finds an injured dragon in the mountains. Feeling he has nothing to lose, he approaches it, asking if he can help. When Xiao saves Zhongli, Zhongli feels a certain debt to him, and insists that he repay it however he can.

2. Role reversal where Xiao is the Geo Archon and Zhongli is his loyal dragon archon. This is just a shell of an idea and would need a lot of plotting and worldbuilding to figure out lol.


❖ Childe/Zhongli &
this is mostly a meme ship to me, but I'm interested in hearing any ideas if you have any! I also think a sugar-daddy AU could be fun. 8)

1. Okay hear me out, stay with me here. Here is a meme plot for my meme ship.
I follow this manhwa with the ridiculous premise of 'young man who jizzes pearls and is being taken advantage of by a horrible man who rents him out to gross men in order to make money off aforementioned pearls'. What if... this, but it's Zhongli and it's mora instead of pearls. I'm not especially into non-con so Childe would be the young man who tries to rescue him from said miserable life.

2. Sugar daddy AU with Zhongli very lovingly and devotedly writing out an iron clad contract between the two of them, because of course.


❖ Albedo/Aether *** &

1. Sci-fi AU where Albedo is a scientist who is tasked with cleaning out the lab of one of his colleagues after he passed away. Deep inside of the lab, hidden away from all prying eyes, is Aether, an android. He is in a terrible state of disrepair and has no idea what is happening to him or why he has been abandoned. Albedo takes him in, initially only out of curiosity, but that curiosity changes into something more as he learns more about Aether.

2. Omegaverse where Aether is from another planet (as he is) and crash lands into Albedo's (preferably an AU, not Teyvat). He is completely out of sorts and Albedo cannot figure out why! Turns out he is in heat. However, there are no alphas or omegas on Albedo's planet, so all he can do is try his best to soothe this mysterious, ethereally beautiful man.

❖ Xiao/Aether

04 . PERSONA 5

Yusuke/Akira ****** &
One of my most beloved OTPs. I would really love to do something with them!

1. Akira is royalty, a prince, but the king and queen are abusive; they see him as a pawn, not as a son. They commission a 'lowly' painter from the kingdom to paint the portrait of the heir--Yusuke. He was the pupil of the previous royal painter, Madarame, who recently passed. He is not treated well by the king and queen, but he is the first person that sees Akira as an actual person. Their blooming relationship would need to be kept a secret, enthralling at first, but dangerous.

2. Akira is a vampire, and though he strives to keep his secret hidden, one night he is spotted by Yusuke as he feeds, and Yusuke being Yusuke, is so stricken by him that he is determined to chase after him and make him his muse. Akira could end up being spotted by hunters (maybe vampires are known of but highly targeted, considered dangerous creatures who should be exterminated), and though he tries to run, Yusuke runs with him, and swears to protect him.

❖ Akira/Akechi
I still have yet to play P5 Royal so I don't know what they've added to Akechi's story and character... the game is just so long guys... :'( anyway I love this ship but have no ideas of my own, so if you have any I'd love to hear them

05 . OTHER

❖ Legend of Zelda
Sidon/Link *** &

❖ Guild Wars 2
No canon ships, but I have a ton of characters I'd be interested in starting up a story with! Most of my characters are sylvari, but I also have one (1) human male mirage.

You might be thinking, if you don't like m-preg, why omegaverse? I love everything else about omegaverse, I just don't like babies!! Heats, soul mates, scent kink, possessiveness, knotting--even breeding kink. To get around the m-preg thing I usually just make my omega characters infertile, have super good unfailing birth control, or worldbuild in reasons why male omegas cannot get pregnant (my go-to being chromosome abnormalities causing deformed reproductive organs in male omegas… so just complicated infertility, I suppose). On the darker side, I would even be willing to have the omega character conceive, only to miscarry. There's options!

There are a couple of other things I do not like about omegaverse though, and they are:

❖ Calling each other 'alpha/omega' in bed
❖ Let us keep butt jelly to a tasteful wetness
❖ Not super into omegas with vaginas

That's about it for now! I'll be periodically updating this with plots and such. If you're interested, please feel free to send me a PM!​
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