The nexus of worlds

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In a convergence of cosmic proportions, the boundaries between universes have fractured, leading to the collision of worlds that were once thought to be separate and distinct. As realities intertwine and dimensions blend, the DC Extended Universe, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Arrowverse, and the gritty Dark Knight trilogy find themselves inexplicably merged into a singular, sprawling tapestry of heroes, villains, and untold possibilities.

From the shining spires of Metropolis to the shadowed alleys of Gotham City, from the cosmic grandeur of Asgard to the bustling streets of Central City, the amalgamation of these diverse realms has given rise to a new era of infinite potential and unforeseen dangers. As familiar faces and new champions alike navigate this altered landscape, alliances will be forged, rivalries ignited, and the very fabric of reality itself will be put to the ultimate test.

Amidst this maelstrom of conflicting ideologies and extraordinary powers, the fate of countless worlds hangs in the balance. Heroes must rise above their differences, villains must set aside their personal vendettas, and the line between good and evil will blur like never before. As the merged universe teeters on the brink of chaos, only by banding together can these legendary figures hope to overcome the looming threat that looms on the horizon.

Prepare to witness the collision of legends, the clash of titans, and the birth of a new mythology unlike anything ever seen before. The merged universe of the DCEU, MCU, Arrowverse, and Dark Knight trilogy awaits, beckoning all who dare to venture forth into this uncharted expanse of limitless imagination and unparalleled spectacle.
In a merged universe combining the DCEU and Arrowverse, creating a Justice League that includes members from both worlds can be an exciting prospect. Here is a potential lineup for the Justice League in this merged universe:

1. **Superman (DCEU - Henry Cavill)**: The Last Son of Krypton, possessing incredible powers and a strong sense of justice.

2. **Batman (Dark Knight trilogy - Christian Bale)**: The Dark Knight of Gotham City, a master detective and strategist.

3. **Wonder Woman (DCEU - Gal Gadot)**: An Amazonian warrior princess with superhuman strength and a compassionate heart.

4. **The Flash (Arrowverse - Grant Gustin)**: Barry Allen, the Scarlet Speedster, with the power of super-speed and a dedication to protecting Central City.

5. **Green Arrow (Arrowverse - Stephen Amell)**: Oliver Queen, the Emerald Archer, a skilled marksman and tactician fighting for justice in Star City.

6. **Aquaman (DCEU - Jason Momoa)**: King of Atlantis, possessing aquatic abilities and a strong connection to the oceans.

7. **Cyborg (DCEU - Ray Fisher)**: Victor Stone, a half-man, half-machine with advanced technology and strength.

8. **Black Canary (Arrowverse - Katie Cassidy)**: Laurel Lance, a skilled martial artist with a powerful sonic scream.

9. **Martian Manhunter (Arrowverse - David Harewood)**: J'onn J'onzz, the last survivor of Mars with shapeshifting abilities and telepathy.

10. **Green Lantern (DCEU - TBD)**: A member of the Green Lantern Corps, wielding a power ring that can create constructs fueled by willpower.
Title: "Riders of the West"


[CARTER SLADE, the Ghost Rider, rides atop his fiery steed through the desolate landscape of the Old West, the flames of his skull ablaze with righteous fury. He carries with him the cursed contract of San Venganza, a burden that has haunted him for over a century.]

(voiceover, haunted)
One thousand souls... a weight that no man should bear.

[As the sun sets on the horizon, Carter's path crosses with that of JONAH HEX, a notorious gunslinger with a reputation for dealing with the supernatural and the damned. Hex stands in the middle of the road, his steely gaze fixed upon the approaching Ghost Rider.]

(raising an eyebrow)
Well, now ain't you a sight for sore eyes. What business brings the likes of you 'round these parts, Ghost Rider?

[Carter Slade brings his flaming horse to a halt before Jonah Hex, the spectral flames of his skull casting an eerie glow in the fading light.]

I bear a burden, Hex... a curse that's haunted me for longer than I care to remember.

[JONAH HEX narrows his eyes, sensing the weight of Carter's words and the darkness that surrounds him.]

I've heard whispers of demons and deals made in the shadows... but you, Ghost Rider, you carry a darkness that runs deeper than most.

[Carter Slade dismounts his spectral horse, the flames of his skull flickering with a mixture of despair and determination.]

(with a heavy heart)
A demon lord, Mephistopheles, seeks to unleash hell on earth with a contract forged in the fires of damnation. I've carried it for a hundred and fifty years... but now, the time has come to end this infernal cycle.

[JONAH HEX absorbs the gravity of Carter's words, understanding the stakes at play and the danger that looms over them both.]

(nodding knowingly)
Hellfire and brimstone, you say? Well, Ghost Rider, it seems we're in for one hell of a ride.

[As the moon rises over the desolate plains, Carter Slade and Jonah Hex stand side by side, united in purpose and resolve to confront the demonic forces that seek to unleash chaos upon the world.]