CHARACTERS Trapped Inside a Thread

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Always looking to write
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Historical, Magical, Romance (usually within other genres), Dystopia,.

This is an attempt to clean up my threads and find my characters a little home.

All these characters are currently being, or have been, used in roleplays. They can be edited to fit new ones if necessary.

Some character sheets may not be mobile friendly, and others may have credits to other Iwaku users - please do not remove the credit and PM the user for permission.
Last edited:



A soft Haitian lilt
Of the aquatic kind. Sereia has learned what she has needed to survive and thrive in the depths of the ocean
Scavenger - Sereia's day-to-day life includes searching through shipwrecks and seabeds for items that can be used within her society
Sereia's hair is kept short by a mermaid's standard, never falling further than her shoulder blades before she tends to cut it again. Due to the salt water and soft breezes that usually grace their little island, it tends to be wavy and even a little knotty at times, hence her preference to keep it shorter
A real mixture of grey, green and blue - perhaps reflective of the sea on a storm-kissed day
Feminine features set within an oval shaped face which becomes rounder with a warm, cheeky smile. Wide, inquisitive eyes and soft, supple lips
138lbs [63kg]
Tanned, thanks to the constant exposure to the sun
Sereia has a tail for legs, her lower half decorated in an array of scales in different shades of blue and green. These scales disappear the further up her body, with only a few littering her stomach and ribs. Her body is lean, from the constant swimming and controlled, healthy diet [healthy for a mermaid, anyway]
Her lower half is her tail, but her upper body is covered in a bra created from a mixture of smashed shells, seaweed and sea grass woven together
Lower back || Jellyfish sting scar ||
Right upper arm || baby shark bite scar ||
Right lower leg || knife wound || cut diagonally from inner side, middle of calf up to just below knee || 6 inches ||
Left hip || hook wound || small, circular ragged wound on the side || size of a tuppence coin ||
Speed Swimming
|| her tail can propel her through the roughest waters with incredible speed, grace and agility ||
Fish/Cetacean Physiology || she can breathe underwater for as long as she wishes and dives to depths no human could withstand. She can also adapt and thus can thrive in any aquatic environment ||
Song (Siren-like) || singing voice can lure any human into doing her bidding or help her bring them to a watery death. Has never used it for the latter, mostly for the former ||
Limited Shapeshifting || can transform into a human form, able to walk and breathe on land. If she gets wet when in human form, her legs will transform back into a tail. However, has to be completely dried out in order to achieve her human form, with clothes near by, otherwise will be in the nude ||
Strength || considered as strong as a human male due to living at such great depths. However, her upper body strength is nothing compared to the power of her tail ||
Healing || heals slightly faster than humans, wounds and injuries may heal a day or two quicker than it would on a human ||
Vulnerabilities || include fire, dehydration and nets [fishing] ||
Amelia Zadro || model ||

Sereia is a curious, inquisitive creature that simply cannot stay still. It's one of the many reasons why she decided to take the role as a scavenger for her family and her people. It allows her to explore new things and discover exciting objects from the world above. Kind, caring and soft, Sereia will protect those that she loves and holds dear to the very best of her ability, remaining loyal to them and helping them through whatever needs or issues they may have.
singing || swimming || exploring shipwrecks || learning new things || music || watching humans dance on land || learning new languages || dolphins || seals || manatees || creating jewellery from things she finds ||
fire || fishing nets/hooks || cannons on human ships || sharks || being confined [tight spaces] || cats || long hair || arrogance || jellyfish || knives ||
creating jewellery from things she finds in shipwrecks or broken items from the sea || exploring shipwrecks ||
singing || swimming ||
fire || entrapment || humans [to a certain degree] ||

Inari || 48 || adviser/counsel || Sereia and her father tend to get along for the majority of their time together, however when he starts to provide his 'wisdom', Sereia can become slightly irritated and bored, often trying to hurry along his lectures
Devika || 45 || weaver || Sereia and her mother get along better, with her mother being a bit of a dreamer like Sereia, just with a bit more experience and control over her whims and wishes
Nereida || older sister || 29 || married || weaver
Malik || older brother || 26 || engaged || warrior/defender
Tasnim || 24 || engaged [to Malik] || warrior/defender
Verena || 23 || single || hunter
One merman, Nikolaus, who people seemed to believe she would end up marrying. However she broke it off, not feeling their compatibility - when asked about it by her family, she would describe it as "Having an anchor tied to my tail, feeling it drag along on the seabed behind me." ||
However has had two lovers, nothing overly serious. Mermaids are not as concerned about 'saving oneself for union' as humans ||
Sereia is fluent in many different languages across both the human and aquatic spectrum

Sereia had lived a very uneventful life, up until quite recently. Her job her community was secure and rather simple: just a scavenger. Although she preferred the term 'Treasure Hunter' since she often ended up with quite a few lovely jewels in her pouch by the end of the day. She would search sunken ships for whatever items of value she could find. Plus a few trinkets and whatever broken items that could be worked into something new and special.

Because of her work, Sereia had found herself curious about the world of the humans that lived on land. They were creatures to be both feared and interested in, as she had seen so often the two sides to them. The one which included the booming, frightening cannons on the ships that cut through her waters; sometimes they were the same ones she came to search, once a particularly nasty battle was fought. Once or twice she had even come to rescue a male two-legger, since it was always them that fought in their wars it seemed. Which Sereia could never understand, since both mermen and women were warriors and defenders in her world.

Then there was that other side. The one that glittered and gleamed, that shot magical lights up into the skies which she soon learned to be fireworks. That side to the humans was the best, and she could easily live in that world, she believe, if she had been given the chance. Not because she enjoyed the shining jewels that adorned the neck of some of the women or the type of clothing that dressed them - she could get such nice things below the surface in her sunken ships. No, it was the laughter and the dancing. So often had Sereia remained watching the humans dance on the beach under both the moonlight and the flames that had been lit to keep them warm.

However, she hadn't realised that her thoughts had been terribly Romantic, leaving her to come crashing down onto a harsh reality when she was captured.

Pulled onto a desk with harsh, coarse ropes that had ensnared her in a net, Sereia had fought desperately to get free. The netting that had caught her only tangled further around her, and cut into her skin and scales deeper. The effort had exhausted her, which is what she realised the men on deck had been hoping for. Cutting her free, they had ripped her satchel away from her body to upturn it, emptying out her day's lot. Which had included a few gleaming, well-cut jewellery pieces. She had instantly seen the greed within the men's eyes, and felt sick by it.

Sereia ended up tied to the main mast on the deck, soon drying up and revealing that her tail would dissolve into two human legs. However, just as strong in her human form as she was her mermaid, the men knew better than to untie her and try anything until they learned more about her. She would be left against the mast, going between tail and legs as water splashed up onto deck and then the sun dried her out again. The constant transformations exhausted her further, not helped by the lack of food and the dehydration she was experiencing.

One day, one of the men attempted to touch her and take advantage of her, leaving Sereia kicking out at him since she had her legs at that point. The man, who had crumpled back against some nearby barrels, came back at her with a vengeance and a knife pulled. A searing pain had made it's way up Sereia's right leg as, in her attempt to kick him away again, the knife sliced through the muscle of her lower leg. It left her screaming, which had turned even louder when the captain appeared to pour some rum over the wound. When she didn't shut up, a rag was shoved into her mouth in an attempt to quieten her.

It was two days later before the mermaid finally made her escape, despite the exhaustion and weakness of body. It had been nighttime, with a young looking fellow who seemed nervous to be left alone with her. She had spoken softly to him, swooning him, even singing to him. It didn't take long for his knife to be sawing through the ropes that kept her captive. She had kept singing, in order to tighten the hold she had on him in the dazed state that he was in, as she limped across the boards to tumble over the side to freedom.

Since then she had been holed up in a nearby cave, using it as her salvation as she healed the cut that had been bestowed upon her in her human form. On her tail, it was toward the bottom, a nasty looking slash to which the skin was slowly beginning to heal. However, it would undoubtedly be months until scales reappeared over it.

Hex Code: #7a9190

Clarissa Scrivens

Clarissa Scrivens

  • Clar
  • Clary


Knows how to read || Knows how to write || Seamstress work


  • Jessica Hartel || Fashion

Clarissa has a tendency to be soft when around those who she cares dearly for and loves with her entire being. She's fiercely loyal to those she considers family, willing to do anything to make sure they are well or protected. Hardworking and determined, if she feels wronged then Clarissa will not give up without a fight and will look to make that person's life miserable. Open-minded and honest, one will always know what is on Clarissa's mind if it's something that needs discussing. Her tongue can become sharp when irked, her temper flaring mostly if someone disrespects her family or loved ones. A lover of the outdoors, Clarissa often finds it hard to stay inside for long periods of time, which is why sometimes she considers finding a different role in the village instead of remaining as a seamstress.


Having been found wandering alone on the outskirts of the forest near a human village at the age of five, Clarissa has no knowledge about her actual lineage. She was taken in by a human family that were just beginning to grow - having one son already and unsure if they would ever have another, they adopted Clarissa and given her her namesake. There is nothing else that Clarissa knows, just her time in the village and the work she now does as a seamstress.

Her true heritage lies with a pack that had to flee after an attack almost destroyed them. Clarissa's true parents lost her within the melee and were unable to hunt as effectively as they wanted due to the pack needing to recuperate. As the alpha couple, they had to set aside their grief for the time being and consider the well-being of the pack. However when the time came to search, it was too late and all trails had gone cold. Their first born was lost, presumed dead.

However, Clarissa lived on, growing up with an older brother and younger sister whom she believed to be blood. She often found herself different to those in the village, acutely aware of how much keener her senses were and unfortunately finding out about her physical strength after a handful of accidents. She learned how to deal with her sensitive senses, how to focus on one thing at a time rather than the racing heartbeat of a rabbit when her mother was talking to her. Muting the loud noises as best as she could and breathing through her mouth when her sense of smell began to overwhelm her. As for her strength, Clarissa hid it and tried to avoid conflict where possible. Although her sharp tongue did almost land her in a few predicaments she wouldn't have enjoyed.

Her brother, James, saw Clarissa's strength as a means to defend herself if necessary so did teach her a few basics that he himself had learned as a hunter should she ever find herself needing to. Although Clarissa was extremely dubious, since she would never need to use these new skills as she believed she would never enter the woods.

Working as a seamstress, Clarissa is able to contribute a little to the family profit, and tends to any who can afford to pick a deal with her for some clothes-mending.

Hex Code: #9c421b

Melina Loset

Melina Loset
Occasional Healer
Medieval peasant dress - linen, muslin, cotton. Leather boots, legging-type bottoms underneath dresses that can be pulled up and tied around the waist. Thick leather belts around the majority of her waist.
None of note
Standard lobe || x1 ||
Crescent shaped scar on back of hand near thumb ||
When manipulating air/wind, lines of white/silver appear from her hairline. It almost looks like she is cracking as they appear from her hairline or the edges of her face.
Alicia Agneson || Actress || Vikings ||



The smell of mint || The smell of leather || The smell of parchment || The colour blue || Soft breezes on warm days || Strawberry tarts || Roasted wild boar || Mead || Storms || Thunder || Mist || Clouds || Swimming in lakes || Wind chimes ||
Cranberries || Blueberries || Fish (alive or as food) || Ale || Stagnant/still air || Hail || Gambling || The colour yellow || Soggy bread || Closed spaces || The smell inside taverns || People being late || Rudeness || Superstition/old wives tales ||
Preparing pastes for her healing jobs || Preparing potions for her healing jobs ||
Mumbles/talks in sleep || Blinks when surprised || Sometimes hums while thinking || Traces childhood scar on left hand when lost in thought ||
Air/wind manipulation || Healing knowledge || Knowledge of herbs || Magic manipulation ||
Herbal remedies for wounds/illnesses || General magic manipulation || Specialises/stronger in air/wind: can manipulate and create air-related elements at will and can affect the weather to a certain degree (e.g. creating hurricanes/storms) ||
When manipulating air/wind, lines of white/silver appear from her hairline. It almost looks like she is cracking as they appear from her hairline or the edges of her face.
Being caught || Being enslaved || Being murdered for who she is || Being burned alive ||

Hex Code: #a4cbfd


Astrid Morwena Tirion



Future Empress of the Fairy Kingdom, Arryn.


Sternum/Chest || Back - between her wings || Left wrist || Right hand - curling around wrist ||
Left ear || all the way up the side of the ear from standard lobe to helix ||
Right ear || standard lobe x1 || upper lobe x1 || helix x2 ||
  • x1 on right side of chin || under lower lip and in line with corner of mouth || nicked with a knife while training ||
  • x1 near right wing where it meets her skin || pulled on too hard when an adolescent ||
  • x3 on lower left arm || claw marks || from a troll during a battle when 21 ||
  • x2 on right side of body || just below the ribs || opponent using double swords ||
Freckles on face || Freckles along arms || Blue/silver hue around base of wings where they meet the skin of her back ||
Nejla Hadzic || Model ||

Calm, collected, cool, poised. Astrid enjoys people watching, and likes to have all the facts before passing judgement or comment when asked for her opinion. Sometimes it can seem as though she is detached from her emotions, and often is mistaken as being cold, when in reality she simply knows that as a daughter to an Emperor, one cannot allow their emotions getting in the way. She understands her duty, and is loyal to the people she loves, protecting them in any way she can.

Flying || Gentle breezes || Storms that clear hot air || The colour amethyst || Learning about affairs of state || Gardening || Sunbathing || People watching || Learning what makes people tick || Nature art ||
Trolls || Wet wings || Lack of respect || The cold || Her hair getting caught in her wings || Her wings being pulled or stepped on || Obnoxious jewellery || Bragging || Moths || Clothing that restricts her wings ||
Gardening || People watching || Drawing/painting ||
Wings flutter when irritated or upset || Clasps hands behind back when serious || Pulls hair over one shoulder when focusing/concentrating ||
Telekinesis || Psychic wave manipulation || Watercolours ||
Flying || Throwing knives || Psychic powers (currently unaware) ||
Trolls || Her wings being ripped or cut off || Inability to fly ||

Amicable, perhaps slightly business-like and professional. Astrid and her father interact thanks to a lot of meetings and over discussions regarding affairs of state. Occasionally they will spend time together that doesn't involve grand maps and large lists of trade deals. Mostly out riding... or working on her fighting skills.

Warm, loving, enjoyable. While Astrid still can have serious discussions with her mother about the future of Arryn, things are a little more relaxed with the current Empress. More emotions are shown when Astrid is around her mother, and she has a tendency to laugh and smile more.

Throwing knives || Psychic powers ||

STRENGTHS: Telekinesis || Psychic wave manipulation
ADDITIONAL/WEAKER: Telepathy || Psychic shield creation || Psychic force-field creation || Psionic healing || Psionic augmentation ||
LIMITATIONS: Cannot teleport || Drains energy quickly when first learning || Can pass out from exertion ||


Hex Code: #cacbd3 & #4b5f81


Lysandra the Shifter
(Nee Alethea)
Ly || to her classmates ||
Andi || to the little kids she teaches at the School ||
Looks: 25
Actual Age: 71
Mercenary from the School of Prodigies || Occasional tutor ||
Between her breasts || On her right ribcage (medium sized) || Base of neck ||
Left ear || standard lobe || x1 ||
Left ear || helix || x1 ||
Right ear || standard lobe || x1 ||
distinguishing, unique colour which helps mark her out as a witch ||
Burn marks || lower legs || right and left || old ||from flames being lit at the stake she had been tied to as a youngster ||
Rope scar || left wrist || faded, old || from being tied ready for burning as a witch ||
Scar within hairline on left side of face || well-hidden || faded, old || from a rock which had been thrown at her as a youngster ||
Normal scarring/bruising || small cuts and nicks || typical of someone training in combat and weaponry ||
can shift into the form of five different animals on whim || Kite || Wolf || Cat || Mountain Lion || Fox ||
HEALING: can heal herself and others. This includes small to medium wounds and illnesses. Larger wounds take more energy and time, most likely leaving her exhausted and in need of rest afterwards ||
WEAKNESS: the ability to shift exhausts her, meaning she needs plenty of rest afterwards. Her appetite grows tenfold and she needs plenty to drink before sleeping/ resting || She cannot shift between forms when in battle, so must pick which form she will use before using it ||
WEAKNESS: unable to heal others while recovering from a battle herself ||
Poppy Drayton || The Shannara Chronicles || Charmed ||

Cool, collected, poised. A lingering, fiery temper ready to be tapped into at the drop of a hat and a competitive nature which has helped keep her alive and battling throughout the years. A realist, she doesn't often get her hopes up for many things. Sometimes harsh and crude, but only because she doesn't enjoy beating about the bush, preferring to keep things short where they need to be.
The smell of parchment || The smell of leather || Soft fur blankets || Nice dresses || Riding jodhpurs || History books || Knee-high, flat leather riding boots || Horses || Crunchy carrots || Fresh apples || Sandalwood and Lavender water (for perfume) ||
Sharpening her swords || The feeling of moss || The smell of rotting, decaying leaves || Losing || Being made to look the fool || Rats || Centipedes || Millipedes || Basic tents || Her home village, Meraki || Her burns ||
Teaching form shifting at the School || Sword training || Reading ||
Form shifting || Healing || Sword fighting || Hand-to-Hand combat ||
Fire || Being helpless || Being buried alive || Being vulnerable || Being bound ||
Abandoned her and her mother when she was three ||
Evette || Witch || Healer || Loving, warm, welcoming, comforting ||
The beginning of Lysandra's life was definitely full of it's ups and downs. She lived with her mother in a small village within the furthest outskirts from the Central City. They had a small home and her mother, Evette, provided for them by selling tonics and ointments to those within the village. It was known that Evette was a witch, but it never seemed to bother anyone, especially with how well her apothecary treatments worked. Lysandra's mother was even well respected and well-known within their village, and Lysandra often played with other children without a problem.

Growing up, Lysandra had a happy childhood, before the Darkness came, she was taken by the tales and stories that came via travellers and bards about The Five. Every time she heard that someone was in the local tavern or the village hall weaving a tale, Lysandra would be one of the first to sprint to the building. She would push and shove her way to the front, only to sit cross-legged and wide-eyed, listening in wonderment.

It began from there that Lysandra's games soon turned into make-believe with her pretending to be one of The Five. Either with others or by herself, Lysandra would pretend to battle monsters and, once news had reached them about the King's selfishness, battle the Darkness that their royal had released upon the world.

Evette hid the truth well from her daughter, as the tables began to turn. The mother witch didn't confide in her daughter that sales for her tonics and ointments had slowly depleted as the darkness creeped every closer to their village. Based between the Central City and one of the lesser known towns, the village of Meraki, was place right on the furthest outskirts of the Central City. While it took the Darkness some time to reach Meraki, it would get there eventually.

Lysandra was devastated upon the news that The Five had fallen. It was the first time she felt fearful of the future, now at the age of 11, realising just what it meant. Her icons had died, all of them, so the ballads sung and the tales whispered.

From there, it seemed to go downhill for Lysandra and her mother. The humans that they once saw as their friends turned on them, shunning them and finally refusing outright to purchase anything more from Evette. A black 'x' was painted on their door, marking them for all to see.

Misunderstood as being one of the monsters and a member of the darkness that began to plague their land, Lysandra and her mother were rounded up due to Evette's abilities to shift into different animal forms and her knowledge in apothecary. Unable to escape, having left it too late to flee, Lysandra and Evette found themselves bound at the wrists and dragged to stakes that awaited them in the centre of the village. Evette could have easily escaped, all it would have taken was a simple transformation. But her daughter still had not blossomed into Age.

Lysandra was helpless as she forced against one of the stakes, tears streaming down dirtied cheeks as her mother tried to reassure her that all would be okay and that they would see each other soon. Evette didn't scream as the flames were lit beneath her feet, not wanting to scare her child further, and Lysandra could only stand there and watch as they soon grew around her mother and the executioner came towards her with the means to her end. She cried and begged and pleaded to be let go, but the words fell upon deaf ears and soon the flames were licking at her own clothes. Lysandra could not do what her mother did, and remain silent. She screamed as the heat got unbearable, scorching the skin on her lower legs.

However, the pain and fear and suffering triggered something deep within Lysandra, and soon those who had formed an audience to watch mother and daughter burn together were soon crying out that she truly was a witch, as Lysandra shifted into her first creature: a kite.

The youngster, dazed and confused, used her new body to get her as far away as possible from the people who wanted to harm her. It had been difficult, as she had no training and was uncomfortable and unbalanced in her new form.

She could not remember landing, only that she had been found in the woods. The exhaustion of her first transition, and the trauma of what she had gone through, caused her to feel into a deep recovery sleep of five days. When she awoke, she was within the Central City, and enclosed within the walls of the School of Prodigies. Her lower legs, tender and painful, were wrapped up in bandages. Her clothes had been changed, her skin cleaned and hair washed.

Lysandra was immediately defensive of the first body that walked into the room she had been provided, backing herself into the corner with a candle candelabra in hand. It would be the first time she met Pheme, her future mentor. The older woman would explain how they came across Lysandra in the woods and brought her to the School of Prodigies to tend to her wounds. There, she would rest and recover, eat and sleep until she was strong enough physically to have to sit through the mental scarring she had after her experiences.

Pheme would come to learn of Lysandra's short-lived horrors, having gotten it out of the reluctant child who was understandably keen to not relive the moment. However, the mentor was aware of the anger that lingered in Lysandra's eyes, even if the child was not yet. There was pain and hurt and guilt and confusion, but a rage that Pheme knew would have to be fought and tamed some day.

With Lysandra's magical abilities now known, she was offered a place within the School of Prodigies, and grew up there, training and learning and being tempered with. As Pheme assumed, the rage that Lysandra unknowingly had within her soon came to make itself known once the pain and hurt had subsided. She felt immense guilt at leaving her mother behind, despite Pheme's constant reassurance that the child could have done nothing to help. Then there was that anger, fiery and furious, at the humans that treated her so ill. It lead to multiple disciplinary actions, the result of Lysandra making it well known that she believed the humans within the land didn't deserve her help, or anyone else's, for that matter.

She felt it was unjust that they would never be treated with prejudice simply because they were deemed as 'normal', while people like her had to battle suspicion in the first wave because of the darkness that threatened the land. Because the humans thought she was no better than the creatures that truly did want to harm them.

Over the years, Lysandra tempered her disgust for humans until it became a simply disdain for them. She treated those whom she would help civilly and politely, but never anything further than that. Those she fought with had to earn her respect and trust through flesh, blood and steel.

She also changed her name, not feeling worthy of the name (meaning 'Healer') that her mother gave her.

Lysandra learned how to wield the power within her own veins too, under the watchful eye of Pheme. She was soon capable to shifting into five different creatures. She was also adept with healing, and could heal others and herself if the wound was manageable. She learned her limitations and how best to get herself recovered as quickly as possible. And she became deadly in combat, especially with a sword.

Soon she was being put forward for activities and missions, which Lysandra thrived upon. She enjoyed the opportunity to continue proving herself, especially to the humans she still felt little warmth towards.

Hex Code: #5f0303


Esme Silver
None ||
Mayfair || London || England ||
16 April 1709
Real age: 311
Middle class || Mid-ranking private school ||
Attended University every few decades to learn something new || Mostly the Arts || In different countries ||
Warlock || Immortal || Offspring of a demon and a human || A universal trait among them is their warlock marks: a part of their body that is strange or unique that identifies them as unearthly || Can cast magic because of their demon blood || Practitioners of magic. Some inherit more magical aptitude than others, and those who cultivate that aptitude may become quite powerful ||
Artist/Photographer || can create art that changes with season, mood or time || can create moving art || can create still, mundane art ||
Right shoulder going down to inner right elbow || Left wrist and inner elbow ||
Right ear || standard lobe || x1 ||
Left ear || standard lobe || x2 || helix || x2
Warlock markings || Yellow cat eyes || Has no shadow ||
Faded needle marks || inner left elbow || covered by tattoo ||
Faded needle marks || inner right elbow || covered by tattoo ||
Beauty spot || above left breast near armpit ||
Birth mark || outside left knee || no intelligible shape ||
Anna Christine Speckhart || Model ||

Sassy, sarcastic, opinionated, but not in a bossy, overwhelming way. While speak her mind but filter things for those who are less equipped to handle her forward, brass nature. Confident in most of her abilities, but not a bragger. A dog, cat and wildlife lover, she will leave bowls of food and water out in her back garden for creatures to replenish themselves on. Prefers minimal over opulence, comfort over extravagance.
Hair ribbons || Oversized, vintage style reading glasses || Vinyl || Fountain pins || Quill and ink pots || Fairy lights || Oversized jumpers || High waisted trousers/skirts || Combat boots || Mint tea || Black americano coffee with two sugars || Hot chocolate with whipped cream || Listening to music on gramophones/record players || 1940s and some 1950s fashion || Eclairs (the sweets) || Coffee-flavoured choux buns || Crab || Snowdrops (the flower) || Fresh bed sheets || Silk || Cashmere || Dogs || Cats || Hedgehogs ||
Mom jeans || Bootcut jeans || Vans (the shoes) || Kitten heels || Itchy clothing || Fruity perfume || Arrogance || Being disturbed when in the zone for painting || Being micromanaged || Show offs || Timidity (unless it's children) || Unsanitary places/people || Outdoor toilets || Cold baths/showers || Cappuccinos || Lattes || Pumpkin flavoured anything || Cinnamon || Cabbage || Radios || Black-and-white television || Silent movies || Frogs/toads || Worms ||
Collects wooden hairpins || Collects vintage cameras || Collects vintage books || Painting || Photography ||
Calligraphy || Painting || Photography ||
Being found by Kyrell || Being experimented on again by Kyrell || Being arrested/executed for association with Kyrell ||
Name unknown || Demon || Age unknown ||
Eliza || Human || Tricked by a demon who took the form of her husband to sleep with her || Deceased ||
Probably a few half-siblings but none that she had ever met ||
Fellow warlocks Penelope (Penny or Pen for short) and Roland ||
Kyrell Stone|| Ex-partner || Warlock || Run away from and has been hiding from him for 87 years due to his experimentation regarding || interspecies mixing ||
None || but leaves food outside for the stray cats and wildlife in her garden ||
Inara and Jansson Thorn || Employers and adoptive parents || Warlocks ||
A smattering of lovers and flings throughout her handful of centuries of living || Some include: Rudolph Valentino, Cary Grant, Greta Garbo, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Sylvia Plath ||
UK: London, England || Oxford, England || Dublin, Ireland || Edinburgh, Scotland || Cardiff, Wales ||
Europe: Prague, Czech Republic || Marseille, France || Munich, Germany || Athens, Greece || Zakynthos, Greece || Milan, Italy || Amsterdam, Netherlands || Barcelona, Spain ||
North America: Toronto, Canada || Montreal, Canada || Chicago, USA || Los Angeles, USA || New York, USA || The Bahamas ||
South America: Buenos Aires, Argentina || Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ||
Scandinavia: Oslo, Norway || Stockholm, Sweden ||
Asia: Agra, India || Tokyo, Japan || Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia || Colombo, Sri Lanka || Singapore ||
Oceania: Melbourne, Australia || Brisbane, Australia || Suva, Fiji || Auckland, New Zealand ||

Cardiff || Barcelona || London || Milan || Prague || Toronto ||

Esme Silver was born on a sunny, crisp day in April 1709 to a Mrs Eliza Emsworth and Mr George Emsworth. However, it was soon realised that Eliza Emsworth had not conceived Esme with the real George Emsworth. Her child was that of a demon's and held the traits to prove it the moment she was born. Instead of the regular, bonny blue eyes that is commonplace with babies, feral yellow cat eyes stared up at the horrified parents instead. Luckily, in this world where magic and the creatures created from it or able to manipulate it was known, the Emsworth family were able to come to grips with what had happened.

The only Warlock within a family of humans, the Emsworths attempted their best to give Esme the childhood and upbringing that any of their children would have experienced. She attended mid-ranking private school, paid for by her father's generous pay as a gentleman's driver (he drove the carriages of a well-established tradesman who had become a Baron in his own right), but also had frequent tutorage with another known warlock down the street from the Emsworth family home. This tutorage came after both Eliza and George agreed that their daughter needed to learn of her lineage and how to control her magic, having read in the newspapers about grievous mishaps with young creatures who did not know how to control their magic.

As the years went by, Esme grew into a strong, confident young woman. She earned her keep by getting a job with the same man her father worked for as a maid, and kitchen help, at the age of 16, eventually earning the curious attention of the Baroness of the House, Inara Thorn, who appointed her to be her Lady's Maid at 22 (1731). She was encourage to not disguise her warlock marks around the Baroness, who was one herself. There, Esme formed an attachment to the Baroness who, in turn, grew fond of Esme.

Inara soon came upon a proposition for Esme, who was still learning her magic but was finding it difficult to get along with her tutor due to his use of the cane. Inara approached the Emsworths with the offer of tutoring Esme herself, offering to keep Esme on as a Lady's Maid so she could make money to send back to her family, but allowing the young warlock to move into the Thorn household.

It was an offer the family could not refuse, with all of them - despite the sadness of leaving - understanding what an opportunity it could be for their youngest daughter.

In the Thorn House, Esme began to blossom into a strong, powerful warlock. Under the tutelage of not just one but two warlocks, she soon became well versed in the manner of all things pertaining to her kind. Not only that, but incapable of having their own children, the Thorn couple named Esme as their heir in the eyes of human laws, should anything happen to them. Of course nothing would, but the couple, in their many years of fortune building and maintaining, set aside a meaty trust fund for the youngster for her to access when she ever needed it.

Over the next few decades, Esme began to say goodbye to her loved ones. Her mother passed away first, leaving Esme a silver locket with small, painted picture of herself and George on either side. Then her second eldest brother, followed by her father. Her eldest brother, sister and younger brother followed in a space that seemed too short for it to be real when in fact it had actually been a number of years. However, while her family passed on, with the promise to see her soon in one of her many life cycles, Esme lived on, not looking a day over 25.

The young warlock continued to learn from the Thorn family, the silver locket from her mother a constant presence in the hollow of her throat, as she read every book possible in the Thorn library. The basement was used to channel her energy into magic, and to practice the creation of potions. She would be tested to know basic defensive and offensive spells off by heart. But it was in her 74th year of living with the Thorns that Esme found her love for art. Gifted a pencil and charcoal set by Jansson Thorn for her 96th birthday (1805), Esme would find herself soon sketching in between her lessons and continued work as Inara's maid.

As one could imagine, it wasn't long until the Thorns were eager for a change of scenery and Esme was in total agreement. Over a century old by the time Inara and Jansson began to pack up their life in London and have the white sheets thrown over the furniture, Esme was itching to see a world beyond Mayfair. As their adopted daughter/Lady's Maid, Esme was asked if she would like to accompany them, and she jumped at the opportunity.

With Jansson Thorn being a tradesman, he had multiple connections across the globe and that allowed them the opportunity to visit a number of different countries. The best part being no need for boats since, as warlocks, they could conjure portals at any time.

The next few decades saw the Thorns and Esme (who had since renamed herself as Esme Silver) visit, and live in, countries both young and old, such as France, Greece, India, North America to name but a few. Esme's education broadened to the different cultures and religions that laid beyond the comfort of her home land, and with it, came a new inspiration for her art.

Not long after her 213 birthday (1922), Esme decided that, with the turn of the tide with women receiving the vote (in America and England, at least) and the changing views on women after the Great War, it was time for her to fly the nest. New laws meant that she could secure her own property without the need for a husband or a guardian's name. So Esme parted from her beloved Thorns, another bittersweet moment as they had become her new family over the last century. She had already been skimming the surface of independence, living in the more affluent areas of Cardiff and Barcelona (where she would later purchase her own property there), Marseilles and Melbourne. However, this time she would be living completely independently, earning money to put in the pot given to her by Inara and Jansson by selling her paintings. She was also beginning to experiment with photography, a concept she found immensely interesting.

It was in 1923 Stockholm where she met Kyrell Stone, a warlock, and an amorous, flirtatious relationship soon took off. He was a confident, charismatic and smooth talking man whose cheeky grin Esme couldn't help but fall for. An extra century older or so than her, Esme found herself smitten with the warlock who had been born in 1600s Spain. Soon, in 1925, the two were purchasing a house together in South America.

However, after a few years of happiness, Esme began to notice Kyrell's obsession with interspecies mixing. She found him becoming fanatic about the idea of creating a superhuman or some kind, the perfect creature with the best traits of all the humanoid creatures that roamed the earth. it made her uncomfortable, to say the least, and things got worse as she one day found him experimenting on two Fae he had kidnapped from the street. They both ended up dying, and Esme begged Kyrell to put an end to his madness. He promised, cradling her face and cooing to her softly. But all she could think about was how the Fae blood on his hands had marred her skin.

It wasn't until she woke in their bed, gasping and choking for air that Esme realised that Kyrell wasn't going to stop. He had stepped away from her, stood at the side of the bed with an empty syringe in hand. The first initial injection had made Esme too weak to leave her bed, let alone find out what he had injected her with. However, she soon realised from him speaking out loud as he wrote in one of his books (as he tended to do when concentrating) that it had been a diluted version of Fae blood. She had survived a procedure that should have killed her, and now Kyrell wanted to know why and what kept her alive.

She was forced to endure more tests at the hands of a person she had loved and trusted, who now used her as a guinea pig for his research. It wasn't until Esme was coughing up black blood (the result of diluted werewolf and Fae blood mixed together), that Kyrell realised he needed to let her body heal.

Recognising her moment to escape, Esme knew it would be risky to do so. Her life was there in South America with him, her money in the banks there and her friends scattered in unknown locations across the world. In her weakened state, even creating a portal would be dangerous, as she could either end up in the wrong place or simply in limbo if she was too exhausted to think of where she wanted to go. However, she knew the consequences that waited her if she didn't take the moment she had been given.

Two days of rest, fluids and small, sustainable foods, Esme was beginning to feel better. She knew that Kyrell saw that too, so planned to leave on the third day. With clumsy, traipsing steps, she had moved around the bedroom to lock the door and gather her more important documents and information. Credit cards, identification documents, anything that would allow her to access her banks in South America from somewhere else but also provide her with a new life elsewhere.

She fled from him and their home in South America in 1934, and ended up in with a warlock friend in Buenos Aires, Argentina, not having enough strength for a longer journey. She stayed there until 1936 before moving on. For 87 years, Esme has been running and hiding from Kyrell. Twice she evaded his clutches, the experiences much too close for comfort.

She is currently living in the familiar comforts of London, but in Chelsea, not daring to return to her origins of Mayfair.

Hex Code: #ce82c9

Claire Watson

Claire Watson
Claire-Bear || by Dan and Charlie in the Pack || Mostly to irritate her during training times || Detested ||
High School || College ||
Online University || Major: Photography || Minor: Animal Behavioural Studies ||
Left shoulder || over the claw mark scars || done by member of the pack || age: 19 ||
Right hip || age: 22 ||
Right outer ankle || Pack symbol || age: 20 ||
Left ear || standard lobe x 1 || orbital x 2 || flat/outer conch x1 ||
Right ear || standard lobe x 1 || upper lobe x 1 ||
Claw marks || scars || from the werewolf that turned her || left shoulder ||
Teeth marks || faint scars || from time in pack || upper right arm ||
Pluckered puncture wound || shot gun bullet || from getting too close to farm land when in wolf form at 20 || right upper thigh ||
Array of childhood scars || very faint, barely noticeable/visible || over the course of childhood || knuckles and knees mostly ||
Hande Erçel || Actress ||



Animal/Nature documentaries || Red wine || Good steak (cooked: medium) || Mozzarella cheese || Green apples || Long runs || River/lake swims || The smell in the air after a heavy storm ||
Chocolate (gone off it since Turning) || Blue cheese || Bananas || Red apples || Sand || The smell of rotting autumn leaves || Horror films || Horror activities, e.g. fright nights, horror houses, etc. ||
Photography || Reading || Watching nature documentaries ||


Hex Code: #25241e
Last edited:


Annalise Leveque

"We tried to forget...

"...but the memories left are still haunting."

Annalise Leveque
[Formerly Annalise Schneider]
Berlin, Germany
Education up until the age of 18 and continued on to typography classes, was halfway through the course before she was forced to withdraw
Personal Secretary for a high ranking Nazi Party Member

Short, brunette, curly
Deep brown [she's been told they look golden when the light hits them]
Lean from her time participating in sports, curvaceous thanks to her mother's family genes
Late 1930s/1940s style clothing. Likes to wear trousers as she finds them more comfortable and less vulnerable, however with the occupation, she keeps to skirts and dresses as per the Nazi idealism of women
Just her ears
A few normal childhood scars from falling out of trees or those relating to her sport
Dimple in her left cheek
Monique Bourscheid ➳ Model


Diligent, gentle, caring and soft-spoken. Charming, humble and intelligent. Yet she can become self-conscious, anxious about people finding out her true past and suspicious of anyone who tries to get close to her without good reason and without knowing them first.

Resentful of the Nazis and all that they have caused. And with her time with the resistance, Annalise will find herself becoming more manipulative and a better liar, learning what works best on certain people to get them to do what she wants.
Reading || dancing || singing || bourbon || Irish whiskey || brandy || Nicole's freshly made croissants || baking || athletics (mainly high jump).
Arrogance || narcissism || having to turn a blind eye || collaborators.
Baking at the cafe with Nicole on the weekend
Bites at her lower lip when nervous
Typography skills
Being found out || the Gestapo || spiders || the Nazi's winning the war
Annalise Leveque was born and raised in Germany by her parents Claude and Marie, who had moved there for work. When her parents died in a tragic ski accident in 1930, Annalise was brought up by her grandparents, who passed away in 1938 (Grandmother) and 1939 (Grandfather). She eventually moved back to her parent's homeland in 1937 to be with her aunt who had just become widowed and needed help with clerical work with her cafe. She is looking to move on with her work now, after gaining experience in typing and with her clerical skills, wanting to help with the war effort.

Annalise Schneider grew up on the outskirts of Berlin, Germany with her family. When the Nazi's rose to power in 1933, Annalise was 16 and didn't really understand much in terms of what it would later mean. Her extended family was Jewish, and she wasn't aware of the repercussions that could have on her own family, despite them not being strict on the religion. Her family acknowledged a selection of the main holidays, such as Hanukkah and Passover in order to appease her father's side of the family, her mother not being Jewish.

She continued with school, her athletics club where she participated in the high jump and her piano lessons. However, this was only for a few months after Hitler came to power, as soon Annalise found herself being excluded from her athletics club and she had to continue her piano lessons under her mother's watchful eye. Times were becoming more difficult, with her father losing his job as a tailor at a German-owned shop. Annalise's mother took up more work to try and keep the family supported, doing laundry and cleaning for whoever she could.

Annalise, after leaving school, attempted typing classes however found herself barred from such things. Not to mention she began to fear going out, nervous about what could happen next with all the tension in the air.

It was her father that helped get Annalise, and her brothers, out of Germany. Hans Schneider couldn't bear to have his children in such a violent country and so, with his contacts, he managed to get his children out of Germany and into France in 1937, but not together. Annalise was taken to Paris to live with a sympathiser, who would be her 'aunt', while her brothers were taken to Lyon.

Now, three years on, Annalise still has no idea what has become of her parents - or as to where her brother's where or what they were doing. All she knew was Nicole, the widower who took her in, and the resistance work she was trying to undertake - starting with getting a new clerical/secretarial job within the Nazi network.

coding by lxngdon



Meira Thorne

Meira Thorne
Blacksmith education || Competent reader || Competent writer || Competent with numbers ||
Long, dark hair || A shade between deep brown and black || Typically kept pinned or braided back due to her work in the forge or when testing out the weapons created ||
Deep brown || Has been told that when the light hits them, they almost look golden, honey like || Thick, full lashes ||
5'4 (164cm)
Curvaceous || Toned || Strong upper body from her years in the forge ||
Typical peasant dress || Leathers, cotton, muslin || Prefers trousers to skirts as it's less fabric to get caught in the fires of the forge || Sturdy leather boots ||
Left ear || standard lobe x1 ||
Right ear || standard lobe x1 ||
Her right side || jagged line from the time her brother misfired an arrow and it left a deep cut ||
Her left thigh || a cleaner line vertical on the skin || testing out a newly created axe and accidentally misjudging her swing down ||
Left thumbnail || blackened || dropped a hammer on it
Left index finger knuckle || old burn scar ||
Left index finger || old burn scar ||
Marina Moschen || Actress ||

Meira is a very head-strong character, if she puts her mind to something you can guarantee it will get done or she will die trying. She's a stubborn and strong-willed woman who will try and make the best out of any situation. Extremely hard-working, Meira takes extreme pride in what she does for a living despite the lack want to know her. She's always looking to prove herself and her worth as a blacksmith, often found working between the commissions she does get on her own projects to find better and different ways to make the metal work for her.

Despite her hard exterior, which is necessary for her line of work, Meira does have a soft center. Often seen with her nieces and nephews when she allows herself to indulge in some time with her family. Caring, warm and loyal with and to her family, she would do anything to keep them safe and living comfortably like they did before the war.
Dogs || Her work || Fresh apples || The smell of fresh bread || Roast chicken || Fire || Horses || Carrots || Turnips || Potatoes ||
Not being taken seriously || People mocking her || Damp/soggy bread || Making mistakes/something not being perfect || Arrogance || Being interrupted (in speech or in work) || Unfairness of the class system || Unnecessary conflict
Testing out new blacksmith methods || Practising engraving skills ||
Rubs the back of her neck when embarrassed, uncertain or anxious
Engraving || Metal work || Archery || Swords wielding
➳ Being the one to lose the family business || Losing her home || The outcome of the war || Drowning (unable to swim) ||
Meira is the youngest of two daughters, born to blacksmith Aldwin Thorne and mother Ida Thorne. Meira took an interest in her father's work when she tagged along one day, only allowed so her Aldwin could have some respite from his daughter's pleads to take her with him. She wasn't allowed to do much, but it was the chaotic atmosphere and the way her father tamed both flame and metal that caused her to fall in love with the work. She convinced her family to allow her to learn the trade, considering that her mother bore no sons and her father had no male child to pass the business down to. The deal was that she would learn and work with her father until she married... except she never did.

While her sister married a local baker and starting popping out grandchildren at the age of eighteen - Meria being fifteen at the time - that had no affect on what Meira wanted, enjoying the work with her father far too much. She watched and learned techniques from as young as eleven and finally picked up her first hammer at the age of fourteen, starting on smaller items like horseshoes and even daggers. She would help with the fiddly designs on handles and engraving designs onto armour, her fingers being slender and delicate enough for the work.

Then the work broke out. There was a big call for weapons, and soon her and her father were overwhelmed with work. People didn't seem to care that she was in the forgery with Aldwin, perhaps they thought it was her father still churning out the weapons and she was just there to help with keeping track of everything. Running the books, so to speak. But then her father was called up during a desperate last push against the enemy.

Aldwin Thorne never returned.

And Meira found it difficult to cope without her mentor for the first few months. She continued to work, but with her father's presence missing, business began to dwindle as there wasn't much confidence with a female blacksmith. This woke Meira up from her grief, determined to prove that she was just as good as any other blacksmith in the village, if not better. That half of the weapons that the men fought with were of her creation.

That is what life is currently like for Meira Thorne. Once the war ended, the village began to try and reform. Men began to return at a slow pace, some injured permanently or just for a few months, some managing to get away with nothing but the haunting memories of what they had seen. Life looked like it was slowly beginning to get back on track, however Meria struggled to find work for her blacksmith forge, with many still hesitant to take a chance on her.

She continues to battle with the prejudice, and improve upon her skills.

Hex Code: #dfabf6

Eloise Alice Elizabeth Dormer

Eloise Alice Elizabeth Dormer
Asthall, Oxfordshire
19 January 1893
Private tutorage || Studied History at Oxford from 1911 - 1914 ||
Viscountess of Iffley ||
None ||
Left ear || standard lobe x1 ||
Right ear || standard lobe x1 ||
Blanca Suárez || Actress || Cable Girls ||

Ever since the death of her husband, Eloise has become withdrawn and secluded in personality as well as lifestyle. At parties and dinners, she keeps to the fringes, no longer feeling comfortable with being as such big social gatherings without her husband by her side. She will make pleasant small talk, and be delightful and warm to those who do make conversation with her, however, small talk is all that she allows. She rarely lets the conversation stay too long on the topic of Henry or her own welfare or if she plans to remarry, if it does turn onto those subjects. She is skilled, now, at handling those sorts of situations, managing them with the same grace and decorum that she has maintained since her time as a young girl.
History || English Literature || Gin || Strawberries || Pears in honey || Black tea || Violets || Dancing (sometimes) || Martinis with olives || Crackling fireplaces || Walks with Charles || Swimming in the nearby lake || Hats - especially the latest 1920s ones || Duck dishes || Trifle || Sleeping with a window open ||
Musty smelling curtains/clothes || Mothballs || Cruelty towards animals || Champagne || Feathery headsets || Conflict || The Armistice agreement (is a Pacifist) || Beetroots || Crazy parties || Excessive drinking || Disregard for those who died in the War || Cruelty of making those who didn't fight feel like cowards || Excessive jewellery || Costume parties || Bridge || Being overspoken ||
Reading || Gardening || Swimming || Baking || Volunteering at WWI related charities ||
Baking ||
Getting close to people || Losing her image || Judgement || Losing all her hard work of maintaining Henry's businesses and lands ||
Lord William Wodehouse || 55 ||
Lady Mary Wodehouse || 50 ||
(Future Lord) George Edward Wodehouse || eldest sibling || 31 || Married ||
Baroness Victoria Mary Courtenay || second eldest sibling || 29 || Married ||
Eloise has plenty of acquaintances that she engages in conversation with during dinners and balls. A few fellow officers wives are invited around for tea or card games, but Grace rarely opens herself up to audiences since the death of her husband and the end of the War.
Henry James Thomas Dormer || deceased husband || Officer in the British Army || KIA ||
5 year old Fox Terrier (Wire) named Charles ||
As the third child and second daughter in a lesser noble home, Eloise was not expected to inherit the family fortune or lands. That would all go towards her brother, George. Nonetheless, she was still able to create ties with other noble families, and thus that was expected of her. However, Eloise would strike a deal with her father, that she would be allowed to study History at Oxford, and once her studies were over she would settle down and find a husband.

Eloise stayed true to her side of the bargain, and actually fell in love with a handsome young man during her time at University. She met Henry James Thomas Dormer toward the end of her second year of University. The eldest son of a Viscount, Henry would one day inherit his father's title and Eloise would be marrying into an affluent family. Not that it mattered to her, she had fallen hard for Henry, and to her it didn't matter what title he would one day hold.

They married in February 1914, a little over a month after Eloise had turned 21. She was just finishing her course at University, encouraged to continue by Henry, while her father and mother attempted to convince her to drop out now she was married. They believed her place to be at the home she and Henry would make, but with the support from her new husband, Eloise completed her course.

It was bittersweet that the lovers only managed to enjoy a few months together in matrimonial bliss, as The Great War broke out a few months later. It was to Eloise's dismay to find Henry coming through their front door one day in an Officer's uniform, but she understood that she saw it as his duty to go. He went off to war with her brother, George, and that provided some reassurance.

While Henry was away at war, Eloise came to realise that she was pregnant with their first child. Excited and delighted with the news, she held off from informing Henry as she didn't want to worry him while he was away fighting. However, during her fourth month, Eloise woke to blood staining her bedsheets - she had lost the baby. Henry would never be made aware of the situation, with Eloise continuously not wanting to worry or upset her husband while he was away.

The months went by, and by some God's miracle Henry managed to survive the war. Husband and wife were able to see each other more often than privates' and their families, due to Henry's status and nobility. It provided some relief, that perhaps things wouldn't be too bad after all.

In 1917, Henry Dormer was killed in action. Eloise received the telegram alone in their family house, although it wasn't long until his family flocked to support her, after she had to deliver the painful news. Eloise was two months pregnant with their second child. She would lose it two months later due to the grief and the stress her husband's untimely demise caused.

Eloise has since been living alone in the home that she and Henry moved to, one of the family estates. She has since taken on the duties and responsibilities usually set out for the Viscount, including handling businesses and affairs of their estates. They were tasks that help keep her busy, alongside raising her Fox Terrier, Charles, who has kept her company since Henry was away at war. She attends balls and dinners and charity galas, but rarely ever hosts her own.

Hex Code: #d2ac47

Evren Morrigan Echethier

Evren Morrigan Echethier
(Ev-wren More-ee-gan Eck-er-thee-er)
Née Emme Henrietta Echethier
Ev || Evvy || Ren ||
Kingdom of Elide
Navy Captain || Ship name: ||
Dirty blonde
Steel grey-blue
Freckles across bridge of nose and cheeks || bridge of nose slightly burned from constant exposure to the sun ||
Outside of right thigh || Top of crown just below hip || Bottom of sword ending mid-upper thigh || To symbolise her sword belonging to the crown ||
Celtic Sailor's Knot || Upper left arm || To remember her loved ones back home and out at sea ||
Celtic Dara Knot || Middle of lower back || Representing strength, resilience, growth and belief in oneself ||
Celtic Shield Knot || Over heart, at the top of left breast || A symbol of protection ||
Right ear || standard lobe x1 ||
Left ear || standard lobe x1 ||
Coarse hands || from working with rope || from tying knots ||
Pale scar on left side of waist || Cause: sword || During a battle three years ago ||
Oval wound outside of left hip || Cause: arrow || During training nine years ago ||
Freckles || Over bridge of nose || Over cheekbones || Slight dusting on shoulders ||
Basic cuts and scars from years of working in His Majesty's Royal Navy ||
Jeanne Goursaud || Actress || Barbarians ||

Stubborn || Determined || Loyal || Hardworking || Strong-willed || Skilful || Disciplined || Dedicated || Fiery tempered || Passionate || Precise ||
Being underestimated || Cleaning and sharpening her own blade || The smell of the sea || Ale (the good kind) || Wine (the good kind) || Oranges || Soft, leather boots || spending time in the Lookout || Being at the helm || Overcast, dry days || Most shellfish ||
Anyone touching her personal weaponry || Staying still || Rotting wood || Rats || Seagulls || Mouldy bread || Peeling oranges || Her hair getting in her face || Sweltering hot weather || Mussels || Disloyalty ||
Knot-tying || Navigation || Black smith work when on land ||
Sword-wielding || Knot-tying || Navigation ||
Pigeons || Fire (being burned alive) || Being taken advantage of ||
Lord Roland Echethier || 59 || Former Navy Captain || Retired || Living in Elide
Lady Yvain Echethier || 56 || Housewife || Living in Elide ||
Younger brother || Silas Echethier || 24 || Single || Navy Officer || MIA during journey to deliver goods to ally kingdom ||
Wylan || Male || 28 || First Mate || Onboard ||
Amberly || Female || 26 || Second Mate || Onboard ||
A few previous lovers, but nothing serious and no names worth mentioning ||
Torin || Male || 34 || Cook || Onboard || Married to Kamryn ||
Kamryn || Female || 32 || Medical Purser || Onboard || Married to Torin ||
Nikos || 23 || Lookout || Onboard ||


Hex Code: #002b32

Elswyth Mary D'Ambrisio

Elswyth Mary D'Ambrisio
El ||
Elly ||
Swifty || childhood joke || because she quick and nimble on her feet || hated it || last used when 13 ||
Princess of Hauviel
None ||
Left ear || standard lobe || x1 ||
Right ear || standard lobe || x1 ||
Blanca Suárez || Actress || Carlos Rey Emperador || Cable Girls ||



Embroidery || Piano playing || Horse riding || Calligraphy || Reading || Cups of tea with one sugar and a dash of milk ||
Orange juice || Coffee (even the smell) || Smell of bacon || Egg yolk || Oranges || The colour yellow ||
Reading || Horse riding || Embroidery ||
Piano || Embroidery ||
The Rebels || The old Monarchy returning (despite believing hem all to be dead) || Spiders ||


Hex Code: #a37566

Melisande of Navarre

Melisande Liora Frederica D'Vare
Mel || Meli || Lis || Lissy ||
Standard Royal education || Private tutor ||
Matters of State || Warfare || Embroidery || Pianoforte || Sketching/Painting || Horse riding ||
Princess of Navarre
Left ear || Standard lobe || x1||
Right ear || Standard lobe || x1||
#1 || #2 || #3 ||
Ece Çeşmioğlu || Actress ||

Melisande has always found herself easy to manipulate. Not in the sense of people being able to manipulate her, but rather she being able to manipulate her own emotion and personality according to her situation. In court, she's social and charismatic, warm and welcoming, always prepared for a dance and easily engaging in small talk but able to steer a conversation away from the tougher, less amenable subjects if necessary.

When with the people, she is just as warm and welcoming, but gentler and kinder. There is no hard edge to her that can be expected amongst certain faces at court, but rather the philanthropist who wishes to do the best by those in her kingdom. She listens, instead of talks, and shows empathy and sympathy those most bogged down in their plight.

With her tutor, the princess is studious and hardworking, eager to learn more and asks questions to get the answers she thinks will be help her understand things more. She refuses to let things go until she has gained a better grasp on them and is willing to see the problem from all angles, especially when matters concerns both the rich and the ppor.

When alone - or should it say, when with her ladies - Melisande allows all those different personalities to fade away. She continues to be warm and is tender and soft-spoken in her speech - even when angered, her voice does not raise, but rather her tongue turns sharp, sometimes the words not quite matching the quietness of her voice and the disappointed smile on her lips. She enjoys the idle gossip that her women bring her and she isn't afraid to discuss more taboo topics, such as being with a man, even if her cheeks and the tops of her ears do grow hot during such conversations.

Melisande is loyal and caring, eager to do well in her life both as a queen, a mother, a wife and a friend. If she has committed a wrong, she will attempt to put it right in some way or another. With those she holds dear, she's an affectionate creature and has a habit of making frequent touches of contact with those people if they are near.

Crunchy green apples || Duck dishes || Strawberries || Hunting || Learning about weaponry || Involvement in matters of state || Warm, crackling fires || Watching jousting || Watching plays || The colour blue || The colour purple || Horses || Dogs ||
Embroidery || Peeling oranges || High-collar dresses || Reading geography || Mathematics || Having to sing || Sword fighting || The colour yellow || The colour pink || Dishonesty || Empty words || Pigeons || Pheasants ||
Pianoforte || Horse riding || Hunting || Playing chess ||
Pianoforte || Painting || Languages ||
Rats || Spiders || Enclosed spaces || Being the downfall of the treaty || Ruining her kingdom || Drowning (is unable to swim) ||


Melisande knew that she was destined to marry the future King of Kent from a young age, and she was grateful that their parents saw to encouraging their contact with one another once they were deemed old enough to travel. Being married to a perfect stranger wouldn't have been the most ideal start to a life together and she could only extend her gratitude for the fact that her betrothed was the same age as her.

She has fond memories of her childhood, both with and without the Crowned Prince of Kent. When he visited, they would both attend tutorials of course but would play equally together. As they grew up, she sought for that to continue, even if she wasn't learning the same things as him in their lessons and were eventually separated as such until they could come together for their breaks.

When it was just herself and her parents, Melisande knew she was treasured. The King and Queen of Navarre had always had trouble conceiving a child, so on the Queen's seventh pregnancy, they had moved out of the hustle and bustle of the castle to their smaller venue in the countryside. The Queen was put into isolation, with only the doctor, her husband and her ladies as visitors. It was a stressful time for both, despite Queen Morganna being told countless times that stress was not good for the baby fighting to survive inside her.

Her birth came a week earlier than expected, leaving Morganna and Marcus to pray over their darling daughter, begging their God to allow her the chance to live.

Some divine being saw to it that Melisande did survive and the child grew steadily, if not at first due to being unable to take being fed and providing her parents and the doctor with another heart attack each.

Melisande was told of her betrothal at the age of 13, when she had her first period. Terrified at first but then reassured by Morganna, she was informed that she was now a woman and that soon she would be married to the young boy that came to visit them and whom she visited in turn. She and the Crowned Prince had become rather good friends, and she enjoyed his company, so she couldn't see what the problem would ever be.

As she grew older and more into her body, Melisande became more aware of herself and of the other boys around her. She became acutely aware of the idea of pleasure and eventually sex once she reached the older ages of 17, 18 and 19. She was still completely unaware of the consequences and also the act of a coupling, especially since no one truly explained it all to her due to her position and her age despite being betrothed. She and her ladies, all the same age or if a little older than her, whispered about it at night. Sometimes they teased her about what it would be like with the Prince of Kent, who had grown into a handsome man himself. Other times they spoke of what they had learned from overhearing things in court or, eventually, what the one of her ladies experienced after marrying herself.

Either way, despite her lessons shifting into what her duties would be as a wife and a mother, plus the whispered conversations over the acts of consummation with her ladies at night, Melisande felt extremely underprepared as she found herself in a carriage on her way to Kent. The dying King had summoned her and who would she, and her parents, be to ignore the call and the desires of a dying man?

Hex Code: #957b8e
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Adelia Fitrei

Adelia Fitrei



Daughter of a Duke

Depends on the function and the occasion. When in the public eye or having to socialise with family/friends, Nesrin will dress smart-casual: well-known brands, soft summer dresses to fitted pencil dresses, smart blouses and tapered/fitted trousers with heels. When on her own estate, she will change to riding jodhpurs or well-worn denim jeans and comfortable, loose blouses/shirts with wellies, riding boots or hiking boots depending on her activity for the day.

Curling around the side, and just under, her left breast || Slightly smaller || "in the language of flowers, snapdragons are said to represent both deception (perhaps tied to the notion of concealment) and graciousness"


Ears || standard lobe ||

None of note

None of note

? ||



Hot chocolate || The colour green || All animals || Romance novels (guilty pleasure) || Grooming horses || Nature || Foraging || Embroidery || Wildflowers || Loyalty || Honesty || Compassion || Watching certain sports e.g. ice hockey, football (soccer), field hockey || Action films || Marshmallows || Carrots || Historical documentaries ||

Hunting for sport || Animal abuse e.g. horses being whipped/dogs being beaten || Being humiliated || Being the butt of a joke || Being told what to do || Judgemental people || Turnips || Blueberries || The colour red || The smell of thyme || Roses || Her father || Horror films || Unjustified rudeness || Rum and raisin ice-cream || Strawberry sauce || Fireworks || Dark chocolate || Cheese and onion crisps || Seafood/fish ||

Horse riding || Reading || Studying medicine/healing || Rehabilitating injured animals ||

Clears her throat when nervous || Ambidextrous || Twirls a strand of hair when lost in thought || Sometimes, when alone, will walk barefoot on natural land e.g. grass or sand || Tends to avoid eye contact with arguing with someone ||

Horse riding || Dancing || Rehabilitating animals ||

Communicating with animals || Healing animals || Surviving natural poisons e.g. snake bite/poison berries ||

Being worthless || Being unloved || Being played || Guns || Drowning || Being buried alive ||


Hex Code: #185e1d

Melina Loset

Melina Loset
Occasional Healer
Medieval peasant dress - linen, muslin, cotton. Leather boots, legging-type bottoms underneath dresses that can be pulled up and tied around the waist. Thick leather belts around the majority of her waist.
None of note
Standard lobe || x1 ||
Crescent shaped scar on back of hand near thumb ||
When manipulating air/wind, lines of white/silver appear from her hairline. It almost looks like she is cracking as they appear from her hairline or the edges of her face.
Alicia Agneson || Actress || Vikings ||



The smell of mint || The smell of leather || The smell of parchment || The colour blue || Soft breezes on warm days || Strawberry tarts || Roasted wild boar || Mead || Storms || Thunder || Mist || Clouds || Swimming in lakes || Wind chimes ||
Cranberries || Blueberries || Fish (alive or as food) || Ale || Stagnant/still air || Hail || Gambling || The colour yellow || Soggy bread || Closed spaces || The smell inside taverns || People being late || Rudeness || Superstition/old wives tales ||
Preparing pastes for her healing jobs || Preparing potions for her healing jobs ||
Mumbles/talks in sleep || Blinks when surprised || Sometimes hums while thinking || Traces childhood scar on left hand when lost in thought ||
Air/wind manipulation || Healing knowledge || Knowledge of herbs || Magic manipulation ||
Herbal remedies for wounds/illnesses || General magic manipulation || Specialises/stronger in air/wind: can manipulate and create air-related elements at will and can affect the weather to a certain degree (e.g. creating hurricanes/storms) ||
When manipulating air/wind, lines of white/silver appear from her hairline. It almost looks like she is cracking as they appear from her hairline or the edges of her face.
Being caught || Being enslaved || Being murdered for who she is || Being burned alive ||

Hex Code: #a4cbfd
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Charlotte Helena Bonavitch

"Don't wanna wake up one day..."

"...Wishing that we'd done more."

Charlotte Helena Bonavich
  • Lottie
  • Charl
Veterinary student
  • Ears
    • Left ear || standard lobe x1 || Helix x 1 ||
    • Right ear || standard lobe x 1 ||
Imogen Poots || Actress || Green Room (2015) || A Long Way Down (2014) || That Awkward Moment (2014) ||
Charlotte's mother claims that she had come out of the womb stubborn, since the birth had been the longest one out of the three Bonavitch children. Lottie had kept that stubborn streak through the rest of her life, growing up confident in her abilities and strong in soul and mind. She's a confident character, toeing the line between confident and arrogant but luckily never coming off as the latter. If she knows she's right, she will say so, speaking her mind sometimes without much of a filter.
Blunt, Charlotte doesn't like to beat about the bush and often avoids engaging in small talk or pleasantries if necessary. If something is bothering her, whether it is her that has been wronged or something has been done or said to family or friends, Charlotte will make her displeasure known.
All animals || Animal Documentaries || Chinese food || Mint choc-chip ice-cream || Carrot sticks with hummus || Yankee candles (especially linen scented) || The smell of fresh laundry || Bubble baths || Going to the gym || Reading || The smell of new books ||
Burgers || Any shade of pink || Ready salted crisps || Cheese and Onion crisps || Not being in control || Posers || Being touched by strangers || Smoking/Smokers || Being sick/ill || Heights || Flying || The feeling of wool ||
Veterinary medical stitching || Veterinary diagnosis || Veterinary medical removal of foreign objects (bullets, splinters, glass shards, etc.) ||
Watching ice-hockey || Reading ||
Chews the ends of her pens/pencils || Talks to animals like normal humans || Photographic Memory || Drinks a lot of mint tea ||
Causing a death by making the wrong call/decision || Losing her mom || Darkness in unfamiliar places || Clowns ||
Charlotte Helena Bonavitch grew up in a military family, with her father being in the Air Force. While she didn't appreciate the lack of stability that came with the constant moving, she did enjoy the structure and even the discipline that came from her father's time in the Air Force. While her older sister, Mia, rebelled constantly, Lottie and her brother (Isaac) thrived off the constant pushing that came from their father, Peter. It wasn't the shouting, berating kind of pushing but the encouragement to do better, with Peter often telling them to put themselves out of their comfort zone.
They were settled in the US when Peter was killed while on a mission when Charlotte was sixteen (Mia was twenty-one and Isaac twenty-five). It completely devastated Charlotte and the young high school student began to spiral. She stole alcohol from the kitchen cupboards and began to mix with the wrong crowd in school. It wasn't until she got the wake-up call of needing her stomach pumped one night, seven months after Peter's death, did Charlotte realise - to her shame - that she was letting her father down.
Immediately she turned her life around and focused solely on school work, pulling back her grades to graduate with what she needed to go on to begin her veterinary career. With money that she had saved from her birthday, work and also graduation, Lottie got two tattoos before leaving for college. One to symbolise new beginnings (the one on her hip) and the second in memory of her father (the one on her side).

Hex Code: #117964
coding by lxngdon

Eleanor Marie Garcia

Eleanor Marie Garcia
El || Ellie ||
Anaheim, Los Angeles ||
8 October 1995 ||
25 ||
American ||
High School || College || University || The Academy ||
FBI Agent ||
To the side of her right breast || Quote on left ribcage || Right hip ||
Left ear || standard lobe x1 ||
Right ear || standard lobe x1 ||
Birthmark on left shoulder blade (medium) || birthmark on inside of left knee (small) || beauty spot on right edge of jaw, near chin || small scar over right hip, above groin, from stabbing when being mugged five years ago || small scar on the fleshy space between thumb and index finger from slicing it when chopping peppers two years ago ||
Jessica De Gouw || Actress || Dracula || Arrow || Pennyworth ||

Sassy, sarcastic, strong and confident. Eleanor knows when to keep quiet but also when to speak up and voice her opinion. She may stay silent for the first meeting or so with people she is coming to know, but she isn't afraid to get stuck in and offer her thoughts on matters. Eleanor won't stand for anyone treating her like she is stupid, and definitely not like she's an assistant rather than the agent that she is. She's rather good at controlling her temper, but when her last button has been pushed, she will make it known.
Beer (larger) - mainly Peroni || BBQ Chicken wings || NHL || Murder/mystery documentaries || Cheeseburgers || Dirty fries || Proving people wrong || Memory-foam pillows || An organised desk || Yankee candles scented linen, cherry or cotton || The colour red || The odd cigar || Old-fashioned typewriters || 20s, 40s and some 50s fashion || Whiskey with a splash of lemonade ||
White chocolate || Ales || Sambuca shots || Spicy foods || Hot dogs || Being the only newbie || Being laughed at || Blue ink pens || Green ink pens || Being touched without giving permission || The smell of cheese and onion || The colour brown || Being called pet names || Being undermined || Vodka || Rum || Green beans ||
Supporting the Anaheim Ducks || Going to the gym || Watching mystery/murder documentaries || Going through cold case files ||
Hand to hand || Marksmanship || Crochet || Embroidery ||
Drowning || Crows/blackbirds || Someone dying on her watch ||
David Garcia || 52 || Detective at LAPD ||
Lisa Garcia || 50 || High School Teacher of English ||
Two younger sisters. Daisy is on a sports scholarship at College while Chloe is a senior in High School.
Eleanor has a few friends that she continues to stay in touch with, but with how busy she is at work, she doesn't often have the chance to make the meet-ups they arrange.
A few romantic relationships, but nothing serious due to her work and long hours ||
A family dog and cat who live back in Anaheim with her family ||
She's currently in a 'friends with benefits' which suits her just fine, thank you very much.
Eleanor probably had one of the most boring, mundane lives growing up, not that she would have wished for anything differently. She was born in Anaheim on 8 October, 1995 at 3.48am to Lisa and David Garcia. Her father used to joke that from there on in, she would be a night owl. As a baby, she seemed to sleep more during the day than she did in the night, which obviously made things a nightmare for her parents once they were off maternity and paternity leave.

However, as she grew up, Eleanor found her best work was done in the evenings and night time, often leaving her in the library at College and University way past midnight with cans of empty energy drinks to keep her company. After her time at University, where she studied Criminology, Eleanor spent two years in the LAPD as a rookie. She had a few arguments with her father about her time there, who had seen some of the worse sides of LA as his time as a detective in the force.

David Garcia wanted his daughter away from the career pathway as a cop or detective, his fears no ill-founded after Eleanor had been stabbed at the age of 20 during a mugging. She had been walking home from a night in the library at University, armed with only her phone, laptop, University ID and wallet which held a few loose, scrunched up dollar notes.

The stabbing luckily didn't cost her her life, but it did result in a night or two in the hospital, a handful of stitches and an overwhelming anxiety of leaving the house for a few months.

However, Eleanor was also fortunate to break free of that paranoia, realising that she wasn't about to let some criminal affect her life forever. So, with the help and support of her friends and family, she returned - through baby steps - back to her normal life. She attended lectures, returned to the library to work - but didn't stay so late, or if she did, she ensured to have a group with her.

During her time at LAPD, Eleanor found herself engaging and thriving within a fast, problem-solving and pressurised environment, and it wasn't long until she was offered a spot at the FBI Academy. She had believed it to be a mistake, having only been with the LAPD for two or so years, but upon discussing the opportunity with her Captain and her father, Eleanor knew it was best to take the opportunity with both hands.

At the Academy, Eleanor continued to excel in whatever she was thrown into. She plunged headfirst into each and every challenge, where she often came out on top. Her smaller stature meant she was a little less fortunate when it came to hand-to-hand combat, but with her research inside and outside the classroom, she was soon able to keep up with the best of them, even if her style was more defensive than offensive. She learned how to turn her weaknesses into strengths, and keep her strengths hidden until the time was right.

After graduating, she was treated with the same respect as any of her fellow graduates. However, she soon noticed she was getting called more pet names than others, and often touched without her permission more times than she liked. It began to irk her and thus Eleanor began to call people out on it, uncaring as to whether it made that person uncomfortable or not. Especially if they were the same rank as her. She didn't believe she ought to go along feeling uncomfortable because she didn't want to hurt someone's feelings, all because she wanted to keep her body to herself and be treated with the same respect as everyone else.

She wasn't anyone's sweetheart or doll or angel. She was an agent.

She would be treated as such.

Because of that, she earned a bit of a reputation for being a tough, no nonsense woman (though sometimes she heard the word bitch). However, Eleanor didn't care. She got the job done, and in her eyes, that was all that mattered. She worked well in a team, and wasn't rude. She simply called people out on their bullshit.

Hex Code: #25241e
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#1|| #2 || #3 ||



#1|| #2 || #3 ||


#1|| #2 || #3 ||
#1|| #2 || #3 ||
#1|| #2 || #3 ||
#1|| #2 || #3 ||



#1 || #2 || #3 ||
#1 || #2 || #3 ||
#1 || #2 || #3 ||
#1 || #2 || #3 ||
#1 || #2 || #3 ||


Hex Code: #25241e

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