ROLEPLAY POSITIVITY Advocate your Partners

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Manna Beast

I don't trust trees. They're shady.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
All day, every day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
-Fantasy with means of magic and sword based feelings, i do prefer a bit of romance in stories
-Modern with again a fantasy feel
-Cut in anything with a bit of Romance and I can give it a try.
I know we all have particular rp partners we think are the absolute best! That are amazing in so many ways and deserve all sorts of recognition. And, I like to keep the positivity means a-flowing, so advocate your partners! Meaning in this thread, give them a shot out and toot the horn about how grand they are to rp with, maybe -only if said partner is okay with it- express the means of getting them MORE RP's with other people.

Personally, I always find it rewarding to get to know someone new and plot a story with said new person, that one of my awesome partners have advocated for! It's a nice little tidbit of knowledge to know this new person is so grand that the other person you get along with so well, gave them a fantastic reference!

So, who you advocating for!?
Alright. Time to advocate. I'm ready to gush and tell people how awesome some of my partners are. I love these threads cuz they allow me to be sappy and embarrass people spread the love!

@Manna Beast I'M STARTING WITH YOU. Though our one RP on here is sitting lonely in the archives, we've RPed for many many years on discord and another site long forgotten in the dust, and I've always admired your writing stye and prose and, once in a while, I do try to emulate it and pretty-fy my posts when I'm feeling especially classy. Your characters are unique and they've got such great stories.... and I love them all.

@ThatDamnedSuccubus Another good friend of mine here! Though we have no RPs here on iwaku, we've got plenty on discord and they've been just been fantastic. Your character, Sunsetter, is da bomb (I would insert finger guns here if I could). I love listening to you gush about your characters and RPs and story ideas. You've got a great imagination with a lot of kinky ideas! And you've also been a wonderfully patient partner for practicing my smuuut with.

@Catspear Cat, you and your neverending flow of character ideas is amazing! I mean I also have an overflowing bucket of ideas, but you're always throwing them at me, and I sure do love to gobble them up when they come. I've gotten weirdly rusty at slamming out rapid short one liners or little paragraph long posts and you've been the absolute best and helping me get back into being able to write just quick posts without feeling that desire of "I must write at least 500 words" 'cause really... short posts are also perfectly fine!

@Fluffy Oh man, where do I begin 😂 You've truly helped me break out of an RP funk I started falling into. We got that RP chemistry and god damn do I adore every one of your characters and the stories that come along with them. I don't know how you're able to perfectly mix the dark and eerie with the cheery and adorable sometimes, but you manage it with a perfect flow that I am honestly envious of. You got that macabre and the romance and it's great. (And also another patient partner for helping me practice smut...)

Alright, before I gush anymore or think of more people I gotta ping, come and receive your love! I hope you find many more RPs and good partners and all that jazz!
(I'm rambling now -runs away-)
@Lyrikai – START WITH ME WILL YAH! Them's fighting words! Though fairly you aren't wrong in your commentary, we've been rping a long ass time. I can almost say, "I knew you when you were this big!" I can remember on our old rp site when I first joined being in awe of your writing ability and being terrified of you. Cause you were that popular rp partner that everyone wanted and I just sat quietly back and watched. When we finally got to join up, lord the adventures we had. And the absolute hilarity (Fain, absolutely Fain is sticking out at me). You've got an amazing mind for building worlds and lore and backstory while still pulling at one's heartstrings with your characters. They are wild, zany, sad, and always 100% awesome. It's always a treat to rp with you! Other people need to line up and give you 80 more rps lol!

@Megasis, of course you guna be in this list. You can't escape from my loooove! For someone that came out of the blue into my DM's and got me nattering because of my love for Zelda, we've been thick as thieves. Not only am I able to gush and adore every post you put together, I've also seen how much you've grown. There are days my face is practically pressed to the screen in pure awe with the level of detail you can put in with a big or small post. The worlds built are fantastical and whimsical with all your characters always having that tender sweetness with a little bit of feisty attitude you know you don't wanna mess with. It's literally a crime in my mind that you ought to be celebrity status for RP partners, cause god damn the stuff you do is *chefs kiss* But I am greedy enough to hoard you alllll to myself. I will restrain myself but still, if people want an amazing writer who gets invested and can keep you on your toes, this lady is absolutely it!

@Diana the OWL MOTHER WHO IS CURRENTLY MAKING MY LIFE HELL WITH FORMER SPIDERS AND TORTURE OF CHARACTERS! How dare you, but also, you better not stop. Just no more spiders, bleh! They will be lit on fire once more if necessary. You know what they say, 3rd times the charm. Originally when I came out of the woodwork to harass you into rping with me, I was nervous. I mean you are the admin here and you have such a sweet reputation that my god, talk about intimidating. Regardless, you are a sweet cinnamon bun –even if you try to deny it- and I've been always excited for a post, or just to natter stupidly with you at any chance. And it's true, you can do so much with not so large posts which has blown my narrow mind wide open. And I feel accomplished when I can get you into your feels with a post or two while suffering doubly back because good lord, you will get me. Everyone ought to rp with you at least once, via forum or you know CHARPS cause I hear amazing things about them all the time. It would be such a shame if someone didn't get the chance to rp with you because holy crap they would be missing out! Thrill, adventure, heartache and cackling madly because it's always a twist! MORE PPL RP WITH OWL MOM GDI, or JOIN HER CHARPS!

@Wolfiethehybrid123 another one that popped into my dm's and just lured me away with offerings of candies. I know you aren't supposed to get into strange vans but I am here to stay! I can honestly say you are my chilliest and absolute craziest rp partner and def helped me come more out of my shell in the scene of Iwaku. Rather than hiding away, you've shown me how to be a feral ass gremlin. Add on the fact that our rps are usually with a certain set of characters –they have expanded and grown and my god every time we gush about them, I want more more MORE! Naturally when you first agreed to rp with my notorious asshole of a character, I was unsure but man, I would have regretted if I hadn't agreed. You've def helped me develop that character entirely to where he is now and I love the story and lore that has come from yourself about your characters. I hang on every word and the fact I know you write fan fiction, really ought to be given out more. Make all of Iwaku read your stuff!!

@Sorrelfur we didn't rp very long cause this brain gets mushy with slice of life a lot faster than most but everyone ought to rp with you. The detail you put into the creation of characters and their very being is incredible. Add on the little bits of add ons you do with pinterest boards and the ease of OOC is so calming and relaxing. You're gentle and sweet and I'm a bit defensive over you when I know sometimes things aren't very nice. I'll fight a bitch if I have too, because you are that partner that is passionate and caring and involved. It's entirely refreshing and honestly, more people need to rp with you to just feel warm and fuzzy all over! While trying to stifle their impatience cause they want more posts all the time!
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@Manna Beast Alright YOU! You're about to get loved on SO HARD RIGHT NOW YOU AREN'T EVEN READY. Gotta say, you're one of my nearest and dearest friends, and though I agonise over the fact that we don't get to VC and chat as much as we'd like (damn timezones) any time I do get to talk to you is always a treat and delight. You are one of my nearest and dearest friends, I love the stories that we can craft together, and honestly, I look up to you like... a lot. I was so fucking nervous when I first DM'd you way back when, but I'm beyond glad I did! We've created such interesting stories together, and just as you say I've helped you build up your loveable assholes, you've helped me build up my favourite grumpy immortal and her gang of miscreants.

@Megasis You're getting love too! I'm so thankful Mana introduced us honestly, you're always such a delight to talk to! Like Mana, I don't get to actually VC with you often but every time I do it's always so fun. You are a fountain of constant sweetness, and your worldbuilding and writing is absolutely fucking incredible. We haven't gotten super far in our RP yet, but I am basically always on the edge of my seat and any chance to learn more about your boy. I can't wait to see where our stories go and honestly, here's to hoping we get more chances to actually chat in the future when I'm not swamped or diseased xD

@Icystorm My love! My darling! My dear!!! Icy you're probably my longest-time friend and RP partner on this website, and I adore you so much. I absolutely love when you fall into my DMs with updates on the shenanigans that are going on in your life, and I'm delighted to have another RP going on with you at the moment because I love all your characters. You're also just a complete sweetheart who sent me a birthday gift when you really didn't have to, so know that I AM smooching your face right now as you read this. Even though we're both very busy and don't get to talk as much as we used to, I love you so much and you're entirely responsible for helping cultivate my love for RP when I first started out :D
Ohhhh I love this! Where do I even begin?

@Fluffy You knew it was going to be you first right?
No, seriously, you're like the GOAT. I am not normally a person who does a million and one rps with someone, but we just mesh as partners and I adore all of our stories. You're who I go to with all my new ideas, my steadfast partner who is always willing to go with all my chaotic ideas. Not to mention that you became a fast friend who means a lot to me as a person! Your writing brings me such joy and I am so thankful that we have a million rps to write together. I always want more with you because you're the best partner. Seriously, from our first rp, I realized we were going to mesh so well. Our stories are some of the best things, and I live to write with you. I got very lucky that you were the first person to really pull me into Iwaku and helped make it my home. I couldn't ever leave this place because I would hate not being able to write with you. Your characters are amazing, as is your writing! Thank you for being both a friend and an amazing rp partner. I could not ask for anything better. You have become a very dear friend to me, especially because we connect so well/kinda have the same experiences with our mental health, which is so huge for me to know someone who really gets me. ♥

@Lyrikai Lyri Lyri Lyri. What can I say about Lyri that hasn't been covered? You are a literal rockstar and I feel like you don't always get the appreciation you deserve. You are an incredible writer, and it's a total joy to see a reply from you. I happen to love all of our rps. Not to mention you always find the best images for your characters, it makes me so jealous. Like... share your secrets with me! Writing with you is such a rush of fun. We have a lot of very interesting stories that really make for a lot of fun to reply to. You're also an awesome human being. Like I'm glad we're friends, and I love seeing your animals. Especially Maya and her bowl obsession. It makes my day. I'm really glad to have met you and have you as a friend and roleplay partner. ♥

@PrideAscending I know you've gone on a hiatus due to life, but I still wanna shout you out. I was wary at first, I didn't know if the story was going to work/ we were going to mesh as writers, you know that. But I'm really really glad I stuck it out. Honestly, I really love your writing and I really enjoy the rp we have going on. Thanks for being so patient with me too. ♥

@iridescent you are a great writer, seriously. We've been writing on and off for years because it's always a joy to write with you. You're also a good friend/my aries soul sibling. ♥

@Catspear Hey you! You are a good writer, you know. It's so challenging to me to go down to only paragraph replies, but I adore you for it. It's nice to be able to do a quick concise reply for you and make it meaningful/make it count. It's a nice skill to work on with you, to be able to accomplish what needs to be done in one simple paragraph, and I love you for it. ♥
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@Lady Jester She was my first partner when joining the site. She has a destructively beautiful way of describing the world around our characters, and conveys such amazing emotion in her characters thoughts and actions.

@Calum_LunaNatura One of the kindest people I've met in a long time. She has a way of bringing out my deepest interest in the story, almost demanding my attention with her wonderfully sculpted characters

@DarkMoon From the first moment we started talking our story's plot fell I to place. Any time we talk about something, we find each other's ideas to be perfectly aligned. I've never written with someone who in sync with my mind and I can't wait to see where we go from here.

@Queen Sonia When you want to talk to a bright cheery person who simply loves to write, Sonia is your girl. She is so positive and cheerful, that you'll feel like writing for her is the most important thing in the world.
Oh heck… I have to gush about people now? Heh, don't mind if I do!

@Manna Beast – Imma have to start with you. I can't not begin with my oldest and dearest partner and friend. The stories we've crafted together have been so much fun over the years. Some days the highlight is reading your post. Some days I have found myself eager for my workday to finish so I can read whatever fresh chaos or adventure you've posted. You have a way with building your characters to be so well rounded, with flaws and sweetness (even if they're prickly at the beginning) and it makes them so damn loveable. I think I've said on more than one occasion I would absolutely hug the frick out of many of your characters. Not to mention the long and varied conversations we've had outside of our roleplays that have provided many a snickering laugh, snort and belly laughs. Even when we aren't actively crafting a story together, it's always a delight to chat with you. Please don't ever change! <3

@Megasis – I 10,000% thank Mana for steering you my way, because, my friend, you are amazing. We've only just begun our roleplay adventure, but I am truly amazed and sometimes humbled by your posts. You craft your posts with such care and attention that it really inspires me to be even more attentive to my own. Not to mention how delightful it is to speak with you outside of our roleplay. I am excited to see where our story goes and to adding another long-term wonderful and amazing partner to my list of people I will 100% thank and gush about anytime something like this comes up.

@Linguist – Your words are so kind, thank you! We've only just begun our tale of adventure and I'm very excited to see where it goes. You write with such care and detail that it really inspires me to write. I often tell people I feed off my partner's posts and with each of yours I've found myself spoiled for choice on where to take things, but it's exciting to have that. Knowing that regardless of the direction, we have similar thoughts and ideas on where we go is truly wonderful. I am so eager to see how our story unfolds!
I still need to advocate my friends O-o
What year is it...??
Is it the weekend yet-?? lol

Cracks knuckles - Time to Advocate.


@Manna Beast - My longest running partner gets to be first. I get all bashful with these kinds of things, but it's only truth to say my writing has grown largely due to our shenanigans here on iwaku. You are an inspiration, my friend, with your carefully crafted characters that worm their way into my brain to be mulled over at any given moment. Hoard me all you want, your'e stuck with me XD If you want a partner that's in it for the long haul, this one is your gal. Not to mention she comes with a fun bonus which is her talent for art. She brings her characters to life not only on the virtual page, but with digital pencils and markers! I personally always squee when I get to see a work in progress or when I'm particularly spoiled for her to draw our characters together. When this one has a search thread out, snatch it up, you won't be disappointed! It's always a hoot.

@Wolfiethehybrid123 - You stop that gushing, you makin' me blush! I'm also glad I mustered up the courage to reach out to you. You were always this elusive gremlin that Manna talked about, and then we got to chatting on Doodle Hour and I was like... worst she can do is yeet my DM into the trash LOL It's been a pleasure getting to know you, and of course your sweet pea of a character for our story. I've been waiting for the right person to snag up this charrie cause I absolutely adore him and I'm glad he finally found his match <3 This writer here can put things together that will make your heart ache, but also belly laugh in the very next post. What a joy. I too look forward to furthering our story and maybe some more video game hang out time :)

@Diana - I've only gotten to know two of your charries but it's always fun to see the same writer dish out two totally different flavors. I've got one sweet pea diplomat and one yowly feisty princess XD What can I say, I think Manna pinned it right with how you're able to put such detail even into little posts that will just draw your attention. Both of our stories we've just dipped our toes into, but I can tell it's going to be a grand time all the way till the end! Unless this is another that just manages to go on forever without end - can't say I'd be unhappy about that HEHEH. Anyone that has the chance, you must be a part of at least ONE of the many plots that she has hoarded away in her trench coat - YA LOOKIN FER PLOTS?? In the words of Shia Lebouf, JUST DO IT.

@Calum_LunaNatura - You are so sweet!! If you can see the trend, I've met a lot of RP partners through Manna and I adore each and every one of them. You are no exception, my friend. The crap we get to talking about in the DM's just makes me snort. And don't get me started on your writing, the way you can set up a scene, my God, it is absolutely spectacular. Feel like I'm reading a novel just for me at some points - I'm spoiled!! I adore the charries already that have just begun their journey, and I very much can't wait to delve into it further! The heart you put in your posts can be felt, and if I haven't voiced it clearly in the DM's, I shall do so here :) You want a story filled to the brim with detailing as beautiful as a work of art? This is your new writing partner.

@sele - BUDDEE. My spontaneous need to reach out came in clutch when I decided to message you just because of your introduction in the New Arrivals thread XD You are a bundle of energy that never ceases to make me giggle when I see you pop into my DM's on discord. Such a joy to chat with, and when it comes to your writing, wow how much effort I can tell goes into your posts even before you relented to me how you set up for an evening of writing! Get those scented candles going and turn on the ambience. And finally, the coffee, and SELE IS READY TO WRITE. The pure dedication from this lady, I swear. I can't wait to continue our adventures into the universe we're creating.

@Waking Nights - FRENDO, it's your nerdling calling XD You're probably one of the first people that have reached out to me first because I have a weird phobia about putting out a search thread LOL But I'm so glad Manna sent you my way! And we've only just begun our own realm of chaos >:3 You are officially dubbed my writing partner for horror. It's a genre I rarely get to explore and I'm ecstatic to be able to explore the genre with you. You're another one that puts such detail into a post it becomes easy to get lost in. We each get our kicks from another being like - I never thought to word it that way! It's the little things that entertain my smooth brain XD Also love the fact that we can practically have a full conversation with just gifs LOL I look forward to the future trouble and turmoil we'll craft with our charries >:3

@PavellumPendulum - Last but certainly not least, I can't help but advocate for you too, Pav! Not that this post isn't getting long enough, but you've been such a doll to chat with ever since that first PM. Our story is a unique one too and I love how much it differs from the others that I have going! I have to give credit where it's due, since this is probably the closest to a modern/slice of life genre and you have me stuck to it like glue. Your attention to detail with your characters is marvelous - small detail that makes a big impact. We're just getting to the good part too, and I have a feeling it's going to be a wild ride! Just how I like it >:D


Dusts hands off - All you lovely people, I'm honored to write with you and call you my friends. In a world that can easily become a little too noisy and angry for my liking, I want you to know you all make an impact and make the harder days easier ♡
Okay, time to add a few more names to the GLORY mobile:

@Manna Beast You've got strong prose and a lovely mind behind the words. Granted the RP hasn't gotten very far, but I truly feel this could be a great story and I am so looking forward to developing it with you. My mind is already off on so many tangents for potential storylines that my plot bunnies are having plot bunnies! Thank you for being awesome!

@Firestarter_95 You put so much effort into your posts and your boundless passion for telling a great story is intoxicating. Honestly, I can't wait to write with you as time goes on and you unlock the levels of master you see clearly desire to achieve. I know this is the beginning of your writing journey, and I am looking forward to seeing how you evolve. If you are already a solid 8, you are going to redefine the limits of a 10.

@FlyFree You are a champion of the work you do. Your posts are in-depth and delightful. I can't imagine a stronger cheerleader to have in your corner. Even when I feel my words aren't good enough, you still offer praise! You are truly a magnificent friend and writing partner.

@ThatDamnedSuccubus So we just started writing together, but the plotting and planning we've done sounds like the RP could really develop into something highly enjoyable. You've got a kind heart and always word or two of respect when we chat. I am looking to evolving and breaking out of the "lair" in the woods to eventually craft an entire world to live within.
@Lyrikai - Words are not enough to express how grateful I am to have met you. You're an amazing writer and an amazing friend. You're patient, you're kind, you're creative, you're awesome! I adore every one of your characters and each of our many roleplays. 😂 Percy and Sorin will always have a special place in my heart because they were our first pairing. Thank you for the many great experiences. May there continue to be many more. Writing with you has been such a pleasure. :heart:

@Cat - Wolfspear - You're another someone I'm grateful to have met. I enjoy our talks and I love our roleplays. 💕 You're a wonderful friend with a wonderful mind. The ideas you come up with are sooo cool, I'm always excited to write the next one with you. Keep being awesome, friend. Keep being you. Thank you for all the good times and the great stories. c:

@ArcadiaLumina - Sister of mine, I could go on all day about how beautiful your writing is. I adore you and I adore your characters. 💙 Oh, I'm just so happy to be writing with you again. :D I can't wait to see what else we come up with, and later down the line, I'd like us to do some more worldbuilding. We have a lot of good stuff to flesh out.