TESTING Coding attempt goes brr

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


running on brain garbage
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Agender
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
  6. Primarily Nonbinary
urban fantasy, slice of life (w/ something else), adventure, mystery, high fantasy, medieval fantasy, crime and vigilantism, pretentious nonsense
margin: auto;
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margin: left;
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color: 265B5F;]take two at trying this thing, I'm brain dead why am I doing this and actively talking to myself[/div]
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take two at trying this thing, I'm brain dead why am I doing this and actively talking to myself



(enter picture, extra info, or media)
Physical description:
  • hair:
  • eyes:
  • height:
  • build:
  • trinkets:
(enter picture, enter info, or media)Personality:
  • traits:
Moral compass:


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No code, only pain pt 2



(enter picture, media, or extra info)

Physical description:
  • hair:
  • eyes:
  • height:
  • build:
  • trinkets:
  • traits:
Moral compass:



(enter picture, media, or extra info)


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Aries Valiente-Blanco || Gehenna || N/A Interactions || Ezra


ARIES Valiente-Blanco | Gehenna | N/A | Ezra

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Kian Darvish | Four-eyed dog | 28
npc interactions:

"Solace is everything"

CONTENT STARTS HERE LADS (still a work in progress)
Levon Mavros
location: Gehenna|n/a interactions

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Levon Mavros
location: Gehenna|n/a interactions


Aries Valiente

Legal Name: Niko Valiente-Blanco
Common Name: Aries Valiente
Alternative first-names: Vela, Indie, Lux/Lumi, Red, Blanco
Age: 27
ID: Puerto-Rican human

Gender: agender
Pronouns: they/them, ze/zir/zirs/zirs/zirself
Orientation: panromantic/bisexual
Misc: nomifluid

Level: infra, but often travels between levels for work
Occupation: professional supermoto racer

Physical Description:
Aries' complexion is golden and relatively unblemished, aside from a number of old scars etched into their limbs from years of reckless behavior.

Their dark brown hair is kept somewhat short and styled in moderation, usually straightened. It becomes very curly whenever damp or hit by the wind, making it even more difficult to wear a helmet comfortably; so during events or training, Vela usually gives up on trying to do anything with it. It ends up shaggy at the nape of their neck and falling in curls around their ears and above their eyes.

Height, Build, and Posture:
Zirs very tall for zir lineage, standing at about 5'9 and definitely an outlier in zir family of 5'7 adults. With a tall and sinewy build, it looks like ze would easily get knocked out by other racers.

Regardless of this aspect of zir figure, Aries is always one to stand tall, oftentimes picking fun at or legitimately criticizing competitors who notice this and choose to underestimate zir. What makes up for their understated build in an industry dominated by strong creatures is the undeniably confident way in which they carry themself, with a relaxed posture and set shoulders, looking comfortable almost wherever they are, something which often gets on others' nerves.

Miscellaneous Information:
  • They have a horizontal burn mark on their forearm from messing around once in a summer cooking class.
  • Ze develops sun freckles during racing season.
  • They often wear cologne or perfume in order to mask the smell of petrol and dust prevalent at the track.
  • Vela speaks somewhat loudly or not at all, due to growing up in a place that wasn't big on inside voices. They learned English a while ago but still have a noticeable Puerto Rican accent and break into speaking Spanish when attempting to subtly smack talk their superiors.

Vela has a strong preference for clothing that is light, good for movement, and has enough flair to make them feel confident in their appearance. Because of their sensitivity to heat, they layer in moderation and often wear clothing made of relatively thin fabric.

They often wear a mix of cropped button up shirts and graphic tees, along with any pair of comfortable cargo pants or ripped jeans.

They've worn the same pair of converse for the past three years and have begun occasionally stringing on loose beads in the sequence of their pride flag colors or whatever palette they enjoy at the moment. When it comes to accessories, Vela is a strong believer in "more is more." Their favorites are a set of craft bead bracelets made by some kids at a summer camp they used to work at.

  • Fidget rings
  • Beaded bracelet
  • Acrylic jewelry
  • Tinted sunglasses
  • A sunflower lanyard worn during big outdoor events and tournaments

inquisitive | hedonistic | absolutist | easygoing | passionate | self-assured | unapologetic | gritty | impressionable | lacks mental & emotional perceptiveness | wandering

Vela is a very straightforward person and strongly dislikes complexity as a result. They're not very good at thinking about anything in a deep or perceptive manner, leading them to often judge things shallowly. Their inability to understand moral complexity makes them judge people in a very surface level way, only ever looking deeper when it comes to those they idolize.

Because of their simplistic outlook on most things, they often do what they want and stay out of situations they don't care too much about. This leads them to live life very hedonistically, often turning away whenever presented with something meaningful in exchange for instant gratification and the simple pleasures of life. They're the type to hold themself unabashedly above all else, and despite appearing reckless to others, often subconsciously adapt to make things easier for themself. Despite this, they do deny the omnipresence of some of their shortcomings, which is why they've never thought about getting an SPD(sensory processing disorder) diagnosis even when they've been acknowledging their sensory situation for years.

Aries is completely comfortable in their skin and often uses egotistical jokes and affirmations to keep it that way. Due to growing up with some confidence issues, they still sometimes get bouts of insecurity when caught in a bad spot.​

  • Coffee and energy drinks
  • Confusing people's preconceived notions
  • Chill mobile games
  • Attention
  • Strawberry milk and soft licorice
  • Breakcore music
  • Drumming to breakcore music

  • The smell of petrol
  • Being forced out of their comfort zone
  • White-noise
  • Getting shots and blood drawn
  • Small spaces
  • Apathetic people
  • Snobbishness and pretension

Patterns: opens up a mobile game whenever they're stressed or bored, walks through steps of processes out loud, has a couple repeated phrases, only drinks iced or scorching hot coffee, feints formality when irritated

Health: vasovagal convulsive syncope, sensory issues, dust allergy

  • Aries grew up in Puerto Rico and moved to Infracaelum with their mother and little sister when they were 16.​
  • They chose to learn English through immersion while completing high school, learning by listening to podcasts and people-watching in their free time.​
  • While still getting settled into life in Arcadia, ze befriended a couple of band kids and decided to take up the drums.​
  • They got their own motorcycle after moving and joined a dirt bike club in high school before going on to professional motorsport.​
  • Vela got signed onto their first racing team at 18, although they didn't become popular until they switched to a bigger company a couple years later.​

  • Because of Vela's dust allergy, they make sure to keep their flat almost absurdly clean and take medication with them whenever staying somewhere else.​
  • Vela has a decent following on social media, despite not being very active and the account being partly managed by PR. They post their favorite clips from races and a couple of videos of their work behind the scenes.​
  • Due to learning English mainly by listening, they aren't all too good at reading and writing and often use audio play to understand things.​
  • They got locked out of changing their bios on social media because they kept adding new neopronouns and PR got annoyed.​
  • Reporters default to calling them their last name in articles and during interviews, just because people know them by so many nicknames.​
  • Ze is a proud and frequent emoji user. This trait annoys Priya, who also uses audio play to read text messages and doesn't appreciate its phone's emoji naming conventions.​
  • Vela wants to learn to play bass guitar.​

  • 29
  • Paragirl (they/it, sometimes she/her)
  • Coworker
  • Race engineer
  • Residence: Infra
  • Werewolf, Greek

  • 28
  • Demiboy (he/him)
  • Close friend
  • Supermoto racer, stuntman, and financial advisor
  • Residence: Gehenna
  • Jengu, Cameroonian
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    Seafaring nomads subsisting on the aid of the stars and sea are now people of the Kynigon Coalition, a series of trading ports and seaside cities connected by the pursuit of power, profit, and political isolation. The Coalition welcomes people of all species and nations, be they ones idolizing intellect and the ghosts living beside them, rotting people living on seemingly infinite energy, former colonies in caverns burning beneath the surface, or pastoral people flying through the ruins of an age long past. In Kynigos, people of these warring nations corporate guilds, welcome only on two conditions: they can afford their stay there, and they will cut ties with previous allegiances. Dark guilds scheme in the background as the people of Kynigos struggle to reconcile their hopes for the future with their obligations to the past. As the war continues, the question is posed: how isolated is this Coalition, really?​

    • There are absolutely no requirements or expectations regarding posting frequency.
    • OOC engagement is encouraged because worldbuilding and plot are semi-collaborative, but is also not required.
    • There is no length limit, although most players should write a minimum of a paragraph and be at an intermediate-to-adept writing level or up. These are not requirements, just preferences to give players content to work with.
    • If you are playing a high-ranking character and think your involvement in the roleplay will be decreasing, please do contact me through PMs on either Iwaku or Discord. No explanation is required, but high-ranking characters are typically very plot-involved so I appreciate a heads-up, if not help deciding what to do with your character for the foreseeable future.

    • Always open-to-join
    • Semi-collaboration
      • Worldbuilding and plot-line ideas can be recommended to me via any OOC thread, Discord, or PMs on Iwaku or Discord. If they're not accepted, that's probably because of incompatibility with pre-existing information. After a bit of conversation, they might be implemented in the realm's canon information thread (credited to you).
      • Prior to the beginning of the RP, any player is free to create a guild. This can be done after it starts running, so long as its existence isn't incompatible with any pre-existing information. Guilds can also be built IC.
    • The world will expand as the RP continues, we are just beginning in Kynigos' 5 cities
    • Threads will be created for each main location in the RP. Though there will be some IC events where certain characters are expected at particular locations, approved characters can jump in at any time.
    • 1x1 and other private threads can be created, though I do encourage roleplaying in the open threads if your characters are in a public location
    • This roleplays's plot line will not be very expedited or controlled by myself. My main job is to focus on creating lore and hypothetical situations that will yield conflict and to connect players joining the RP with others they may not have interacted with. I may play NPCs at points if needed.

    General rules:
    • Clearly all Iwaku rules still apply
    • Distinguish between in-character and out-of-character identities
    • Players who either exhibit poor conduct or begin unnecessary conflicts will be kicked
    • This world and story are semi-collaborative, but understand that I'm still the one with final say about those matters
    • Only original characters
    • At the moment there are no character limits, except that starting players are only allowed 1 high-ranking character per city. High-ranking characters are indicated in bold under each location's hierarchy
    • Players with high-ranking characters may gain exclusive information OOC before the RP begins or as the story develops
    • Collaboration between players with characters who interact often is highly encouraged so the beginning of the RP feels natural (e.g: council members, guild leaders, guildmates)
    • Visual faceclaims are optional (any style of art or photo reference are allowed), because some kind of written description should be included in your character sheet anyway
    • Characters raised outside of Kynigos have slightly different required character information
    • We love character diversity in this household! It's encouraged that players experiment with character design, occupations, orientations, genders, neurodivergencies, etc
    • A master-thread will be created where all character sheets will be posted. After a CS is confirmed to be completed, I'll check that it's compliant with previously established information. This only applies to characters that participate in public threads.
    These are all just lists of required and optional information to include in your character sheet.
    Legal Name:
    Former Legal Name(s) (if applicable):
    Common Name (if different):

    Titles and Nicknames:

    Gender and Pronouns:

    Current Residence:
    Current Guild Association (if applicable):
    Former Guild Association(s) (if applicable):

    Skill Development:

    Physical description:

    • Build and height
    • Skin
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Typical clothing
    • Guild tattoos and miscellaneous tattoos (if applicable)
    • Species traits

    Peculiar items:




    Demeanor and Patterns:

    Miscellaneous Information (optional):
    Relationships and NPCs (if applicable/of note):
    Legal Name:
    Former Legal Name(s) (if applicable):
    Common Name (if different):

    Titles and Nicknames:

    Gender and Pronouns:

    Current Residence:
    Current Guild Association (if applicable):
    Former Guild Association(s) (if applicable):
    Age of Immigration:

    Former Occupation (if notable):
    Skill Development:

    Education Level:
    Candidacy/Candidacies (if applicable):

    Physical description:

    • Build and height
    • Skin
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Typical clothing
    • Guild tattoos and miscellaneous tattoos (if applicable)
    • Species traits
    Peculiar items:




    Demeanor and Patterns:

    Miscellaneous Information (optional):
    Relationships and NPCs (if applicable/of note):
    Legal Name:
    Former Legal Name(s) (if applicable):
    Common Name (if different):

    Titles and Nicknames:

    Gender and Pronouns:

    Current Residence:
    Current Guild Association (if applicable):
    Former Guild Association(s) (if applicable):
    Age of Immigration:

    Former Occupation (if notable):
    Skill Development:


    Physical description:

    • Build and height
    • Skin
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Typical clothing
    • Guild tattoos and miscellaneous tattoos (if applicable)
    • Species traits
    Peculiar items:




    Demeanor and Patterns:

    Miscellaneous Information (optional):
    Relationships and NPCs (if applicable/of note):
    Legal Name:
    Former Legal Name(s) (if applicable):
    Common Name (if different):

    Titles and Nicknames:

    Gender and Pronouns:

    Current Residence:
    Current Guild Association (if applicable):
    Former Guild Association(s) (if applicable):
    Age of Immigration:

    Skill Development:

    Physical description:

    • Build and height
    • Skin
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Typical clothing
    • Guild tattoos and miscellaneous tattoos (if applicable)
    • Species traits
    Peculiar items:




    Demeanor and Patterns:

    Miscellaneous Information (optional):
    Relationships and NPCs (if applicable/of note):
    Legal Name:
    Former Legal Name(s) (if applicable):
    Common Name (if different):

    Titles and Nicknames:

    Gender and Pronouns:

    Current Residence:
    Current Guild Association (if applicable):
    Former Guild Association(s) (if applicable):
    Former Social Association(s) (if applicable):
    Age of Immigration:

    Former Occupation (if notable):
    Skill Development:

    Physical description:

    • Build and height
    • Skin
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Typical clothing
    • Guild tattoos and miscellaneous tattoos (if applicable)
    • Species traits
    Peculiar items:




    Demeanor and Patterns:

    Miscellaneous Information (optional):
    Relationships and NPCs (if applicable/of note):


    The Kynigon Coalition is mostly populated by the species Hokyunigos, originally seafaring nomads now anchored to five trading ports and seaside territories. Each city has its own system of governmentmostly voted-in councilsthough nearly no members are given power through pure means. The leaders of these cities gather every month in a different capital to discuss matters of national importance: typically international trade and neutrality. Most citizens of Kynigos are either members of guilds or reside in established cities and ports, with very few living underwater or by traditional Hokyunigon values.

    The species Hokyunigos have marine traits such as webbed fingers and toes and gills, in addition to celestial and light related abilities, usually visualized by Hokyunigon shimmery skin or bioluminescence. Their magic is related to bodies of water and celestial bodies.


    Ruled by the leader of the Sors dynasty and the agency ministers they appoint, the Kingdom of Sors is stifling to those who inhabit it. Its educational system is ruthlessly categorical, dividing its citizens by magical ability level or "talent" when they're only ten years old, and limiting their career choices when they graduate by assigning "candidacies." However, whether a noble or apothecary, and despite being restrained by their society's expectations, most citizens are happy with their quaint lives.

    The species Moirai are often dull in color with wispy, fluid features like shifty irises and pupils, foggy hair, and partially intangible limbs. Moirai who make pacts with incorporeal entities sometimes gain physical traits associated with said entity, such as red skin, markings, pointed ears, and horns. Their magic is related to the mind and incorporeal entities (classified as OIE, sentiments, cardinal spirits, and ghosts).


    Aeoni Terminal is a paradise of a rotting, sprawling metropolis. With a nationally low life-expectancy, Aelers cope with their short lives by prioritizing self-expression, carpe diem-adjacent values, and material things. Aelers' already-fragile lives have recently become endangered by an enigmatic disease known as Fuhai. Only the chairman and those in Aeoni's deficient medical field are aware of the extent of its spread and its limitation to Aeler bodies, though they are resolved to let the populace stay ignorant.

    All Aelers have vivid physical features, with most additionally having colorful patterns on the skin and some form of bioluminescence. Their magic is related to energy and enchantment.


    Once the strongest nation in the world, Eaden is now an expanse of rolling plains, decimated structures, and the skeletons of perished megafauna. Yawariq, the people of Eaden, have only recently resurfaced, some building primitive farming settlements in the ruins, and others flying through, attempting to defend their borders or living as shepherds. Other nations attempt to eliminate these people, whilst most Yawari struggle too much living day-to-day to take note of the antagonistic forces closing in. There is no room for sentiment or constancy in the blooming forests of Eaden.

    Yawariq are connected very intimately with nature and the air, growing plants like vines, moss, and branches on or in place of limbs and sprouting wings and feathers. Though Yawariq are most connected with birds, it's common for them to adopt the appearances of other creatures. Their magic is related to flora, fauna, and air.


    Generations ago, the people of a mining colony called Machay successfully incited a revolution, freeing themselves of Eaden's influence. Small tunnels and caves have now transformed into gaping, burning caverns beneath the surface, filled by the diesel smoke of cityscapes and connected by underground paths and railways. Since attaining their freedom, there's been a vacancy open. Years later, there is still no formal organizational system, and the new, lawless nation of Ambrecreux is entirely influenced by crime rings, growing political parties, and interrelated local communities.

    Deuxa's skin is tough and enforced with either rock, metal, or gemstone, sometimes binded with their keratin and other times protruding from or taking the place of other parts of the body. Their magic is related to the earth and heat.

  • Each species has two elemental jurisdictions, with every member of each species receiving abilities called "skills" related to said elements. Some skills are inherent, whilst others must be practiced.

    A smaller percentage of the population have powers called "specialties." Just like skills, the type of specialty developed is dependent on the jurisdiction of the species. Every specialty has its own limitations unique to the individual. Most people's specialties manifest in the first ten years of their life, though exceptions exist.

    • EXAMPLE:
      • Hokyunigos have elemental jurisdiction over bodies of water and celestial bodies. Their skills involve traits like webbed fingers and toes (inherent) and starlight rituals (requires practice). Some individuals have specialties related to Hokyunigos' elemental jurisdiction (e.g: water conjuration, light illusions).

    • Time and the Calendar
      • 12 month calendar, 31 days in the first six months, 30 in the next 5, 29 in the last
      • The year begins on the spring equinox
      • 7 days per week, 24 hours per day (every location uses 24-hour clocks), every hour is 60 minutes, 60 seconds every minute
      • No time zones, no leap years, no daylight savings time
      • Average sunrise/sunset times are noted on the map
    • Currency
      • Wavy-edged coins called dalan
        • Cobalt: 5, 15, 30, 50
        • Gold: 100, 1000, 5000
      • Dalan are typically treated as common currency when foreign nations conduct business (this always takes place on Coalition territory to avoid sparking conflict). Still, it's commonplace for traders barter, as most territories don't allow dalan to be exchanged for national currency.
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