• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


  • Total voters


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life



There's a cold fog rolling into the village of Tearling. Midnight draws near. You and a several of the other young villagers have decided to sneak out to the old castle Delmoth to explore the ruins, drink, and cause a little trouble. It's just some old ruins that used to belong to a Duke accused of necromancy a few hundred years ago. Nothing can go wrong... right?


WHO: Everyone is invited! Character Bios/Pics are not required, but totally encouraged! Post 'em if you got 'em.

WHAT: This is a FANTASY world setting with the typical things you'd expect in a fantasy. You're most like one of the young villagers (late teen to young adult) that just wanted to get out and have some FUN for once. You can also be someone who has come to these ruins by pure chance.

WHERE: Join us in the DEADLY AT DELMOTH room in the Chat Box!.

HOW: This is a ACTION SETTING WITH IMPROVISATIONAL GAME MASTERING. That means the object of this roleplay is to interact with other characters, and from those interactions I will create a plot and story around you. There will be action moments, where strange events will happen and your characters will have to work together to resolve it. With this ChaRP "lol random" behaviors are discouraged -- what your character says and does will have in game consequences, so choose wisely!

My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY so even if you are terrible at roleplay or have never participated in a ChaRP before, this will be easy for you to get involved in. :D Ask questions, let me know when you need help. I often give tips and direction out of character in the main chat room when people need a little direction. You can also reference our MINI CHARP GUIDE!


  • Diana:

    Today at 4:51 PM

  • Diana:
    This is a FANTASY world setting of the village of Tearling and you're most like one of the young villagers (late teen to young adult) that just wanted to get out and have some FUN for once. You can also be someone who has come to these ruins by pure chance.

    Today at 4:52 PM

  • Diana:
    TYPE SHORT TYPE FAST! If you write too much or take too long, you will miss the action and people may not be able to read your posts fast enough. Keep it to 10 sentences and under.

    Today at 4:52 PM

  • Diana:
    Put you character name in the first sentence of your post so we know who is playing who. You can also use bbcode color to differentiate your posts from others!

    Today at 4:53 PM

  • Diana:
    Game Master posts are in this bright bold yellow. Pay attention to those because they are guiding the story!

    Today at 4:53 PM

  • Diana:
    My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY, so don't worry about typos and mistakes. If you get confused or need a little direction, I am in the main chat to help!

    Today at 4:53 PM

  • Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)

    Today at 4:54 PM

  • Diana:
    Outside the town of Tearling is an old old ruin, once belonging to a Duke that many say went mad. Here in the present there wasn't much left but a few crumbling walls. Being close to midnight a group of younger people have hiked up to the ruins for a little fun. The night is warm even for the autumn and the sky full of stars.

    Today at 7:26 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter adjusted his gray hoodie for the fifth time, as he looked up at the sky and kept his eye on his totally not undead squirrel Quirrly. "This seems like a fun place to hang out."

    Today at 7:30 PM

  • Ocha:
    Amber looked around in curiosity. She'd come to Tearling several times with her father, a traveling merchant. This was the first year she'd been given enough freedom to hang out with the locals after sundown. It proved her father realized she was growing up and had earned more freedom. This however seemed a risky venture. "So do you guys come here often?"

    Today at 7:30 PM

  • Diana:
    Bethany brought a basket full of treats, as the girl was always good for hunting down bottles of hard liquor or hunting the *good* mushrooms in the forest. All they needed now was a bonfire and someone to play a little music! (Hopefully someone that was actually good at music this time, because no one likes a shitty bard.) "It's a favorite place to gather and get away for a bit. The adults always say don't, but we all know they were up here too when they were our age..."

    Today at 7:32 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter looked over at the basket. " What's in the basket?"

    Today at 7:34 PM

  • Ocha:
    Amber nodded. That was enough explanation to calm her worries. The world over parents were always telling their kids not to do things they themselves used to do. She looked around at the others milling around. She was no bard, but she had brought a fiddle when told they'd be playing music at the bonfire. She was good enough to improve with a group. "Well I am looking forward to some fun!"

    Today at 7:37 PM

  • Diana:
    "I got meat pies, apple tarts, two bottles of honey bourbon, and mushrooms," exclaimed Bethany proudly. Once they came up into the old ruins, there was already a pretty clear area where prior visitors had been setting bonfires for private parties of their own. "We're going to need some fresh sticks and leaves to get us a good fire going."

    Today at 7:42 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter would quirk an eyebrow. "No water in that mix? It's kind of important to stay hydrated." He would pulls some sticks and leaves out of his cloak hood. "Will these do for what we do?"

    Today at 7:43 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Shara awoke to the sound of human voices. Whoa! I just had the strangest dream! she thought, even though...she couldn't remember any of it. She had found the ruins on the way to Tearling. With darkness looming, she'd picked out a spot, a room with no roof and mostly-fallen walls, a place where she could camp out of sight that was at least a little defensible. She quickly rolled up her bedroll and strapped it to her pack. Should I find out what they're up to, or just stay hidden until they're gone? Looking up at some of the taller structures in the ruins, like the remains of the Duke's keep and shrine, she suddenly felt a powerful sense of deja, this was a different situation entirely...wasn't it?

    Listening to their conversation, they sounded harmless enough. As Shara pondered the question, it hit her just how long it had been since she'd been able to just hang out with other people her own age. She ran her fingers through her hair, but that was probably hopeless, so she just pulled up her hood, shouldered into her sword belt and pack, making sure the sword was concealed under her cloak. Hearing the girl, Shara gathered up the firewood she had left after extinguishing her own campfire. Suddenly nervous, she approached, moving silently by instinct. "Mind...if I join you?" she said, hefting her armload of firewood.

    Today at 7:44 PM

  • Ocha:
    That sounded like a fun assortment to treats, but Amber knew none would be enjoying Bethany's spoils until a good fire was going. She quirked an eyebrow at the guy in the hood, but she was a stranger and wasn't going to make unnecessary comments. Instead she started looping around looking for dry kindling to get the fire stared.

    Today at 7:45 PM

  • Diana:
    "The more, the merrier!" chimed in Bethany. Really, Bethany was glad anyone had shown up at all. Most of the people her own age had started pairing off and were slinking away to more romantic private trysts. No one wanted to hang around a fire anymore swapping stories and getting silly!

    Today at 7:49 PM

  • Ocha:
    With a good bit of wood in her arms Amber smiled at the newcomer. "You don't also play an instrument do you?" It wasn't going to be as fun solo, but it was better than no music at all. She dropped her kindling in place and then started to place it to make a baby fire.

    Today at 7:51 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter quirked an eyebrow, wondering why she didn't question the sticks and leaves in his cloak hood, but whatever. "So, any of your parents mention the why to not come here?"

    Today at 7:52 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Thanks," Shara said, setting down her firewood. She moved to help the other girl start the fire. With practiced motions, she arranged the larger pieces of wood into a teepee configuration over the kindling, then got out flint and steel to set it alight. "I'm Sharandula--but you can call me Shara," she said.

    Today at 7:55 PM

  • Diana:
    "Mine think proper young ladies shouldn't be out at night, else they'll get deflowered by handsome sheep headers, but ugh... my parents think what happened to them is going to happen to me." Of course Bethany had no interest in such things. Likely why she was the last one in Tearling to have a paramour. "I'm Bethany, and this is Amber!" she answered cheerfully, pulling out one of the meat pies to offer to Shara. "You're traveling through?"

    Today at 7:56 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Thank you!" she said, taking the meat pie. It was guaranteed to be better than the jerky and hardtack she had in her pack! "Yeah," Shara replied. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going though, she thought. The cryptic map she'd been given almost a year before by the old man in Snowdrop Hollow didn't have any place names or other indicators of what lie ahead, but it did include a path, that led through this place.

    Today at 8:00 PM

  • Ocha:
    Amber leaned back to allow Shara to start the fire. "Of the Carhart Family. Nice to meet you." She smirked at Bethany. "Mine are working on my betrothal. A proper young merchant son on a modest income. Not even trying for any sort of wealth. I don't want to be the wife of someone without means or imagination!" Amber covered her mouth. That was more than she meant to say. "Anyways. What happened to your folks?"

    Today at 8:00 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter looked over and was quiet when someone asked what happened to his fault. "I...uhhh... don't like talking about my folks." Easier to say then they were dead and he didn't understand how that had happened.

    Today at 8:02 PM

  • Diana:
    "They in love out here," she said with a wrinkle of her nose as if that was the most horrifying terrible thing she could've ever imagined.

    Today at 8:02 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Shara tried to hide a look of pain as conversation turned to people's parents, and failed when she got the direct question. "They're...being held in a workhouse in Iskandahr. Them and the rest of my people--Clan Zoloto. I'm trying to find a way to get enough money to buy their release."

    Today at 8:03 PM

  • Ocha:
    Amber looked first at Peter then to Shara. She hadn't considered talking about parents would be such a touchy subject. "Oh!" She said dumbly, then feeling very awkward pulled out the fiddle and began to tune it.

    Today at 8:05 PM

  • Diana:
    "Isn't that just the awful way of the world," said Bethany, as if she even knew anything about what the realm was like outside of Tearling. She pulled out a few metal mugs from her basket and started filling them up with the hard honey bourbon and passing them around. "I'd like to leave here and move to some other village, but sometimes they actually sound worse than Tearling!"

    Today at 8:07 PM

  • Ocha:
    Amber nodded her thanks as she took the mug, taking a hardy sip. "Oh boy!" She should have took a smaller sip. "Some are better, some worse. It's a bit dull here, but I never seen your festivals so I might be missing out." Amber put the fiddle up to her chin, slowly playing a few notes.

    Today at 8:10 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter would put the mug on the ground and just pull out his flask. "I'm good, I got this water right here to drink."

    Today at 8:11 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Shara took an experimental sip of the drink she'd been offered. "Whoa!" she said, deciding to be careful with that stuff. When the guy spoke, she glanced his way and did a double-take. The squirrel on his shoulder looked like it had been taxidermied--badly--or maybe just allowed to dessicate, but was still moving around as if unaware of its own death. "So, uh...where'd you get your pet?"

    Today at 8:17 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter would look over at her. "Found him starving by the side of the road, fed him some nuts and he perked right up and decided he wanted to stay with me."

    Today at 8:18 PM

  • Ocha:
    Maybe it was the atmosphere of the ruins, or maybe the depression surrounding Shara and Peter when they spoke of their parents, but Amber's tune was at best soulful and more honestly haunting.

    Today at 8:19 PM

  • Diana:
    Bethany didn't need to explain to anyone that Peter was a weirdo, they were already learning it fast enough. She took a pretty big gulp of her own drink - some get together! She'd landed with two out of town travelers and Peter the Perturbed! "You know, I do some pretty scary stories about this place..." she offered.

    Today at 8:22 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Merce Allswell wasn't supposed to be out at the graveyard. He was supposed to be doing something useful for his family like bringing home a rich wife on this lovely festival. But that was two bottles of of mead ago and he really didn't have enough sobriety to care. Besides, the party was usually somewhere else for the younger people. So that was where he wanted to be. He was so tired of being the good son! "Oho! What have we heree?" Merce swaggered to the camp fire, his fine clothes lit beautifully by the firelight. "What a puny little party, what is this?" He scoffed.

    Today at 8:24 PM

  • Diana:
    Merce managed to stumble onto the dullest and LEAST fun party in Tearling, several strides away from the old Delmoth graveyard and right smack in the middle of the ancient Delmoth Castle Ruins. At least there was the start of a bonfire and VERY strong smelling booze.

    Today at 8:27 PM

  • Ocha:
    "Just early" Amber said optimistically as she sped up her song a bit. It wasn't a local sound by any means but it wasn't the type for dancing.

    Today at 8:30 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Shara raised a skeptical eyebrow at Peter. "I think you might have got to him a little late for that," she said, as she could see a bit of the bone of one of its legs. Movement in her peripheral vision--Shara turned to see a figure approaching from the shadows. A brightly-colored fop in fine clothing, with a mocking attitude to boot. Perrrrrrrrrfect, she thought, sizing him up. His coinpurse was no doubt a heavy burden, that and any weighty jewelry he might be wearing. Get enough of that bourbon into him, and lightening his load would be as easy as pie.

    Today at 8:32 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter would nod. "Yeah, I would love to hear some scary stories. I have no clue what you mean. He's very much alive, just a bit injured."

    Today at 8:34 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    "BooooOOOooring! Why aren't we breaking into the crypt or something? Something fun!" He stamped his foot a few times for good measure. He was swaying on his booted feet, another bottle of mead in his hand. He reeked of alcoholic honey, he was a pretty thing though, all fine and slender with a face that looked like it could grace your small coinage with ease. "You might as well be sitting at home with your embroidery, ladies."

    Today at 8:34 PM

  • Diana:
    "Uh.. Merce..." Bethany sighed. She wasn't too keen on Merce's brand of nonsense, but then... maybe he could help make this get together a little more like it was meant to be? Something lively! "We can't just break into things, Merce! And I have a really spooky, scary story about WHY." Bethany even bolted up to stand so she could launch into this tale. "About the old Duke, hundreds of years ago and why his castle isn't here anymore!"

    Today at 8:35 PM

  • Ocha:
    The embroidery comment caused Amber to screech the bow on the string. Those were fighting words, fancy fop or not. Bethany though seemed to be trying to make the situation better. "Think he'll be quiet enough to listen to your tale?"

    Today at 8:40 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Merce swayed on his feet for another moment before heaving a dramatic sigh and letting himself flop bonelessly to the ground next to the fire. "Five minutes and then I'm breaking into the graveyard - it's a holiday after all! Shouldn't the dead have a party too?" He gave a giggle, throwing his head back. "Bethany, Amber, darlings, introduce me to your friends! You're being rude as ever. How do you ever hope to snag a man, my loves?"

    Today at 8:42 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter would look over at his squirrel who was holding a stack of nuts and looking at Merce. "Quirrly can assault him with nuts if he doesn't listen." The squirrel was already throwing nuts at Merce's head and every man's weak point.

    Today at 8:43 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Heh. I guess we won't even have to share the brandy, Shara thought. "Because if an abandoned crypt hasn't been broken into already, there's probably a very good reason. Like powerful magic and traps. And you're drunk," she said. Just because he was a popinjay didn't mean he deserved to die. On the other hand, if she could get him into a harmless 'dungeon crawl' with plenty of darkness and shadows, she could pick him clean without him or any of the others noticing.

    Today at 8:44 PM

  • Diana:
    "Okay so it was a night like this one! Warm in the fall with the stars in the sky!" Bethany quickly launched into the story, because Merce only had an attention span that lasted so long, and honestly, they were all going to want to beat him up at this rate. "They say there was an awful plague hitting the entire country side. Lots of villages were seeing both illness of the people and their animals and crops. The Duke got it in his mind to do something about it. You can't rule a land if all your people are dead, right?"

    Today at 8:46 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Then the newcomer--'Merce,' apparently--flopped down by the fire, keeping up his unpleasant attitude. Shara kept one ear on Bethany's story, while surreptitiously examining Merce for which pocket or bauble would make the easiest first target while everyone was focused on Bethany.

    Today at 8:46 PM

  • Diana:
    "The Duke decided that to save his people he must make a deal with Darkness. And not with Death herself as one would assume, but the true Darkness from the beginning times that Death was born from. The Unnamed Darkness. So the Duke, he began a new sort of magic that soon became necromancy, and started to practice his craft on the villagers of Tearling..."

    Today at 8:55 PM

  • Ocha:
    Amber didn't mean to snort a laugh, but the thought of TEARLING of all places was the home of necromancy was preposterous. "Oh come on Bethany. At least make the story seem a little believable!"

    Today at 8:57 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Merce yawned broadly at the story so far, though the bit about necromancy was kinda interesting. "Well, so what? What did he do?" He took a swig of his mead and wondered if he was related to the old Duck. Er. Duke. He giggled at the thought. "Amber's riiiiiight, our village is DEAD boring!"

    Today at 8:57 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter would muse something and then just stay quiet as he would look at the ground, not having words to say.

    Today at 8:58 PM

  • Diana:
    "Oh it's true!" insisted Bethany, scowling at Merce... a sudden idea and mischievous brightness coming to her features. "We can prove it! They say if someone strips buck naked and stands at the center of the Duke's old summoning circle directly at midnight, that you can see the souls he was never able to raise. ...Of course I bet someone like Merce, being the fancy dolt you are, would be too PROPER to do such a thing."

    Today at 9:00 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter would just stare. "Is that also one of the was that the Duke can smite you as well?" He remembered something about not interfering with the old summoning circles, but he wasn't sure what.

    Today at 9:03 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Death herself. Why did that give Shara that feeling you get when the word you're looking for is right on the tip of your tongue, but stays just out of reach? Shara resisted the urge to glance at Peter when the subject of necromancy came up. The squirrel seemed harmless enough, offering no tormented-soul-trapped-in-rotting-flesh-against-its-will vibe. So if the guy wanted to keep certain things secret, Shara had no objection.

    She had to choke back a laugh at Bethany's...proposal? no, proposition? chall--no, if it involved
    getting someone to take their clothes off, it at least qualified as a proposition. "You don't need to worry about those fancy clothes getting dirty lying on the ground," she said. "I'll hold them for you," she said with a mischievous smirk she hoped would count as flirty.

    Today at 9:04 PM

  • Ocha:
    At first Amber thought Bethany was being a ham, but then glanced at Merce and got what was happening. "Oh come on Bethany. He probably would complain about being cold. Not a brave one he is." She then glare at Peter. He better not ruin the fun. "Well if you're foolish maybe and like curse the Duke out."

    Today at 9:04 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter would look over at his mug and then back at Merce. "Oh, you're right. I'm remembering that wrong. I think I was getting that mixed up. I believe it was the way you see them also involves pouring honey bourbon all over yourself as you stand in the circle naked, right ladies?"

    Today at 9:09 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    "I - what? I will too!" Merce was instantly up on his feet and pulling off the fine linen shirt with an easy shucking motion, it was clear that he was very used to stripping while drunk. "Point the direction! Show me this summoning circle and I'll piss in it!" That was something the Merce of last year would have never done. Back before he'd given up. His boots were next, hopping on one foot and then the other, throwing them at Shara. "Here, you can hold them." He did at least have enough decency to turn around before he squirmed out of his pants.

    Today at 9:09 PM

  • Diana:
    This couldn't have gone better had Bethany planned it! Alighting with a giggle, she grabbed a stick out of the bonfire to use as a light to lead the way! "It's over here! You can still see a bunch of the old runes etched into the old stone! Hurry, hurry! You can't miss the minutes!"

    58 minutes ago

  • Ocha:
    Amber picked up a large branch that hadn't been thrown in the fire, and covering it with some moss made a make shift torch. It would last long enough for their march to the circle. Her other hand held her mug of whiskey.

    58 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter would hand Merce the mug he had his honey borbon in. "I'll be back here, attending to the fire."

    54 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    This couldn't have gone better had Shara planned it! She took the guy's clothes, mostly looking away from the "show" he presented. He was what Mother would call 'a fine specimen,' at least when it came to his looks. But...quite lacking upstairs. "Oh!" she said, "You'll also have to take off all your jewelry. The eldrich energies of magic and metals don't play nicely together."

    51 minutes ago

  • CarnelianUndead:
    "Seems a shame to waste it by pouring it all over myself... I'd rather drink it." So he did, turning the mug up and draining the liquid with a happy noise and then he was trotting off after the girls. He really didn't have any shame. Much like his clothes didn't hold more than a few gold coins, the rest had been spent on mead and food at the festival. "Oh? Sure," next went his fine gold chain and a gold ear cuff, he tossed them at Shara too and then yeeted the mug back towards Peter. "Alright! Let's go see some spirits! Where is the circle again?"

    49 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    There was in fact a large circle that might have once been part of the grand receiving hall of the Delmoth Castle when it was whole and beautiful. Part of it was covered in centuries of dirt and moss, obscuring the runes that created such an ornate circle of text. But really, there was no strange feelings or eerie auras in this place. Just the usual feel of a ruins at night. The center was found easily, being a smooth black stone with no etchings at all. Once Merce stood on top of it... nothing happened. Just a breeze through his nethers!

    48 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "Don't forget to do a ritual dance! You're not going to be able to activate the ancient magic without using the old ways to summon it!" added on Bethany, struggling more than she ever had in her life to not cackle into laughter!

    45 minutes ago

  • Ocha:
    "Oh, obviously something is missing!"Amber said in mock surprise. "Is there a special dance?"

    45 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter would avoid the mug being thrown at him and look over and was relieve he didn't have to dri
    nk the honey burbon drink

    45 minutes ago

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Merce stood on the pretty smooth black stone and looked around at the circle and then promptly peed on it because of course he did. But nothing happened. Nothing ever happened in Tearling! "I don't know any ritual dances, you dafty!" He laughed because Merce thought it was hilarious! "Maybe I need some tits! Someone come and shake some around!"

    44 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Could be that he didn't pour the drink while he did the dance," Peter called from the fire.

    44 minutes ago

  • Ocha:
    "Just start jiggling!" Amber yelled at Merce, moving her hips in example.

    42 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Shara found the haul of coin rather disappointing, but then he went and tossed his jewelry at her. Toooooooo eeeeeaaaasyyyyyyyyy! Now all she had to do was pick the time to disappear. The girls were busy teasing Merce with suggestions for proper 'ritual,' and he was, well, him. But the maybe-necromancer was sitting off at a distance by the fire, watching. So not now...

    39 minutes ago

  • CarnelianUndead:
    "Fiiiine!" Merce yelled back and then jiggled this and that, he was not a coordinated dancer when he had two and a half bottles of mead in him and the other half bottle of mead was still in his hand! He took another long swig, mead spilling out of his mouth and running down his very very naked body as he gyrated badly on the black stone. One big sway had him falling over, the mead bottle smashing on the stone, cutting into his hand. "Damn!"

    36 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    Bethany was now laughing hysterically, finding such a bit of joy in these shenanigans that she was almost choking on a lack of breath! But with Merce's tumble and the glass and the blood... well that made things a little too real again. "Oh Merce... you went and cut yourself, you dummy. We need to get that cleaned up or you're liable to have your hand fall off like old Barnaby's did!"

    34 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    Contrary to what usually seems to happened during teenage parties, pranks, and blood spilt on ancient ritual sites... nothing strange occurred. No howling poltergeists. No summoned demons. Not even a rabid beast. Just Merce's bare ass being bruised and the comforting smell of the bonfire.

    31 minutes ago

  • Ocha:
    "Let's get that cleaned and wrapped up. Didn't Peter have some spring water?" Amber asked. "Shara, can you cut a clean strip from Merce's shirt?"

    30 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "It seems pretty deep too, we better all get back to the village," chimed in Bethany again, with some concern.

    29 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Sure," Shara said, drawing a boot knife. After a moment of cutting fine, high thread-count cloth, she handed Amber the bandage.

    28 minutes ago

  • CarnelianUndead:
    "It's not too bad, Bethany, it's fine. I know all about the invisible biting demons and how to get it clean." Merce grumbled, picking the bits of glass out of his hand with practiced ease. "Alcohol, you ninnies. You clean wounds with alcohol." He rolled his eyes and stood up again, shaking his hand and splattering blood everywhere. "Fine fine, whatever."

    28 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Uh...since you know him, maybe you could put his clothes back on him?" she said, offering the clothes to Bethany.

    27 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "Ooooh, put your clothes back on Merce, you ninny. We're going back home before you bust your skull open and your blasted family comes looking to blame us!"

    25 minutes ago

  • Ocha:
    "Not any of this sweet stuff," Amber disagreed. She'd steal Peter's flask if it wasn't given and start tending to the naked rich son's hand. She ignored that there was nothing but moonlight and torch fire to give her light as she tried to wrap up the injury.

    24 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Peter looked over at them. "Water and alcohol are actually both best for cleaning ups wounds," he replied, handing over his spring water flask.

    24 minutes ago

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Merce made several unhappy noises but somehow got his pants back on and let Amber bind up his hand. He'd do it properly later at the estate when he wasn't so sloshed. He had practice now. "Fine fine, whatever makes you lot happy. I've broken a good bottle of mead, I would like another one before I see any sort of sobrierty, because let me say ladies, and squirrel boy, I don't want any."

    21 minutes ago

  • Ocha:
    "I've honestly sober up from what little I drank but perhaps I should go back to the wagons. We're her for a few days yet before pushing off…" Amber did not look like she was eager.

    18 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Shara ran for her pack, and returned with a leather-wrapped ceramic vial. "This contains Illsbane, it's a powder that prevents wounds from becoming infected." She showed Amber how to apply it. As long as Amber didn't ask, she didn't need to know it was made from a mold. Thankfully, Merce got his pants on, and Amber was able to bind up his hand without incident. I'm not sure if he's saying he wants mead, or doesn't want it, she thought. Well, now's the time, she thought, slipping away silently to vanish into the night.

    15 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    And so the night at the Delmoth ruins wasn't a total flop. A motely group to be sure, but a party was always a success when a prank could be played on a companion that had too much to drink. Yet as the group left, Peter and Shara - two with a special sort of sight that the others didn't have, for two very different reasons - could see a vision out of the corner of their eyes. Floating spirits, full of anguish and despair. Everywhere. All around the ruins grounds and beyond on the property even into the treeline of the woods. Hundreds and hundreds of souls, seeming to be tethered to the very land itself with a shimmering spider web like string. Unable to break it, unable to get free. Just floating in the autumn wind like forgotten ribbons. And as the moon moved in the sky, they were gone. As if it had just been a trick of the moonlight in their eyes. THE END...???
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