maycie's partner search

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"make your absence felt."
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
I babysit, so my activity is sporadic, but I will let you know when I will not be avaliable.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Female
request thread

hello darlings! i'm maycie. you can call me whatever you want, i have no preference. may, cici, maycie, dumbass... literally anything goes.
this is hopefully going to be a pretty simple and easy search thread. just shoot me a message if you're interested!

♡ i'm not worried about consistency with you're posting. i will be happy with a single post a month if that is all you can manage.
i am pretty inconsistent with my posts, at least one a week, due to college, having a baby, mental health, and just overall life in general.
♡ i am ghost-friendly. i just got back from a six month hiatus that i didn't even mean to take and i didn't tell anyone i would be gone.
i just suddenly closed all my tabs, shut my laptop, and didn't look back until recently. if you are no longer feeling the roleplay, just let me know. i'll understand. or, if you disappear and come back out of the blue a year later like nothing happened, i will also be okay with that.
♡ i am an advanced writer. i can supply anywhere from 600-1000+ words. quality over quantity is the biggest thing, as long as there are no one-liners.
i just need something that i can work with, and if you can provide that, them i'm good!
♡ i like making new friends, so if you want to talk ooc, i do have a discord and my pms are always open!
♡ i mostly write female characters. gxg is my preference, however i will do gxb, as long as i play the female. the only way i can play a male is through bxb, so that's open too.
♡ i don't really care about smut. it can be incorporated into the plot, as long as it's not the center.
♡ characters that i would prefer to play are bolded
♡ also, most of these plots are not mine. some of them were found on tumblr because i'm a loser *insert peace sign here* also do be afraid to throw me any of your own ideas!
♡ i think that's about it. if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

some interests
- gxb, gxg, bxb [i cannot play males for the life of me unless it's bxb]
- medieval type plots [love these soooo much!!!]
- supernatural [not the tv show, unfortunately but if you're into it, then we can work out a plot because i do actually love the show too.]
- fantasy
- college/high school
- faking dating and/or arrange marriages
- non-romantic/platonic/family relationships
- literally just ask me about anything you like, i'm will to expand as well.

small ideas to build off of
♡ the apartment is perfect and both a and b are desperate to move in, but then the landlord lets it slip that he is very conservative and only wants couples in a stable relationship living in his house, so maybe a and b have to act a little, so that they can both have a roof over their heads.
♡ they used to be the perfect child, always doing what they're told, never acting up. but a finally has enough and wants to break out of this fake idyll their parents how to the world by being even more fake. who's better than b as their fake partner to give a big middle finger to this whole fakeness?
♡ being married comes with a lot of benefits - financially, socially, and most importantly, getting their families off their backs.
♡ hallmark movie but make it queer: business suit type sent to negotiate a business deal and finds herself butting heads with the cottagecore daughter to the farm owner.
♡ cunning new court debutante who thinks she'll seduce the king to gain some power and finds herself with the queen instead.
♡ sweet preacher's daughter in sundresses and pearls, and the rough girl from the wrong side of the tracks who rides a motorbike and smells of cigarettes.
♡ (young) parents trying to get the hang of parenting - i'm talking insecurities and anxiety about whether they're doing everything okay, showing their kid off to family and friends, trying to find time for each other in between the bay's naps… all the cute and fluffy stuff.
♡ pregnancy plots - trying for a baby, telling the news to each other and/or relatives/friends, first doctor's appointment, "i don't fit into my favorite jeans anymore, i look like a whale" vs "what are you talking about, you're beautiful: "what if we aren't good parents?" - scares and insecurities, baby showers, shopping for baby clothes, going into labor, returning home with a newborn.

bigger plots that could still use some building
muse a and muse b are spoiled rich kids who get knocked up at sixteen and have to deal with overbearing parents who think they're throwing away their lives by not getting married and 'following the plan'. muse a takes her kid and finds a new home, building a new life for herself and the child, a good life, but muse b, feeling rejected and overwhelmed, is sporadically in and out of their lives. the threads throughout the decades - when they're young and stupid and pregnant and trying to figure out how this will affect everything, and when they're older and still stupid and trying to figure out if live is really enough to bring them together again.
muse a is the child of a very prominent figure in the city (prosecutor, politician, etc.). muse b is the child of the head of a crime family. as part of some 'quid pro quo' arrangement, the two families decide that muse a and muse b are going to get married. they barely have a chance to meet before they're being ushered down the aisle and move in together. either through choice or pressure and expectation, muse b is following in the footsteps of generations before them - actively participating in the 'family business'. muse a is completely unprepared for this lifestyle, their new spouse stumbling through the door bloodied and bruised at all hours of the night.
muse a is a broke college student struggling to balance classes with multiple jobs. they know it won't last forever - but it's hard. so when muse b comes along and offers an almost too good to be true opportunity, muse a knows they can't turn it down. all they have to do is pretend to be muse b's partner for a while - put on a good show for the family and the public - and they'll get paid more than generously. things get tricky, though, when lines are quickly crossed and muse a isn't so sure if what they have with muse b is really just for show.
♡ a plot where a totally sweet girl is dating a total ass and he probably cheats on her all the time, and is so shitty to her but she stays because she's sweet and caring and he's all she's ever known. They used to be so in love but anyways he's totally one of those guys who brings around his douche friends and they sit on the couch and talk about chicks and drugs and partying and she is supposed to be the regular housewife girlfriend who brings them food and sits next to him when they watch movies so he can flaunt her and jost be an ass. His fell douche friend starts to slowly be like 'god this guy is so awful to her' and he starts following her out of the room instead of staying to high five his friend for cheating on her with some club girl He just generally starts hanging out with her more while her boyfriend and his other friends hang out in the basement. They sit on the porch while he smokes and they just talk or he'll help her make food, or ANYTHING and it can go so many cute ways. he could be listening to the friend brag about sleeping around one day or see him being shitty to her like yelling at her for nothing ro smth and just be like DAMN I'VE HAD ENOUGH and finally break and yell at his friend and fight for her and accidently admit that he thinks she's totally amazing and he'd cherish her sm or he could kiss her one night while they're talking and they could start sneaking around behind the friends back or anything so !
♡ muse a is a huge celebrity. a few years back, they took the world by storm and now they're one of the biggest names in hollywood. it's a bit overwhelming though, and muse a needs to get away. so they head back to their hometown with the hopes of laying low for a bit, recharging. while they're there, they run into muse b -- their childhood friend. they haven't spoken in years, no since muse a left to make it big, but they're both surprised at how easily they can fall back into old habits. what was supposed to be a one or two week trip turns into a few months, and muse a doesn't know how they're going to leave muse b behind to go back to their career this time around.
muse a was born into old money. They grew up thinking of love and something of a myth, marriage and families were only necessary for business dealings and the expansion of a dynasty. it was when they were in the midst of wedding planning that they met muse b. muse b is the complete polar opposite, they believe love can come at the drop of a hat and is one of the most important things to find on this earth. As they start spending more and more time together, muse a starts to see just how lonely their family may have been. sure they had all this money, but was anyone ever actually fulfilled.
♡ bonnie and Clyde. muse a and muse b meet on an off chance one night, maybe one is in the middle of a getaway and drags the other along only to learn that they both love the thrill of it all. then starts a series of crimes or just life on the run. the highs are high and the lows are low. they know their flame is burning bright and fast but they couldn't care less.
♡ muse a have been hopelessly in love with muse b for far too long. and one night the two find themselves on the dance floor together (wedding, night out, etc.) and just as muse a is losing hope that their love could ever be reciprocated, muse b kisses them. they don't know what the future looks like, but they know what it is at that moment.
♡ muse a and muse b have been together for years, but muse a has been secretly unhappy. so on the night that muse b proposed, which muse a probably should have seen coming, they tell them they can't do it and leaves them. fast forward, and the two run into each other. ,aybe they've both moved on, maybe one wants the other back, or maybe they are too caught up in the what-ifs.
♡ sometimes summer is all you've got. muse a moves to a beach town for the summer to finally write their book (or do research for their job ie actor, journalist, etc) and decided to take on a whole new persona. That's where they meet muse b and try to woo them with their new self. and maybe there's drama, or maybe muse a and muse b like who they're becoming.
♡ muse a has always put relationships and domesticity on the backburner, feeling torn between wanting a life partner and wanting to retain their own sense of self. muse b has always loved freely and never felt that happiness and connection were mutually exclusive. when they end up together, muse a has to figure out how to not get caught up in societal labels, timelines, and expectations - while muse b never had any expectations to begin with.
♡ muse a and muse b met when life seemed simpler - shitty apartments and cheap wine in overcrowded big city apartments. it felt inevitable and easy falling in love then. but when muse a leaves the city and muse b can't (won't?) follow, it's time to see if their connection can survive distance, timing, sobriety, growing up, real life.
♡ coming of age in the same small town, it seemed like muse a would always be around, so muse b never thought twice about getting around to finally acting on the simmering hot and cold connection they'd harbored for years. but muse a is getting older now, finding their footing in the world, and no longer content with always coming in last. will muse b ever get it together, or will they get left behind like their hometown?
♡ the golden retriever/black cat trope. muse a and muse b were so different, but they always said opposites attract, right? that is, until muse a got it in their mind to propose and muse b said… no. just like that, it was over. and now muse b gets to watch muse a move on - new spouse, new life, and they try to believe they made the right choice all those years ago, but do the 'what ifs' keep muse a up at night, too?
♡ muse a and muse b have been together for awhile now. they've traded the honeymoon phase and butterflies for contentment and routine. but muse a is getting a little too comfortable, and muse b feels forgotten and unappreciated, unsure if they can ever get back to the initial spark. maybe muse a just needs to be reminded of what they have - that muse b has options and can still command attention.
♡ muse a and muse b met and quickly became best friends, understanding each other in a way they hadn't found with anyone else. and muse b even became a sounding board for muse a's disastrous dating life horror stories. it worked because muse b was so totally not muse a's type. except one day, it's like a switch flipped and muse b is all muse a can think about, all they want. but how do they explain that to muse b, who so clearly wants to be just friends and has had to listen to all of muse a's flaws and failures?
♡ muse a is one of the best witches/wizards in their coven, while muse b is a close friend of theirs who was born without any magical aptitude, despite also having been born to an old family of witches. because of this, b has always endured some rejection growing up. tired of this situation, a decides to teach b all they know, to the best of their abilities, ignoring all the mockery and mean comments from other members of the coven. and despite their apparent lack of powers, b is strong willed and determined to learn, no matter how bad they are at it in the first place. will they be able to prove to the naysayers wrong? prove that magic can be taught and learned? will b become as powerful as a? would they use their newfound abilities to take revenge on those who made fun of them growing up? use this knowledge to help others in the same situation?
♡ muse a is a personal assistant to a billionaire and their most recent task is to find that perfect someone for their boss. It is proposed that muse a should go on pre-dates before anyone is considered to go on a real date with the billionaire. one night, muse a sits across from muse b, another billionaire - one who is cuter and kinder than they expected. the two of them hit it off, they get along and make each other laugh. muse b doesn't make fun of muse a when they can't pronounce a certain dish or wine; muse b actually thinks a lot of the dinner is overpriced and pays for the whole thing, treating muse a to dessert and a ride home in their town car. ,use a is sold on muse b meeting their boss - they think that muse b is perfect, not realizing that maybe that spark would exist for the two of them. not for muse b and their boss.
things change when muse a gets a call from their boss saying that the date went horribly; only for their next call to be from muse b, who enjoyed their time with muse a so much that they want to go out with them again.
muse a doesn't understand - they're a simple personal assistant who lives with two roommates and is using these pre-dates as meal tickets. what does this perfect billionaire see in them anyway? muse b is charmed completely, wanting to spoil the other with dinners and gifts. they had such a spark, such chemistry - but will this date cost muse a their job? will they make it past date two, or was it just a one time fling?
♡ a free-spirited girl decides she's going to take a vacation to a local beach town and just be someone else. she uses a different name, tells a few white lies, and becomes the person she really wants to be. she's living a new simple life. a guy happens to visit the town, they meet, they fall in love, and it's real. aside from the fact she's lying about who she is. he's extending his vacation and telling her he wants to turn this into a relationship. but his work hits a snafu and requests he comes back home, so they promise to stay in touch. but when he comes back, she's gone. until he runs into her one day, and is really confused why people are calling her by a different name.
♡ a married couple are getting a divorce. she's served him papers after all these years. their marriage was a sham set up to keep both families' business afloat. or was it? because when she thinks she's finally out, he gets into a fatal accident. ding! The clocks restarted themselves to when the couple first got married - is this a sign that this marriage is not supposed to be over? maybe she needs to make this work so the same tragic fate doesn't happen to him again.
♡ our muses have known each other for a long time and are in a relationship (romantic, platonic, friends with benefits, etc) and muse a becomes really famous, ultimately doing everything the industry tells them to, to the point muse b barely recognizes them anymore. how will their relationship survive the distance, the constant partying, the eventual infidelities, the pressure of the industry telling muse a to find a more suitable partner than muse b?
♡ muse a is an obsessive killer who does it all because all she wants is the agent, muse b, to herself. from harming the women he dates, to sending nudes of herself covered in blood or with the bloody item from trap phones, calling him right after she does it and letting him know that she wouldn't do this if he was hers. but what happens if she's been right up under his nose this whole time? what is she's the cute, innocent neighbor that lives close by that he sees after a long day? the one muse b finds attractive, but never pursues because he's so busy on this case?

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