POLL Profiles: Good or Necessary Evil?

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Are profiles necessary?

  • Good!

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Necessary Evil!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unnecessary!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Indifferent?

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters


Forger of Words
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Going to be varying with changes at work.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Magical Realism, and Post Apocalyptic.
I spend time working on my profile every so often to see if it is hitting home with who I am as a writer. I also like to read other people's profile to get ideas about what to write in mine.

So, basically I want to know is do you think it's necessary or not to let someone know who you a re before striking up a convo about writing?
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I might be biased being an admin and all, but I find that profiles are a VITAL way to help advertise yourself as a potential player/partner. I even designed the roleplay resume portion specifically with some of the most important details partners would want to know to help people find others that share some of their basic interests.

It's especially useful for people like me who are introverts or neurospicy who kinda have trouble reaching out and making connections cause having those get-to-know-you conversations are awkward. D: The profile gives you something to launch off of, "Hey you like ___, and so do I! wanna chat about it?" Likewise, you can skip hitting up people who don't roleplay the things you're looking for.

I'm also not likely to trust someone who doesn't put at least something in their profile. It doesn't have to be personal info, but I do need to know that you ARE a person and willing to connect and make new friends. Otherwise I start thinking they're just those cybersexting rp people that wanna just do sexting roleplay 😂 It's NOT a fair assumption, but that's been my experience.
I forgot to make a profile and then never got to it and then forgot it again... at least the "About Me" part, I mean 😂
I filled out all the other stuff, but then I never wrote any random tidbits in there LOL OOPS maybe I'll actually go do that today and clean everything else up a little bit. Pretty sure I haven't really touched it since I joined the site so it's due for an updating.

But yes! I do love reading people's profiles and their preferences to see if they might be a good match or sound like a fun person to write with!
You have a lot about you in that section! I've been thinking about reaching out to you, but you have like 900 rps go8ng every day!

I might be insane 😂
I might be biased being an admin and all, but I find that profiles are a VITAL way to help advertise yourself as a potential player/partner. I even designed the roleplay resume portion specifically with some of the most important details partners would want to know to help people find others that share some of their basic interests.

It's especially useful for people like me who are introverts or neurospicy who kinda have trouble reaching out and making connections cause having those get-to-know-you conversations are awkward. D: The profile gives you something to launch off of, "Hey you like ___, and so do I! wanna chat about it?" Likewise, you can skip hitting up people who don't roleplay the things you're looking for.

I'm also not likely to trust someone who doesn't put at least something in their profile. It doesn't have to be personal info, but I do need to know that you ARE a person and willing to connect and make new friends. Otherwise I start thinking they're just those cybersexting rp people that wanna just do sexting roleplay 😂 It's NOT a fair assumption, but that's been my experience.
Well I hope you at least like me! I very much enjoyed out chats!!!!!
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