PARTNER REQUEST F x M Seeking a rp-partner

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Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Hello, Sirie here!
I'm 28 years old and live in Scandinavia!
I have been rping for a while now, since my early days on Gaia online XD

About me:
I tend to write long replies, as in 3 pages in Word; or longer, but I adapt to my partner. If you don't give me a lot, I can't give a lot back. If you give a lot, I give a lot back. I need at least three paragraphs to keep my attention if it's too short I get bored.
I write in third-person and I expect you to do the same.
I only play female- but all sorts of types.
I would say I'm a nice person. XD So if in doubt hit me up and I'll try to answer any questions about whatever.
Smut is okay, I can do smut scenes if I feel like there is a need for it, but too much of it and I get bored. (But we can talk about it)

What I'm looking for
I'm looking for a rp-buddy who can play a male part. I don't care what your gender is in the real world, that's your business XD
I'm looking for someone with decent grammar. It doesn't have to be perfect (English is not my first language and I'm dyslexic, but I use Grammarly to check my responses for grammar errors)
I want someone who wants to paint the picture for me: describe what their characters are feeling, the world around them, adding characters, and whatever comes in between.
Only anime-face claims.
You're 19+

If this sounds like you, great!

Here are some pairings/settings that I enjoy!

Vampire, humanXnonehuman, romance, fantasy, medieval, dark themes, horror, sci-fi, arranged marriage, triangle-drama( mostly mxmxf), drama. PrincessXKnight, PrincessXservant/slave.

Don't see your fav on the list, feel free to hit me up and see if I just forgot it XD


in a land torn apart by war between humans and wizards, a young girl (MC) lives in a quiet and ordinary town with her parents who own a bakery. Despite their modest means, her parents are determined to marry her off to a wealthy suitor to secure their future. One fateful day, (MC) wanders into the forest, seeking solace from the pressures of her impending unwanted marriage. There, she stumbles upon a mysterious flower unlike any she's ever seen. As she reaches out to touch it, she is unexpectedly transported to a hidden town inhabited by wizards.

Confused and disoriented, (MC) follows the flower as it leads her to a magical store owned by a renowned wizard (YC). Mistaking her for the apprentice his deceased teacher had tasked him with mentoring, the wizard reluctantly takes her under his wing, fulfilling his mentor's last wish. As (MC) stands before the wizard's door, she reaches out to touch the flower one last time. To her astonishment, the flower disappears in a swirl of magical energy, leaving her with newfound abilities coursing through her veins. As (MC) struggles to adjust to her new surroundings, she learns of the rare and powerful properties of the flower she encountered. It is revealed that the flower holds the key to restoring balance to the warring factions and is an item that (YC) has been looking for a long time.

The flower's power gives her the perfect cover, so (MC) takes on her new identity until she can find a safe way home to the human world. Since humans don't have magical powers.

As their journey unfolds, (MC) and the wizard (YC) must confront their own inner demons and confront the true nature of power, sacrifice, and love. In the end, they discover that true magic lies not in spells or enchantments, but in the courage to follow one's heart and fight for what is right.
The hero will sacrifice his lover to save the world, but the villain will make the world burn to save her.
I want to make an rp based on this idea; I have somewhat of a plot, but it's rough. (open to ideas)

The holy maiden is a title only given to a woman whom the goddess of light has blessed. It's been told in prophesies that she will rid the world of darkness. To do so, she must go on a journey to face the demon lord and defeat him. Of course, a group of strong crusaders fights in the name of the goddess of light.

MC was born in a poor village, but as it was discovered that the goddess of light had blessed her the temple took her in. There she was raised to be the perfect holy maiden and practice her powers. The powers of light were different from other spellcasters since they contained healing. YC is a crusader who also has been raised in the temple and has been by MC's side for a long time. When it was time to go to the demon lord's castle he was the first to volunteer. YC has had feelings for MC for a long time but has never acted out, especially not because she began dating another crusader knight (Let's call him X). So YC stood back, wanting to be by her side when they finally defeated the demon king and finally brought peace to the world and her.
But as the final battle arrived, leaving only YC, MC, X, and the demon king, something unexpected happened. In the last moments, it seems as if they are losing- X sacrificed MC to defeat the demon king and save the world. Out of pure rage, YC kills X and whatever he has to, so he can obtain the power to turn back time. YC succeded, but nobody else remembers anything. They are back at the beginning of the campaign. Nobody would believe YC if he began to talk about what had happened at the demon king's castle. So he stays quiet, but more determined to stop MC in her quest- but what can a man do, when MC is determined to save the world?

You're a dragon (with a humanoid form as well) you're the protector of the largest magical forest of the land, and humans do nothing but get in your way. Pesky disgusting humans. So why not burn their main capital down? There is a nice castle in the middle, might as well start with that and make a point. However, as you are about to fry the castle, you spot something you can't take your eye off. A woman, a human woman. Usually, you wouldn't mind burning humans to a crisp, however, as a raven drawn to a gold coin, you grab her and forget about burning down the castle. You bring her back to your home; somewhere deep within the magical forest. You're not completely sure what to do with her... Why did you take her? You're not completely sure. But you don't want to harm her and you don't want her to leave. What is this confusing feeling?
The princess you took, is one from a smaller kingdom. She was supposed to be married off to a different kingdom, to gain power and wealth for her family. Loyal as she is, she will try to return to her kingdom, or maybe try and trick you to lay down your guards. Well- that is until she discovers that you might not be a horrible beast, but so much more.
This is a vampire rp. Pairing: childhood friend male x vampire girl x vampire hunter male.
romance 18+ The childhood friend can be skipped.

At Sunset University, all sorts of students roam. Well... humans and vampires. In this world, vampires are mostly feared, but at Sunset University, they try and put people together to live in harmony. Unfortunately... After a few unlucky mishaps of losing a few human students, there had to be some changes. Now at Sunset University, a vampire is assigned a vampire hunter that goes to the school as well. They will study together, and be followed everywhere... Although the vampire hunter is a student as well, they have to babysit the vampires and make sure they don't cause any unwanted mishaps... For their hard work, they get a scholarship, which makes going to this refined school cost nothing. A chance of a lifetime!

Mc is a young vampire girl that joins this school and although she tries not to get into any trouble, trouble always seems to find her. Mc is not on good terms with her hunter (yc) as he seems irritated at her for no reason! So unfair! It seems like he follows her everywhere, which is annoying since she just wants to spend time with her childhood friend! (yc).

We can discuss and brainstorm the rest! But I would really like a triangle drama. I was thinking that the childhood friend would also be a vampire, almost someone who seems like family.

I'm looking for a dark medieval romance rp, which I have somewhat of a sketch of:

In the mighty kingdom of Havalon, one of the biggest kingdoms, it was said that the king had made a deal with the devil. Not just any devil, but the demon lord that lived in another world than theirs. It was said that the kingdom would have to sacrifice a young maiden every 100 years and in return, the kingdom would prosper. In that aspect, it was supposedly considered a great honor to be sacrificed. Well, so people said until it was their daughters that stood next in line.

Marigold, a young maiden of the age of 21, was born into a wealthy and good family. Her life was set in stone, she would get everything she ever wanted, or so people believed. However, when her younger sister Anita was born, Marigold's life changed. Her parents almost seemed to forget about her and seemed only to care about Anita. Standing in the shadows of her own sister, Marigold was still supposed to have a good life. Since she was the oldest and she came from one of the best families in the kingdom, she was supposed to marry the prince. But Anita couldn't stand the thought of her sister marrying him, she wanted him all to herself. Just as Marigold's engagement was about to be announced, the reach of 100 years came. That was when it hit Anita, if Marigold disappeared, then she would have to marry the prince. With their parents wrapped around Anita's little finger, she managed to convince them that Marigold should be the next sacrifice. All about honor and all that…

Rumors had it that the demon king barely spared his new wife a look before he devoured her, killed her, or mangled her. Others said that he locked her up in a dark tower where she would rot away slowly, where she would be kept alive with horrible magic. There were many stories like this, one more horrifying than the other. Yet, despite the rumors, Marigold accepted her fate. The same day Anita got engaged to the prince, Marigold stood at the sacrificial tomb in a pure white dress. In the tomb, a dark portal opened up and swallowed her up whole. On the other side, Marigold found herself in a completely different world. With a much different lord than she had expected. She had expected a monster, but he looked strangely human.

Here we could discuss what kind of stay she would have and how they get into a romance. If it sounds interesting then send me a pm! :D
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