The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Chapter 1, Mission 3 -- Paragon Blues

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Jotaro Kujo
Talking to Robo-Twins and getting a headache.

Jotaro had to refrain from face palming, the twins were beyond frustrating to talk to. "Because you don't live here. The locals might give a skewed perspective on the matter. Then comes the problem of unreliable sources or locals getting angry about perceived side taking. You two are essentially neutral ground." A fairer point. But before any more dialogue could be exchanged, Naeve showed up, saying that she required a favor of them.

"I'll go and get Markha, but before I do." He'd turn back to the Robot Siblings. "Not asking about what your mission is, or your intentions here. But tell us of what's important to you two so if any of us during our time here, stumble across anything, we don't accidentally mess with your mission and get you two on our back. Essentially what we need to avoid." It was simple trick, but at this point he didn't care anymore, his frustration starting to give him a headache. After their answer, he would turn to go and fetch Markha. Walking away from the group and to the noodle stand ran by a broken robot, tapping the Jedi on the shoulder.

"Oi, Naeve wants to talk to us about something." He'd put down some gold given by Reegan to pay for her meal.

@Jenhal @Henryboy003 @Wade Von Doom @Noble Scion @Whoever-Else-I-Missed

Reegan left Jotaro after giving him his share to go about delivering gold to the various folks nearby though ended up with some for herself wasn't quite sure what to do with it. She wasn't going to wear the metal armors and couldn't eat mundane food. The others she thought would want her to have a share. It was only fair she got it for everyone. Jotaro didn't like the Robots so she didn't bother going back to talk to them. The otherworldly ones caught her notice though more the Daedelus one which wanted souls.

344538-1413342630.jpgThough a local merchant had something that resonated in her mind as it brushed against the magical plane here. She thought the dwarf seemed worried for some reason as her yellow eyes stared worriedly as she effortlessly carried only a mostly empty chest in one hand, not a weapon. He answered friendly enough and named prices and explained things for her plus offered some crystals that probably would fit the one named Shale nearby. With enough coins to buy that pulse in the field of magic she picked it up in two fingers: a ring Garin called Lifegiver. Plus an unbound diamond though decided it was not a soul gem thought she could make it useful for Shale.

In her hand, she scolded the things crawling nearby as she tried to push into the object from the other side, "If you're going to bite then go away! I'm bigger than you and I bought it fair and square!"

The creatures ferreting around ambient aether made room as other more predatory things skittered away into some deeper dark. The ring had a clearer melody in its odd crystal and the patterns in the red gem swirled like a whirl of oil. It rose up to her head in both fingers as she slowly lowered it onto one of the horns on her head. The sound of lyrium rang in arcs as steel warped to seat on the horn then quieted. The remarkable diamond in her other hand quelled as it finished resonating with the ring as a pale white film flowing over her fingers. She couldn't quite focus on what it was doing as a wave of nausea hit her from the unfit soul rolling around in her body. She couldn't release or pass on the demon soul. Sell it?

So she went to Daedelus as the light in her hand turned to sunset then an angry purple with a faint cry of pain and rage leaking from inside. The thrumming silken soul of a desire demon erupted from her hand though ably caged some flecks of wood fell from her hands as it fought like some feral cat. wanting to return to its body so it could drop into the fade.

Her tone was darker as well with a fae tint to her speech peeking through again sparing any pleasantries, "You buy souls, predator? This thing is impure and will never be allowed to pass into my carin or beyond. Can you contain it to buy it?"

She pointed to the rings then to the one on her horn, "You have more rings and the lifegiver's song is unbalanced. Give me death." @Wade Von Doom
Her third forkful of noodles were just as scrumptious as the first. Food at port or between jobs was always better than the instant meals kept aboard the transport ships for the crew. As she ate Markha pulled the hood of her cloak up, to try and avoid notice for her skin color. Pink is hard to conceal. She feels out through the Force for any malicious intent nearby. The droids had become too much of an annoyance for her. Would probably need to get them sliced into to get anything useful from them.

Where there was malice here, there could be answers.

At the same time she is feeling the market, she feels another reaching out to her. The droids' wooden spoon floats out of its hands and directs her to the source of this feeling.

Another force-sensitive? I haven't felt another since the end of the Clone Wars.

Markha rises from her stool and fumbles for something to pay the droid with in her pockets. All she has are Imperial credits, which would be useless here.

Jotaro taps her on the shoulder, making her take her eyes off the robed figure. He also pays for her meal, for which she is grateful.

"I would like to hear out this Naeve, but I just found another like. They're over there." She turns back to the stairs; the robed force-sensitive is gobe and she cannot feel them in The Force anymore.

"Were there." She corrects herself. "But they wanted me to follow. Down those stairs to another level." She looks between the stairs and the rest of the group, unsure a few moments before deciding.

"I have to follow them. I have not met another like me in some time, and to meet one cannot be coincidence. There are no coincidences, only the will of The Force. Come find me this way after your talk. If anything happens to me, you will know." Markha walks fast to and down the stairs, on alert for the other force-sensitive as either ally or foe. There had been no malice to their presence in the Force, but they were able to cloak their entire presence. Reasonable to think they could cloak their very intentions.
Her third forkful of noodles were just as scrumptious as the first. Food at port or between jobs was always better than the instant meals kept aboard the transport ships for the crew. As she ate Markha pulled the hood of her cloak up, to try and avoid notice for her skin color. Pink is hard to conceal. She feels out through the Force for any malicious intent nearby. The droids had become too much of an annoyance for her. Would probably need to get them sliced into to get anything useful from them.

Where there was malice here, there could be answers.

At the same time she is feeling the market, she feels another reaching out to her. The droids' wooden spoon floats out of its hands and directs her to the source of this feeling.

Another force-sensitive? I haven't felt another since the end of the Clone Wars.

Markha rises from her stool and fumbles for something to pay the droid with in her pockets. All she has are Imperial credits, which would be useless here.

Jotaro taps her on the shoulder, making her take her eyes off the robed figure. He also pays for her meal, for which she is grateful.

"I would like to hear out this Naeve, but I just found another like. They're over there." She turns back to the stairs; the robed force-sensitive is gobe and she cannot feel them in The Force anymore.

"Were there." She corrects herself. "But they wanted me to follow. Down those stairs to another level." She looks between the stairs and the rest of the group, unsure a few moments before deciding.

"I have to follow them. I have not met another like me in some time, and to meet one cannot be coincidence. There are no coincidences, only the will of The Force. Come find me this way after your talk. If anything happens to me, you will know." Markha walks fast to and down the stairs, on alert for the other force-sensitive as either ally or foe. There had been no malice to their presence in the Force, but they were able to cloak their entire presence. Reasonable to think they could cloak their very intentions.
Markha would see the cloaked one from a distance, having made its way to the other end of the market, and she would just see them turn the corner to one of the alleyways, vanishing past one of the buildings. The alley was empty, and still no pretense could be felt, and when she turned the corner yet again, the cloaked figure was gone. It was a dead end, with nothing but trash and broken pieces of iron scattered around. No back doors, no hidden passages, just the smell of decaying waste. Yet, there was something she would notice atop one of the trash heaps.


It was a small device that could fit in the palm of her hand. with a button atop the handle. It wouldn't do anything, but if she spinned the handle around enough, like charging a hand crank flashlight, the button would pop up with a clicking noise for her to press. The dials on the side with the numbers wouldn't mean anything to her, but there was also a note besides the device.

"Don't come alone." -- A friend

It was all it said. If Markha wanted answers, this device gave her the means to follow the path to them.
With The Force, Markha weaves through the crowd without being slowed by bumping others. The mysterious figure is in her sight, but she still cannot feel him.

Please. Stay there. Markha pleads with them when they disappear around a corner just as she clears the busy crowd. A burst of speed aided by the Force in her legs gives her a powerful leap down the alley, to try and gain ground to catch them.

It fails. All Markha sees is the end of the alley and piles of various trash.

Markha clenches her fists and punches the corner with her right fist.

Another failure. What use am I?

She walks further into the alley and feels the walls for any secret way they might have escaped. Nothing. Solid walls. Looking down at the ground, Markha looks for the same; het eyes fall on a device that is clearly not trash. With a careful touch she picks it and the note up.

Was not a grenade, or else it would have gone off before she saw it. Did not feel heavy in her hand either. The crank is left alone out of caution. Whatever it might be, Markha did not want to risk setting it off as said crank appears to be the only kind of trigger she can find.

"Don't come alone. A friend." She reads the note aloud to herself.

Could this be an invitation, or a trap? Markha has a mind to crush it with the Force right in that moment in case it was a trap, avoid bringing herself and others into it altogether. Who puts out an invitation in secret if not for a trap?

Maybe she could at least accomplish this today.

Markha focuses her will, her anger at the device in her hand. After accomplishing nothing thus far on this mission, she wants this thing crushed to end any threat it might pose.

The Force speaks to her in the moment the device shakes as the pressure around it starts to build.

This was not the correct course of action. Not only her decision to make.

Markha closes her hand gently around the device and turns back to return to the others. On the way, she is troubled. Her anger had almost overcome her reason; almost made a rash decision. It was unlike herself to do that. What couod it have been?

She feels closer to an answer when she rejoins the others and sees Kaz. She had reached out to Kaz, one she gad thought….something was forming between them. Yet she'd been ignored. The annoying, intrusive, and uncooperative actions of the droids had not helped matters.

Was that the source of her anger?

Markha feels it is. An attachment that had distracted her from the higher mission at hand, detached her from The Force that might have afforded her the ability to catch the Force user that evaded her.

It is best then that I detach myself. She decides.

"I lost them." Markha says to Jotaro. She holds the device and hides her disappointment with herself.

"But they left this and a note. 'Don't come alone. A friend'. Perhaps we can call the TARDIS and have The Doctor analyze it? Those droids might know something about it, but they are only annoyances at best so far." Markha reports and suggests looking up at the taller man.
Jotaro Kujo
Standing with the others

As Jotaro turned to walk away, he heard Markha shift causing him to turn around and watch as she took off. Causing the Stand User to attempt to follow suit, but unfortunately he quickly lost track of them as Markha was aided by the force and at best he could stop time to gain ground that'd be quickly lost. And he wasn't in the mood to be wasting a use of that power, not only that but he'd also annoy Reegan. Something he wanted to avoid as the fact she would experience "side effects" of a time-stop worried him.

It filled his thoughts as he walked back to the group, about to say he had lost her when Markha walked around a corner and rejoined them. Mentioning she had lost track of the individual she was running after, his face remained impassive but he'd ask about it later. His attention became focused when she held up a device and a note.

'Don't come alone. A friend.' It read, cryptic and potentially dangerous. Same with the strange device that she held. Unfortunately, it was their only lead. The robots had been little more than annoyances with their cryptic words, and he doubted that they'd be of much help regarding the device and note. But he had to eliminate the possibility.

"Call the Tardis, I will go and see about those two." He motioned his head towards the Robot Siblings. "If they know anything. If they try anything, [Star Platinum] is ready to go." From their perspective, Jotaro gave the Doctor and Markha and short glimpse of his Stand's partial form under the coat, fists balled and ready to strike at a moment's notice. On top of this, he was ready to stop time, the two seconds would give him plenty of time to eliminate one or cripple both before his duration ended.

"You two!" He walked over to Hammond and his sister. Holding up the device, before saying. "You know what this is?" He asked plainly, making sure to get well within two meters so they were in his Stand's effective range. He got ready to say the line to activate the ability of his Stand just in case as he awaited their answer.

@Wade Von Doom @Jenhal @Henryboy003 @Noble Scion @Whoever-Else-I-Missed
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Jotaro Kujo
Standing with the others

As Jotaro turned to walk away, he heard Markha shift causing him to turn around and watch as she took off. Causing the Stand User to attempt to follow suit, but unfortunately he quickly lost track of them as Markha was aided by the force and at best he could stop time to gain ground that'd be quickly lost. And he wasn't in the mood to be wasting a use of that power, not only that but he'd also annoy Reegan. Something he wanted to avoid as the fact she would experience "side effects" of a time-stop worried him.

It filled his thoughts as he walked back to the group, about to say he had lost her when Markha walked around a corner and rejoined them. Mentioning she had lost track of the individual she was running after, his face remained impassive but he'd ask about it later. His attention became focused when she held up a device and a note.

'Don't come alone. A friend.' It read, cryptic and potentially dangerous. Same with the strange device that she held. Unfortunately, it was their only lead. The robots had been little more than annoyances with their cryptic words, and he doubted that they'd be of much help regarding the device and note. But he had to eliminate the possibility.

"Call the Tardis, I will go and see about those two." He motioned his head towards the Robot Siblings. "If they know anything. If they try anything, [Star Platinum] is ready to go." From their perspective, Jotaro gave the Doctor and Markha and short glimpse of his Stand's partial form under the coat, fists balled and ready to strike at a moment's notice. On top of this, he was ready to stop time, the two seconds would give him plenty of time to eliminate one or cripple both before his duration ended.

"You two!" He walked over to Hammond and his sister. Holding up the device, before saying. "You know what this is?" He asked plainly, making sure to get well within two meters so they were in his Stand's effective range. He got ready to say the line to activate the ability of his Stand just in case as he awaited their answer.

@Wade Von Doom @Jenhal @Henryboy003 @Noble Scion @Whoever-Else-I-Missed
The two were pretty much ready to go on their little mission, doing checks up on their diagnostic systems, comm radios, voice translators, (like they really needed to check up on that,) and when their attention came to Jojo's, they looked at him, then down to the little device in his hands.

"Oooooh~" Robbins remarked, tilting her head sideways to look at him. "Nifty little teleporter you have there. Where'd you get it?"

"I think she got it," Hammond answered to her, noticing the increase anger in her body language and blood pressure. "The cloak lad disappear?"

"Must've used this to escape."

"Doubtful, the device is brand new, hasn't been used once. Don't sense any recent energy readings."

"Uses pretty odd tech, must've been fashioned together in a hurry."

"Or might be single use only, no way to use it twice to go to wherever this leads, then back to where you first used it."

"That seems more likely."

"So he must have his own device."

"Might be a trap."

"I think so." They both noticed the note in Jojo's hand about bringing friends. "Or maybe not."

"You wouldn't set up a trap for one person if you told them to bring friends,"

"Unless they have a lot more friends than they do--" they're going off on a tangent again, so to cut to the chase,

"We don't know."

And like that, the TARDIS arrived to pick them all up. What does this mean? Who left the device? Why are they so interested in Markha? And will the twins get punched in the face for being annoying?