The Ties That Bind

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Again, Maxim made a dubious sort of expression, though he was doing his best not to say anything to offend her. "Not going to lie to you, I'm just a little worried about it." If Alex was her friend, and he begged her to meet him because he was in trouble or he needed to see her to be sure she was okay, Maxim knew as well as anyone that attachments could be dangerous, beyond one's sense of self preservation. For now, it was best not to have any contact with her former friends.

"You have to understand," he continued gently, as kindly as he could, "no matter what I know of you, you were a criminal mixed in with a dangerous crowd just days ago, and not every decision is mine to make. Try to be patient with me, if you can. We'll work on privileges in baby steps."

Supervised use of the internet would probably come long before getting her personal phone back.
She bristled a little at being called a criminal, it was technically true yes but it still hurt. She'd seen it as being absolutely nessacary, but she knew it didn't change the facts.

Having to slowly regain basic things as privileges also bothered her, it felt condescending, like being treated like a child again.

Still as frustrating as it was, she did understand. She let out a soft sigh, then nodded a little. "I do understand and I am being patient."

"I appreciate what you've already done for me and I know that you're not in control of everything." "I just hope you can understand how much this sucks."
She said softly, understating it a fair bit.
"I understand," Maxim assured her, gently though he knew it would be little consolation. "And I'll grant you any basic comforts or luxuries that I can. But for now we'll both just have to be patient together." When they got to know each other better, perhaps, he would do more to give her as much freedom as he could, but it would take time.

After taking a very carefully winding route back home to avoid being followed, he pulled into the parking lot and got out to help gather her things. There were quite a few bags, but between them he was sure they could get it all inside. If need be, he could always send Aether a text and have him come out as well.

"Would you like some help decorating?" He offered as he opened the trunk. "Or would you prefer to do it yourself? I'll show you where the washer is if you'd like to wash the new clothes."
She nodded a little but didn't answer, not really sure what to say. The situation was what it was, she was stuck with it so for now, she'd just have to get used it.

Once they parked, she got out and joined him grabbing bags. Shaking her head a little at his question, "thanks but I can handle it myself."

"If you could show me where that, and the cleaning supplies are, i'd appreciate it."
She wanted to be able to clean her room up a bit, it was mostly fine just a bit dusty.
"Of course," Maxim said with a shrug, having anticipated her answer well enough before he'd even asked. An independent streak was rather predictable, after all, and most people liked to have privacy in the spaces they deemed their own. "I'll show you what I've got, and if you need anything else I'm sure someone will have it."

Much the same as food, cleaning supplies were in each residence according to personal tastes but were just as easily shared, in most cases. So long as it was returned, most things were.

When they had all the bags, Maxim managed to close the trunk and set down a bag or two just to unlock the front door, then let her precede him inside to close it behind them. "Let's get all this set down, then we get you something to eat before you start, if you're hungry." It had been a while since breakfast, but he wasn't sure what her personal eating habits were like.