Attack on Titan - Expedition

The one thing Maya wouldn't miss was the fucking leg weights. Thinking of it brought pain to her legs. But was she ever somehow more in shape than when she first arrived at training camp. As a person she barely changed, maybe became s little more humble. Her biggest change however, was her own self discovery, how she'd found someone she loved at training camp of all places. Being happy with herself, learning about herself, her father's occasional letter, it all helped drive her. She managed to get top 5 out of all the cadets, fourth overall; something she was extremely proud of. Something she held over Aria's head for fun. It was interesting seeing how during her final week, her 'superiors' started showing her some respect. She wasn't exactly used to it, but with her cabin mates being as supportive of her as they were, she absolutely would.


As Maya stood in the lineup, she was happy to see almost all her favorite cadets with her. She wasn't surprised to see most of them though, almost all of them were talking about joining the scouting legion, even Arthur for some reason. A lot seemingly changed about him, way back when he wanted to be in the Military Police but here he was now signed up for the legion. Three years can change a lot in people. Maya barely knew any of these people beforehand, but now she was at the very least decent friends with most if not all of them. She looked down the line at all her friends, each of them saluting with with pride. Maya followed suit and readjusted her posture as the captain walked in.

"And you, I can barely tell that you are a girl!" The captain spat at Maya. Maya held back a smile, it was clever, but she looked the captain from top to bottom quickly and was tempted to say something about her figure for fun. Probably best not to piss of the new captain on day one. As Maya was thinking about that, the captain was talking about moving the lot to the garrison. Maya's fists clenched, hard. Her fingernails dug into the hand wrappings she almost always wore. Top four just to have this jerk send her to the Garrison, no way she could do tha- The captain started laughing. Maya relaxed, her mind was racing for a few seconds there, the captain at least wasn't going to be too much of a hard ass... Hopefully. Maya sighed as the captain walked off; it'd be three months until the first mission and Maya had a feeling she'd need all three months to prepare.

Maya smiled and turned to see Aria giving a introduction of sorts. She took this opportunity to step back behind everyone and make her way behind Aria as quietly as she could. She stepped next to her and rested an elbow on her shoulder, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "And I'm Maya!" She gives a little two finger salute and a wink. "I'm four whole places above Aria in the top ten, so you should absolutely listen to me instead!" She grins and gives Aria a bear hug before continuing. "In all seriousness, I am more than willing to help anyone that needs it, I work out at least once everyday and if you'd like to join me I'll be more than happy to have a few training partners. I've also got a lot of knowledge from my old man about titans, 3D Maneuvering gear, when to change your blades, all kinds of junk. I know most of you already, so there's no reason to be shy when you're talking to me!" She puts her arm around Aria and gives her signature warm smile at the group. Maybe not yet, but eventually they'd all be more than well acquainted with one another. An odd splash of worry hit Maya as she thought about the mission in three months. It was going to be the real thing, death was a very big possibility... Three months to prepare, just three months.
Kaita Momota

Kaira listened to the others introductions as she realized she should be a part of this as well, though she didn't understand why everyone suddenly became jovial over the matter. They were being taken in the most dangerous military units and if they were not careful, they could suffer death. She looked at them all smiling as they joked and portrayed themselves as a team. She didn't know if she felt comfortable about this even though she knew the names of some of the others, their skills and sometimes what even motivated them. She didn't necessarily know them even after the three years of training, exhaustion and strict regiments.

She bit her lip as she wanted to punch her skull over the relentless amount of thinking she was doing as she pulled away from the formation. She settled her hands behind her back as she stood straight and orderly as her eyes focused themselves onto their leader. She took this seriously as she finally decided to speak.

"My name is Kaira Momota! I plan on studying and understanding our enemy as well as learning of our armaments and equipment to hopefully better offer some more solutions to our most severe problems. I plan to make myself valuable titan food once I get out on the battlefield and it will be my ambition to make them know who I am." Her eyes hadn't moved as they stared into Lyra's. She seemed completely serious about the words she stated and the way she handled herself made it seem she would do whatever necessary too accomplish such a feat.

This girl was not someone who seemed to be worried about her own death, difficulties, nor impossibilities that faced them. The only thing she seemed to remain focused on was her worth.

Kaira knew why this was and as she thought about a specific event years ago. A certain memory began to bleed into her mind as she looked towards Lyra with absolute focus and determination.

The funeral was shrouded by clouds as lightning began to strike in the distance. A few men handling the caskets as they began to lower each into their final resting place. Handling them with care as they were paid with the best money could afford. Money was such a strange thing as it could alter lives, change people and bring happiness or sadness simply by owning these things that humans gave value too. As the coffins hit the soil they gave a small thud. The last noise any if these bodies would directly cause as they them began to be buried by the dirt these people used to walk along. Rain slowly began to pour as the men quickly hurried to fill the open wounds of the earth.

"As we spoke of, you must pretend your family is alive. You mustn't tell this to anyone. Whoever targeted your family didn't do it for financial gains. They did it for something else... I promise to handle all financial affairs and dealings until you are old enough. If there is anything I can personally do to help you, please, let me know."

Kaira didn't react, Rosa has already told her this. She was a family friend and someone that Kaira had constantly looked up too. Wanting her family to still be alive was something she personally. Though, no money could ever buy people's lives back. She could feel water on her face but was not certain if it was tears or the rain.

"We need to keep this secret or people will endlessly try to wed you. I will not place you in any situation like that. Not unless you wish for it and want that type of life." The woman's voice was quiet and understanding. Even with the thunder it wasn't hard to make out her voice. She was all she had left now at this point. She wanted to tell her, how much she wanted to scream as she had watched the events unfold before her. How she wanted to fight back as all she could do was hide. She blamed herself for playing hide and seek that day, as she watched her sister suffer. Everything seemed to rush back into her mind as she began to drown the noises out. She remembered why she was here.

She spoke as confidently to Lyra as she had done to Rosa with the same words that had started her here.

"I want to join the Survey Corps. I want to be able to fight back."

The memory was suffocated away as her focus was on the group and this new captain that would lead them. Three long years since those events had occurred. She looked towards the group and their new captain as she eventually walked away from them to find her own secluded spot. She didn't know why she couldn't connect but as she thought about such things it felt as if it were to defend herself from such connections. She was almost jealous of Aria and Maya as the two had gotten very close. Arthur was at least amongst the best here. Though she would try to surpass him any chance she got. Vilhelm was older than most and certainly not within his mid twenties. She herself was barely sixteen. Emil at least made her happy about talking down to the military police. It is why she didn't believe in the tanking system so much. If she could have it her way those people would be placed at the bottom of the list. Cowards shouldn't deserve being amongst the best and it was something she definitely believed in as well.

She found herself a spot away as she watched for any more introductions. Her arms crossed as her fists remained balled. She seemed to be ready to leave this morning but there would at least be a couple more months before their training would be put to the test.

'Never going to be a victim again, if anything I'm going to be the killer. I'll find that person... Or anyone like them. And I'll become, their monster.'

Her thoughts seemed scattered. She didn't know if it was stress or even worry. Her mind didn't seem to rest though. There were lots of things on her mind and as she remained to herself, she was the only person too speak of such things too.

Maybe, at least, Rosa had sent her letters back pretending to be her family. She enjoyed such things even though she knew they were not real. It would be the first thing she would check after this. She would also send a letter directly to Rosa thanking her. She hoped this wouldn't take too long but she did want to see how it would end.
Lillian Ward

Three years, three... Long years before graduation.

There were times where time seemed to move so fast for her that she could hardly tell that weeks had passed, while others... A day in itself seemed like a whole year to her.

But through it all, she wasn't entirely alone. There were moments where she broke away from her usual habbits of slacking off, and just keeping to herself. Particularly with close quarters combat training, and during the use of 3DMG (although because the targets they used weren't real Titans, she wasn't really as lively when actually 'killing' one).

In fact, even outside of training... She had sparred with a few people here and there, Viktor being the only name she remembered off of the top of her head, perhaps Vilhelm too? Hard to say, really.

Despite telling herself numerous times that she wouldn't let herself get close to anyone... That she would keep to herself until the day she died. That the only solace she would find, was in her inevitable demise, she couldn't bury all of her feelings, not completely.

Time and time again, she was beginning to feel some kind of attachment to her cabin mates, and perhaps some of the others at the training camp. That feeling, like she was home again was creeping up on her despite her many attempts to shake it off.

Part of her wanted to give in, to open up to those she had come to care about, but every time, the fear that she would be betrayed stopped her from truly doing so.

However, had she been here for 3 more years, had the training been longer, perhaps she would have gotten over it.

Despite her usually cold attitude whenever someone pried too deeply into her past, or seemed to get a little too close to her, her reactions each time were becoming a little less harsh.

But for Lillian, such a phenomenon seldom lasted forever.


A few days before the graduation ceremony, she received a letter, from a person she had been hoping to forget about. Someone that for a while, she had crammed into the very back of her mind.

A letter with a wax seal, evidently from the Military Police, from "Noah Adler" to "Lillian Ward".

Honestly, she was a little surprised he even remembered her name, but all the same... She was tempted to throw the letter away without reading it at all, though part of her was still curious what might be in it.


I've been keeping track of you ever since I heard you enlisted in the military.

Though your statistics tell me you won't make it to the top 10, I can arrange otherwise. Pull some strings.

You don't have to write back if you don't want to. Just return this letter to its sender, if you want me to.

I did promise I would teach you how to 'fly' didn't I?

Even if I didn't get a chance to say goodbye, even if I let you down. I never could forget you.

Spending time with you was like I was spending time with my sister again.

For your sake, I beg you. Please don't throw your life away.

Don't make the same mistake Emily did.

With Love,
Noah Adler

She couldn't deny that she sometimes wondered if Noah even remembered her, or thought about her from time to time... And perhaps, she occasionally wished that things had been different on that day.

But, she still could never forgive him for turning his back on her, not to mention the ideals she had thought he had.

Even thinking about joining the Military police made her sick to the stomach, as in her mind, there was no hope of reforming such a corrupt branch, no hope of fixing something so broken and irreperable.

All she could do, was distance herself from it as much as possible.

With her mind made up, she crumpled the letter and the envelope, hiding the balled up wad in her pocket until she found what she thought was a moment of privacy near an open flame. A torch that was lit up in the night, so trainees could find their way around the camp if they were still awake at this point.

With a swift motion, she tossed what was now but a crumpled ball of paper to her in the direction of the torch, not bothering to wait and see where it landed. A light thud of paper hitting something, followed by a more pungent smell of smoke told her all she needed to know, or so she thought.

Had she bothered to look back, she might have noticed that the letter and its envelope were still intact, just a little singed by the fire, as she had narrowly missed her throw...


Graduation came and went.

Lillian was one of the few who stayed behind during the recruitment process for the Survey Corps, knowing full well that she might as well be throwing her life away.

For her after all, there were no regrets.

At least, that's what she kept telling herself.


Lining up with the other Cadets, ready for her own initiation into the Survey Corps, she stood in front of their Captain, Lyra Einswar with a stone-faced expression.

She knew their Captain was perhaps one of the best soldiers that had ever lived, with many titan kills under her belt, but yet... She didnt feel fear because of that.

Even after being berated with the others, she no longer felt anything, perhaps because of the harsh tratment she had received throughout her life, even before she had joined the military.

In the end, the only point in which she felt a twinge of fear, was when Lyra was about to kick them out, or at least, it seemed that way.

Her hand throbbed as she remembered her anger that day she had found Noah drinking with his once Superior Officers... Despite his promise that he was going to be differen, that he was going to change everything.

Her intense hatred for the Military Police, and by extension, the walls that kept her penned in at the time never truly went away.

She could still feel every bone in her hand nearly breaking as she punched Wall Rose with all her might, as if somehow she could break it.

In a way, she felt trapped... Like a bird in a cage.

But when it turned out, Lyra was simply joking with them, there was this sense of relief, followed by a look of irritation on her face, even though she didn't say anything out loud.

It was only when Vilhelm introduced himself, and asked if anyone else had wanted to throw down with the Commander that she managed to loosen up, even for a few moments, stiffling a bit of a laughing fit, in part thanks to the storm of emotions that had come over her when she had thought she was going to be kicked out of the Survey Corps, when she thought she would have to stay trapped within the walls...

After listening to a few other familiar Cadets, fellow trainees, and bunk-mates introduce themselves, Lillian was soon able to get her own bearings, and speak up herself.

"I'm Lillian Ward. I have no home, no family to my name. But my dream, is to settle down in a place outside of the walls. That's why I chose to join the Survey Corps." She said.

Though, as she cast her gaze around the others gathered here, her eyes finally settled on the three of Lyra's squad members that still remained standing here.

Her curiousity got the better of her, as she quietly approached one of them, speaking in a hushed tone, hoping no-one else would overhear her.

"Do you know Emily Adler? She used to be a... Friend of mine. I'd like to speak to her..."

While Lillian hadn't exactly joined the Survey Corps to make friends, she was curious why Noah would compare her own mannerisms and looks to his sister, Emily. What did he see in her, that she didn't see in herself?​
Oh boy everything happened so fast, or it seemed like that, but it didn't. Three years gone since Viktor chose his own path. Instead of joining the Military Police like his own father and brothers, he joined the Survey Corps. It was all a surprise to most of his family , except his mother. There were more than one arguement back at home because of this, and it was something he just couldn't forget.

However, it was too late now. Perhaps his family would lose a member sooner rather than later. After all, the job description of a Survey Corps member is quite dangerous. Even if his older siblings tried to persuade him in order to mend his relationship with his father, he never did. Viktor had seen too much inside the walls to follow in his father's footsteps.

Now, his brothers did not care for him, and whenever they would meet him, they would indirectly throw remarks in his direction. Dinner with the family was never the same. Viktor's younger siblings didn't know better, so for them it was just tension. After talking to his own mother in private more than once, he had clear mind with focus on what was to come next.

But then again, even his mother was slightly against it, but that was only because she did not want Viktor to be one of those Survey Corps member that wouldn't return after an expedition. That was probably the reason behind his broken relationship with his father and brothers, though knowing the former, it was also political.


Viktor Baltes made it to top ten, and was more or less content with his placement. Now, he was with the other new rookie members of the Survey Corps, standing in line, before their Captain; Lyra Einswar. Making her round, she approached each and everyone of them. Up close to their face before moving on to the next. Adding one harsh comment after another directed at the lot. Viktor was curious, yet confused. Were they going to go through the same thing they did in the recruitment camp for three years?

Viktor was quick to understand that her attitude was all but a mere joke. A short smile came across his face. Perhaps he was serious because of all the experience he attained for three years, and because of their Commander. "My name is Viktor Baltes, and I look forward to being a part of the Survey Corps, Captain!"

He looked at Arthur, Lillian and the others, especially Maya. Boasting about her placement in the top ten, and offering to help. Viktor couldn't help but laugh internally.

'Pretty sure being top ten will not help you much when we're out there Maya..'

Viktor knew that it was a whole new world out there. They would have to take their experience from three years and put it to some good use, but it was a new learning curve. Only thing he could think of was the expedition they were going to take part in for about three months, and waiting for that was all good in his book.

"Well, Arthur, I think three months time is good, no? We need to prepare in good time." He didn't know what Arthur was on about but for him, it was perfect. He had patient. At least for now.
The Cadets mingled and got to know each other very briefly before being corralled by a member of Lyra's Squad to form up and follow them to the stables where their new Captain was waiting with the Quartermaster. The stables were large, holding several horses. More than enough for the squads posted at this outpost and the new cadets, even a few extras for wagons. "Welcome to the stables and to your new friends." Lyra was standing next to a chestnut colored horse and petting its mane. "Outside the walls there are only two ways of surviving and outrunning a Titan. Your ODM gear and your new partner in crime. The outside world isn't full of tall buildings or trees to use to our advantage and fighting a Titan out on flat ground is all but suicidal." Captain Lyra explained. It was important that the cadets bonded with their horses, they were a lifeline outside the walls. Without one it would surely mean death.

"Over the next three months you will be practicing your riding, squad formations, logistics and preparations for the expedition. It is a lot to take in but you signed up for this. I hope you all look forward to working hard day in and day out." Captain Lyra was certain this group would give it their all. Training Camp was intense for this very reason, but Lyra has received Cadets that broke down before their first mission.

"Also. I forgot to introduce you all to our Quartmaster." Lyra directed the attention of the group to the aging male on her left.

"A pleasure to meet you all. The name is Jacob Ein." The Quartmaster was in charge of the stables, equipment and supplies.

Three Months Later. . .
Today was finally the day of the Expedition. Months of preparation and training had taken place. Captain Lyra's newest cadets had grown closer over the intense months. She had taught them everything she could in that time period. Tried to prepare them as best as she could for what they would find outside of those walls. Yet, she knew that many would not come home from this mission alive. A grim truth she buries deep within her mind and goes against the very grain to tell her cadets that they would all return and they would all have long careers. How was she suppose to look them in the eyes and tell them that only a few would return?
It was early morning and the entire outpost was up and moving as the final preparations were being put in place. Everyone knew their formations, tasks and what to do if they got separated.

"Everyone get those jitters out. We saddle up in ten!" Captain Lyra yelled out as she walked through the clusters of soldiers. Some were already ready, helping others prepare their horse or gear. Others were full of jitters and trying to calm their nerves. Some of the jitters were the thought of what a Titan even looked like, and the other jitters were their first ever mission and going outside the wall.
Kaira watched as she saw Lillian toss a crumpled piece of paper towards the fire. It fell short but before Lillian could notice she turned away to leave it be. She kept her eyes focused as she watched as Lillian left as she carefully made herself to the warmth of the fire as she could feel its heat pulse against her skin as it emanated its flames towards her. She didn't bother wasting time to be discreet or careful as she reached down and picked up the paper. Almost dropping it as she felt a flick of fire taste her skin. She winced and pulled her hand towards her as she looked at the flames. Maybe it was speaking to her that such things should be burned but as she looked at the papers she realized it was an envelope and letter that were pressed together.

Maybe Lillian was proposed too? Maybe it was her family? But why would she throw this away if it seemed carefully tended too. She quietly opened it as she unraveled the crippled mess. Her eyes moved carefully on the words on the paper as she could feel her fingers clench tightly on the parchment. She didn't take long too finish and she almost instinctively threw the paper into the fire as she turned towards where Lillian was heading. She was about to speak but noticed as she had stayed behind with the survey corps and as the remaining members stayed. She looked back down onto the paper as she decided to place it within her pocket. She cracked some of her fingers as she shook it off and decided to remain away from the rest of them as she began to think. This was her greatest fear, it wasn't of the titans nor the collapse of the walls that frightened her. It was simply the idea of how humans could easily take advantage of things to get an advantage or become selfish and save themselves. She had been brought up in an environment where the rich would devour the poor. How this was the farthest she had ever gotten from the city center and how the lives of the people here were stable but weren't offered the luxuries of the rich. She despised those people and if the walls would fall she would hope that they would somehow reach those people eventually. She spat into the fire as she sat and listened to the flickering of the flames as she pondered her ideas. She wouldn't mind this but she did look into numerous things she wanted to reveal. Tinkering had become one of her favorite things and learning how their technology worked and improving it was something she believed would drastically help them. She just hoped scientific advances would continue and wouldn't crumple from lack of innovation.

She sighed as she stood and began to stomp the fire out. It was time to prepare for rest and see how their new lives would become.


Kaira had been obtaining any excess gunpowder she could retrieve from faulty flares. She had been working with broken training blades as well as any hilts she could obtain.

She had made what appeared to be four rough looking daggers. She had been testing these things since her days at the training camp. It had become an obsession after seeing the fear and worry the ones that left had showm after the first day. The thought of getting devoured was something she had seen on all of their faces at least once and despite the masks they had shown it was likely something to crack under the idea of defeat.

Even she knew she would crack.

She made her way to the horses as she wondered how the others had prepared in these months as well as their time at the training camp. How ready they truly were as they prepared to face the titans for the first time. These daggers job would be to explode once cracked with enough force. If she would be eaten she would use all her remaining strength to stab these with either remaining hand she would have left. Hoping to cause enough strength and momentum to break the blade and the carefully placed spark that would erupt the inside of the hilt filled with gunpowder. The amounts she used would hopefully cause an eruption enough to destroy anything within five meters.

A heroes way to die and at least some solace to know sue wouldn't die without some control and offering one last effort even at deaths door.

She breathed as she realized this could potentially be it as she suddenly realized she had made her all the way from her room towards her horse. A calm brown horse waited patiently as she slowly pet it's face. She made sure it was comfortable as she offered it any more hay before mounting on top of it.

Hopefully one of these blades would work if she truly needed it.

She made her way towards the field as she looked for someone in particular. She wanted to speak to Lillian. If the lady wanted, she could take two herself.

She bit her lip as she searched.
Aria Sylvara

Aria looking around at everyone starting to become more open and introducing, she smiled especially when Maya joined her side and started bragging about her place in the rankings. Giving a kind shove and a kiss on her cheek she stood back watching everyone come closer and start talking before their commander brought them towards the stables. Aria was greeted by the sight of soldiers tending to horses before moving towards one after Lyra explained about being at a major disadvantage without proper ways to use their ODM gear. The three months were brutal as many trials and errors occurred with Aria even once or twice snapping at the one she cared about because of her own pride and making sure she could manage herself in some way or form as she wanted to look out for others on her team. At times she even thought herself taking on the duty to carry on her family name and legacy too much on her being.

Aria - The night before the expedition

Aria watched the fire crackling and flickering as some of the cadets were gathered around sharing stories while also expressing nerves. Aria kept quite most of the time which was odd in her case as she used to be the one trying to engage in most conversations. Twiddling with her thumbs and keeping her fingers together in her hands. She ran over the thoughts in her mind of what could go right and wrong with the expedition tomorrow. Death was not out of the question. She accepted the truth that someone would die one way or another while the rest would keep fighting to survive. She froze her twiddling motions for just a moment before coming to her senses again and raising her head before sighing softly. Getting up she dusted herself off before looking to Maya next to her. Even with every moment of doubt, Maya managed to calm her as best she could and they both found some sort of calm in one another and it always brought a smile to Aria's face as well as her partners.

Gently tapping Maya's shoulder as she turned her head, Aria delivered a sweet and deep kiss not caring if anyone looked on at the sight. Aria lingered on the kiss before pulling back and opening her eyes with a slight smirk before leaning close to her ear "See you in bed..." she said softly for only herself and Maya to hear. Smiling, she kicking some dirt in the fire before waving to everyone with a cheerful "night everyone" to those who were at the firepit which seemed for the most part right now to be Maya, herself and some other nameless cadets they had talked with and maybe even shared drinks with now and then. The night was still young as she left her partner to do her own thing as Aria headed into her room in the shared building they had known for the past 3 months.

Opening the door as she eyed her bed without a second notice. Aria slipped off her uniform putting it at the end of her bed neatly and tidy before adjusting her sheets to make it appear as though Aria had turned in for the night. looking across the room to where she spotted Maya's bed as she began to walk over. Yawning and stretching her arms, the girl slipped herself into the bed and laid her head on the pillow feeling the weight of the day and tomorrow slowly put her into a deep sleep. Hopefully come the morning she would wake up to a more pleasant feeling in her mind and heart as she drifted off and started to dream again.

Aria - The Morning of the expedition

Slipping out of bed come the morning was no easy task for many reasons but the expedition day had finally arrived for everyone. Getting up and tucking Maya back in, she wandered across the room slipping on her uniform again and yawning softly before strapping on her boots and wandering downstairs to the outside. The place was on high maintenance as everyone prepared their flares, equipment and their modes of transport. Aria wandered to the stables meeting her horse and petting him slowly as she smiled softly "Heya buddy...Lets both do our best today" Aria exhaled slowly keeping herself calm as she arrived at the equipment station and slipped on her ODM gear and slipped her extra blades into the slots equipped. Hopefully her blades would go all the way through compared to her first few years in training when she had to build her strength while maneuvering in the air. That is if they happened to engage a titan out there which was more than likely. Certain even.

Once ready she slipped her horse out the stable as she brought it to the main gathering point and jumping aboard with a audible "hup!" into the saddle. Looking around she could see those who were cheerful and full of hope and those who were breaking down and getting worse by the minute. She pulled the hood over her head wanting to only look forward as the mission continued today. In her pockets rested her journal and the flares in case she had to use them. Her blades were sharp and her tanks full if the battle moved to the air in her case. She continue petting her horse as she waited for the inevitable callout from Lyra as the 10 minutes slowly passed by.

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The bohea tea was too warm. Steam whisped from the mug, hands shifting every now and then to avoid the sting. Its bitter scald left Vilhelm's throat and chest hot and burning, contrasted by the indoor chill. He shifted his legs, boots nestled up on the empty table, and tugged the Scouting Legion cloak tighter around his jacket.

Through the early morning sunlit window, scouts were marching about preparing horses and supplies for the expedition. Ten minutes, he heard the Captain shouting as Vilhelm took another sip. The perks of being an early riser was that one could avoid the bustling hassle of when everyone else finally set about. Though, perhaps there was a difference between early riser and insomnia.

Squeezing the mug between his knees for a moment, Vilhelm took a hand upwards and massaged his shadowy eye circles, fingers dusting the thick scar trailing underneath his right eye. Night had always been an issue but his sleeping patterns had gone from troublesome to nonexistent these past few weeks. Fortunately, none had yet picked up on Vilhelm's sombering attitude of late. Or perhaps the quiet came from politeness, as no one wished to aggrieve the 30-year old with apparent pre-mission jitters. That's hardly the case though, isn't it?

I've been waiting for so long,'he thought. Now that I'm actually hear, minutes away in fact, I feel... I feel cold.

Another sip of the bohea.

Long ago, Vilhelm and the recruits had practiced their 3DM gear against cutouts of ugly titans, slicing through weak points, whipping around trees. To be honest, that was most likely why Vilhelm had ultimately lagged behind in the regiment's rankings. Too fast. An exchange of control for speed and power, but ultimately a trade that left him missing more often that not. But when he hit, he certainly hit. Old Commander Kyle had never let up about it, he can still imagine the instructor's creative insults and punches. Unfortunately, Vilhelm hadn't been training for accuracy so he had continued to do as was.

Speed, momentum. With enough of it, you can go kilometers in the blink of an eye. All that's felt is wind. The cadets that had wound up dying in training through excessive 3DM mishaps had probably felt just wind, too. Then nothing. Or maybe excruciating pain as two halves of one body showed off just how many innards they could hold. All the more reason to emphasize speed.

That all said, reports had indicated a disturbingly low amount of trees, or anything suitable for mobility gear, outside the walls. Vilhelm hadn't been able to keep himself from laughing during the brief, to the hesitant and bemused looks of others, on being told as much. His whole plan had been shot down into the mud. Well, part of the plan. The least painful bit anyway.

And so, Vilhelm sat alone at the table in his uniform, nursed his mug of tea, and thought. A hand absently traced along the edge of a thick parchment within his breast pocket. What to do, what to do.

One more sip. Another. Twelve.

The mug was empty, its ceramics still holding a whisper of the heat drained into his stomach. Still no plan.

Retracting legs from the table, Vilhelm abandoned his cup and trailed from the room. There wasn't much thinking accomplished from lodge to stables. Auto-pilot. He had thought for years and for all his efforts, here his mind abandoned him. I'd abandon me too at this point. That caught in his throat. Vilhelm threw up a hand to brace against the stall, bent over with a hand to his mouth. He sunk his teeth down, hard. Shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!

He made sure those tears were from physical pain. Nothing else.

Rearing back up, Vilhelm spat blood into the hay bedding, flexed his gnashed left hand, and shouldered through the stall doors. Palermo trotted forward and lowered her tan-yellow snout, heavy snorts of hot air at his hand. "It's okay, girl. It's okay," he whispered at his horse, brushing her neck with his non-bloodied hand. "This is between me and... I. You'll be okay, I'm not goin' to get you wrapped up this, okay? Shh, shh." More tears, tears of physical pain and nothing else.

Bringing his earlier prepared saddle to bear, he set it atop the red blanket coating Palermo, and begun fastening before tugging his horse's reigns to gently guide her out. He tried keeping his gaze straight and down or at his horse. Whatever didn't mean eye contact with human being, yet he wound up meeting another scout's flickering gaze. The familiar head of long brown-hair tied back similarly to his own looked static, jittery maybe.

Faking a cough, Vilhelm sniffed and brushed his nose -- hiding the back of his left hand -- and offered a two-fingered wave. "H-hey there, Kaira." Vilhelm's voice broke but he played it off with another cough. It was the season after all. "Got morning jitters too, yeah? Nothin' a smile won't fix. Lifts your spirit even when it feels like resting." He flashed her his typical full-toothed grin, and didn't dwell very long on his own advice as he continued guiding his horse down the path.
Kaira was surprised by the sudden welcome and the wave by Vilhelm. She had seen him often and he had appeared as the most strange one in their group. The oldest and most genuine, she didnt think much of why someone of his age would decide now of sacrificing whatever they built to enter the survey corps. Though, it was probably that dedication that sparked an idea in her. She rode the horse close to him as she carefully removed a dagger from her belt as she tossed it over to him.

"Here... Take it... Been using most of my time to study explosives. It isn't perfect and what your holding is made up of rejected parts I could grab a hold of. It should be able to blow up you and your horse if you aren't gentle with it though. Crack the hilt with enough force to set it. You need a good stab or break but once you do, you'll know when it's ready. The only problem is it's a short fuse so make sure you can get aeay because it's about five seconds before it bursts." She replied as she kept her other three saddled on her hips. "Also, I'm not worried for myself. I'm worried about what I may never be able to do. Think that's what we are all worried of. I'm not too sad about dying though, at least bury the blade if in get eaten. Learn how to make more though so it's not a waste, okay?" She breathed as she tried to think to herself and made sure her hair was out if her way and tied in the back. "Plus, I know how terrifying humankind can be. I honestly believe we are much more terrifying than the titans." She whispered the last sentence before awaiting Vilhelm to ride off.

She noticed the similarity with their hair as she blushed and pulled the taken and out of her hair as she let it drop down around her head. It was a slight mess and a bit long but nothing unmanageable. She didn't know why she didn't want to be compared to him but maybe it was more of feeling too similar to others that made her afraid. Regardless she kept this in mind as she ride her horse into the field.
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Maya faintly remembered the night before. She was just talking with her compatriots about the mission and all. She really wanted to go back to that a few moments after waking up. Aria had woken up early and Maya was alone. Today was the big day, mission number one. Yep... Maya slipped into her uniform and tied her cape on tight, taking out her pocket watch again and clicking it open. She touched the tip of her thumb to the picture inside and sighed. Her parents probably felt the same way too on their first expedition, what with the threat of being gruesomely killed ever present... She started out the door but was stopped by another cadet delivering mail. "Morning Osbern, Letter for you." Maya flipped the letter over and saw the familiar stamp on the flap. "Thanks, good luck on the expedition..." Maya said trailing off. She dug her finger under the flap and tore the letter open, reading all the words of inspiration her father had sent to her. Seems he knew it'd arrive right on the day of her first outing, just when she'd need it. Inside the envelope was a coin, her father's 'lucky' coin. He had it with him when he met Maya's Mother and coincidentally he didn't have it when he got his leg bitten off. She smiled and slip the coin into the pocket opposite to the pocket watch, she felt better about this. 'Live in the now Maya'; the last words on the letter. She folded the paper up and tucked it back in the envelope, placing it on her pillow and dashing out the door once again.

Maya ran to the stables and found her horse eagerly waiting for her. Alfonze, she called him, with his fancy black patch over his eye. "Come on handsome, today's the day. Got a lot to prove... And live for." She fed him some hay and walked him to where everyone was situated. Maya walked her horse next to Aria's and looked up at her on her horse. She had her hood up, something was on her mind, and hopefully that something wasn't doubt. "Hey, cutie pie, yes you in the hood. Thanks for last night, took some of the edge off... I actually got to sleep somewhat decently. Got a letter from my old man again... I was thinking after we finish this expedition you could finally meet him." Maya shrugged and looked out of the corner of her eyes at Aria. "All he knows is that you're smoking hot and I love the hell out of you. I think you'd like him." She looks around hearing the captain yelling, trying to get things organized. Before Aria can really answer Maya turns in the voice's general direction. "Look after Alfonze please, I'll be back before we leave!" Maya gave her horse a pat and ran off in the direction of the Captain's voice. "Love you!" quickly came out as she bolted off.

Maya weaved her way through the crowd as she tried to find the captain. Vaulting over people who were crouched down checking their gear, and even sliding under one particularly tall horse. Maya came to a screeching halt when she saw Vilhelm talking with Kaira and walking his horse. Poor old dude looked so worried, Maya had to say something. She was in front of him so she just held her fist out in front of her so that his chest would bump into it, when it did Maya smiled. "Hey Vilhelm! You feeling alright about all this? First expedition and all, I can't wait to see you in action!" Maya was smiling widely, truly excited to see him do some work on a few titans.

Vilhelm was one of the few people who trained with Maya. Taking up her offer she'd made three months ago. He usually needed some encouragement to get started, but he had an iron will once he did. That alone made Maya happy to see him despite her having to bug him about training almost every other day. "After we get back from this I'll steep some tea and we can talk about it all. Or you can make the tea, because I don't do it very often..." Maya laughed a little, she was clearly in a rush but wanted to at least say something to Vilhelm... In case she was never able to aga- nah. That wouldn't happen. "I can walk you to where Aria and I are if you want to stay together during this whole mission? At least be with some familiar faces during this whole ordeal..." Maya suddenly dropped the idea of looking for the captain. She'd rather her friends not be terrified in the current light of the situation, or she'd at least try to help them relax.
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Lillian Ward

It took alot longer than Lillian had expected to get an answer to her question, as simple as it might be, but she was persistent... She wanted to know where Emily was, what she was doing.

Unfortunately, the answer wasn't the one she had expected.

Emily was dead; she passed away many years ago, just a few years into her career. About the same time Noah had stopped visiting her, and she had gone looking for him a few days later.

Though she didn't think much about it at the time, too overwhelmed by her own emotions, she had noticed this melancholy look in his eyes, even as he drank, and conversed with his fellow Military Police.

It was not long after she caught that look in his eyes that he began to look in her direction, prompting her to run... And eventually punch Wall Rose in anger.

She never stopped to check if he saw her, or didn't care at the time.

But, maybe... What happened to his sister had something to do with how he acted that day. Perhaps there was a good reason why he had stopped visiting her, and seemingly abandoned her for so long.

Lillian lay on her bed that night, thinking about that, but in the end, chose to shake off such thoughts.

After all, it didn't matter now. He didn't matter now.

From the day she decided to join the military, and become a member of the Survey Corps, her fate was sealed.

Or so she thought.


"Your sister. You say she's like... Me?"

"Who, Emily? Yeah. Or at least, she used to be when she was your age."

"How come?"

"She had her mind set. She wanted to be free, like you did."

"Did she want to fly too?"

"Heh. You bet she did. She wanted to fly so badly that she stone some 3D Maneuver Gear from my dad once. He was gonna make a pretty penny off of those."

"Was she able to fly?"

"Nah. I turned a blind eye, but my dad busted her when she was trying to learn how to use it. WIth all that noise she was making, it was only a matter of time. He was piiiissed..."

"What happened after?"

"He grounded her, locked her in her room. Gave her quite an earfull for messing with his stuff."

"... I wish people aren't so mean sometimes."

"You're telling me. Guess she thought so too, because she ran away the next day. Wasn't hard to figure out; her window was open, and some of her stuff was missing."

"Do you miss her?"

"Hell yeah! In fact, I still do do... But after she joined the military, she writes to me sometimes. Glad she kept up with me, even after she ran away. Even if dad doesn't want to see her again."

"What does she write about?"

"How she's feeling. Her experiences on the field, I suppose. She's always writing these letters about how many titans she's killed, and how she's saved her squad mates asses. Probably leaves out the bad parts, but that's just how she is. I'm just glad to keep getting 'em. Shows she's still alive and well."

"Let's go see her some day. When I'm a soldier."

"That'd be nice. You really think we can pull something like that off?"

"Yeah! I... ... I've heard of the place the scouts come back from."

"Then... That's a promise. We'll go see her together... Some day."

"... Some day..."


Lillian was a little more friendly with her squad mates during the 3 months she spent with the Scouts, although she never accompanied them on an expedition yet.

There was a fair bit of training, and briefings on the formations they would use to maximize their efficiency out on the field, despite their 3D maneuver gear being at a disadvantage on open terrain.

And of course, she ended up bonding with her own horse a little, though it was largely a kind of bond where very few words were actually shared. It was like she and the brown mare had a mutual understanding of sorts.

During target practice, although she put in more effort now that she had no more worries about any rankings... She showed a bit more vigor, but still largely seemed a bit bored.

Sometimes she'd hit her targets, sometimes she'd miss, but there was just something missing when it came to hitting these wooden targets.

However, whenever she got a chance to sparr with someone, she felt a little more lively, and her moves were improving overtime. Perhaps if she were to get into close quarters combat with a member of the military police now, she might just be able to take them on.

Of course, she wasn't being trained here to fight other humans. No... She was training to kill titans, lest she be killed herself.

But, it didn't matter either way for her.

The only thing that did matter, was that she saw the world outside the walls before she died, however short lived her experience would be, but if Emily survived for 2 years out in the field... Perhaps she might just make it for long enough to enjoy her stay in the Survey Corps a little.


Then, the day finally came, the day their first expedition outside the wall would formally begin.

Her confidence in surviving for even a week outside the walls waned a little, as she began to notice Lyra was hiding something, much like how Emily's letters once did. She talked about her expeditions, but left out the bad parts, probably hoping to raise spirits before their first trip outside the walls, but Lillian doubted things would go as flawlessly as some may be lead to believe.

After all, there was a reason many humans feared the titans, so much so that they would rather be confined to a cage, than to venture out and be eaten.

However, she knew all too well, that death was inevitable, no matter where you were in the walls or who you were.

All it took was being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, even if you were living a better life... In a cramped place.

And if there was one thing she could look forward to outside of the walls, it's that she would no longer have to fear being betrayed, or abandoned by someone who she thought had cared about her.

She had nothing to lose, and everything to gain, even if this would be her last day alive.

It was only when Lillian headed to her horse, preparing to mount it for the expedition that she was relatively visible to the others there.

Despite seemingly being in high spirits, as the day of the expedition drew closer, she had slowly become more and more distant to her Squadmates again, and this morning... She was just about the same way she was when they had first met.

Reserved, to the point, and rather distant to others.

Maybe she was preparing herself for how she envisioned this expedition to end for her.

She just hoped at least her horse would make it... As she planned to set her loose should it come to a point where having a mount no longer mattered...​
Emil Burton

Emil's hands moved deftly over the straps of his saddle, pulling something here, loosening something there. He had lost track of how many times he'd checked over the saddle. He'd started almost the moment he'd awoken, moving to the stables and setting up the saddle on the horse that had been marked as his, prepping what little equipment he carried on it, and giving it a once over before he'd wandered off to eat an uneasy breakfast that was barely sitting in his stomach. Once that had been over he'd quickly changed over and set up his 3DMG, but he didn't go over it as incessantly as he was now going over the saddle. He'd incessantly checked over the maneuver gear the night before well past a normal hour to head to sleep. So instead now his fingers retraced lines and straps, leather he knew at this point far too well, as he checked and rechecked bindings and fastenings he knew were properly placed hours before.

The horse snorted loudly as Emil worked, apparently a big annoyed at his constant repeating of the same motions. He stopped and brought a hand up to pet the larger beast softly, "Sorry sorry. I know, I can't well treat you like my gear." he said as he tapped lightly at a gas canister with his free hand. He stopped petting the horse as it snorted a bit quieter, a bit more contented he decided. Bringing a hand to its reigns he'd give it a gentle tug and slowly walk his horse out of the stable. He'd heard the Captain's call some minutes earlier, had even continued checking his saddle as others mounted their steeds and left the stable, but it had been too long now, any longer and he figured he'd actually be late. He joined the gaggle of other riders as they began to form something like a cohesive group outside.