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the clairvoyant pterodactyl
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the bestiary

Elemental Demons
Storm Demons
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All across the realm centaurs are dotted throughout landscape, separated from humans, elves, and halflings. They live in tribes that adhere to a multitude of Councils made up of their eldest peers and Volqaars, men and women who devote their lives to higher causes. Tribe wars are frequent as feuds and disagreements among centaurs are a common occurrence. There is one location, on each of the Three Lands, which is sacred and holy to the centaurs. This location is of course where the High Councils are located. Violence is forbidden whilst within its boundary.

Female centaurs are venerated within the society as there are so few. Duels over courtship is common and yet the female centaur still holds the choice of who she wishes to mate. Centaurs mate for life. Women farm and are head of household as their men are often gone to battle and hunt.

Centaurs, surprisingly, are master smiths and master craftsmen, and, having good relations with the Centaur Council grants exclusive trade opportunities. Weapon and armor forged by centaurs are rare and highly sought after, and jealously guarded by those who possess them.

  • Lifespan: Upwards of two hundred years
  • Common hair colors: Black, brown, blonde, silver, and auburn
  • Common eye colors: brown, hazel, gold, and silver.
  • Ears are slanted like that of a half-breed.
  • Centaurs are attuned to the Low and High Elements
  • They are omnivores but greatly prefer meat and fish.
  • It is said all of RoNaan's blades were forged by a centaur, and close friend at that.
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Mischievous winged creatures, Pixys are an uncommon sight, and often considered a bad omen. Pixys are master herbalists, potioniers, and poison concocters. They live in swamps and forests, jungles and highlands; they swarm wherever Halflings call home. When fairies offered themselves as companions a little over three hundred years ago when their homelands were cut down, drained, or otherwise contaminated, Pixys looked down on their winged brethren and survived on their own.

Halflings, always been near Pixys, looked on with sympathy and devised a plan to help them, and thus the Contract was born. You can buy a Pixy's service, called a Contract, for a hefty price and a name written upon a dotted line. One must remember to be precise in their wording when dealing with Pixys but know that once paid, Pixys are bound to that Contract and are forbidden to break it. To do so forfeits their protection from the Halflings.

Pixys are often a soft, spring green in color with translucent wings and hair the color of the sun or moon. Their nails are claw like and are said to contain natural poisons. It is said Halflings are the only known species to be immune to the pixy toxin. Their eyes are the color of fire and burn with passion. Pixys live in swarms: large multi generational family groups that have always nested near Halflings. Swarms vary in size and their populace can be anywhere from ten to ten thousand pixys.
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Fairies are kin to Pixys and yet share very little in resemblance. Fairy skin is silver-gold in color and tends to be luminous, especially during the night. Female fairies have butterfly-like wings whereas males have moth-like ones. Both are translucent. Hair color varies between silvery-white to the blackest of shades. Average height for fairies, regardless of gender, is six and a half inches. An Unbonded fairy will live up to two hundred and eighty years, yet a Bonded fairy will live as long as it's Bondee.

Fairy wings have medicinal purposes and are known to cure almost any illness or disease. There is a lucrative black market sale of fairy wings, despite being extremely taboo, and most are sold within Lorasea. There is only one known wild swarm of fairies left and they live within Steelwood Motte of Lorasea. It is said, that the Valterion's have a breeding program wherein they harvest fairy wings and mix it in their slave-food.

The Bond: Noble and royal families throughout Orcosi and Marsea have Bonded with fairies throughout the past three centuries. Bonding, once rare, now happens to hundreds of children yearly. Both parties must be young, or else the Bonding will not take. It is a soul-bond, wherein theurgist spell the two souls together. One can feel what the other feels and they can communicate without speech. It is not necessarily internal dialogue, but a sense of knowing what the other is feeling or thinking. If a Bonded human were to die, so would their fairy. Yet, if their fairy died, said human would not die. They would, however, feel as though a part of their soul is being shredded. Some deBonded humans have noted that once their fairy is resting within the Staarsgarden, they have received visions of the afterlife and what it entails.
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Storm Demons, or Syashi, are creatures who rarely come down from the upper skies. No one knows where they come from or why they cause so much superstition within the human and even elven populace. These creatures are revered by the Slyphaer and are given refuge within their castle-in-the-skies. Unlike elemental demons, which're true demons from the Netherwell, Syashi are only referred to as demons by the mystery they're perceived in. Sometimes glimpsed after horrific natural disasters, humans consider these creatures the reason for their misfortunes and are openly misunderstood and once hunted almost to extinction.

These creatures are said to draw power from storms and natural disasters alike. Which is why most believe they are the cause of said disasters. Three hundred years ago, in central Lorasea, there was an earthquake that devastated three countries and resulted in thousands of lives lost. This was the first time, in almost four centuries, that citizens of Lorasea witnessed the Descent of the Syashi.

The Descent of the Syashi is a rare moment in time where storm demons flock to one location after a usually horrific natural disaster. They circle the scene, usually for hours at a time, apparently absorbing the energy left behind.
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Gryphons are only found in one place, and that's the mountains surrounding Skywatch. These majestic creatures have been known to form bonds with the humans of Skywatch, and over the years have formed an elite squad known as Gryphters who protect Skywatch and its surrounding lands. Not much is known about them, except that the bond is strong and lifelong and some appear to have some form of magic -- likely manifestations of their bond owner's attunement. It also appears that the humans who receive these bonds are given an extended period of life.

Gryphters were founded by the Queen of Skywatch almost a millennia ago. Since their founding each succeeding King and Queen has furthered the advancement of their greatest enterprise.
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elemental demons

Elemental demons are beings who've escaped the Netherwell. These creatures ravage the Lands in force every couple thousand years and maintain a small presence throughout the millennia. They come in all shapes and sizes and though determined to have some degree of intelligence; these creatures have been known to only cause widespread destruction, chaos, and fear without any motive or grand scheme. Though individual demons manifest powers directly from their element, there are records of hybrid demons, combined elements that can cause an incredible amount of damage.
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