College, Muses, and fucked up nerves


Original poster
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  1. Looking for partners
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  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
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Mostly Fri-Sun, with chances of Mon-Thu appearances at around 4PM EST
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  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
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Seeking playgrounds for my dumb Bois ATM!
So I just started college this week okay? Well, my SUPER ANXIOUS nature decided to rear its ugly head like A FULL MONTH PRIOR and be like "you know what you should be doing? Stressing out over things you can't help at the moment. IT'LL BE GREAT 8D!!!" So here I am stressing out, and with that my muse and therefore both inspiration and need to write goes all LOL BYE. So here I am, I stress, I got shit to do that piles up in my thread list, and I've got actually no energy, mind or heart to respond to any of those posts. I'm not looking for advice here, but whatever, go ahead. Just....

I had to stop working for 2 months because of anxiety issues. When I came back, it was very difficult. One thing I found helped ease my mind was writing down exactly how I felt. And why as best as I could understand. Then I just bawl it up and throw it away.
I got to see my psychiatrist and tell her how I felt. That she said was perfectly normal and was not a symptom of my illness (I'm bipolar and have a tendency to go into depression if left alone) helped a bit.

Thanks for the tips, I'll try it sometimes!
I understand when college comes a whole lot of emotions and things like that can spiral out of control and add stress. I've been through it myself along with at times after my first to second year depression hit me and i tried going for walks for me to distract my mind.