INFO Counseling: Rules and Info

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Original poster
Counseling is the section of the forum where everyone can talk about (and ask for advice on) their feelings and struggles.

It's expected that this area can be a little emotional for some people and everyone posting in Counseling should try to write their posts with as much thought and empathy as possible since these threads often have to do with difficulties that fellow members are experiencing.

One more thing to keep in mind is that the members here are not trained professionals and in taking life advice, you should always be mindful that they don't know everything about your situation and be careful. Building on the fact that our members are not equipped to offer proper support, Iwaku Rules do not allow the posting of suicide threats, threats of serious injury to people or animals, or threats of self-harm.

If you have issues like suicide, chronic depression, mental illness, or self-harm, or you or someone you know is being abused, please seek a professional or a support website that can offer you educated advice.

Threads here are archived after 30 days of inactivity. If you need a thread revived, you can use the Thread Moderation Request form to ask a mod to bring it back.

Thread prefixes are colorful tags displayed at the beginning of a thread title. They can be chosen when creating a thread and more than one can be applied. These prefixes show what a thread is for. You can also click on them from the thread listing to display all the threads with that prefix within that forum. Each section has its own prefixes, so make sure to check the info sticky to make sure you're picking the right prefixes and to learn what they mean!

NO ADVICE - Sometimes people just want to talk about problems without people offering suggestions. This thread asks other members to please not offer advice.

ADVICE - This thread isn't necessarily about the poster's problems, it's offering advice to others.

ADVICE WANTED - This poster would like other members to post offering advice!

POSITIVITY - This thread is for talking about the positive side of feelings and life situations.

RANT - This thread is an outpouring of emotion about something that is upsetting the poster.
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