(don't) look at this mess

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a god among men
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Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Slice of Life, Horror, Fandoms, Superheroes, Crime, Drama, Grit, Supernatural, Light Sci-Fi, Modern Era, Dark Themes

Kir Yedros

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eget leo semper lectus egestas pharetra. In interdum eu turpis id vehicula. Phasellus ornare augue eu enim tempor mattis. Nullam et erat ac ipsum egestas egestas a eu risus. Duis pretium turpis eget libero finibus, nec tristique purus tincidunt. Maecenas sodales fermentum enim sed vulputate. Integer placerat volutpat nisi, ac vulputate tellus sodales a. Maecenas id posuere tellus, ac consectetur justo. Curabitur posuere orci urna, quis dignissim odio varius eu. Suspendisse potenti.

Phasellus faucibus sapien id lectus lobortis, et ultricies tortor imperdiet. Donec lacinia mi et ante rutrum, eu maximus risus vehicula. Nulla congue sit amet eros sed finibus. Morbi eget imperdiet mi. Nam purus urna, mollis eget lectus vel, rhoncus malesuada magna. Integer risus erat, iaculis vitae tellus vel, bibendum viverra justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus non velit ac lorem sagittis vulputate in sit amet mi. Maecenas consectetur ipsum sed cursus facilisis. Sed rhoncus aliquam neque congue molestie. Vivamus faucibus sagittis imperdiet. Nunc sagittis, quam vel ornare auctor, lorem ante lobortis nunc, ornare hendrerit mauris sem eu magna. This is a placeholder for something. Isn't that real fucking neat-o? Image needs to be 200x320.

Donec aliquam risus nec urna condimentum, eu egestas lacus efficitur. Suspendisse porta felis urna, id maximus elit suscipit at. Mauris euismod nulla sed purus dictum, rutrum luctus velit ultricies. Integer laoreet id sapien at hendrerit. Aenean in leo nec est venenatis rhoncus. Donec ac ullamcorper massa. Etiam tincidunt sodales efficitur. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas vitae ipsum volutpat diam volutpat gravida at quis ante. Quisque risus risus, commodo eget mattis at, luctus id magna. Nulla justo dui, viverra at mauris et, venenatis faucibus dui. Aenean facilisis semper magna, eu sodales sapien lobortis eget. Aliquam ac tempus ipsum. Nulla eu metus viverra, gravida nibh at, feugiat tortor. Cras enim justo, convallis vel tempor eget, hendrerit a augue. Aliquam fringilla neque vel lacinia lobortis.

Sed fringilla lorem a purus dapibus tempor. Aenean interdum ex sed orci congue pharetra. Vivamus consequat ligula arcu, ac blandit tortor dapibus et. Curabitur id ipsum gravida, porttitor odio euismod, pellentesque quam. Integer placerat molestie nulla sit amet viverra. Fusce gravida, dolor eu lobortis venenatis, diam nisl iaculis tortor, in tincidunt velit felis sed lectus. Sed porttitor hendrerit sem, sed ornare purus ullamcorper sed. Donec sapien justo, lacinia at elit vitae, bibendum fringilla lorem.

Morbi quis congue ante. Nulla vestibulum, urna sed dignissim semper, lorem leo tempor erat, et sagittis sem sem quis diam. Nam viverra nibh sit amet consequat euismod. Duis sit amet ullamcorper metus, sit amet mattis arcu. Pellentesque vel arcu placerat, laoreet risus et, blandit erat. Sed et turpis nibh. Cras sollicitudin urna sed interdum maximus. Quisque euismod, lorem ac sodales molestie, ligula mi pellentesque quam, ac euismod mi quam sit amet lacus. Donec fermentum fermentum sem at consectetur. Curabitur id viverra magna. Etiam justo mauris, elementum at metus ut, semper ultricies eros. Etiam quis dolor et nulla eleifend ullamcorper. Morbi ultricies faucibus magna nec maximus. Nam scelerisque erat eu nibh elementum pellentesque.


Emmaline Greene







[ Name ]
> Emmaline Esther Greene

[ Nicknames ]
> Emma
> Em
> Essie

[ Date of Birth ]
> October 3rd

[ Age ]
> 16

[ Gender ]
> female

[ Sexual Preference ]
> heterosexual

[ Ethnicity ]
> Ashkenazi Jewish
> Irish



[ Hair ]
> naturally dark, though she colors it a reddish chestnut. sometimes Emmaline lets the roots grow out.

[ Face ]
> Round, but with defined cheek bones.

[ Eyes ]
> She has warm hazel eyes.

[ Body ]
> Slim, but toned. Emmaline is a gymnast and works out every day.

[ Height ]
> 5'3"

[ Weight ]
> 115 lbs

[ Tattoos ]
> None

[ Piercings ]
> She has her ears pierced two times on each side.

[ Birthmarks/Moles/Scars ]
> She has a few scars from childhood injuries, but nothing significant.

[ Outfit/Clothing Style ]
> A bit all over the place. Emmaline likes to stay on trend, but there are days when jeans and a sweatshirt suffice just fine. She enjoys pops of color, though.

[ Faceclaim ]
> Zoey Deutch



[ Overall Personality ]
> Generally bright and happy, there are few things in life that truly bother Emmaline. In her social life, she is the type of person to go with the flow, seeking fun where her friends find it, but she is just as happy with a low key, relaxing night in. There are times when Emmaline can be hard on herself, though, and those high expectations can be, unwittingly, put onto friends and family as well. Emmaline can be very competitive as well and will get angry when she loses something; definitely not the person to play Monopoly with. Overall, she is sweet and caring with a big dash of intensity that bleeds into every aspect of her life. She loves hard, and takes ages to forgive.

[ Likes ]
> gymnastics; parties; loud music, competition; running; pizza; shopping; late nights; deep conversations; hot chocolate

[ Dislikes ]
> losing; diets; fakeness; drugs; cigarettes; procrastination; liars

[ Fears ]
> failure; bees

[ Hobbies ]
> gymnastics; dancing; karaoke

[ Mental Disorders/Health Issues ]
> None

[ Memorable Quotes ]
> "I've never met a pizza I didn't like--not even thin crust."
> "We don't play board games in this house anymore, not after the incident."
> "I believe in you enough for the both of us."
> "Here's an idea: fuck off."



[ Family ]
> Daniel Greene; Father; alive
> Julia Greene; Mother; Alive
> Oliver Greene; Older Brother; Alive [23]

[ Past && description ]

> Emmaline's childhood was largely based on transaction. Her mother, an architect and her father, a university professor, had only ever planned on having one child and were deep into their careers by the time she came along. They did their best to balance their schedules with parenting, but many precious moments fell to the wayside until Emmaline's mother signed her up for gymnastics class. Since it wasn't worth showing up unless she was the best, Emmaline worked tirelessly to become the best gymnast that she could in order to get her mom and dad to come to meets. She spent most of her time with her brother, Oliver, and various babysitters until around middle school when she was deemed old enough to take care of herself. Before Emmaline entered high school, she met Poppy, who quickly became her best friend and she started to think of the Milano's as a second family.

[ Present && description ]
> Currently, life is a little different. Emmaline is still working on her gymnastics career, but after her mother's stress-induced heart attack, she was forced to leave her architecture firm and is at home more than she has ever been. They do yoga together every morning, and Emmaline figures that it's better to reconnect late than never. Her relationship with her father is slowly repairing itself as well, but he is still largely uninterested unless she is on the verge of winning something. Oliver, after dropping out of college to chase a girl across the country, is also back at home and things are sometimes a little too tense.

> Emmaline has dreams of being an Olympic gymnast.
> Although she is still in high school, she wants to move out.





Rory Cherevin







[ Name ]
> Rory Cherevin

[ Nicknames ]
> None

[ Date of Birth ]
> April 1st

[ Age ]
> 18

[ Gender ]
> male

[ Sexual Preference ]
> heterosexual

[ Ethnicity/Race ]
> Eastern European
> English



[ Hair ]
> Dark brown, longer on top, shorter on the sides, almost always contains product.

[ Face ]
> Angular, with very defined cheekbones.

[ Eyes ]
> Icy blue.

[ Body ]
> Lean, somewhat muscular.

[ Height ]
> 6'0"

[ Weight ]
> 136 lbs.

[ Tattoos ]
> Many. Too many to properly count.

[ Piercings ]
> He has his ears pierced and stretched.

[ Birthmarks/Moles/Scars ]
> A scar above his eyebrow from a fight.

[ Outfit/Clothing Style ]
> A combination of grunge and street wear. Rory doesn't like to stand out, but he also doesn't like to blend in. He likes boots and fugly sweaters.

[ Faceclaim ]
> Ash Stymest



[ Overall Personality ]
> Despite his rough around the edges appearance, Rory is kind of sweet. He is the type of person who is always joking with friends, or saying something stupid to get a laugh when a situation gets too tense. Not having a very good relationship with his family, Rory values his friends above all else and would give any one of them the shirt off of his back if they needed it. Because of how deeply he cares for others, Rory doesn't handle disappointment or betrayal well, and he is known to have something of an explosive temper. Luckily, it takes quite a bit to make him angry. Overall, Rory is a good guy who tries his best and only asks that other people do the same.

[ Likes ]
> tattoos; art; vinyl records; cigarettes; weed; partying; boxing; cats; iced coffee; glasses; freckles

[ Dislikes ]
> rich kids; authority; bragging; judgemental people

[ Fears ]
> addiction; not amounting to anything

[ Hobbies ]
> drawing

[ Mental Disorders/Health Issues ]
> anger issues

[ Memorable Quotes ]
> "so it goes."
> "A blackout is just a surprise vacation."
> "I've got your back."
> "I'm a regular teenage dirtbag."



[ Family ]
> Donny Haggard; Father; Alive, maybe
> Mila Cherevin; Mother; Alive
> Polly Cherevin; Older sister; Alive [24]
> Layla Cherevin; Older sister; Alive; [21]

[ Past && description ]

> Although they had been together since Mila was in high school and having three kids together, Rory's parents never married. He doesn't have many concrete memories of his father, but he does remember being disappointed by promises that never came to fruition. For the most part, Rory had a decent childhood. His mother worked hard to provide for he and his sisters, and although they never had a lot of money to spare, life wasn't bad. Eventually, Mila fell on even harder times and stumbled into an alcohol addiction, which left Polly to care for him and Layla, though Rory had already started getting into trouble. While Rory had many talents growing up, including being a skilled artist from an early age, his grades suffered in school. By his junior year of high school, Rory had fallen into the wrong crowd and ended up dropping out.

[ Present && description ]
> Rory is currently living with Polly and Layla, but six months ago, Mila got clean and he is trying to trust her enough to repair their relationship. He is working toward getting his GED and works part-time at Polly's tattoo parlor where he hopes to become an apprentice.

> Rory has his father's last known address, but is too scared to try and visit.
> He has a cat named Midnight.





Emmaline Greene

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla faucibus, ipsum quis gravida ullamcorper, justo tellus sagittis eros, ac vestibulum erat lectus eu quam. Phasellus volutpat neque sed est egestas bibendum. Cras porta eros vitae rutrum convallis. Donec dapibus tempus leo, a viverra metus bibendum in. Nunc faucibus lectus vitae sapien mattis consectetur. Fusce dignissim ligula ut ipsum volutpat dictum. Cras luctus mi vitae dolor vulputate volutpat. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc eu malesuada mauris, eget egestas mauris. Phasellus justo eros, eleifend ac tellus ut, hendrerit bibendum odio. Quisque at tristique orci, non porta arcu.

Pellentesque eu dui feugiat, porta neque ut, aliquam lorem. Integer lorem turpis, efficitur eu congue sit amet, malesuada vitae tellus. Fusce molestie et leo eget fringilla. Maecenas vulputate rutrum dolor, imperdiet viverra mauris aliquam ut. Nam maximus malesuada augue, et ultrices erat egestas a. Cras quis aliquet ligula. Praesent mattis, sapien eget semper sodales, turpis justo volutpat mi, ut venenatis lorem velit ac enim. Cras volutpat velit mauris, vitae pellentesque metus volutpat a.

Morbi hendrerit laoreet nulla id interdum. Quisque vitae mollis metus, et consectetur purus. Suspendisse libero dui, feugiat eu feugiat quis, iaculis vel sapien. Nulla justo purus, tincidunt a tellus id, cursus elementum augue. Donec nec semper turpis, vitae tempor est. Donec pretium, massa dapibus efficitur consequat, libero quam placerat felis, eget placerat felis justo nec purus. Sed pellentesque lacinia arcu, ac hendrerit risus efficitur vitae.

Duis bibendum, ex nec ullamcorper accumsan, massa nunc rhoncus tortor, sit amet iaculis eros risus vel augue. Sed venenatis congue tellus, nec pretium enim gravida at. Duis a aliquet tellus. Vestibulum velit tortor, tincidunt ac libero a, venenatis eleifend nisi. Vivamus vel eros non eros feugiat dignissim. Aliquam eget sapien consectetur ante fermentum fringilla. Nullam vel sem sit amet ipsum rutrum tincidunt nec eget magna. Donec in ipsum ac justo vestibulum fringilla. Curabitur nec risus at neque maximus pellentesque. Ut finibus lobortis lacus.

Nullam elementum rutrum libero non rhoncus. Donec tincidunt nisi quis egestas dictum. Nunc libero lectus, dignissim id nisi id, pellentesque eleifend tortor. Maecenas dictum aliquam neque nec tristique. Mauris nec dui mauris. Nulla varius orci gravida, tincidunt quam pellentesque, mattis orci. Cras et ipsum id lectus facilisis auctor. Maecenas commodo consectetur varius.

Rory Cherevin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla faucibus, ipsum quis gravida ullamcorper, justo tellus sagittis eros, ac vestibulum erat lectus eu quam. Phasellus volutpat neque sed est egestas bibendum. Cras porta eros vitae rutrum convallis. Donec dapibus tempus leo, a viverra metus bibendum in. Nunc faucibus lectus vitae sapien mattis consectetur. Fusce dignissim ligula ut ipsum volutpat dictum. Cras luctus mi vitae dolor vulputate volutpat. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc eu malesuada mauris, eget egestas mauris. Phasellus justo eros, eleifend ac tellus ut, hendrerit bibendum odio. Quisque at tristique orci, non porta arcu.

Pellentesque eu dui feugiat, porta neque ut, aliquam lorem. Integer lorem turpis, efficitur eu congue sit amet, malesuada vitae tellus. Fusce molestie et leo eget fringilla. Maecenas vulputate rutrum dolor, imperdiet viverra mauris aliquam ut. Nam maximus malesuada augue, et ultrices erat egestas a. Cras quis aliquet ligula. Praesent mattis, sapien eget semper sodales, turpis justo volutpat mi, ut venenatis lorem velit ac enim. Cras volutpat velit mauris, vitae pellentesque metus volutpat a.

Morbi hendrerit laoreet nulla id interdum. Quisque vitae mollis metus, et consectetur purus. Suspendisse libero dui, feugiat eu feugiat quis, iaculis vel sapien. Nulla justo purus, tincidunt a tellus id, cursus elementum augue. Donec nec semper turpis, vitae tempor est. Donec pretium, massa dapibus efficitur consequat, libero quam placerat felis, eget placerat felis justo nec purus. Sed pellentesque lacinia arcu, ac hendrerit risus efficitur vitae.

Duis bibendum, ex nec ullamcorper accumsan, massa nunc rhoncus tortor, sit amet iaculis eros risus vel augue. Sed venenatis congue tellus, nec pretium enim gravida at. Duis a aliquet tellus. Vestibulum velit tortor, tincidunt ac libero a, venenatis eleifend nisi. Vivamus vel eros non eros feugiat dignissim. Aliquam eget sapien consectetur ante fermentum fringilla. Nullam vel sem sit amet ipsum rutrum tincidunt nec eget magna. Donec in ipsum ac justo vestibulum fringilla. Curabitur nec risus at neque maximus pellentesque. Ut finibus lobortis lacus.

Nullam elementum rutrum libero non rhoncus. Donec tincidunt nisi quis egestas dictum. Nunc libero lectus, dignissim id nisi id, pellentesque eleifend tortor. Maecenas dictum aliquam neque nec tristique. Mauris nec dui mauris. Nulla varius orci gravida, tincidunt quam pellentesque, mattis orci. Cras et ipsum id lectus facilisis auctor. Maecenas commodo consectetur varius.

coding by the fantastic @winnie
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Name: Peter Berglund
Nickname: Peep
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Nationality: Swedish
Occupation: Artist; Photographer


Height: 5'10"
Build: Slender; Slightly Athletic
Hair: Ginger; Short; Stylish
Eyes: Blue-Green
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Style: Minimalist; Very clean; Lots of neutral colors; Sunglasses
Face Claim: Linus Wordemann


Peter is a quiet and reserved person who prefers to observe others rather than be the center of attention. He is an odd combination of a soft-spoken nature and a dry sense of humor, landing jokes at the most unexpected times. At the very least, he enjoys making people laugh and a positive reaction of any kind does wonders for his often faltering self-esteem.

When Peter is comfortable with someone, he finally starts to open up in private. He is very affectionate, rather sweet and tender-hearted, soaking up the love of another person for as long as they want to give it. He is also very supportive of those he cares about, encouraging people to go after their dreams even if it might be frowned upon.
A middle child who was born to a pair of psychologists, Peter never felt overshadowed or underappreciated. His parents may have been a bit clinical, but he always felt cared for, supported and encouraged to pursue whatever he was the most interested in. Compared to some of his friends, Peter has had a boring, easy life; a trend that has continued into adulthood where he enjoys a solid relationship with his older sister and younger brother.

Peter never really had to come out of the closet, but he felt the need to when he met and quickly fell in love with Erik, an outdoorsy man who was drawn to the water, at age eighteen. They stayed together as Peter made his way through university, earning an art degree that focused on photography. Things were going well, Peter got a job in the art department of a major company after completing an internship and Erik had dreams of starting his own business.

Life changed in the blink of an eye, though when a boating accident took Erik from the world much too soon. Peter was devastated, so heartbroken that he chose to isolate himself rather than deal with the pitying looks from other people. He took a leave of absence from his job for almost three months, but the time away didn't help very much. His heart isn't in the work anymore, but the logical part of Peter knows that he needs the money to keep surviving. A friend at work is a bit worried about him, wondering if he's going to be a shut in forever, or if he can be snapped out of it.
Likes: Photography; Gardening; Biking; Cats; Film
Dislikes: Open water; Boats; Cruelty; Black Coffee;
Skills: Photography; Piano; CPR
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a growing list of patterns and color combinations that i like:




    Name: Briana Grace Holland
    Nicknames: None
    Date of Birth: June 1st
    Star Sign: Gemini
    Age: 17
    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    Hair: Blonde, about shoulder length and usually worn down; pin straight.
    Eyes: Cold blue.
    Body: Waifish; long legs.
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 125 lbs.
    Piercings: None
    Markings/Scars: Many scars on her back, a few on her arms that she takes pains to conceal.
    Health/Mental Ailments: Disordered eating; Trauma from abuse.


    Personality: Quick-witted; Cold; Distant; Petty; Gossipy; Vengeful; Intelligent; Calculated; Dry; Adaptable; Sarcastic; Trendy; Guarded; Secretive;
    Likes: Piano; Night Time; Being Alone; Journals; Control;
    Dislikes: Pretending; Ballet; Conformity;
    Fears: Failure; Death; Never Escaping;


    Brief Background: Briana is the first child of Alistair and Amelia Holland, one of several prominent and wealthy families around Acadia Bay. Alistair is one of the top realtors at the Bancroft firm, while Amelia is a former ballerina, who now manages her own lifestyle business. Briana's earliest memories of her father are few and far between, while she recalls ballet lessons with her mother and later, being forced to continue dancing even though it wasn't something that she enjoyed.

    Despite having the best childhood that money could buy, Briana wasn't the happiest child. She had a few friends through grade school, the closest being Kendra Park, though her mother never approved of the friendship. Things started to change during the end of middle school, however, Briana had a chance to impress the popular kids, something that Amelia had been stressing the importance of for years. They seemed to like bullying, and having always been quick with a snarky observation, the habit came naturally.

    Currently, Briana runs the local high school and social scene, telling people when to jump and how high because it's one of the few things in her life that she still has control over. Behind the scenes, she is lonely and depressed, often getting into verbal and physical fights with her mother, which she takes out on less popular kids at school. She is also dating Nathan Bancroft, another project that Amelia insisted on, though Briana can barely stand to hold his hand. Her only friend is Natalie Lionel, the empty-headed cheerleader turned lackey--how boring.

    Family: Alistair Holland; Father; Alive
    Amelia Holland; Mother; Alive
    Chloe Holland; Younger Sister; Alive [11]

    Other Relationships: Nathan Bancroft; Boyfriend; For the most part, Briana can't stand Nathan. She's only dating him because that's what her mother wants, and she will do anything to get the woman to leave her alone. Briana Bancroft does have a nice ring to it, though...
    Natalie Lionel; Number Two; A queen bee has to have a worker. Briana doesn't think much of Natalie, but the other girl is the closest thing to a real friend that she's had in a while.
    Kendra Park; Enemy; Once upon a time they used to be best friends, but that changed when Briana got a chance to hang out with the popular kids. She assumed her role of queen bee on Kendra's back, getting people to make fun of her ailing mother and harassing her on social media.

    Extra: Briana has been dancing ballet for eleven years.



    Name: Casey Andrew Dawson-LePage
    Nicknames: Baby
    Date of Birth: July 17th
    Star Sign: Leo
    Age: 17
    Sexuality: Pansexual


    Hair: Thick and pretty; dirty blonde, sometimes black for the hell of it.
    Eyes: Green
    Body: Average, some muscle definition from always being active, but nothing all that impressive; A little thin.
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 130 lbs.
    Piercings: None.
    Markings/Scars: He has a homedone tattoo on his ankle of a star that is now more scar than ink.
    Health/Mental Ailments: None.


    Personality: Chill; Confident; Funny; Outgoing; Fun; Stubborn; Opinionated; Curious; Tolerant; Sweet; Messy; Forgetful; Giving;
    Likes: Hiking; Sugar; Books; Animals; Tea; Adventures; Music; Late Nights; Stupid Decisions;
    Dislikes: Exclusion; Judgemental People; Ignorance; Bullying;
    Fears: The Dark


    Brief Background: Casey was born in Munich, Germany, but grew up all over the world. His mom, Melissa, is a high-ranking member of the United States military, and his father, Peter, worked for the State Department. The two never married due to logistical reasons, but have been "together" for almost twenty years. Most of Casey's childhood was spent with his mother, moving between her postings, but he spent almost every summer or spring with his father; he has a good relationship with both of his parents.

    Although he didn't have a typical childhood, Casey feels that he grew up happy and cared for. At the very least, there was never a dull moment and he got to see and experience things that some people could only dream of. He completed most of his schooling online, though was sometimes enrolled in local schools where he got to make friends. By nature, Casey is a friendly person, but constantly moving made it hard for him to cultivate anything that lasted more than a few months.

    Wanting a more normal life (and not wanting to go on to South Korea), Casey chose to leave his parents and their hectic schedules behind to finish his last real year of high school in Acadia Bay, Oregon, his mother's hometown. While he doesn't have many memories of his Uncle Miles, he hopes to get to know the man better over the next year or so.

    Family: Peter LePage; Father; Alive
    Melissa Dawson; Mother; Alive
    Miles Dawson; Uncle; Alive

    Other Relationships: The Freak; [will fill in after discussing]
    Logan Patterson; [will fill in after discussing]

    Extra: Casey is fluent in German and English.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla volutpat, mi eget pharetra aliquet, justo risus venenatis est, ac maximus risus eros vitae enim. Nulla eleifend congue tellus, eu ultrices dui aliquam ut. Nulla facilisi. Fusce mattis sapien ornare erat condimentum, vel tempor ex placerat. Praesent fermentum nisi et pretium efficitur. Maecenas mattis nisl ac tortor venenatis tempor. Quisque commodo augue et sapien ornare, non pellentesque nibh mollis. Cras aliquam, ligula nec dapibus scelerisque, neque lectus lobortis est, eu lobortis nisl urna ut ante. Suspendisse potenti.

Vestibulum tincidunt risus justo, et dapibus magna posuere suscipit. Pellentesque porta, enim nec egestas malesuada, massa lorem pellentesque massa, vel aliquam velit orci sit amet massa. Praesent feugiat risus sit amet ex imperdiet pretium. Suspendisse commodo eget elit posuere egestas. Aenean mattis a enim vel suscipit. Vestibulum porttitor nisi eu ante lobortis ultricies. Nam ac elit id nisl iaculis scelerisque at posuere ante. Nullam dictum malesuada ipsum nec varius. Donec nec neque dignissim, interdum tellus sed, suscipit arcu.

Proin porta metus odio, eget sodales quam sollicitudin vel. Curabitur enim urna, congue ut nisl vel, efficitur dignissim erat. Maecenas arcu libero, facilisis ut lacus id, dictum vestibulum velit. Praesent malesuada, elit quis egestas convallis, risus mi porttitor augue, ac semper enim neque in diam. Nam ullamcorper augue velit, quis finibus tortor varius ac. Quisque ultricies pretium turpis, ut cursus lacus sagittis sit amet. Etiam maximus eros urna, sit amet ultricies dui commodo sed. Etiam iaculis urna eget scelerisque posuere.

Cras sapien arcu, convallis ac felis eget, condimentum commodo ligula. In purus nunc, convallis et turpis non, faucibus molestie eros. Fusce molestie condimentum ante at posuere. Cras id lectus ac nibh pretium gravida a quis odio. Nam et suscipit leo. Integer ac semper risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam arcu felis, semper et rhoncus et, sagittis ac dolor. Morbi bibendum scelerisque ultricies. Maecenas turpis diam, elementum venenatis auctor quis, consequat non dui. Mauris pretium nunc at quam mollis, in tristique elit malesuada. Morbi bibendum diam posuere, elementum est non, rutrum massa. Mauris a sollicitudin erat, ut bibendum magna. Proin et enim dictum, faucibus neque ac, pulvinar dui. Pellentesque pharetra nisl id interdum gravida.

Vivamus rutrum a felis quis congue. Integer egestas enim nec urna lacinia, quis tristique augue porttitor. Pellentesque ullamcorper nibh urna, nec mollis risus vehicula non. Aliquam in mollis ligula. Aliquam vel sapien dapibus, consectetur quam vel, gravida augue. Donec et malesuada urna. Suspendisse potenti. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse luctus, ligula auctor scelerisque finibus, nisi turpis suscipit urna, et scelerisque arcu lorem vel ligula. Morbi vehicula, justo ac pulvinar porta, neque sapien luctus eros, eu interdum eros lorem eu nunc. Sed vitae condimentum sapien. Proin commodo velit nec nulla maximus congue. Aenean eget ornare velit, id dictum lectus. Nam tincidunt, dolor ut commodo porta, nulla purus pretium augue, accumsan varius dolor lorem pulvinar dui. Aenean at pulvinar lectus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla volutpat, mi eget pharetra aliquet, justo risus venenatis est, ac maximus risus eros vitae enim. Nulla eleifend congue tellus, eu ultrices dui aliquam ut. Nulla facilisi. Fusce mattis sapien ornare erat condimentum, vel tempor ex placerat. Praesent fermentum nisi et pretium efficitur. Maecenas mattis nisl ac tortor venenatis tempor. Quisque commodo augue et sapien ornare, non pellentesque nibh mollis. Cras aliquam, ligula nec dapibus scelerisque, neque lectus lobortis est, eu lobortis nisl urna ut ante. Suspendisse potenti.

Vestibulum tincidunt risus justo, et dapibus magna posuere suscipit. Pellentesque porta, enim nec egestas malesuada, massa lorem pellentesque massa, vel aliquam velit orci sit amet massa. Praesent feugiat risus sit amet ex imperdiet pretium. Suspendisse commodo eget elit posuere egestas. Aenean mattis a enim vel suscipit. Vestibulum porttitor nisi eu ante lobortis ultricies. Nam ac elit id nisl iaculis scelerisque at posuere ante. Nullam dictum malesuada ipsum nec varius. Donec nec neque dignissim, interdum tellus sed, suscipit arcu.

Proin porta metus odio, eget sodales quam sollicitudin vel. Curabitur enim urna, congue ut nisl vel, efficitur dignissim erat. Maecenas arcu libero, facilisis ut lacus id, dictum vestibulum velit. Praesent malesuada, elit quis egestas convallis, risus mi porttitor augue, ac semper enim neque in diam. Nam ullamcorper augue velit, quis finibus tortor varius ac. Quisque ultricies pretium turpis, ut cursus lacus sagittis sit amet. Etiam maximus eros urna, sit amet ultricies dui commodo sed. Etiam iaculis urna eget scelerisque posuere.

Cras sapien arcu, convallis ac felis eget, condimentum commodo ligula. In purus nunc, convallis et turpis non, faucibus molestie eros. Fusce molestie condimentum ante at posuere. Cras id lectus ac nibh pretium gravida a quis odio. Nam et suscipit leo. Integer ac semper risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam arcu felis, semper et rhoncus et, sagittis ac dolor. Morbi bibendum scelerisque ultricies. Maecenas turpis diam, elementum venenatis auctor quis, consequat non dui. Mauris pretium nunc at quam mollis, in tristique elit malesuada. Morbi bibendum diam posuere, elementum est non, rutrum massa. Mauris a sollicitudin erat, ut bibendum magna. Proin et enim dictum, faucibus neque ac, pulvinar dui. Pellentesque pharetra nisl id interdum gravida.

Vivamus rutrum a felis quis congue. Integer egestas enim nec urna lacinia, quis tristique augue porttitor. Pellentesque ullamcorper nibh urna, nec mollis risus vehicula non. Aliquam in mollis ligula. Aliquam vel sapien dapibus, consectetur quam vel, gravida augue. Donec et malesuada urna. Suspendisse potenti. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse luctus, ligula auctor scelerisque finibus, nisi turpis suscipit urna, et scelerisque arcu lorem vel ligula. Morbi vehicula, justo ac pulvinar porta, neque sapien luctus eros, eu interdum eros lorem eu nunc. Sed vitae condimentum sapien. Proin commodo velit nec nulla maximus congue. Aenean eget ornare velit, id dictum lectus. Nam tincidunt, dolor ut commodo porta, nulla purus pretium augue, accumsan varius dolor lorem pulvinar dui. Aenean at pulvinar lectus.


Peter Berglund

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ultricies mollis rutrum. Phasellus vestibulum orci vitae leo luctus feugiat. Nullam nec nulla et massa posuere mattis nec at urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam sed enim at tortor egestas finibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultrices auctor ante ut congue. Integer et tellus at ante feugiat rhoncus. Praesent vestibulum mi convallis, porta lectus a, faucibus risus. Nullam eget metus aliquam, viverra eros vitae, sodales quam. Aliquam vitae ultrices turpis. Duis et nulla est. Integer placerat leo turpis, ac varius dolor fermentum sit amet.

Morbi aliquam imperdiet est, nec faucibus felis consectetur sed. Mauris eu dolor eu erat luctus porttitor et tempus magna. Sed gravida tempus est eu rutrum. Curabitur maximus hendrerit consectetur. Curabitur lobortis ullamcorper ligula, a imperdiet ligula dignissim sed. Nulla non lectus pulvinar, mattis urna ac, varius nisl. Duis luctus consectetur diam ut blandit.

Maecenas risus sapien, finibus at tempus nec, gravida ut diam. Sed consequat lacinia pharetra. Nulla pellentesque dui vel nisi consequat, vitae tempus elit semper. Proin convallis pulvinar purus sed condimentum. Donec viverra felis risus, mattis bibendum ligula pretium vel. Donec molestie mattis turpis, ornare egestas arcu malesuada non. Ut interdum est nunc, eu efficitur tellus accumsan at. Suspendisse sagittis lacinia mi ut tempor. Fusce vel pellentesque lacus. Aliquam vitae nulla sed leo facilisis malesuada vel vel eros. Vivamus diam tortor, tincidunt vel lectus vel, porta varius sem. Nunc odio diam, venenatis ornare est quis, gravida sodales lorem.

Vestibulum sodales, nisi vitae facilisis sodales, quam ipsum bibendum magna, eu maximus mauris ligula et leo. Mauris ac risus eu risus efficitur posuere. Donec a odio sagittis massa feugiat interdum. Vivamus dignissim dui ante, lobortis aliquet odio porttitor a. Etiam accumsan purus tempor sapien auctor rhoncus. Duis non neque posuere, venenatis arcu vitae, vestibulum velit. Suspendisse dictum elementum ipsum. Etiam neque nunc, dignissim quis ipsum posuere, imperdiet tempor eros. Nullam non mauris at mi gravida euismod vulputate et odio. Maecenas suscipit, sapien sed porta porta, leo risus vestibulum urna, vel efficitur quam arcu eget odio. Phasellus ultricies fermentum nunc a varius. Nullam vitae est tincidunt, imperdiet sem quis, dictum augue. Aliquam quam neque, ornare mattis erat vel, dignissim luctus mi. Vestibulum vitae massa ultricies nunc pharetra sollicitudin. Maecenas in ligula vestibulum libero consectetur eleifend.

Duis id neque non eros ultrices volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Donec laoreet lacus ut sapien faucibus congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac finibus nulla. Vestibulum a elit vitae tortor placerat gravida in ac odio. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus vitae sapien sed felis efficitur iaculis sit amet sed erat. Fusce metus sapien, dapibus et risus ac, mattis porttitor augue. Quisque vitae pretium ligula. Morbi pretium, lectus at suscipit consectetur, lacus urna efficitur risus, vitae eleifend lectus mi nec diam.​

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Casey Dawson-LePage

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ut tincidunt nulla, vel consectetur tortor. Ut auctor, ex a aliquet ullamcorper, felis massa placerat mauris, et elementum lacus elit ut enim. Proin at condimentum nisi. Phasellus scelerisque lectus et euismod laoreet. Sed placerat nisi non eros eleifend suscipit. Donec hendrerit aliquet malesuada. Quisque bibendum purus sed tellus pharetra, scelerisque eleifend lacus tempor. Curabitur posuere velit orci, in ultrices ipsum viverra ut.

Morbi luctus, nisl congue posuere sagittis, nibh ipsum facilisis ante, at vestibulum quam nisl ac turpis. Aliquam rhoncus enim id lorem porta volutpat. Vivamus non lacus felis. Mauris imperdiet enim tortor, in bibendum ipsum sodales sed. Phasellus ac viverra diam. Donec ligula magna, facilisis nec ipsum id, aliquet egestas nisi. Praesent bibendum fringilla dolor, ut iaculis libero porta id. Cras porttitor nisi nunc, sed fringilla nulla laoreet quis.

Sed aliquam pulvinar nibh a auctor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer tempor tortor id finibus placerat. In et fringilla lectus, eu pretium lacus. Praesent rutrum odio sed porta pharetra. Mauris eleifend vitae lacus eu ullamcorper. In at orci vel augue sodales bibendum. Nullam ornare velit eget fermentum ornare. Morbi ut tincidunt dui. Aliquam quis vulputate felis, id semper massa.

Nullam vitae velit posuere, rutrum risus vel, congue nibh. Praesent placerat arcu convallis nisl lobortis pretium. Nulla efficitur odio sit amet leo mattis, in feugiat sem consequat. Aenean ligula est, pulvinar non convallis sed, pretium ac tellus. Maecenas ultricies ullamcorper sapien, at blandit erat commodo at. Ut mauris tortor, pellentesque sed ultrices at, tempor sed libero. In at leo felis. Donec sit amet nunc quis massa finibus fringilla. Sed libero augue, laoreet auctor arcu ut, tincidunt malesuada lacus. Donec eget felis volutpat, placerat mi sed, condimentum diam.

Curabitur sit amet elementum ante. Nulla sed sagittis massa, id tempor enim. Integer finibus, libero non sagittis scelerisque, ex nibh ultrices nibh, id posuere purus leo id turpis. Nullam consequat vestibulum commodo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque rutrum fermentum lacus, vel viverra lorem pharetra a. Proin molestie sem sed lacus semper, ut tincidunt mi ullamcorper. Nulla felis nisl, dictum gravida tempus feugiat, viverra non massa. Nulla a odio et lectus fermentum iaculis sit amet eu quam. Cras ut est tincidunt nisi pulvinar viverra.

Briana Holland

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ut tincidunt nulla, vel consectetur tortor. Ut auctor, ex a aliquet ullamcorper, felis massa placerat mauris, et elementum lacus elit ut enim. Proin at condimentum nisi. Phasellus scelerisque lectus et euismod laoreet. Sed placerat nisi non eros eleifend suscipit. Donec hendrerit aliquet malesuada. Quisque bibendum purus sed tellus pharetra, scelerisque eleifend lacus tempor. Curabitur posuere velit orci, in ultrices ipsum viverra ut.

Morbi luctus, nisl congue posuere sagittis, nibh ipsum facilisis ante, at vestibulum quam nisl ac turpis. Aliquam rhoncus enim id lorem porta volutpat. Vivamus non lacus felis. Mauris imperdiet enim tortor, in bibendum ipsum sodales sed. Phasellus ac viverra diam. Donec ligula magna, facilisis nec ipsum id, aliquet egestas nisi. Praesent bibendum fringilla dolor, ut iaculis libero porta id. Cras porttitor nisi nunc, sed fringilla nulla laoreet quis.

Sed aliquam pulvinar nibh a auctor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer tempor tortor id finibus placerat. In et fringilla lectus, eu pretium lacus. Praesent rutrum odio sed porta pharetra. Mauris eleifend vitae lacus eu ullamcorper. In at orci vel augue sodales bibendum. Nullam ornare velit eget fermentum ornare. Morbi ut tincidunt dui. Aliquam quis vulputate felis, id semper massa.

Nullam vitae velit posuere, rutrum risus vel, congue nibh. Praesent placerat arcu convallis nisl lobortis pretium. Nulla efficitur odio sit amet leo mattis, in feugiat sem consequat. Aenean ligula est, pulvinar non convallis sed, pretium ac tellus. Maecenas ultricies ullamcorper sapien, at blandit erat commodo at. Ut mauris tortor, pellentesque sed ultrices at, tempor sed libero. In at leo felis. Donec sit amet nunc quis massa finibus fringilla. Sed libero augue, laoreet auctor arcu ut, tincidunt malesuada lacus. Donec eget felis volutpat, placerat mi sed, condimentum diam.

Curabitur sit amet elementum ante. Nulla sed sagittis massa, id tempor enim. Integer finibus, libero non sagittis scelerisque, ex nibh ultrices nibh, id posuere purus leo id turpis. Nullam consequat vestibulum commodo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque rutrum fermentum lacus, vel viverra lorem pharetra a. Proin molestie sem sed lacus semper, ut tincidunt mi ullamcorper. Nulla felis nisl, dictum gravida tempus feugiat, viverra non massa. Nulla a odio et lectus fermentum iaculis sit amet eu quam. Cras ut est tincidunt nisi pulvinar viverra.

[glow=cyan]KATE CURTIS[/glow]



Image credit to Raikoart


Katherine "Kate" Curtis

Kate is 5'7" tall and weighs around 135 pounds. She has thick blonde hair that hangs down past her shoulders, though she prefers to wear it up in a ponytail for convenience. Her frame is lean yet muscular and shows only a few faint scars.

Secret Identity:




Kate is a rather serious person who has a hard time opening up to others, even those who have been in her life for a significant amount of time. The emotional distance that she prefers to keep around herself is nothing personal, but she does believe that it makes her life easier. Despite her coldness, Kate knows what it means to be part of a team, and is a loyal to the people around her; actions speak louder than words.

The unwanted daughter of a prostitute and a cruel John, Kate was surrendered to the state just a few months after she was born. Her formative years were spent in and out of foster care, shuffled between families that either didn't really want her, or lacked the ability to properly care for her. At fourteen, with only half the education of a regular kid, Kate ran away from her last foster home and took shelter in the streets of Los Angeles, California. Being homeless was terrifying at first, especially as her powers began to develop, and Kate saw and experienced many things that no person should have ever been subjected to.

At fifteen, after a year of barely surviving on the streets, Kate met Ginger, the leader of a small time biker gang dubbed The Blight, during an attempt to steal from her purse. Instead of making her dig her own grave--Ginger's words--the woman took her into the ranks and gave Kate the first and only home that she had ever known. From then on, Kate felt like she had a family, and she had no problems traveling around Southern California and Mexico with The Blight, stealing, selling drugs and doing anything else to get by.

After a little more than five years with The Blight, encountering cartels, hostile mutates and having to disappear from the cops more than a few times, Kate made the decision to leave the gang behind. Not everyone understood her desire for peace and stability, least of all Ginger, but Kate maintained that there were no hard feelings on her end, even as she left California for greener pastures.

New Jersey was more grey than green, but Kate felt good about the move and even managed to get a regular job at a bar where she earned honest money. Life was good for the next several years and at twenty-three, there was a knock on Kate's door that changed her life forever. Jessica, Kate's younger half-sister, had managed to track her down with very little information and needing a place to stay, Kate didn't hesitate to welcome Jessica into her home. It was a decision that Kate would come to regret when Jessica was murdered just six months later, a stray bullet that closed a door just as quickly as it had been opened.

There were rumors after Kate found the man responsible, how her fingers had slipped into his chest like a ghost, how she held his heart in her hand as the life left his eyes. After that, it turned out that a lot of people in the city needed or wanted some kind of justice--they just didn't know how to go about it, so Kate did it for them. It caught the attention of the wrong people, at first, until she was approached by Behemoth and Havoc to become a founding member of the Crusaders.

Intangibility - The ability to pass through solid matter and objects by passing her atoms through the spaces between the atoms of the objects through which she is moving. This allows her to phase through just about anything as long as she can hold her breath. Physical fights with Kate quickly become a headache for her opponent because she is extremely difficult to catch.

Camouflage - Kate's phasing ability also allows her to remain hidden from sight within an object or structure for short amounts of time. This is useful when she needs to hide to avoid danger, or when a situation requires more stealth.

Telepathic Resistance - When phased, Kate's thoughts are highly erratic and nearly unreadable, allowing her to hide herself from telepaths and utilize the element of surprise.

Phasing Limitations - Dense materials are harder for Kate to phase through, requiring more time without oxygen, more concentration, and posing great risk to her body. The consequences of solidifying inside of a solid material vary from getting stuck in an uncomfortable position to death.

Sight - When it comes to attacks, Kate can only phase through what she sees coming. If an opponent were to catch her off guard then she becomes vulnerable to their attack.

Human strength - Without her phasing ability, Kate has the strength and skill of any other human female who spends a lot of time in the gym.





Free diving - Kate is a skilled free diver who took up the sport in order to get the most out of her powers. She can hold her breath for up to ten minutes at a time already, but continues to train and push herself harder.

Advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat - Kate has had training in numerous styles of marital arts and can hold her own in a fight.

Memory - Kate has an impressive memory and she can recall entire conversations. She never forgets a face.

What made them cross the line?:
When her younger sister was senselessly gunned down in a gang-style killing, the police and conventional justice system were no help, refusing to go after the criminals and letting the case grow cold which forced Kate to take matters into her own hands.

The Crusaders
The Blight - A west cost motorcycle gang made up of outcasts and mutates who specialize in petty crime in order to survive.

!! OPEN !!

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phoebe prescott


coded by winnie


> phoebe dane prescott

> pheebs || a natural nickname that developed through school and friends.
> phebo || derived from her older brother's wishes of having a little brother instead of another sister.

> january 19th

> seventeen

> capricorn

> female

> pansexual

>high school student || works at a greenhouse

> phoebe's roots are a mixture of scottish, english and welsh.

> north american


> 5'4"

> 115

> phoebe has silky blonde hair that is almost always down around her shoulders

> her eyes are a bright aquamarine

> phoebe is very thin, almost waifish and doesn't have much muscle definition

> her skin is pale and creamy, though she does have some freckles across her nose

> she has her septum and nostril pierced

> nothing significant

> x || x

> phoebe is double jointed

> kennedy dawn stearns


> most people mistake phoebe's quiet nature for shyness, but it couldn't be further from the truth. she isn't afraid of people, she just doesn't go out of her way to meet anyone new or make new friends unless the other person is putting in the effort. more often than not, phoebe is occupied by her own thoughts or a good book and just doesn't have much time for the complexities of friendships or dating. getting to know her is a difficult task, but when people have managed to break past the wall of indifference that she puts up, phoebe can be a supportive and reliable friend. she isn't overly affectionate with anyone, and her advice is practical, meant to help rather than coddle or assure. phoebe is never going to be the warm, sweet or sunny, but she tries her best to be good enough for those she cares for.

> flowers || succulents || insects || birds || iced tea || hiking || sunrise || acoustic guitar || museums || campfires || family time || reading

> television || loud noises || cruelty toward animals || rainy days || bigots || snobs || indecision

> gardening || phoebe has a small garden on the windowsill of her dorm room

> phoebe likes to wake up at dawn and take a walk or go for a run
> she has a bad habit of forgetting her cell phone or letting it die, making her unreachable

> rejection || phoebe doesn't put herself in many risky situations due to a fear of them turning out badly. the more she isolates herself, the easier life becomes.

> phoebe has trouble with social cues, but has never been tested or diagnosed with any kind of disorder


> olwen || welsh goddess of the sun and flowers

> "i know, i know. it's unusual to choose a commoner. she's untested and her bloodlines aren't impressive but my name has been burned one too many times. we all remember what happened with henry, don't we? the sun king; what a mess. i see so much potential in this one, though. she has much room to grow and her ego is, thankfully, small." -- Olwen

> solar empowerment || the ability to grain strength from the sun. when the sun is out, phoebe becomes stronger, faster and more durable.

> photokinetic constructs || the ability to create and generate constructs from light. phoebe can turn light from the sun into weapons, tools, objects or structures. if she can think it, she can create it.

> anthokinesis || the weakest of her abilities, phoebe can create, shape, manipulate and bloom flowers.

> knowledgeable || because she reads so much, phoebe knows a moderate amount of information about a wide variety of subjects
> creative || she may not be the most talkative person around, but she has quite the imagination
> fast || phoebe can't hit very hard, but she can flee quickly and sustain a speed for long enough to get away

> physically weak || she has never been in a real fight that she couldn't get out of and would be easily beaten by anyone of average strength
> isolated || with only one or two friends, phoebe has very few allies or shoulders to lean on
> power situational || without the sun, phoebe's main ability is a bit moot


> phoebe was born to christine and bruce prescott, working class parents, in the suburbs of chicago. she is the youngest of three children, and although money was always a bit tight, phoebe and her siblings were always cared for. the majority of her childhood was uneventful and mostly happy. phoebe had a good relationship with her siblings, but became especially close to her older brother as the years went on, admiring him and wanting to be like him, but unsure of how to go about it. the family stayed in the chicago area, but moved frequently after christine lost her job at a factory and bruce was left to pay the bills on a teacher's salary. a few christmases were without cool presents, which resulted in some bullying at school, but phoebe never paid much attention. she retreated into herself, reading every book at the library and studying between imagined adventures.

> when phoebe became a host to olwen she hadn't known what to expect and was afraid for what the future held. when the letter from the academy came, however, things started to turn around. today, phoebe is mostly content, learning how to control the powers that were given to her and even has a friend. her home life has improved as well, with her mother having gone back to school to learn a trade, her parents were able to buy their first house. coming home for the summer is now even better.

> christine prescott || mother || alive
> bruce prescott || father || alive
> charlie prescott || older brother [22] || alive
> kara prescott || older sister [19] || alive

> phoebe has a ball python named noodle.

elias rivera


coded by winnie


> elias alexander rivera

> eli || a satisfyingly lazy version of his name.
> doe || an insult that somehow turned endearing, though only a select few people can call him that.

> august 5th

> eighteen

> leo

> male

> pansexual

> high school student || line cook at a diner on campus

> elias is a mixture of caxcan native and mexican descent.

> north american


> 5'9"

> 145

> light brown and thick, often messy and pushed back off of his face

> crystal blue

> elias has some muscle, but it's more attributed to youth than a dedicated workout program

> a bit on the paler side of olive with freckles across his nose

> none

> he had a bit of a rough childhood and has multiple scars on his arms and legs

> none

> seasonal allergies

> froy gutierrez


> elias doesn't mind and often likes being the center of attention when he is in complete control of the situation. on the surface, his inability to never turn off a slightly superficial charm can rub some the wrong way, but his slippery and sometimes dramatic nature is simply an effort to be interesting enough to those around him. he has lived a hard life where stability was never guaranteed, which makes elias desperate to hang onto people and things even if they are well past their expiration date. despite these flaws, he is quick on his feet with a joke, a sharp, witty guy who is there for his friends no matter what and lends his relentless optimism to just about any situation.

> going out || having fun || witty banter || video games || ketchup || dogs || baseball || architecture ||

> unnecessary rudeness || pranks || losing ||

> cooking || it's a job, but elias actually likes it and it's something he works at to improve all the time

> elias likes to keep things--photographs, scraps of wrapping paper, movie tickets--just because of the sentimental memories. he swears up and down that he's not a hoarder.

> abandonment || his entire childhood is one big open wound, and elias is terrified of more people leaving him for no apparent reason

> an undiagnosed general anxiety that manifests itself through never wanting to be alone and always having to have some kind of snappy comeback


> aphrodite || greek goddess of love and beauty

> "his mother was such a disappointment that i thought i'd lost my legacy forever. it's not like me to choose a male host, but i'm an adaptable girl and i work with what i'm given. besides, just look at him, all of that tragedy and he's still so pure of heart--not an ounce of cynicism in him! he makes me so proud." -- Aphrodite

> amokinesis || the ability to manipulate love and emotion. elias can sense and manipulate all aspects of love of himself, other people and animals. he can increase and decrease love in the sense of emotion, affection, and physical attraction.

> hemokinesis || the power to manipulate blood; whether it's from oneself or others. elias has the ability to manipulate blood pressure and flow, and can use this power in conjunction with amokinesis, causing himself or others to blush or have an increased heart rate. if he wanted to, elias could also induce a heart attack or stroke in another.

> empathetic || even without the power of love, elias is very observant and can sense what other people are feeling. he would never meddle in a love life that didn't need it
> brave || on the off chance that someone wants to fight him, elias won't back down. he is used to having to stand up for himself and can take a hit when necessary

> overcompensation || when he is nervous, elias tries very hard to be impressive and can sometimes come off like a jerk
> stingy || due to being bounced around the foster system and never having anything of his own, elias is very territorial about the things he currently owns. he wouldn't give a friend the shirt off of his back, but he would let them cry all over it
> fearful || with great power comes great responsibility; elias sometimes fears his powers and secretly wonders if the people who have had crushes on him in the past were sincere or if he unconsciously manipulated those feelings


> life has never been easy for elias. at only six months old he was left abandoned by his mother, strapped into a carseat and left on the sidewalk near a busy mall. police were called to collect baby doe, and he was put into the foster care system. his formative years were spent in and out of the system, in foster homes and child care facilities, which lead to a broken education and an even harder time in school. around age ten, elias started to come out of his shell when he realized that he could make other people laugh, and if he was entertaining enough, he could at least have some temporary friends. it was still a hard and lonely life, but little bits of attention were better than none at all. when elias turned thirteen, he was fostered by the scott family after gwendolyn and terrance were unable to have another child of their own. elias was skeptical at first, acting out and getting into trouble, but they never gave up on him.

> after being adopted by the scott's, life changed yet again for elias. he discovered aphrodite and became a rather reluctant host to the goddess and shortly after received a letter from a prestigious academy. it was hard to leave his new family for boarding school, but gwendolyn insisted that it would be good for him, that he would be able to find himself. it's certainly not the worst, though elias isn't the most popular guy around, the other greeks like to tease him, but he does finally have a friend that likes him for more than just jokes.

> rosa rivera || biological mother || uknown
> unknown || biological father || unknown
> terrance scott || adoptive father || alive
> gwendolyn scott || adoptive mother || alive
> sierra scott || adoptive sister [14] || alive

> elias has a savannah cat named king

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Julian Allerton


> Julian Gray Allerton
> 150
> Pansexual
> Male
> Vampire
> Composer
> Reluctant piano teacher


> 6'2"
> 183
> Although he doesn't look it, Julian is rather athletic and has just enough muscle to keep people from picking a fight with him. He is lean rather than bulky, but considers himself average when compared to other men.
identifiable marks
> Julian has a pale but gnarled scar just offset and below his right clavicle from a failed staking attempt many years ago.
> While not a mark, Julian has rather distinct blue eyes.


> Julian's outward appearance is one of practiced detachment and aloofness. He is far from the type to show emotion--whether it be good, bad, ugly or somewhere in between--he prefers to keep all of his cards close to his chest. Below the surface, he feels frequently and intensely, but prefers to project a coldness in order to keep himself safe. Trust is earned for Julian, not given freely and it takes a rather long time for him to open up to someone, and even longer for him to consider another person a friend. The weight of social interaction is finally lifted for Julian through music. He is in love with the piano and spends hours a day playing and writing music, letting his emotions pour out through melodies.
> the piano || classical music || secrets || rabbit blood || being alone || nature || midnight || snow || predatory birds
> small talk || hunters || churches || loud people || the sun
> Hypnotic suggestion: Not quite mind control, but like most vampires, Julian's one ability relies heavily on appearance. When concentrating, he is able to sweet talk untrained humans into doing his bidding; this comes in handy when drinking from animals becomes stale.
> Mysterious: Because he never reveals too much of himself at once, Julian is able to fly under the radar when it comes to most issues and can easily observe both sides of a conflict before forming an opinion.
> Quick: Super speed aside, Julian is light on his feet and takes pride in being hard to catch.
> Being hunted: Although there has only been one nearly successful attempt on his life, the thought of being caught by a hunter again terrifies Julian. The scar on his chest is a horrid reminder of that life or death fight, and the things that needed to be done in order to survive.
> Rejection: The thought of letting someone get close enough to hurt him emotionally makes Julian rather ill.
> Has a collection of rabbit paws that he feels are lucky, even though he swears up and down that he doesn't believe in such nonsense.
> Julian has kept a journal for at least a hundred years. He keeps the old volumes in a bookcase near his piano.
> Speaks French, Italian and Spanish fluently.


Born in London to a bitten vampire and an unknown father, Julian's early life could be considered a series of adventures. Always worried that their supernatural secret would be found out, the pair moved frequently, only ever staying in one place for more than a few years if there were other vampires around. The nomadic lifestyle was a mixture of exciting and tiresome, and it wasn't long before Julian broke away from his mother.

Julian spent the next several decades of his life bouncing around Europe, meeting people, and learning a few trades that would one day become obsolete. By sheer dumb luck, he always managed to move onto greener pastures when conflict broke out, but that didn't mean that danger was gone for good. Hunters were prevalent then, just about lawless, and Julian learned to lay low after a particularly close call in Germany.

Currently, Julian resides in Willowdale and has been there for the last five years. It's a quiet town, full of people like him, and although he doesn't particularly care for the concept of a coven, the other vampires make him feel closer to his mother, who (allegedly) spent the last twenty years of her life somewhere in America. His life is a bit lonely, but Julian passes the time with writing, music, teaching and occasionally drinking at the local bar.





theme song
> Little Dark Age - MGMT
face claim
> Daniel Sharman

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Willa Dixon


> Willa Grace Dixon
> Wills
> 25
> Pansexual
> Female
> Human
> Bartender at the Siren's Lounge


> 5'7"
> 140
> Deceptively solid; she's much stronger than she looks
identifiable marks
> Willa has several tattoos; x | x
> A body riddled with scars from years of fighting and hunting.


> Many things with Willa are black and white; she either likes you and sees you as a good person or she can't stand you, and you're evil. For those that she likes, Willa is kind and giving, dog-like in her loyalty for friends and the family of hunters that she has been welcomed into. There isn't anything that she wouldn't do for a friend in need, whether it be giving them the shirt off her back or protecting them from a fight. The other side of the coin is dark, however, consisting of a deliberate, almost spiteful patience and all the swift brutality of a saltwater crocodile. Willa takes her work very seriously, and while she's mostly fun and games when she's off the clock, she rarely cracks a smile when on a hunt.
> cheap beer || sunrises || dogs || guns || hot weather || flea markets || bickering
> supernaturals || liars || thunderstorms || people who don't tip || animal abuse
> Hand to hand combat: Raising a strong girl was one of her grandfather's main priorities and Willa started fighting at a young age. She is quick, has a sense for anticipating her opponent's moves and strikes hard.
> Decisive: Once Willa makes a decision, she sticks with it and doesn't often question herself. Her decisiveness plays a role in how she hunts from who she goes after, to planning the most opportune time for action.
> Charming: Despite all of the tension, anger and danger lurking below her surface, Willa is actually quite personable. She can hold a conversation with a stranger, and most of the time, her livelihood at the bar depends on being friendly and entertaining.
> Abandonment: Having always known that she was never wanted by her parents, Willa has always been afraid of that same kind of rejection from other people. When she gets nervous, she is more likely to pull back than lash out.
> Not living up to expectations: Not everyone is cut out to be a hunter, and although she is confident in her own abilities as a hunter, the thought of letting anyone down tears her up inside.
> Tornadoes: It's stupid, but thick black clouds in the sky make Willa nervous.
> Always wearing at least one ring.
> Doesn't have a southern accent.
> Makes great chili.


Willa has never and will never get the full story about her parents, but according to her grandfather, she was born to "some whore" and his "no-good son" in the vicinity of Linares, Mexico and just three months later, she was dropped off on his doorstep in Texas. Early life with her grandfather was far from easy or sweet; bedtime stories were true tales about silver bullets and werewolves rather than princesses with long hair trapped in high castles. William Dixon had never made his work a secret, and Willa had no choice but to be fascinated by the dangerous world in which hunters lived their lives.

Determined to pass on his legacy to someone, Willa was trained in everything her grandfather knew. He made a fighter out of her before she was ten years old, teaching her to use the anger and resentment she felt toward her own life and the other kids who never wanted to play with her, and channel it into something that she could control. Most people would be horrified by a group of per-pubescent kids boxing without shoes on at the end of a dirt road, but that was just a regular Tuesday night for Willa. When she wasn't getting knocked down, or doing the knocking herself, she was studying her grandfather's old books, learning about and learning to hate vampires and werewolves.

Life moved fast and Willa dropped out of regular school well before her sixteenth birthday in order to travel around Texas and the southwest with her grandfather, going on hunts and eventually getting to kill a few creatures of her own. Aside from the inclusion, it was the first time that Willa had ever felt truly proud of herself; she was good at something and no one could take it away from her.

At twenty-four, the unthinkable happened. Willa found her grandfather dead in his bed one morning, a heart attack had taken him in the middle of the night. It didn't seem like a fitting death, but she cremated him anyway and stashed some of his ashes in a locket before scattering the rest in the desert where he was always happiest. It was around that time that Willa heard about the missing tourists and with nothing keeping her in Texas anymore, she set off for Willowdale, determined to help out anyway she could.


William Dixon || Grandfather || Deceased



theme song
> 00000 million - Gordi
face claim
> lindsay perry

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