
the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster
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The world was destined to be reborn on January 17th, 2027. And so it happened, humanity crumbling to it's knees while light was taken from the world. For seventeen days Earth saw no light and received no warmth from the sun. In seventeen days life as it had always been known changed forever.

Those unlucky enough to survive were greeted with disease and famine as plants and animals continued to dwindle to the point of extinction. After the Dark Days, and the temperature rose, weather anomalies became the new norm. However unlucky, some of those survivors were also greeted with something new: arcana.

Whether they be major or minor, Arcanist's will find that they have a role to play in the world's survival.

To have arcana is to embody one of the seventy eight cards in the tarot deck.​


The goal is to survive, by any means necessary.

Aye wassup folks. So this isn't meant to be taken entirely too seriously, but it's an idea I've been thinking about for awhile now, and I wanna give it a go.

In this post-apocalyptic roleplay, characters find themselves struggling to survive in a barely navigable world coupled with magical power and newfound obligations. Given a depiction of the tarot card and all the power it encompasses, characters will find themselves pitted not only against each other but against blights born from the Dark Days.

Feel free to team up, go rogue, forge alliances, or craft back-stabbings. Just know that every action will have a reaction IC! Due to the nature of the game, OOC communication and plotting will need to take place.

If you're interested lemme know, oh and there's a character sheet at the bottom of this div.

Magic can be whatever you wish so long as it makes sense for the character's tarot card. Those with trump cards inherently have more arcana and can cast a variety of more powerful spells than their counterparts. Leave a bit of room for growth and remember to add strengths and weaknesses.


Species (If non-human, please keep the themes and symbolism of your desired card in mind.)

Tarot Depiction (Any Major or Minor Arcana card from the tarot deck.)
Symbol of Choice (Major Arcanist's will be able to see your symbol, so choose wisely! Keep the themes of your card in mind while choosing.)

You have 40 "points" to spend. No more than 10 in each category. Minor arcana cards cannot have more than 5 points in the arcana category. Categories are self explanatory.


Personality (Write this out however you wish.)

Brief History (If you wish to include pre-apocalypse history feel free to do so, but I only require a brief description of the past four months. Exception: Characters who knew about their Arcanist status before the apocalypse.)

Inventory (Non-Arcana)

Arcana (Spells / Powers -- List and describe them however you see fit.) [/spoili]


Bijou Lécuyer.
The Magician


Nickname /// Bee
Species /// Human
Age /// 22

Strength /// 2
Perception /// 4
Endurance /// 4
Charisma /// 3
Intelligence /// 7
Agility /// 5
Luck /// 6
Arcana /// 9​
//Personality. //History.
Personality /// Bijou seems very easy-going and very passionate about the things she enjoys, but she is almost always calculating. Some might refer to this as being two-faced and untrustworthy- and in some ways that would be correct about Bijou. Ever since she found out about her Arcanist status, and since the apocalypse started, Bijou has mostly focused on survival, and she's willing to make the sacrifices necessary to keep herself alive.
While she may come off as self-centered, should one gain her interest and/or affections, she'd definitely punch a baby for them. Bijou strongly believes that there is strength in numbers, but she even more strongly believes in finding a group that has a working dynamic.
Bijou is vey secretive about her abilities, and is known to ditch survival groups if someone finds out.

History /// Bijou woke up on of January 17th to cold and unforgiving darkness. The new state of the world had shocked her- but she managed to survive the death, disease, and famine that others were so cruelly struck by. Being one of the few survivors of the apocalypse, Bijou developed her arcana; The Magician. With her new powers came unwanted attention from others wielding similar abilities, and regular folks seeking to use her for their own gains. Bijou quickly learned to use most of her abilities in order to protect herself, and she's made a small name for herself as a fierce, and ruthless opponent. For the past few months, Bijou has travelled around, moving from group to group, but most often working on her own.

Illusion Manipulation / / The user can create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to feel see, hear, smell, or taste things that don't actually exist. This is limited by willpower, and energy. Targets with enhanced senses may be able to see through such created illusions. Some illusions may not be accurate such as making up scenarios that wouldn't happen, or creating things that don't exist. Willpower is again a heavy factor with this ability. This ability merely makes things seem real, when they really aren't. (This ability is more difficult for Bijou to use, it requires a willpower/mental state stronger than her target, and it is quite hard to hold the illusion in general. She hopes to perfect this ability soon.)

Fire Manipulation / / The user has the ability to manifest and control fire at will.

Water Manipulation / / The user has the ability to manipulate water at will.

Earth / / The user has the ability to manipulate earth at will.

Air / / The user has the ability to manipulate air at will.


Luck Manipulation / / User has the ability to make his/her own luck better. Can influence positive luck for oneself if the desire is strong enough. The probability/likelihood of the event to happen must be 1% or higher.

+ One small journal
+ One small picture book, filled with personal pictures.
+ A Bowie knife
+ A medium-sized backpack containing a water canteen, a blanket, and some food.
+ An old and tattered stuffed bunny.

Bijou's sign is the symbol for Infinity

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Rojo Furneaux.​





Even in good health, Rojo has always been waifish, mass immaterial stretched across a 6'0" body, features soft upon a narrow canvas of porcelain. Physical traumas have left him diminished, gaunt, back in a forever hunch, walk affixed with a perpetual limp. With that said, his expression is ever tranquil, even-keeled and laced with the threat of a smile.​

Tarot Depiction

Symbol of Choice
A trumpet descending from the skies, its bronze form peeking out from clouds of grey.

Strength: 2
Perception: 5
Endurance: 3
Charisma: 10
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 2
Luck: 5
Arcana: 8​

Rojo is endlessly transparent. Calm, reasonable, and personable, he has no taste for schemes or betrayal, and prefers compromise over conflict. He is adept at survival, but is decidedly not a survivalist, willing to opt into strictly sub-optimal decisions for the sake of his primary drive: community. A creator rather than a destroyer, he is a builder who acts passionately in service to fellowship, believing communal bonds to be the only meaningful things in the transient waste.​

Brief History
For seventeen days, Rojo Furneaux cradled his lover in the cold dark. The two whispered to each other between long moments of exhausted, parched silence, intermittent reminders that all was not lost. On the seventeenth day, his love expired, his life dwindled to nothingness. The Dark Days subsided, and only then was Rojo alone.

Walking weakly through his old town, shades of lost neighbors, peers and his lost love arose from their withered husks to keep him company. For a time, it granted him solace and the strength to find sustenance in the new world. As the degradation of the fallen continued, the shades vanished, and only the bones of his former community remained.

Thus did he embark in search of the only sustenance he found meaningful: others.​

First-Aid Kit.
An extra sweater.
Two days worth of food and water.
Backpack, blanket, canteen.
A shabby, but deceptively sturdy, wooden staff.​

Arcana Ability: Shade Invocation
Rojo draws out shades from the bodies of others, lifelike physical copies enthralled and bound to his will. Embodying Judgement - the penultimate chapter of the Major Arcana - these shades generally assume the physical capabilities of their root but take on qualities depending on the person's domineering aspects; the shade of a man driven by rage may be engulfed in flames, while the shade of a lifelong coward may be as if a nimble shadow.

The invocation process begins with words, intuitively chanted, of some unknown language. The shade then begins to emerge from the target body, its emergence staunchable through sheer force of will until the wretch eventually recedes. The dead and the sleeping are remarkably easy to draw from, the living require some modicum of effort, while similarly gifted individuals are essentially immune unless they allow themselves the 'pull' of Rojo's ability. The shades require proximity to their root, losing strength and gradually fading with distance.​
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Macondo; Taviraj; Quattrocento Sans;
Amaris Mooney

Nicknames // Moon, Ama, Ris, Lady of Whispers
Gender // Female
Species // Human
Age // 22
Appearance // Art by Hiba_tan



Inventory //
Meditation stones (small)
Swiss Army knife
Sleep medications
■■■■ 4
■■■■■■■ 7
■■■■ 4
■■■■■■ 6
■■■■■■ 6
■■■■ 4
■■ 2
■■■■■■■ 7

Granola bars
Bottled water
Charger + powerbank
Wet napkins
Sticky notes
Spare clothes


Tarot Depiction // The Moon
Symbol of Choice // Crescent moon

Arcana // Pathiokinesis
At the very core her arcana powers focuses on emotional manipulation. Amaris is able to tap in and out of the emotions of her own and those surrounding her, either enhancing them or decreasing their effects. She can't create a new emotion, however unlike popular thought. Amaris only gets to work with emotions that already exist, negative and positive. She can increase bravado, breed animosity, however she can't create love, but instead only encourage it. The receiver and she herself need to have a seed of the emotion already, aware or unaware, before Amaris is able to perceive and tap into them.

// Doubts and Delusions
Encouraged by an instinct for survival Amaris is exceptionally in tune with the emotions of anxieties. As such doubt is the only emotion she is capable of 'creating'. She can tap into the anxieties of the crowd or a specific person and amplify them, effectively controlling them at their weakest spots. Often Amaris opts for a subtle route, where the victim grows weary and delusional in the long term. In this strategy Amaris feeds them their fears and anxieties in smaller portions, almost like whispers making it seem like a normal degradation of the mental stability. She can, however also make it crash at once, tumbling down her victims into a wave of depression ad effectively crippling them in all mental and emotional means.

// Dreams
The function of dreaming is often said to be needed to analyse, regulate, explain, or remember. To Amaris it just means more vulnerabilities that she can tap into. As part of both her long term and fast approach Amaris can manipulate the sort of dreams one may dream. Whether it will be filled with their own doubts and anxieties, or if they will dream of glory and wake up confident. This is also the most invasive power, as Amaris is capable of entering the dreams to find out about their dearest memories or deepest fears.


Personality // Amaris is a person of high empathy, naturally understanding and easily swept up in emotion. Along with an instinct and tendency to help and aid those in pain Amaris finds it difficult to separate herself from the situation, often loading up more responsibilities that are not hers to carry. Despite her heightened perception to pick up on emotions and read people Amaris often has herself easily convinced to help more than she should, making her susceptible for abuse despite all her heightened senses.

Ever since the knowledge of the arcana came to her Amaris hasn't uttered a truth. Neither has she lied. She just goes in circles, talking herself around the situation and never answering questions. Where she was once a warm and sociable character the arcana has turned Amaris into a distant and wary person. Unsure of what the world is planning for her and unsure of what the whole arcana will mean Amaris has turned extremely careful, preferring to hide herself than to be seen. Keeping herself an unknown factor is as of current her strategy until she knows and understands who can be trusted and what the new world will be like.

Brief History // In seventeen days of time the world as she had known was gone. For a girl like Amaris that is an absolute disaster. For seventeen days Amaris felt absolutely out of the world, experiencing each and every fear from childhood to adulthood multiplied by ten all at once and following up one after another. It is unclear to her how much of it was a dream and what was reality, as the horrors all bled into each other in the darkness, attacking her and shaking her from the deepest core. When the seventeen days passed and the darkness seemed to fade another horror struck her. If her mind didn't wash away the female that she was once it was the destruction and decay that she faced of what she had once trusted.

With all her loved ones dead, or presumed to be dead and new found talents that she didn't know she had before Amaris was alone to face a world with even less rhyme and rule than the one she had grown up in. She joined groups, knowing that she wouldn't survive alone, but would leave them soon enough as soon as she felt threatened or discord happened. Amaris has started to live entirely for herself and herself alone, leaving much of herself as a former spectre of the past.
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NAME: Eden Sato
NICKNAME: Edie (EEdee)
GENDER: Female
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 101lbs

SYMBOL: A circle.
Strength - ◍◍◍◍◍◍◍ 7
Perception - ◍◍◍◍◍ 5
Endurance - ◍◍◍◍ 4
Charisma - ◍◍◍ 3
Intelligence - ◍◍◍◍◍ 5
Agility - ◍◍◍ 3
Luck - ◍◍◍◍◍◍ 6
Arcana - ◍◍◍◍◍◍◍ 7

Light, airy, and perhaps a bit ditzy, Eden takes each step with a near angelic grace, and a love for each living thing. Of all things that breathe. And she believes everything breathes, the grass, the trees, the llittlest of creatures. She's not afraid to seem 'batty', and can often be found talking to herself, or things that aren't supposed to be spoken too. Though this may alienate her, it leaves Eden with a constant sense of calmness and joy. Hardly one to display any sort of negative emotion, if you look past the instinct to call her batty, she may bring you joy too.

Eden comes from a big family, with a long lineage. Her fondest memories are of her Ojiisan, her grandfather, telling stories to all her younger siblings and her eldest sister. Eden was the second oldest among a smattering of younger siblings, and their household was always filled with the laughter and buzz of other distant or close relatives. She was also very fond of her cat, Tilda. And the cat seemed quite fond of her, as did all the plants in the garden. Her grandfather told the greatest stories, of daring might and perlious catastrophes.. of people with awesome power and of terrible creatures and occurences that plagued the world, until it was to be reborn again. She most enjoyed the fact that these fantastical stories were accompanied by his aged and worn pack of tarot cards.

"Eden," He said. "You will do great things, my little flower."

She carries the memory as fondly as she does his pack of tarot cards. His stories came true. Of course.. her family knew about this, and suddenly they were in a bunker, hiding from the inevitable. They managed to live for some time, peacefully.. but the Blights drove them out, and soon, Eden found herself separated from her family.

Now, she wanders.

Largely contained in a green satchel bag.
-Pack of Withered Tarot Cards
-Extra clothing
-A plethora of seeds of all types

>Animal Affinity - Eden can communicate with animals, and request of them certain tasks, as well as influence their emotions.
>Green Thumb - Eden can will any plant life to grow at a rapid rate, which is how Eden has been surviving on her own. In the wake of the destruction, Eden tries to regrow as much as she possibly can. For use of defensive purposes, she can produce vines and limbs of trees and ask them to do her bidding.
>Earth Manipulation - On a larger scale, Eden can control the earth. Though she has not yet explored the capabilities of this immense power, she could perhaps cause cataclysmic earthquakes and break off and manipulate large chunks of earth.
>Healing - Eden can heal wounds, though to heal requires her to touch the wound and stay in contact for a certain amount of time, depending on the wound. If the user bears no wounds, she can also instil a 'lightness' upon contact, which is what she calls it. It's more a bestowing of good energies, that raise the target's spirit.

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Cadogan Albright
Human Male
32 Years Old

A pale blue ankh, inverted and wreathed in a violet flame


Strength: 4
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 2
Luck: 0
Arcana: 9
Even before the long dark, Cadogan was a leader. Despite his young age, Cadogan had earned the respect of many senior mentors in his firm, and—before everything collapsed—was tapped as something of a golden boy by the administration, leaping from promotion to promotion faster than any of his competition. Often, the difference between Cadogan and his peers was not immediately obvious: he's neither lucky nor talented, but possesses an indomitable will in achieving whatever goal he sets his mind upon. Before everything fell apart, many of his friends might've joked about just how obsessively Cadogan would throw himself into his passion projects, and this drive has remained undaunted since.

Coupled with his will, is Cadogan's charisma: he has always enacted the role of a team player, and even when Cadogan inevitably finds a way to be the star of the show, he makes the extra effort to try and befriend anyone and everyone besides him. After all, Cadogan hates to burn bridges. Even though it often takes more of a concerted effort than anyone realizes, Cadogan seems to possess a magnetic kind of optimism and confidence that attracted many friends and professional allies to his side long before society fell apart.

The destruction of the world meant death for the majority, suffering for many, and—with the advent of his powers—a new lease on life for Cadogan. Now, armed with otherworldly abilities and unleashed upon a bleak and hopeless landscape, Cadogan is driven by much the same passion as he was in his old life. However, something irrevocably changed him in the first months after the collapse, and now Cadogan has a new obsession: He believes wholeheartedly that his newfound abilities are the product of divine intervention, and that they come with an equally divine responsibility.

To many in Cadogan's flock, his upbeat demeanor is interpreted as the lingering dregs of pre-collapse optimism, and his abilities as gifts freely given. To a degree, this is a fair assessment, but the truth is that the collapse took more out of Cadogan than anyone yet living knows.

Four months ago, Cadogan emerged from his basement to dead world, ravaged by loss of life, prolonged darkness, and extreme cold. Isolated, and torn between grief and confusion, Cadogan began to aimlessly travel across his country's frozen carcass, becoming more beast than man as he did. The sun's loss was only the beginning; disaster after disaster seemed to occur, and though he had many close calls, Cadogan's health seemed mostly unaffected—even when he was hurt, he recovered far too fast for a man his age. Still, lost in a hopeless stupor, Cadogan failed to recognize that there was more at play to his continued survival than luck.

Sometime in his wanderings, Cadogan happened upon a pair of siblings who had also managed to eke out an existence in the unforgiving waste. They were the first survivors Cadogan had met in months: only when he tried to introduce himself did Cadogan realize he hadn't heard his own voice since before the collapse. The thought was frightening, and the introductions awkward, but the young travelers' company slowly provided Cadogan with an opportunity to break free from the primal, uncaring state of mind he had developed, and once again grasp at some semblance of normality.

After a month or so of travelling together, their small encampment was encircled by beasts in the night. Cadogan thought them to be wolves, though the creatures seemed twisted and changed by the apocalypse. Though they managed to beat the beasts back with makeshift torches and spears, one of the siblings, a young boy, was attacked during the standoff and his leg was badly lacerated by the creature's maw. For three vagrants stumbling through the apocalypse without medicine or training, it should have permanently crippled him at least, or, more probably, been a fatal wound. Instead, Cadogan felt drawn to it, a strange and warm sensation undulating beneath his fingertips. Without reason or explanation, Cadogan wordlessly reached for the boy's leg and, at the slightest touch, the ravaged skin and gouged flesh began to regenerate before their eyes. It wasn't until the other of the two siblings called out in surprise that Cadogan realized he was encircled by soft motes of pale gold light.

For a little while afterwards, Cadogan tried to make sense of his new abilities, but found he could not. After all, nothing had made sense since the sun disappeared. Cadogan would've called himself pragmatic in the time before the end. Still, ravaged by curiosity and a renewed sense of purpose, he dove into the strange new magic at his fingertips, slowly convincing himself with every new discovery that the explanation lay beyond the material.

In the third month, Cadogan's travelling troupe had expanded, and one brisk morning, as they painstakingly struggled across a slew of newly-formed hills, the survivors saw it: a yet untouched hamlet at the base of the nearest hill and, at the center of it all, tall, steepled churchyard silhouetted against the gold rays of the rising sun. Suffused with a sudden revelation, Cadogan fell to his knees and began to nearly weep with joy. It wasn't—couldn't be—a coincidence. The world had been judged and found unworthy, but for whatever reason, and by whatever divinity, he had been delivered to a dystopian promised land, and—most importantly—chosen as its reclaimer.


Light Manipulation:

-Most simply, he can turn his body, or any object he suffuses with light, into a mobile and rechargeable flashlight. Cadogan doesn't need to hold concentration on an object after it has been suffused with light, but the object will only temporarily produce bright light before dimming and, eventually, extinguishing itself. The total charge of an object directly correlates to how long Cadogan is in physical contact with it while suffusing. Just as he can produce light, Cadogan can also draw it from natural sources to replenish himself in times of extended darkness.

-With direct contact, Cadogan can suffuse other living beings with light, or choose to grant them the capacity to see in the dark as though it was well lit.

-In times of conflict, Cadogan can use this ability to create blinding bursts of white light, or fire heated beams from his body. These methods have so far proved useful against the prowling creatures of the night, though they cost Cadogan a great deal of stored light.

Supernatural Healing:

-As a result of his supernatural status, Cadogan's body regenerates cells at a greatly accelerated rate. He isn't immortal or invulnerable but recovers quickly even without the use of his active healing abilities.

-By choice, Cadogan can heal the wounds of both himself and others. To do so, he must remain in physical contact with the target in some fashion. Cadogan can not bring someone who has already died back to life, but with extended exposure he can repair serious injuries. The amount of time he must spend on a target depends on how seriously they need attention. Cadogan can perform healing for multiple individuals at once so long as he can contact them, but the efficiency of the healing drops exponentially for each additional target he must aid.

The Reclaimer's Blessing:

-Cadogan can grant others time-limited abilities that are measured by their exposure to his magic. For every single unit of time Cadogan channels his magic into a person, they receive the chosen benefit for ten times as long. Cadogan must be able to see all recipients in order to establish a channel with them. Cadogan can't apply this power to himself, as it exists purely for the benefit of others. No regular human can acquire more than one light at a time. They are the following:

1. Purging light: The target is cured of diseases, infections, and parasites. For the duration of the spell, they cannot acquire any new ones and benefit from the same passive healing factor that Cadogan does.

2. Piercing light: The target's body is swathed in a soft glow, and for the duration of the spell, they can choose to receive a single boost to either their perception, strength, constitution, or agility.

3. Euphoric light: The target is overcome with a deep, warming sensation that relaxes all the muscles in the body and produces a state of euphoria in the receiver. Targets cannot move while under the effects of the light, nor do they often want to. Recipients who undergo this blessing may enter a dreamlike trance if they are under the effects of Euphoric Light for more than half an hour or so, though this is variable depending on the constitution, willingness, and desire of the recipient.



o King James Bible.
o Bhagavad Gita: Pocket Edition.
o Two journals titled "R.O.S.E"
o A black ballpoint pen.
o Three bottles of water.
o Two day's rations.


o Remington M24 sniper rifle
o Hatchet
o Wallet containing $200 of old world currency, one driver's license, and a faded photograph.

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Name Surname

Nickname: Ace
Gender: Unknown
Species: Unknown
Age: Young Adult
Appearance: A 5'8" figure dressed in loose and comfortable clothes worn in layers. The most noteable of these layers being the large, shapeless jacket Ace adorns, the hood of which always worn up. This hood of theirs seems to cast a deep shadow over their face, making it hard to discern their facial festures. Some wonder if they even have a face at all.

Tarot Depiction: Ace of Pentacles

Symbol of Choice: An Encircled Pentacle

STR ▰▰▰▱▱▱▱▱▱▱

PER ▰▰▰▰▰▰▱▱▱▱
END ▰▰▰▰▰▰▱▱▱▱
CHR ▰▰▰▱▱▱▱▱▱▱
INT ▰▰▰▰▰▱▱▱▱▱
AGI ▰▰▰▰▰▱▱▱▱▱
LUC ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▱▱▱
ARC ▰▰▰▰▰▱▱▱▱▱

Personality: Ace would be the strong, silent type... if they had the strength to back it up. Emotionally? Yes, they do consider themselves to have some control over their emotions. Otherwise, physically they're a bit of a weakling. They're not particularly ashamed of it though. As dark and mysterious as they first come off, the Ace of Pentacles has rather expressive body language that shows hints of a loud and dorky personality, even if they don't often choose to speak. They attach themselves to people quite easily and will follow their person of interest like a lost puppy. Despite the apocalypse, or maybe to spite the apocalypse, Ace has never been known to turn they're back on somebody, but a person like them probably can afford to care, seeing as they won't hesitate to put a rock threw an offender's skull if they prove to be a threat (after three strikes). Luckily, they've been fortunate thus far with choosing the right company to keep.

Brief History: Ace mostly survived in the apocalypse by integrating themself into friendly groups of people and living a nomadic life. Some chose to stay and rebuild, but Ace found the apocalypse the perfect time to travel without it costing an arm and a leg, though rumors say there's a highway a cannibalistic gang will literally charge and arm or a leg to travel. It's tempting to see if those rumors are true, but Ace is quite fond of all their limbs at the moment.

It took a bit of trial and error, and one near death experience involving a truck, a fish, and one drunk hick, to get this far but they consider themselves a seasoned survivalist by now. It took a couple of months but Ace has become quite the marksman with their rocks. They've learned how to make pemmican, a cake of dried and pounded meat mixed with melted fat and maybe with some honey for added flavor, from a pair of ex-artic explorers coming back to see their families only to met with all of this nonsense. Ace knew they've been lucky thus far carving out a decent life out of a wilderness of death and decay and perhaps that was what made them so optimistic for the next day, and week, and month.

They won't talk about their life before the apocalypse. That is, even if they can remember what is was like before everything went to hell. Maybe if they try hard enough. Right now, though, they're more focused on the here and now.

Inventory: 3x Pin Buttons, 1x Gas Mask, Spare Clothes, 1x Pocket Knife, Pockets full of Rocks, 1x Multi-Tool, 1x Water Canteen, 1x Binoculars, 1x Flashlight, 1x Sleeping Bag, 1x Emergency Fire Starter Zippo, 1x Jar of Honey, 4x Pemmican, 1x Bottle of Whiskey, 1x Medical Kit (bandages, tape, alcohol wipes, gloves, ice packs, small scissors and tweezers)

Arcane:Rock Pellets: Like bullets from a gun, Ace can pellet rocks at targets straight from their hand without even having to throw them. They usually carry their own supply as a last resort but more often than not they're surrounded by ammo.

They can shoot five rocks at top speed without a break. After that, the rocks begin loosing their speed and force.
Recognition: Ace can control how someone perceives them. More specifically, if they recognise them or not without even showing they're face. Even if they never met the person before, the person will feel like they've known them for forever. This makes integrating into groups and receiving aid fairly easy.
Recognising someone isn't always a good thing. Perhaps the person Ace is targeting is hunting down someone and now thinks Ace is that person. This may not even work on anyone of the Major Tarot. In that case all they see is a weirdo running around the apocalypse wearing a jacket in hot weather.
Recognition II: They don't speak very often, but when they do, the person they're speaking too knows they're speaking, but can't quite remember what their voice sounds like. Sometimes Ace doesn't have to speak at all, only having to point or nod for the other person to recognise what they mean.
Ace all but forgot what they're original voice sounds like. If there's ever any doubt of this skill not working, Ace will only speak in a rough whisper. If they actually have to speak.
Luck: A rather unpredictable thing Ace has no control over. Sometimes what seems to be lucky only leads to misfortune, and first misfortune must fall before getting lucky. But sometimes it's as simple as finding supplies in the most unlikely places, or missing a trap by inches.
Their misfortune might be somebody else's lucky day. What kind of skill is this to have anyway?!
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