Fairy Tail AU: Open Haven OOC


I am... Who am I?
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Modern, Fandoms


☽ Introduction ☾

Welcome to Fairy Tail AU: Open Haven! This is a brand new story, taking place in, as part of the title suggest, an Alternate Universe from the canon Fairy Tail story. This means the canon characters and story that drove the main series is not going to be affecting the story we will push forward. If you have any questions what so ever, feel free to contact a GM, and you shall receive help as fast as possible!

Without any further delay, let us delve right in!

☽ Rules ☾
  • Rule 1 - Be respectful towards each other. Criticism is understandable, but outright cursing one another is never okay.
    Rule 1B - People don't always enjoy each others company. That's a basic part of life. Bullying shouldn't be. If you are caught in an argument that just keeps spiraling downwards, step away and allow things to cool off. If that doesn't work, approach a GM for aid in resolving the matter.
  • Rule 2 - If your character has been reviewed and accepted, then you are free to start posting in the IC. Even if you see the Roster not updating immediately, that shouldn't stop you. All you need is the acceptance of the character sheet.
  • Rule 3 - Everyone, without exception, can have up to 3 official characters at any given time. This does not include NPCs, and it does not matter what rank your characters are or how long you have been within the roleplay. This is done to maintain a balance within the roleplay, as people can sometimes get excited and push themselves beyond their limit, or perhaps start feeling intimidated by people who have many characters.
    Rule 3B - The fact Rule 3 does not apply to NPCs does not indicate you can bypass it with NPCs. Those will come with their own set of rules to follow if they are Wizards. Any other type of NPC will be talked over with a GM.
  • Rule 4 - Everyone starts as a person who has just come to join the guild. Be it that you heard of it at the time of formation and finally chose to step up, or you just randomly stumbled upon it, doesn't matter. You first came, you saw, you joined. No one starts with a character that has already been around.
  • Rule 5 - Respect the GMs and your fellow roleplayers. They want to help keep the wheels on this roleplay going, and the best way to do it is working together. Everyone who joins is a part of this, and we all want to have fun building this story up.
  • Rule 6 - Don't expect every character to be allowed Slayer Magic, Lost Magic, Black Magic or the sort. Those are meant to be rare and extremely dangerous types of Magic which aren't taught around in mass quantities. You can be original and come up with your own unique Magic type, as there is an entire world to explore, but don't think too much towards the direction of those Magics.
  • Rule 7 - You are free to share your opinions with anyone, but do it in a civil manner (As mentioned in Rules 1 & 1B). People can often appreciate input if done in a proper manner, but remember that your input does not mean an idea will be approved. The Final say goes to the GMs. If you feel you don't agree with a decision, you are free to bring it up with the GMs, but try to not have arguments dragged out for long and remain civil.
  • Rule 8 - This stands as the spot where any of the obvious rules would go in. If you understand what this means, then add a fun fact about your character within the sheet.

☽ The IC's World, Lore and More! ☾

This following section has been constructed to help people find different details about the world, what is known, things that will help build up their character sheets and so on. If there is anything that you feel could be missing, feel free to ask the GMs!

  • Beginning with the one of the bigger part of the world, Magic. There are many various types of Magic, as it is being used by not just Wizards. I will be going over the basic Magic used and then the three major types of Magic that is being by Wizards across this great world.

    • The Basic Magic is one that often comes in objects called Magic Lacrimas. They serve as a holding item for Magic force that is easy to use by anyone. You just input it into the appropriate object that is it is meant to serve. This could be seen as a sort of battery, but one that is very commonly used. Common sights for this are Fire Lacrimas that are used to power up furnaces and fireplaces, or Lightning Lacrimas that help turn on light sources. These are often considered as a 'commoner's tool' more than a Magic tool.

    • The First of the three major types of Magic that wizards use is known as Caster Magic. This type of Magic is one that the Wizard forms through their own sheer Magic force alone, without the need for any sort of conduit. This is considered the type of magic that has the most types of sub Magics within it, often being thought of as 'almost impossible to ever count'. While all of the Magics underneath it do not have conduits, it does not mean they can be used at every situation. Each type that is a Caster Magic has its own limitations that must be met in order to be used, be it to maximum efficiency or at all.
      Examples for Caster Magic would be different variants of Maker Magic, which allows a person to form different things from a specific element. Another example would be the different Elemental Magics, which allows a person to just purely use an element, create it from their own magical force and manipulate it in nature.

    • The Second type of Major Magics is known as Holder's Magic. This type of Magic is called as such for having its users hold certain items while putting their Magic to use, thus having magical conduits. Be it for conveniences sake or due to poor skills in using the raw magic force be the reason behind why a person uses this magic, this type of Magic has many, many very dangerous types of Magics underneath it, though the two most common examples of Magics that are known to be Holder Magics are none other than the Celestial Spirit Magic, which allows a person to summon different spirits that serve their key's holder, and Guns Magic, which are magical guns powered by small magical bullets.

    • The Third and most notorious type of Major Magics is Ancient Magic. The types of magics that fall under this category are those who are considered to have been lost to time itself. Every Lost Magic falls into here, Black Arts, and many types of Magics that are considered extremely rare, and are forbidden to use by every country and kingdom. There are no examples known due to how rare this type of Magic has become, but people say it is still identifiable by how intense of a feeling the Magic gives to all those who surround or face it, let alone those who are the target of it.
  • Guilds are a fundamental part of this world. Guilds are the places, or potentially home, that people can come to and bind together over a mutual topic. There are Merchant Guilds, which are often sought out when people wish to gain help improving their financial aid. There are Treasure Hunter Guilds, which often have nasty people that will go after different types of treasures no matter what stands in their way. Those two are examples for types of guilds.

    Each type of guild has its own base set of rules they need to follow, having been established by whichever higher forces overlook them, and if they are official guilds, then that means they also must follow the rules of the nation they reside in and the rules of the Grand Council for their type of guild. Guilds that did not apply to be known as official guilds, but have not broken any laws are considered to be Independent Guilds. They are not supported by anyone, and are often frowned upon. If a Guild has broken the natioal or Grand Council rules in any manner, they are considered to be Dark Guilds. Those are considered outlaws and must be taken down.

    Of course, among the many types of guilds, Wizards Guilds exists. Those serve as homes and base of operations from which they choose their jobs and report to for a place that will always offer them a meal, medical care, and a shelter. The Grand Council has their set of rules for Wizard Guilds, which are considered acceptable by all, and then there are the national rules set by the country the guild is in. These rules are normally known by all, but wizards are often considered as the type of guild that often seeks out the most loopholes within its rules.
  • Every type of guild has its own ranking system, and Wizard guilds are no exception. Below are the official Wizard rankings, and how to gain each:

    Rank D - The lowest rank an official wizard can have. This rank is given to those who just started their career as a Wizard and only just joined an official guild, regardless of how powerful they may be. They must perform a couple of jobs and show they are getting the hang of being a part of a guild before gaining the next rank.

    Rank C - Given to those who have been in a guild for a bit, performed a few jobs and overall know the ropes. This is the highest rank a person can gain without looking at their magical abilities. This rank is given by the Guild Master when he feels it is right.

    Rank B - This rank begins to show proficiency with the type of Magic a person uses. They are not considered an expert yet, but they have impressed the Guild Master enough to be given this rank and thus also be allowed to take on more specialized jobs.

    Rank A - Highest Rank a person can reach that is given without an official exam. This means the member have impressed the Guild Master to such a degree that they are considered an expert with their magic in their guild. Some guilds give this rank an area of their own.

    Rank S - The First Rank gained through an Exam. This Rank is sought out by those who wish to show they are not just one of the best in their guild, but in their country, as the rank is considered a rarity. The exams are always tough, and only one can pass each exam.
    Those who gain S Rank normally have their own area and Job board to select from, among other perks their guild may provide to them.

    Titles - These do not grant anything special from the Guild Master, but normally they show that the Guild members have gained enough respect towards a person to give them a title of sorts. The title can be used by anyone, but only the Guild members can choose it for them.
  • Ishgar is a continent that is spread across a very vast mass of land, and within it lay numerous countries and kingdoms. For a very long time, the continent held many inner wars within itself, and no one thought peace would ever come. Even when the Dragons came and begun roaming Ishgar, the humans could not agree on how to deal with the dragons and continued to wage wars.

    Eventually, a legend would rise in the form of the Five Ishgar Shields. Those five individuals stood between five nations and held each country's army back on their own, insisting the countries stop and come together, as they needed to finally come to a realization that they did not have a common enemy among themselves, but rather at the Dragons. While not all agreed, they had chosen to sit down and discuss matters, under the watchful eyes of the Five, and eventually come to an agreement.

    While the agreement would not last, it would open the door to the future Union of Ishgar. All countries and Kingdoms that laid in Ishgar would eventually stand together and form a grand council that overlooked all, with smaller councils that helped divided the burden among themselves. Those small councils are known as the National Council Branches, and each overlook its countries many different guilds, and never consists of only one type of people in it.

    As part of honouring the legend behind the Five that held back the armies, a top list of wizardss have been formed, known as the Five Ishgar Shields. These wizards are considered to be the top of the top within the entire continent, chosen by the Grand Council itself and updated every 5 years, though actual changes do not usually occur. Underneath those five, there are also five additional members which are given the title of Ishgar Saints. These people are also considered impressive in their power, and get to stand proudly to represent Ishgar itself.
  • The Kingdom of Fiore is one of the kingdoms that reside within the continent of Ishgar. It is the youngest among the kingdoms, having only officially formed its monarchy after the Great Dragon Departure of X681. The Kingdom itself is thriving rather well for a kingdom of just over 100 years old, and has proudly stood and showed this fact.

    The Kingdom has different sets of rules for different types of guilds, but the rules it has for Wizard Guilds are considered to be extremely flexible, depending on what guild is being discussed. The more favoured it is by the kingdom, the more flexible and loose the rules can become. It has been critized for this by the other kingdoms, but as they provided two of the current members of the Ishgar Saints and one of the Five Ishgar Shields, the other kingdoms decided not to look too deeply into the affairs of Fiore.

    The Kingdom itself has an immense alert system that is aimed at alerting two things: War (From any direction), and Dragons. While there is little concern about the former occurring, the latter is a fear that lives within the monarchy and rulers and all times, due to several Dragons that have stayed dormant for over 100 years within the country itself, and due to not knowing where the other Dragons had gone off to. As part of this, wizards across Fiore are always encouraged to be the strongest and best they can be, and the weaker ones are encouraged to grow stronger no matter what, or to switch to stronger types of magics.
  • As all things go, the guild itself has a story that makes many raise eyebrows. The citizens of Magnolia, the home city of the guild, do not know exactly what happened two years ago, just prior to the Guild's formation.

    Prior to Fairy Tail, there was a powerful guild called Wyvern's Fangs. They were known as a guild that was abusive towards it own members and the citizens of Magnolia, but it was allowed to stay around due to being known as providing immense security to the area with some powerful members.

    One night, the citizens report two individuals came into Magnolia. And then... No one who was around can remember. The following 12 hours are a blank to all those who were around. What was found was a broken guild hall, the name of Wyvern's Fang had been broken into many piece, and its Guild Master sent in an official form of disbandment for the guild. All members within it had been greatly beaten up, but what was even more mysterious was the fact only one of the two individuals had stayed in Magnolia.

    It was a couple of days later that the same individual would approach and fill in all the forms required to form Fairy Tail. As Magnolia was suddenly guildless, and the country basically had an open front, the monarchy immediately accepted the forms, and Fairy Tail became the official guild of Magnolia. The Guild Hall of Wyvern's Fangs was taken down and rebuilt into a more inviting structure, with the placement that overlooked the sea in the distance and all of Magnolia to the other side of the building only adding to its charm.
  • Ever since its formation, the guild had been considered an odd apple. While most other guilds within the Kingdom of Fiore are very tough and strict on who they approve, having entry exams and not accepting everyone. Fairy Tail is not like that, with its Guild Master choosing to have an open door policy for all.

    However, this does not mean everyone jumped at the chance of joining a Wizard guild. Rumours spread across that the open door policy is false, that it is meant to serve as a lure and that guild is secretly a trap. This kept going for almost two years, until a couple of months ago, when news started to spread from Magnolia that members of Fairy Tail had just saved both Magnolia and the harbor town of Hargeon from an invasion of Giant Vulcans , and without accepting any rewards. The Guild Master had been recorded stating that keeping the area safe is the best reward in his eyes.

    Most guilds looked at this as a pathetic excuse of show of power, but it also caused the rumours of the guild being a deadly lure, trap and so on to decrease immensely, and intrigue about Fairy Tail had instead increased. What more does this guild hold behind its doors?
  • Into the category of NPC fall every character that is not one of your main characters. These will commonly be citizens, clients of jobs, enemies, so on. Every character that doesn't need a sheet falls under this category. They can commonly be controlled by whoever it is appropriate to.

    But sometimes people want to delve deeper into a certain NPC or another. That is more than fine, acceptable and even encouraged, but everyone needs to remember that this is still an NPC. This means they won't suddenly get their own posts, and usually serve as a way to push your characters forward in their development. These NPCs may get their own character sheets, but with a title that states they are a NPC, and with the knowledge they are not expected to be carrying your actual character across an entire story. They are the side characters.
  • In here you can find a list of facts about the world that can be considered common knowledge, or things that are useful to know when creating your character sheet.

    • Among the twelve Golden Celestial Spirit Keys, it is known that four are at the hands of guilds outside of Fiore, and one more is in the hands of a guild within Fiore. What isn't known is that those keys are: The Golden Bull, The Archer, The Ram, The Scorpion and the Heavenly Scales. There are rumours a sixth key is somewhere within Fiore, but no one can be sure.

    • The Guild Master of Fairy Tail has been brought into questioning by the local Council Branch over 20 times over the course of the two years of the guild existing, but it is not known why by anyone outside of the council.

    • While Fiore has provided 3 of the highest ranking wizards across all of Ishgar, it is said one of the two Fiore Saints had not been seen for over 10 years, but no one has come close to passing him yet.

    • There are Three dormant dragons within Fiore, having been this way for over 100 years, and it is rumoured there are two more that have been dormant for even longer and have simply blended into the scenery.

    • There has been work on a medicine that counters Draconification in Dragon Slayer Magic users, but it is still extremely expensive to produce in any of the countries, and thus the Grand Council elected to keep it under the Taboo list of Magics to this day. The medicine has been confirmed to work.

    • In the past 100 years, there has begun being a rise in Dark Guilds all across Ishgar, after several hidden libraries had been discovered in many different countries, and containing books from ancient wizards of various types. Among the libraries that have been conquered by official forces, none have contained information regarding Lost Magic.
  • The Official starting date of the roleplay is April 9th, X785.
    The following records and dates have been considered important enough to be recorded in history.

    X259 - Dragons arrive at Ishgar. The first Dragons versus Dragons War recorded by humans begins.
    X282 - The First Dragon War ends.
    X346 - Humans declare war on Dragons.
    X348 - The Human - Dragon War ends, with major losses to Humans. Some Dragons begin taking pity on the Humans.
    X378 - The first Human-friendly Dragon approach Humans and suggest teaching human Dragon Slaying Magic, to fight off the Dragons who do not wish to co-exist with Humans. The Humans accept.
    X390 - The Dragon Slaying Magic initiative is abandoned due to the unforeseen Draconification process that occurred within its users. Humans and certain Dragons continue working together.
    X434-7 - The Five Ishgar Shield Rise.
    X510 - The Second Dragon War begins. The Ishgar Continent suffers more than before.
    X514 - The Humans join the Second Dragon War.
    X568 - The Second Dragon War ends, with the Friendly Dragons and Humans just barely winning, but at a grave cost to both species.
    X659 - The Dragons Departure occurs, and most Dragons vanish from the lands of Ishgar.
    X681 - The Kingdom of Fiore is formed.
    X783 - Fairy Tail is Formed.

☽ Character Sheet ☾

We have finally arrived at the Character Creation. I know everyone is ready to jump right into this, but there are a couple of final instructions I need to give you before you hop right into this.

1) A Character can have no more than 2 types of Magics they Specialize in, but it is possible to learn small spells or use certain small Magic holder items. Telepathy is a good example of a type that is commonly learned and used on a small, local scale.

2) Each Character has their Magic Power. It is measured though a special device known as the Magic Power Finder. The average wizard is measured between 400-500 power, and it is possible to train the Magic power to become higher. It is unlikely that people will perform the test one day after the other and suddenly gain a huge difference, so be cautious when updating the magic power. (The highest power value that the regular Finder can record is 9999 Magic Power.)

(This is basically an indicator to both how powerful their attacks can be, as it requires the use of the most powerful attack to calculate, but it also stands to show how much overall Magic Power they possess.)

Here is how the Magic Power indicator would scale.
1-400: Below Average. Usually stay at C Rank as Wizards, or go to work for the local Council.
401-500: Average. These make the majority of Wizards, often being C rank but some getting to B Rank.
501-1000: Above Average. These Wizards are beginning to be noticeable and start to gain a name for themselves. They normally sit at B Rank, rarely getting to A Rank.
1001-1500: A Rank. These Wizards can often be considered very powerful already, and usually sit at B or A Rank.
1501-2000: A+ Rank. The Wizards in these rank normally sit at A Rank, having both an impressive magic power and knowledge of their magic to be able to use it to the best degree.
2001-2500: S Rank. The highest wizards in the Guilds, those who are known across the country for their power, with their names often being called out in Awe or fear.

2501-4000: Ishgar High Rank. These Wizards have passed the norms of the majority and stand in the 1% that are above the rest, yet still not high enough to be considered one of the Ishgar Saints.
4000-7100: Ishgar Saint Rank: The five lower ranks within the top ten of Ishgar's most power wizards.
7100- 8900: Ishgar's Five Shields: The five highest Ranks within Ishgar. In terms of power, there are none that stand above these within all of the Ishgar Continent.
8900 - 9999: ????

Those are the final notes, now you are free to make your characters!

[center][img]Main Picture[/img]
[spoilerbb=Basic Information]

[b][u]Age and date of birth[/u][/b]:
[i][u]Age Appearance[/u][/i]:
[i][u]Length and build[/u][/i]:
[i][u]Favorite weather and season[/u][/i]:

[i][u]Birthplace[/u][/i]: (Where were they born? If you dont fancy any location of the Fiore Map, you can make a place up! Just make sure to note where it is located.
[i][u]Guild[/u][/i]: (Insert Fairy Tail Here, but if they were a part of any other guilds prior, add them here as well, along with a "Former" at the side.
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: (What Rank are they? Do note, the highest rank a person can carry over between Guilds is B Rank. You can also write what rank they were in a former guild.)
(Either an image or one decent paragraph that describes the character)
[spoilerbb=Detailed Information]

(At least two paragraphs of 3-4 lines.) 

(Note any skills and trainable abilities that your characters have in here. Note that Magic Power falls into here, not under Special Traits, as in this world, it can be trained and improved.
[b][u]Special Traits[/u][/b]:
(Does your character have any unique traits? Anything that is not natural and cannot be trained falls under here. If you have any speculations regarding this, approach a GM.)

[b][u]Other Detailed:[/u][/b] (Anything else you would like to share about the character?)


(At least two decent paragraphs, please.)
[i][u]Theme Song[/u][/i]:
(Either a link or a video, optional though)


[spoilerbb=Magic and Equipment]

[b][u]Type of Magic:[/u][/b] (Is it Caster? Holder? ANCIENT?) 
[b][u]Subtype Magic:[/u][/b] (Here you get to be more specific about the exact type.)
[b][u]Description:[/u][/b] (Describe how your Magic works, in short. If it is a Holder Magic, then use the below part for Magic Equipment to describe the tools you use as part of your main magic.

[b][u]Type of Magic:[/u][/b] (Is it Caster? Holder? ANCIENT?) 
[b][u]Subtype Magic:[/u][/b] (Here you get to be more specific about the exact type.)
[b][u]Description:[/u][/b] (Describe how your Magic works, in short. If it is a Holder Magic, then use the below part for Magic Equipment to describe the tools you use as part of your main magic.


[b]Name of Weapon or Magic Tool[/b]: (Does it have a cool name? Let us know!)
[b]Description[/b]: (Tell us what it does and, if it doesnt a pic, describe how it looks too!)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (A picture of the weapon or tool, Optional.)

[b]Name of Weapon or Magic Tool[/b]: (Does it have a cool name? Let us know!)
[b]Description[/b]: (Tell us what it does and, if it doesnt a pic, describe how it looks too!)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (A picture of the weapon or tool, Optional.)


[b][u]Other Magic:[/u][/b] (Anything else involving Magic I should know? Minor spells and holder items fall under here!)

Without any further words, there is only one thing left to say.

Welcome to Fairy Tail!
Last edited:

Guild Master
Ivo Evictus - Nim

S Rank


A Rank


B Rank

Daniel James Greenwood - Kurogane86

C Rank

Pompey Glashion - Cush Almighty

D Rank

Ken Tanaka - SolemnOath
Quill Neviris - Nim
Viera Delmonte - PurpleSnowDrop

Job Board

The Job Board is the approachable spot where people can go to and find different jobs to perform. The jobs will be refreshed on a monthly based, with new ones being added every week and old ones being taken down every month, at random. As expected, taking care of the Job Board will be left to the GM's.

Creating Jobs

In order to allow the members of the roleplay to have a bigger role in the roleplay, I have decided to allow everyone to create jobs and run them. Before you all run and jump on the chance to run your own jobs, there are a couple of steps you will need to follow when making the job:

1) Fill out a Format (Provided below)*, and get an acceptance about a job from a GM, Through PM. Anyone who won't follow this rule will find their job rejected.
2) Keep the job reasonable. There is plenty to explore in the Kingdom of Fiore, the Continent of Ishgar, and the whole world of Earthland, but that does not mean every single job will have Dragons, giant consequences or major disasters happening. The same goes for the rewards from jobs, not every job will go beyond a mere cash reward of up to, at best, 500 thousand Jewels.
3) You are not allowed to create 1 Year jobs or those of higher ranks. S ranked Jobs are allowed, but do consider the fact people will first need to prove themselves IC-wise before they will be allowed to take such a Job IC-wise. The lower ranked jobs can always be just as good in every way, even if you don't think so!

Once that is done and the job has been approved, it will be brought onto the Job Board at the end of the week of acceptance. This is done to allow people who are working on jobs a chance at requesting said job. It is also highly encouraged that you do not make a job and take it yourself.**

*(In case you find the format to be undesirable, you may create one of your own for the job you are working on. The format I will be presenting will still need to serve as a base, so you will know what is required to be in it.)

**(If you wish to explore some things with your character or so, you can discuss it with a GM and have it arranged. This does not require making a job for yourself, just getting the approval of a GM. Making jobs is simply to create more ways for people to work together on exploring the world, be it via creating things, or being the ones exploring it.)

Taking Jobs

There are two parts to taking a Job. It is separated to the OOC and IC sides.


The OOC side of the Jobs works as follows - Jobs are posted on the board. People can show interest, discuss matters, ask questions regarding details that may be found on the job notice IC-wise and so forth. If they choose to take up a job, they need to state so in the OOC, before making an IC post about taking the job. This is to both allow others the GM's to update the Job Board accordingly, and be fair towards the other members of the roleplay by letting them all know this job has been taken off the list, even if the list has not been updated yet.

Another important point is to make sure to tag the creator of the Job when announcing you are taking said job. This is to ensure the creator of the job knows you have chosen their job and to let them be ready to manage it. If you won't be going at a job alone, then you may also tag whoever is accompanying you to the job, to make it easier for everyone to know.


Once you have chosen a job OOC and taken care of the steps required in that part, you may go ahead and create the post IC for taking the job. While there won't be anything stopping you from taking it, be warned that people can still interfere in any way they want, be it sudden small talk, challenging for a drinking match, boxing match, bubble blowing match (you get the point).

Each job will have an indicator of time on it. If it is urgent, emergency or such, then it means there will be a time limit on it, even when you are on the job itself. Some jobs like these can provide an exact time IC-wise the wizards will have, and some can simply state "As soon as possible", or before something finishes occurring, being more obscure. If a job has no time indicator on it, then it means it can be taken and completed without any rush.

Regardless of time, the moment a job is taken, a wizard needs to go and complete the job as quickly as they can. This is part of Fairy Tail's expectations, not anything official. If you want to see what can happen, then be warned, for the Master won't take it kindly.

Over here you can find the sheet for sending in jobs!
(Please look in explanations for instructions in filling jobs)
[center][font=(optional, to make things fancier!)]
[b][i]Job Name:[/i][/b]
(The big name on the job poster)
[b][i]Job Rank:[/i][/b]
(What rank is this job aimed for?)
(Where does it take place?)
(Who is the client? Can go from a single person to a country's government.)
(What is the wizard supposed to get for successfully performing the job?)

(Optional. Any known dangers the wizards should know of?)
[b][i]Additional Info:[/i][/b]
(Optional. Is there any other info that could be important to know?)

(If there is any image that accompanies the job, be sure to add it at the end!)

Listed Jobs

  • Job Name:
    Help Us, Fairy Tail!
    Job Rank:
    B Rank
    Harbor town, Hargeon
    The town of Hargeon
    350,000 Jewels, the appreciation of the entire Hargeon Town

    Unknown Underwater creature. No known dangers within the town
    Additional Info:
    There is a creature that stalks every sea vessel that comes through, regardless of size. It was reported to be between the size of a large shark to a small whale, and while it has not attacked so far, it caused people in the town to fear going out to sea, and some people to cease trades with the town. Due to Fairy Tail protecting the town in the past, Hargeon has specifically requested help from Fairy Tail.

  • Job Name:
    Mercenaries, Begone!
    Job Rank:
    The Merchant Guild "Lost and Found"
    125,000 Jewels

    Some Mercenaries. Maybe some wildlife.
    Additional Info:
    This group of mercenaries has been harassing our guild for a couple of weeks now, robbing our members and interfering with our jobs. We want to see them captured, so we will feel safe to operate properly once more without fearing for our members.

  • Job Name:
    Summer Prep Help
    Job Rank:
    C Rank
    Fellunia Village
    Fellunia Village
    70,000 Jewels

    Local Wildlife at most.
    Additional Info:
    There will be various tasks to aid with. This is done to help the village prepare for the upcoming summer.

  • Job Name:
    Work with the Council!
    Job Rank:
    Begins at the outskirts of Mt. Gewari.
    Turiel Wethworth
    Second in command in the Magic Exploration Division
    101,000 Jewels (Potential for further rewards)

    Various dangers of unknown nature.
    Additional Info:
    The Council seeks the aid of several wizard guilds to aid them in exploring a newly found mine in mountain Gewari. As the wizards will be supported by the council, the rank for the job had been decreased. The wizards coming forth are expected to be in their best behavior.

  • Job Name:
    Guard Duty
    Job Rank:
    Akane Beach
    Akane Beach Security
    68,000 Jewels

    Minimal dangers to none.
    Additional Info:
    High ranking members from the local Council Branch are coming for a retreat. We request aid from local wizards as part of increasing security. No imminent danger is expected.

  • Job Name:
    Event Prep
    Job Rank:
    Miss Riley Ofelia
    Owner of "Cafe Le La"
    20,000 Jewels

    Additional Info:
    Help is required in preparation for an upcoming event!

  • Job Name:
    Service Aid
    Job Rank:
    Akane Beach
    Akane Beach Grand Hotel
    24,000 Jewels, two tickets for 2 nights in the hotel.

    Additional Info:
    High ranking council members are going to be staying, so we require extra staff.

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Another Reservation just to be on the safe side, and everyone is free to post now!
"How does that saying go? When life gives you lemons make lemonade? Haha, such a idiotic saying. Especially if life throws the water and sugar into hell where it actually wants you to go~ "

Name: Ken Tanaka
Nickname: When in the dark guild he was known as the Celestial Shaitan, however that was the nickname he was given along with his disguise, it has little to nothing to do with him anymore, even if the name itself hasn't been forgotten in the dark guilds.
Title: N/A
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 19: 11/20
Age Appearance: Looks the age he is
Sexuality: Pan

Length and build: 5"10 has a lean build, little body fat and a nice amount of muscle.
Weight: 130
Favorite weather and season: Despite the negative affects it has on his magic, he loves rainy weather, espieaclly weather with lightning and thunder that can shake the earth. Its a mix between winter and fall honestly~

Birthplace: Enca (at the capital of this country)
Guild: Former S class member of Twilights Eye (a dark guild)
Rank: B

He wears pretty basic clothing, grey jeans with black dress shoes. Along with that he wears a black shirt with sleeves that go up to his elbow, on top of that, he wears a jacket all the time. The jacket is a black one that goes down to his thighs, on the sleeves, hood and the bottom of the jacket is soft fur. Also on both his pointer fingers he wears two silver bands, they aren't of much importance to him but he rather likes them. Comes to a height of 5'' 10, and weighs a good amount, not underweight but he does seem rather close to it. He has some good muscle on him, though you wouldn't consider him all that athletic by the looks of things. On his head is black messy hair that goes just past his ears in some places. His eyes are a dark brown, and his skin is rather pale but he does have a very light tan to it.
The above is a description of how Ken looks on an average day. This look isn't something he had when he was part of the dark guild. Rather being fully aware of the dangers such a guild possessed (with the law) and not wanting to cause his mother any hardship, he adapted a disguise at a very young age, and changed it accordingly as he grew. This disguise was something he never dropped while in the guild, on a quest or even within a mile of some guild member.

With this outfit he wore clothes that are starkly different to what he currently wears now en days. To start off, back then he always wore a mask (the picture below) whenever he was at the guild or doing jobs for them. Never was he seen without it while wearing their bearing their mark, the only people that would know his face would be the guild master at the time, and maybe some other high level mages, though the latter is unlikely.

Along with the fox mask, he wore rather plain everyday clothing. Nothing really fancy or expensive, just something that could be worn by just about anyone (though the clothing wasn't his taste). These clothes included (but not limited to), white jeans, matching shoes, a winter sweater or light blue long sleeve shirt that his hid body. He also wore gloves that went with the shirt of his choosing. The only thing that always stayed the same was that fox mask he wore, along with a royal purple scarf that he had wrapped around his head and neck to hide as many features as possible from the others.

When it comes to Ken, the mask that he shows everyone is that of a cocky, laid back, confident and rather sarcastic person who takes a great deal of joy in messing around. He finds pleasure in pissing people off and annoying the hot headed ones as much as he can get away with. While he is a trouble maker, he's one that goes for the more subtle side of trouble. He isn't the person that pranks the entire class if given the chance (though, if asked there is a good chance he'll help out). Rather, he finds more fun in finding just one person to piss off and then just spending the rest of the day if not week annoying that one person in various ways. Doing just a bit to annoy them, but not enough to get in trouble. Should the person turn to more violent means to shut him up, this will not work all that well. For in response, though Ken will run, he'll make sure to taunt and make the situation all the worse if possible. All the while having a good laugh at the other's annoyance/rage.

Along with this, Ken has a habit of being very sarcastic, he can't have a conversation without saying some kind of sarcastic/witty remark. While for the most part he isn't overly rude, it's hard to tell if he's talking down on someone or just messing with them. If you want a direct, blunt answer from him, good luck getting it. As for the most part he will simply talk in circles and let the conversation either drag on, or completely change it to be talking about something different. This becomes rather obvious when subjects he has no interest in, or are too personal are touched.

When someone is talking to him, they would see that Ken has a tendency to look down at other people, even if they are taller than him. The way he holds himself, it shows for the most part that he is looking down on them. Now whether this is because he doesn't have any respect or such about the person matters. While he doesn't always see people on the same level as him. When he looks down at people its not simply due to how he views them. Rather this is how he goes about trying to read a person's body language. He's been attempting to learn how to cold read. Once he starts doing this he makes plenty of comments about how a person holds them self, what they may be feeling etc. He could completely off the mark, but this won't stop him from making these comments as he finds this type of thing to be interesting.

When things get serious, he doesn't outright ditch his annoying, sarcastic mask. However, he doesn't goof around as much as before. Though he is fully serious and invested in the fight, if the fight is against a powerful enemy he tends to push himself to far. While he'll deny any recklessness, he is without a doubt reckless in fights, as he tries to push himself far more than he should. While him pushing could help win fights, it can ultimately lead to far more trouble than reward. Especially due his lack of care when it comes to his condition and such. He refuses to just give up and turn around even if that's the best idea. If he must deal with a losing fight, his frustrations start to become more noticeable as he loses the cool he had moments earlier. His tactics become more frantic and impulsive all in all. If allowed to fight to this point, he will more likely than not cause more harm than good. Sadly, despite how cunning he can be, that only applies when he has a cool head and isn't panicking/forcing himself to continue on.

Cocky, confident, and the air of superiority are all personality traits he acts out on daily basis to hide his insecurity. In truth he feels a great deal of pressure from the high expectation placed on him due to his family curse. It doesn't help that his family expects great things out him, as he is meant to carry on the legacy of his bloodline. While he tries to ignore the pressure, he simply can't. This pressure and fear of being a failure pushes him. Not only to train harder, but also makes him take risks in combat. He hopes that if he becomes strong enough, this curse will be removed and everything will finally work out for him.

His magical power ranges in the 2,500 spectrum, but he is striving to get even stronger
Making sand sculptors
Martial arts
Annoying the crap out of almost anyone
Knife throwing
Knife wielding
Stealing (he can be kind of a kleptomaniac at times)
Chess games

Special Traits:
Family Curse, due to a curse placed on his mother by his father, every day magic power is drained from her until eventually she is depleted, and it then moves on to life force. This curse his slow (as magic power is regained with some good rest) but it was designed to be that way, for the curse is intended to be a slow killer to torment them. Should his mother die for any reason, the curse would move to him, sapping him slowly but surely of his hard earned magical power.

Other Detailed: Fun fact: He loves trying to cold read people, even if he fails horribly at it. Just something he enjoys doing to get under peoples skin~
He also is a celestial mage just like his mother, and got most of his keys from her, with Ryuu being the only gold key he found himself (something of which he stole during a mission when he was with the Dark Guild)
Along with that he seems to love gloves of all kinds, and has a tendency to wear different ones at random times. Sticking with black thin gloves, one second he could be wearing a glove which covers his hand, and then the next (should you blink or look away) he'd be wearing some kind of semi fingerless gloves.
He also has a knack for making/designing masks and can be spotted either carving one out, or painting it, though he isn't one to use these masks he just enjoys making them, and he puts a lot of effort into each one.

Ken was born in the country of Enca, there he lived only a fraction of his life, under the love and care of his mother. His time in this country didn't last long at all, for his mother and father had constant arguments day in day out about the life they were living. Be it their different opinions on the country state or the future their child should have. They were always bickering, and despite how adamant his mother was, it was often his father that won these arguments, not because of logic, but rather force. For his father was not only a powerful mage, but a strong man period, with being pretty high when it comes to his social standing. His mother on the other hand didn't have the same amount of power as his father. If she did something he didn't particularly approve of, it was easy to make her change her mind. Whether he applied political pressure on her family, or threatened to take Ken away from her, or just threaten to hurt her period with his powers, there were a vast amount of ways for him to do something that could ruin her life.

Unable to handle this and not wanting to live under his thumb any longer, she ran away in the middle of the night, taking Ken with her. What followed the next several months was something that seemed to resemble hell. She could only bring so much of her belongings with her, and Ken. Meaning she ran out of money swiftly. She was able to afford what she needed to leave the country, but she didn't have enough to get a stable life right off the bat in this new land, Fiora.

In desperate need of a job, she was able to find a guild that worked for her, a legal guild that had room and board, as well as jobs she could take while also caring for Ken. This of course was perfect and she took it without issue. She would go on jobs and hire someone to watch her son while she made money and on the days she was home she would personally take care of Ken. This was how her life went, and she was content.

Ken for the most part grew up as a loving son, he never added too much stress to his mother, nor asked for anything that would burden her. He admired her greatly for her strength and stubbornness, due to this he wanted to follow in her footsteps to become a powerful/great wizard (even though she never became an S class mage he still believed there was no one stronger than her). This lead to him trying to learn magic at a rather young age, something he seemed to have a great affinity for. By the age of 10 he was forming his first sandcastle without so much as picking up a bucket, and from there on he only increased in his skills and knowledge.

His mother of course encouraged him and was proud of his progress, however unknown to the two of them, they were being watched. His father hadn't forgotten about them in the least, rather he never bothered with the hassle of trying to drag the two back home. Instead he had a trusted servant watch over the two and keep careful note of their lives to see if either of them would be worth his attention. At first they weren't, but with Ken's talent with magic only increasing with each passing week, his father soon started to get interested.

When he was 11 the servant that had been watching him and his mother approached (when his mother was off on a job), and invited him to come see his father. While Ken was admittedly curious, he did in the end stubbornly decline the offer, he did this several times over no matter how it was asked. Of course such denial didn't suit his father, so he started to cause trouble for him. At first it was little things, someone breaking into the house when they were gone and stealing some of their money, or some pieces of jewelry but then the longer Ken denied the more issues started to appear. Until one day a special request had gone through the guild asking for his mother to do a quest. This quest was worth a lot, and due to the money having been stolen, his mother was in need of it, so despite how suspicious it looked she left to do it.

The mission was a disaster. At first it seemed easy enough, but out of no where it had escalated and she ended up gravely injured, with her legs broken and going blind in one eye. As one could assume the medical bills were expensive, and there was simply no way Ken could afford them. While he struggled to figure out what to do to help his mother, the servant approached him again. He swore to pay for everything, as long as Ken did one small meeting with his father. He was reluctant, but eventually he agreed to do it. Under the conditions he didn't have to leave Fiore. It took a bit but the deal was arranged, Ken met his father and his father paid the bills.

This happened when he had reached the age of 12, and the meeting was anything but desirable. His father wanted him to return to Enca, where he would go under his wing and live a life of luxury just like a son of his should live in. He made so many grand promises and though very tempting, all of that was denied when he was informed his mother wasn't welcomed back. Of course, his father was displeased by this, but he didn't drag the boy back. Rather he instead chose to torment the boy for his decision. Despite the boys pleas, his father had a curse cast onto his mother. One of which slowly and surely sapped her life away, a curse only he could remove and it was a curse that spread as well, from one person to another that was a blood relative ie Ken. This curse could only be removed when the caster no longer had any kind of magical power to feed into the spell. Ie, for Ken to get the curse off, he had to be able to either remove his father's magic or kill him.

Infuriated by this Ken tried to get his father to remove the curse, but nothing he did worked. Even when he said he'd go with the man, the father denied him, saying he had to learn his lesson first. He'd only accept Ken into his arms, after his mother had succumbed or on the day Ken genuinely fell to his knees begging for mercy and forgiveness.

Unable to do anything about this, Ken did everything he could to save his mother. He studied harder, trained harder and pushed himself daily to improve and get stronger. He's gone to all sorts of healers and spell casters, yet none of them can remove this curse, not without risking his mothers life. While things have been looking dark for him, Ken hasn't given up in the least. If anything he's been fighting harder, despite what his laid back personality may make you think.

During the time his mother was in the hospital, he found that the amount of money his father offered to pay for her, was only for the initial treatment. Desperate for more money, he ended up joining a dark guild (he didn't join the guild his mother was in due to a feeling of hatred towards them, as he believes the guild failed in protecting his mother). This guild gave him the jobs he needed to get by, even if a lot of them were unsavory. If anything though, this guild as well as his situation matured him far faster than any other child. He worked at this guild since he was fourteen, at first doing small jobs but only taking tougher ones as time went on and as he improved his magical skill.

Around the age of 18 he became a powerful wizard, one that was rather known in the dark guild community. Despite his success here, he didn't remain with them, for his mother had found out his second job was in fact with a dark guild rather than a legal guild like he had been telling her. The amount of scolding and genuine disappointment, made Ken feel wretched, with that he quit the dark guild, and taking the last of his money he moved (with his mother) to a different location for a chance to start over.

Now he's been searching for a new, legal guild to join to make his mother proud, all while making sure he can improve his magical abilities. For he is fully aware he has a long way to go before he can even think about saving his mother as well as himself from his families curse.

Theme Song:
Might add one idk

Type of Magic: Caster
Subtype Magic: Sandstrom
Description: With this magical ability, Ken has the ability to manipulate sand whether it comes from his own body or from the surrounding area. He is capable of changing it into different forms to suit his needs, be it in combat or in daily life. Along with this, he is capable of making his body intangible by changing it into sand as well.

Type of Magic: Holder
Subtype Magic: Celestial Sprits
Description: With Celestial magic, which is a holder type magic, he is capable of summoning spirits from the spirit world, provided he has the right key to do so.

The current keys he has are Silver Keys: Caelum, Lyre, Deneb, Polaris, Pyxis and Horologium. Astrological Gold Keys: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Oriental Keys: Usagi the Rabbit, Ryuu the Dragon
Usagi is a soft-soken and compassionate Spirit; a gentle, hospitable, and sensitive woman who shies away from aggressive or competitive situations. More often than not, her consevative nature makes her uninterested in taking risks and fighting, preferring for a peaceful resolution to all conflicts. Furthermore, Usagi is extremely sensitive to emotions, able to literally detect the feelings of people around her. She has become an excellent mediary between people as a result, and desires to uplift all the people around her of negative emotions—in fact, her empathy is legendary even among the Celestial Spirits. Most of the time, Usagi won't be very stubborn or insistent on anything, which also makes her easily taken advantage of, and a bad leader as a result. Nonetheless, her devotion to someone she loves is absolute, and she will do anything in her power to support them. She enjoys being a host and soothing people under her care, having perfecting massage, relaxation, and comfort to a personal art. At the same time, her sensitive nature also makes Usagi facsinated with romance, and is a mischievous matchmaker who goes out of her way to set up romantic scenarios between people that she "ships." Although she won't show it, Usagi's hypersensitivity to emotions exposes her to people's negative feeling as well, and often leaving her mentally and emotionally exhausted as a result. For this reason, she enjoys escaping reality, particularly when reading books or watching soap operas.

Magical Ability: The Supportive Spirit
Usagi possesses an inherently supportive type of Magic that functions best when paired up with an ally. Her most iconic skill is the ability to generate Magical Auras, blankets of Magic Power that are mostly utility-based. In battle, Usagi is able to create Speed and Strength Auras to increase her ally's physical capabilities; furthermore, she is capable of siphoning her own Magic to restore her ally's reserves with Magic Power Aura, or healing their injuries with the Rejuvenation Aura.

However, while she possesses combat capabilities, Usagi's Magic is by no means limited to it. One of her Magic's greatest capabilities is the ability to sense the emotions of people around her by connecting her Magic Power with theirs. Furthermore, with a strong and steady supply of her Magic into her target, Usagi is able to actually feel their emotions and memories as if she was the one to experience them. Not only that, but with a willing target and compatible Magic, she can infuse her own emotions and memories into another person. As an extension of her sensitivity to emotions, her Magic also allows her to detect people within her radius by either feeling their emotions or their Magic Power. The range of this ability often varies depending on how much Magic Power she exerts, but passively it remains at about thirty feet, able to extend up to three miles at the maximum.

Usagi also possesses several other types of Magic Auras uninvolved with combat, of which comprises the majority of her arsenal. The full number of Auras she can create is unknown, but presumably she is able to generate an Aura for any feeling or emotion; however, Usagi avoids using negative Auras, leaving most of them with positive effects—although, she can choose who her Magic Auras will target. Among these Auras include: Calming Aura, Confidence Aura, Motivation Aura, Joyful Aura, Sleeping Aura, Comfort Aura, Pleasure Aura(Usage Uncommon), Love Aura(Ineffective—hopefully), Amusement Aura, and Empathy Aura. Many of these are used in conjunction with her exceptional hosting abilities to induce total, utter relaxation in her presence.

Weaknesses: Although each Magic Aura can be powerful, Usagi is only able to produce and use one at a time. While active, each Aura will constantly drain on her reserves, and she is only able to maintain a single Aura for thirty minutes at most before her control wavers. Strategic planning is particularly needed when using these Auras in combat, because Usagi cannot change her Aura for five minutes after she's generated it, and must recreate each new Aura she'll use before she does. The period it takes Usagi to create an Aura varies depending on how many people she wants to affect, and the distance there is between them, with the amount of Magic Power expended increasing exponentionally the larger it gets.

At one time, the most people Usagi can utilize her Magic Aura on is 5, and they are required to all be within a 50 foot radius from her at all times to continue the effect. In addition, the more people targeted by the Aura, the weaker it's effects for each individual, as the Magic Power used is split up between all of them. Usagi is not capable of dispensing more Aura to any indivudal under it than another, meaning that the Magic Power is always split evenly. Furthermore, while she can exert more Magic Power to increase the effects of the Magic Aura, its duration will drastically decrease before Usagi requires a break.

Usagi's sensing ability, while a great boom to detecting people, can also be a double-edged sword. Because she's hypersensitive to emotions and Magic, a sudden overload of immense Magic Power or extreme emotion can overwhelm her, even possibly affecting her own emotional state if the feeling is strong enough. While Usagi has developed the ability to filter out a typical Mage's powerful attacks, SS-class abilities or a sudden release of massive amounts of Magic Power, such as a Formula 100 Amaterasu, can stun her with the devastating force released. Extreme concentrations of emotion can do the same, but Usagi is practically immune to positive emotions; however, an incredible amount of anger, hatred, malice, or other negative emotions gathered into one location has the same effect.

tl;dr Usagi is a compassionate Spirit who loves counseling people and helping others, particularly so with her seemingly-unnatural ability to sense emotions. Her defining quirks are her matchmaking tendencies, insistent hosting, and love of escaping reality.

Ryuu is an ambitious, determined, energetic, and handsome Spirit who strives for perfection in all things. As the representative of the Dragon, Ryuu possesses both the most majestic heritage among the Oriental Zodiac and the most expectations. He is a perfectionist, a man who hates flaws or defects in anything, no matter what it is. This has led to him developing powerful commitments to anything he decides to put his attention to, forgoing all other distractions in favor of mastering his new project. Among these projects sometimes includes his summoners, of which he'll be absolutely devoted to if they earn his loyalty. Although Ryuu's perfectionism has made him a man of few skills, he has trained his small repertoire to become a fierce arsenal of abilities, all grandmaster-like in capability; in that sense, he's a man who lives by the rule of quality over quantity. Furthermore, Ryuu intentionally avoids partaking too much in disciplines other than those he cares about because of his perfectionist habits. Most of the time he prefers working alone, rarely asking for help from others because of a sense of duty he feels to master everything on his own, a trait often mistaken as arrogance. He's constantly unrealistic with his own expectations, always pushing for some ridiculous new goals, and is a tactless critic who abhors failure, often criticizing both himself and other people for inefficiency and setbacks. Nonetheless, he's an attractive Spirit, which offsets his attitude enough to make him desirable; he'll never mention it out loud, but Ryuu is a closet romantic who's sensitive about his reputation and tries his best to look "cool."
Magic Ability: The Sovereign Spirit

Strengths: Ryuu's greatest strength lies neither in the advanced techniques nor the specialized abilities he has, but his firm mastery of the fundamental basics of Magic. His nature has allowed him to nearly perfect the creation, manipulation, and the storage of pure Magic itself, focusing it into his body to augment his physical capabilities and is able to manifest shrouds of Magic Power to act as armor, an attack boost, or an intimidation factor. Perhaps more so than the other Celestial Spirits, Ryuu's ability to flood an area with Magic Power allows him to generate a sense of domination and overwhelming power into his opponents.

Furthermore, Ryuu utilizes a sleek and beautiful glider constructed by thin scales akin to a dragon's. It acts as an essential extension of himself, and through a firm connection to his glider, he's able to remotely issue commands to the flying device without physical contact. Not only that, but his mastery of Magic manipulation allows him to push pure Eternano into this glider, acting like a telekinetic push that gives the thrust needed for him to achieve personal flight and incredible mobility. He can also transport one person on his glider other than himself, which also makes him useful as a ride for his summoner.

Although his mastery of the basics already gives him high utility and dangerous capabilities, his final skill is what fully demonstrates his dragon-like tactics and nature—a style that focuses on a single, yet extremely precise, fast, and powerful strike that defeats or cripples his opponents in just one overwhelming blow. To execute this strategy Ryuu has become a master of Iaido, a form of katana technique that emphasizes smooth and controlled attacks with quick draws from his sheath. Ryuu's signature weapon to accompany this style is his dragon katana, a weapon forged from unknown Celestial Spirit World materials that make it immensely durable and sharp, far more so than a typical magical weapon. These elements combined make his unique and extremely powerful ability, the Overwhelming Strike.

Weaknesses: Ryuu's intense focus on single, overwhelming strikes is also his downfall. While he can easily defeat most opponents with just his one attack, he expends a great amount of Magic Power in doing so, and cannot repeat this attack for five minutes after he's used it. In addition, Ryuu is always weakest in extended fights, so anyone who can withstand his initial, albeit devastating, attack will have the advantage therein after that. His perfectionist nature and dedication to Iaido has rendered him weak in typical sword combat, and mostly relies on speed or mobility while recharging his attacks.

Furthermore, Ryuu tends to favor his Overwhelming Strike beyond other attacks, an ability that takes five seconds to charge before it's used. He must also wait five minutes before he's able to use the ability once more, making him vulnerable in that window during an extended fight. Not only that, but Ryuu is unable to actively manipulate his glider while using his Overwhelming Strike, forcing him to either not use it or rely on its velocity to carry him to his target. This means that in the short period right before he attacks and during the ability's duration, Ryuu's inertia makes him fly in a straight line towards his target, thereby giving another short window for his opponent to dodge the attack.

While Ryuu's focus on his Overwhelming Strike gives him incredible dueling potential, his skillset also means that he's far weaker when fighting multiple opponents. Often he may be able to defeat one of his enemies, but will be instantly forced onto the defensive against the others while waiting for his abilities to recharge. Furthermore, because his Overwhelming Strike utilizes an immense amount of Magic Power, Ryuu's reserves become depleted very quickly, thus slowing him down and making him less deadly in terms of physical capability during his vulnerable window; in addition, this high usage of Magic Power also means that Ryuu is limited to only five Overwhelming Strikes before he tires out, and must recharge his energy for at least ten minutes before he can perform another such attack.

tl;dr Ryuu is a perfectionist who embodies the idea of quality over quantity, and is a strong duelist who excels at working by himself. His defining quirks are his insane expectations and commitments, a high sensitivity to his reputation and his secretly romantic nature.

Name of Weapon or Magic Tool: Switchblades
Description: Just some regular switch blade you can but at any store, nothing magical or specular about them.

Other Magic: Magic sensory (the ability to sense powerful magic at a certain distance, not advance in the least and can only give him a general location as well as a general amount of power from weak, strong, to oh shit that's powerful
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Name: Chuck Lionheart

Age and D.O.B: 27 4/17

Length and build: 6' 3" solid muscle

Weight: 230

Favorite Weather and Season: Summer, warm days.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Birthplace: Fiora

Appearance: Appling picture.

Personality: Father figure like, stern, kind, honorable, humble, fears nothing, looks to help others.

History: Raised up in a small farming village, Chuck grew up among his family and local villagers. It was a small place and everyone knew everyone. Their village was in charge of suppling crops to the local town nearby. They had always worked hard and made things work where they could. They never asked for much and always looked to help. Chuck's father was a stern man. He believed that if you have the power to help others, you always should. This was a big thing Chuck took from his father to later help him down the road.

Around the time Chuck was 21, an accident occurred in the farm lands. Some bandits from the local town came and burned down everything the village had. All the crops were destroyed. With no way to supply money to the village, they quickly fell into poverty. Chuck had been gifted in the art of earth magic and took it upon himself to venture off to find work so that he could help his starving village. He left his family and his friends, setting off to hopefully find anything to help them.

Chuck traveled Fiora for the next 6 years of his life looking for a purpose and a solution to his problem. He did odd jobs here and there in towns he would stay in but never anything concrete. During his travels, he worked every day on his magic to master his art. He is one of the strongest earth creation mages you will see in Fiora. He himself, is build like a rock. He has been in a couple of smaller guilds to try and get more money than just the odd jobs he did. The guilds could never keep up with his work ethic though and he didn't stay long in them. He had caught wind of a guild that was starting to become somewhat big, Fairy Tale, so Chuck decided to head that way and check it out. Maybe they would give him the solution to his problem. Maybe they could help him in finding more high paying jobs to help his family.

Skills/Abilities: Trained over the years to be adept in hand to hand combat. Magical power. Wise mind. Farming. Sculpting.

Magic Rank: never been in a guild long enough to get a rank. Top rank A most likely though.

Type of Magic: Caster

Subtype Magic: Earth Creation

Description: Chuck can manipulate the earth and control it to his will. Similar to ice creation magic and fire creation magic. He can create shields, armor around himself, stone weapons, and hurl rock like its nothing.
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@SolemnOath Chuck and Ken possibly back at it....? lol
  • Haha
Reactions: SolemnOath

"How does that saying go? When life gives you lemons make lemonade? Haha, such a idiotic saying. Especially if life throws the water and sugar into hell where it actually wants you to go~ "

Basic Information
Name: Ken Tanaka
Nickname: N/A
Title: N/A
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 19 11/20
Age Appearance: Looks the age he is
Sexuality: Pan

Length and build: 5"10 has a lean build, little body fat and a nice amount of muscle.
Weight: 130
Favorite weather and season: Despite the negative affects it has on his magic, he loves rainy weather, espieaclly weather with lightning and thunder that can shake the earth. Its a mix between winter and fall honestly~

Birthplace: Ishgar
Guild: Former member of Twilights Eye (a dark guild)
Rank: S

He wears pretty basic clothing, grey jeans with black dress shoes. Along with that he wears a black shirt with sleeves that go up to his elbow, on top of that, he wears a jacket all the time. The jacket is a black one that goes down to his thighs, on the sleeves, hood and the bottom of the jacket is soft fur. Also on both his pointer fingers he wears two silver bands, they aren't of much importance to him but he rather likes them. Comes to a height of 5'' 10, and weighs a good amount, not underweight but he does seem rather close to it. He has some good muscle on him, though you wouldn't consider him all that athletic by the looks of things. On his head is black messy hair that goes just past his ears in some places. His eyes are a dark brown, and his skin is rather pale but he does have a very light tan to it.

Detailed Information

When it comes to Ken, the mask that he shows everyone is that of a cocky, laid back, confident and rather sarcastic person who takes a great deal of joy in messing around. He finds pleasure in pissing people off and annoying the hot headed ones as much as he can get away with. While he is a trouble maker, he's one that goes for the more subtle side of trouble. He isn't the person that pranks the entire class if given the chance (though, if asked there is a good chance he'll help out). Rather, he finds more fun in finding just one person to piss off and then just spending the rest of the day if not week annoying that one person in various ways. Doing just a bit to annoy them, but not enough to get in trouble. Should the person turn to more violent means to shut him up, this will not work all that well. For in response, though Ken will run, he'll make sure to taunt and make the situation all the worse if possible. All the while having a good laugh at the other's annoyance/rage.

Along with this, Ken has a habit of being very sarcastic, he can't have a conversation without saying some kind of sarcastic/witty remark. While for the most part he isn't overly rude, it's hard to tell if he's talking down on someone or just messing with them. If you want a direct, blunt answer from him, good luck getting it. As for the most part he will simply talk in circles and let the conversation either drag on, or completely change it to be talking about something different. This becomes rather obvious when subjects he has no interest in, or are too personal are touched.

When someone is talking to him, they would see that Ken has a tendency to look down at other people, even if they are taller than him. The way he holds himself, it shows for the most part that he is looking down on them. Now whether this is because he doesn't have any respect or such about the person matters. While he doesn't always see people on the same level as him. When he looks down at people its not simply due to how he views them. Rather this is how he goes about trying to read a person's body language. He's been attempting to learn how to cold read. Once he starts doing this he makes plenty of comments about how a person holds them self, what they may be feeling etc. He could completely off the mark, but this won't stop him from making these comments as he finds this type of thing to be interesting.

When things get serious, he doesn't outright ditch his annoying, sarcastic mask. However, he doesn't goof around as much as before. Though he is fully serious and invested in the fight, if the fight is against a powerful enemy he tends to push himself to far. While he'll deny any recklessness, he is without a doubt reckless in fights, as he tries to push himself far more than he should. While him pushing could help win fights, it can ultimately lead to far more trouble than reward. Especially due his lack of care when it comes to his condition and such. He refuses to just give up and turn around even if that's the best idea. If he must deal with a losing fight, his frustrations start to become more noticeable as he loses the cool he had moments earlier. His tactics become more frantic and impulsive all in all. If allowed to fight to this point, he will more likely than not cause more harm than good. Sadly, despite how cunning he can be, that only applies when he has a cool head and isn't panicking/forcing himself to continue on.

Cocky, confident, and the air of superiority are all personality traits he acts out on daily basis to hide his insecurity. In truth he feels a great deal of pressure from the high expectation placed on him due to his family curse. It doesn't help that his family expects great things out him, as he is meant to carry on the legacy of his bloodline. While he tries to ignore the pressure, he simply can't. This pressure and fear of being a failure pushes him. Not only to train harder, but also makes him take risks in combat. He hopes that if he becomes strong enough, this curse will be removed and everything will finally work out for him.

Magical power
Making sand sculptors
Annoying the crap out of almost anyone
Knife throwing
Stealing (he can be kind of a kleptomaniac at times)
Chess games

Special Traits:

Other Detailed: Fun fact: He loves trying to cold read people, even if he fails horribly at it. Just something he enjoys doing to get under peoples skin~
He also is a celestial mage just like his mother, and got most of his keys from her, with Ryuu being the only gold key he found himself (something of which he stole during a mission when he was with the Dark Guild)

Ken was born in the country of Ishgar, there he lived only a fraction of his life, under the love and care of his mother. His time in this country didn't last long at all, for his mother and father had constant arguments day in day out about the life they were living. Be it their different opinions on the country state or the future their child should have. They were always bickering, and despite how adamant his mother was, it was often his father that won these arguments, not because of logic, but rather force. For his father was not only a powerful mage, but a strong man period, with being pretty high when it comes to his social standing. His mother on the other hand didn't have the same amount of power as his father. If she did something he didn't particularly approve of, it was easy to make her change her mind. Whether he applied political pressure on her family, or threatened to take Ken away from her, or just threaten to hurt her period with his powers, there were a vast amount of ways for him to do something that could ruin her life.

Unable to handle this and not wanting to live under his thumb any longer, she ran away in the middle of the night, taking Ken with her. What followed the next several months was something that seemed to resemble hell. She could only bring so much of her belongings with her, and Ken. Meaning she ran out of money swiftly. She was able to afford what she needed to leave the country, but she didn't have enough to get a stable life right off the bat in this new land, Fiora.

In desperate need of a job, she was able to find a guild that worked for her, a legal guild that had room and board, as well as jobs she could take while also caring for Ken. This of course was perfect and she took it without issue. She would go on jobs and hire someone to watch her son while she made money and on the days she was home she would personally take care of Ken. This was how her life went, and she was content.

Ken for the most part grew up as a loving son, he never added too much stress to his mother, nor asked for anything that would burden her. He admired her greatly for her strength and stubbornness, due to this he wanted to follow in her footsteps to become a powerful/great wizard (even though she never became an S class mage he still believed there was no one stronger than her). This lead to him trying to learn magic at a rather young age, something he seemed to have a great affinity for. By the age of 10 he was forming his first sandcastle without so much as picking up a bucket, and from there on he only increased in his skills and knowledge.

His mother of course encouraged him and was proud of his progress, however unknown to the two of them, they were being watched. His father hadn't forgotten about them in the least, rather he never bothered with the hassle of trying to drag the two back home. Instead he had a trusted servant watch over the two and keep careful note of their lives to see if either of them would be worth his attention. At first they weren't, but with Ken's talent with magic only increasing with each passing week, his father soon started to get interested.

When he was 11 the servant that had been watching him and his mother approached (when his mother was off on a job), and invited him to come see his father. While Ken was admittedly curious, he did in the end stubbornly decline the offer, he did this several times over no matter how it was asked. Of course such denial didn't suit his father, so he started to cause trouble for him. At first it was little things, someone breaking into the house when they were gone and stealing some of their money, or some pieces of jewelry but then the longer Ken denied the more issues started to appear. Until one day a special request had gone through the guild asking for his mother to do a quest. This quest was worth a lot, and due to the money having been stolen, his mother was in need of it, so despite how suspicious it looked she left to do it.

The mission was a disaster. At first it seemed easy enough, but out of no where it had escalated and she ended up gravely injured, with her legs broken and going blind in one eye. As one could assume the medical bills were expensive, and there was simply no way Ken could afford them. While he struggled to figure out what to do to help his mother, the servant approached him again. He swore to pay for everything, as long as Ken did one small meeting with his father. He was reluctant, but eventually he agreed to do it. Under the conditions he didn't have to leave Fiore. It took a bit but the deal was arranged, Ken met his father and his father paid the bills.

This happened when he had reached the age of 12, and the meeting was anything but desirable. His father wanted him to return to Ishgar, where he would go under his wing and live a life of luxury just like a son of his should live in. He made so many grand promises and though very tempting, all of that was denied when he was informed his mother wasn't welcomed back. Of course, his father was displeased by this, but he didn't drag the boy back. Rather he instead chose to torment the boy for his decision. Despite the boys pleas, his father had a curse cast onto his mother. One of which slowly and surely sapped her life away, a curse only he could remove and it was a curse that spread as well, from one person to another that was a blood relative ie Ken. This curse could only be removed when the caster no longer had any kind of magical power to feed into the spell. Ie, for Ken to get the curse off, he had to be able to either remove his father's magic or kill him.

Infuriated by this Ken tried to get his father to remove the curse, but nothing he did worked. Even when he said he'd go with the man, the father denied him, saying he had to learn his lesson first. He'd only accept Ken into his arms, after his mother had succumbed or on the day Ken genuinely fell to his knees begging for mercy and forgiveness.

Unable to do anything about this, Ken did everything he could to save his mother. He studied harder, trained harder and pushed himself daily to improve and get stronger. He's gone to all sorts of healers and spell casters, yet none of them can remove this curse, not without risking his mothers life. While things have been looking dark for him, Ken hasn't given up in the least. If anything he's been fighting harder, despite what his laid back personality may make you think.

During the time his mother was in the hospital, he found that the amount of money his father offered to pay for her, was only for the initial treatment. Desperate for more money, he ended up joining a dark guild (he didn't join the guild his mother was in due to a feeling of hatred towards them, as he believes the guild failed in protecting his mother). This guild gave him the jobs he needed to get by, even if a lot of them were unsavory. If anything though, this guild as well as his situation matured him far faster than any other child. He worked at this guild since he was fourteen, at first doing small jobs but only taking tougher ones as time went on and as he improved his magical skill.

Around the age of 18 he became a powerful wizard, one that was rather known in the dark guild community. Despite his success here, he didn't remain with them, for his mother had found out his second job was in fact with a dark guild rather than a legal guild like he had been telling her. The amount of scolding and genuine disappointment, made Ken feel wretched, with that he quit the dark guild, and taking the last of his money he moved (with his mother) to a different location for a chance to start over.

Now he's been searching for a new, legal guild to join to make his mother proud, all while making sure he can improve his magical abilities. For he is fully aware he has a long way to go before he can even think about saving his mother as well as himself from his families curse.

Theme Song:
Might add one idk

Magic and Equipment

Type of Magic: Caster
Subtype Magic: Sandstrom
Description: With this magical ability, Ken has the ability to manipulate sand whether it comes from his own body or from the surrounding area. He is capable of changing it into different forms to suit his needs, be it in combat or in daily life. Along with this, he is capable of making his body intangible by changing it into sand as well.

Type of Magic: Holder
Subtype Magic: Celestial Sprits
Description: With Celestial magic, which is a holder type magic, he is capable of summoning spirits from the spirit world, provided he has the right key to do so.

The current keys he has are Silver Keys: Caelum, Lyre, and Horologium. Astrological Gold Keys: Scorpio, Aquarius, Libra. Oriental Keys: Usagi the Rabbit, Ryuu the Dragon
Usagi the Rabbit

Usagi is a soft-soken and compassionate Spirit; a gentle, hospitable, and sensitive woman who shies away from aggressive or competitive situations. More often than not, her consevative nature makes her uninterested in taking risks and fighting, preferring for a peaceful resolution to all conflicts. Furthermore, Usagi is extremely sensitive to emotions, able to literally detect the feelings of people around her. She has become an excellent mediary between people as a result, and desires to uplift all the people around her of negative emotions—in fact, her empathy is legendary even among the Celestial Spirits. Most of the time, Usagi won't be very stubborn or insistent on anything, which also makes her easily taken advantage of, and a bad leader as a result. Nonetheless, her devotion to someone she loves is absolute, and she will do anything in her power to support them. She enjoys being a host and soothing people under her care, having perfecting massage, relaxation, and comfort to a personal art. At the same time, her sensitive nature also makes Usagi facsinated with romance, and is a mischievous matchmaker who goes out of her way to set up romantic scenarios between people that she "ships." Although she won't show it, Usagi's hypersensitivity to emotions exposes her to people's negative feeling as well, and often leaving her mentally and emotionally exhausted as a result. For this reason, she enjoys escaping reality, particularly when reading books or watching soap operas.

Magical Ability: The Supportive Spirit
Usagi possesses an inherently supportive type of Magic that functions best when paired up with an ally. Her most iconic skill is the ability to generate Magical Auras, blankets of Magic Power that are mostly utility-based. In battle, Usagi is able to create Speed and Strength Auras to increase her ally's physical capabilities; furthermore, she is capable of siphoning her own Magic to restore her ally's reserves with Magic Power Aura, or healing their injuries with the Rejuvenation Aura.

However, while she possesses combat capabilities, Usagi's Magic is by no means limited to it. One of her Magic's greatest capabilities is the ability to sense the emotions of people around her by connecting her Magic Power with theirs. Furthermore, with a strong and steady supply of her Magic into her target, Usagi is able to actually feel their emotions and memories as if she was the one to experience them. Not only that, but with a willing target and compatible Magic, she can infuse her own emotions and memories into another person. As an extension of her sensitivity to emotions, her Magic also allows her to detect people within her radius by either feeling their emotions or their Magic Power. The range of this ability often varies depending on how much Magic Power she exerts, but passively it remains at about one hundred meters, able to extend up to ten kilometers at the maximum.

Usagi also possesses several other types of Magic Auras uninvolved with combat, of which comprises the majority of her arsenal. The full number of Auras she can create is unknown, but presumably she is able to generate an Aura for any feeling or emotion; however, Usagi avoids using negative Auras, leaving most of them with positive effects—although, she can choose who her Magic Auras will target. Among these Auras include: Calming Aura, Confidence Aura, Motivation Aura, Joyful Aura, Sleeping Aura, Comfort Aura, Pleasure Aura(Usage Uncommon), Love Aura(Ineffective—hopefully), Amusement Aura, and Empathy Aura. Many of these are used in conjunction with her exceptional hosting abilities to induce total, utter relaxation in her presence.

Weaknesses: Although each Magic Aura can be powerful, Usagi is only able to produce and use one at a time. While active, each Aura will constantly drain on her reserves, and she is only able to maintain a single Aura for thirty minutes at most before her control wavers. Strategic planning is particularly needed when using these Auras in combat, because Usagi cannot change her Aura for five minutes after she's generated it, and must recreate each new Aura she'll use before she does. The period it takes Usagi to create an Aura varies depending on how many people she wants to affect, and the distance there is between them, with the amount of Magic Power expended increasing exponentionally the larger it gets.

At one time, the most people Usagi can utilize her Magic Aura on is fifty, and they are required to all be within a one hundred meter radius from her at all times to continue the effect. In addition, the more people targeted by the Aura, the weaker it's effects for each individual, as the Magic Power used is split up between all of them. Usagi is not capable of dispensing more Aura to any indivudal under it than another, meaning that the Magic Power is always split evenly. Furthermore, while she can exert more Magic Power to increase the effects of the Magic Aura, its duration will drastically decrease before Usagi requires a break.

Usagi's sensing ability, while a great boom to detecting people, can also be a double-edged sword. Because she's hypersensitive to emotions and Magic, a sudden overload of immense Magic Power or extreme emotion can overwhelm her, even possibly affecting her own emotional state if the feeling is strong enough. While Usagi has developed the ability to filter out a typical Mage's powerful attacks, SS-class abilities or a sudden release of massive amounts of Magic Power, such as a Formula 100 Amaterasu, can stun her with the devastating force released. Extreme concentrations of emotion can do the same, but Usagi is practically immune to positive emotions; however, an incredible amount of anger, hatred, malice, or other negative emotions gathered into one location has the same effect.

tl;dr Usagi is a compassionate Spirit who loves counseling people and helping others, particularly so with her seemingly-unnatural ability to sense emotions. Her defining quirks are her matchmaking tendencies, insistent hosting, and love of escaping reality.
Ryuu the Dragon

Ryuu is an ambitious, determined, energetic, and handsome Spirit who strives for perfection in all things. As the representative of the Dragon, Ryuu possesses both the most majestic heritage among the Oriental Zodiac and the most expectations. He is a perfectionist, a man who hates flaws or defects in anything, no matter what it is. This has led to him developing powerful commitments to anything he decides to put his attention to, forgoing all other distractions in favor of mastering his new project. Among these projects sometimes includes his summoners, of which he'll be absolutely devoted to if they earn his loyalty. Although Ryuu's perfectionism has made him a man of few skills, he has trained his small repertoire to become a fierce arsenal of abilities, all grandmaster-like in capability; in that sense, he's a man who lives by the rule of quality over quantity. Furthermore, Ryuu intentionally avoids partaking too much in disciplines other than those he cares about because of his perfectionist habits. Most of the time he prefers working alone, rarely asking for help from others because of a sense of duty he feels to master everything on his own, a trait often mistaken as arrogance. He's constantly unrealistic with his own expectations, always pushing for some ridiculous new goals, and is a tactless critic who abhors failure, often criticizing both himself and other people for inefficiency and setbacks. Nonetheless, he's an attractive Spirit, which offsets his attitude enough to make him desirable; he'll never mention it out loud, but Ryuu is a closet romantic who's sensitive about his reputation and tries his best to look "cool."
Magic Ability: The Sovereign Spirit

Strengths: Ryuu's greatest strength lies neither in the advanced techniques nor the specialized abilities he has, but his firm mastery of the fundamental basics of Magic. His nature has allowed him to nearly perfect the creation, manipulation, and the storage of pure Magic itself, focusing it into his body to augment his physical capabilities and is able to manifest shrouds of Magic Power to act as armor, an attack boost, or an intimidation factor. Perhaps more so than the other Celestial Spirits, Ryuu's ability to flood an area with Magic Power allows him to generate a sense of domination and overwhelming power into his opponents.

Furthermore, Ryuu utilizes a sleek and beautiful glider constructed by thin scales akin to a dragon's. It acts as an essential extension of himself, and through a firm connection to his glider, he's able to remotely issue commands to the flying device without physical contact. Not only that, but his mastery of Magic manipulation allows him to push pure Eternano into this glider, acting like a telekinetic push that gives the thrust needed for him to achieve personal flight and incredible mobility. He can also transport one person on his glider other than himself, which also makes him useful as a ride for his summoner.

Although his mastery of the basics already gives him high utility and dangerous capabilities, his final skill is what fully demonstrates his dragon-like tactics and nature—a style that focuses on a single, yet extremely precise, fast, and powerful strike that defeats or cripples his opponents in just one overwhelming blow. To execute this strategy Ryuu has become a master of Iaido, a form of katana technique that emphasizes smooth and controlled attacks with quick draws from his sheath. Ryuu's signature weapon to accompany this style is his dragon katana, a weapon forged from unknown Celestial Spirit World materials that make it immensely durable and sharp, far more so than a typical magical weapon. These elements combined make his unique and extremely powerful ability, the Overwhelming Strike.

Weaknesses: Ryuu's intense focus on single, overwhelming strikes is also his downfall. While he can easily defeat most opponents with just his one attack, he expends a great amount of Magic Power in doing so, and cannot repeat this attack for one minute after he's used it. In addition, Ryuu is always weakest in extended fights, so anyone who can withstand his initial, albeit devastating, attack will have the advantage therein after that. His perfectionist nature and dedication to Iaido has rendered him weak in typical sword combat, and mostly relies on speed or mobility while recharging his attacks.

Furthermore, Ryuu tends to favor his Overwhelming Strike beyond other attacks, an ability that takes five seconds to charge before it's used. He must also wait another minute before he's able to use the ability once more, making him vulnerable in that window during an extended fight. Not only that, but Ryuu is unable to actively manipulate his glider while using his Overwhelming Strike, forcing him to either not use it or rely on its velocity to carry him to his target. This means that in the short period right before he attacks and during the ability's duration, Ryuu's inertia makes him fly in a straight line towards his target, thereby giving another short window for his opponent to dodge the attack.

While Ryuu's focus on his Overwhelming Strike gives him incredible dueling potential, his skillset also means that he's far weaker when fighting multiple opponents. Often he may be able to defeat one of his enemies, but will be instantly forced onto the defensive against the others while waiting for his abilities to recharge. Furthermore, because his Overwhelming Strike utilizes an immense amount of Magic Power, Ryuu's reserves become depleted very quickly, thus slowing him down and making him less deadly in terms of physical capability during his vulnerable window; in addition, this high usage of Magic Power also means that Ryuu is limited to only five Overwhelming Strikes before he tires out, and must recharge his energy for at least ten minutes before he can perform another such attack.

tl;dr Ryuu is a perfectionist who embodies the idea of quality over quantity, and is a strong duelist who excels at working by himself. His defining quirks are his insane expectations and commitments, a high sensitivity to his reputation and his secretly romantic nature.

Name of Weapon or Magic Tool: Switchblades
Description: Just some regular switch blade you can but at any store, nothing magical or specular about them.

Other Magic: N/A

Heya SolemnOath, nice job on making such a character sheet with so much details in it!

However, there are a couple of things I will need to request you change in sheet, and if they were misunderstood in the information provided above or missed, then I am the one at fault and I apologize for it.

Birthplace: Ishgar

Ishgar is the entire continent. If you go to the Ishgar part of the lore and click the first time it shows the name, it will take you to a map that shows the continent and the different countries that exist within it. I'll change the link of the map for future cases so it won't be missed, and here the map is - http://i.imgur.com/pW2bY.jpg. Please change the birthday to at least a more specific country.

Guild: Former member of Twilights Eye (a dark guild)
Rank: S

Two notes about being a former member of a dark guild:
1) As Dark Guilds are hunted down and considered outlaws, it means the kingdom and the local council branch will want your character in for questioning, if not tossed in jail for the former association.
2) Regardless of what guild they have been in, upon tranferring their rank would become B Rank as the highest rank. If he was S Rank in his former guild, put the former rank in ( ) and the new rank have as B Rank. This just means he will need to prove himself in the new Guild.

Magical power

I wrote the method of scaling the Magical power for the purpose of indicating how strong they are. Refer to above the Character Sheet notes for how to scale the power.

As mentioned above, Ishgar is a continent and not a country. You can easily adjust this by choosing any country and going with it.

Only other note I have is the fact that if he is known in the Dark Guild circles as a powerful wizard, then he would be hunted down by the country, the grand council and other legal guilds. You have been warned. (Regardless of having joined a legal guild now, he is still a potential source of information about Dark Guilds).

Astrological Gold Keys: Scorpio, Aquarius, Libra.

It is mentioned in the above info, under "Known Magical Facts", that the keys of the Scorpion and the Heavenly Scales are both already in possession of others, along with 3 others. The other Golden Keys are free, so you may choose keys that are not mentioned.

Oriental Keys: Usagi the Rabbit, Ryuu the Dragon

I'm going to need to request that you tone down the power of these two. They have incredible powers for Spirits, and I imagine summoning them alone would be incredibly taxing on Ken.


Those are the notes I have for Ken. Everything else looks to be in order for me. Take care of those and I'll happily re-review it!


Hey! Happy to see you coming forward with a character as well! Unfortunately, I'm gonna need to request you transfer it to the appropriate sheet, as provided above, before I review it.

Once thats done, I will happily review the sheet. Looking forward to it!
Heya SolemnOath, nice job on making such a character sheet with so much details in it!

However, there are a couple of things I will need to request you change in sheet, and if they were misunderstood in the information provided above or missed, then I am the one at fault and I apologize for it.

Ishgar is the entire continent. If you go to the Ishgar part of the lore and click the first time it shows the name, it will take you to a map that shows the continent and the different countries that exist within it. I'll change the link of the map for future cases so it won't be missed, and here the map is - http://i.imgur.com/pW2bY.jpg. Please change the birthday to at least a more specific country.

Two notes about being a former member of a dark guild:
1) As Dark Guilds are hunted down and considered outlaws, it means the kingdom and the local council branch will want your character in for questioning, if not tossed in jail for the former association.
2) Regardless of what guild they have been in, upon tranferring their rank would become B Rank as the highest rank. If he was S Rank in his former guild, put the former rank in ( ) and the new rank have as B Rank. This just means he will need to prove himself in the new Guild.

I wrote the method of scaling the Magical power for the purpose of indicating how strong they are. Refer to above the Character Sheet notes for how to scale the power.

As mentioned above, Ishgar is a continent and not a country. You can easily adjust this by choosing any country and going with it.

Only other note I have is the fact that if he is known in the Dark Guild circles as a powerful wizard, then he would be hunted down by the country, the grand council and other legal guilds. You have been warned. (Regardless of having joined a legal guild now, he is still a potential source of information about Dark Guilds).

It is mentioned in the above info, under "Known Magical Facts", that the keys of the Scorpion and the Heavenly Scales are both already in possession of others, along with 3 others. The other Golden Keys are free, so you may choose keys that are not mentioned.

I'm going to need to request that you tone down the power of these two. They have incredible powers for Spirits, and I imagine summoning them alone would be incredibly taxing on Ken.


Those are the notes I have for Ken. Everything else looks to be in order for me. Take care of those and I'll happily re-review it!


Hey! Happy to see you coming forward with a character as well! Unfortunately, I'm gonna need to request you transfer it to the appropriate sheet, as provided above, before I review it.

Once thats done, I will happily review the sheet. Looking forward to it!

I'm just going to hit my head on the wall for how hard of a derp that is, I was never good with geography ^^; I'm sorry about that, I'll be sure to change it to an actual country to narrow it down some. I thought it was some completely different place rip

Also My bad, my bad, I admit I was a tad confused about the ranking (ie when I asked in OOC if an S was available and such), but I'll get to fixing that asap.

As for the other things, I still wish for him to be part of a dark guild, but would it be helpful if I had him used a disguise during the time he was there, something of which that made it so no one new who he truly was? Maybe one or two people such as the former guild master may know but others not so much (ie like mystgon, that way he could keep who he personally was a secret from the rest and from law, what would be infamous is the name he gave the disguise rather than himself)? So for the time being he wont cause issues? But later it could be brought up as a possible plot point or just something cool about his past? If I shouldn't have it cause its too much of a hassle however, I'm up for changing it~

Ah, okays, but with that I wasn't sure really where to place Ken. There is a large amount of space between 500-9999 and I dont want to be too much yet not too underpowered as well? If that makes sense... Like would 2000 be two much for an S class mage? Of course, knowing me I could have missed where you put specific information on the magical power points and such

To the being hunted down part, while I do think that would be fun, I would want to avoid hassle for yourself and the other people, which is why I'd like a disguise Ken made (one that hid his face) be whats popular rather than himself. Something that could raise suspicion though is his magic, the whole sandstorm and celestial spirit combo. Another thing that may turn heads is his oriental spirits?

Really sorry about that, legit didn't see it. I guess I'm just one step closer to being officially blind u-u Unless there are already plans, could I take Capricorn, Aquarius, possibly Pisces?

Understoop, I used these in a diff RP so ya I have no issue toning them down to fit for this one. They are meant to be on the same level as the other gold keys. However instead their keys are made of jade.

I'll go to fixing my CS after some questions are answered~ Sorry if I'm causing issues ^^;
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I'm just going to hit my head on the wall for how hard of a derp that is, I was never good with geography ^^; I'm sorry about that, I'll be sure to change it to an actual country to narrow it down some. I thought it was some completely different place rip

Also My bad, my bad, I admit I was a tad confused about the ranking (ie when I asked in OOC if an S was available and such), but I'll get to fixing that asap.

As for the other things, I still wish for him to be part of a dark guild, but would it be helpful if I had him used a disguise during the time he was there, something of which that made it so no one new who he truly was? Maybe one or two people such as the former guild master may know but others not so much (ie like mystgon, that way he could keep who he personally was a secret from the rest and from law, what would be infamous is the name he gave the disguise rather than himself)? So for the time being he wont cause issues? But later it could be brought up as a possible plot point or just something cool about his past? If I shouldn't have it cause its too much of a hassle however, I'm up for changing it~

Ah, okays, but with that I wasn't sure really where to place Ken. There is a large amount of space between 500-9999 and I dont want to be too much yet not too underpowered as well? If that makes sense... Like would 2000 be two much for an S class mage? Of course, knowing me I could have missed where you put specific information on the magical power points and such

To the being hunted down part, while I do think that would be fun, I would want to avoid hassle for yourself and the other people, which is why I'd like a disguise Ken made (one that hid his face) be whats popular rather than himself. Something that could raise suspicion though is his magic, the whole sandstorm and celestial spirit combo. Another thing that may turn heads is his oriental spirits?

Really sorry about that, legit didn't see it. I guess I'm just one step closer to being officially blind u-u Unless there are already plans, could I take Capricorn, Aquarius, possibly Pisces?

Understoop, I used these in a diff RP so ya I have no issue toning them down to fit for this one. They are meant to be on the same level as the other gold keys. However instead their keys are made of jade.

I'll go to fixing my CS after some questions are answered~ Sorry if I'm causing issues ^^;

No worries what so ever, I am here to help refine the sheet so you can hop right in after all.

Alright, question by question.

I still wish for him to be part of a dark guild, but would it be helpful if I had him used a disguise during the time he was there, something of which that made it so no one new who he truly was? Maybe one or two people such as the former guild master may know but others not so much (ie like mystgon, that way he could keep who he personally was a secret from the rest and from law, what would be infamous is the name he gave the disguise rather than himself)? So for the time being he wont cause issues? But later it could be brought up as a possible plot point or just something cool about his past? If I shouldn't have it cause its too much of a hassle however, I'm up for changing it~

If he kept himself disguised and used a fake name, as Mystogan did in the anime, and only used his Sand Maker Magic, then I can see it being pulled off. The problematic part would be the Celestial Magic, as the Gold keys are rare as it is and if you want to add another rare type, then those would most likely be unique keys too. If he managed to get around with Silver Keys, and minimal use of the Celestial Keys, then it would certainly be possible. Heck, once he got to Fairy Tail he could claim he got the Gold and Jade keys off a Dark Guild Wizard, which wouldn't be entirely a lie.

Ah, okays, but with that I wasn't sure really where to place Ken. There is a large amount of space between 500-9999 and I dont want to be too much yet not too underpowered as well? If that makes sense... Like would 2000 be two much for an S class mage? Of course, knowing me I could have missed where you put specific information on the magical power points and such

I actually now realize that what I wrote about that is extremely general, with only stating what the average Wizard power would be at. I'll add a more proper scale in a bit, but for the time being, Wizards who got to S Rank would normally stand at about 2000-2500. Anything above that would become much harder for him to keep a low profile as a Dark Guild Wizard, as those magic levels become harder to mask and also much more identifiable.

To the being hunted down part, while I do think that would be fun, I would want to avoid hassle for yourself and the other people, which is why I'd like a disguise Ken made (one that hid his face) be whats popular rather than himself. Something that could raise suspicion though is his magic, the whole sandstorm and celestial spirit combo. Another thing that may turn heads is his oriental spirits?

I believe I already answered but above, but if a few people knew his real identity, it can certainly create an interesting situation in the future.

Really sorry about that, legit didn't see it. I guess I'm just one step closer to being officially blind u-u Unless there are already plans, could I take Capricorn, Aquarius, possibly Pisces?

Any of the Golden Keys that aren't mentioned are open, and those three are not up there, so you certainly can take them.

Understoop, I used these in a diff RP so ya I have no issue toning them down to fit for this one. They are meant to be on the same level as the other gold keys. However instead their keys are made of jade.

That is more than alright, I figured as much since there were hints of things that have been established in another roleplay. I would like to hear more about the keys, but we could also do that through the IC, as I imagine the Jade Keys would be a legendary rarity, just like the Golden Keys.


On a little side note, I'll have the character sheet for my own character up later today, along with a couple of big Fairy Tail NPC's. Obviously, one of them is the Guild Master, in order to help people see how some things should be in case anyone may still have some trouble
No worries what so ever, I am here to help refine the sheet so you can hop right in after all.

Alright, question by question.

If he kept himself disguised and used a fake name, as Mystogan did in the anime, and only used his Sand Maker Magic, then I can see it being pulled off. The problematic part would be the Celestial Magic, as the Gold keys are rare as it is and if you want to add another rare type, then those would most likely be unique keys too. If he managed to get around with Silver Keys, and minimal use of the Celestial Keys, then it would certainly be possible. Heck, once he got to Fairy Tail he could claim he got the Gold and Jade keys off a Dark Guild Wizard, which wouldn't be entirely a lie.

I actually now realize that what I wrote about that is extremely general, with only stating what the average Wizard power would be at. I'll add a more proper scale in a bit, but for the time being, Wizards who got to S Rank would normally stand at about 2000-2500. Anything above that would become much harder for him to keep a low profile as a Dark Guild Wizard, as those magic levels become harder to mask and also much more identifiable.

I believe I already answered but above, but if a few people knew his real identity, it can certainly create an interesting situation in the future.

Any of the Golden Keys that aren't mentioned are open, and those three are not up there, so you certainly can take them.

That is more than alright, I figured as much since there were hints of things that have been established in another roleplay. I would like to hear more about the keys, but we could also do that through the IC, as I imagine the Jade Keys would be a legendary rarity, just like the Golden Keys.


On a little side note, I'll have the character sheet for my own character up later today, along with a couple of big Fairy Tail NPC's. Obviously, one of them is the Guild Master, in order to help people see how some things should be in case anyone may still have some trouble

Understandable~ I can work with that, for a majority of the time he spent in the guild he used his sand magic and silver keys, maybe he could have used a gold key once every blue moon should he had taken a job that needed the extra burst of magic. But that would be rare, and seldom talked about as he wouldn't summon a powerful spirit in front of a bunch of reliable witnesses.

If asked he'll say that he got the keys from his family, as well as snagging a few from a dark guild~

Okays sounds good~ I'll be sure to add that in~

I'll use those keys then~ And ya I'm more than open to talk about the Oriental keys, if ya want we can do a PM to establish them better and such. And yes, they are considered legendary just like the Gold Keys~

I'll get to work on editing my character asap, should be done sooner rather than later~
@Nim Alright. Are you meaning that you want me to use that coding you have? Because I thought this was the correct place to put CS. I am assuming though that you mean coding it properly?

Sounds Good!


This is the right place and what you had does include the base details, but the sheet provided also contains some minimum limits which arent met in your CS.

(I personally think the sheet's coding looks nice and smooth, but that could just me.)


Name: Chuck Lionheart
Nickname: Brick
Title: None
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 27 4/17
Age Appearance: 30
Sexuality: Straight

Length and build: 6' 2" pure muscle
Weight: 230
Favorite weather and season: Summer

Birthplace: small village close to Clover Town
Guild: Fairy Tale
Rank: B


Chuck is a very old school type of person. His father taught him the value of respect to others. He treats everyone with respect until they do something to lose it. He is loyal to a fault to his family. They are is number one concern at all times. When he joins the guild, the members become an extension of his family as well, hence his now undying loyalty to the guild. He is stern and stubborn at times but is also kind hearted and caring. He has never really bragged about his strength but is considerably strong as he has a magic power of 1400.

He is the first to help anyone in need and always jumps into danger without hesitation if it means he can protect others. Chuck has a hard time dealing with others who do not obey the rules or think they are above them. He is always making sure everyone does the right thing whether they like it or not.

Magic power
Adept hand to hand fighter

Special Traits:

Other Detailed: has a father figure vibe to him.

Raised up in a small farming village, Chuck grew up among his family and local villagers. It was a small place and everyone knew everyone. Their village was in charge of suppling crops to the local town nearby. They had always worked hard and made things work where they could. They never asked for much and always looked to help. Chuck's father was a stern man. He believed that if you have the power to help others, you always should. This was a big thing Chuck took from his father to later help him down the road.

Around the time Chuck was 21, an accident occurred in the farm lands. Some bandits from the local town came and burned down everything the village had. All the crops were destroyed. With no way to supply money to the village, they quickly fell into poverty. Chuck was the only person in the village of any real magical potential. He learned earth magic to help clear fields for farming. So, hetook it upon himself to venture off to find work so that he could help his starving village. He left his family and his friends, setting off to hopefully find anything to help them.

Chuck traveled Fiora for the next 6 years of his life looking for a purpose and a solution to his problem. He did odd jobs here and there in towns he would stay in but never anything concrete. During his travels, he worked every day on his magic to master his art. He is one of the strongest earth creation mages you will see in Fiora. He himself, is built like a rock. He has been in a couple of smaller guilds to try and get more money than just the odd jobs he did. The guilds could never keep up with his work ethic though and he didn't stay long in them. He had caught wind of a guild that was starting to become somewhat big, Fairy Tale, so Chuck decided to head that way and check it out. Maybe they would give him the solution to his problem. Maybe they could help him in finding more high paying jobs to help his family.

Theme Song:

Type of Magic: Caster
Subtype Magic:
Earth Creation
Description: Chuck can manipulate the earth and control it to his will. Similar to ice creation magic and fire creation magic. He can create shields, armor around himself, stone weapons, and hurl rock like its nothing.

Type of Magic: (Is it Caster? Holder? ANCIENT?)
Subtype Magic: (Here you get to be more specific about the exact type.)
Description: (Describe how your Magic works, in short. If it is a Holder Magic, then use the below part for Magic Equipment to describe the tools you use as part of your main magic.

Name of Weapon or Magic Tool: none
Description: (Tell us what it does and, if it doesnt a pic, describe how it looks too!)
Appearance: (A picture of the weapon or tool, Optional.)

Name of Weapon or Magic Tool: (Does it have a cool name? Let us know!)
Description: (Tell us what it does and, if it doesnt a pic, describe how it looks too!)
Appearance: (A picture of the weapon or tool, Optional.)

Other Magic: (Anything else involving Magic I should know? Minor spells and holder items fall under here!)
Last edited:

Sounds Good!


This is the right place and what you had does include the base details, but the sheet provided also contains some minimum limits which arent met in your CS.

(I personally think the sheet's coding looks nice and smooth, but that could just me.)
I fixed it I believe


Name: Chuck Lionheart
Nickname: Brick
Title: None
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 27 4/17
Age Appearance: 30
Sexuality: Straight

Length and build: 6' 2" pure muscle
Weight: 230
Favorite weather and season: Summer

Birthplace: small village close to Clover Town
Guild: Fairy Tale
Rank: B

View attachment 162156

Chuck is a very old school type of person. His father taught him the value of respect to others. He treats everyone with respect until they do something to lose it. He is loyal to a fault to his family. They are is number one concern at all times. When he joins the guild, the members become an extension of his family as well, hence his now undying loyalty to the guild. He is stern and stubborn at times but is also kind hearted and caring.

He is the first to help anyone in need and always jumps into danger without hesitation if it means he can protect others. Chuck has a hard time dealing with others who do not obey the rules or think they are above them. He is always making sure everyone does the right thing whether they like it or not.

Magic power
Adept hand to hand fighter

Special Traits:

Other Detailed: has a father figure vibe to him.

Raised up in a small farming village, Chuck grew up among his family and local villagers. It was a small place and everyone knew everyone. Their village was in charge of suppling crops to the local town nearby. They had always worked hard and made things work where they could. They never asked for much and always looked to help. Chuck's father was a stern man. He believed that if you have the power to help others, you always should. This was a big thing Chuck took from his father to later help him down the road.

Around the time Chuck was 21, an accident occurred in the farm lands. Some bandits from the local town came and burned down everything the village had. All the crops were destroyed. With no way to supply money to the village, they quickly fell into poverty. Chuck was the only person in the village of any real magical potential. He learned earth magic to help clear fields for farming. So, hetook it upon himself to venture off to find work so that he could help his starving village. He left his family and his friends, setting off to hopefully find anything to help them.

Chuck traveled Fiora for the next 6 years of his life looking for a purpose and a solution to his problem. He did odd jobs here and there in towns he would stay in but never anything concrete. During his travels, he worked every day on his magic to master his art. He is one of the strongest earth creation mages you will see in Fiora. He himself, is built like a rock. He has been in a couple of smaller guilds to try and get more money than just the odd jobs he did. The guilds could never keep up with his work ethic though and he didn't stay long in them. He had caught wind of a guild that was starting to become somewhat big, Fairy Tale, so Chuck decided to head that way and check it out. Maybe they would give him the solution to his problem. Maybe they could help him in finding more high paying jobs to help his family.

Theme Song:

Type of Magic: Caster
Subtype Magic:
Earth Creation
Description: Chuck can manipulate the earth and control it to his will. Similar to ice creation magic and fire creation magic. He can create shields, armor around himself, stone weapons, and hurl rock like its nothing.

Type of Magic: (Is it Caster? Holder? ANCIENT?)
Subtype Magic: (Here you get to be more specific about the exact type.)
Description: (Describe how your Magic works, in short. If it is a Holder Magic, then use the below part for Magic Equipment to describe the tools you use as part of your main magic.

Name of Weapon or Magic Tool: none
Description: (Tell us what it does and, if it doesnt a pic, describe how it looks too!)
Appearance: (A picture of the weapon or tool, Optional.)

Name of Weapon or Magic Tool: (Does it have a cool name? Let us know!)
Description: (Tell us what it does and, if it doesnt a pic, describe how it looks too!)
Appearance: (A picture of the weapon or tool, Optional.)

Other Magic: (Anything else involving Magic I should know? Minor spells and holder items fall under here!)

Alright, there are minor coding bits off here and there, but those aren't of any big concern and can be fixed easily.

The personality is much better, but as I've mentioned to Solemn, you need to add a quantity to your Magic Power. By now a proper chart of Magic Power has been added above the Character sheet, so you can refer to that.

All you need is to add the quantity and you will be good to go, as everything else in the sheet looks fine!
Alright, there are minor coding bits off here and there, but those aren't of any big concern and can be fixed easily.

The personality is much better, but as I've mentioned to Solemn, you need to add a quantity to your Magic Power. By now a proper chart of Magic Power has been added above the Character sheet, so you can refer to that.

All you need is to add the quantity and you will be good to go, as everything else in the sheet looks fine!
Made the update to add a magic power in his personality.
Made the update to add a magic power in his personality.

Was hoping you would place the quantity next to the Magic Power under Skills, but you have done as you were requested and you are thus Accepted! Welcome to Fairy Tail!

Once I'll be done with my sheet and the NPC sheets, I'll be sure to add a Roster and a Character Bin.

The IC will be prepared as soon as we have one or two more people with us!
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Reactions: MrStoryTeller

"Let the record show that you were ill-equipped to deal with me. Which is unsurprising, since I'm ill-equipped to deal with me."

Name: Emilia Lockhart
Nickname: Emi
Title: The Crush
Gender: Female
Age and date of birth: 18 2/1
Age Appearance: Around 16
Sexuality: Pansexual

Length and build: 5'6". A little too thin.
Weight: 110 lbs
Favorite weather and season: She has never been bothered by the cold. For that, winter. And besides, there's the snow... it's too pretty not to enjoy

Birthplace: A small house near Clover Town.
Guild: Fairy Tail
Rank: D

Appearance: Stood at five feet and six inches, slightly taller than your typical female, she appears as if she could use a little more meat on her bones. Adorned by a sweet round race and big, violet eyes, she usually elicits a cooing reaction. Her lengthy hair is blonde, and silky to the touch, but the paleness of her skin and the scabs on her knuckles garner her worried glances. Typically she sports baggy clothing, but nothing that hinders her movement. Her attire is simple.

Personality: Emilia Lockheart has kept her true personality unknown to so many for as long as she has lived. From the moment that she entered this world, it was cold. Trials and tribulations occurred often in her own home, shaping her up to be the person that she is today. Her life has gotten to her good. She is driven by the simple things; hunger, lust, greed, anger. She is the husk of a girl, the rest left within the small house that she lived in, near Clover Town.

If you can get a word out of Emilia, her voice is soft. She doesn't say much, as if she was never taught how to speak adequately let alone converse, but the intricate and powerful machinations that she is able to conjure up, when saving her own skin, suggest anything but stupidity. She gets into trouble, and yet she doesn't seem to want anything but a safe haven. That can be difficult when you've got a wolf at your back.

Behind that unemotional demeanor, is quite a vulnerable and innocent girl. She is hard, but is also loyal and will try her best when others need her. She is not unkind, just detached, destructible, out of control… antisocial.

Skills/Abilities: Probably around 2000, due to the fact that she can't control it; if she could it would be much more powerful. Speed. Endurance. Thievery. Deception.

Special Traits: N/A

Other Detailed: Fun fact: She adores cats.

History: Emilia Lockhart was born eighteen years ago, in a small house near Clover Town, the only daughter of Julian and Miranda Lockhart. Her mother died in childbirth, and a hindrance to her father, the two grew up together. Both Emilia and Julian learned greatly during their years together; hating each other, loving each other. Julian was a horrible father to Emilia, but then again, she was a horrible daughter. Neither were fit to be a part of a family, too emotional and out to save their own skin; when one was the former, the other was the latter, it could never be just right.

Fortunately, both grew from the experience. Julian remarried and had another daughter, and was a great father to her. Emilia was always bothered by this, witnessing her father's proficiency at parenthood, which came only after his second child, but she was also relieved and happy. That didn't last long. Emilia's magic was difficult to control. It made her more of a hindrance to her family, if such a thing was even possible. She destroyed their home when her emotions betrayed her. Nobody was hurt, but Emilia couldn't stand it.

She ran away. When she needed to, she stole. She got into fights, too. She traveled from place to place. Magnolia was just the next stop on the train.

Theme Song: N/A

Type of Magic: Caster
Subtype Magic: Crush
Description: With this magic, Emilia is quite dangerous, able to crush any object she comes in contact with. However, it can be difficult to control.

Type of Magic: N/A
Subtype Magic: N/A
Description: N/A

Name of Weapon or Magic Tool: N/A
Description: N/A
Appearance: N/A

Name of Weapon or Magic Tool: N/A
Description: N/A
Appearance: N/A

Other Magic: N/A
Last edited by a moderator:
I finished with the edits~

Also how many charries are going to be allowed in the 1000 + or 2000+ magic power range?
I finished with the edits~

Also how many charries are going to be allowed in the 1000 + or 2000+ magic power range?

I won't be accepting any more characters in the 2000+ range for the time being, but I'll allow another character or two between the 1000-2000 range. I'll also go over the edits a bit later.


Welcome! I'll be going over your sheet in a bit, as I am a bit pre-occupied right now, but expect a review later today!