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  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Hi! My name is Cam! I go by he/they/it pronouns and I'm just a chill guy in general. I mostly like to roleplay slice of life and romance stuff, as its the kind of thing that I've always enjoyed! I can do fandom RP as well with danganronpa, but I usually just like to use OCs! I'm a bit shy so I usually hope for people to come talk to me first. I can rp with anyone of any skill. I'm a mirror rper if that makes sense! I hope to have a lot of fun rps here!
Welcome to Iwaku! We're really glad to have you here with us and no need to be shy, everyone here is friendly.

Please be sure to read through a handy dandy guide that we like to call newbie navigation and if you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to any staff member with a green name.

Good luck to you and happy writing! ✨
Welcome to Iwaku! \o/
Hi! My name is Cam! I go by he/they/it pronouns and I'm just a chill guy in general. I mostly like to roleplay slice of life and romance stuff, as its the kind of thing that I've always enjoyed! I can do fandom RP as well with danganronpa, but I usually just like to use OCs! I'm a bit shy so I usually hope for people to come talk to me first. I can rp with anyone of any skill. I'm a mirror rper if that makes sense! I hope to have a lot of fun rps here!
Hey! You sound great and I'd love to roleplay with you and create some great ideas, although I only use discord. If you see this and you're down, please add me! juju2525
Hey Cam, welcome! Hope you love iwaku as much as we do! And you're a fellow Danganronpa fan! 🤍 Always a pleasure to meet another.

Best wishes and happy writing!