Monsters and Monster Hunters

- Clive Brixton - Latro City Limits - New Phoenix Base -
- Interactions: Hazel Anika Farrow -
He should not have worried about his own simplicity. As per the usual, Hazel had given the device one of her weird little pet names. Clive found them quite humorous really, but he could figure out what she was referring to most times so there was no use in trying to make her remember the actual names of various pieces of equipment. Her memory and focus were for the most part better utilized in more important areas, such as keeping this bunch of good-natured rebels called Phoenix under control, anyway.

Focusing his attention back to the matter at hand, Clive turned around to his desk to find something he'd set aside earlier, answering her question as he looked. "The last time we had it for certain was yesterday when it was packed up. Unlike much of the other more important pieces of equipment, it was transported by hand through the sewer system." After shuffling around some papers he'd found what he was looking for, yesterday's newspaper. "This leads me to a theory", he said as he handed the paper to her. The front page headline read: "Two Hunters Go Missing After Jumping into Manhole While on Bounty Hunt, Suspicions Rise".

Just then, the young man Clive had posted outside the door hurried in and came straight to him and Hazel. "There's someone approaching from down the road! They were covered almost completely so I couldn't get a good look at them, but they're definitely headed this way!" He spoke quickly, his panicked tone doing nothing to help the mood in the room. His news had brought the tension levels of the other workers through the roof, fright and alarm spreading like wildfire to the newly gathered crowd.
Tags: @neobendium
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Wilhelm Douglas - Downtown Latro - Monster Hunter Headquarters - Naomi Hunter/Sabrina Braveheart
"Stop that. You're scaring the kids." Wilhelm said in a somewhat mocking tone and forced his hat on Sabrina's head, tilted down to cover her eyes. Another up-and-coming hunter going out for revenge and this time a child no less. While it was something more common than Wilhelm would like it to be, most of the hunters like her that he knew personally at least waited until they were eighteen if their self-proclaimed nemesis hadn't been taken out or captured by then. Were it not for the tragic loss of life or the mental scarring that they often got, Wilhelm would roll his eyes at anyone who came into this business for that sole reason. Ofttimes he'd wonder if he was the only one without some sort of tragic backstory like that.
However, in Sabrina's case, rather than wanting to roll his eyes Wilhelm had to fight back a smirk. The seriousness on her face was probably the work of some sort of flashbacks from the traumatic event, but after her previous demeanour he had to try his darndest not to laugh right at her. It was tragic to imagine her story, but a 5'5 little girl trying so hard to be edgy was simply one of the funniest things he'd seen and he couldn't take her serious like that.

"If you only focus on just one thing in this business you'll wind up some other thing's dinner. Stick with us for now. We'll show you the ropes." Wilhelm told her, then slumped down into the seat next to Naomi. It didn't take long for the alcohol in his system to lull him into a gentle sleep.
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So-Rae - Unknown - Pacicosm, the Underground Monster Sanctum. (Wait...Undertale...Huh.)

So wanders about the town. Life more or less was flourishing here. Monsters that needed light would find plenty in the bioluminescent plants that not only grew in the cave but thrived thanks to a friendly monster that had the ability to shed rays of daylight onto them, in return giving the whole cavern oxygen. The plants were edible, too- they had a lot of nutrients needed. Still, although everything that a monster could need was here, there were less than a dozen monsters in residence. It would feel lonely if only...

"This place isn't secure enough. One klutzy move and the whole sanctum will be exposed to broad daylight," reminded Rae.

So retaliated. "Just- shut up." Rae was always there to bug him.
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Acadia Finch Carson - Latro Slums -
- Interactions: Alex Mercer, Aria Celiva-​

So he was on the good side of the police force, then. Acadia ignored his indignation, mulling this over for a few moments. Unfortunately, that time would be cut short, as the girl in the alleyway was then stabbed. She flinched at the sound of the knife sliding in through flesh and muscle, tearing the skin and splattering blood.

It was a sound all too familiar to her, but not one she really wanted to hear again.

Then the girl changed. Her skin hardened, becoming pitch black, and her voice changed into something not quite human. Her arms elongated and her small form turned into a hulking six foot beast. The Hunter that had stabbed her got thrown across the alleyway, and Acadia ducked as he slammed through the boxes and tumbled to a stop at the van.

Well, shit.

It was only a matter of time before Hunters heard about this, and that would send them crawling all over the alleys of the slums. She had to end this, and fast. As the newly-dubbed Alex stepped in front of the monster, Acadia yanked off her sweater and tossed it onto the pile as she strode in a business-like manner toward the impending fight.

She couldn't let Alex get hurt, not when he was her ticket to the man that had tortured her and so many others. So, Acadia pushed her way in between the detective and the shifted girl.

"Hey!" Her hood was off and her chin held high, her eyes sharp as she stared the other monster in the face. Her bare arms were on full display for all to see, scars mottling them and all. The brand, usually tucked so carefully behind hair and hoods, was obvious. "Listen. Just for a moment, just listen." She held both hands out to the girl. "I think we both know by now what each other is. You're attracting Hunters to the scene, and that's not something I want to see, not when there's a convention in town. So just shift back, and then we'll talk." Acadia took a step closer, hands still out and eyes still locked on the face above her. "I really don't want to have to fight you. It's gonna ruin my only shirt."

Her muscles were tensed in anticipation, awaiting the response. She didn't know if this girl was the mindless beast type, or if she retained some of her humanity even in monster form, but she was ready to dodge or shift if she needed to.

- Hazel Anika Farrow - Latro City Limits - Current Phoenix Base -
- Interactions: Clive Brixton, Sun Flare -​

Hazel took the newspaper, frowning at the headline. "Everyone's accounted for," she remarked. "So unless it was dropped running away from something, I don't know how-" she was cut off as the young man ran in. He was a hybrid of sorts, with spikes on his head and a ten foot long, spiney tail he used as a whip.

His words caused panicked ripples to run through the crowd, but Hazel just gave a calming but nervous smile. "Alright. Everyone, just calm down. I'll go see what it is." She turned and pointed to a pair of twins- one a boy, one a girl, and gestured for them to follow her.

The girl could turn invisible, and the boy could phase through matter, so she figured they'd be the best bets. She nodded to Clive, a silent implication that he could choose to join her or stay, and headed out, pulling her jacket on over her wings.

Sure enough, there was a hooded figure approaching, with a kitten held in his arms.

A kitten?

Either he was an eccentric Hunter, or he was an overcurious junkie. As they approached him, Hazel rested her rifle in her arms, ready to snap it up into firing position at a moment's notice. "Hey there," she called, a note of passive-aggressive warning in her voice. "What brings you here?" It was possible he was a monster that wanted sanctuary, but until she was sure, Hazel wasn't going to give him any hints on what they were.
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Sabrina Braveheart - Down Town Latro. - Monster Hunter Secret Headquarters.

No sooner after those words left their mouths, Sabrina revered back to her shy, adorable self. She didn't know why, but just thinking about THAT monster made her very angry. She just chocked it up to it killing her mother, but there just had to be something more to it.... right? When the man mentioned helping her on her hunt, she smiled a bit and was just about to thank the man for offering. But he faded of to sleep before she could say anything. She then thought it would be best to talk to the girl, but she seemed to be more invested in her phone now, and didn't bother her in the slightest. Naomi and Wilhelm, the two seemed nice enough, but could they handle the creature she was hunting? Only time would tell. Sabrina just sat in her sat quietly, just made mental notes of everyone else that would shuffle in

@Quiet & @Majem


Sun Flare - Latro City Limits - Current Phoenix Base

Sun Flare could smell the armed girl AND her associates long before they confronted him, but something was bothering him. He saw two people before him, but could smell three... how odd. This girl clearly thought he was a threat, that or she was trying to threaten him. Not wanting to take chances, he put down the kitten (which had scurried off in a bit of a panic) and transformed under his cloak. All that would be seen is that he seemed to grow a few inches bigger, and was also much more bulky. And although his head was now longer than it was in his human form, his whole face was still hidden. Smoke seeped out from his nostrils as he looked over to the girl with the rifle, like a Dragon challenging a knight... Or an animal sending a warning. "Don't do something you'll regret, girl." Sun flare growled, he didn't know what this girl was up to but if it's a fight she wanted... Then Sun Flare would make it her last.

@neobendium (MAYBE @Takashi ?)
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Siana D'kai, Richard Dawson
Northern Outskirts of Latro City - Eden
Interactions: N/A

The view wasn't nearly as breathless as it used to be back home. But considering where she sat, where she was in the world and what her current situation had been, it was good enough. Certainly better than being surrounded by darkness, or blank walls; having to look out through the tiniest slot of a thick, cold, metal door, only to be gazing upon more darkness and blank cinder block and concrete walls. The sun was high in the sky, clouds crossing over every now and then. She sat on the edge of a cliff, legs dangling off the side, barefoot. Trees consumed the land beneath her, very different from the ones she could recall from back home. As honey-amber eyes scanned the horizon, the raven haired woman could spot the giant structures of the city beyond.

Her hand dipped into a large plastic container, taking several almonds in one go she tossed them in her mouth. A sigh came from the rather brutish looking woman, her feet starting to swing against the cliff in an almost child-like manner. Subtle scuffling and clanking came to the woman's ears. Making a sound of intrigue she slowly turned her head to her left. The small squeaking sounds soon followed. Watching the black and white critter waddle along as it continued to squeak and huff it eventually stopped next to the woman and made the smallest snorting sound before stomping its feet a couple times, brown beady eyes staring into the woman's honey-coloured once.

"Terrance, what is you doing all the ways up heres?" She asked with a chuckle and a smile before looking back to the horizon.

The rodent-like creature moved closer to her as it snorted and sniffled, pressing its nose against her leg. Looking up the animal made another sound similar to a human scoff.

"Terrance. You cannot be angered at me's. I calls out for you when I left this morning's." She explained as she looked at the critter who was attempting to climb upon her lap. "What's you want?" She raised a brow as she looked down in confusion. The skunk shoved his face in the tupperware that held all the almonds and started eating rather loudly. "...Oh..." The woman muttered with a chuckle. The small smile remaining on her face as she looked back to the horizon and the city upon it.

Nature's sounds surrounded the two. Birds chirping, animals chittering and calling out. Leaves rustled in the occasional breeze. The roaring of running water was distant but the wind brought the sound towards them. It was rather peaceful and serene. The woman had laid back against the dirt and rocks, her eyes closed, hand clasped under her head, feet still dangling off the side of the cliff. Radio static crackled loudly, a high pitched frequency momentarily blaring into sensitive ears. The woman practically jumped from where she lay. The critter in her lap squealing in fear, there was a hissing sound before an awful stench surrounded the two. As she sat up she could taste the foul odour, coughing harshly, scraping at her throat practically, the woman wrinkled her nose and gagged. Looking down at the animal in her lap, it looked up at her with wide eyes. "Why's you do this Terrance? Bad smells is all arounds us now. I tells you before that you no need be scared with me so you don't fart your stinky spray." She huffed and clenched her jaw before looking over to her right.

There was a walkie-talkie next to her on the cliff's edge. Picking it up she looked at it as she held it close to her face. Muttering something in her own language she studied the damn thing.

"SIANA?" A voice crackled loudly.

The woman almost screamed from the distorted and explosive voice coming through the speaker. Looking down at Terrance she glared at him and growled. "Don't you dares do its Terrance…" She muttered.


Her glare flicked to the device. Looking around it again she found the button she needed to press. "Yes Richard. I hears you, I do not knows why yous are yelling."

"I AM NOT YELLING SIANA, YOU PROBABLY DIDN'T TURN THE VOLUME DOWN." The voice practically screamed, forcing the woman to hold the small, yet extremely loud device and arms length away from her face.

"I no knows how to do this." She spoke.


Rolling her eyes she snorted and shook her head. "I can hears you Richard!" She called out after pressing the button again.


Growling to herself she slowly got up. Placing Terrance on the ground she put the lid on the now empty tupperware and sighed.

"ORKIADA." The walkie talkie crackled to life again for a moment.

Snarling towards the demand in her native tongue she slid the device into her pocket before she started walking back towards her home.

The large, ranch style home was almost on the edge of the cliff, it's design was rather modern. There was a winding driveway that led off towards the left side. The grass was well kept, the pathways clean. The lot atop the cliff was big enough to house a decent stretch of land as a cushion surrounding the home. A ramp led up to the double doors, a wooden deck extending out from the whole length of the front of the home. The left side of the porch held a two person swinging chair, the right had a small table between two lounging chairs. In front of the home was a man situated in a wheelchair. He had light, greying hair, rectangular glasses with only half a frame on top. He kept a well trimmed and maintained short beard that was greying as well. Physically he looked to be about early to mid fifties. It was evident that he had been in the wheelchair for quite some time, his legs completely atrophied.

Siana approached him, the man looking unimpressed, but as she got closer a small, subtle smile came across his lips. "I see that Terrance found you." He pointed to the skunk.

"He founds me yes." She spoke simply. "I tried to calls him in the mornings but he did no listen. Why must I am here?" Amber's met greys.

The man clenched his jaw and swallowed back. "I've received word that hunters have gathered in Latro. I don't know what information is available to them but I don't want you or anyone else getting hurt." He explained.

"So?" She asked.

He gave her an apologetic look before his eyes wandered to the ground. His jaw tensed as he sighed deeply before looking back up at her through the rims of his glasses.

Siana's body tensed as her heart began to race. She knew that look in his eyes and there was nothing about it that she liked. Baring her teeth she almost snarled as she exhaled sharply. "No!" She growled.

"Siana please yo—"

"NO!" She stormed towards him. Taking hold of the armrests of his wheelchair she glared at him as she came to his eye-level, her snarl growing more vicious. "YOU SAID—"

"SIANA, STOP!" The man spoke with authority. "This is for YOUR safety. LISTEN TO ME!" He pushed up and came closer to her face. "Do you want to go back to what was happening before? What they were doing to you? What they might want to do to you?" The two stared at each other in silence for a brief moment. A low, menacing sound escaped the woman. "Siana…You can trust me. Have I wronged you since then?" Exhaling sharply with a growl the woman backed away from the older man. "It won't be for long. Just until the hunters clear out a little. Latro was supposed to be safe...I wasn't expecting this." The man swallowed back in obvious worry and sadness.

Folding her arms across her chest she looked at the man. "No long. You says it." She sighed again.

The man shook his head. "Not long. Promise."

"I will has all the food?" Richard nodded in response to her. "I cans bring Terrance?"

"I'm not too sure about that." The man stated.

"Why no?" She raised both brows, unimpressed.

"He's a wild animal Siana. He's not going to want to be down there." He explained.

"And you thinks I wants to be down there? I don't." Her argument was simple and she hoped it was also effective enough.

"Terrance can't level cities when he's angry Siana, there's a big difference between you and him." Richard tried to be calm with his debate.

"Well, if you don't puts me down there I wonts be angry and lava cities."

"It's—" Richard sighed and shook his head. "LEh-VAhl. Level, destroy, flatten."

"That's is what I's saids Richard. Laval."

"Okay...okay. Just, please; It won't be for long, we just have to wait for this conference to die down and for the bulk of the hunters to clear out and then we go back to normal." He explained as he put his hands out to make a point and shrug.

"Conerferance? What's this is? I take Terrance with me. You no fight this Richard, I have to go gets puts away, I take him. I need friend." She explained and picked the skunk up in her arms. Sighing she walked passed the man in the wheelchair and approached the house. "Bring me the foods Richard." Siana called out before the door shut behind her.
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Aria Celvia - Latro Slums -
- Interactions: Alex Mercer & Acadia Finch Carson-
( @Quiet @neobendium )
"Dont hurt them..."

Came the barely audible cry of the girl trapped inside her own shell of a body. Only being able to watch as the events unfolded while the two on the outside attempted to reason with her beast. However it was easier said than done as the beast stood up straight from its hunched stance as it chuckled before lowering its head again in almost the blink of an eye as the hot breath from its mouth slowly drifted to the floor.

"Under control ? I've seen much better control of a situation in my years. Not even letting the one you killed speak before putting a bullet through their skull."

It grinned leaning closer to the detectives face, grinning and staring into his eyes with its own unblinking ones.

"Can you really call yourself a bringer of justice when you don't even allow a human to reason before killing them dead~? You may as well just be a hunter~"

The beast grinned turning to Acadia and breathing in deeply through its nose. It was a scent it had recognized time and time again. never changing its presence whenever the beast or Aria got scent of it but while Aria was in control the beast only grew more curious as it wanted to see what was in its presence.

"You my dear, are quite the specimen~ The last of your kind we encountered met their fate at the hands of...well lets not go into minor details now shall we~?"

The beast chuckled as it composed itself standing up straight and bending inhumanly backwards almost like an expert gymnast as it spoke slowly addressing the two before it.

"Now...if you dont mind...."

The beast slowly spoke extending its arms as within just a second its wings sprouted before its breathing became heavier and it began heaving its chest in a beast like manner.

"You're in my way!!!"

The beast sprang forward shortly gliding over them with ease and dragging the thug along with it as it pressed the terrified mugger against the wall grinning.

"The light in this ones eyes...such a pity it is to be...devoured~"

The thug struggled in its grip frantically hoping to escape as the beast grew closer unhinging its jaw preparing to bit down onto the thug's head.

"I said...Don't Hurt them!"

The other arm of the beast rose upward before turning against itself and heading straight for its eyes leaving the beast in control barely any time to react catching it from just the corner of its eye.

"Enough is enough!"

As the claws collided and dug straight into its own eyes, the beast staggered back ear piercingly screaming and using its own arm to try and pry away its uncontrollable one. The more it tried, the more the claws dug deeper.

"You insolent wretch of a shell! You're only hurting yourself!

"I told you to leave me!"

"You can suffer your own damage!"

Staggering back and colliding with a wall behind it, the creature slumped down panting deeply as the tall figure slowly shrank soon taking a more humanoid shape again as the girl in her yellow coat appeared again she tried standing using the wall to support her as she felt around keeping her head down but ended up tripping over and resting a sleeve on her eyes purposely trying to cover them.

"Hello...are..are you two still there ?"

Aria called trying to feel for anyone nearby tapping and touching the ground as the sounds running footsteps ran by Alex and Acadia as the terrified thug attempted to make a run for it towards the alley entrance before the police arrived.
So-Rae - Central Latro - Interactions: None.

In a panicked hurry, the half-human rushed towards the next building- the place where he thought his friend would be at. Alright. This is the second place he'd be- considering he's not at the bar. So had to find the monster. He'd done it again, despite Rae's constant protests against it- he'd exited the Pacicosm. And now he could be hunted down.

So once again heaved the oversized trenchcoat back on, it slithering off his shoulders every block and dragging at the edges on the sidewalk. But the thing was necessary to hide Rae. The weightless projection was hidden, hitching a ride in on his back while the trenchcoat tucked him in. He needed to hide his monster side- especially in this territory.

He took a turn down into an alleyway and came across the monster-run stores. Most were just unused RVs and garages, but the way that these monsters styled their humble places made it so that you could hardly pay notice to the fact that they were practically in the slums. These were technically black markets where monsters did their business from the hunter's eyes. He stopped at a pizzeria. The atmosphere was lively and warm, portraying a feeling that was the complete opposite of what they should be feeling.

The monster at the countertop turned his pale white head 340 degrees to meet the boy's eyes. His features literally resembled what a little kid would have doodled for a stick figure's face. "So! How nice to meet you here!" Its voice was carefree and peppy, much like his personality. He turned his head back and said to the waiter, "Sir, could you please get me an orange soda for that nice yo-

"Wagner, this is not the time for this, there are a time and place for everything, but-"

"Then when is that time, hmm?"

Marching up to him, So didn't want to yell. But the way the monster acted, unburdened by the truth, was just too much. He just felt like he needed to let all of his frustration loose, at least for a little bit. "WAGNER, you're in grave DANGER! This is hunter territory and-"

"Well, we haven't been caught yet, hmm?" the monster lit up.

"No, you don't get it! Look outside there now, it's like an intervention! There are hunters LITERALLY EVERYW-"

"Freeze." A stern voice backed up by two armed men stood outside, pointing guns at the stores.

"We are dead," So and Rae said, their voices synchronized.

"Not quite," replied Wagner. Gosh, what could possibly make him cheery in a time like this?

"What. Do you. Mean?" So-Rae replied.

"Do the thing."

"What thi-" So-Rae suddenly knew what he was talking about. His power. But could it save them at a time like this?

So-Rae placed his hands on So's chest and breathed. Just breathed. They channeled his negative thoughts, pushing them throughout his body. They focused the energy together, it channeling together like a funnel, up and outwards through the body.

And they felt it, too. The feeling of hopelessness, despair. The waitress dropped her plate, its contents falling to the floor, yet nobody cared. An inky tear fell from Wagner's face, even though his smile never faded. The hunters reluctantly dropped their weapons, drowning in the heart-wrenching, nihilistic enlightenment. Or rather, endarkenment.

Acting quickly, So-Rae calmly went to Wagner and pulled him out of his chair, the monster feeling too empty to care. They dragged him outside and handed the monster one of the hunter's guns. They grabbed the other arms and then pointed them at the guards.

And with that, he ended the endarkening moment. Relieving faster than the rest with his happy-go-lucky nature, he followed in pursuit and held up his gun to the hunters.

"Now you freeze," So-Rae replied.

By the next fifteen minutes, So-Rae and Wagner discreetly drove the other monsters out of the city in an RV and Camper Van under the cover of night, knowing that in a few minutes, more hunters would come to investigate why the hunters that encountered them were running out of the alleyway screaming.
- Clive Brixton - Latro City Limits - New Phoenix Base -
- Interactions: Hazel Anika Farrow, Sun Flare -
As Hazel and the twins went to check on the threat, Clive hurried back to his desk, pulling out drawers until he found a full adrenaline syringe, quickly shoving it into his coat pocket. "See if there's anything more approaching. I want radar and thermal scans, now!", he yelled to another newer member. She could teleport, so once Clive had taught her to use some of the equipment, including some kept in the main building instead of the clinic, she was an incredibly useful asset.

And after only a minute or two, she was back with printed scan results. Clive nodded to her and read through them as he made his way to Hazel and the twins. He grabbed a surgical mask off the wall and put it on before exiting the building, in order to hide his monster trait in the case of hunters, though from what the scans showed he doubted what was out there was human.

After observing the figure for a few moments, he came up next to the small group and addressed their leader. "The good news is, radar and thermal scans indicate it's alone, save for the kitten. The other news is that whatever it is, it's not human so I don't think it's a hunter. The thermal scans are reading some small part of its body is slowly heating up, currently at roughly fourty degrees Celsius. We couldn't pinpoint it, but it appears to be the source of that smoke coming from its nostrils." He glanced warily back at the cloaked being as he awaited a response.
Tags: @neobendium @TyranntX
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Justin, Latro City, Interactions: None

Justin stepped off the bus into Latro, a bit groggy. The bus ride from the suburbs to the city was only about fifteen minutes long, but that had been enough time for him to fall asleep in. He'd stayed up all night drawing missing posters for his sister. He walked around, looking for any familiar faces. He didn't see any. As a matter of fact, there looked to be hardly any monsters around at all! Usually this part of the city was full of strange people for him to pester with questions. If he had bothered to look at the news, he'd know exactly why the monsters were seemingly vanished. But, being about as concerned with the world outside his own worries as any normal teenager-which was to say, he wasn't-he generally didn't check the news. Oh well, with no one around, maybe this would be a good time to tag a couple of buildings. He pulled his backpack around to the front of him so he could dig through it with more ease. He located one of his spray paint cans. Black. Nice, that was a pretty standard color. Now, all he needed was a wall that probably wasn't super important. Or one that already had graffiti on it. He zipped his backpack up once more and put it on his back, then began to look for a wall to be his target.
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So-Rae, Latro City- Interactions: @LemonLime

The monsters all loaded onto the vehicles, they encountered a problem- there was room for all but three- So, Rae, and a particularly young monster that would look absolutely human if not for the way he emitted a bright white glow.

"Alright, Wagner, you go and lead the families to the Pacicosm. We'll go on foot," So instructed.

"And why can't you just go on the roof again?" asked the monster.

"That's illegal," he replied. "Now go."

The RV and camper van rolled away. It was just them now.

So turned to the kid. "Alright, um..."

"Ether," the kid said.

"Okay, Ether. Put on my trenchcoat and don't take it off. It should help stop others from noticing your glowing a bit."

The kid did as he was told, Rae sliding behind him as he buttoned it on. It covered his body pretty well, but his face still let out a radiant beam of light. So, by walking in front of him, was able to prevent the kid from looking suspicious.

Halfway along the road, they walked past a kid with a can of spray paint in his hands. So and Ether could see in his eyes that he wasn't okay. It was as if he was waiting for something.

Ether pulled down his sleeve and noticed his glowing was beginning to fade. He turned to the man that was walking by. "Hey. Are you alright?"
Justin, Latro City, Interactions: @LonelyKeeper

Justin looked up, startled. He put his spray paint can behind his back, failing to realize this wouldn't help, because the person had already seen it. The building tagging would have to wait a bit. "Uh, yeah, I'm alright," Justin smiled slightly, not wanting to seem unfriendly. He wasn't used to people approaching him. In general, it was him doing the approaching and asking strangers questions. Suffice to say, having the roles switched threw him off a bit.
So-Rae and Ether, Latro city - Interactions:@LemonLime

"Who are you waiting for?" Ether asked him.

So-Rae was bewildered. Why did Ether ask a stranger something like that? He didn't see any evidence that he was waiting for someone.

"My light begins fade around people who are losing hope," Ether responded. "Are you sad?"
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Justin, Latro City, Interactions: @LonelyKeeper

Justin shrugged, keeping his half-smile on his face. "Not really sad, just worried I guess. I'm looking for my sister, she's been missing for a while," Justin had no qualms about telling a stranger this. That was his daily routine, really. Telling strangers about his sister. There weren't as many people out and about today, not to his awareness, so he figured he'd make the most out of the few people he did meet. This person was a Monster, like his sister, so maybe he could give some clues as to her whereabouts.
So-Rae and Ether, Latro city - Interactions: @LemonLime

"What did she look like?" Ether asked. "I know a lot of monsters around here... I might know her!"

Rae, having enough, started trying to tug him away from the person. "Seriously, kid? There is almost NO chance" he panted, frustrated by the monster's efforts to keep still, "That you know her! For all we know, she could either be a lie or be dead! Let's...go!!" he shouted out, the last words being loud enough to hear.

"Uh oh."
Alex Mercer - Latro Slums
Interactions: Acadia Finch, Aria Celiva

A twinge of guilt could be felt in the detectives chest. The creature before them was oddly persuasive, almost convincing Alex he had done something wrong when he sent some fiends brains splattered all over the wall, however this doubt only lasted a second or two. A lot of people, especially in this city, were downright hopeless. Having witnessed the price of war itself and the consequences it brings, both with and without conflict, he thought criminals who frequented pulling knives on girls were better off in the dirt.

There was something evident in the way the creature was behaving and speaking. It wasn't too often you'd find Monsters with human forms, they typically had it better off then the rest. Even so, in most cases Alex would recall such creatures to remain the same, at least in a sense of their persona. Sure, they'd grow tails or fangs or claws, but were more or less the same somewhere inside within the soul, that part that made them civilized, human in fact.

It was clear what they were dealing with was not the young girl whom had knocked over the tin can just minutes ago. Time always seemed to move so slow during battles and conflict. Alex was sure no more than five minutes had passed. His sense of time was a bit more keen to the rest, having spent years overseas in hot zones.

With that, the hooded alley dweller suddenly sprang up and placed herself in-between Alex and the creature. He couldn't not notice the scars, brand and scales that protruded along her arms and neck. He hadn't the chance to hear the girls response as to whether or not she recognized the man he was looking for but it seemed the answer lay permanently marked, the very brand their witness had procured sat obviously upon her skin. All the more reason to get out of this damned alleyway alive, he thought.

There was not much Alex thought he could do as the creature lunged towards its assailant, pinning him against the wall. Any second now backup would arrive, and wouldn't hesitate to gun down a Monster holding a person in its hands, criminal or not.

Be it luck or the result of sheer will, the criminal dropped to the ground as the creature began to claw its own eyes, speaking itself or rather, to the young girl who's body she used as a host, Alex figured. As the creature slumped to the floor and began to revert to its original form, Alex was quick to jump to the now young girls aid.

As the thug who by pure luck managed to escape the creatures grasp began to round the corner he was met by several patrolmen, their guns at the ready.


The sound of the young girls monster form screeching bloody murder was enough to muffle the echo of sirens, it seemed. Several cars had parked on either side of the scuffle, out of sight of the alleyway.

"Are you okay? We're right here. Don't worry, your safe now." Alex could only hope her injuries weren't very serious. For a moment he felt he should be thanking the girl for clawing her own eyes, although that idea faded shortly. She more than likely had saved her own life doing so as police and medics began filing into the alleyway to apprehend the wounded criminals that lay on the floor and tend to the one or two dead that lay beside them. "I need some help here!" Alex called out "Don't worry" he reassured the young girl once more "They'll take care of you." And that they would as several EMT's were quick to surround them, the detective quick to get out of their way. He scanned the now crowded alley for the dweller, making his way to her. "You may want to put this back on." He suggested, holding out her hood to her. Any patrolmen that began to pry Alex cautiously sent away, to that they would respectfully oblige. Despite her abnormal features being evident, the detective politely averted his eyes and focused on the girls own. "We've got some stuff to talk about."
Acadia Finch Carson - Latro Slums -
- Interactions: Alex Mercer, Aria Celiva-​

The sneering voice of the beast before her taunted her with its words. "Specimen." That word spoken by anyone sent an uncomfortable shiver up her spine, and with this hulking brute speaking, it was almost worse. Acadia tensed further, eyes narrowing and lips pulling up into a snarl.

When the girl-gone-monster leaped over her, though, she ducked, the fight seeming to leave her for only a split second before she was back up and ready. She rolled her shoulders back and cracked her neck before dropping into a crouch, her blue eyes flashing into something different. Something dangerous.

Before the woman could shift, though, the monster began clawing at its own face. A confused expression drifted across her features, and Acadia stood, watching with morbid curiosity as the monster screeched orders at itself. Then, it folded in on itself, bone and cartilage snapping and shrinking, skin fading back to its soft, pale normality.

The skin around her eyes was ripped and bloody, so much so that Acadia couldn't tell if her eyes themselves were damaged to the point of destruction. The woman crept forward slowly, reaching out for the girl with hesitant motions. If it was a trap, and the girl attacked her, she would be able to handle herself better than Alex could...probably.

"Freeze!" Yet another interruption stopped her from doing what her instincts were telling her to, and she turned to see a swarm of policemen and EMTs rushing into the alley, cuffing the still-conscious thug and approaching the small group.

She glared backing up into the corner and brushing her hair over her neck, hoping that the workers would just ignore her. And they did, thanks to Alex. She took her sweater from him and stared down at it with an expression akin to disappointment before she sighed and pulled it back on, hiding the scars and scales that slashed across her arms.

She looked him in the eyes as she flipped the hood back up, those blue orbs holding flames and ice at the same time. Acadia ignored his statement for the most part, and instead peered behind him at the bloodied girl, who was being tended to by a team of attentive EMTs. "What's going to happen to her after the hospital?" she asked deliberately.

If that girl was just going to be hauled off to jail after this, then what was the point?

- Hazel Anika Farrow - Latro City Limits - Current Phoenix Base -
- Interactions: Clive Brixton, Sun Flare -​

"Don't do something you'll regret, girl."

The man- or, at least, what she had previously thought was a man- straightened, his bulk growing to something almost inhuman. Before Hazel could even think of what to do next, Clive was approaching her, speaking lowly about what his scans had indicated. She nodded quietly, her own eyes flicking back to the would-be intruder.

It was becoming more and more likely that he was a wandering mosnter, and not a hunter, although some Hunters could pass as a monster to scans thanks to their tech. "I won't," she finally answered the man's warning before rolling her shoulders back and cocking her head to the side. Then, suddenly, she tossed her rifle to her left. It was caught, seemingly by the air, before the invisible girl revealed herself.

"Care to explain what you are?" she asked, crossing her arms and standing straighter, peering intently at the cloaked figure. If he was a monster, he would be granted asylum. If not, then....some blood was going to be shed.

Hazel wasn't letting him pass. At least, not yet.
Siana D'kai, Richard Dawson
Northern Outskirts of Latro City - Eden
Interactions: N/A

The interior of the large single story home was nearly spotless and extremely modern, something one would see in a downtown penthouse condo. Mostly consisting of various shades of greys, blacks and whites. Having lived here long enough Siana walked through the home with ease. Before she made her way down there she stopped in the kitchen. Opening various cupboards she put the skunk on the floor before filling her arms with an array of snacks ranging from junk food to fruits and nuts. Closing the cupboards she walked towards the back of the house. Walking through the large back room, she rounded to the right and took a set of stairs that led her down to the basement. Another fully furnished part of the home. Opening up a protein bar as she walked, Siana took a bite, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Terrance was following. The critter waddled along, the woman smirking as she turned her attention back ahead of her. "Do not you worry Terrance. I haves the foods for you too, and thems snacks. We are goings to be okay." She stated simply as she opened a door.

The room off the bat looked like nothing more than a pantry combined with a storage room. The only part of the chic home that wasn't completed. Concrete was exposed and there was barely any light coming in from the outside. Stepping into the boiler room Siana squeezed by the large hunk of metal and carried on through a hidden hallway behind it. At the end of the cold corridor was a small flickering light. The woman now stood in front of a large, thick metal door, a small screen just to the right of it. Punching in the pass-code, the machine proceeded to prompt her for a scan of her hand. "I don't gets it Terrance. If Richards and I absolotely has to comes through this small spaces, we would haves to wait forevers for this specials door to open. I think not it's smart." She explained to the animal. The digital pad trilled as the door hissed upon it's airlock release. "And if it's of a supers emergency, I don't wants to break the doors down because thens the people coming after us, which they wills, can get through like no problems." Siana shrugged and waited for Terrance to step through before following him.

The door behind them sealed shut. The lights dimming for a moment before the other side opened up for them. The cavernous pathway was lit by fluorescent lights running along the sides. The two padded along for quite some time before another large metal door appeared. This one was much taller and wider. Going through the same process with a sigh they waited once again until the large door before them opened. Padding into another small room they went through a similar process as they did at the house to step out into another basement. "Almost is there Terrance. I know its long walks for yous little legs." She chuckled. "If we's is gonna be stucks in heres, might as wells make the bests of it." She explained before leading them into a large, tall and wide room.

Richard had retreated into the home. He was in his office monitoring the cameras, making sure Siana got to the other building safely. Nodding upon seeing her in one of the training rooms he disconnected from the feed and entered the kitchen. He wasn't sure what he was going to prepare for her but he'd figure it out as he went along.
Aria Celvia - Latro Slums -
- Interactions: Alex Mercer & Acadia Finch Carson-
(@Quiet @neobendium)​

Aria panted leaning against a dumpster as she felt people reassuring the injured girl on her current condition. An EMT gently propping her up as they moved the hair out of her eyes before emitting a shocked gasp and calling out down the alley to the others on standby.

"Phone in a bed in the emergency ward! We've got one majorly injured!"

A look at Aria would be a rather horrific sight as her eyes suffered from deep claw and gash marks of course by her own hands in her uncontrollable form. Her condition was dire and from the looks of it without treatment she may not even see again as the EMT's quickly prepped her for transport wrapping her eyes in bandages making her unable to see but less likely to lose anymore blood or fluid from her eyes.

"I...I can't see...are they ok...."

Aria spoke softly as she was guided to her feet by the EMT's guided her past the officers and the two staying out of the way. However the EMT's tightened their grip as Aria struggled worryingly not getting her answer and raised her voice.

"Someone answer me! Are they ok?!"

"Miss please calm down we need to get you to-"

"I don't care! The last thing I want those two hurt because of me and wha-"

Suddenly cut off and for the better as to not reveal her own secret, Aria was fitted with a mask slowly filling with anaesthesia putting her to sleep to calm her down as her struggles became weak and the EMT's loaded her onto a stretcher and onto the ambulance. With a loud slam and the call to the driver echoing down the alley.

"She's under for now. Get her to ER now and that's an order. Move it!"

The sirens soon started blaring as the ambulance pulled away heading off as a paramedic headed down the alley towards the two facing Alex first.

"Lucky you found her as you did sir along with phoning in the help. Any longer and she'd have lost her sight entirely from the looks of things. Those thugs did a number on her...poor thing..."

Looking around and sighing shaking his head he looked between the two as he scanned them over inquiring to any injuries the two may have sustained.

"Once she's stable I'll give you her information to visit if you wish. It's most likely you'll need questions and answers from her about what she remembers."
  • Love
Reactions: noodle
Bethany Koles - Monster Hunter Convention - FLUX showcase - Downtown Latro

Just now arriving at the building, Bethany and two people in suits (a man and a woman, both supposedly Koles family members) took notice of what seemed to be a man sanding on a platform, being guarded by two other men. She and her escorts approached them, Bethany put a smile on her face to give a 'strong woman' vibe to her stance. Her escorts just stood behind, both of them with suitcases in one hand and pistols in the other. They stood with a more stoic and emotionless stance, yet they seemed prepared for anything. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. Might I ask what all of this is?" Bethany inquired, with her arms folded behind her back. She needles to say didn't have a clue who these people were, but if they were trying to sell something that would be useful to her... Operations, then she had money to pay for it.


Sun Flare - Latro City Limits - Current Phoenix Base

A man in a medical mask approached the scene, now their were four people Sun Flare might need to deal with... And one of them could turn invisible! The masked man however didn't seem like he wanted to fight, but there was still something off about him. It was about then when the girl put down her weapon, but Sun Flare still felt slightly agitated. She then asked Sun Flare what he was, this is just that incident with the swordsmen a few moments back. . . Which only annoyed Sun Flare even more, albeit just slightly. Sun Flare approached the girl, his nostrils still smoking, and exhaled a billow of smoke into her face. "What I am, is none of your concern" He grunted, as he looked down at the girl from under his hood. Sun Flare's snout stopped smoking after he spoke, but his presence would be as overwhelming as ever. "You're in the way" he continued, using his larger size as a bluff. Sun Flare anticipated them to stand down and back off at any moment now, but should they choose to fight, then they'd need a lot more then those puny guns to bring him down.

@neobendium @Takashi
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