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Anne - Marie

Dedicated to Knighthood
"No longer haunted by the past, she now looks to her future..."


Name: Anne-Marie
Pronunciation: (An en Mah ree)
Nickname: Anne
Species: Human
Date of Birth: Ice Melt
Zodiac: The Pixy
Age: 22
Place of Birth: Hartho, Visulla

Storyline/Plot: Roses and Stars

"For a time, it was an infatuation with my past that gave me the drive to forge onward, however, it is only now I realize that my future is what I truly yearn to uncover."


Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brunette
Hair Style/Length: Medium long, most often kept tied back in a bun of sorts
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 167lbs
Body Type: Toned. Bust size slightly below 'average' and waist of medium width
Body Modifications/Accessories: A strange symbol on her midriff that reads Anne+Marie at its center. Also, normally invisible, are tattooed runes that cover her entire body. When visible they glow a feint shade of blue. Only visible in full when she herself is on the brink of death, but invisible in small patches from time to time during the night.

Body Modifications/Accessories: A strange symbol on her midriff that reads Anne+Marie at its center. Also, normally invisible, are tattooed runes that cover her entire body. When visible they glow a feint shade of blue. Only visible in full when she herself is on the brink of death, but invisible in small patches from time to time during the night.

Written Appearance: Anne-Marie maintains a slim, yet muscular build. This is in part because of her occupation as a military woman and her strict fitness regimen in lieu of this. Regardless of this excess muscle, she is still rather attractive. Her facial features are akin to that of a delicate maiden. She has a smaller sized bust and her medium-long brunette hair is usually tied up in a bun of sort, for practicality purposes. She is known to braid it from time to time however, for special occasions. Rarely is her hair seen let down, as it obstructs her vision. Even so a sort of unorganized beauty can be found in this look. Her hazel eyes gaze steadily forward, a fire of determination ablaze in them at all times. Her eye's belay her dedication to pursuing her dream, and the future that this pursuit holds for her.

She stands eye to eye with most men but is still slightly below average in height, clocking in at a respectable 5'8". Anne carries herself with an air of confidence in most public situations, this is in part because of her awareness of presentation when representing the military and in part a method of keeping ne'er-do-wells from harassing her when she is not dawning the garb of a soldier. When in company she is comfortable with this facade fades and her expression will usually soften. When like this, she could be described a eloquent and charming, whilst simultaneously maintaining a somewhat childlike vigor and enthusiasm. She constantly maintains a near perfect posture, developed through the years working as a waitress in her foster parents Inn.

In most cased she is garbed in her armor and weaponry, as in most cases she is on duty. Otherwise she can be seen wearing simple peasants attire. Her armor is a balance of metal and leather pieces that maximize both protection and maneuverability. While it does not help much against rifles and the like, it does assist greatly in melee duels and as such as been an asset to her over the years. On her left hip sits her short sword, a sturdy and trusty blade that has been with her since the beginning of her career. She maintains it excellently and it returns this favor by being a blade she can rely on. On her right hip is a parrying dagger. This secondary blade is extremely important to her particular style of one on one combat. Finally, strapped to her left leg is a flintlock pistol, a somewhat new addition that she is still rather green with. She deemed it a necessary purchase however, as it would offer her more flexibility on the battle field once she perfected her use of it.


Personality Traits: Anne's defining personality trait is her dedication to the attainment of knighthood. She is very passionate in this pursuit and as a result her personality in regards to this can be described as 'Unyielding' and almost 'Intimidating'. This, however, is only the outward appearance of what is truthfully her true passion. She takes her career path seriously, and makes that known to any who would slander it.

Otherwise, Anne is rather easy going. When off duty she could be described as 'Gentle or Kind'. She enjoys taking the time to here the life stories of other people, as listening to tales of wandering sell swords and soldiers was her favorite past time as a child. This translates into her being an excellent listener, and also an excellent story teller herself. When home she can often be seen sharing the tale of Blorg and Sir Macoth. A tale that she first heard late at night as a child.

This is, of course, if you are on her good side. While she can definitely be seen as an 'Understanding' individual and often gives others the benefit of the doubt. She is very loyal to her morale compass. This is partly because of her belief in a knights responsibility of honor, but mostly due to her own 'Strong Belief In The Necessity of Committing Good Deeds.' Anyone who has proven to either be an affront to her own personal morals or that of her duty as a knight does not deserve her respect in her mind, and as such does not get the time of day. People who she holds this opinion of could describe her as 'Cold, or Close Minded.'

She has been a soldier for three years, and is well on the way to attaining knighthood. This means that she has no illusions as to the dark side of her career. In regards to political corruption; at first it was difficult for her to stomach but she soon realized that it was simply a part of her life now that she had chosen her path. One that she would have to begrudgingly accept as a reality. While she would never would never participate in corruption and assassination, she forces herself to treat those who do, especially if they are superior to her, with 'Professional Respect', and nothing more. The same can be said for killing itself, which is in essence, a soldiers duty. At first she had some difficulty stomaching the act, but through determination she was able to see as simply 'Part of The Job.' Every job has dirty bits, and knighthood is not excluded from this. So she, while not enjoying the act, understands the necessity of the act and therefor has overcome her issues with it.


Determination; Anne-Marie is dedicated to her passions, and as a result sees the fruits of her labor rather quickly. The ability to set her mind to a task and complete it, be it long term or short term, has been an asset her entire life. This trait has been the main reason for all of her strengths and the main reason she has seen success in her endeavors.

Ambidextrous: While her determination is a powerful asset, the ability to use both halves of her body with equal confidence and dominance has been a feature she is glad she was born with.

Skill and Focus: The fruits of her labor are, in and of themselves, a tremendous asset as well. Namely, her skill with blades and pistols. While the latter is a newer skill and is rather under developed, it will surely become just as reliable as her melee prowess.

Purification: While the extent of this ability is beyond her understanding, it is very real. Any toxin that enters her body. This means a few things. She cannot be poisoned, and in turn has an extremely high resistance to getting smashed* (Terrible I know). She can drink from any water source as though it were potable water. Finally, she has an increased resistance to disease, and even an immunity to some.

Hidden Power**: The normally invisible runic tattoos that cover her body hold the secret to her magical power. Anne's attunement to the Tetrad is abnormally strong, however it is locked to her due to the effects of the marking upon her midriff. (explained below) The tattoo's however, unlock this power by bypassing the permanent enchantment of the marking. In order to understand this runic spell it would take either a Theurigist of extreme skill with an immense understand of the craft or the Theurigist that initially made the runes, as the initial author encrypted them in order to make understanding them highly difficult. The tattoos glow blue when visible, apparently the author was a tad 'artsy fartsy'. They are only visible in their entirety when she is in a state of near death, however they are sometimes visible in small patches at night. The invisibility can be bypassed, but only via a key created by the original author of the runes.

When activated, the permanent enchantment upon her midriff is bypassed, allowing her use of magic. If this were to ever occur she would first be struck by the return of her memories, and undergo serious mental trauma. Then, her magic reserves would become known to her and 'felt' for the first time. Due to their lack of use the flood of magical energy would be unsustainable. Her mind would undergo even more stress as her magic exploded outwards out of her control. This would be exacerbated further to the nature of her manipulation, which is weather. Recovery would be highly unlikely, as such it is likely these markings will never be unlocked. Only time can tell however..

*For Rissa: Drunk
**please read the weakness 'No Magic' first


Stubbornness: While she is understanding, and will often weigh her options before making a decision or forming an opinion, once she has done so she will not rescind. This inflexibility has proven a problem as it can get her into serious trouble and even prevent her from becoming close to people she did not initially blend with.

No Magic*: The marking upon her midriff acts as a block for magic casting. It is a permanent enchantment that effects her mind much in the same way hypnosis works. It blocks her ability to believe that she is capable of performing magic. Basically, she cannot comprehend the use of magic within her conscious mind while under it's effects. However, this does result in the manifestation of her Purification ability. Otherwise, she is basically Unattuned. Also, due to the uncontrollable and erratic nature of permanent enchantments, it had the unexpected side effect of sealing away her memories of her life before it's application. It was applied to her at the age of ten.

Inexperience: While she has been extremely dedicated in her training, her experience as a soldier is still rather limited. Veteran fighter and those that employ unconventional fighting methods stand head and shoulders above her. Also, if she were ever to face off against a magic user, she would be essentially useless.

Unreliable shot: While she does carry a flintlock pistol on her person, it is a new addition and she is unreliable when using it. However, this will most likely fade given time as she does train with it often. At the time however, she tries to avoid using it in actual combat and when forced it is usually not very helpful anyways.


Often when wearing her sword, her hand floats as though resting on an invisible copy of it. This is due to her own uncomfortably with not having it on her person. When startled, she will often reach for her left hip as well, even if nothing is there.

She often catches herself staring, sometimes at passersby, and sometimes at nothing at all. This happens usually when she is deep in thought and she will often bite her lower lip while doing this as well.

When wearing her sword, Anne will tap her index finger upon it's hilt when uncomfortable or simply bored. This is an unconscious action and she will often be startled by it.

Despite being ambidextrous, she always begins combat with her sword in her right hand. Not only because it is drawn from her left, but also due to her having began training with it in her right and and is more comfortable with it there.


D&D Alignment: Neutral Good


Inventory: (4+)

Occupation: Soldier for the Queensburg army, ranking somewhere below knight.

Education: Home teaching from her foster parents/ formal training in Queensburg military academy.

Character Arcs/Plots:
1: Her attainment of Knighthood
2: The surfacing of her past and it's return to relevance in her mind
3: The uncovering of the meaning behind the strange runic symbol upon her midriff
4: The consequences of uncovering the aforementioned truth
5: The overcoming of said consequence


  • The members of her squad in the Queensburg military (TBA)
  • Various locals from Lyf (TBA)
  • Her commanding officer (TBA)

  • Her Foster Parents Mamma Aba and Papa Murph


Magic Tier(s): Lower

Attuned Element(s): Water (Weather)

Fleuntia: Luna

Main Weapon: Short sword and Parrying Dagger

Secondary Weapon: Flintlock Pistol


The story of Anne-Marie begins in the slave districts of Gartho, Visulla. On a moody evening shortly following a day of torrential downpour. The quiet patter of gathered rain water plummeting to the damp tiles of the city streets were all that was left to remember the storm by and it was almost unbelievable that it had once been so ferocious that the working district had been forced to close. The day of rest had been a godsend however, as two slaves had been blessed with child during the storm.

Now the couple simply enjoyed the soft sounds of the damp night as they held their child close. While not the happiest of events, they did allow themselves this moment of peace, for a time they would not think of the problems of tomorrow and the uncertainty of their, and in turn their daughter's, future. It was in this moment of peace that a name left the lips of the couple. A name that represented their hope and their struggle. A name that, sadly, would not be known to the one they gave it.

The seasons rolled by and despite the many hardships they faced, the couple somehow made do. Their daughter was healthy, and their life was happier then it had been. However, this happiness was soon tore for them. At the age of Six Months, they came. Theurigists employed by the local Lord began inspecting the slaves. Fate would have it that, for some reason unknown to them, their daughter would be taken. The mother, stricken with grief, died soon after of what should have been a common cold. Such is the fate of a slave. The father met a similar fate, losing his leg to an accident shortly following his wife's demise. Without a leg he was cast aside as useless, and starved on the unforgiving streets.

For the next ten years the child lived without a name, they told her she was important, and taught her the things she needed to know to stand at the side of a Lord, but nothing else. She was an intelligent child, by the age of Seven she knew that she was nothing more then a tool for a paranoid fool. She knew that as long as she did as she was told, she would live. Soon it began, procedures that etched markings upon her body, runic tattoos. When active they would bring out the power of her magic. This would fulfill her purpose, by using her strong connection to the tetrad, her water element would be used to make her the ultimate poison taster. A protector for her lord.

The runes were made invisible, only showing in patches under the light of the moon. They glowed as well, a dark blue. This frightened her. She wished they did not glow. She wished she hadn't been chosen. She wished she knew her name. She wished...

She wished for many things.

It was soon that her magic began to manifest, the weather would seem to change with her mood and it frightened her. At ten it became a problem, and so a ritual was performed. A talented Enchanter was black mailed by her Lord. Forced to trade his life for that of his family's, he began preparations for an enchantment that would block her mind. It worked much like a permanent hypnosis. It would make her believe that she was unattuned, preventing the use of conscious magic. Or, at least, that is what the man said. If it kept her from being afraid, she did not care, she was happy to have it.

It was intended that this enchantment refine her subconscious abilities as well, making them manifest in the form of purification. This would have meant that while under its effects she would be able to purify any substance she touched, making it impossible for The Lord to be in danger from such things. Fortunately, The Enchanter was not one to be taken lightly, he changed this plan and instead made it so only substances that entered her body would be purified. This essentially made her useless as a poison taster. Finally, it was made so that activation of the runic spell upon her body would bypass the enchantment and shut it down for a time, allowing her use of her magic. This would be used as a fail safe, in case it became necessary to have physical defenses for the lord as well.

The procedure began, her body and mind racked with horror and pain. Everything hurt. All she could think of was the pain, and how she wished it would stop. For hours the ritual went on, it seemed eternal. Then, finally, darkness. Upon her midriff was burned a single symbol, at its center it read 'Anne+Marie'.

In her sleep it began. An assault on The Lord's estate. Fire was set to the building, and The Lord lost his life in the blaze. In what he saw as an attempt to absolve his sin, the head Theurigist under the Lord's employ fled into the night with the body of the unconscious slave girl. If he could save her, then maybe, he would be able to live with what he had done to her.

However, those loyal to the Lord pursued him, wishing to preserve the Lord's legacy in the form of the girl. The man managed to lose his pursuers, employing a local ships' captain who owed him a favor. The captain would take the girl far away, and hopefully, she would live a pleasant life.

The seas, apparently, had other plans for the child. A great storm struck the ship mid journey, and the child was lost to sea, along with the entirety of the crew.

She awoke on the shores of Orcosi, near Lyf. She had no memory of her past, as the ritual she had undergone had had the unsightly side effect of blocking her memories as well. The naked child, age ten, stumbled blindly forward. She entered the city of Lyf and fell unconscious in its streets.

A middle aged man came upon her body, luckily for her, he was a kind man, and he took her to his wife. The child awoke again, this time in a warm bed and under the watchful gaze of a worried middle aged woman. At first the child was frightened, but the couple soon absolved her of that emotion. They were kind, and they chose to take her in. They named her Anne+Marie (Anne-Marie) for the marking upon her midriff, and from then on, the child lived a good life.

At first, she searched desperately for answers about her past. Inquiring with any mage she came across about the strange marking upon her midriff, and the even stranger markings that would appear at night. None knew the answer, and before long she was at a loss. However, during this time she also became infatuated with the tales of the travelers that would pass through the Inn her foster parents owned. Especially those of the soldiers and knights that traveled through quite often.

This infatuation grew to a passion, she would become a knight herself. One night, her dream became something attainable. A stranger came through the Inn, a soldier that, for the first time, took her aspirations seriously. He talked of the life of a soldier, leaving nothing unsaid, he warned her of the tribulations of such work, and she listened fervently. The man told her of Queensburg, as it boasted an extensive and open military program he thought her capable of joining.

At this time she was Seventeen, and before the years end, she saw herself on the road to Queensburg. She found herself in Oaknor before long, and joined the local barracks even sooner. Her time in training was long, and brutal, but she was determined and was able to overcome its tribulations, finding herself an official solder at the age of Twenty.

Her past two years of life have been dedicated to soldiering, she has been able to return home on a few rare occasions and her foster parents are always excited for these rare returns. Her skill and determination has seen her through several promotions and she now stands at the cusp of knighthood. Her dream within reach.


A curtain of ominous fog hung over the night. It played at the minds of those that ventured into its chilling embrace. We were no different, our troop exhausted from the days trek. Going this far into enemy territory would be inane a task for any other, but to us, it was akin to the scent of roast following a great fasting. Men like us are drawn to danger, as it seems to be the only thing worthy of sustaining our lust for adventure.

The man paused for a moment, reaching for his flask in a move to both add suspense to the tale and wet his drying tongue. A single candle flickered through the darkness, casting long shadows across the empty tavern. Last call had long been made and only those whom had purchased an room upstairs were permitted entry to the Inn. In the otherwise abandoned tavern sat two individuals; an older, grizzled man, and a young girl. The latter's eyes transfixed upon that of the former. Her body seeming to cry out in disdain at his sudden pause of the telling.

The man chuckled to himself softly and continued his tale.

We had been on the road for months. The summer sun weighing upon us with a ferocity akin to a Sylphaer's wrath. Despite this, we now found ourselves moments before the fated clash. The great Blorg, Skull-crusher finally in our grasp. I signaled my men and we began. The work was slow an quiet, each tent visited by silent death as we whittled away at the numbers of the bandit filth.

The man paused, locking eyes with the young child and widening his expression. His voice became macabre.

Then, like the crack of thunder before a storm, it sounded. A simple error by a young knight rose the entirety of the encampment!

His voice raised with his arms as the older man performed a movement of surprise and shock. The young girl fell back, agape in her trans-fiction of his story. A small gasp escaped her lips.

The bandits mobilized! My men and I found ourselves in a gruesome battle for survival. We, however, were not phased. We were knights after all! Mere bandits could not hope to stand up to us! Each man fought into the long hours of the night, striking down foes on all sides. However, just as victory was in our grasp..

He arrived!

'Oh no!' exclaimed the young girl. 'It is Blorg is it not!' The man furrowed his brow as the girl covered her lips with both hands, almost as if her outburst had been unintentional.

'Now young lady,' The man's finger waved about dramatically, scolding her with its silent waddle. 'which of us two is the one telling this story, hmm?' His expression softened into a charming smile as he continued.

Indeed! It was Blorg! In all his ferocious splendor. The monster of a man charged into the fray, tossing men aside as if they were made of simple papyrus. It was terrifying to behold, but I.. I was not phased. I ran to meet the monster and as our blades clashed-

'Now what is this ruckus I awake to in the small hours of the night?' The voice of an older woman echoed between the two deviants, interrupting the tale. 'Sir Macoth, what is it that I find you doing with my daughter at this ungodly hour? Hmm? I have half a mind to toss you to the street!'

'But Mamma Aba!' Exclaimed the small girl, leaping from the bar stool she had be planted upon. 'He was simply telling me a story to help with my sleep!' She clung to her foster mother's nightdress desperately, every part of her begging that the man not be tossed out.

'Yes, I can definitely see the help that this manner of tale would have in aiding a restful sleep.' Mamma Aba rolled her eyes as she looked down at her daughter. 'Unfortunately, you will have to wait until the morning to hear the rest of this tale child, off to bed with you, and you Sir Macoth.' Her eyes moved up to the man who wore on his own face an expression of devilish innocence. 'Should you not also be resting up for your early departure tommorow morn?'

'Aye, madam, an excellent point.' He begrudgingly admitted.

Despite the continued pleading of both deviant parties, Anne+Marie found herself fast asleep within the hour. Dreams of clashes between Blorg and the gallant Sir Macoth dancing about her head.

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Old Man Murphy
"Kids these days. No respect I tell you."

Name: Murphy Smith
Nickname: Papa Murph (Anne Only) Old Man Murphy (Every one else)
Species: Human
Date of Birth: The Golem | Age: 61

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style/Length: Short and Neat, excellently mustached
Height: 6'9" | Weight: 281lbs
Body Type: Muscular and Large
Body Modifications/Accessories: None


Personality Traits:

"Ha! I tell you lad, ain't a soul in Lyf that haven't heard 'bout Old Man Murphy's Golden Law. 'Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.' and youngin' if you ain't ready for that, well then it's as the old dog says; 'That's your own damn fault now ain't it?'" ~Anonymous

Hard Ass: Murphy has worked his ass off his entire life and refuses to believe that life owes any single person anything. You work for what you have and you make sure you deserve it. He makes sure everyone close to him understands this, and will often be extremely judgemental towards those who do not agree with him in this regard.

Xenophobe: Murphy hates new people. he knows who he knows and he doesn't want to spend energy on meeting knew people. Abigail can handle customers. He just wants to be left alone by strangers.

Old Fart: Murphy is old, and is set in his ways. While he still has his strength, he is definitely past his prime. He is almost always grumpy too, probably due to the creeping idea of his own mortality.

Soft and Mushy Insides: Like a burnt loaf of bread, he has a soft heart deep, deep, deep down. Mind you this only ever shows rarely when he speaks with his wife, or his foster daughter. If he isn't scolding either of them that is.

Quirks: When angry he will clean. He finds that if his hands aren't busy doing something when enraged he starts breaking things, or people.


Inventory: N/A

Occupation: Barkeeper

Brief History: Murphy was born in Lyf, before him his family had been blacksmiths for generations (hence the surname) however, when he married Abigail he decided to help her run her families Inn. While Murphy's father did not necessarily approve, he respected his son's decision.

Murphy has worked his entire life, as any Smith worth their salt would. At a young age he had come to look at his father's smithy as a second home. He knew every tool and every job. Before long he began working the forge himself and his large size and considerable strength proved fine assets.

When he first met Abigail he hated her, but as time moved onward he grew to love her and they were married. After their marriage, Murphy switched career paths (as mentioned above) and began work as a bar keep and general work mule for Abigail and her family. Eventually the two of them became the owners and grew old together.

Abigail was unfortunately unable to bear children and this saddened them both. However, one night a child appear before them and, while they were already rather old when this happened, Murphy and his wife felt that a prayer of theirs had been answered.

Now their daughter has moved away, joining the military in search of a bright future, they are proud of her and look forward to the weekly letters she sends them. Life as quieted down for Murphy now in his later years, and he does not complain about this. He enjoys being left alone.

Magic Tier: Lower
Attuned Element(s): Earth (very weak and not trained in any way.)
Main Weapon: Left Hook
Secondary Weapons: Right Hook

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"Welcome to Iron Horse Dear(s), now what can Abbie do for you today?"

Name: Abigail Smith
Nickname: Mamma Abba (only Anne) Lady Abigail (regulars at the Iron Horse.)
Species: Human
Date of Birth: The Merfin | Age: 'Excuse yourself, but that's a bit of a personal question dear.'

Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Grey (hints of blonde)
Hair Style/Length: Long, but either braided or in a bun tucked under her bonnet.
Height:5"4' | Weight: "Excuse me?"
Body Type: Plump and Busty
Body Modifications/Accessories: N/A


Personality Traits:

Quirks: Her brow will furrow when she is worried, and she is often worried about something.


Inventory: N/A

Occupation: Innkeeper / Waitress

Brief History:

Magic Tier: Low, Water

Main Weapon: N/A (pacifist)

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