Online priorities

Haha, Iwaku then Discord. Weird as it is, I don't check my email that often.
I always check my emails first! Sadly it's mostly just junk mail.
1. Youtube
2. Facebook
3. E-mail (if there are anything important in it. If I see that it's just stupid shit in the notification on my phone I don't care to look at it)
3. Crusaders of the lost idols, resets the current playthrough and fix a new formation then lets the game idle on its own throughout the day.
4. check if there are any steam sales (I have so many unplayed games cause of sales xD Too many games too little time)

Iwaku is not part of my morning routine anymore *GASP*
Tumblr/Twitter, Email (and if I have AO3 updates those THEN), Discord, RP Sites