Second Era Magic

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In the beginning of the Second Era, magic appeared to be all but lost. Those with magic still retained the old ways as the New World Tree allowed it, but those born within the Second Era were born without magic, or so the world thought. Elves gave birth to seemingly magicless children in a shocking twist for their kind, Shadow Casters found themselves without connection to The Darkness, and the world suffered a century of panic. The only magic that managed to survive was the Inner Light and Blood Magic. This incited many wars which led to the eventual immigration of humans to Myast.

It was then technology boomed as residents of Myast gathered together to engineer a new frontier. They discovered the very crystals that they used to keep their airships hovering high in the skies could also be harnessed to create magic. What they soon came to realize was that each person had the ability to wield magic, but lacked the capacity to push it forward and utilize it. Magitech was invented to channel such magical potential using energized crystals, either within exoskeletons, armor, or weapons.

Not everyone in Myast chooses to tap into their Potential. In fact, there are millions who prefer to remain magicless. Those who do choose to tap into their magic undergo a series of tests to determine which magic they possess, and from there they take on exclusive studies. This can become expensive, and so most poor do not get to explore magic without a sponsor.

In the Lyn continents of the Eastern Hemisphere, technology was forbidden in the Second Era. They struggled against another eventual rise in a new era of Shadow Casters known as Umbramancers, and due to their inability to combat such a foe, they were overrun. The Umbramancers locked the Lyn Continents in an almost literal Dark Age, and eventually threatened to overtake the rest of the world as a means to continue their pure connection with The Darkness.
Those with the affinity to Aethermancy can wield weapons laced and forged with crystals to bring out their magical abilities. Aethermancy is the manipulation of the Aether, and is closely related to the Arcane Magic of the Old Ways. This, however, is a more pure bond with the energy, allowing the caster to allow their aim to be true, their strength to be magnified, or their force to be quickened, along with an incredible potential for a number of feats. They are fierce and valued in battle, and to master its potential takes decades of hard work and dedication.

Weapons have an important role in an Aethermancer's life and is not chosen lightly. They often go through trial periods to test out various types of weapons. Further into the Second Era once guns were invented, they became the favored weapon of choice for Aethermancers. Many prefer ranged weapons due to the ability for True Shots, or magically guided projectiles that connect with a target's Aethereal Presence to allow for a guaranteed hit. There was a rise in Aethermancer assassins in Estwynd due to this very spell, but luckily their cause petered out after they managed to assassinate the High King.

The Aether magnifies their physical potential. If they choose to wear gauntlets forged with crystals, they can punch with the force of a landslide. Crystal infused boots can give them inhuman speed. Weapons made with crystals can cause incredible damage to their targets. But it is known that Aethermancers cannot do all of these things. They have to choose a focus or risk their very being torn apart by the Aether.
Technology designed for Neuromancers are often devices that fit along the crown of one's head due to the nature of channeling such a form of magic. Neuromancy is the alteration of one's perception of reality. These casters can infiltrate minds to procure information through a tedious process, warp reality to varying degrees on the mind of their target, or influence one's thoughts through inception. These magi are feared for what they can do and were it not for the bulk of their devices, they could potentially go unnoticed. Neuromancers are forbidden to hold seats of power in Myast, though they are often under the employ of powerful individuals.

Neuromancers are often employed by law enforcement, though they are kept on a short leash. Crime rates are low due to these magi, or at least in the locations that utilize them. In war, they are often brought in to torture or extract information on the enemy.

Despite their potential to overtake the world, it has been found that Neuromancers have a strangely compassionate, if not empathetic heart. They can sense emotions, and even manipulate it, but they feel whatever is there as long as they wear their device. It is likely due to this that they do not have the heart to be evil. It is not known or understood. It is an aspect of Neuromancers the world surely takes for granted.

Like all Second Era forms of magic, Neuromancers must wear their crystal device in order to channel their magic. Unlike the others, they are prone to migraines if not adorning their device for too long. Neuromancers often joke due to this unfortunate circumstance as they have no choice but to live in some form of discomfort.
One of the most prized and utilized forms of magic is that of Electromancy. Electromancy is the manipulation of electricity. These magi are not always on the battlefront, and rather have more remedial work within their abilities. These individuals are often engineers working closely with orcs to produce an array of machines that influence and better daily lives. Many believe their work is mundane, but it is also very necessary, as they are the ones to power cities, medical machines, and crystal devices that aid in the projection of magic.

Electromancers are not highly regarded despite their intellect and power. It is perhaps due to their abilities being so diverse and well placed among many professions. Niche in the Second Era grants an air of prestige among social circles, and Electromancers are just too good at everything. The manipulation of electricity paired with their intelligence makes them valuable among the right kinds of people, and often the people looking for a better and brighter future.

They are, however, still utilized as law enforcement and as soldiers. Their Arc Cannons are weapons that blast bolts of contained electricity, and they can even generate an Electro Magnetic Pulse with Pulse Technology to wipe out electricity within a certain radius. Pulse Technology often comes in the form of gauntlets, grenades, cannons, and hammers.

Electromancers can also change the flow of electrons in later magitech to turn devices on or off, and even "hack" into parameters.
Spatiomancy is the manipulation and transmutation of objects and elements from one physical form to another. Those attuned to this type of magic can harness their abilities best with exoskeletons crafted from crystals. Centuries into the magitech boom, Spatiomancers began to experiment with crystal augments embedded within their flesh to allow them to project their magic without the need of an external device. These augments do not seem to function well with other forms of magic, and thus become a Spatiomancer exclusive advancement.

Spatiomancers can combine elements to form objects, or break objects down to their elements. They can manipulate metals to form temporary weapons or combine rocks to form walls or walkways. Their magic is not limitless, however, for even adept Spatiomancers can only perform great feats once before expended. Overuse of their abilities can cause their crystal augments or exoskeletons to break or backfire resulting in lethal, if not fatal, injuries.

These magi can only hold a transmutation for a short period of time. Many tend to become tricksters, swindlers, and thieves due to their abilities. Those with better morals use their magic to ease labor work or even aid in efforts of healing.
Translators are a rare form of magic used only within the Academies. These magi are the only beings capable of telepathically communicating with magical beasts and creatures. For the most part, all are only attuned to one type of magical creature, and act as ambassadors and liaisons between that species and the rest of the world. Translators do not need to use crystal devices in order to use their magical abilities. Every red head born is naturally a Translator, though not all Translators are red heads.

Due to the Academies utilizing the natural bonds some create with magical creatures, Translators are required to live their lives at one of the three Academies as soon as their affinity is noted. These individuals, despite their abilities, never bond with a magical creature of their own. Their main purpose is to provide communication to those that do form a bond.

They are responsible for the care of all magical creatures that choose to live among the Academies, and they take that responsibility gladly. They tend to make friends better with magical creatures or other Translators as they spend the most time with such company. While they are valued to a considerable degree, not many tend to enjoy bringing them into their social circles. Translators are required to be present at any Academy Trial Session, and often work closely with the higher chain of command.
The Inner Light survived through to the Second Era as one of the few forms of Magic to remain for centuries. While the Inner Light is still practiced, Luxomancy was formed as wielders of Inner Light discovered ways to create devices to channel the Inner Light in new ways. Luxomancers manipulate Light to enhance teleportation, bend time, and form its energy into devastating weapons that can cut through most material.

Luxomancers are best used as soldiers or law enforcement. Their teleportation can only be used over short distances, and their time manipulation can only stretch a few seconds. They are most noted for their Swords of Light, though they can only channel the Light for minutes at a time. Their devices help to keep their channeling stable, as the Inner Light can be quite potent if not kept in check. It is still more powerful and effective than the Inner Light alone.

Like all manipulators of the Inner Light, even Luxomancy relies on a moral system. The Maldviri religion still exists, though is practiced by few in this Era. The premise still remains, and so those who wish to be Luxomancers must be morally good in nature.

Luxomancers are not born with the affinity to manipulate the Inner Light, just as all wielders of Inner Light. They study it and choose this path, and through this they lose their former magical affinity to replace it with Light. Many Luxomancers study at the Pinnacle and become part of a new order of neutral mediators and councilors in times of war.
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In the wake of the New World Tree's establishment, Shadow Magic was nearly wiped from existence. The world, despite the following chaotic years, found themselves without the Shadow Threat. This lasted for nearly four centuries until Umbramancy was discovered. This potent form of Shadow Magic derives from a more pure connection to The Darkness; or the bridge between worlds. Umbramancers harness this otherworldly plane by connecting their soul to the Gateway. The Gateway is an ethereal consciousness within The Darkness that connects to every possible world.

Not all Umbramancers are inherently evil, and unlike Shadow Magic, these magi do not suffer a slow corruption of the soul due to their connection to the Gateway. They can harness The Darkness to allow them to teleport over distances, cause hallucinations within the minds of their targets, exile the unwanted through an extensive ritual, or even manifest The Darkness to consume a foe. They are greatly feared, and they sacrifice their natural affinity in favor of Umbramancy.

Umbramancers are rare in Myast, but those within the continent are kept on a very short leash. Their life span tends to be short due to often going insane. Their sanity fairs better in greater numbers, and so must Umbramancers in Myast live in isolated colonies. Those who decide to study Umbramancy tend to have nefarious reason, thus continuing the shortened life span after committing heinous acts against societies. Myast cultures do not favor Umbramancers, often shaming them and exiling them, if not killing them on sight. They are not allowed within cities, and they do not require devices to channel their magic.
Perhaps the most unchanged form of magic is that which derives from Blood. Hemomancy still remains the rarest form of magic that derives from one's Life Force. It can only be harnessed by a select few, all of which are still exclusively human. Harnessing Life Forces can also extend into the afterlife, allowing these magi the ability to commune with the dead. They completely bypass The Darkness and have a direct connection to the afterlife which sets them apart from the menacing Umbramancers. They are regularly hired, sought after, and revered by the people of Myast, and are typically under the employ of the High Kind or Queen of Estwynd.

Hemomancers are easily picked out from a crowd. While they may appear normal in appearance, they carry a quite striking gaze. Their eyes glow a white-blue hue known as the Mask of Death, for all Blood Mages can see the souls of both the dead and the living. The process of gaining this ability is also the same in which they become a Hemomancer. At some point in their life, these individuals are pulled into the afterlife and are forced to fight their way out and back to the Living World. In this time, they can be missing for days or even weeks, most never returning. Those that do emerge into the Living World with the Mask of Death and the ability to manipulate blood.

Blood Mages can only manipulate their own blood. They can, however, dilute their own blood with another's allowing a greater force of attack or even manipulation of their target's body. These Casters are not readily used in battle despite their usefulness as they are often engaged in other duties.
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