Mathew talking to James.
Well, first, my own spell told me there were three additional people affected by the spell... Then man in the bar, the kid who ignored the fire magus and someone else. My spell gave me a name when directed at Toddly ... Adelarus. Does that ring a bell ?

"So, mister Hall, you seem remarkably perceptive for a random drifter in a bar. I buy into the drifter and maybe grifter. But how is it you know what you know ? " She was a little wary and watchful, especially of Aidan, Michael's son. Like many of the people in the bar, her body language, how she uses her language doesn't fit with the apparent age of her body.

James would stare at Matthew for a moment. " Yes, I know what the name Adelarus means, that was the name that the sorcerer who cursed me said his name was. It's not an easy name to forget, especially when the man turned back into a high school senior. If what you say is right.... that means, he was amongst us the whole time."

Toddly Nota Sorcerer , Griffin Jacobs, Jackson, Carter and Xavier and Jaxob and Michael Hall

" I do get that a lot. I have a lot of run with the supernatural and I was cursed by some sorcerer to be younger and my son to be older, but it didn't seem to work. It just looked like he got the lot of you too," Michael replied, looking over at her and then back at his son.

" This bear is hard to get into the suitcase," Jaxob replied.

"Shut up and keep trying to shove it in," Xavier replied

" I mean, it's not our fault that the suitcase is really stuck," Carter added.

" I feel like we are missing a very important step.," Jackson added.

" It would help if you opened the suitcase." , Griffin replied to the four of them, opening the suitcase.

" Well, I think we found who we need and should leave before something bad hapens," Toddly replied.

" I don't think we are going to find trouble," Aidan replied.

As Aidan would finish his sentence, a cold chill would enter the room as a man walked in.


" I do love it when the people I need to get rid of are in the same room, especially the man who cursed me. " He would close the door behind and freeze it shut. " I see we are missing two friends, but that's okay. My people will find them.. Isn't that right Adelarus?"


The vampire still wasn't quite buying what Michale was selling. Something wasn't quite right. In the end, for the moment anyway, it didn't matter as a new threat came into their presence. As a supernatural creature, her senses were very very good and she had been partly listening to her son explain about Toddly. That being the case, the new guy making that statement wasn't as surprising to her as it should have been.

She became battle ready in an instant, but with her it was a subtle thing. Her senses open to new enemies as it was her opinion that this guy didn't come alone.

As Mathew the Magus was talking to James, the new guy burst in. In his mind he had thought perhaps that Toddly, the Sorcerer might have gotten hit with his own spell, or there was something else going on. Meanwhile, he noted the new guy had cold powers, likely among other things. In the world of the supernatural, many things were possible. Matt readied a defensive portal spell, you know, just in case right ?. He announced himself as enemy right away. That said something to Matt about his moral standing. He didn't seem the type to negotiate.
Toddly Nota Sorcerer , Griffin Jacobs, Jackson, Carter, James Xavier and Jaxob and Michael Hall and Aidan Hall

The vampire still wasn't quite buying what Michale was selling. Something wasn't quite right. In the end, for the moment anyway, it didn't matter as a new threat came into their presence. As a supernatural creature, her senses were very very good and she had been partly listening to her son explain about Toddly. That being the case, the new guy making that statement wasn't as surprising to her as it should have been.

Michael still was trying to process everything that was happening. " So, that's either a descendent of the Goddess of snow or an ice sorcerer, but judging from how smug he is acting, I'm going to guess that he is a sorcerer. I'm not sure how I can help here, but I will certainly try to help as much as I can."

" Did he just call you Adelarus?" Xavier asked, growling as he looked over at Todd. If he was the person who had fucked him, he would kill him... and nobody was going to stop him.

Carter wasn't sure what to make of the entire situation, but he couldn't let Xavier attack one of their main sources of defense. " I don't think that matters now, we can deal with that realization when there isn't an ice guy trying to kill us."

" Bad guy?" Jaxob asked, not sure what to make of the ice guy though.

" I wouldn't put him on my Christmas card list," Griffin replied to the doppelganger.

" I believe what Griffin is trying to say is yes," Jackson replied.

Toddly Nota Socerer would take a moment to give Nathan a slow clap. " Bravo, you have revealed me to the others. I was wondering if you would do that. I figure that the disguise is pointless now," Todd replied, moving his hand to drop the illusion.


James would look over at him. " Yeah, that is 1000% the sorcerer who cursed my brother and I..... I don't know what I want to do now."

The man at the door would look at them. " Well, I see that you have one of two choices then. You can either combat me and work with the man who has caused you the most pain, the one who cursed you.... or perhaps.... if we kill him... well, then your curse can be broken."

" If you kill me, then the curse can never be broken. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I'm tellng the truth."

The choice was theirs.

Mathew looks between the two adversaries. First at Adelarus. . .

" I don't see any reason to rush into anything. First, Mister Adelarus, why the deception and what else have you deceived us about ? As for you sir, (turning to the ice Magus) it was only a moment ago you wanted to do away with us. I think some of your friends had already tried tonight. So I don't see you as a very moral person to trust either. I believe at this point, answering for myself, I don't particularly want to fight either of you. But. . . I will defend myself."

He now has spells ready to put up in defense.

" I agree with Matthew, I don't see any reason to chose sides without further information. Something to think about Ice guy, how do we know anything we've been told about the number of people the hex breaker can free is true ? I will say though, you and your people try attacking us, you will regret it."
" It's too late though..... too late. I thought there was more time....

God damn it.

It wasn't supposed to end like this.

Actually, no, I won't let it end like this.

Free those who didn't deserve the wrongs I give them through this circular hoop

Give those who still need to learn into this new loop.

The words were uttered and everything went black.......

To be Continued in The Wizard's Curse, The Charp