The World of Alias



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Out of Character|In Character|Character Roster
The first superhuman revealed itself in 2005, exposing the world to the disastrous potential of human evolution.
A crazed man, nicknamed "Ground Zero", was causing a disturbance in downtown Los Angeles. People thought he was a drug addict or a homeless man that needed a mental examination.
As he ranted about the corrupt government, and the powers the Old Gods had gifted him to deal with the corrupted politicians and their mindless followers, police officers approached the man who had gathered a small crowd. After struggling for a moment, the man released his true powers.
When the ground started to shake in the small plaza he preached in, everyone's first thought was of an earthquake hitting the city. It was when the chunks of concrete, the size of rocks and boulders, started to break away from the ground and levitate around the man, that people knew this wasn't natural.
The rubble slowly started to rotate around the man, separating him from the police officers, slowly rotating more and more into a gravel tornado. The officers drew their guns, and fragments of rock flew from the tornado. A larger piece knocked the first officer in his head, killing him. The second officer was hit in the leg by a similar sized piece of rubble, and his knee snapped at an odd angle.
The rocky tornado kept growing for nearly thirty minutes, before the superpowered man fell dead from exhaustion. After the last of the debris had fallen, this first superpowered event resulted in over three hundred deaths, including the superpowered man himself. Many more were injured in the short time period.
From this day forward governments around the world took steps to prepare and defend against future superhuman threats. Organizations were made, both public and in secret, by world governments and private corporations to capture, combat, recruit, and study superhumans.
Society and Mutants

  • People around the world had different opinions on mutants. This is centered on America's response.
    After Ground Zero, many people were scared and confused. Initially people thought the incident was faked. It wasn't until more and more sightings of people housing strange abilities that it was understood to be true. People around the world looked towards their government to help them understand and protect them against these threats. While mistrusting and fearful of superhumans, most people stayed away or bullied those with powers. It wasn't until the US government started to enforce equal rights for superpowered beings, and start publicizing their two new Superhuman Programs. Alias and Arcadia.
    Today most people see superhumans as something somewhat normal, and while many are still afraid of them, for the most part people have accepted them.
    However, groups have formed that call for outlawing powers and imprisoning superhumans. While most of them tend to stick to protests and strikes, some tend to have more radical approaches. The most aggressive, of these radical groups is known as Furor. While they started out small and located only in Southeastern United Stated, they've grown to a world wide terrorist organization.
    Originally they targeted superhumans, but some where along the line their goals were blurred, and now they only want to cause an uproar.

  • There are many terms for people with powers. Among them are:
    Mutants, Superhumans, and Extranormals

    The first case of a superhuman was in 2005, when a crazed man nicknamed "Ground Zero" caused a disaster, and killed several citizens and police officers. Since then, cases of people with peculiar abilities have been appearing around the world. Some people are born with these abilities, others come in contact with materials that awaken these powers. It is unsure what caused this outbreak of powers, but less than 99% of the population of the world have them. Some can be dangerous and use their abilities for evil, so many people trust in the government, other organizations, or themselves to defend people from danger.
    These powers can be hard to control, and the more powerful it is, the harder it would be to control. Not everyone can channel these powers just through their bodies, and technology can be used to enhance their powers further, or at least help them direct and control their abilities more.
    There is no "cure" for the abilities, but there have been steps taken to help dampen or temporarily nullify powers, such as Absorber Cuffs.

    Powers are sporadic and random, and the majority of superhuman develop their powers at an early age. In rare cases, their powers can develop in teenage years or even as young adults.
    The rarest cases are those that develop their powers after coming in contact with substances such as viruses, bacteria, other superhumans, or certain minerals.
    The powers superhumans developed are random, and their is no for sure way to ensure a child to have a super power. Even if two superhumans have a child, chances are that child won't have an ability. If they do, it would be even less likely they would share a similar super power.

Science, Technology, and Cybernetics
There are many ways to gain power in this world. Either by reinforcing your body with robotics, a science experiment gone wrong (or right, or you may have been gifted (or curse) with a special ability you can't quite control. Whichever path you choice is up to you, but keep in mind Magic isn't a source of power in this world.
Society itself resembles a slightly more advanced age then we are in right now, and you rarely see robots or full on cyborgs.
Unsure if a power, weapon, cybernetic or ability is allowed in this world? Feel free to shoot me a message and we can hash out the details!

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    Initially progress in research for weaponry and other technological advancements were slow, until a superhuman gifted with an immense intelligence. Chloe Williams, a British woman, was the superhuman, and started a short golden age of technology. Her advancements in robotics, computer science and medicine strengthened humanity's chance to fight against any dangerous superhumans. By 2020, humanity developed a lot of useful equipment, and Chloe had more in development, before a radical group known as Shade attacked a compound she was working at, and kidnapped her. She was never seen again.
    This stopped the short Age of Technological Advancements, and while scientists are slowly making waves still, it isn't anything like what Williams accomplished.

  • It wasn't long after Dr. Williams started to develop robots that these limbs could be used on a living person. These specialized body parts are far superior to normal flesh. A cybernetic arm would hit harder, grip tighter, and take more abuse than a normal persons ever could. Steps are taken further by introducing weaponry to these arms, housing blades or guns to help in a fight.
    Cybernetics didn't stop at limbs, but can also be implemented into eyes to see the world in more detail, or cybernetic ears allow you to hear more clearly. While this technology isn't available to the public, it is still experimental but efficient.

    If you're craving to become one with technology still isn't fulfilled, internal cybernetics are highly dangerous, but powerful assets to have, if your body can handle it. Sleeves that fit over your heart to keep it beating much longer than it should've stopped, or computers attached to your brain to process information faster is a reality.
    However those are highly illegal and dangerous to have on a person, and difficult to find someone skilled enough to program to your body and mind.
    Weaponry and various gears have been created over the years along side the cybernetics and medicine of the modern world. High-Tech jetpacks and jump boots to help you climb buildings have been developed. Dangerous swords with electric infused blades make slight work of robots and cybernetic beings.
    Special cuffs called "Absorbers" can mask and negate superpowers by being placed on a superpowered being. These are commonly on police officers and peacekeepers, as well as any government agent.
    All this high tech gear is rare and not available to the public quite yet.
    List of Technology Developed

    • Simple Robots for commercial use, able to understand commands, and various uses for every day tasks. Many of these robots are used in construction, run shops, and help unloading and loading goods for trade.
    • More Advanced robots were in development for military use, and though they aren't yet developed yet publicly, one or two rare prototypes have popped up programmed as body guards for wealthy businessmen and scientist
    • Better medicines and treatments for illnesses
    • While normal cars are still the normal means of travel, some rich people do have hover cars, capable for flying short distances. Trains also got a slight boost in technology, allowing them to be faster and stop less frequently with hover technology.
    • Cybernetic limps, such as robotic arms and legs.
    • Internal Cybernetic enhancements are outlawed, but some people still get them in secret.
    • Don't see something on the list or unsure if It'd fit into the world? Just ask!
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Corporations and Syndicates
After the age of technological advancements, and the emerging of superhumans, many groups and corporations quickly formed to profit off the new world. While other groups exist, these are the most prominent in each category.
Want to include a corporation, mercenary group, crime syndicate, or something unique? Feel free to PM me and we can work something of your design into the world!

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    The Arcadia Division

    Arcadia was developed as the Alias's departments ground force. While Alias is busy keeping track of an ever growing roster of superhumans and providing general research for Arcadia and other government branches, Arcadia puts this research to the test. Made up of a wide variety of experts in combat, technology, and their superhuman specialists. How they obtain these soldiers aren't quite known, but rumors of tortuous training regiments, brainwashing, and kidnapping are favorites of conspiracy theorist. Regardless how the Division gets its members, Arcadia is America's first and last line of defense against superhuman threats.
    Head-Director: Jacob Kuznetsov
    The third director of Arcadia, Jacob comes from Russian backgrounds. At the rise of superhumans, Kuznetsov began studying the mutants and their abilities. He made strides to become the lead researcher in the world in mutant studies, which caught the attention of the first director Jon Ramirez.

    Positions and Hierarchy
    Head Director: Position held by Jacob Kuznetsov. Kuznetsov is also known as the Central Director due to him having jurisdiction of the middle of the country, though his influence flows coast to coast.
    Director: These two positions are held by Sydney Pearl and Zachariah Berlioz.
    Sydney is known as the Western Director and has influence on the Western Coast and surrounding area.
    Zachariah is known as the Eastern Director and has influence on the East Coast and surrounding area.

    Department Heads/Generals: The leaders of science, publicity, security, research, etc. Each zone has their own department heads and generals.
    Supervisor: Unless Directors interfere directly, Supervisors are tasked with sending out Agents, Soldiers, and
    Agents: Specialized soldiers that are normally extranormal or cybernetic. They lead teams, preform espionage, capture extranormals, and more.
    Soldiers,Scientists,Engineers, etc: The workers and common soldiers that make up the foundation of Arcadia.
    Central Sector: The Central Sector covers the States in between the Mississippi River and Rocky Mountains, as well as Alaska and Hawaii. This is the largest sector, and controlled solely by Director Kuznetsov. This sector boasts the most elite soldiers and extranormals and containment centers, the training programs utilizing a heavy mixture of mental and physical training. If any large extranormal presence or activity happens in the Western Hemisphere, it's more likely that the Central Sector is tasked with putting a stop to it. The Central Sector headquarters is located near Austin, Texas.
    Western Sector: Covers the Western States. Most of the soldiers here go through extensive physical training and light mind washing. Compared to the other two districts, this is considered a much less corrupt area. It has the most training centers, air fields and a fair amount of prisons. It also has the highest criminal-turned-soldier rate compared to the other two districts. The Western Sector headquarters is located near New Angeles.
    Eastern Sector:
    Covers the Eastern States. Most of the soldiers here go through intense mind washing, and in some cases complete brainwashing. It has a high amount of research centers and a low amount of training centers. Because of this, soldiers coming from the Eastern Arcadia Sector tend to be less trained, but much less likely to desert or break in combat. Members of the Eastern Sector seem to lose, or not show, emotion and seem much less human. Notoriously known among the extra-normal community to being the most corrupt, but most people don't notice a difference. The Eastern Sector Headquarters is located in New York.

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    The Peacekeepers

    Shortly after Ground Zero, it was clear it would take more than a normal police force to take care of Superhuman threats, and the soldiers of Arcadia might take too long to mobilize in some situations, thus many companies, cities and organizations hire The Peacekeepers, a world-wide police force that specialize in protecting high value targets, escorting services, and capturing superhumans. Often equipped with high-tech equipment and using squad tactics, the Peacekeepers won't hesitate to fire back if you disturb the peace
    Owner: Jessica Walsbee
    The daughter of the original founder, Zachary Walsbee, who died of a disease that spread to his brain. Jessica has little combat expierence herself, but runs the company well. She has used her influence and has been making waves in the New Zealand political scene.

    Chairman: The highest position in the organization, held by Jessica Walsbee. She focuses on the business side of things, securing contracts and publicity.
    Peacekeeper Chiefs: In major cities, Chiefs are the heads of that particular area. For example: Chief Roswell is the leader of the Slums. They tend to not be in direct combat, but handle public publicity and give out orders to lieutenants. Chiefs can also be considered the head of their branch; for example Chief of Science, Chief Engineer, etc.
    Detectives: The top ranking combat personal. Detectives work alone, in pairs, or at the head of a Strike Team. High skilled and trained in many subjects, Detectives shouldn't be taken lightly.
    Lieutenant: Centered around intelligence and giving orders. They specialize in strategy rather than direct combat, but most have served as foot soldiers. When on missions, Strike Teams and Detectives will check in with them.

    Captain: The title given to Strike-Team Leaders. They're exceptional soldiers, their skill level potentially on pair with Detectives. They work along side Lieutenants.
    Soldiers/Scientists/Engineers/Etc: The everyday people of the Peacekeepers, all with various ranks and positions, but aren't given a specific role.
    Cadets: The top of their training class, taken from training courses to get a taste of the real deal. They tend to be skilled in combat, strategy, or both. Most detectives, lieutenants and chiefs were once cadets when they were in training.
    Trainee: The lowest rank, Trainee's are given mundane tasks as they train to become soldiers. Training usually lasts 12 months, or less if you're a cadet.


    Strike Teams
    Strike teams are specialty forces usually made up of high ranking soldiers, and lead by a captain. The role of the captain varies from team to team, but all teams are comprised of six roles.
    Medic: In charge of the well being and medical knowledge of the team.

    Engineer: Usually tasked with repairing technology, using drones, and knowledge of vehicles.
    Hacker: In the new cybernetic world, Hackers are essential to the team. Often paired up with infiltration units.
    Point man/Breacher: Specializing in offensive situations, they tend to be efficient fighters
    Heavy Ordinance: Normally handling explosions and bomb defusing situations, while also bringing anti-vehicle weaponry to the fight.
    Infiltration: Roles range from snipers to scout, infiltration is normally sent in before the rest of the squad to help paint a way through a mission.

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    Hounds of Wrath
    While the Peacekeepers specialize in defending people and places, the Hounds specialize in destruction and eliminating targets. A private military group based out of Australia, they have a presence world wide as ruthless mercenaries that are sold to the highest bidder. The only way to escape their wrath, is to give them a bigger price tag. Typically sold out by squads, they excel in attacking compounds and leaving no survivors. They're members tend to use military grade weaponry and vehicles.
    Owner: Leon Mayer aka Cerberus
    Though the Hounds have many high ranking officials, Leon Mayer is at the top of it all. Born in Germany, he capitalized on wars in Africa as a mercenary, before using his connections to start one of his own.



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    Raziel Technology and Robotics
    Raziel is a secretive new company, backed by several wealthy investors or have chosen to remain hidden. Their main facility is in Japan, but they have another two, one in America and the other in Germany. While they don't publicly share their information, they have supposedly perfected the art of creating Robotic soldiers. At the moment, none of their products have been sold, but it is rumored some have been given out as gifts to wealthy politicians and prominent figures of society in order to gain backing before they start to sell their product to governments as metal armies.
    Owners: Unknown

    Makes and Models

    While Raziel has kept most of its secrets, hackers from the group Fire W@LL have cracked hidden files and leaked them on the web. They have over a dozen different models of robotic soldiers with different specializations, ranging from long range artillery to medic bots.

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    Fire W-@LL
    Perhaps the newest group to emerge in the hackers-for-hire scene, Fire W@LL made the spot light after dismantling the former hacking group Haywire, getting nearly all its members arrested by Peacekeeper forces. Fire WALL quickly started to take on assignments, and quickly run smaller hacker groups out of the business.
    Owner: Glenn Stelwell aka theTrojanTripwire (seen above)
    Unlike other hackers, Glenn likes being seen. A genius that thinks two step ahead, he never reveals his real location and is always traveling around.

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    While the Hounds and Peacekeepers bicker and fight, members of Shade prefer not to be seen or heard. They stick to the shadows as the kill, kidnap, and sabotage for those that hire them. Similar to Hounds, Shades are loyal to the highest payer. Their specializations vary person to person, and shades rarely work in groups. While Shade isn't a formal group, the members agree to work together to stay several steps ahead of the world governments, and the leader tends to be the strongest person in the organization.
    Head Shadow: Crow, real name unknown (Seen Above)
    A superhuman fitted with Cybernetics, Crow was one of the original Shades. She is wanted across the world for countless assassinations, as well charged with kidnapping Chloe Williams.


    There are only five shadows at any given time, including the leader of the Shades. Shadows are extremely dangerous, cybernetic humans who have transcended into killing machines. They rarely take on jobs, and instead are tasked with keeping Shade off the path of anyone looking for them. Shadows tend to have some sort of ability besides their cybernetic ones.
    To become a Shadow, you must be given the position, or take it for yourself.

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    Originating in Southwestern US, Furor was made up of mundane humans who thought mutants and their powers were to dangerous to be allowed in the world. They were more radical than other groups, and relied on violent acts against mutants and those that supported mutants.
    Their cause grew, and switched focus. Instead of housing a hated against mutants, they now hated the government that weaponized superhumans. They particularly hate Arcadia Division, Alias, and other countries with superhuman programs. Now they're a presence world wide, their members make up many people in the society.
    Leader: Name unknown, but goes by Purifier (Seen Above)
    Purifier is a demented and crazed killer, who uses Furor to satisfy his blood lust. He tends to target world leaders, organizations and politicians. The more publicity the better. He is superhuman himself, with a particularly deadly ability to decay things within 5 foot of himself.

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    The United States aren't the only ones with a government based superhuman program. The United Kingdom revealed the Department of Extra-normal Extrication and Research, or D.E.E.R, around the time the US revealed the original Alias. Instead of focusing on turning superhumans into soldiers, DEER focuses on understanding extra-normals and how to better integrate them into society.
    D.E.E.R has both an enforcement unit and research department.
    Not as radical as Arcadia, DEER's military force is still effective and useful in riots or any terrorist actions preformed throughout Europe. Their members are their by force, and though the training is tough it isn't tortuous as Arcadias. DEER has denounced Arcadia several times to the rumors of kidnapping, brainwashing, and torturing but the two groups still have a working relationship.
    D.E.E.R's research department is on par, maybe even better than, Arcadias efforts. Nations across the world recongize the efforts puts D.E.E.R puts into research, and the UK has one of the lowest superhuman crime rates in the world.

    The Deer Emblem

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    Starting in Fukuoka, the Himura was a yukuzia family quickly expanding throughout the city. Rival crime families quickly snuffed out the growing family, killing the previous oyabun. The surviving member of the family made his way to the States, and quickly established a connection in the new city of New Angeles, where he has established a wide and prosperous network throughout Chinatown, the Slums, and has started to expand into the Suburbs. They welcome anyone into their ranks, superhuman or not.
    Leader: Sato Himura
    Son of the previous leader of the family, Sato is an established business man and skilled manipulator. While not dangerous himself, his entourage of bodyguards are dangerous in many ways. The head of security and right hand man is Boruda, an extranormal with stone-controlling abilities (pictured above)

American Government Sponsored Programs

  • A year after Ground Zero, superhumans started to appear all over the United States. The abilities ranged from seeing through walls, to controlling the elements that make up the Earth. While the majority weren't dangerous, the government needed a safe guard against these super-beings incase bullets didn't work in the future. While other programs were made to enhance mundane humans, such as the Calendar Initiative, non-had yet to fight fire, with fire.

    Thus, the Alias Program was born.

    The first step of the Program was to register any American superhuman on US soil. Even if their power was as harmless to control bubbles. Doing so would allow them to pin point suspected criminals, and better regulate citizens. Whenever a child is born with powers, or develops them at a young age it is the parents duty to register them with their state. If they fail to do so, they can be imprisoned for several years.
    Step two was to hire the stronger superhumans, anyone that could help the government against dangerous threats. Most of these jobs were simple desk jobs while they were trained to handle their powers. The strongest of those were often forced to work in the military or another branch of the Government as another line of defense against super powered threats. After a few years in service, these people were allowed to leave and return to a normal life if they wished.
    Step Three was to put the strongest of the superhumans into the field as soldiers tasked with capturing or eliminating any threats that normal soldiers or officers couldn't handle. At first they were successful, but after two years their success rate went down. It was clear Alias wasn't capable of handling training soldiers for Government use, thus they halted all of Alias's training grounds for combat use, and began a new group, Arcadia.

  • While Alias was tasked with researching, training the everyday person, and keeping track of US superhumans, Arcadia was designed to put their research to the test. A new fighting force, Arcadia was developed to put willing superhuman soldiers on the front line against superhuman threats. Their duty was to make the United States a safe haven, a utopia of sorts, for all people regardless of having super powers or not.
    At first look, Acadia seems like a noble organization that protects citizens against dangerous threats. Many supporters of Arcadia have began calling it Eden. Many people see Arcadia as a prestigious group that protects the innocent, a safe guard against evil.
    However that isn't the whole truth. Arcadia has a dark side, one that is necessary to ensure victory against evil forces that have no morals. It is rumored Arcadia kidnaps people who show strong signs of having a powerful power. They don't make people into soldiers, they create them. Putting them through torturous training that breaks most people.
    These are just rumors, and the government would surely shut down any program that was that evil, wouldn't they?

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    The Calendar Initiative Solar Base
    The Calendar Initiative was one of the first programs created to combat superhuman threats. Originally made up of scientist from around the world, they approached the UN with their proposal. The test they proposed were deemed inhumane and too dangerous.
    Shortly after the UN meeting, the United States approached the panel of scientist, worried that another country like China or Russia would have access to super soldiers before them. Granting the scientist are significant salary to preform the test, but the catch was they'd have to preform the test outside of U.S soil, and thus the Calendar Solar Base was
    Calendar drew its name for the number of tests they would run. Twelve in total, each named after a certain month. These names had no significant impact or correlation on the tests ran. The panel of scientists that lead the Calendar Initiative were gathered from around the world and specialized in their scientific field.
    The test were broken up into two halves, the first half of tests began in 2022, and were scheduled to last until 2025. Each test started during their given name. (Ex. January tests began in January, though all test subjects were on the facility first the first half of tests)
    The facility would take a year break before starting tests back up in 2027 for the remaining six tests. The tests were as followed.

    the January Study
    The first test ran by Calendar. Made up of 8 test subjects. This test focused on the effects of mind altering drugs that were supposed to allow soldiers to gain Psychokinetic powers. The drug was developed from mutant chemicals found in certain superhuman brains, particularly those with abilities revolving around mental based-powers.
    This was not a good start, and though the subjects developed powers, they also quickly went into a craze. Certain test subjects had heightened aggression and paranoia where they quickly turned on each other within weeks. This resulted in the deaths of two test subjects, a scientist, and one guard.
    The lead scientist of the January Study was Lepton Seamyar, and he was the first, and only, scientist to resign during this program.

    the February Splicing Program
    This test was looked at much more closely after the failure of the first test. Made up of 10 test subjects This test focused on genetic splicing, and altered genes allowing for increased speed, muscle growth, and bone strength. This test was mildly successful, and all but two subjects could increase their muscle growth, putting on size and strength within a two minute time frame, before returning to normal size. This allowed for extreme bursts of strength and speed.
    the March Cyber-Human Test
    At first it sounded like a test of cybernetics, which minor cybernetics were starting to circulate into the market at this it. This test was only made up of 4 test subjects. This test didn't focus on putting cybernetics on humans, but putting humans into cybernetic bodies. The test was 25/75 in success after two subjects died, but the other two survived. While they survived, one of the subjects had severer mental problems after realizing he was more robot than human. On the other side of things, the final test subject excelled in this new robotic form. While minor successful, this test was deemed to dangerous to preform.
    the April Soldier-Cloning Experiment
    Ten test subjects were ran through several evaluations. From the ten, only three were deemed useful tests subjects for the test. This meant that their bodies were physically heath, mentally health, and emotionally stable. The test subjects would be put under for two weeks, soaked in vats and scanned several times through out the course of the week, where an embryo-like material would form using a second vat connected to the vat. Over the two weeks, the users genetic material would transfer over to the second vat. By the end of the two weeks, the embryo in the second vat would grow into a fully-fledged human. All three test subjects got different results.
    The first test subject's body rejected the scanning and chemicals it was exposed to, and the embryo didn't grow past early stages. This was the sign of a failure, and there was no further testing allowed, due to the tests subject being drained of energy, and would likely die if pressured to do it again.
    The second test subject work to a tee, and a perfect clone was created. This clone could act, think and display their own emotions and opinions. The only thing that was the same was the appearance and knowledge of the original subject.
    The third subject was, at first, deemed a complete failure. No embryo ever formed. Instead, after the weeks spent in hibernation, the test subject awoke with severe mental pain. This pain grew and grew after waking up, and finally after a week of pain, it was discovered her body mutated due to the chemicals. All it took was a single drop of blood, and the third test subject could form a full-grown clone out of it.

    the May Serum
    The first of two serums. This test was more controlled, and only had three subjects. The May serum focused on liquefying light partials and mixing them with various compounds. This test was surprising highly successful, and all three test subjects developed mutant like powers. The first subject was given a light-heavy partical compound. This compound granted the ability to manipulate light particles around him. The second test subject was given a chemical heavy compound, and developed the ability to control spaces with limited light particulars, but not entirely dark places. The final test subject was given a mixture of the two, and developed minor abilities of both serums.
    This test wasn't perfect however, as all three test subjects showed signs of various mental problems.

    the June Serum
    The second of two serums. This test has 6 subjects. This serum was developed combining elements of mutant DNA and various chemical compounds, allowing for constant high-level physical abilities, heightened senses, and regenerative properties. Out of 6 subjects, only two survived. Of the two, neither seemed to have any negative side effects.
    It wasn't until further tests were ran that it was discovered that high intensity regeneration would deteriorate the mind. Additional tests showed that the surviving test subjects would become sporadic and random when their testosterone would reach peak levels.

    A month before the first half of the Calendar test subjects were to return to Earth, disaster struck. One of the test subjects, the May Serum test subject with light altering powers, went into a craze. The Space Station exploded and the majority of the test subjects and staff were killed. Various members were near escape pods or locked in their quarters, where they were built in pods. The surviving members were scattered across the Earth, many choosing to stay off the grid.
    At first it seemed the Calendar Initiative was set up to come to a halt. However due to the mildly successful tests, the U.S allowed test to continue on US soil in an old Alias facility. These tests are still being done, though most of the data has been gathered and only the December test remains.

    the July Patriot Program
    The first test of the second half of the Calendar Initiative. The Patriot Program derived its name from a popular comic book superhero, Patriot Pete. It intended to create super soldiers via modifying the human body with various compounds. These compounds were designed to increase the size of muscles, strength of bones, and reaction speed. Mildly successful, the compound increased the growth and size of all six test subjects. While the strength of bones only slightly strengthened, the test didn't hit all the points the Patriot Program wanted to hit. While the mind remained unaffected, the muscles of the soldiers did show signs of tearing and weakening faster than a normal person.
    the August Cybernetic Implant Test
    While Cybernetic tests were done in the past, the Cybernetic Implant Test focused on replacing internal organs with cybernetic components. Only the brain was left unchanged, and the five test subjects had lungs, eyes, hearts, and various other organs replaced. Out of the five, only one subject died: and that was due to an error in data.
    The remaining four were the first signs that internal Cybernetics were a viable option in the medical community. While in Combat tests, certain implants were deemed not helpful and in some cases unideal.

    the September Sentinels Mind Altering Trial
    aka the Sentinel Trial
    The largest test ran in the Calendar Initiative with 28 test subjects. The test is known as one of the first successful brainwashing experiment and is a dark spot in American science. Rumored to be a horrific experiment, the Sentinel Trial has hid alot of its public details. Out of the twenty eight test subjects, only eighteen were deem successful. Of those only six were considered mentally stable.
    The test originally was designed to
    convince the subjects to put their lives on the line for the United States no matter the danger. In addition to the mind altering effects they took, the subjects were also rumored to have their pain receptors removed by chemical means. The six successful subjects are rumored to be perfect soldiers and continue to fight without fear or pain, even if limbs are removed. These six don't have a clear personality anymore, and reminiscent of a blank canvas.
    the October Animalia Splicing Program.
    The second splicing program in the Calendar Initiative. While the February Program focused on altering human DNA and making them into soldiers, the Animalia Program spliced animal DNA with a human to create a beast of war.
    All ten of the test subjects survived the initial surgeries and tests, and adapted to their new animal abilities quite well. Many took on traits of their animal DNA, and resembled hybrids of man and beast.
    All things considered this was one of the most successful experiments in the entire Calendar program. It allowed mundane humans to develop skills to combat superhumans successfully while retaining their mental and physical attributes. For the most part.
    Some of the subjects showed signs of depression and disliked their new forms. One of the ten attempted to commit suicide after he started to grow scales, and he other reptilian features.

    the November Plasma Experiment
    With only one willing test subject, the Plasma Experiment altered the state of the human body, allowed the host to momentarily dissipate his human body into a gas version. At first the person could only do it for a few seconds, but later data says with training he could hold it for nearly 5 minutes. The details have yet to be publicly released.
    the December Cryo-Test
    Error 515 (W-I-P)
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NPC Roster
Our characters aren't the only important people in this world! Below are a list of Non-Player-Characters that are important to the world as a whole, or just certain characters. If you want to introduce your own NPC, feel free to message me with the details.

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    Jacob Kuznetsov
    Position: Director of the Western Arcadia Branch
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Moderate/Extreme
    Species: Human (Many Cybernetics)

    Mister Kuznetsov has ties to Russia and European Countries as a mercenary, before approaching the States with a proposal to begin the Arcadia Division. After the success of the, Jacob pushed the trainers to be as harsh as possible with his new army of superhuman and cybernetic soldiers.
    He is the head of all of Arcadia, and issues commands to both the Eastern and Western Directors.
    +Jacob commands all the forces of Arcadia, but he alone commands the Central Forces.
    +Central Arcadia base is located outside Austin Texas.
    -Despite being human, he strives to be as powerful as a superhuman, thus he has gone a bit Cybernetic crazy.

    Sydney Pearl
    Position: Director of the Western Arcadia Branch
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level:Minor/Moderate
    Species: Human (Moderate Cybernetics)

    Sydney Pearl was one of the original trainers of Alias back when they were in charge of the superhuman training programs. She pushed to make the training harder, but the higher ups denied. When Jacob Kuznetsov successfully created Arcadia, she approached him to hop aboard the new Program.
    For a time she worked as a scientist, brainwasher, and trainer for the soldiers, before she got promoted to the Western Branch of Arcadia. She is directly behind Jacob Kuznetsov, and the second in command for the Arcadia Division.
    + The Western Branch of Arcadia oversees the West Coast, though Jacob has final say over Sydney's forces.
    +The Western Arcadia Base is right outside New Angeles.
    +Sydney is known as the least corrupt of all the Directors, and see as the kindest despite being strict and controlling.
    +Sydney focuses on intense training and borderline torture conditions. This makes her soldiers efficient and skilled fighters. While some of her soldiers undergo brainwashing, its nothing as severe as Eastern soldiers go through.
    -At odds with Zachariah


    Zachariah Berlioz
    Position: Director of the Eastern Arcadia Branch
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Minor
    Species: Human (Minor Cybernetics)

    Born curious and striving to be better, Zachariah was a scientist and helped pushed for the Calendar Initiative and supported Jacob when he suggested the Arcadia Division. When the Division was formed, Zachariah was deemed the head scientist. As the organization grew, he was promoted to the Eastern Director.
    +The Eastern Division focuses on the East Coast, and while Zachariah commands the forces there Jacob has final say.
    +The Eastern Arcadia Base is a few miles outside New York City.
    +Zachariah tends to use strict brainwashing and mind control technique. This makes his soldiers less likely to run in a fight, and less likely to disobey orders. However this doesn't make them as skilled as the Western Divisions Fighters.
    -Zachariah has developed many of the brainwashing programs Arcadia uses.
    -Some say he has gone crazy over the years, and is a bit corrupt with power.
    -At odds with Sydney Pearl, and has fallen out of grace with Jacob in recent years.


    Aldrin Domindor
    Position: Arcadia Captain
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Moderate/Extreme
    Species: Superhuman/Cybernetics

    Both his parents were born in the Philippines, but both immigrated to California as young adults with their families. They met there, and shortly after had Aldrin. Aldrin grew up and joined the standard military and served briefly as a Green Beret before it was discovered he was hiding his power illegally. When Arcadia went to take him under custody, he fought them off and killed two soldiers.
    He spent some time in an Arcadia mutant prison, but his skills were being wasted behind a cell door. Arcadia gave him the choice again to become a soldier, where he accepted.
    Since then he has been a decent soldier, getting his job done but breaking some rules in the process. He is incharge of the Brig Task Force, a team made up of criminal-turned soldiers.
    Aldrin processes the ability to turn any part of his external body into a dense and hard metal, and shape it into a weapon. His signature is turning his arms into sharp curved blades, resembling a pirates cutlass.

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    Position: Leader of Shade. One of the Five Shadows
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Extreme
    Species: Superhuman

    One of the original Shadows of Shade, Crow was initially the right hand man to Isiah Diaolla, the founder of the Assassin group shade. Due to unknown reasons, Crow betrayed Shade and assumed power for herself. She took part in the kidnapping of Chloe Williams.
    +She has the ability to replicate herself in the form of clones. She can do it within minutes, but those clones tend to be weaker than her. If she takes her time with a clone, the clone retains her strength and speed.
    +Super Agility and Strength
    +Skilled in Swords and One handed Guns
    +Trained in all things Espionage


    Sebastián Diego
    Position: The Second of the Five Shadows
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Extreme
    Species: Mutant and Super-Solder

    Crows Right Hand. Crusader is the head of Shade's defenses. Sebastián was a member of Alias back when they were training and sending out superhuman soldiers, before Arcadia was formed. Sebastian was one of the test subjects for the failed May test serum developed by the Calendar Initiative. He was responsible for the destruction of the Calendar Solar Base. It's unsure how Crusader became involved with Crow and Shade, but he is fiercely loyal to her, and important in the organization despite not being an assassin.
    +Skilled with a variety of weaponry
    +Knowledge of many military tactics
    +Capable of weaponizing light particles, turning them into beams of energy he can fire at will, or using them defensively as walls. The May serum created this ability in him.
    +Heightened senses and reaction time.
    - Elijah "Reaper" Brandt wants him dead.


    Position: the Third Shadow, Leader of the Sirens
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Moderate/Extreme

    Species: Human - Super Soldier Serum

    Lindsey Vex was one of the survivors of the June Serum, the only other being Elijah Brandt.
    Before the test, she was an accomplished sniper in the 19D Cav Scout branch of the military. She excelled in gathering information and long distant combat. With the serum, her skills increased further.
    She already showed signs of being a sociopath before the serum was used on her. After the serum, she actually improved in some scenarios and became more confident in her abilities. Becoming more personable, this side effect was a surprise to the scientist at the Calendar Initiative. It was then discovered, she was only acting. She refused to take medicine, and got hostile with several guards. Being sent home, off the site she was too be monitored closely. She left the states and went home to Argentina, where she stayed for a time.
    She was linked to several murders only months after being back on Earth, and fled to Africa for some time. During this time she managed to link up with Crow, and now she serves as Shades top sniper.
    She also teaches a group of five personal assassins, who she calls "the Sirens". Each skilled in their own way, the five girls personally serve Vex alone, and for whatever reason are in debt to her.

    Doctor Lester Quailton
    Position: The Fifth of the Five Shadows
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Extreme

    Species: Mutant

    The weakest of the Five shadows, but still deadlier than a normal assassin. A former scientist for Arcadia, before being let go due to his extreme torture methods, even by Arcadia's standards. His tests tended to lead to the death of any subjects put in his care.
    His superhuman ability and name stems to his blood. His blood is corrosive, a deadly toxin once diluted down, and is more blue than red. When dropped on anything other than his own skin, the blood quickly eats away and decays whatever it touches. That tatters on his clothes are often from his own blood splatters.
    He dilutes his own blood down, and it becomes his weapon of choice. Once it enters the blood stream, it quickly travels through the heart and spreads the blood across the host, eating away the muscles and slowly killing the target. There is no known cure.
    +Skill Scientist and Alchemist
    +Espionage and Stealth Tactics
    +Knowledge of Arcadia's secrets and tactics
    - No good in a one on one fight

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    Real Name Unknown
    Position: N/A
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Extreme

    Species: Mutant

    While the true identity of the Purifier is unknown, it is suspected he lives in America, probably from the Southwestern part of the states. No mutant in Arcadia databases matches up to his level of decaying power. Purifier is a demented and crazed killer, who uses Furor to satisfy his blood lust. He tends to target world leaders, organizations and politicians. The more publicity the better. He is superhuman himself, with a particularly deadly ability to decay things within 5 foot of himself. It's suspected he is targeting New Angeles for his next attack.

    Position: Disciple of the Purifier
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Moderate

    Species: Cybernetic-Human

    Ash appeared when Purifier started to make an appearance. Following in his masters footsteps, Ash has a love for killing, blades, and above all; fire. His weapons of choice are his cybernetic arms, equipped with flame throwers. He uses two knives, enhanced with a self-covering liquid that bursts into flames at the touch of a button. Similar to the two knives, he also uses a sword. His final weapon are several incendiary grenades. He has no real motivation, apart from pleasing the Purifier.

    Position: Disciple of the Purifier
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Moderate

    Species: Cybernetic-Human

    Travis Bartlill was a computer expert before applying for the March Cyber-Human Test. Two test subjects died in the test, a third excelled, and that left Travis. Initially he was mortified at the result of the test, he was less human and more machine. By the end of the three years, all his limbs and his jaw had been replaced with cybernetics. He was paid and given a council, and was left on his own.
    Perhaps he finally excepted his form, an embraced it more than ever. Maybe he was crazy to begin with. After returning to Earth, Travis had more cybernetic surgery done on him. Vital organs replaced, more parts of his head taken apart and replaced with mechanical pieces. Even his heart was replaced with a pulsing machine.
    Now known as Hardwire, he found acceptance and comfort in Purifier.
    With his Cybernetics, he is able to insert a cord into himself and any mechanical device that allows him to download any information on the drive, insert virus, and even "live" inside computers and other devices.

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    Position: Leader of the Hounds of Wrath
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Moderate

    Species: Human: Minor Cybernetics

    A seasoned veteran and skilled tactician, Mayer is the founder of the Hounds. Starting out as a young man, Leon was apart of the British SAS. Climbing the ranks before being tried for war-crimes, Leon quickly fled the country. He went quiet for a few years before reemerging as a mercenary, profiting from African wars and various jobs world wide, Leon made connections during this time. Using these connections, he brought together many mercenary groups to form the Hounds. While he rarely enters the battle field any more, due to his age and deteriorating body, he is a skilled solider and fighter. He is an effective commander for the Hounds, and decides who gets contracts, while securing funding and implementing plans.

    Position: Strike Team Alpha Leader
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Moderate

    Species: Extranormal

    The son of Leon, Peyton emerged with his father as a mercenary in Africa. A child gifted with the ability to psychically navigate and track area's with his mind. Working along side his father on many missions, he has proved himself as an accomplished soldier. Proving himself to his father, he became his right hand man and leader of Strike Team Alpha, the most reknown force in the Hounds. While he could've been granted the rank of Canine, he refused so he could remain the leader of his Strike team.

    Position: Canine
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Extreme

    Species: Extranormal

    Previously a free-lance bounty hunter with ties to Shade, Ruin has been running with the Hounds for the past two years. Due to his experience and skill, he was granted the rank Canine among entire. With an ability to control sound, he can make a gunshot sound like a drop of a penny or vice-versa. An accomplished sniper and knife fighter, Glazkov has a Russian heritage.

    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Moderate

    Species: Extranormal

    Monica was a former mercenary, getting her work in Africa at the same time the Mayer's were working there. She has been by their side since the start of the group, and was the first official Canine. Monica has the ability to emit an EMP like pulse to fry electronics at a touch. She can focus this ability and fire it in a burst. She is skilled in CQC, stealth, and espionage skills.

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    Lucas James Macleod
    Position: Detective
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Moderate
    Species: Human - Major Cybernetics

    After Lucas had his leg and arm damaged irreparably during a D.E.E.R. hunt for traitors, he has found solace in knowing that the peacekeepers were grateful to accept him. His robotic arm and leg looks more human than metallic; most of the time, unless someone has touched his arm, people don't realize he has cybernetics. His previous endevors include Siege of Lagos and various other events. He has been with the Peacekeepers for eleven years now and seven years before that, D.E.E.R. adminstrative operations. He is tied to Vivian Peyroux, though to what extent, is unknown at this time.

    Adriana Coleman
    Position: Peacekeeper Lieutenant
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Moderate

    Species: Human
    Adina was like a rag tag adventurer before she was thrusted into the same initiative her father and mother were at a young age, though mainly through different departments. Peacekeepers saw her potential to lead and inspire fairly quickly, so as a top agent, she moved up rather fast in rank compared to other cadets. Adina held an authoritative presence about her, even during training, and made the Peacekeeper's time worth their while. She's a divorced, single mother of two, and although being a lieutenant is hard work, she always finds time for her little ones.

    Reagan Brown
    Position: Peacekeeper Geneticist
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Minor-Moderate

    Species: Human
    Reagan spent her entire life studying science over socializing. She was always a doer, not a thinker. Her accomplishments in high school science fair, propositions in her master's courses, and science projects in internships ranging from physics, chemistry, and biology led to the Peackeepers science division reaching out to her. They'd just opened up the department fairly recently and she took up a job as a geneticist alongside others who did similar or the same work. Reagan has been in the field for six years now and shows no sign of delaying advancement.

    Kaley Kennedy
    Position: Peacekeeper Cadet
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Minor-Moderate

    Species: Human
    Kaley was born on the wrong side of life, which made it feel like it was difficult to get into law enforcement at first. She'd never killed anyone or gotten any felony convictions, only minor arrest charges and ticketing for silly things like underage drinking and stealing candy. Despite her background, they took a chance on Kaley's persuasive affirmation that yes, she wanted to change for the greater good. Kaley has been struggling to establish working relationships with others, however, her motivation and work ethic is undeterred as she quickly reaches the end of her cadet training.

    Havva Terzi
    Position: Strike-Team Leader
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Minor-Moderate

    Species: Human
    Havva is a soulful, determined individual who many felt was too "sensitive" for a job on law enforcement. Like many others, she had to push and pull to be where she is today. In her earlier days, she overthought too much and cried at the stories some of the inmates shared with each other. Havva learned to push her emotions back, however, and let logic rule the situation. Eventually, she became desensitized to the reality of law enforcement and slowly began to climb the ladder until now. As a strike team leader for three years, Havva has shown nothing but progress and dedication to her team.

    Jared Roswell
    Position: Chief of the Slums and Docks District
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Minor-Moderate

    Species: Human
    Once an accomplished soldier, Roswell made some strides in the early years of the Peacekeepers, before old age got the best of him. He retired his "Detective" position, and settled as a Chief, bringing with it it's own problems. He was assigned the Slums and Dock-Districts of New Angeles.

    Micheal Benson
    Position: Peacekeeper Cadet
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Minor-Moderate

    Species: Human
    Signing up with the Peacekeepers at 18, many considered Benson too young to even be considered as a serious trainee. To nearly everyone's surprise, the boy turned out to be the top of his class in strategy, sharp-shooting skills, and intel gathering. He's shooting for a lieutenant position, and is currently working for Chief Roswell in the Slums district.

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    Position: N/A
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Extreme

    Species: Mutant

    Lupa has only appeared in the past year, popping up around the world for a night, slaughtering a dozen people, then disappearing for however long she pleases. There are no patterns for her killing sprees, and it appears its entirely at random. Lupa gets her name, and nickname from the people of Mexico after she slaughtered half a town within the night. Her robotic claws and ability to control shadows reminded the survivors of a werewolf in the night.Her supernatural powers allow her to control darkness and shadows. This makes her extremely dangerous at night, but incredibly weakened during the day. Its unsure why she wears the high-tech suit, but it appears she keeps the wispy shadows in front of her face to hide her true identity.


    Jacob Luther
    Former Canine for the Hounds of Wrath
    Position: Bartender in New Angeles
    Status: Alive
    Threat Level: Moderate

    Species: Human (Minor Cybernetics)

    Jacob gifted some information to Arcadia in exchange for a clean state in the United States. After his squad broke up in the Hounds, Jacob was among them to want a normal life. He returned to the States were he keeps tab on the criminal underground world, and sells information along side his booze. Worked in the same squad as Elijah Reaper Brandt, and the two were close friends.
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Other Lore

  • In the Year 2028, the Peacekeeper organization wanted to spread its influence to Africa, where civil wars were brewing across the continent. Many of these wars were believed to be started by the terrorist group Furor. Furor had recently recognized its new leader, Purifier.
    Jessica Walsbee, the head of the Peacekeepers, was among various other chairman and financial backers to go to a meeting to meet with the leadership of Nigeria. Ofcourse with so many high value targets, security was tight across the city. That didn't stop Furor from trying
    After only a day in Lagos, Jessica was targeted by a sniper, and though the sniper failed to kill her it was clear this trip wasn't going to be easy. Two days later the Siege began, and is known as the bloodiest and most destructive battle in recent years.
    The entire Siege lasted about a week, and the causalities were wide spread. Furor made no motion to spare anyone. The death count was in the thousands, and while Peacekeepers did their best to protect the city and its people, they were out numbered and the soldiers of Furor could blend in with other civilians. Peacekeeper forces managed to protect all the VIP targets, including Jessica Walsbee, and extracted them from the city.
    Lagos and the country of Nigeria still hasn't fully recovered. Many of the citizens of Nigeria blame the Peacekeepers and claim if they weren't there the city, Furor wouldn't have attacked. The Peacekeepers were still hired to protect Lagos, and there has been several riots and protests against them.
New Angeles

A bustling metropolis, New Angeles is the premier city of entertainment, technology, and crime. This makes it a hub for all, with nearly 9.5 million people living within the city limits. Entrepreneurs, criminals, peacekeepers, scientists, and entertainers all living in chaotic-harmony, trying to further themselves in this cybernetic world.

Such a large city can only be divided up into districts.

Downtown Angeles, the Hub
Downtown New Angeles is the showcase of the city. Featuring large skyscrapers, flashy lights, and the illusion of prosperity. The everyday person is often found celebrating here, enjoying various clubs and high-rises. Celebrities and Entertainers are a common site in the Hub, a nickname given to the area due to it being the central part of the city.

Public crime is relatively low in this part of the city, but behind the scenes it runs rampant with corruption. This is a hackers paradise, with nearly everything linked to computer systems: an efficient hacker has the city at their finger tips.
Peacekeepers regularly patrol this part of the city, public utilizes such as trains are kept up to date with the newest models, and a large percentage of the population lives here.


Old Angeles, the Slums

While a large part of the city was destroyed from Ground Zero, many of the buildings in the Old Angeles part of the city were left standing after the destruction. For a short time, Old Angeles flourished as the rest of the city was rebuilt. Once the new skyscrapers were finished, this area plummeted in terms of finance. The Slums are in the central part of the city, on the west side. curving on the outside of the city. To the East, it blends with the Down-Town part of the city. To the west, the Dock-District.
Now the area is riddled with unorganized crime. Gangs stalk the streets, and even Peacekeepers have a wary presence here. Public services here aren't as well kept as the down-town area. Old trains still run on older rail-roads and roads are rarely paved. New businesses rarely move in here, and most tourist stay away from here.
The upside, rent is cheap here.

Dock-District, the Wharf

The Dock-District hugs the coast, and is apart of the Slums District. While ships still come here with cargo, most companies use planes to transport goods. The Dock-District has their own crime problems, and most people tend to stay away from there, aside from dock workers and gangsters.
Old-warehouses and vacant buildings make up most of the
district. The homeless tend to stay in these warehouses, and drug traders enjoy the lack of Peacekeepers in the area.


Chinatown,Shang Capital

Located on the South-Central part of the city, Chinatown is where many of the Asian immigrants settle in the city. It is south of the main down-town area, while also brushing against the Wharf district to it's western half. The region is filled with various Chinese shops, restaurants, markets and business giving it the nickname "Shang Capital". It has a similar night-life vibe as the Downtown part of the city, though crime here is on the increase. In recent years, the Himura Family has started gaining power in this part of the city. The Himura are a Yakuza family that began in Japan, before moving over to the States after larger families forced them out. Now they have began spreading their roots through out the city, making them the most notable crime organization in the city. Peacekeeper influence and presence is high in this part of the city, but that hasn't put a damper in the crime.


Air-District, Cloud District
The North-Eastern part of the city is referred to as the Cloud District by most people. A rarely high-class part of the city, the airport is a central part of the city. The Chloe Williams Airport is the largest airport in the world. Robotic helpers travel around the airport, and also futures prototype robotic guards. The area around the aiport is nice, and not as busy as the Downtown area.


The Suburbs
The West-Central part of the city was dubbed simply "the Suburbs". Small homes and apartments make up this area, overlooked by the skyscrapers and big city part of New Angeles. Most of the middle-class live here. Parks and Subway stations dot the entirety of the Suburbs.
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