Verses & Pawns (Alabaster & Roose Hurro)



Original poster
"You're hovering again."

"Just making sure you don't singe your fur this time, Miss."

The sucking of teeth followed by a depreciative tutting quirked the feline's mouth into a scowl.
"Mrs." She was quick to correct, dropping a handful of bramble into the seething pot before her. The concoction bubbled and foamed at the surface, tendrils of smoke reaching forth like the pleading hands of victims cast overboard into the sea.

"Yes, yes, of course. The dutiful wife, plunging herself into the depths of Hell all for the sake of her dearly betrothed. Lord, how could I forget?"

"Your attitude is wearing as thin as your humor, Malachai. Now shut your trap and let me concentrate."

"Come ooon, Cal, this is boring! Your stupid tracking spells never work anyway, let's go out and catch us a tasty treat!"

"I said, shut, UP!" A thunderous clap as she threw her hands down in exasperation, palms slapping against the floorboards with enough force to splinter them at the seams. A single plank of wood uprooted from its place and slung upwards like a catapult, one corner just barely nicking the cauldron's edge and causing the entire potion to slosh and sway.

"No, no, no no NO!" Calista all but threw herself forward, fingers splayed like nets to try and catch the pot before it inevitably teetered over and spilled its contents across the floor. "FUCK!" Clasping the now empty container in both hands, she lifted it above her head and hurled it in no particular direction. But the clang of dented metal did little to soothe her, and thus she turned her enraged expression upon her counterpart.

"H-hey now." Palms raised in a defensive gesture, protecting his face from any wayward strikes she may deliver. "What are the chances that's the one that would have worked, huh? You've already tried every combination under the sun. You've said it yourself, the guy's too good."

"Which is more than I can say about you!" She screeched, lurching forward to pummel the man around his shoulders with iron tight fists. "You are an absolute nuisance! Why do I even bother with you?!"

"Hey, you asked for my help! OW! You think just anyone can waltz right through the planes of life and death like I can? You need me!"

A bold claim coming from someone who was currently getting the tar beat out of him, but nevertheless, he was right. She did need his help. Easy as it was for her to traverse between realms, it was even easier to lose herself in the comfort and simplicity of death. To just let it all go--her family, her quest to reunite them, that aching desire that plagued her every waking moment--it would be so easy to just let it all slip away to the Void. The place was intoxicating, and she could be lost forever to its clutches. But that wasn't the endgame here. She had only one goal, one motivation that drove her repeatedly to the brink of that sweet relief: to find him. It was the only thought that kept her tethered to reality. Yes, all to find him.


"Enough, Malachai." Ceasing her flailing limbs, the feline gave him a decisive shove before stepping away, already all too familiar with the words he would speak. And she didn't want to hear them.

"Cal. He doesn't want to be found."

"I told you, keep out of my head."

"Why do you do this to yourself? Torture yourself day and night, for a man who abandoned you? Why do you even care?"

"Because I need to know how." Her arms crossed with a huff, embracing herself snugly around her core to keep from spilling her guts completely. "I need to hear it, from his own lips: how he could just fucking walk away. No warning, no goodbye. How can you just do that to someone you love?! No," she raised a hand to silence him before he could even take a breath to answer. "Enough talking. Gather your things. We're going out."


"You're right. The tracking doesn't work. So, let's go get that tasty treat, hm?"

~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~

The hunt was the highlight of her day. It always was. She was unnaturally skilled in the craft of murder, and put in her element, there wasn't a creature on earth that could escape her predatory clutches. None save for that blasted husband of hers. But with Malachai at her side, even that was bound to change. They were racking up power in double time. Not since Lord Delxcrox himself had Calista found herself paired with such a malicious fiend in the field. For all of his childlike whimsies and generally appealing demeanor, Cal had to admit, the Spiritwalker had some serious game. And his preternatural ability to channel energies of the deceased right into her vessel without the need for lengthy ritual was convenient, to say the least. Even now, she could hear the departed weeping within the confines of the Void; she could feel their pain, as cutting and as clear as though it were her own. Maybe it was. Maybe it was her guilt and soiled conscience that plagued her so. Maybe it was her own uncertainty that drove her to the bottle and begged for another sip, and another, whispering of sweet promises to forget. But no matter how much liquor she drained, all she was left with was a burning in her gut and a ringing in her ears. And of course, the insatiable huger for more.

That's what this was all about: power. If she had any hopes at all of catching her wayward husband, she would have to do whatever it took to ensure that her powers were equal to his own. Otherwise, he could continue to give her slip, forever. The universe was too broad, too dangerous, to search every corner without a little extra backup.

Which is exactly what brought the pair of Lady and her Apprentice to this particular clearing; a wide swatch of land on the far outer reaches of the marsh lands, where the earth was muddy and thick, and many a sorcerer or witch came to practice their craft in the sweet solitude of nature. That was their ultimate goal. To catch some poor unsuspecting soul and absorb their power for their own. It was a dirty, sneaky tactic, one that--on a normal day--would not sit well with either of them. But drastic times call for drastic measures, and Calista was prepared to reap the consequences of a guilty conscience if helped her in the end.

Skirting around the perimeter of the clearing, they tucked themselves away in the foliage, laying in wait for whatever--or whoever--came their way.
Who, What, Where...

The Universe is a fickle mistress...

In the fabric of this Universe, there are many stitches. Done by many hands. So, yes, a bit rough... maybe a little ragged on the edges. Always an interesting thing to look at. To touch. To wrap oneself in. Even if the wooley parts tend to itch. Yes, indeed. Sometimes, the Universe needs a scratch.......

Four is a very even number. Two plus two. Which, if you do the math, equals eight hands to scratch itches with. Also a very even number. Multiple of two. How does that apply to one particular marsh on one particular planet? Well, the Universe's wooley parts can turn up anywhere. Even in the most unassuming places. So, a Door that was not a door, opened by a Knob that was not a knob, cut through the Universe's fabric and opened up a slice of air... anyone in this low-lying marsh, perhaps feeling their ears pop a bit. Hammerspace had a habit of doing such a thing. However...

... when "Father" lept through, infant son raised high in a game of "aeroplane"...

... SQUELCH!...

... no, not that loud, but the sensation of both feet sinking in soft marsh-ness sent a shiver up his spine, enough to ruffle fur, stiffen tail, and unfurl shroudruff feathers in sudden display.

"Mother" learned from her male, toeclaws secured on solid ground after she emerged...

... SPLUT!...

... daughter, however, with a "Wheeee! " of delight, on all fours, sank up to her chest, bright and childish smile showing off her sharp white teeth.

... "My Love..." said Mother...

... "Yes, Sweetness...?" said Father, through gritted teeth.

... "This doesn't look like Kansas."

... "Meep?" asked son, as he started to wiggle in his father's slightly tightened grip.......

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Malachai sighed in exasperation, twiddling a stone between antsy fingers. This was not at all what he had in mind when he suggested that they go out and have a little fun. They had been staking out the swamp for hours now, and so far, the only thing to be found were swarms of buzzing gnats and the occasional slithering serpent.

"Well... this is a real hoot."

"Patience, my apprentice..."

"Pfft! What do you know about patience?"

"I know that if you don't zip it, I'm going to lose my mind."

"Exactly," he teased. "Admit, you're bored, too!"

"Malachai, for the love of--"

Just then, an eerie crackling and pop resounded through the open air, and Calista slapped an open palm over Malachai's mouth. A finger was lifted to her own lips in the universal gesture for SHHH! Something had just arrived; she could sense the shift in the atmosphere, like a cool breeze disrupting the otherwise dank and humid surroundings. Predatory senses were on high alert, feline eyes scanning the terrain while tufted ears strained to hone in on the noise. Voices?

A jerk of her head, and Calista motioned for her companion to follow. Together the pair slunk their way amidst the shadows and low hanging vines, creeping closer to the commotion. But the sight they saw, neither were prepared for. What the hell were these creatures?

Hmmn... well, no matter. A meal is a meal, after all...

"Wait," Malachai placed a heavy hand over Calista's shoulder, stopping her before she had a chance to attack. "Look..." He nodded to the two younglings and whispered. "It's a family."

"So? The more, the merrier."

"Cal... you can't just eat the children. Even for you, that's a little--hey!"

Before he could make his point, Calista was already springing away. A simple kick of her heels released a blast of kinetic energy to send her bolting in a beeline for the confused little family. Blonde hair whipped across her face in a frenzy, eyes narrowed to dangerous slits as she approached at breakneck speeds.

Unfortunately... the marshland was particularly damp that day. Recent rains had soaked the ground, leaving massive puddles and making the mud cling to her boots like cement. In her hurry, she did not calculate accordingly, and her balance was noticeably off kilter as she zigged and zagged her way through the mess. That was Malachai's only chance...

With impressive aim, the young man cocked back his hand still enclosed over the stone, and hurled it right at the back of Calista's head. It hit with a thonk! And the resulting shock threw her footwork completely askew. She stumbled and collapsed in a graceless heap, face first, right into the sticky icky mud. Brown clumps of clay sprayed everywhere, and she sputtered it from her mouth as she struggled to sit back up, copper eyes burning from behind the layer of grime that coated her face. She stared up at the little 'daughter,' now nose-to-nose as she too pushed herself on all fours.
Five Of Four...

Ahhh... proof, again, that the Universe has a sense of humor.......

Throw in rain and puddles. Throw in running cat lady. And stone. Confused? This "little family"... not at all confused. Been there. Done that. Sometimes got the t-shirt, other times, not. This time, they got the t-shirt. Not the lousy t-shirt! Meeting fun new people was never lousy. Even given all the mud. And splatter. Which Mother somehow managed to dodge. Father, sprayed up to his nether regions.

And daughter?

Well, she took the brunt of cat lady muck. Shook her head. Blinked through the spatter, eyes wide as she opened her mouth and...

... "You's a'wanna play?" Tiny forelimb pulled from the marsh-mud. And booped "Cat Lady" on the nose with muddy, clawed forepaw. Her tufted tail's tip, a-flick.

Her parents? Both looked at their daughter's new "playmate", then looked at each other. Male, grinning. Female, a slight roll of eyes.

Mother approached her male, each footstep supported by an invisible "disk" of air, so her feet stayed clean and dry, no matter where she stepped. She took son from Father, so Father could focus on pulling feet from marsh-mud...

... "Hun..." said Father to daughter, green eyes deep and bright... "Though I do think playing in mud can be fun, I'm not sure our new guest feels the same." His eyes focused on Cat Lady, as sound of feet shlorking from marsh-mud grip colored his words. Him, now standing on his own secure ground, like his mate. And now able to offer his own clawed hand in aid, as he squatted down by daughter...

... "We really appreciate your enthusiasm, but you didn't need to go through so much trouble just to say Hi...!"
Oh, comedians, eh? A whole family of clowns.

Calista's eyes only narrowed further at their words, and her nose, upon receiving a boop, wriggled and twitched. Pearly fangs clicked in mid air, accompanied by a growl; a fair enough warning that the little girl watch her fingers lest they risk becoming ensnared in the surly woman's bite.

"I wasn't--"

"O-oh, ho, ho, hey there!" Malachai, ever the tame one, came skidding up beside his Lady, splashing her anew with another layer of muck. All the better to shut her up. "You'll have to excuse my friend here, it's been some time since she's left the house, let alone met anyone new."

The male, quite obviously human by his appearance, turned a charming smile upon the four creatures. Even making little coos and wiggly fingers at the infant. The cat lady, meanwhile, continued to sulk and brood in the mud.

"Cal, don't be rude," he insisted through gritted teeth.

Begrudgingly, Calista conceded to the offered hand, taking scaly claws into her own rather petite palm. Their cover had been blown and her attack wasted, after all. Not much more she could do unless she wanted to face another embarrassing spill. She hoisted herself to a stand and wiped the filth from her face, the unusually pale skin beneath a stark contrast to the brown that still caked the majority of her features. Even on two feet now, the feline was noticeably short; barely over five foot with the addition of pointed ears. Nevertheless, her attitude made up for whatever she lacked in size.

"Is that what brought you here, then? Your great love of mud?"
Tripped Up...

Perhaps her distractions kept her from noting the effortless strength of that alien grip. Her, hanging for a moment like a wad of tissue held by a rod of warm, living iron. Kept her from noticing "Hun" return her play-nip, with a giggle. Perhaps...

... "Oh, no, not at all!" Father released grip, then quite pointedly glanced down at the muck-splatter below his waist, ears back... "Not fond of mud in places best left unmentioned..." A glance towards his mate, all four nostrils flared...

... "We intended to arrive for the Lantern Fest in Topeka..." He turned back to human and Cat Lady... "Gotta teach the kits to appreciate music... wanted them to see the lanterns float away, into the night sky." A glance up, a grin... "But we're here. And there is always a reason for Advents like this."

About Mother?

Well, she hadn't failed to note the male human's attentions towards her son. So, as her mate spoke the word "kits", she stepped gracefully, moved close to the human and held out her male kit, giving out her own coo, though the wiggle came from her ears...

... "You may hold him." A warm, muzzled smile, as her tail's tuft swept between them.......

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