PARTNER REQUEST VERY specific search (I am creepypasta trash)

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Horror, fantasy, romance
I can't keep track of my threads so here's a shiny new one.
I kinda went MIA for a bit, only responding to like two people, and even then IC replies were few and far between. But I think I'm ready to fulfill my cravings.
So to repeat myself I have a very specific craving. Or rather two specific cravings. I'd like to play either Jeff the killer or my OC Acacia. I'll share some info about her but first some important bits.
1. I am pretty slow to reply IC. OOC I'm really fast, but IC just takes a lot out of me.
2. That in mind I am ghost friendly, would prefer a heads up, but I understand if not. I will do my best not to ghost you.
3. I am 34 and would prefer to play with someone 21+.
4. I do not under any circumstances do smut. Not with anyone.
5. I'm OK with any amounts for blood or gore but prefer to stay away from sexual violence.
6. I'm not above making my characters mentally ill, I have a lot of experience in that department.
7. I don't like to work on one or two lines a post. I don't ask for novels but I do want some weight to the reply.
8. I'm not a fan of fluff or slice of life. Not saying the roleplay can't be seasoned with it here and there, but it's just not my favourite.
So about Acacia Lange. She is a slender proxy. She has a fairly final backstory with attempted murder (of course) and attempted suicide. So if you're not comfortable with that then maybe we aren't a good fit. I have basically all the information in this deviation here, but of course don't be afraid to ask questions. Acacia
When I created her I was intentionally making her edgy and cringy, but I have grown to love her and I'd really like to develop her more.
As for Jeff he's....Jeff. I fully admit he's a crappypasta and I am here for it. I do play him as having schizophrenia (you can't tell me how to live my life). I'm working on rewriting his story, it's not done yet but if you like I can share what I have of it so far.
And that's about all I can think of right now. So yeah feel free to ask questions. Have a lovely day/night.