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  • Name: Skylar Noctis Petrova

    Nickname: Poppet/Puppet (great aunt only), Sky, SP, "The Bitch", "That Bitch"

    Age: 16, March 3rd, Bloodstone,

    Race: Caucasian/White

    Ethnicity: Catalans, French

    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

  • Height: 5'8

    Weight: 132 lb

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Red

    Marks: None

    Fashion Sense/Style: Skylar's fashion sense is alternative at best. Wears a little bit of everything between, gothic, punk, lolita, and casual to non casual. It's a mixed bag.

  • Personality:
    ISTP-T: Skylar is what is known as the Virtuoso, which is an explorer personality type. Her strategy on every day life and how she approaches situations is with the mind set of constant improvement. "How can I get better?" is something she will often ask herself, and she has the tendency to self-evaluate. However, this does not mean that she is good at it, and quite frankly she isn't. It takes a lot of patience and coaxing from friends before Skylar realizes that maybe she needs to change her attitude. Skylar has high marks in being introverted, observant, thinking, prospecting, and turbulent. All of these things make up what is known as the ISTP-T personality. A virtuoso is someone that loves to explore with their hands and eyes, touching the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. This over all personality type just loves to get their hands dirty by taking things apart and putting them back together. Skylar tends to take this a bit further in the fact that she'd much rather have her hands in everything if she can. She feels like she has more control that way.

    - Masked: Skylar is a liar in everything that she does in order to keep people from truly knowing her. She will change the majority of her habits depending on the people she is surrounded by as an attempt at keeping not just her true intentions hidden, but rather herself entirely. She's incredibly vague when expressing her interests, among other things, so it is easier for those around her to fall into the illusion. She does an excellent job at upholding a facade. Unlike people who do this simply for their own privacy, Skylar does this for several reasons, and most of them are some form of self-serving.This is why I don't particularly call her "mysterious", as it is a calculated effort to gain an upper hand in the world she lives in. She truly is a snake.

    - Selfish: As stated above, Skylar has the tendency to be self-serving, and would much rather think about herself and what is best for her rather than those around her. She always puts her own success above anyone's. Sometimes Skylar will go out of her way to purposely sabotage those that either rival her, or she views as a threat. When it comes to friends she's a little more loyal, but will not actively go out of her way to sacrifice her own priorities for the sake of a friend. What makes her selfish is that while she may not go out of her way to be supportive dependable friend, she expects it from others out right. She expects people to push aside their own problems or priorities for her sake, and she has lost a lot of friends due to it.

    - Envious: People whom seem to have it better off than Skylar leave a sour taste in her mouth, and she can quickly become a nasty person when she feels she's being one-upped. With people she despises she actively goes out of her way to knock these people down a peg either by spreading nasty rumors, or something else entirely. Basically just going out of her way to ruin whatever is making her envious, like the "If I can't have it no one can." type of mentality. When friends obtain things she wishes she had, or maybe they reach some sort of achievement she will become sarcastic rather than congratulatory, or belittle the occurrence with something like "What's the big deal?" She's a lot more passive aggressive with her friends rather than openly aggressive, and it does fade away over time.

    - Low Self Esteem: A lot of Skylar's more nastier traits is most likely due to her poor self esteem. Her father talked down to her a lot, and belittled her in every way. The way she was treated by her father, and the lack of a loving mother's presence really made Skylar feel like she wasn't good enough. Unfortunately rather than get the counseling she needs, she masks how she feels and acts like she's the best. When feeling self-loathing she projects her anger out unto others by becoming a bit of a bully. Some days are better than others, and her friends help with this a lot when things are going good.

    - Scornful: Scornful is read as being a feeling, attitude, or expression of contempt or of looking down on someone negatively. It is quite apparent that this is a learned trait due to her up bringing, and sort of goes hand in hand with all of her other negative traits. She's a very unforgiving individual towards those that have wronged her as well. Finds that people are easily deserving of her contempt, or their shortcomings.

    - Tsundere: Characterizes a person whom is cold, mean, and hostile towards another person or persons before gradually becoming warmer over time. It's just another defense mechanism against those she doesn't really trust. After getting to know people more she'll let on that there's a soft side to her.

    - Stubborn: Skylar has an intense determination and tends not to change her own attitude or stance on much of anything. She's very set in her ways, and its not until after several hours of careful consideration would she admit her faults. With shortcomings or challenges Skylar tends to face them head on, and hardly ever gives up on anything or anyone. If you've managed to garner her support, she will fight for you fiercely.

    - Flirtatious: Skylar is a very promiscuous individual and isn't one to really settle. She has had a string of bad lovers in the past, and as such is much less likely to enter a serious relationship with anyone. These days she'd much rather have a few fuck buddies and some one night stands than an actual partner. Sometimes she'll flirt for the sake of flirting, flirt to deflect, flirt to surprise, flirt to tease, flirt to have passionate evening with them later. If it just so happens that she does develop feelings for someone, then they'll know.

    - Blunt: Skylar believes that in a discussion truth should be more important than people's sensitivities, however Skylar tends to abuse this mentality by using it to bully people she doesn't like. She doesn't really have a tactful bone in her body, so some of her observations can come across as hurtful to others as it is typically devoid of thoughtfulness. Sometimes she does it with the best of intentions, but Skylar has a hard time putting things nicely.

    - Loyalty: While Skylar may not be the most dependable, responsible, generous, or humble friend She definitely values her friends and would never betray them. Sure she can be passive aggressive and a bit crass when she gets jealous, but she would never hurt them. She isn't afraid to fight for her friends too, and is quick to anger if she finds people harassing her friends. She's very protective in that way, even if it isn't entirely welcome.

    - Perseverance: The steadfast persistence and determination to continue on with a course of action, belief, or purpose, even if it's difficult or uncomfortable in order to reach a higher goal or outcome. This goes hand in hand with her Stubborn nature, however this is a more positive look on the trait. No matter how much trouble Skylar gets herself in, or the hardships she secretly faces, she will always get back up in the end.

    - Adventurous: Also known as being daring. These two words describe someone that have a willingness to accept risks, but they are not necessarily imprudent. These are people who like to try new things and always push themselves outside of their comfort zone, and Skylar just so happens to be one of these people. Personally, I would also say that people who like to travel to places unknown to them are adventurous.

    - Independent: Skylar, while she's a bit demanding for attention, isn't really one to ask for help. She would much rather work alone, and on her own time, than rely on other people. She doesn't want to burden others with any emotional baggage, and would have a hard time even opening up as it is. Skylar, outside of school, does not live with her family. She's gotten used to living alone for the past year now. It's important to note that Skylar isn't fully independent though. Since she belongs to a wealthy family of witches she receives an "allowance" from her grandmother, whom is the head of said family, and uses that to pay her bills. Every now and then Skylar will get bored and pick up a small part time job, but she doesn't tend to stick around.

    - Diligent: Due to Skylar's allowance being focused around her school grades, she always puts forth a constant and consistent effort into accomplishing things that affect her grades. She does extremely well with projects and assignments, but doesn't like to study. Her test scores are not the best, but she manages to pull off some As, Bs, and C. It's important to note that the definition of diligent does not mean that someone does something well, just that there is a constant amount of effort being put into something. While Skylar can tend to procrastinate on occasion, she always gets her work done.

    - Creative: Skylar, while she may not seem like, does have an interest in ambiguous things such as music, art, books. Her primary focus with these is music, but she can appreciate all forms of art. Skylar herself lets her creativity shine through with her projects, and in some of her interests. Unfortunately, she does use her creative ways of thinking when it comes to plotting nefarious deeds such as pranks, or maybe something a tad bit more vengeful. Her vocabulary can be quite creative too when addressing others.

    - Passionate: Having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feelings. Someone that feels strongly. Skylar is definitely someone whom feels strongly or a certain type of way about situations and people. Fortunately for her she does a very good job at keeping these to herself, unless she feels like causing a scene if it benefits her in some way. This trait is also a way to define someone whom is easily aroused to or influenced by sexual desire, and Skylar definitely fits that description.

    -Socializing to an extent
    -Rock music
    -Stuffed animals
    -Night life

    -Slow dances
    -Being Idle
    -Repetitive routines
    -Emotionally charged situations
    -Feeling trapped or constricted
    -Overbearing rules and regulations
    -Arbitrary conversations or people


  • Strengths & Weaknesses_

    -Music: Before Skylar's mother slowly slipped away from her, the two often bonded through music. Her mother being an exceptionally talented pianist wanted to share her love for music with Skylar. Some of Skylar's fondest memories is of their music lessons. Skylar never took a liking to the piano however, and instead learned how to play string instruments. Along with this, Skylar took singing lessons, and after a lot of hard work became a very talented singer. Once she perfected her singing she would often perform at extravagant family gatherings and balls. Skylar can also incorporate her enchantment magic into her singing voice, not to enchant those that hear her, but to allow her to sing in several different types of ways. Naturally Skylar wouldn't be able to sing deep notes like that of a man, but with her magic she can. She's never tried this outside of song though.

    -Dance: Due to Skylar being born into a high class family, and an old witch family, Skylar had to learn certain types of skills and etiquette for the social scene. Skylar's family, The Petrovas', are a very renowned family of witches, so their social gatherings were often very posh and classical. Formal styles of dance were taught to Skylar for these specific events. While she isn't particularly fond of dance, Skylar did eventually take an interest in dances that were more intimate, energized, and suggestive.

    -Mechanics/Shop: Skylar in her more recent years has developed an interest in how machines, among other things, work. Often taking a part broken things, looking at all the parts, recognizing why it's broken, fixing the problem, and putting it all back together again. It's not particularly a useful talent for a witch, but could still come in handy one day. Out of everything Skylar's primary interest is motorized bikes such as motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, and whatever else. A secondary interest is found in musical instruments, but primarily music boxes.


    Magical Catalyst: Staff


    Specialty Magic:
    Shadow Magic

    - Night's Cloak: This spells allows Skylar to do two things. She can turn any object or subject imperceptible, and hiding it even from clairvoyant sight. Secondly she can use it as a way of camouflage when hiding with in the shadows.

    - Cat's Eye: This allows Skylar to see in the dark with out the use of a glowing catalyst. She can bestow this onto others as well, with in a small group setting.

    - Shadow Control: This spell allows for the solidification of the surrounding area's shadows, and allows Skylar to manipulate them to her will. Primarily this is used to create shadow constructs such as weapons or golems. The most common of the constructs is tendrils.

    - Shadow Puppet: Using her connection to shadows and shadow magic, Skylar takes control over motor functions of others against their will as if they were a marionette via shadows, subjects are still conscious, but can't resist the user's puppet control. This can be executed by infusing ones shadow into the shadow of the target, physical contact, or simply having shadows touch. It requires a large sum of energy to cast this, and only lasts for a limited time.

    - Dark Cocoon: A means of defense. Skylar uses surrounding shadows to generate a impenetrable cocoon of sorts that protects her from harm. Can be used offensively with conjunction of other spells.

    - Darkness: Allows Skylar to create a shroud of darkness by absorbing outside light, or from summoning it from other locations. This increases the range of Skylar's shadows, as well as their over all capabilities.

    Secondary Magic:

    Enchantment is described as being the ability to put something or someone under spells. They have the power to manipulate certain types of magic or magic itself to accomplish goals. Enchantresses are usually known for their extraordinary beauty that isn't natural. Enchantresses also may even be able to transform others into virtually almost anything while other more potent enchanters are able to succeed in casting powerful spells or curses. Sometimes Enchantresses are able to charm certain objects through the use of spoken words. Over all Enchantresses seem to have a better understanding of their magic, excel at spells that require transformations such a shift or regalia, and charming/enchanting every day objects into magical ones. Skylar primarily uses her skills in Enchantment for various buffs and

    - Nullus Maledictum: "Null Cursing" allows her to remove curses, or make them less threatening. Can be casted on herself and on others.

    - Uisio: "Afterimage" creates identical copies of Skylar. After some time has passed the copies will become see through, and will eventually fade away. It is highly possible for the clone or clones to develop a mind of their own after being left alone for too long.

    - Coram Ad Infinitum: "Mesmeric Presence" is a spell that gives Skylar an overtly hypnotic presence much like that of a vampire or a fairy. Skylar's presence will have a dominating effect on the minds of those around her, and can make opponents too enamored to attack. People are more likely to be persuaded by her, or do her bidding. She can cast this spell on others as well. People with strong will power or higher intelligence are less likely to fall completely under the spell, or will be able to "snap out" of the spell.

    - Felix Decatur: "Lucky Draw" can be seen as a random chance spell. When casted successfully the spell will bestow luck onto the castor's target for a limited amount of time. The spell can be casted only five times, and each time the chance of a successful cast lowers. If a spell isn't successful, a jinx will be casted instead which will bestow bad luck onto the castor's target. If the spell is casted successfully and then fails a second time, then it will cancel out the buff given with the first spell. Very tricky!

    1 - 90%
    2 - 70%
    3 - 50%
    4 - 30%
    5 - 10%


  • Overview:
    Skylar was the unexpected child of Morrigan and Cecil Petrova. Her parents had been dating for a few years, and unexpectedly Morrigan had become pregnant during their fourth year together. The Petrova family was in a frenzy over the possibility of a little witch bring brought into their world. The Petrova house upheld very traditional values, some would even call them old fashioned, and as such the two were expected to marry. Morrigan's mother Anastasia gave Cecil her blessing to marry her daughter, and shortly after the marriage Skylar was born. The family was happy living in their neighborhood home and enjoying their life at first, and as expected Skylar showed great magical potential at a young age. Unfortunately, their home life started to become messy when Morrigan was contacted by one of her previous lovers that her first born child, whom she had left behind, had gone missing. Due to this Morrigan became hell bent on finding her other daughter, and she would leave for months at a time in search of this girl called Moselle. Skylar was ultimately ignored by her mother as she became engrossed in her studies regarding the salvation of someone they didn't even know. She wasn't the only one being ignored as well, her father was also having hardships with his wife's new occupation. Starting to feel neglected, the father began to seek ways to fill the hole in his now empty marriage. At first it was just simply late night drinking, but then night drinking eventually led into day drinking, and soon enough her father had become an alcoholic. Feeling spiteful and angry, her father would often take his frustrations out on her with very heavy verbal abuse. On occasion he would go so far as to physically hit her, but nothing more than a violent shove or back handed slap to the face.

    The witches school she was attending at the time had become Skylar's only peace of mind, but it was clear that something was wrong. Her grades were starting to slip, she was acting out more in class, causing scenes with students, but nothing so serious that it would elicit a phone call. She was a class clown more than anything. One day, Skylar wanted to play prank on one of her friends, and purposely messed up the potion they were working on in class. Her friend hadn't noticed however, and added another ingredient that reacted violently with whatever Skylar put in. An accident occurred in the lab, and a few student's had gotten hurt during the situation. Infuriated parents demanded that Skylar be expelled from their school, and not having any other choice the school complied with the parent's wishes. Things with her father didn't go very well that night, but her family compensated for all the medical bills and school repairs. Being labeled as a problem child, no other school in her home town would accept her and Skylar had to study magic at home. No longer being allowed on school grounds caused a rift between her and her friends, some of whom were also furious with Skylar's carelessness, and eventually they distanced themselves from Skylar all together. Feeling betrayed, Skylar turned bitter.

    One day she came across her ex friends at their local mall, and caused a scene not just with them but with the local law enforcement. BellaDonna's Home for Witches took notice of Skylar after her scene made the headlines, and fearing that the young witch was bringing to much attention to herself, reached out to Cecil in hopes of taking Skylar under the home's wing. She'd receive all the magical education she would need, as well much needed guidance to put her back on the "right path". After consulting about it with Morrigan, the two agreed to send Skylar away to BellaDonna's.

  • Family:
    - Morrigan Petrova: Morrigan is Skylar's mother, and is exceptionally talented in magic that influences time and space. Morrigan often prefers her time based magic, and frequently travels the world and different time eras. Seems very obsessed with the salvation of her first born child, almost estranged.

    -Cecil Petrova: Skylar's alcoholic and abusive father.

    -Anastasia Petrova: The head of the Petrova family, and Skylar's grandmother. Anastasia is very famous in the magic community due to her company Potent Inc. being a staple in anything magic. She has stores across several realms. An extremely talented witch in spells and potions.

    -Xavier Petrova: Skylar's deceased grandfather. He died mysteriously before Skylar was born. Even Anastasia couldn't figure out what magic killed him, and she's an expert on these kinds of things.

    -Moselle Johnson: Moselle is Skylar's half sister that has gone missing. Skylar blames Moselle for her family falling apart, and for the abuse she's had to suffer.

    Current Status: Single

    Love Interest: None




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  • Name: Skylar Noctis Petrova

    Nickname: Poppet/Puppet (Constance), Sky, SP, "The Bitch", "That Bitch", "The Chaos Rose"

    Age: 16, March 3rd, Bloodstone,

    Race: Magi

    Ethnicity: Catalans, French

    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

    Voice:Skylar's voice is often toneless due to her disinterest in most the world around her. She doesn't care to talk to others, so when she is bothered by someone it is often dry. Though she's not always like this, and on her better days she has a smokey and fruity kind of voice. A fruity voice or laugh is deep and strong in a pleasant way, and a smokey voice is sexually attractive in a slightly mysterious way.

    Languages Spoken: French(Proficient), English(Proficient), German(Amateur), Vampir (Amateur), Atlantean (Proficient)

    Occupation: Skylar is a singer at Sal's, a pub located on a street corner in Nautchwald. She also do small sessions at her favorite cafe. She's considering taking gigs at gentleman's clubs, but wonders if it would be distasteful.

  • Height: 5'8

    Weight: 132 lb

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Red

    Marks: Her forearms are covered in scar marks, and burn marks. Her hips have them as well.

    Fashion Sense/Style: Skylar's fashion sense is alternative at best. Wears a little bit of everything between gothic and punk. Both ranging from casual to non casual. It's a mixed bag really.

  • Personality:
    ISTP-T: Skylar is what is known as the Virtuoso, which is an explorer personality type. Her strategy on every day life and how she approaches situations is with the mind set of constant improvement. "How can I get better?" is something she will often ask herself, and she has the tendency to self-evaluate. However, this does not mean that she is good at it, and quite frankly she isn't. It takes a lot of patience and coaxing from friends before Skylar realizes that maybe she needs to change her attitude. Skylar has high marks in being introverted, observant, thinking, prospecting, and turbulent. All of these things make up what is known as the ISTP-T personality. A virtuoso is someone that loves to explore with their hands and eyes, touching the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. This over all personality type just loves to get their hands dirty by taking things apart and putting them back together. Skylar tends to take this a bit further in the fact that she'd much rather have her hands in everything if she can. She feels like she has more control that way.

    - Masked: Skylar is a liar in everything that she does in order to keep people from truly knowing her. She will change the majority of her habits depending on the people she is surrounded by as an attempt at keeping not just her true intentions hidden, but rather herself entirely. She's incredibly vague when expressing her interests, among other things, so it is easier for those around her to fall into the illusion. She does an excellent job at upholding a facade. Unlike people who do this simply for their own privacy, Skylar does this for several reasons, and most of them are some form of self-serving.This is why I don't particularly call her "mysterious", as it is a calculated effort to gain an upper hand in the world she lives in. She truly is a snake.

    - Envious / Bitter: Skylar is envious of people who clearly have it better off than her, and it makes her feel like less of a person. It reminds her that she is not as well off as others, and it puts a sour taste in her mouth. She is very mean to people that reminds her of her state of being, but she doesn't care enough to really ruin what they have. It just makes her bitter. When friends obtain things she wishes she had, or maybe they reach some sort of achievement she will become sarcastic rather than congratulatory, or belittle the occurrence with something like "What's the big deal?" She's a lot more passive aggressive with her friends rather than openly aggressive, and it does fade away over time.

    - Low Self Esteem: A lot of Skylar's more nastier traits is most likely due to her poor self esteem. Her mother talked down to her a lot, and belittled her in every way. The way she was treated by her mother, and the lack of a loving mother's presence really made Skylar feel like she wasn't good enough. Unfortunately rather than get the counseling she needs, she masks how she feels and suffers quietly. When feeling self-loathing she projects her anger out unto others by becoming a bit of a bully. Some days are better than others, and her friends help with this a lot when things are going good.

    - Scornful: Scornful is read as being a feeling, attitude, or expression of contempt or of looking down on someone negatively. It is quite apparent that this is a learned trait due to her up bringing, and sort of goes hand in hand with all of her other negative traits. She's a very unforgiving individual towards those that have wronged her as well. Finds that people are easily deserving of her contempt, or their shortcomings.

    - Tsundere: Characterizes a person whom is cold, mean, and hostile towards another person or persons before gradually becoming warmer over time. It's just another defense mechanism against those she doesn't really trust. After getting to know people more she'll let on that there's a soft side to her.

    - Stubborn: Skylar has an intense determination and tends not to change her own attitude or stance on much of anything. She's very set in her ways, and its not until after several hours of careful consideration would she admit her faults. With shortcomings or challenges Skylar tends to face them head on, and hardly ever gives up on anything or anyone. If you've managed to garner her support, she will fight for you fiercely.

    - Flirtatious: Skylar is a very promiscuous individual and isn't one to really settle. She has had a string of bad lovers in the past, and as such is much less likely to enter a serious relationship with anyone. These days she'd much rather have a few fuck buddies and some one night stands than an actual partner. Sometimes she'll flirt for the sake of flirting, flirt to deflect, flirt to surprise, flirt to tease, flirt to have passionate evening with them later. If it just so happens that she does develop feelings for someone, then they'll know.

    - Blunt: Skylar believes that in a discussion truth should be more important than people's sensitivities, however Skylar tends to abuse this mentality by using it to bully people she doesn't like. She doesn't really have a tactful bone in her body, so some of her observations can come across as hurtful to others as it is typically devoid of thoughtfulness. Sometimes she does it with the best of intentions, but Skylar has a hard time putting things nicely.

    - Loyal: While Skylar may not be the most dependable, responsible, generous, or humble friend She definitely values her friends and would never betray them. Sure she can be passive aggressive and a bit crass when she gets jealous, but she would never hurt them. She isn't afraid to fight for her friends too, and is quick to anger if she finds people harassing her friends. She's very protective in that way, even if it isn't entirely welcome.

    - Perseverance: The steadfast persistence and determination to continue on with a course of action, belief, or purpose, even if it's difficult or uncomfortable in order to reach a higher goal or outcome. This goes hand in hand with her Stubborn nature, however this is a more positive look on the trait. No matter how much trouble Skylar gets herself in, or the hardships she secretly faces, she will always get back up in the end.

    - Adventurous: Also known as being daring. These two words describe someone that have a willingness to accept risks, but they are not necessarily imprudent. These are people who like to try new things and always push themselves outside of their comfort zone, and Skylar just so happens to be one of these people. Personally, I would also say that people who like to travel to places unknown to them are adventurous.

    - Independent: Skylar, while she's a bit demanding for attention, isn't really one to ask for help. She would much rather work alone, and on her own time, than rely on other people. She doesn't want to burden others with any emotional baggage, and would have a hard time even opening up as it is. Skylar, outside of school, does not live with her family. She's gotten used to living alone for the past year now. It's important to note that Skylar isn't fully independent though. Since she belongs to a wealthy family of witches she receives an "allowance" from her grandmother, whom is the head of said family, and uses that to pay her bills. Every now and then Skylar will get bored and pick up a small part time job, but she doesn't tend to stick around.

    - Diligent: Due to Skylar's allowance being focused around her school grades, she always puts forth a constant and consistent effort into accomplishing things that affect her grades. She does extremely well with projects and assignments, but doesn't like to study. Her test scores are not the best, but she manages to pull off some As, Bs, and C. It's important to note that the definition of diligent does not mean that someone does something well, just that there is a constant amount of effort being put into something. While Skylar can tend to procrastinate on occasion, she always gets her work done.

    - Creative: Skylar, while she may not seem like, does have an interest in ambiguous things such as music, art, books. Her primary focus with these is music, but she can appreciate all forms of art. Skylar herself lets her creativity shine through with her projects, and in some of her interests. Unfortunately, she does use her creative ways of thinking when it comes to plotting nefarious deeds such as pranks, or maybe something a tad bit more vengeful. Her vocabulary can be quite creative too when addressing others.

    - Passionate: Having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feelings. Someone that feels strongly. Skylar is definitely someone whom feels strongly or a certain type of way about situations and people. Fortunately for her she does a very good job at keeping these to herself, unless she feels like causing a scene if it benefits her in some way. This trait is also a way to define someone whom is easily aroused to or influenced by sexual desire, and Skylar definitely fits that description.

    -Socializing to an extent
    -Rock music
    -Stuffed animals
    -Night life

    -Slow dances
    -Being Idle
    -Repetitive routines
    -Emotionally charged situations
    -Feeling trapped or constricted
    -Overbearing rules and regulations
    -Arbitrary conversations or people



  • Strengths

    Talents / Skills:
    -Music: Before Skylar's father slowly slipped away from her, the two often bonded through music. Her father being an exceptionally talented pianist wanted to share his love for music with Skylar. Some of Skylar's fondest memories is of their music lessons. Skylar never took a liking to the piano however, and instead learned how to play string instruments. Along with this, Skylar took singing lessons, and after a lot of hard work became a very talented singer. Once she perfected her singing she would often perform at extravagant family gatherings and balls. Skylar can also incorporate her enchantment magic into her singing voice, not to enchant those that hear her, but to allow her to sing in several different types of ways. Naturally Skylar wouldn't be able to sing deep notes like that of a man, but with her magic she can. She's never tried this outside of song though.

    -Dance: Due to Skylar being born into a high class family, and an old witch family, Skylar had to learn certain types of skills and etiquette for the social scene. Skylar's family, The Petrovas', are a very renowned family of witches, so their social gatherings were often very posh and classical. Formal styles of dance were taught to Skylar for these specific events. While she isn't particularly fond of dance, Skylar did eventually take an interest in dances that were more intimate, energized, and suggestive.

    -Mechanics/Shop: Skylar in her more recent years has developed an interest in how machines, among other things, work. Often taking a part broken things, looking at all the parts, recognizing why it's broken, fixing the problem, and putting it all back together again. It's not particularly a useful talent for a witch, but could still come in handy one day. Out of everything Skylar's primary interest is motorized bikes such as motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, and whatever else. A secondary interest is found in musical instruments, but primarily music boxes.

    Arsenal: Staff


    Elemental Affinity:
    Shadow Magic

    - Night's Cloak: This spells allows Skylar to do two things. She can turn any object or subject imperceptible, and hiding it even from clairvoyant sight. Secondly she can use it as a way of camouflage when hiding with in the shadows.

    - Cat's Eye: This allows Skylar to see in the dark with out the use of a glowing catalyst. She can bestow this onto others as well, with in a small group setting.

    - Shadow Control: This spell allows for the solidification of the surrounding area's shadows, and allows Skylar to manipulate them to her will. Primarily this is used to create shadow constructs such as weapons or golems. The most common of the constructs is tendrils.

    Rose Witch Abilities:
    + Dark Arts
    User can utilize the Dark Art: a form of magic typically used for selfish, self-serving and/or nefarious purposes. Though it is not necessarily "evil" magic per say, dark arts tend to focus toward destruction, harming, cursing and otherwise complicating the lives of other people while advancing the user's own state. Users often reject social convention and the status quo, which some suggest is in a search for spiritual freedom. As a part of this, they embrace magical techniques and practices that would traditionally be viewed as taboo and are generally willing to go farther than most would even consider if it serves their ends.



    Chaos Magic

    Remote Possession

    Curse Manipulation

    Motor-Skill Manipulation

    Hexes (more information, information, and information)

    + Signature Spell
    The user is able to amplify their chaos magic allowing them to affect a wider radius. The radius can be larger than a city, and is not subjected to a single fixated point. Rather it can be split between several targets at the price of a smaller radius. Entire cities have been decimated with this spell. The spell causes those trapped with in the given radius to act out on their darkest desires no matter how dangerous to themselves or those around them. Actions vary depending on the individual, but usually the city will quickly fall at the hands of the very people living inside it. The spell can be countered by the Red Rose Witch's "Transendence" as well as any spell of the Blue Rose Witch. The spell takes a heavy toll on the castor, but it is not particularly life threatening. It will drain the user of their magical ability, rendering them unable to cast until their energy is restored.

    + Skylar trains at the dojo with her (cousin) Celeste, and she does rigorous exercising. Skylar is extremely physically fit, and has a very nicely toned body. If she worked out more she'd probably have a four pack.

    + Skylar is used to getting hurt by some means, so she has a high pain tolerance.


    + UUUUUUUUHM.........



    + Suicidal

    + Depression

    + Bouts of Insanity

    + Corrupted Soul

    + Nightmares / Insomnia

    + Fluctuating empathy, largely apathetic

    + Intrusive thoughts



  • Overview:
    Skylar was the unexpected child of Lucius and Chloe Petrova. Her parents had been dating for a few years, and unexpectedly Chloe had become pregnant during their fourth year together. The Petrova Manor was in a frenzy over the possibility of a little witch bring brought into the family. The Petrova house upheld very traditional values, and as such the two were expected to marry. Lucius's mother Sephiria gave Chloe her blessing to marry her son, and shortly after the marriage Skylar was born. The family was happy at first living in the manor and enjoying their life, but it's hard for someone like the White Rose Magi to stay in one place for too long. Skylar was ultimately neglected by her father as he became engrossed in his studies and his travels. She wasn't the only one being ignored as well, her mother was also having hardships with her husband's life style. Starting to feel neglected, the mother began to seek ways to fill the hole in her now empty marriage. At first it was just simply late night drinking, but then night drinking eventually led into day drinking, and soon enough her mother had become an alcoholic. Feeling spiteful and angry, her mother would often take her frustrations out on Skylar with very heavy verbal abuse. On occasion she would go so far as to physically hit her, but nothing more than a violent shove or back handed slap to the face. Eventually Chloe got tired of her marriage, and also filed for divorce. Skylar moved into an apartment in down town Nautchwald with her mother, and started attending public schooling.

  • Family:
    - Lucius Petrova: Skylar's father, and is exceptionally talented in magic that influences time and space. Lucius often prefers his time based magic, and frequently travels the realms and different time eras. His relationship with Skylar is complex, and Skylar often acts out as an attempt to get his attention.

    -Chloe Nightshade: Skylar's alcoholic and abusive mother.

    -Sephiria Petrova: The head of the Petrova family, and Skylar's grandmother. Sephiria is very famous in the magic community due to her company Potent Inc. being a staple in anything magic. She has stores across several realms. An extremely talented witch in spells and potions. Skylar and Sephiria have a complicated relationship due to Skylar's actions around Nautchwald.

    - Xavier Petrova: Skylar's deceased grandfather. He died mysteriously before Skylar was born. Even Sephiria couldn't figure out what magic killed him, and she's an expert on these kinds of things.

    - Moselle Johnson: Moselle is Skylar's half sister. Skylar blames Moselle for her family falling apart, and for the abuse she's had to suffer.Skylar believes all of her problems in life are Moselle's fault.

    - Ent: Skylar's familiar, a shadow spirit that has adopted a puppy as his vessel. The two are exceptionally close, often feeding into each others more darker personality traits. The two tend to cause chaos around Nautchwald to feed Ent, and because Skylar couldn't care less.

    - Terra: The Orange Rose Witch, a Magi that came into her life a while after having been bonded with Ent. Terra isn't oblivious to Skylar's chaotic tendencies, but she is under the impression that there is still good in Skylar. Skylar can see herself in Terra, and while she wouldn't normally care, she doesn't want Terra to fall into the pit like she has. Terra is the first real friend Skylar has had since meeting Ent, and the two have become exceptionally close. They've experienced a lot together, and while Terra trusts Skylar fully, Skylar is not as open about some of the things she faces.

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"POOF! :3"
"Did I won?"
"You do you, and I'll do me. And we won't do each other... probably."
" I'll stab them in the butt... That's what I'll do..."
"Let's just nope off to Fuckthatville!"
"Can we do it? No we can't!...Maybe."
"I don't know. I'm not very committed to this decision, but whatever."
"Helloooo, baaaayby! How YOU doin'?"
"Little piggy, no no! Little piggy, go home!"
"I'm back at the red dildo! AGAIN!"
"Thor! I told thee to calm thine tits! Thine tits are very rambunctious."
"Wilfred Warfstache don't take no shit from nobody!"
"To infini-nope and beyond."
"I didn't see Chica comin', and that is NOT a joke for the internet to enjoy!"
"Stop that Sousaphone Man!"
"F you in the A, and have a nice day!"
"What rhymes with axe? More axe!"
"Ain't no singing children gonna be tolerated around here!"
"I love meat. I love the way it explodes with juice in my mouth."
"He's gonna nibble on my giblets!!!"
"Oh, listen. It's the sultry sounds of my death! Wow!"
"Mark births a chair! It's a boy!"
"I'm king of the squirrels!!!"
"Get the happy juice, get the happy juice! Aaawh I got the happy juice."
"And as always I will see YOU in the next video! Buh-bye~!"


9/17/2015 - 10/1/2015
Excuse me, let me just shower you with my love!

October 1st - 30th, 2015​

~ Halloween Countdown ~
1 Days Remaining


November 1st- November 10th 2015​


November 10th - December 27th 2015

December 27th, 2015 - February 14th, 2016

February 14th - March 2, 2016

~ Happy Valentines Day ~

March 2 - May 26, 2016​

May 26 - July 14, 2016​

"Psh. He wishes."
- Juniper

Juniper Moon Kempler

Jun, Juni, Junun, Jun Jun, Moon

Specialty Names
Bench Bud (August)
Junebug (TBD)

Friday, April 17, 2000 (17)

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2014 (3)

Friday, November 11, 2016 ( 2 months)



Pansexual, but appears very disinterested in dating.


Third Year

Professional Shit Starter. Just kidding. She volunteers at the school library, and works part time as a museum attendant.


Juniper is 5'11 and weighs 142 pounds. She's very masculine looking for a woman, and it has gotten her plenty of shit growing up. Despite all that she quite likes her appearance. She has fair skin that is blemish free, soft hazel eyes, plump lips, and angular nose. Her short blonde hair is soft, full, and stylized. Her taut body is covered in both scars and tattoos, giving her more of a tough look. The tattoo's on her knuckles are fake and drawn on every day to spell out her mom's name Circe. The hand tattoo is just an intricate detail work. She had a few others. Juniper tends to dress in sweaters with slacks, and oxford shoes. Her style tends to be described as "the casual gentleman". She accessorizes depending on the weather! Sometimes she wears nice leather gloves with scarves, other times its bangles and neck ware. Year round she is found wearing nail polish, typically black or a metallic color, and ear studs.

Juniper is a mixed bag due to being clinically diagnosed with depression. On a good day she is polite, sarcastic, and playful, but even on a good day her mood can shift to being indifferent and withdrawn. On a bad day she is very difficult to deal with. She is aggressive and self destructive. Despite her bad days, and her behavior during her bad days, Juniper is genuinely trying to get better and feels deeply ashamed for her actions. She hates herself, and it's part of the problem. She is still attending therapy sessions.

Positive Traits
- Humble
- Generous
- Perseverance
- Polite
- Playful

Negative Traits
- Aloof / Indifferent
- Self - destructive (goes about this in several different ways)
- Aggressive
- Miserable / Disconsolate
- Unpredictable

- When excited, upset, angry, embarrassed, spooked, or aroused her fangs will pop out prematurely.

- Tea
- Gardening
- Smoking
- Stormy Weather
- Literature
- Cats






- Literacy. She likes to write short stories, and dabbles in poetry.

- Art. This includes traditional and digital. She's great at sketching, and knows how to use adobephotoshop and illustrator as well as other art programs.

- Languages. She knows a few languages such as spanish, japanese, and sign. She wants to expand her knowledge on languages. She's constantly practicing so she doesn't forget.

- Singing. She has a pleasant singing voice.

- Math. She is very good a number crunching and handling anything that has to do with numbers. She's very advanced at math, and is capable of solving complex equations in her own head. She's so talented with numbers that math class tends to be a bore for her. This includes money. She isn't a big spender.


Gift Description

- Strength: Her strength is above average, but it isn't anything to brag about when it comes to fellow vampires. She can lift a car with out breaking a sweat, but she's never really pushed her limits.

- Charm: Her charm is incredibly high, but not because of some super ability that was gifted to her upon turning. She just has amazing sex appeal with out even knowing it apparently. As a vampire it has increased only slightly.

- Aura: She totally sucks at hypnosis.



- Self Destructive: Physical neglect. Refusing to eat and taking care of oneself. Self Harm.
- Like most vampires Juniper looses much of her strength when met with sunlight.
- Has an extreme allergic reaction to garlic. It can kill her if she eats too much of it.
- Is allergic to werewolf bites, it will weaken her considerably. Might even kill.
- She for some reason or another, cannot cross running water.

- Clinical Depression
- Intrusive Thoughts
- Suicidal Thoughts
- Bouts of apathy and numbness
- Feelings of self-loathing, worthlessness, and helplessness
- Bouts of disconnect from self and the world around them
- Self Destructive: Social Suicide, Purposely sabotaging relationships, Self-Pity, Purposely trying to harm others in the hopes that it will be served right back to her.


Circe kempler - (CEer-s) Juniper deceased mother. Greek. Died of cancer. Eventually lead to Juniper suicide.

Tanaka Ken - Juniper's biological father. Japanese. Juniper does not hold him in high regards.

Sarah Puller - Foster Mom.

Micheal Puller - Foster Dad.

Thomas Puller - Foster Brother.

Sehkmet - Her pet cat.

Cassius Grey Lysander - Originally her psychiatrist. The man secretly infected Juniper with his vampire blood because he knew she was suicidal, and for personal reasons. He feels like he can show her how to enjoy life and the world over time. He is now her sire and current legal guardian. Juniper feels conflicted about their relationship and the man in general.

Jade Ethan - Friend. A girl Juniper met while visiting her sire after they moved to Roseburn. Juniper noticed Jade was reading a book she had been interested in, and inquired about it. They discuss literature whenever they meet each other. Juniper hasn't told Jade that their shared psychiatrist is also her legal guardian.

Aurora La Belle - Friend? She met Aurora while visiting her bookshop to get books she needed for a few advanced placement classes she will be taking. Noticing the books, Aurora asked if she was a new student at Roseburn high where she also attended. Since then Juniper will stop by the bookshop every now and then to buy new books, or to chat with Aurora. Over time the two will grow closer.

August Fontaine - To Be Friend. Juniper was surprised when the boy wandered to her table to make awkward conversation. Apparently he has an eye for detail, and enjoys her art work. Juniper feels like they'll have a unique friendship, and wants to get to know him more. For now their conversations is all banter, sarcasm, and simply just messing around.



The hardships of life started early for Juniper. For as long as she can remember it had always been just her and her mom. Her dad had left them when she was a baby, and the action caused a very bleak childhood in Juniper's opinion. Her mother had to work all the time to support them, and couldn't afford a day care center to look after Juniper. Instead Juniper was babysat by her mom's friends, who really wanted nothing to do with her. They took care of her, fed her when she needed feeding, provided her with things to play with, and things like that. Though they never wanted to invest too much of their own attention into her. Often Juniper was left in front of a T.V. with some coloring books. As she grew older Juniper grew accustomed to keeping to herself, but it did cause problems when it came to associating with others at school. Juniper had next to no people skills asides from the manners bestowed upon her by her mother. During recces most would find Juniper sitting on the swings and eerily watching the others play, or she would stay inside with a book or something else to pass the time. Despite not being very approachable, a few kids did try to talk to her. Despite making things mostly awkward, their conversations were typically pleasant. Eventually she and those few would spend their time together discussing cartoons or coloring together. Though kids are kids, and every now and then Juniper would find herself at odds with her supposed friends. At the time it was an ordeal, but presently Juniper finds those fights to be stupidly silly. She thinks on those memories fondly.

Due to making a few friends as a child, Juniper's social skills had developed. Talking to others was easier, but she was still learning and growing as a person just like everyone else. As she entered middle school Juniper felt out of place. None of her friends were going to the same school as her, and once again she became withdrawn and disinterested in others. The kids in middle school were vile in her opinion, and she remembers that this was when things went to the shitter for her. During her first year she had found a group of girls bullying a cornered student. Juniper being raised with certain morals felt inclined to step in, which she didn't regret to this day, but the action certainly painted a target on her back. At first Juniper was able to scare them all away. She was tall and intimidating after all, and the bullies were taken aback by the notion that anyone would so confidently oppose them. The student Juniper saved was unique, and eventually played an important role in her life. Juniper didn't know what non-binary was until she had met this person, in fact she didn't know a lot of things about what was out in the world. She had lived a fairly sheltered life. Still after learning more through her friend, Juniper realized that she too was possibly non-binary. Growing up she had worn hand me downs from both men and women. Baggy clothes, overalls, and beat up sneakers were normal for her, and even as a child she didn't bother to correct those that assumed she was of the opposite sex. In her mind it wasn't important to her. It wasn't necessarily a comfort thing. She just didn't care. Still Juniper grew tired of her frumpy clothes, and adopted her friends more fashionable appearances. The change gave other students material to bully her with, and the occurrence left Juniper blank. She had never truly been bullied before by another human being and wasn't really sure how to react to the situation. Though when it kept reoccurring Juniper started growing annoyed by it all. When they targeted her friend, she became aggressive, but normally they would back off before Juniper would do something she regretted.

In her eighth year Juniper was met with some unfortunate news. Her mother had been diagnosed with cancer. It wasn't the kind of cancer that could be treated, and her mother wasn't going to be around for much longer. The news hit hard. Loosing her mother was the hardest thing Juniper ever had to face. She didn't dare tell anyone though, but it was apparent by her change in character that something had happened. She started acting out in class, not in a bad way, but she just couldn't take anything seriously. She quickly became the class clown, and when confronted by teachers privately she was silent and withdrawn. She became more volatile with her bullies, and more physically aggressive. She would throw things at them, small things, trip them up in the hall way, purposely shove them out of her way. Nothing that would illicit the attention of teachers, but it was almost as if she was daring them to up the ante. As her mother's conditioned worsened, Juniper eventually became just miserable to be around. She was snappy with friends, defiant with teachers, and rude to strangers. Between all the commotion between school, being forced to work, and watching her mother rot away, Juniper eventually snapped at school. All it took was for a mean girl and her cliche to start talking shit about her mother. Juniper quickly put an end to that when her fist connected to the girl's mouth. The scene was animalisitc, and Juniper's friends had a hard time restraining her. By the time security arrived to put an end to her attack she had already beat the girl bloody. As the security cuffed Juniper and pulled her away she looked back to see a group of kids quickly running to the other girl's aid, and she knew in that moment that she had made a terrible mistake.

Juniper was expelled from her school, and the girl's family decided to press charges. Given Juniper's circumstances, and the fact that the girl she had attacked wasn't entirely squeaky clean, Juniper was given a fine to pay and community service time. Juniper managed to pay off the fine in a month or two, and community service wasn't bad either. It most certainly hadn't taught her a lesson, as Juniper enjoyed helping her community, but even before that she knew what she did wasn't right. She had never felt more ashamed of herself than she did those months. She felt ashamed for losing herself like that, for how she treated her friends, for a lot of things really. Her mother's conditioned had worsened and eventually Juniper was placed into foster care. Her new family were kind folks, but Juniper just couldn't keep her head above water. When the day her mother passed away, Juniper grew numb. She couldn't even bring herself to say good bye before she died, and Juniper hated herself for it. Her foster family was suspicious that Juniper suffered some kind of mental illness, but Juniper was very good at hiding how she truly felt. Still given the circumstances, Juniper was assigned a psychiatrist. She thought it was awkward at first, and she certainly wasn't planning on telling the guy anything. Their first several sessions she opted to simply take a nap on the man's couch. He didn't press anything though, and Juniper appreciated that and found it strange all at the same time. Soon enough Juniper was the first to break the ice, and she was the one that started asking questions. She wasn't going to open up to someone she didn't know after all. After a while her sessions became conversations, and after that her walls came down around him. Still she couldn't bring herself to open up about her intrusive thoughts, and how worthless she felt. Though for some reason she felt like he already knew that.

Welp I feel like wrapping this up so the next paragraph will be rushed and feel like a weird time skip.

One of her friends was having a birthday party. It wasn't Juniper's typical scene. It was too crowded. It was too noisy. It was simply too much. Juniper felt miserable and out of place as per usual. Still she tried taking her friends advice and had a few shots to ease her nerves. It helped a little, but she still felt indifferent about the people here. That's when she saw her, the mean girl she had beat up last year. Juniper's heart had began to race as the feeling of anxiety welled up inside her. Their eyes met, and before Juniper could see the other's reaction to her being there she quickly turned away and headed for the kitchen. It was quieter in the kitchen, but not by much. Needing to calm her nerves more, Juniper downed a few more shots to steady herself. Though the notion made her feel like a hot mess. She felt someone tug on her sleeve and Juniper nearly spit out her drink in surprise. The girl had followed her into the kitchen, and wanted to talk. Taking a raspy breath Juniper let her continue. She waited for it. For this girl to tear into her. Juniper felt like she deserved it. She was surprised by the apology, and the confession that followed with it. Though before Juniper could formulate a response a group of boys stepped in and shoved Juniper back. The aggressor was the girl's older brother. Juniper remembered him from her trial. Accusations were thrown, and vicious words. This is what Juniper wanted, but it hurt, and again Juniper felt ashamed. Muttering a quick apology Juniper quickly excused herself and fled the party. The rest of the night was a blur for her. Though most of that year had become a grey haze anyways, so why would the day she died be any different.

Apparently in her drunken stupor and heavy self loathing Juniper took her own life by leaping from a building down town. She was lifeless for quite sometime, before waking up in total darkness and six feet under. The first bouts of panic were quickly subsided by this voice speaking to her. She wasn't sure how it worked back then, but it sounded like her psychiatrist. She felt comfort in the voice as usual, and it calmed her nerves much like the whiskey she had only last week. Listening to his instruction she clawed her way out of her shallow grave and he helped her out of her bed. The world around her was different now. Everything was louder, brighter, and more intense. Yet despite this she new that nothing would change, and red tears stained her cheeks as she realized that the peacefulness of death had been stolen from her...forever. After her transformation Juniper and her sire moved back to his home town of Roseburn so she could properly grow accustomed to her new capabilities as a vampire.

Heavy hands wipe away at blood stained lips, but the action only causes the liquid to smear across her cheek. There is a grunt of frustration before hazel eyes notice a wet wipe dangling in front of them. The man offering is handsome and smiling affectionately down.

"Ugh. Don't look at me that way." A soft voice says up at him, to which he just laughs.

"Why? Does it make you uncomfortable Juniper?" He says a teasing playfulness in his voice.

The woman sitting in front of him simply rolls her pretty eyes, and uses the wet wipe to clean herself up. Juniper could already feel the affect of the blood she just drank with in her. Her entire body felt refreshed as the tiredness that had been plaguing her began to recede away. The young blonde watches her sire move aside, and fall into the couch next to her. Things have been....nice the past couple of weeks. Maybe moving to a new town was just the change she needed in life, though she still wasn't sure if she enjoyed being a baby bat. The constant desire to feed was annoying, but with her sire's help she is slowly gaining control over her urges. Plus she had always liked the man's presence even before the change when he was just her psychiatrist. Although this new development made her feel awkward. What was she supposed to call him now? Dad? Her brow furrowed at the thought. The word felt so foreign to her
, but he is certainly doting like one.
Juniper instinctively looks to her shoulder feeling the subtle touch of her sire's hand. Her eyes shift up to look at the man's face, and his features are soft.

"Relax. One thing at a time." Is all he says to her, and he then motions to the T.V. in front of them. Juniper gingerly takes ahold of the remote and begins to flip through the channels until stopping on their local news station. The anchors on the telly are announcing the sudden find of a dead woman in the woods, and Juniper immediately frowns. She's about to change the channel when her sire's hand reaches out to stop her. The action confuses her for a moment, and she glances up at him questioningly. Juniper is taken aback at how intense his expression has suddenly become, and she quickly returns her attention back to the news. The female anchor finally drops the name of the deceased woman.

"If anyone has any information about the death of Hazel please call your local help line at...." but Juniper's attention quickly snaps away from the telly to her sire. She felt it through the connection that they have, his sudden deep sadness at this news. She has never seen the man cry before, so there is no doubt with in Juniper's mind that he knew the woman. He abruptly stands from the couch turning away from her.

"I need to make a few calls." Is all he says before he scurries off to his study and leaves her in the living room. Alone with her thoughts.


Theme Song


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(picture, preferable anime or cartoon. They need to look around their age as well. No pic of someone that looks like a child)
Age: (14-18 for students. 22 and up for teachers)
Height & Weight:
Appearance: (Anything you want to add about them. Tattoos, piercings, ect.)
Grade/Teaches Grade: (10-12)
Clubs/Coaches Club:
Position: (Top, switch, bottom)
Kinks: (Your kinks)
No-Goes: (Your no-goes, what isn't listed as a kink or no go will be considered okay for others to do with your character)
Other: (Additional info you want us to know.)
(Yes or No category)
Can They Be Bullied:
Will They Bully:
Can They Be Raped:
Will They Rape:
Can They Be Abused: (mentally and physically)
Will They Be Abusive:

"Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red."


Name: Casper Isidore Marlone.

Age: 17, June 12th, Gemini.

Height & Weight: 5'10 tall, and 152 pounds.

Appearance: Casper tends to wear dark clothes, but will occasionally wear other colors such as red or purple. He tends to prefer sticking with sweaters and hoodies as an outer layer, and then a plain t-shirt underneath. It depends really. If the outer shirt is patterned then the under shirt will be plain, and if the undershirt is patterned then the outer shirt will be plain. He also likes to wear sweater vests and button up shirts with long sleeves. He we very rarely wear anything that reveals his skin, as he is self-conscious about the scars that litter is body. Tends to stick to jeans for pants, or trousers. Wears either wing tips, oxfords for more fancy occasions, and then will wear vans low tops or high tops as casual shoes. He does not accessorizes much, but is always carrying around a black book bag filled with various things. Physically, Casper is a little over average height for a boy, and is still growing. He is very lithe and agile, with very light muscle tones. The reasoning for this is he used to be a swimmer, but has not kept up his physical routine to keep his physical form in shape. His face is angular, with a string jaw line and broad nose, but sports very soft timid green eyes. His hair is a shaggy unkempt blonde with pink highlights.

Grade Grade: Eleven.


Sexuality: Closeted Homosexual.

Position: Bottom






Kinks: (Your kinks)

No-Goes: (Your no-goes, what isn't listed as a kink or no go will be considered okay for others to do with your character)

Other: (Additional info you want us to know.)
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The Basics
Name: (Zhōu) 岚 (Lan)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Unsure
Crush: None
Relationship: Single, Not-Seeking

The Appearances
Hair Color: Extremely dark brown, almost black in color
Eye Color: A honey brown
Weight: 142 lb
Height: 5'7
Piercings, tattoos, scars: None

Digging Deeper
[Personality can or cannot be linked to your zodiac
- [Four minimum, add more if need be]
- [Four minimum, add more if need be]
- [Two minimum, add more if need be]

Those Warrior Details
Shaman Priestess, Medium, Healer

In her village Lan used her powers to aid the people. She would work as an exorcist on behalf of the temple she looked after, would perform certain ceremonies and rituals to appease the spirits, commune with them, and help lay them to rest. She would help villagers honor their deceased, and act as a medium. She also learned the way of the land, and became very knowledgeable in herbal medicine and remedies, not just for physical ailments but for spiritual ones as well. Though, she had more success in physical healing.

Martial Art:
Wing Chun

- Luk Dim Bun Gwan / Long Pole
- Baat Jaam Dou / Butterfly Knives

The Backstory

That Little Extra
Theme Song/s:
- [Anything else you have to add about your character which hasn't been covered already]
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Our precious city in the sky, Zaril, is in grave danger. It has provided us with all that we needed to prosper and grow, but now it is time to give back. Zaril is slowly wasting away to ruin and crumbling away into the depths below. Soon enough our home in the sky will cease to exist, and our lives will come to an unfortunate end. In order to save our beautiful city, and ourselves, we must find the four scared soul gems.

The Gem of Air... to keep our city afloat.

The Gem of Earth... to keep it from falling apart.
The Gem of Water... to keep life abundant.
The Gem of Fire... to cast away the darkness.

When put together the four crystals will keep our city from disappearing forever. The crew of the S.S. Skye have been given the honor to set sail on a perilous mission to locate the soul gems and save the city. Upon the horizon holds an unknown future where Friends and Enemies await for the men of S.S Skye. The fate of Zaril and her neighboring islands rest on their shoulders, yet they will not falter. With the winds in their sails they fly valiantly.

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! D I S C L A I M E R !
This will act as an advanced warning to anyone currently viewing this thread or expressing interest. This Role-play will touch on several dark and controversial themes. If any of the following makes you uncomfortable, even with the use of spoilers, then it saddens me to inform you that this role-play might not be best suited for you. Topics and themes that will be present in this role-play may include, but is not limited to; social hierarchy, discrimination, enslavement and slavery, mental, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, kidnapping, rape and sexual assault, arranged or forced marriages, sexism, drug and alcohol abuse or addiction, character death, extreme violence, offensive language, and anything else considered for mature audiences. Thank you.​

With regards,



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  • A long time ago....

    During a time where the forces of war and chaos plagued the earth, the city of Zaril was a safe haven and strong hold against the dark magics. Unfortunately, the city's capability of holding corrupted men and dark magic at bay was starting to wane. When the protective barrier shattered, the darkness consumed them all. Those who had not evacuated into the temple located at the center of their fine city were slaughtered, or worse turned into mindless, vile, and monstrous creatures. Yet among all the chaos the priestess, a descendant of the old gods, prayed for the gods to aid them in their battle. Her prayers were answered, but the gods would only bestow her their power if she sacrificed her body of flesh and blood. The priestess agreed, and for her sacrifice she was gifted with the powers of the divine. With her new found abilities she eradicated the vermin that so dared to infest her city and prey on the weak. Fearing that they would return the priestess mustered a final burst of power deep with in herself. She sent a shock wave of powerful magic across the realms, and lifted Zaril and its neighboring cities into the skies above. As the cities finally broke the cloud cover, and her people finally felt the suns rays for the first time, the priestess' body disintegrated into magic dust and her soul scattered. Her following wept, and with their remaining strengths used their own magics to manifest their savior's scattering soul into four soul gems. The gems remained with in the temple for centuries until it was deemed unsafe to keep them there. Evil always seemed to find its way into the hearts of men, and soon enough people began to hunger for the power of the soul gems. There were several attempts to steal the artifacts yet each one had failed. Fearing that someone would eventually succeed the following, which had grown weaker over the years, decided to hide them away from the world forever. With the soul gems gone, never to be disturbed, an era of peace and prosperity began for Zaril and its floating neighboring cities.

    Centuries passed....

    The dawn of machine has finally come to pass, and Zaril has utilized it in a way that has profited them greatly. Yet, despite these new tidings, the city has become a mere shell of its former glory. The citizens have forgotten their old traditions, and the fact that magic even exists in their world today. The magic that has helped their city prosper since the beginning has slowly been disappearing over time. Only recently has there been any signs that something has gone terrible wrong over the centuries. The soils have become infertile and crops will not grow, the flowing rivers and drinking water have become unsafe to drink, with out food and water the live stock waste away and die, people are becoming ill due to disease and famine, and worst of all the floating city is starting to crumble away and plummet to the earth below. Their home is dying. Scientists and researchers have been running in circles trying to figure out the reasons behind these horrible ailments, and have sadly found nothing. Only recently, after the unearthing the ruins of a temple behind the palace, have they discovered ancient tomes detailing Zaril's birth many eons ago. One of these tomes told them the story of the young priestess that used her power to save Zaril and its neighboring cities by lifting them out of the darkness and into the light. The other detailing the creation of the four soul gems and how their power helped Zaril thrive. Presently, Zaril's government has finally funded an expedition to hunt down the soul gems and return them to the priestess' temple.

  • Welcome to The Voyage for Zaril, a red-star MxM role-play full of action and adventure as the crew of the S.S. Skye band together on a mission to retrieve the lost soul gems and ultimately save their city. Will they survive the journey though? This role-play is on it's third reboot. The first time I ran this role-play I had issues where people dropped out or didn't post after joining, and it killed the in character thread. The second time I rebooted this idea I did not get enough players to keep the rp going, nor where the ones who joined active enough. As a result I am posting this to see if maybe I will get more feedback this time around or if I should move on with a different idea.

    Due to my previous experiences as a GM I have decided that this will not be an open sign-up role-play, but rather I will choose who joins based on their experience, references, and written examples of past posts. If you are someone who tends to withdraw from role-plays on a frequent basis you will not be given a spot unless you can convince me you can be a dedicated player. If you are chosen to be invited to the character index, which will be created later down the road, you are still not guaranteed a spot there either. You will have to submit a completed character sheet and it must be approved before you are an official player.

    Now, the four to five individuals I am looking for are those who are adept to advanced role-players as well as dedicated. Individuals with wild imaginations that are able to grasp the complexities of character and world building, and understand that group role-plays are a group effort. I expect players to contribute to this role-play as much as I do, and are able to enrich the story that I will provide for everyone. Everyone should be involved, not with just semi-weekly posts, but with their own creativity and feedback. That's what it means to be in a group role-play. We are a collective, and this role-play is a group effort. I look forward to seeing the intricate characters, and plethora of ideas that everyone should bring to this group. I look forward to working with all of you, and having fun!

    If none of the above has scared you off yet, then here is a reminder to take a look at the rules and expectations tab! It is also very important that you read over the world lore I have provided for you in the post after this one. Everything there is important as it will help you understand the setting of this world and its culture. Thank you for unyielding attention this far, and I hope to hear from you. If you've read everything and are still wrought with questions, then please feel free to ask them! <3

  • + All of Iwaku's site guidelines and rules apply here.

    + High quality art for character images. Anime or Semi-realism in style.
    All of the characters in the role-play must be 18 and older, so do not create a character who are overtly childish both in personality or in appearance. In fact is not in accordance with Iwaku's rules for characters to look younger than 13 in any red-star role-play. If I do not like the quality of the art you've found for your character, I will ask you to change it. Finding high quality art is not difficult in this day in age, but if you need help I do have resources to provide for you. My friends would also be glad to help you look for face claims for you to use. Websites that are designed for high-quality art include; zero-chan, pixiv, art station, etc. You can also find several lovely images on pinterest and Even google can bring up images of high quality, but I would avoid using it.

    + Human's are a complex species.
    When creating your character, I expect them to be fully thought out in depth characters with intriguing histories and realistic flaws. As human's we connect with characters that feel real and relatable, and I want to see that in this story. I want to feel for these characters. I want to celebrate their victories, and cry at their losses. This should be every writer's goal. The more effort you put into a character and their history the easier it will be for me to not only create character arcs for them, but seamlessly include those arcs into the main plot. In addition to that, I expect players to have no more than three to four main characters. I expect players who create the maximum amount to manage them effectively along with NPCs. If I find that you are falling behind because you are having a hard time juggling four characters then I will ask you to drop one or even two for the sake of the role-play. There will be several instances through out the role-play where characters can die, so it might be best to save your other character ideas for these events. It is highly possible that your character will die in these high risk situations, and if they die then there is nothing you can do to change that.

    + The Character Index.
    All players who are invited to the role-play must have at least one fully completed character sheet submitted to the character index two weeks after "joining". These character sheets are your ticket into being a full-fledged player for the role-play. Additionally, you can only post in the IC with characters that have been approved, so it will behoove you to have ALL of them done prior to the creation of the IC thread. Once the S.S. Skye sets sail any incomplete characters will have to wait until the ship docks at the next destination to be introduced. This goes for players who do not post introductory replies to the IC before the ship sets off. All of you will be given plenty of advanced notice for this, and we will not wait for you. Failure to complete a single character sheet with in the two weeks, with out reason, will forfeit your spot as a player, and it will be given to someone else.

    + Must be an adept or above role-player to join.
    As I have already stated, I will only be looking for players who are adept in writing. This means I will be taking past IC posts you've written into account, as well as your activity in previous groups. It is possible that I will speak to your previous GMs as a reference for your capabilities as well as over all behavior. If you'd like to send me examples of your writing then feel free to do so in a PM. Please do not send me anything larger than four paragraphs. I often check messages via phone, so novella styled posts will be extremely difficult to read and I don't want that inconvenience to ruin your chance for a spot in the role-play. IC posts must be at least two paragraphs in length (7-9 sentences each), and in the third person. I do not want posts that exceed anything larger than five paragraphs. I am a strong believer in quality over quantity and I strongly encourage you to focus on progressing the story, or expanding on previous posts from other players, rather than flowery embellishments. The crew of the S.S. Skye is large so I expect players to make use of NPCs, as well as interact with both characters around them and their environment.

    + God-modding and Meta-gaming.
    All of you should be aware that these are considered taboo in any and all role-play environments. God-modding is the action in which you as a writer take control of another player's character in your post, or prevent them from reacting to actions carried out by your own character. Meta-gaming is using external (ooc) knowledge and using it in character to give your character any advantage. If your character isn't given information in the IC that you the player know about, then your character should not know it. This extends to you as a writer narrating a post. If another character's player is written as being "brave", and in your narrative your write them as being "cowardly" with out there being any indication that your character is making that assessment, then you are god-modding by changing a characters per-described traits. You will be expected to make changes if asked. Failure to do so will void your post, and it will be deleted. If this happens you will be expected to write an entirely new post or you will be removed and black-listed from my future role-plays.

    + Explicit Content.
    It is important to note that The Voyage for Zaril was not originally a red-star role-play. The only reason it is a red-star role-play now is due to the mature themes that would not be suitable for the general public. With that being said, this is not a smut oriented role-play, and while I do not mind there being heavy smut, please keep in mind that I expect all of you to be creative with the environment that I've sculpted for you. There are other ways for your characters to pass time than sex. Also, please post a collaborative post for sex scenes so it does not interfere with the flow of the IC. All sex posts should include a courtesy warning, but they do not need to be in a spoiler. Other more extreme explicit content, such as rape or sexual assault, should be given proper trigger warnings as well as hidden behind a spoiler. If you are unsure that your post requires a spoiler or trigger warning, please feel free to ask prior to posting it.

    + Save your drama for your momma.
    As a rule of thumb, participants should be nothing short of respectful to one another as well as cooperative. As I have stated this role-play is a group effort, and I expect all of you to be capable of problem solving with out my involvement. If you have found yourself with an issue regarding another player then please try to approach them in a way that is both professional and mature. If for some reason this does not resolve the situation please inform me and we will work on a solution together. In addition I also expect my players to put aside their differences for the sake of the role-play, as I believe that is the mature thing to do; however I realize that not everyone is capable of doing so. If you find that continuing in the role-play after heated arguments or uncomfortable situations is negatively affecting your health or making it harder to enjoy the role-play then by all means remove yourself. Remember this is a game, and we are trying to have fun!

    + I have final say. Period; end of discussion.
    I have final say in any matter, when I tell you no then it means no. When I tell you to change something, then you change it. If I tell you to stop whatever it is you are doing, you stop. Don't continue to whine, complain, or throw a tantrum as it will not help you change my mind. If you are having troubles with something then you can tell me in a calm and professional way, and I can try to help you as much as I can. If we cannot find a solution to the problem then you can simply remove yourself from the role-play if that is what you wish. However, if you cause a scene, or treat me and any others disrespectfully then I will remove you and you will be black-listed from my future role-plays.

    + Not having read the rules does not exclude you from them.
    Do not whine or complain about any of the expectations or rules after you have joined. You should read the rules before you join any role-play. You may ask to be excluded from certain rules, but I have every right to tell you no. I will only grant exclusions to people with good reasons. If you dislike this, then you should look for a different role-play to join. If you join and then later cause a scene or harass me regarding the rules then I will remove you and you will be black-listed from my future role-plays.

  • + Clear and Legible.
    I do not like heavily coded posts. As I have said before, I tend to read IC threads and messages via phone. More often than not posts with heavy coding are not phone friendly. You do not need to spend hours coding a post to make it fancy. There are quicker more simpler ways to give your posts flare with out distracting from what's important; the post itself.

    + Writing the post.
    Sentences in which a character is speaking must be "quoted" to indicate so. Internal thoughts and feelings regarding certain situations or people should be italicized. When a new character, such as an NPC or another player's character, speaks the sentence should stand alone by itself. Your character's reply should be the beginning of a new paragraph. Each character should have a color code assigned to them,
    and their speech should be highlighted that color. All speech done by NPCs should have orange colored text.

    + Headers are a must.
    Every single post should have a header highlighting which character the post is for. As well their location, who the post mentions, and anyone the character interacts with. If your character interacts with another main character, then the player of that character needs to be tagged in parenthesis.

    _Your Character's name or fancy image_
    Location: Where they are and where they are going.
    Mentions: People they might think about or see, but do not directly interact with.
    Interactions: The Chef (@Vio )

  • Leader
    Captain (0/1)(NEEDED)

    Deck Department
    First Mate (0/1)
    Second Mate (0/1)
    Third Mate (0/1)
    Deck Cadet (1/1)
    Boatswain (0/1)
    Able Seaman (Unlimited)
    Seaman (Unlimited)

    Engineering Department
    Chief Engineer (1/1)
    Second Engineer / First Assistant (0/1)
    Third Engineer / Second Assistant (0/1)
    Fourth Engineer / Third Assistant (0/1)
    Engineer Cadet (0/1)

    Medical Department
    Chief Doctor (1/1)
    Second Doctor / First Assistant (0/1)
    Third Doctor / Second Assisstant (0/1)
    Nurses (1/3)

    Stewards Department
    Chief Steward (0/1)
    Chef (1/2)
    Cabin Boys (Unlimited)
    Entertainment (2/3)
    Journalist / Historian / Book Keeper (1/2)

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Our precious city in the sky, Zaril, is in grave danger. It has provided us with all that we needed to prosper and grow, but now it is time to give back. Zaril is slowly wasting away to ruin and crumbling away into the depths below. Soon enough our home in the sky will cease to exist, and our lives will come to an unfortunate end. In order to save our beautiful city, and ourselves, we must find the four scared soul gems.

The Gem of Air... to keep our city afloat.

The Gem of Earth... to keep it from falling apart.
The Gem of Water... to keep life abundant.
The Gem of Fire... to cast away the darkness.

When put together the four crystals will keep our city from disappearing forever. The crew of the S.S. Skye have been given the honor to set sail on a perilous mission to locate the soul gems and save the city. Upon the horizon holds an unknown future where Friends and Enemies await for the men of S.S Skye. The fate of Zaril and her neighboring islands rest on their shoulders, yet they will not falter. With the winds in their sails they fly valiantly.

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  • A long time ago....

    During a time where the forces of war and chaos plagued the earth, the city of Zaril was a safe haven and strong hold against the dark magics. Unfortunately, the city's capability of holding corrupted men and dark magic at bay was starting to wane. When the protective barrier shattered, the darkness consumed them all. Those who had not evacuated into the temple located at the center of their fine city were slaughtered, or worse turned into mindless, vile, and monstrous creatures. Yet among all the chaos the priestess, a descendant of the old gods, prayed for the gods to aid them in their battle. Her prayers were answered, but the gods would only bestow her their power if she sacrificed her body of flesh and blood. The priestess agreed, and for her sacrifice she was gifted with the powers of the divine. With her new found abilities she eradicated the vermin that so dared to infest her city and prey on the weak. Fearing that they would return the priestess mustered a final burst of power deep with in herself. She sent a shock wave of powerful magic across the realms, and lifted Zaril and its neighboring cities into the skies above. As the cities finally broke the cloud cover, and her people finally felt the suns rays for the first time, the priestess' body disintegrated into magic dust and her soul scattered. Her following wept, and with their remaining strengths used their own magics to manifest their savior's scattering soul into four soul gems. The gems remained with in the temple for centuries until it was deemed unsafe to keep them there. Evil always seemed to find its way into the hearts of men, and soon enough people began to hunger for the power of the soul gems. There were several attempts to steal the artifacts yet each one had failed. Fearing that someone would eventually succeed the following, which had grown weaker over the years, decided to hide them away from the world forever. With the soul gems gone, never to be disturbed, an era of peace and prosperity began for Zaril and its floating neighboring cities.

    Centuries passed....

    The dawn of machine has finally come to pass, and Zaril has utilized it in a way that has profited them greatly. Yet, despite these new tidings, the city has become a mere shell of its former glory. The citizens have forgotten their old traditions, and the fact that magic even exists in their world today. The magic that has helped their city prosper since the beginning has slowly been disappearing over time. Only recently has there been any signs that something has gone terrible wrong over the centuries. The soils have become infertile and crops will not grow, the flowing rivers and drinking water have become unsafe to drink, with out food and water the live stock waste away and die, people are becoming ill due to disease and famine, and worst of all the floating city is starting to crumble away and plummet to the earth below. Their home is dying. Scientists and researchers have been running in circles trying to figure out the reasons behind these horrible ailments, and have sadly found nothing. Only recently, after the unearthing the ruins of a temple behind the palace, have they discovered ancient tomes detailing Zaril's birth many eons ago. One of these tomes told them the story of the young priestess that used her power to save Zaril and its neighboring cities by lifting them out of the darkness and into the light. The other detailing the creation of the four soul gems and how their power helped Zaril thrive. Presently, Zaril's government has finally funded a an expedition to hunt down the soul gems and return them to the priestess' temple.

  • Content

  • Content

  • Content

  • Leader
    Captain (0/1)

    Deck Department
    First Mate (0/1)
    Second Mate (0/1)
    Third Mate (0/1)
    Deck Cadet (0/1)
    Boatswain (0/1)
    Able Seaman (Unlimited)
    Seaman (Unlimited)

    Engineering Department
    Chief Engineer (1/1)
    Second Engineer / First Assistant (0/1)
    Third Engineer / Second Assistant (0/1)
    Fourth Engineer / Third Assistant (0/1)
    Engineer Cadet (0/1)

    Medical Department
    Chief Doctor (1/1)
    Second Doctor / First Assistant (0/1)
    Third Doctor / Second Assisstant (0/1)
    Nurses (1/3)

    Stewards Department
    Chief Steward (0/1)
    Chef (1/2)
    Cabin Boys (Unlimited)
    Entertainment (1/3)
    Journalist / Historian / Book Keeper (1/2)


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  • The Conception of Time.
    For the world of Iphyus, the conception of time began with the passing of celestial bodies. They would watch how the sun and the moon danced in the skies, and how the stars shifted with the passage of time. They noticed how their climate would change as these cycles passed. Eventually with the introduction of the number system it was easy for the people of Iyphus to count how many days and nights were in a single season. Eventually they came to learn of how their year consists of 365 days, 3 months in a season, and 30 to 31 days in a month. You get the gist.

    The Primordial Darkness.
    Anything prior to The Rise is dubbed as the "dark era" or The Primordial Darkness. Scripts of the The Primordial Darkness refers to an time where an malicious force of dark magic plagued the lands. The only places deemed safe were safe heavens, like the City of Zaril, which were protected by the only remaining forces of light. The Darkness was said to act as a disease of some sort that would drive even the best of men mad, and the worst of men into hideous monsters. Remnants of how the darkness affected history can be seen today, as Zarillians are still very superstitious despite the extreme loss of their own culture. This idea of "evil" and "dark" are what sparked Zaril's conception of the Arian Race in which those with "dark" features are considered to be corrupt or evil. Those with out these features are "good" and "pure".

    The Rise.
    The earliest per-recorded date in Iyphus history. Known as year zero, and the beginning of life in the sky. The event in which all of The Floating Isles were saved from the darkness by Zaril's High Priestess. Their salvation.

  • content
  • Content
  • Content

  • content

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The World
The World of Iyphus is a planet consisting of 60% land mass and 40% water, where most of it's water is frozen at either poles. The surface of the planet is primarily a barren wasteland due to a catalyst event known as "The Darkness" which poisoned both the top soil and any suitable drinking water. Due to this it is impossible to farm the land, and any animals that would have previously been used as cattle were either wiped out or turned into hideous, destructive creatures. Similarly to this, it would be pointless to gather or hunt as even the wilds were diseased or corrupted in some way. There are very few places left on Iyphus that is considered safe to live, and usually it is places either higher in elevation or closer to the poles. The safest out of all the places to live is on the floating isles, which are safely nestled slightly above cloud cover.
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Floating Cities

Oltefem - Nordic

Dhullemre - Nordic

Sojef - Nordic

Yulheim- Nordic

Zaril - Europe

Ilmur - Europe

Aerpha- Europe

Abrean - Europe

Dolrait - Europe

Lopasos - Euro-Latin

Vosantim - Euro-Latin

Dheghas - Euro-Latin

Koshal - Euro-Asia

Vuslat Kingdom - Euro-Asia

Eirath - Euro-Asia

Beldeba - Middle East

Dhara - Middle East

Ibu - Middle East

Shiima - Middle East

Wunpho - Asian

Mirlai - Asian

Wo Jin - Asian

Naimi - Asian

Xufi - Asian

Lehlali - Pacific Island

Wakala - Pacific Island

Osso - Artic

The Lost City of Zirtund - Sky Whale

Wild Isles

Eaphron Isles

Pegasus Islet

Shelul Atoll

Sonas Isle

Dhelo Islets

Undefined Islets
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The City Zaril

How do the characters get money?
Zaril has an economy much like any where else, in which it's citizens earn income by working. The royal family earns their wealth through taxes in which the citizens of Zaril must pay. There are various taxes such as a sales tax, property tax, import tax, and a yearly tax. There are other uncommon methods in which people pay via services or trade, for example if someone is lacking in coin they could offer to work the kitchen in exchange for a meal. However, there are the unlucky few, more specifically "the corrupt", who are forced into slavery.

What does the money look like?
The money of Zaril is of representative value. They use paper money and bronze coins.

What is it called?
The coins are referred to as crowns, while the paper money is called writs. For example: "10 writs and 70 crowns is your change!"

Is there slavery? Yes. The lowest caste, the corrupted.
Where? Upper Cast homes, ship yards, farms, factories

What kind of government is it?
Zaril is patriarchal society ruled by a Monarchy. Zaril's goverment is also a Plutocracy in which the rich have more say in politics.

What is the name of the ruler and what is he like? Zachariah the Third is Zaril's current Monarch. Zachariah became king at the age of 32 when his father died of illness. At a young age he has displayed kindness to all Zarillians, and it unfortunately got him in trouble with his father and upper caste nobles. As such he was forbidden to leave the palace grounds for most his childhood, and due to this has been isolated from Zaril's people. Now 35, he has gained some insight on the state of his city and is actively trying to keep Zaril prosperous. Due to the collapse of the isle he has put other political issues aside such as lower caste rights and foreign exchanges. His most recent exchange being with the prince of far off city isle whose main exports is priceless gems, jewelry, and gold. As well as new spices, herbs, and plants not native to Zaril. While not particularly useful in military development, these items would certainly be valuable in enriching the lives of his people. Those who have met Zachariah and have maintained a good relationship with him would say that he is a very kind person who just wants what is best for his city, and as such takes his role as king very seriously.

what laws do they have?
The citizens of Zaril do not have the right to bear arms, as such acts are treasonous.
The citizens of Zaril do not have the right to freedom of speech. Any speech condemning the royal family is considered treasonous.
The citizens of Zaril do not have the right to assembly. Protesting is considered treasonous.

How do they enforce them?
Local guards are stationed through out Zaril and enforce laws. They are beholden to the king, but do not answer directly to him. Each station has a captain to whom they report to, and these captains report to a specific high ranking officer in the king's guard who reports directly to the king. The severity of punishment depends on the severity of the crime. Some crimes are punishable via fines, others will have you imprisoned, and what's considered the worst offenses will have you executed. Those of a higher caste are more likely to not be severely punished while those of a lower caste are more likely to be imprisoned or executed.

Are there schools?

where are schools?

who goes to school?

how long do they go to school?

what do they learn?

What jobs are there?

What food is there to eat?

How do they get and make food?

How do people communicate with each other? What is most common? Letters either by hand or typed via type writer. There isn't a government sanctioned mail carrier system, but rather few independent carrier companies that deliver mail. Those who cant afford to pay for a carrier service used messenger birds.

Are there more advanced means of communication available? Yes, richer homes would have land lines for phones.

Inner Isle Travel
How do most people travel? Bicycle, animal drawn carriages

What are the roads like?

How long does it take to travel from place to place?

Outer Isle Travel
How do people travel between isles?

How long does it take to travel from isle to isle?

Social Classes
What are the social classes?

Who is in each class?

What are the lifestyles like of each class?

How do the classes treat eachother?

What do the houses look like? Does social status effect how houses are built or look like?

What are they made of?

What do the government sanctioned buildings look like?

Are there places of worship and what do they look like?

If there is a royal family what does the palace look like?

What do they wear in different places?

What are the clothes made of?

Are certain colors more common or uncommon? Does access to certain dye depend on wealth?

What do certain groups / or social classes wear?

Are there books?

How common are they?

What are they made of?

Who has access to these books? How common is the ability to read and write?

What animals are there?

What magical animals are there? What are they like? How common are they?

What is the relationship between nonmagical and magical animals?

What do people keep as pets?

Special Occasions
What holidays are there?

What do they do for birthdays?

What do they do when they come of age? when do they come of age?
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Beasts of Iyphus



Temperate, Grassland, Savanna, Chaparral

Desert / Tropical



Freshwater Wetlands

