| We All Float Down Here |

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I read it in the paper so it must be true.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
I'm an afternoon and 1am poster lmao
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Transgender
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
- Horror
- Paranormal
- Supernatural
- Biblical
- Sci Fi
- World War I II
- Roman / Greek
- 80s / 90s
- Romance
- Occult
I just learnt this shit don't look don't post leave me alone lmao

s/o to those friends who have helped me with this shit

i BET this isn't mobile friendly lmao sorry
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vim ex mundi exerci. Cu noster alterum per. Congue nemore duo no. Vix epicuri detracto cu. Verterem accusata principes cum ne, ea duis congue vim.

Tale alia tincidunt sea eu, ius sale iudico causae et, duo cu albucius pertinacia. Luptatum intellegam no pro. At sed iuvaret laboramus pertinacia, vel debitis salutandi ei. Eu eam dolore antiopam, at audire facilisis consulatu sea. An noster dolores his, vel ad delenit perfecto incorrupte.

Sit evertitur vituperatoribus no, tale detraxit imperdiet at pri. Illum sonet invenire ea eos, ignota verear theophrastus ne usu, ius congue melius utroque in. Augue novum viderer mea cu, ubique aeterno tractatos ut eam, eu elaboraret dissentiunt definitionem vel. Eam aperiri similique in, utamur volutpat sed ea. Cu pro diam debet deleniti.

Ne eam lorem dicant dicunt, mea cu mucius lucilius. Libris nonumes vix cu. Ludus eirmod abhorreant nec ut, sea ea omittam hendrerit, duo minim mediocrem at. Legere constituto scripserit ut mei, ea duo nibh aliquid.

Unum tacimates oportere pro cu, magna fabulas ne vix. An docendi patrioque mea. Iudico fabulas perfecto in cum, eirmod equidem ad quo. Id duo ubique putent signiferumque, cu usu omnesque vituperatoribus. Alii labore vel an, eripuit appareat constituto usu id. Iudico pertinacia mnesarchum cu has, eam in aperiam adversarium

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spec gave me this not mine
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𝓼𝓬𝓸𝓽𝓽 𝓳𝓸𝔂𝓷𝓮𝓻

Kevin nodded, knowing just how cold it could get up there. Even know it was nippy, in a few weeks it would be too cold to take Moose out for too long, let alone take him up into the mountains for two nights. Kevin would have to plan it out so they could all get up there soon. He wished he had thought of doing it earlier, when the sun was out for longer. Now he'd have to pack extra clothes.

Chris's offer was a relief really. Kevin was wondering when their cups of tea in his kitchen would become fruitless. In fact, it was a nice excuse for Kevin to get out the house. Perhaps a change of environment would help channel a bit more of his creative spirit, which seemed to get lost after being stuck in the same room for so long.

"Thanks, I'll be sure to come and find you." Kevin confirmed he was interested in meeting. Kevin looked ahead into the crowds, spotting his wife's face.

"Chris, it was nice to see you again." Kevin gave him a pat on the arm with a smile, "I'll let you get on with your day. I'll see you around." Kevin nodded before walking past him to his family.

The excitement of another meeting was bubbling in his stomach. Nothing seemed as valuable to him right then. Chris was his first friend in a long time, and Kevin wanted to hold onto that. He made sure to place his hand on Link's head as he almost ran off again. Kevin turned around once more just to get another quick glance in at Chris, unsure if he was even looking in his direction anymore.

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s t e v e

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis blandit placerat elit nec volutpat. Donec venenatis lacinia tellus ac dignissim. Ut vitae est in est pretium blandit. Nam rutrum posuere auctor. Nunc consectetur fringilla fringilla. Morbi ut leo ac metus gravida vulputate fringilla vitae nulla. Suspendisse a mauris sodales, tincidunt orci at, blandit purus. Donec eget accumsan justo. Etiam non fringilla purus, sit amet volutpat nisl. Nam et congue augue. Praesent scelerisque magna sit amet diam volutpat egestas. Duis eget molestie nunc. Vivamus facilisis sapien metus. Maecenas mauris lectus, hendrerit quis nibh sit amet, pretium dictum mauris. Aliquam vitae dolor quis erat consequat porttitor.

Praesent vulputate, eros sit amet pretium scelerisque, leo lacus pulvinar tortor, eget vestibulum dui diam nec nulla. Aliquam venenatis commodo felis sed convallis. In facilisis mi in lacus gravida, in porta neque sollicitudin. Nullam auctor magna eu quam eleifend bibendum. Mauris id augue convallis mi finibus congue. Vivamus vulputate magna urna, id suscipit ligula egestas pharetra. Fusce vel suscipit nulla. Cras pellentesque sit amet odio a consectetur. Nulla eu rutrum urna, ac sodales mauris.

Maecenas vel tellus at lectus ultrices commodo vel at enim. Nullam tellus lorem, volutpat et neque eget, suscipit pellentesque quam. Curabitur lobortis justo tortor, in sagittis orci gravida et. Aenean facilisis dolor id risus facilisis molestie. Ut id est nunc. Praesent placerat, lectus ac ultricies venenatis, turpis diam tempus arcu, et vulputate magna leo vitae risus. Nunc augue dolor, vulputate eu laoreet sed, tincidunt sed eros. Suspendisse imperdiet ligula at est scelerisque mollis. Phasellus non tortor nulla. Nulla aliquet, diam quis maximus dictum, diam nisi volutpat massa, eu tristique orci erat in lectus. Quisque magna felis, elementum vitae dictum eu, sodales a ante. Praesent eget mauris eget tellus rutrum maximus sed quis ante. Praesent ut maximus enim. Aenean non mauris sit amet libero vulputate malesuada at varius magna.

Mauris molestie porttitor rutrum. Duis sed urna vel ligula efficitur maximus. Sed vitae lacus in ipsum tristique interdum. Nam fringilla sem vitae turpis mollis accumsan. In nec porta ligula, sit amet lobortis nulla. Donec dictum ullamcorper consectetur. Aenean pulvinar magna vitae tellus semper commodo. Suspendisse eu justo quis nisi dapibus suscipit a finibus lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam nulla neque, ultrices maximus efficitur sit amet, mollis eget ligula. Praesent non est nisi. Proin consectetur turpis nec diam mattis, eu vehicula orci pellentesque. Etiam elementum ipsum at eros congue laoreet. Fusce id consectetur nisi. Integer ac venenatis eros, non convallis mi. Nunc sed tincidunt urna, non ornare elit.

d e b b i e

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis blandit placerat elit nec volutpat. Donec venenatis lacinia tellus ac dignissim. Ut vitae est in est pretium blandit. Nam rutrum posuere auctor. Nunc consectetur fringilla fringilla. Morbi ut leo ac metus gravida vulputate fringilla vitae nulla. Suspendisse a mauris sodales, tincidunt orci at, blandit purus. Donec eget accumsan justo. Etiam non fringilla purus, sit amet volutpat nisl. Nam et congue augue. Praesent scelerisque magna sit amet diam volutpat egestas. Duis eget molestie nunc. Vivamus facilisis sapien metus. Maecenas mauris lectus, hendrerit quis nibh sit amet, pretium dictum mauris. Aliquam vitae dolor quis erat consequat porttitor.

Praesent vulputate, eros sit amet pretium scelerisque, leo lacus pulvinar tortor, eget vestibulum dui diam nec nulla. Aliquam venenatis commodo felis sed convallis. In facilisis mi in lacus gravida, in porta neque sollicitudin. Nullam auctor magna eu quam eleifend bibendum. Mauris id augue convallis mi finibus congue. Vivamus vulputate magna urna, id suscipit ligula egestas pharetra. Fusce vel suscipit nulla. Cras pellentesque sit amet odio a consectetur. Nulla eu rutrum urna, ac sodales mauris.

Maecenas vel tellus at lectus ultrices commodo vel at enim. Nullam tellus lorem, volutpat et neque eget, suscipit pellentesque quam. Curabitur lobortis justo tortor, in sagittis orci gravida et. Aenean facilisis dolor id risus facilisis molestie. Ut id est nunc. Praesent placerat, lectus ac ultricies venenatis, turpis diam tempus arcu, et vulputate magna leo vitae risus. Nunc augue dolor, vulputate eu laoreet sed, tincidunt sed eros. Suspendisse imperdiet ligula at est scelerisque mollis. Phasellus non tortor nulla. Nulla aliquet, diam quis maximus dictum, diam nisi volutpat massa, eu tristique orci erat in lectus. Quisque magna felis, elementum vitae dictum eu, sodales a ante. Praesent eget mauris eget tellus rutrum maximus sed quis ante. Praesent ut maximus enim. Aenean non mauris sit amet libero vulputate malesuada at varius magna.

Mauris molestie porttitor rutrum. Duis sed urna vel ligula efficitur maximus. Sed vitae lacus in ipsum tristique interdum. Nam fringilla sem vitae turpis mollis accumsan. In nec porta ligula, sit amet lobortis nulla. Donec dictum ullamcorper consectetur. Aenean pulvinar magna vitae tellus semper commodo. Suspendisse eu justo quis nisi dapibus suscipit a finibus lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam nulla neque, ultrices maximus efficitur sit amet, mollis eget ligula. Praesent non est nisi. Proin consectetur turpis nec diam mattis, eu vehicula orci pellentesque. Etiam elementum ipsum at eros congue laoreet. Fusce id consectetur nisi. Integer ac venenatis eros, non convallis mi. Nunc sed tincidunt urna, non ornare elit.

k i d s


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis blandit placerat elit nec volutpat. Donec venenatis lacinia tellus ac dignissim. Ut vitae est in est pretium blandit. Nam rutrum posuere auctor. Nunc consectetur fringilla fringilla. Morbi ut leo ac metus gravida vulputate fringilla vitae nulla. Suspendisse a mauris sodales, tincidunt orci at, blandit purus. Donec eget accumsan justo. Etiam non fringilla purus, sit amet volutpat nisl. Nam et congue augue. Praesent scelerisque magna sit amet diam volutpat egestas. Duis eget molestie nunc. Vivamus facilisis sapien metus. Maecenas mauris lectus, hendrerit quis nibh sit amet, pretium dictum mauris. Aliquam vitae dolor quis erat consequat porttitor.


Praesent vulputate, eros sit amet pretium scelerisque, leo lacus pulvinar tortor, eget vestibulum dui diam nec nulla. Aliquam venenatis commodo felis sed convallis. In facilisis mi in lacus gravida, in porta neque sollicitudin. Nullam auctor magna eu quam eleifend bibendum. Mauris id augue convallis mi finibus congue. Vivamus vulputate magna urna, id suscipit ligula egestas pharetra. Fusce vel suscipit nulla. Cras pellentesque sit amet odio a consectetur. Nulla eu rutrum urna, ac sodales mauris.


Maecenas vel tellus at lectus ultrices commodo vel at enim. Nullam tellus lorem, volutpat et neque eget, suscipit pellentesque quam. Curabitur lobortis justo tortor, in sagittis orci gravida et. Aenean facilisis dolor id risus facilisis molestie. Ut id est nunc. Praesent placerat, lectus ac ultricies venenatis, turpis diam tempus arcu, et vulputate magna leo vitae risus. Nunc augue dolor, vulputate eu laoreet sed, tincidunt sed eros. Suspendisse imperdiet ligula at est scelerisque mollis. Phasellus non tortor nulla. Nulla aliquet, diam quis maximus dictum, diam nisi volutpat massa, eu tristique orci erat in lectus. Quisque magna felis, elementum vitae dictum eu, sodales a ante. Praesent eget mauris eget tellus rutrum maximus sed quis ante. Praesent ut maximus enim. Aenean non mauris sit amet libero vulputate malesuada at varius magna.


Mauris molestie porttitor rutrum. Duis sed urna vel ligula efficitur maximus. Sed vitae lacus in ipsum tristique interdum. Nam fringilla sem vitae turpis mollis accumsan. In nec porta ligula, sit amet lobortis nulla. Donec dictum ullamcorper consectetur. Aenean pulvinar magna vitae tellus semper commodo. Suspendisse eu justo quis nisi dapibus suscipit a finibus lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam nulla neque, ultrices maximus efficitur sit amet, mollis eget ligula. Praesent non est nisi. Proin consectetur turpis nec diam mattis, eu vehicula orci pellentesque. Etiam elementum ipsum at eros congue laoreet. Fusce id consectetur nisi. Integer ac venenatis eros, non convallis mi. Nunc sed tincidunt urna, non ornare elit.


Mauris molestie porttitor rutrum. Duis sed urna vel ligula efficitur maximus. Sed vitae lacus in ipsum tristique interdum. Nam fringilla sem vitae turpis mollis accumsan. In nec porta ligula, sit amet lobortis nulla. Donec dictum ullamcorper consectetur. Aenean pulvinar magna vitae tellus semper commodo. Suspendisse eu justo quis nisi dapibus suscipit a finibus lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam nulla neque, ultrices maximus efficitur sit amet, mollis eget ligula. Praesent non est nisi. Proin consectetur turpis nec diam mattis, eu vehicula orci pellentesque. Etiam elementum ipsum at eros congue laoreet. Fusce id consectetur nisi. Integer ac venenatis eros, non convallis mi. Nunc sed tincidunt urna, non ornare elit.


Mauris molestie porttitor rutrum. Duis sed urna vel ligula efficitur maximus. Sed vitae lacus in ipsum tristique interdum. Nam fringilla sem vitae turpis mollis accumsan. In nec porta ligula, sit amet lobortis nulla. Donec dictum ullamcorper consectetur. Aenean pulvinar magna vitae tellus semper commodo. Suspendisse eu justo quis nisi dapibus suscipit a finibus lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam nulla neque, ultrices maximus efficitur sit amet, mollis eget ligula. Praesent non est nisi. Proin consectetur turpis nec diam mattis, eu vehicula orci pellentesque. Etiam elementum ipsum at eros congue laoreet. Fusce id consectetur nisi. Integer ac venenatis eros, non convallis mi. Nunc sed tincidunt urna, non ornare elit.

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Hiya Georgie
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ıllıllı ØⱤłØ₦ ıllıllı
í'm just α líttlє wєírd, σkαч?

───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ─────

"And whilst this isn't goodbye, it certainly is goodnight folks." Captain Colt sighed, his head wrapped in a bandage, almost comically. The Captain was being forced into suspension after a string of terrible decision making. His mental health had taken a turn for the worst when he had taken a team to a planet for a simple observation task turned into completely wrecked pod, three injured security officers and an endangered species becoming extinct.

Everyone on the deck was close to tears, some were even crying. The Gagarin had been the ship for misfits for a long time. There were security guard missing limbs, dyslexic scientists and a deaf communications officer. It the ship you went to when the Academy had nobody to take you on. And Colt had made everybody feel proud about it. He comforted his team and made people feel liked they belonged on the Gagarin.

Orion wasn't one of those people. He sort as accepted he was a total loser, and even on the Gagarin he wasn't great at fitting in. Although he was sad to see Colt go. The man was a infamous legend who managed to keep everybody's hopes up. He stood, watching Nova tear up as Colt said his final thank yous.

"With that, I'd like you all to meet my prodigy - Captain Tiberius Kirk!" Colt started clapping, motioning to the door to the deck. As it opened the new Captain walked through. There was a reluctant applause.

As the man walked in, Orion tried to hide his shock.

"Is that Kirk as in, son of Jim Kirk?" Orion whispered to Nova, so kicked his ankle. "Does it matter?" She hissed back.

Orion admired the man in his yellow suit. Orion noticed the pointed ears sticking out from beneath his warm, blond hair. Orion was standing by the door, and was only admiring the back of his head.

"Alright, that's all I have for you folks. I'll see you on the other side!" Colt was obviously not as excited as his voice made out. The two doctors escorted him off the bay and left the deck in a quiet state. It was like as Colt walked out, so did all of the warmth that came with him. Everyone was throwing the new captain side eyes, all slowly swiveling around to look back at their stations. Orion was expecting some people to go up to him and greet him, but nobody seemed to give him the attention.

It made Orion feel kinda bad for the guy, but that was nothing Nova couldn't fix. The romulan girl strided up to him and patted his shoulder. With a big smile, she stuck out her hand. "Welcome to the team Captain."

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Nicholas Hemingford

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vim ex mundi exerci. Cu noster alterum per. Congue nemore duo no. Vix epicuri detracto cu. Verterem accusata principes cum ne, ea duis congue vim.

Tale alia tincidunt sea eu, ius sale iudico causae et, duo cu albucius pertinacia. Luptatum intellegam no pro. At sed iuvaret laboramus pertinacia, vel debitis salutandi ei. Eu eam dolore antiopam, at audire facilisis consulatu sea. An noster dolores his, vel ad delenit perfecto incorrupte.

Sit evertitur vituperatoribus no, tale detraxit imperdiet at pri. Illum sonet invenire ea eos, ignota verear theophrastus ne usu, ius congue melius utroque in. Augue novum viderer mea cu, ubique aeterno tractatos ut eam, eu elaboraret dissentiunt definitionem vel. Eam aperiri similique in, utamur volutpat sed ea. Cu pro diam debet deleniti.

Ne eam lorem dicant dicunt, mea cu mucius lucilius. Libris nonumes vix cu. Ludus eirmod abhorreant nec ut, sea ea omittam hendrerit, duo minim mediocrem at. Legere constituto scripserit ut mei, ea duo nibh aliquid.

Unum tacimates oportere pro cu, magna fabulas ne vix. An docendi patrioque mea. Iudico fabulas perfecto in cum, eirmod equidem ad quo. Id duo ubique putent signiferumque, cu usu omnesque vituperatoribus. Alii labore vel an, eripuit appareat constituto usu id. Iudico pertinacia mnesarchum cu has, eam in aperiam adversarium

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⋄ a d d i s o n ⋄


name ⋄ addison kelley
age ⋄ twenty four
gender ⋄ male
sexuality ⋄ pansexual
nationality ⋄ british
home town ⋄ south east london
occupation ⋄ security guard

⋄ five foot ten
deep brown eyes
⋄ olive skin that tans easy in the sun
⋄ soft baby face with soft features
⋄ in shape, not super defined
⋄ deep brown hair that he keeps gelled up.


extroverted bold cheeky flirtatious lazy brave

⋄ football ⋄ garage and grime ⋄ sleeping in ⋄ beer ⋄ days off ⋄ big dogs ⋄ big cities ⋄ hot weather ⋄
⋄ staying up late ⋄ cats ⋄ cold weather ⋄ being alone ⋄ having to clean ⋄ being called a chav ⋄

blah blah born in england
blah blah his girlfriends sucked,, he fails school and doesn't make his dreams rip addisons dreams
soldier time he's now a big boy to fight but friend / lover friend is killed, rip his mental health (ptsd)
then he does some stupid shit and gets discharged

⋄ addison's london accent is still strong, but he isn't ashamed of it.
⋄ he can play the piano pretty well.
⋄ he can stomach an ungodly amount of beer, but spirits send him west.
⋄ arsenal fan til the day he dies.
⋄ listens to lots of grime.
⋄ used to be a bit of a teenage roadman.


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× 「BASIC」×

Steve Harrington


Toned and built.
Lots of hairspray and smiles. He's the cutest thing around town, Excluding Billy. It depends how bad you like your boy.
Steve dresses like the prep he is. Polo shirts, shorts and jeans. He hates the fact he has to wear overalls in the car shop.


"I may be a pretty shitty boyfriend, but turns out I'm actually a pretty damn good babysitter."

"I just want to help."


Dad's an asshole, mothers a sweetheart. Lived a nice life, but it changed after he became a single dad of 6.

"Any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame.

Now he lives with his parents still, but works in his fathers garage and fixes cars. He originally planned to stick around for Nancy, but she's moved on to Jonathan now. No hard feelings. He just hopes life stays easy without having to protect the kids from demo-dogs.

"I'm sorry? What the hell am I sorry for?"



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× 「BASIC」×

Minnie Marsh / Miss. Debbie Bowers
High School Music teacher


Debbie looks like she doesn't want to conform to anything. She has pale skin and a skinny body. Although she still has thick thighs and a little bit of a pudgy stomach, but she couldn't care less. She has a fair amount of scars on her from all her reckless behavior. She has grey-blue eyes, usually circled in smokey eyeliner. Her hair is naturally a light brown, but she dyes it a dark black, and it's always cut with a razor.
Debbie loves to dress loud and messy. She loves ripped clothes, which is lucky since she hasn't been able to buy herself new stuff in a while. Lots of band t-shirts, jeans, leather and sneakers. She has a few silver necklaces and rings too. You won't usually catch her in anything smarter, but sometimes she wishes she had a reason to wear a dress.


"I don't give a damn about my bad reputation."

Debbie is mostly blunt and sarcastic, but in general she's cheery. To people who can accept her looks, she's actually quite likable. In class, she keeps it light-hearted, and likes to make the kids laugh. With her co-workers, she's also funny, but a little more sarcastic. It took a while for her to filter out all her curse words.

When it comes to opinions, she couldn't care less. Debbie just wants to live her life now, and doesn't listen to advice. It can come off as stubborn and slightly bratty, but she thinks her way is the only way, and doesn't trust other peoples advice.

"I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim. They also know how to jetski, so."

After going through a lot of shit, and being betrayed, Debbie had to learn to completely shut everyone off. She used to be kind hearted and a little quiet, but also had her heart on her sleeve. Now, Debbie's heart is so guarded you'd have to catch her at an extremely vulnerable time to talk about emotions. She is distrustful and doesn't like to talk about feelings. She keeps everything bottled up and doesn't control her anger very well when it comes too much.


"Your pictures that you left behind, are just memories of a different life."

Debbie was born as Minnie Marsh to a single mother in middle class America. Her father left quickly when he found out her mother was pregnant.

She quickly proved to be an advanced girl. But, she had to be just to be recognized in school. The teachers wondered how she was so good at science and maths, and kept trying to catch her out. They thought she must be cheating off one of the boys, but she was just smart. She wasn't any good at English or anything, but her understanding of technology was amazing.

When she was 10, she was put into an "extraordinary talent" school, where she excelled at the technology. They were a very small school, and different to any middle school. In fact, it wasn't. The kids in the class ranged from 7 to 17, and they all helped build new technology. A childs class project was easier to plagiarize than what the russian's were up to.

When she was 11, her baby brother was born. And he joined his sister in the school. She didn't know that her mother was separated from her son, Charles, and was put through a lot of government tests. Minnie got to see him occasionally, and loved him so much.

She spent most of her teenage years unknowingly working with the government. Teenagers don't have to be paid, and don't have to be credited.

She barely saw her mother, who had now slipped into a bad depression and became an alcoholic. But she really wanted to see her little brother. When she was 18, she demanded to see her little brother, who had said he wanted to stop the experiments because they hurt. Minnie shouted at the workers and pushed past them, to see her brother screaming and hollering in the deprivation tank. She got herself into trouble for doing that, and had to hide it when she snuck out at night to go see him. She tried super hard to convince him to escape, but he didn't wanna leave "home."

Minnie attempted to take her brother with her when she escaped, but he snitched and she had to run for her life to leave the facility. She ran and ran, and kept going until she couldn't feel her legs. That was the last time she saw Charlie.

"Everybody goes away, in the end."

Lost and alone, Minnie went to find her mother, who she hadn't seen in months. But when she found her, she was passed out in her own vomit. Minnie stayed at that house for a few days before realizing her mothers boyfriend really didn't want her there. He came onto her, and that was enough for her to pack her bags and leave.

Minnie ended up in a big city, desperate to find a home. Through 18-22, Minnie lived on the streets, snorting coke and drinking til she couldn't feel anything. She chopped off her long brown hair and dyed it black, lost a lot of weight and became Debbie Bowers. After the government attempted to track her down several times, and she was betrayed by her sell out friends, she had to re-invent herself.

The age of rock and roll became her friend. She used her technological brain to start her job as a groupie, then worked as their sound technician. She learnt how to play the guitar and even did back up vocals for some of their gigs. Although, all this spot light was beginning to feel dangerous.

Debbie realized when she got older that she wanted a life. And eventually, she wanted to find her brother. She couldn't do that playing the guitar and working the lights. She needed to get away. The tour bus stopped at a gas station near Hawkins, a place she spent most of her life locked up in. She saw in the news that they had closed down that facility. This seemed like a safe place, who would think to look for her here? If they were even still looking.

Now, Debbie got the job as the High School music teacher, and learnt about the AV club, and decided she'd be a part of that too. Life would be a lot easier now.

Or so she thought.


》#483327 》#514e4d 》#a78479 》#838274 》#9aa7a8
》Debbie is not interested in working in science again, she didn't want any part of that.
》She absolutely loves loud music, and loves to rock out.
》She hasn't touched a drug since she arrived in Hawkins, but as soon as September rolls around, she worries the stress will drive her back.

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i hate it georgie
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Kevin Fitzpatrick

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vim ex mundi exerci. Cu noster alterum per. Congue nemore duo no. Vix epicuri detracto cu. Verterem accusata principes cum ne, ea duis congue vim.

Tale alia tincidunt sea eu, ius sale iudico causae et, duo cu albucius pertinacia. Luptatum intellegam no pro. At sed iuvaret laboramus pertinacia, vel debitis salutandi ei. Eu eam dolore antiopam, at audire facilisis consulatu sea. An noster dolores his, vel ad delenit perfecto incorrupte.

Sit evertitur vituperatoribus no, tale detraxit imperdiet at pri. Illum sonet invenire ea eos, ignota verear theophrastus ne usu, ius congue melius utroque in. Augue novum viderer mea cu, ubique aeterno tractatos ut eam, eu elaboraret dissentiunt definitionem vel. Eam aperiri similique in, utamur volutpat sed ea. Cu pro diam debet deleniti.

Ne eam lorem dicant dicunt, mea cu mucius lucilius. Libris nonumes vix cu. Ludus eirmod abhorreant nec ut, sea ea omittam hendrerit, duo minim mediocrem at. Legere constituto scripserit ut mei, ea duo nibh aliquid.

Unum tacimates oportere pro cu, magna fabulas ne vix. An docendi patrioque mea. Iudico fabulas perfecto in cum, eirmod equidem ad quo. Id duo ubique putent signiferumque, cu usu omnesque vituperatoribus. Alii labore vel an, eripuit appareat constituto usu id. Iudico pertinacia mnesarchum cu has, eam in aperiam adversarium

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Name: Naomi Brooks
Age: 26
Born: 1st December 1979
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: American
Occupation: Popstar / Model



Height: 5ft10
Naomi has a striking face, with unique features. Her jawline and cheekbones are sharp and pronounced. Her eyes are a dark brown, with high arched eyebrows. Her hair is a light brown, which usually grows quite long. Her hair has been bleach blonde before, as well as cut short.
Naomi is blessed with long legs, narrow shoulders and a skinny waist. Her body is maintained through strict diet. She has gained a little more leg muscle and some ass after focusing more on her music career.
Her brand follows whatever is on trend. She wears a lot of skimpy clothing for her performances, lots of pink and fur. She loves expensive clothing and enjoys walking in designer outfits. In her usual days, she likes shorts, sweaters and matching tracksuits.




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Authorized Personal


n a m e :: Nova
s p e c i e s :: romulan
b i r t h p l a c e :: Romulus , Krocton Segment
g e n d e r :: female
a g e :: 26
s e x u a l i t y :: asexual / greysexual / homoromantic

» ROLE «
s t a r s h i p :: U S S Gagarin
r a n k :: security officer

d e s c r i p t i o n :: Nova has tanned skin, her green blood shows on her lips and every time she blushes. Her eyes are monolidded, and a deep brown. Her face looks not quite Vulcan, but not quite Romulan. She has the swept up, arched eyebrows, but the V shape on her forehead is not as dented as most Romulans, but it is noticeable. Her ears are pointed, and stick out of her bobbed hair. Her hair is a dark, almost blue tone, and is but with bangs, which mostly covers her forehead.

u n i q u e m a r k s :: Her forehead definitely is a tell-tale sign she is a Romulan, she also has a few recognizable collection of white scars ingrained in her hands and arms.

b u i l d :: Nova is recognizably fit. She stands at five foot six, not incredibly tall. Her body is incredibly toned, her muscles stand out in anything she wears. Her body isn't curvy, and most shape is from muscle.

s t y l e :: Always decked out in her red security outfit, Nova doesn't fully get the chance to embrace fashion. She isn't particular about it, and looks fabulous in most. Although, she loves make up and always has some on. She loves lots of eye make up, and usually has something dramatic painted on.

Nova is focused, extroverted, feminine and passionate. She loves people and loves to be around them. In general, she gives out a positive aura.

Her attitude is always optimistic, and she's always driven to complete tasks given to her. Nova doesn't take no lightly and always wants to impress.

She loves girly and feminine things, despite what people may judge from first sight.

Sometimes she can come off as a showboater, and really tries to be the centre of the attention. This comes from trying to prove herself, and she always feels like she has something to improve on. She hates what people might think, and is a big people pleaser.

She also is very intense sometimes, and her ideas can come off as a bit wacky. Sometimes they work, sometimes people don't give her the chance. This can make her come off as a bit aggressive and pushy.


Born in a raging world of protest, Nova's life started in a war. A small group of extremists against Vulcans had began their riots in the Krocton Segment, fighting against the communication between the Vulcans and the Romulans. Nova's mother was giving birth in her home as the riots escalated. Her husband was part of the riots, so she gave a painful birth alone, the rebels against the Vulcans. They had just taken down a Starfleet ship that had landed to help with the attempt at diplomacy.

Nova's birth was traumatic, and her mother died just after, holding her baby. Nova screamed and screamed. Two Starfleet officers were running back to the emergency escape pod as they heard the crying. The woman begged her male counterpart to just check. When they found the baby, still attached with the cord, the woman almost cried. She couldn't leave a newborn in a burning street. After much debate, the officer wrapped her in her jacket and escaped with Nova.

The Officers, George and Lucy, raised Nova after that day, despite the strong opposition from Starfleet. When Nova was four, her mother lost her job over the upbringing of her, but George kept his as a Science officer. The two never got married, so George could keep his job, but they considered themselves Nova's parents.

She grew up with a fair amount of discrimination, but found friends with the other non-human kids, ironically some vulcans took her as a friend. She showed to be not extremely intelligent, but very good at any sort of sport. She was good at anything physical and knew how to problem solve.

When she was fourteen, she was the top of her class at most sports, and was on the team for everything. A lot of people complained, saying she was only the best because of her blood. This didn't discourage her though. Nova was aware of who she was, and even though she didn't know about how she was found, she knew she was a romulan. It wasn't typical, but she learnt how to be caring and kind, like her human parents.

At 17, her father was killed in an accident on board his ship. A malfunction in the engine room killed seven officers. It broke Nova and her mothers heart. The two had to find a way for them to live without him.

This encouraged Nova to get the strength to apply to Starfleet Academy, to study combat. Even though she had the grades, her application was denied. This was hard on her, but after going to special combat camps, and beating every Starfleet cadet at their own tournaments, her second application was accepted. She was the first romulan to be accepted into the academy.

Her life at the academy was great, most of the students weren't too bothered about her being there, but some of the other students studying combat found it unfair she was there. Especially because she proved to be the best.

She made friends with a few of the students, one called Orion, who studied plants. Also a Vulcan girl who was studying physics. They both encouraged her on her darkest days.

☆ Nova specializes in martial arts, Klingon and Romulan weaponry and archery.
☆ She can also use guns and blasters, but prefers hand-to-hand.
☆ Purple is her favourite colour.
☆ Her and Orion are good friends, she always hoped they would be on the same ship.
☆ Nova doesn't get crushes, but she has found herself day-dreaming about the perfect wife.

Authorized Personal


n a m e :: Keanu Colt
s p e c i e s :: human
b i r t h p l a c e :: Earth , Hawaii
g e n d e r :: male
a g e :: 40
s e x u a l i t y :: bisexual

» ROLE «
s t a r s h i p :: U S S Gagarin
r a n k :: captain

d e s c r i p t i o n :: Keanu's looks are quite striking. He has sharp, angular features, covered by his graying beard. His hair is thick and soft, and is very looked after. His hair is always styled up, and he spends a lot of time on it. His eyes are a deep drown, and there is visible wrinkling. His face is very full of expression, and has an impossible time hiding how he's feeling.

u n i q u e m a r k s :: Not covered in many scars, tattoos or piercings, nothing stands out completely except for his dashing fashions.

b u i l d :: Keanu hits six foot two, but six foot three with his hair. He is quite lanky, but he isn't skinny. His body still is as toned as it was when we was thirty.

s t y l e :: One of the more stylish crew members, Keanu is known as the best dressed captain of the Gagarin so far. He pulls of many looks, but looks the best in a suit or anything formal. He spends money on his tailored clothes and rightfully so.


alluring and flirtatious, but also sarcastic and obnoxious. Keanu is what captains should technically be made of. But he is too far both ways. He loves to light-heartedly flirt and loves romance, and definitely gives off the vibe of someone who would give you a bath and roses. He has a certain way of making you feel magical, but also a little sinful.

That charm is manually turned on and off though, not everybody sees that side of him. To most people, he's cocky and very sarcastic. Almost to the point of being rude, if you're not used to it, amused by it or able to equally witted, you won't like it. But Colt doesn't care. He is who he is and isn't ashamed. Which is sometimes to his detriment.

He's very carefree and goes with his gut. Colt sees what he thinks to be right and follows it, which greatly pisses off anyone trying to get him to do the opposite.

Whilst Colt has seen his fair share of shit, he's no victim. He has an amazing strong will and recovers quickly. His optimism is equally annoying to anyone trying to get him down.


Born on the beautiful island of Hawaii, Keanu had a sweet childhood. He had two twin sisters, who were older than him by two years. His parents were also island natives, and they lived right on the edge of the beach. There was no hint of any problems to the family.

It stayed that way all through his childhood. He was an insanely smart kid at the school, and got all his physical education from running around on the beaches with his friends and swimming. He was always a popular kid who everyone thought to be cool.

He realized when he was ten, he spent a lot of time looking up into space, and wishing he was there. That, along with the "We Want You!" Posters for Starfleet, made him peruse a job in space.

His Starfleet application was happily accepted. He whizzed through the program and gave a lot of the reigning captains a run for their money. He was liked. He also met Arrelia, a beautiful woman from Morocco who studied quantum physics. Their relationship halted Keanu's promiscuity in its prime. The two got married just a year after he became captain, and she was a scientist on his ship.

And on he went to fly the Gagarin, then he became the captain of the Gagarin. A dream come true. He sent so many pictures to his family, and the entire village saw Keanu as a hero.

His reign of glory soon came to a halt when war broke out with the Klingons. Their discovery ship was blown into battle after a group of fifteen crew members were kidnapped from a planet by a rogue klingon ship. The Klingon attempted to use them as a bargaining chip to escape the system. And as the battle ships turned up, Keanu had to decide whether to obey his command and let the Klingon ship be pulled into battle, or to stop them. On that ship was Keanu's wife, Arrelia.

Of course Keanu fired at the starfleet ship to save his crew. And his wife.

After that day, the Gagarin lost all of its credibility. Not only did the captives not escape, but the name was tainted, and many didn't want to work on the ship that betrayed Starfleet. It was a miracle Keanu kept the ship.

He cursed himself for that day. But works on rebuilding the Gagarin. The captain was now well known as a trouble maker. The guy who went off course to help out an alien ship. The one who refuses not to stick his nose into trouble.

It took him years to get over Arrelia, and now doesn't see himself as ever falling in love again. All of his energy goes into making his crew and his ship happy.


Authorized Personal


n a m e :: Orion Kepler
s p e c i e s :: human
b i r t h p l a c e :: Earth , San Francisco
g e n d e r :: male
a g e :: 21
s e x u a l i t y :: pansexual / omnisexual

» ROLE «
s t a r s h i p :: U S S Gagarin
r a n k :: science officer

d e s c r i p t i o n :: Orion is average in most ways. He stands at five foot eight, smaller than most of the other men he knows. His skin is disastrously pale, and a hint of sun can leave him burnt for days. His eyes are also remarkably light blue, but they don't stand out, since everything else about him is pale. His hair is thin and a light brown, which lightens to a blond in the summer sun. He has a slim jaw with pouted lips.

u n i q u e m a r k s :: Orion is free from tattoos and other marks, but has an obvious white scar in his eyebrow.

b u i l d :: Orion is physically fit, but doesn't stand out as muscular in anyway. You can see his abs, but that might be down to being quite skinny. He's got long legs for a shorter guy. He also has slim shoulders, but does has pronounced biceps.

s t y l e :: Orion dresses to hide, in a way. He wears dark clothes and comfy items and is never seen in anything more than jeans. He loves soft t-shirts, hoodies and anything slightly baggy. His blue uniform is always creased and he hasn't learnt how to truly keep himself in good check.


Orion is awkward, quiet, naive and pessimistic. He comes off as really awkward and dismissive. Definitely borders on being a 'nice-guy'. He finds it hard to express how he's feeling and covers all of it with thick levels of irony and humor. Orion has nearly never tried to be blunt with what he wants.

He's very self-deprecating and pessimistic, and needs a lot of approval and assurance he's doing the right thing. He doubts himself a lot, and finds it hard to look on the bright side.

Although, once you break through the awkward stage of friendship, Orion is a wonderful friend. He's funny and uses humor to make a person feel better. He always listens and tries to give advice, but admits he has very little life experience to help.

Orion is also constantly craving relationships and intimacy. He's had a few shots, but always blows it, leaving him pessimistic. He's left wondering about the world of love and is desperate to see the other side.


Orion was born into a happy, wealthy San Francisco family. His two older sisters were cool models, his parents were rich business owners. But Orion was a nerd.

Their white picket fence family was pretty supportive of Orion's dash to Starfleet. He showed early on to be insanely interested in plants. Almost a bit too much. Instead of pictures of girls, he had plants in his room. Every inch was green.

As a teenager, Orion was bullied mercilessly for being a huge nerd. He attempted to make a move on one of the more popular girls, who quickly swung a knuckle into his mouth. This made him the laughing stock of the school.

But pushing through school was worth it, he got accepted into Starfleet first time.

In his academy, Orion lost his image of a bullied nerd, and kind of became a stoner. He liked to do drugs and didn't study that hard. He still got okay grades, but if he tried, he could have been the best.

When he found out he was on the Gagarin, it was no surprise. His grades were a scrape by. But, at least he was with his friends.


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✩ Naomi Brooks

age ✩ 26

ethnicity ✩ American

birthday ✩ 01/12/1979

sexuality ✩ Lesbian

occupation ✩ Pop star



✩ A P P E A R A N C E ✩

Height: 5ft10
Naomi has a striking face, with unique features. Her jawline and cheekbones are sharp and pronounced. Her eyes are a dark brown, with high arched eyebrows. Her hair is a light brown, which usually grows quite long. Her hair has been bleach blonde before, as well as cut short.
Naomi is blessed with long legs, narrow shoulders and a skinny waist. Her body is maintained through strict diet. She has gained a little more leg muscle and some ass after focusing more on her music career.
Her brand follows whatever is on trend. She wears a lot of skimpy clothing for her performances, lots of pink and fur. She loves expensive clothing and enjoys walking in designer outfits. In her usual days, she likes shorts, sweaters and matching tracksuits.

✩ P E R S O N A L I T Y ✩

✩ Extroverted ✩ Hard-Working ✩ Stubborn ✩ Hostile ✩ Self-Critical ✩

Naomi used to be quite a sweet and playful girl. She is still sometimes genuinely sweet and caring, but the industry has turned her cold. She generally doesn't give you the time of day unless you're paying her. In front of fans and interviewers, she manages to keep a happy facade. She is hostile, and isn't afraid so say something mean to get you off her back. She doesn't give a shit about people's opinions of her or if somebody say's she's a bitch.

Given the nature of her job, Naomi spends every waking moment of her day dedicating her life to it. She will never be caught slacking and will sometimes take more on than she can handle. She loves a challenge, and will not usually turn things down. Her manager has a hard time keeping her under control.

Deep down, Naomi is very insecure. She hates the way she looks without any make up on, she can't stand listening to her own voice and fears she'll always be ugly. She does not enjoy much anymore, and usually turns to drinking and drugs as a way to make her feel things.

✩ Designer Clothes ✩ Warm beds ✩ Champagne ✩ Pretty women ✩ Being looked after ✩
✩ Creepy producers ✩ Long photoshoots ✩ Dancing ✩ Early Mornings ✩ Greasy food ✩


✩ B I O G R A P H Y ✩
Naomi was born on a cold December morning to a model and her producer. She was their first and only child. Her mother, Rachel, desperately didn't want to have a kid because she was afraid it'd make her ugly. And she was right, in her own eyes. Nobody would cast her anymore, and her father was extremely distant.

Ever since Naomi could walk, her mother started to live through her. She put her in beauty pageants and it was obvious Naomi was beautiful.

Her childhood and teenagehood was revolving around her looks. She would take days out of class to model for magazines and work. When she went to high school, Naomi developed body dysphoria. She was impossibly skinny, but in the mirror she could only hear the critics telling her to loose some more weight. She struggled with this skewed perception of herself.

Naomi discovered singing and playing the piano that she could have moments of not thinking about her body. Her music teacher applauded her surprising set of lungs and ability to hit several notes very quickly.

Her success in modelling and her new found interest in music was a quick step into the music industry. She started as a backup singer for girl bands at 17, and worked as a background actor/dancer for music videos. She was still a model, and was taken out of school. Naomi never graduated high school.

She had her first solo single at age 22, where her success story really took off. It was such a fast paced movement from backup singer to international pop sensation. People were captivated by her beauty and her soft girly, but powerful voice.

Now at age 26, she is platinum status with 5 hit albums. She is currently working on her 6th after her last album was her biggest selling one so far. She no longer models, unless it's for vogue magazine or an interview about her. Her label, "Chicago Town" works straight from LA, and she spends most of her time in the studio. She still struggles with body dysphoria, and doesn't look at herself.

✩ She's currently in a fake relationship with Trey Jackson, a popular boyband member. The two of them are genuine friends, and she loves his company, but it's all a facade organized by the record company.
✩ Naomi has always confused her sexuality with jealousy. Most of the women she has been attracted to, she has always assumed she was just insanely jealous of their bodies and beautiful faces. She is yet to find a woman she has wanted to date.
✩ Naomi can't dance for shit. She's un-coordinated and avoids doing anything choreographed.

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𝓚𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓷 𝓕𝓲𝓽𝔃𝓹𝓪𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓴

Having Chris back on his lap was enough to get Kevin feeling aroused. He hadn't noticed it before, but Chris was quite the power figure. He might have lead from behind, but he was the one metaphorically, and literally on top of Kevin. His hands stroked up Chris's waist, enjoying the slight contrasts between their body types. The compliments were enjoyable too. Kevin's face warmed as he looked up at the man complimenting him. It was so liberating to finally get actual compliments, off someone you were attracted to. Kevin was happy to lean up and give him another kiss.

Their kisses continued at a wonderfully sensual pace. Kevin could take his time pressing himself against Chris, feeling every motion of his tongue. It didn't take long before the two of them couldn't hold back. Kevin was already completely aroused, he was happy to speed up their kisses as they got messier. As soon as Chris started to kiss his neck again, Kevin hummed happily. He closed his eyes, mouth open just a little as he enjoyed the feeling. Kevin felt the same sense of calmness from his dreams when Chris was on top of him. The teeth made Kevin shiver, his hands gripping him just for a second. It felt too close to the dreams, and yet he was not nervous in the slightest.

The friction of their pants pushing together was slowly becoming too much to bear, and Kevin was thankful when Chris invited him to the bedroom. Kevin licked his lips, nodding as Chris got up to guide him to the room.

Chris's room was almost exactly how Kevin had imagined it. He looked around quickly, noticing the piles of books and papers lying around. He didn't focus too much on the interior design though. As soon as they were both in the room, Kevin refocused his attention on Chris. He looped his arms around Chris's waist, placing a few kisses delicately on his neck.

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【𝓴𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓷 𝓯𝓲𝓽𝔃𝓹𝓪𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓴】
35 Montana, USA ❙ bloodline of a beast
"𝒾𝓉'𝓈 𝑜𝓀𝒶𝓎 𝒦𝑒𝓋𝒾𝓃, 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒶𝓃'𝓉 𝒽𝒾𝒹𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇"
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𝖈𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖆𝖗 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖘𝖙𝖗ö𝖒
26 USA ❙ you'll suffer at your own hands
"𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝑜𝒻 𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒽𝒶𝓃𝒹𝓈 𝒸𝑜𝓁𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝑒𝓎𝑒𝓈"
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σɾισɳ ƙҽρʅҽɾ
21 USS Gagarin ❙ dazed and confused
"𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒷𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝑒𝒾𝓇𝒹, 𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓃'𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊?"
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【scσtt jσчnєr】

35 Nevada, USA ❙ understand the consequences
"𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝑔𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓃𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓈 𝒶 𝓂𝒶𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓈𝑒, 𝒶𝓈 𝒶 𝓂𝒶𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝓅𝑜𝓁𝒾𝒸𝓎…"
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