Who Am I? || Week 27


"You'll never be alone."
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Anytime I have internet access, honestly.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Science fiction
Naturally developed romance
OC Fandom (ask about my fandoms!)

Do you enjoy creating new characters just because you can? Do you need a new character for your next story or roleplay, but you're not sure where to start? Do you enjoy using images to get the writing juices flowing? Do you just like hoarding character images? If so, this thread is for you, and anybody else who takes an interest.

Use the image below to create a character. You may use the optional form provided, create your own form, write an introduction for your character, or whatever else tickles your fancy or comes to mind.










Abilities and Skills:



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Full Name:
Miss Juniper Hart

Miss Nipper

Non-Human; Magical

Witch, seer, semi-veterinarian, assistant surgeon, baker, and 'secretary' to the sheriff.


Female, preference is to be left alone

Dark Blue

Black, short, just touching her shoulders.

Defined jaw and plump, rose lips. Pale skin that is untouched by the unforgiving desert sun. A lone beauty mark above her lip, below her petite nose. She is too 'pretty' and untouched for the harsh environment and everyone knows it, even her.

Tall, thin, willowy. She looks frail, but her hands and arms are used to many labors that require strength. Her height is a little taller than the average for men in her town and she forces them to meet her eyes as an equal when they are speaking together.

Layered cotton skirts, patched riding boots, and a simple blouse all in the darker shades of color. She has no jewelry or fancy things to put on.

Body Mods:
Gaps of skin where scales can be seen underneath. The edges are hard and dry, like dead skin.

When she first came into town as a tiny girl child, the women at the saloon dubbed her Nipper for her stubborn and disagreeable nature. Like a horse prone to nipping people as they pass by. Now, they are both fearful and thankful for Nipper being in their town for she is the reason the town still exists. She never smiles, even when she is obviously pleased, and her dark blue eyes, as dark as a daytime storm, look right through you. With just one look, she tersely asks what people want when they disrupt her routine.

Blunt and to the point. She, like the West, harsh and unforgiving. She says what needs to be said and she holds no punches. She also is the first to tell someone they look good or complimenting them on their 'sensible' shoes for walking on packed dirt or sand. Her voice always sounds like she is dehydrated, even though what little of her skin can be seen says that she is not.

  • Running out of water
  • Turning into a giant snake.
  • Being courted for marriage
  • Not seeing a catastrophe and all of them dying
  • Knowing she is the town's only magical defense
  • Indian Medicine People - She knows they see right through her

Motivation: (One of the two links below might be helpful.)
Water, knowledge, respect; in that order. One need and two wants, though Juniper would say knowledge was a driving need and respect would be given to her or she would see to it that you were more uncomfortable than you wanted to be.


Chastity (Castitas)
Does not have inappropriate physical desires and impulses.
Charity (Caritas)
Begrudgingly gives so that the townsfolk don't just up and take from her.
Diligence (Industria)
The habit for performing work with perseverance, honesty, and care.

Gluttony (Gula)
Drinks a lot of water, bathes every day, even 'soaks' when she wants to.
Greed (Avaritia)
Wants all the water all the time, damn anyone else.
Pride (Superbia)
Obsession with one's own superiority to the detriment of others.

  • Can look at wounds for both animals and humans without flinching
  • By her own words death is 'just an odd smell'
  • Can smell things others cannot
  • Logic based brain despite magical ability

  • Water- She needs it more than anything
  • Fragile outer 'Human' skin. It gets dry and peels off to expose scales
  • Visions - They take her anytime they please
  • Hoarding water
  • Animal has to be calmed before she can get near
  • Skin always itches/Wants to be pulled off (Soaking helps)

  • Carries a water skin everywhere and fills it up from communal wells before her own
  • Always wears long sleeves and skirts, no matter the heat
  • Religious use of hand cream to keep skin from drying and cracking
  • Cuts her nails daily - They seem to grow back overnight
  • Spooks animals just walking by
  • Will start to scratch somewhere and visually forces herself to stop

Racial Details:
  • Can breath underwater
  • Sharp metal pierces human skin, but not scales
  • Gore makes her hungry
  • Can see in pitch dark, but sudden bright lights are blinding
  • Visions - Present and Future
  • Extended lifetime
  • Secondary form


The daughter of a swamp serpent and the moon. Her mother, the serpent, hatched her from an egg in a nest made of frog and crocodile bodies. She lived with her mother until she was ten, old enough, according to her mother, to set off on her own. So she did, making her way East, away from the coast and towards never ending land, despite her body's requirements for water. She met many people on her yearlong travel, learning many things. Mostly from the Indians, or The People as they called themselves.

She enjoyed her time with them, though she always kept it short since their Medicine people always had an uncanny knack of figuring out her bloodline before she wanted them to and attempt to give her a raised status that she in no way wants. She took the name Juniper Hart when she arrived in the town she currently resides in, enjoying the white people's lack of understanding of this land much more than the way The People connect with it so completely. She doesn't necessarily hide from her new neighbors, but she doesn't necessarily say anything, either.

Instead, Miss Nipper learns as much as she can from anyone who will teach her and in doing so, helps those around her. Because she is a girl, the local Sheriff can't deputize her as a sheriff, so she acts as his secretary to help him solve questions that need answering. Her visions and other magical abilities mean she is a witch and a seer, but almost all the towns have one, it helps them survive. When the rich ranchers or townsfolk come to ask her questions, they know she's got two forms of payment. Water or skin salve for her hands, made up North with beeswax and imported for rich ladies... And Juniper.

Occasionally a stranger will come into town looking for Miss Juniper Hart, offering gold, jewels, or any number of things that fancy people fawn over. She sends them away without hearing a word from them until the townspeople, wanting what they have, sell him what Juniper would accept from them. She is living a quiet life and is thankful for the small town for taking her in and does what she can to make their lives bearable, as long as they are okay with her helping herself to their water rations.

"I heard it." One woman hissed as they stood around the bakery that Juniper had opened when she was thirteen, baking the recipes she's learned from the Late Mrs. Hart who'd taken her in when she'd arrived. "One of them Skinwalkers. Wearing a coyote skin. Messing with my horses and chickens. Sounded bigger than a wolf."

The other ladies tittered on about the Indians encroaching on their lands again, just like twenty years ago when the town had first settled, but Juniper rolled her eyes and continued rolling the dough on the table. "Wasn't no Skinwalker." She grumbled, loud enough for the women to hear her. Juniper had seen these women do some things even their men wouldn't, but as soon as Indians or other magic folk came into the picture, they were just as helpless as a lamb. "It's dry season. Coyotes're hungry enough without adding in magic." Pulling out a rolling pin, she set to work flattening the dough until it was as thin as she could get it.

"You sure, Miss Nipper?" One of the youngest asked, just married and frightful of everything. Juniper wondered how a man could traumatize a girl so bad on their wedding night.

"Yeah, I would of felt it if it'd been." She soothed her voice as rough as usual. Pausing in her baking, Juniper grabbed her skin of water and took a big long drink. "Now get and talk to the sheriff. He'll round up a party to look for a den." Juniper wasn't stupid, she knew the ladies had only bugged her so early in the morning so they could hear first hand if they were in danger or not. She didn't tell them of the vision dream she'd had, though. It was for the Sheriff, first. Dead Humans always were.
Hayes Bledsoe
19, 5'9" and 150 lbs.
Sequestered genius in service to her majesty Queen Edwina IV of Estora

Hayes was born to Francis and Genevieve Bledsoe in their laboratory. Combining their genes carefully and precisely to create the optimal result was a risk, but the future of their joint research depended upon success, so both were willing to attempt to 'play God' with their own child. The child was implanted into Genevieve and grew as expected and was delivered healthy in the expected amount of time later. They immediately began testing the baby for signs of heightened mental capability or strength. Physically he was healthy but not extraordinary, and in fact seemed rather small. That fact never changed as he grew to adulthood, but at the age of one and two months, Hayes began to speak in complete sentences. BY two he was solving complex mathematical equations. His rate of growth intellectually was beyond astounding, and far exceeded their highest expectation.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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