CHARACTER INDEX 2000 monarchies: special delivery

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Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Name: Owain
Gender: Cismale
Race: North Elf
Age: 343
Job history: farmer 95 years, court wizard 137 years, weaver 97 years, courier 14 years present occupation.

Magic element specialty: Space.

Physical description: Owain being a northern elf is thin and with sharp features. His golden hair has been lovingly shaped into a large pompadour, and he pencils in thick angry eyebrows on his forehead. He carries around a baseball bat which he carved from the wood of a sacred tree for use as a magic focus. He wears a black gakuren with a red undershirt, but he generally only changes into outfits from his anime.

History: Owain was born to Rhys and Ffion, two northern elves who were currently farmers when Owain was born. Owain lived with his parents until he turned 95 and found himself unsatisfied with farm work. He bid them adieu and became a court wizard for a human Monarch whose Other was contained within a crown and was also advising the Monarch. He found the various humans that he served over the years were much the same, and while he felt their Other gave sage advice, the human who wore the crown always had greater ambition. He learned space magic as a court wizard, bending space to project an image on his orb. He would spy on the Monarch's enemies with his tool, but found he could peer through dimensions. While he was a weaver he looked through many worlds with his orb and found something called "Anime." He loved it and watched it over and over and never grew tired of it. He made clothes like the outfits he liked from the anime and began put his hair into a pompadour. His wardrobe complete for now, he lost all motivation to be a weaver. He made a jar and used his space magic to compress a home into it. Taking his portable home he began to wander, using the storage within his jar to make deliveries.