CHARACTERS A Box? A Box! [allthekingsmen's Iwaku Character Storage]

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stronger than lover’s love is lover’s hate
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
generally after 1 PM ET, but is variable depending on homework
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Advanced
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Mythopoeia, Coming-of-Age, Fantasy of all kinds, Slightly-wacky Sci-Fi, Historical (gimme that Gilded Age race to the patenting office plot right now!), Supernatural (not the show), Superheroes... and other stuff. Really, sometimes, certain plots just hit you right in the gut, and you don't know what they are until they're right in front of you.
i'm pretty sure that none of my character sheets that i use in iwaku are consistent or follow a similar style, but so long as they're useful and readable, it doesn't really matter, does it?

(and many thanks to the staff for relocating this thread :D) (edit: x2 - THANK YOU!!!!!)

"OLD" characters



Eighteen summers have passed since his grandiose emergence.
The Devourer measures at
five feet and eleven inches.
While the Devourer detests human terms of pronouns and presentation preference, he presents as male.
The Devourer is—regrettably—attracted to those of any gender... that is to say, he is pansexual.
One would call him an Other or perhaps even a Beast, though this is subject to further inspection.
The Devourer is currently not a part of a team.
One could call him a
Tank or a Forwarder.
He hails from the United States of America, with German, Russian, Romanian, Scottish, and English influences.

WARNING: There are non-explicit mentions of cannibalism, murder, violence towards children, and blood in this character profile—especially in his power set and biography. Please do not proceed if you are uncomfortable with this. Any requested changes to Cain's powers in order to make them less macabre will be made.

  • HAIR: Short, dark, and constantly tousled in some way, shape, or form, his hair is nothing to marvel at. However, he takes good care of it and it's thick, fluffy, and shiny... for the most part. There is always the occasional tangle or knot stuck in his hair. He keeps forgetting to trim it and his bangs always flop over his eyes, but he likes it like that. In short: it is black, short, and always messy.
  • EYES: This young man has unnaturally bright red eyes, seeming to glow in the dark, with a dark, slightly-slitted pit of a pupil in the center of his eye. A ring of black sits in the middle of each of his irises, disturbing the sea of carmine. He has excellent night vision and eyesight in general. If one could get over the (usually) dead and slightly unnerving look in his eyes, they could be described as pretty: his irises are a bright crimson color, not too unlike freshly-spilled blood framed by long, dark lashes.
  • BODY: His skin is quite pale, always easy to burn in the sun. He, himself, stands at 5'11" (or about 180 cm.) and is slim and lanky. He's got a fair amount of muscle tone across the porcelain map of his body, but he's most definitely stronger than he seems. He also weighs more than one would expect of such a slim guy. He has dark bags underneath his eyes—it seems as though he hasn't been sleeping well as of late.
  • ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Cain has highly-decorated ears, laden with gunmetal gray, red, and black rings, studs, and such. He also has a throat dermal stud, usually covered by his shirt. While without any permanent tattoos of his own, he usually has a pen or marker on him that he uses to draw designs on himself when bored, so he has various drawings strewn across his arms that smudge after a bit. Unfortunately, this habit of drawing on himself when bored is not limited to simply pens and markers—it also extends to sharp objects. He has a few light scars that streak over his fingers due to this. He's taken up the hobby of body-stitching, so it's not uncommon to see streaks of red, black, or blue thread laced over his skin—he finds the pain exhilarating. He almost always wears his custom red-and-black gas mask, which covers his sharper-than-average canine teeth. He prefers dark, comfortable clothing.

    • HIS BLOODLUST: An insatiable appetite sits within the creature that is he. The delectable meal that is the freshly-killed carcass endlessly entices him... which is to say: when he smells blood, whether it be animal or human, he experiences an adrenaline rush, among other things. He will then strongly desire to tear apart the bleeding one. With further practice, he may learn to fully control this urge, but for now... well, the gas mask he wears helps to protect others and conceal the scent—the front of it is packed with herbs and strong-smelling things—but it doesn't stop them from getting through. During this time, adrenaline rushes through his body and he has an intense fixation to do nothing but tear apart the bleeding one—think something like berserkergang without the superhuman strength. Strong sedatives, a different and stronger scent, and the incapacitation of his body may put a pause to this frenzy without the harming of the bleeding one. Staying away from the bleeding one until he is calm is also effective. This urge builds, though—it generally takes anywhere from a few seconds to ten minutes for the urge to start building, depending on how much blood was spilled; the fresher, the quicker. He is a hunter, after all, and it is dangerous to keep a predator away from its prey.
    • HIS THIRST: When he drinks the blood of/consumes the flesh of a living or formerly-living creature, he can gain an amount of that creature's abilities, depending on how much he consumes. The qualities of the creature gained vary greatly, and may not even stay the same even if eating the same creature. The qualities weaken depending on if the item is old, fresh, etc. and he might not gain any special abilities at all if what he ingests is something radically changed from its original form (i.e. if he eats a cake, he will not gain the powers of a chicken if there are eggs in it). He will only gain properties from dead creatures if they are fresh—less than one or two days old, with qualities weakening as time passes. Blood brings him energy and is somewhat of a necessary item for him; if he doesn't have blood for about a week, he may feel tired and listless. The blood of humans (or any possible equivalently-intelligent beings) works best. Also, he has preferences (as anyone does) that bring him greater happiness, but may or may not be effective in giving him desired properties. So far, he has not be observed to absorb personality traits, memories, or emotions from his activities, and the qualities have never stuck with him past two hours. Consuming his own blood has no noticeable effect.
    • HIS SENSES: Cain has heightened senses of hearing and smell. His senses of sight and taste are good, but nothing too above-average. His sense of touch is normal. His most powerful sense is his sense of smell—it's so keen that he can smell one's "aura" (one's boldest personality traits and if they are hostile to him/others or not). That is, by smelling their body and connecting the dots between smells, he forms an opinion of them.
    • HIS BONDS: Cain has the ability to form "blood bonds" with others. This is caused by smelling one's blood for an extended amount of time without consuming it, before consuming his own blood. This causes him to form a resistance against the urge to consume that specific entity's blood (as in, if he forms a blood bond with a pig named Lucy, then he is not resistant against all pigs' blood; only Lucy's). This also creates a weak empathetic link in which those who with the bond is shared may feel the other's emotions, depending on how strong they are. If he consumes this individual's blood, it will take more blood to gain special properties, but it gives him more energy. However, if he consumes too much blood, it may break the bond and he will become vulnerable to this individual's blood.
    • HIS POTENTIAL: Cain has only recently developed his powers—who knows what can happen? His power set might grow or shrink, adding in or taking away restrictions. Only Time can tell, and Time is a cruel master, indeed.
    • HIS ATHLETICISM: Even without his powers, Cain is quite athletic. While he's no Olympian athlete, he was certainly one of the more athletic kids in class. He has a particular passion for speed-skating and soccer, though he doesn't indulge in these two sports much.
    • HIS STEALTH: He has a habit of sneaking up on people. He is very quiet and good at concealing himself.
    • HIS POLYGLOTISM: Cain is fluent in English, German, Russian, French, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Norwegian, Romanian, and Latin. He also knows conversational Korean. He enjoys learning new languages and has quite the knack for it. He has an interest in learning Welsh, but hasn't quite gotten to it yet (though he can successfully pronounce "Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch").
    • HIS HANDS: Cain is good with his hands—he's quite good at picking pockets and can whittle a sculpture like a champ. He is fairly good at doing card tricks and is adept at sewing and knitting. He used to play the piano, too, which adds to the nimbleness of his fingers. Unfortunately, this skill doesn't extend to drawing or writing—his handwriting is a disaster and his sketches are even worse.
    • HIS VOICE: Though he doesn't use it too much in daily life, he has a nice voice (in terms of singing, at least). That, along with a good sense of pitch, makes him a good singer. He can also mimic noises and sounds easily, which can come in handy. He does good impressions, even after only listening to someone's voice once or twice.

    • HIS LOYALTY/STUBBORNNESS: Cain is faithful to a fault. He will stick by those he trusts through heaven and hell, and is highly protective over those he cares about. This means that it can be a bit tough to gain his trust, but in the end, he will never leave his friends' sides. However, this also means that his ideals are firmly set in stone, and it can be a difficult task to try and change his mind. Concerning people, first impressions make a big difference for him, and if he gets a bad feel from someone initially, he will likely keep that view in his head until they do something huge.
    • HIS CALMNESS/LAZINESS: It's hard to shake Cain—he's usually quite stoic, and few things actually "get to him." This allows him a level head in most situations, but sometimes he's a little too laidback, to the point where it is considered laziness. He likes his naps and loves to lounge around, doing nothing except for being a general nuisance. It takes a little prodding for him to do something, and it takes a lot of prodding to get him to do something he doesn't want to do (in which he will likely half-ass it).
    • HIS (EVENTUAL) PLAYFULNESS/ASSHOLERY: Once he gets comfortable around someone, he sort of latches onto them (as stated previously: he is protective and a bit of an attention hog). His sort of mischief is languid and deliberate, sort of like a cat batting items off a table after its owner told it not to. This behavior can be seen as endearing, but also incredibly irritating.
    • HIS VIGILANCE/STANDOFFISHNESS: He is well aware of outside threats and has a keen sense of danger, but this can cause him to push others away or act hostile to strangers. He may be prone to aggressiveness with new people, but it rarely escalates to actual violence—he knows how to rein himself in enough to not pounce on the first vaguely polite person he sees, but it's always good to remind new visitors that he isn't always successful in this endeavor.
  • BIO:
Cain was a good boy.
A little odd, but then again, weren't most kids? His parents didn't pay too much mind to his quirks, because he was their only son and youngest child—everything about him was loved, from his peculiar eyes to his love of make-believe. He wasn't very social and didn't show any signs of having powers like some of his family members, but that was okay; his family was always there for him, showering with affection and adoration.
They were the very definition of a helicopter family. They were extremely protective (even pushing the line of possessive) over their littlest member, and he was quite sheltered from the horrors of outside.
Cain believed that he and his family were as rich as they came—after all, they were always happy. They usually got him most things he requested, so they obviously were well-off.
Truth was, they were pretty poor.
Cain was very young and didn't fully understand the concept of class division and wealth, but the fact that his family both physically and figuratively shielded him from the uglier views of their neighborhood greatly contributed to his ignorance towards how crappy the world was. He had a single good friend (morbidly yet appropriately named Abel) that ended up inadvertently showing him how it really was, but he still largely believed in the good in others.
That faith was crushed soon enough.
At the much-too-young age of eight, Abel died.
Unlike the interactions between the biblical brothers, Cain did not kill Abel. Abel and Cain happened to be walking back from the cinema with Abel's older brother when a sudden shooter appeared, gunning down and killing three people (and wounding six) before fleeing the scene.
A tragedy, the reporters cried. a true tragedy! What a terrible loss of human life! We need to clean up our town!
Yet help never came.
Cain never knew why that man harmed so many people. He never knew why the press promised to make his town a better place when next to nothing changed at all. He never knew why Abel, Daniel, and Mrs. Martinez—three people that he cared deeply for—were shot and killed.
All too quickly, Cain became jaded and stoic. He saw the world completely differently and, in an effort to cope with his friend's death, he took on the alter ego "The Devourer" from a game that he and Abel played when he was alive. From then on, he referred to himself in the third person, using the moniker "The Devourer" and occasionally narrating his thoughts and actions.
Life went on.
Tragedy struck again on the night of his eighteenth birthday (and Abel's deathday). He was simultaneously celebrating and mourning by playing Demon Feast 2 in his room when he heard gunshots again.
Cain raced to the living room, being met with the dying bodies of his parents and sister, a lone man standing in front of them with his hood drawn over his head. The man's gun-holding hand was shaking—he likely broke into their home with the intention to steal things, not expecting anyone to be home due to the fact that their lights were off.
The man looked to Cain.
Cain looked back. His vision went red, and he charged.
He didn't remember much of anything about his attack except for anger, despair, and the warm splash of coppery on his tongue.
Afterwards, his other sister found him passed out on the floor next to four dead bodies, with one of them... missing a few parts.
Cain woke up in a freshly cleaned house, laying in his bed with his sister sitting next to him. She tended to him and helped him understand what happened to the best of her ability. Truthfully, she didn't really know what happened, but she believed in Cain and the good in him. They were both in over their heads and they knew it.
"Let's experiment with this," Seraphine—his living sister—suggested. "It could be important."
Cain woozily agreed and, seeing as though both he and his sister were numb to the loss of their family for the time being, they began their experimenting.
A few days later, they were experimenting with store-bought animal blood in their home when a strange, dark-haired woman appeared in front of him with a card and some curious words. After the world went back to normal, he explained the experience to his confused sister and told her that he would call the number on the card. He said that he'd go (it was a valuable experience, after all) and, after buying a specialized gas mask and preparing his bags, he hugged his sister goodbye and went on his way.
If nothing else, Cain Vonnegut was sure that this would be an interesting experience.
    • Specialized gas mask (wearing)
    • Regular clothes (wearing; consists of a black-and-red zipped-up sweatshirt, a black t-shirt, black jeans, white socks, and red sneakers)
    • An extra set of clothes
    • Snacks and a refillable water bottle
    • Nearly-empty ballpoint pen
    • Mobile phone
    • Switchblade
    • Bus pass
    • A sewing kit (contains two types of needles and red & black thread)
  • EXTRA:
    • Cain is always hungry and has a nigh-insatiable appetite.
    • Upon meeting someone, he may smell them to try and get a glimpse (sniff?) of their personality. This may be unnerving to some.
    • Cain likes sweets, dairy products, red things, big fish (he thinks they're cool), learning new languages, most music, video games, and reading.
    • Cain dislikes spicy food, loud things, large and empty spaces, crowds, abstract art (he just doesn't get it!), strangers, fighting, and gunshot noises.
    • He wasn't a very good student—while he was good with languages, athletic, and enjoyed reading (especially classic literature and poetry), he just hated school. He didn't apply himself to the curriculum and ended up being a subpar student. If he tried harder, he could've gotten better grades (though his writing skills were... bad and he was average at math; he could've gotten far better physical education and foreign language grades, though).


FULL NAME: Castor Bohai Yang


AGE: Twenty-five

ROLE: The bad boy who may or may not be a murderer. (Spoiler alert: he isn't)

Castor was raised in a suffocatingly strict family—he was always expected to get good grades, he was never to cry, he almost could never go out with friends, he wasn't allowed to date, etc.

Long story short, he didn't care.

He stayed good long enough to get into a normal high school (rather than some military school that his parents would surely boot him off to if he showed any indication of rebellion) before opening up the gates of hell and going all out. He drank, he smoked, he did drugs, he threatened smaller kids in order to get what he wanted, he got not-so-legal tattoos and piercings, he stole things, he made some important connections and relationships, he beat the crap out of people that irritated him—sure, he had an honor code, but he also had quite the temper.

Castor's parents were horrified over their son's actions, and they tried to punish him, but to tell the truth... they were scared of him, too. Cas owned high-quality knives and brass knuckles, and he was strong from working out. He terrified them.

Cas was smart (he didn't do anything too extreme, and when he fought others, he was careful with the "evidence" and location), but his grades suffered due to his actions, not to mention the fact that his record was riddled with his problematic history. When he managed to somehow graduate from high school, he found that it was really, really hard for him to get into a good college. Without many viable options, Castor turned to social media.

He uploaded small workout videos and started to stream himself playing video games or doing physical challenges and, to Castor's pleasant surprise, he ended up making a good enough living out of it.

Finally free from familial clutches and making good money, Cas decided to move into a new place. New beginnings, you know? He's still a bit of a tough guy/hardass/jerk, but he's a little softer now that he's got a fun job.

More of his real self.

He just hopes that he'll get a fresh start in this new place. No stealing, beating up, or spreading rumors here.

Standing at 5'11" (or approx. 180 cm), Castor Yang is a fairly tall guy. He's pretty bulky, with lots of lean muscle throughout his body. He has lightly tanned skin with short, styled black hair that usually has a few strands that fall into his eyes. Speaking of his eyes, his irises are of a chocolate-brown hue and have a slightly kinder light in them than when he was in high school. Castor's got two heavily-pierced ears, as well as a tongue piercing and an eyebrow piercing in his left eyebrow. He has a tattoo (a skull encircled by blood-dripping roses) on his right shoulder that is usually covered by a shirt. He usually wears shades of black, red, and brown, though he may occasionally wear a splash of blue. He is almost never seen without his signature black leather jacket.

Nowadays, Castor is still quite quick-tempered and standoffish, but he's lost the dangerous gleam in his eyes. He usually isn't willing to hit others (unless he needs to defend himself or others) and no longer steals or does drugs. However, he never kicked his nicotine habit and still smokes cigarettes sometimes. He also drinks, but to a lesser extent than before. He's usually a bit grumpy-seeming, but if one were to give him some breathing room and talk to him in a calm and mildly friendly manner for a long while, he might just act stoic rather than cranky. Someone who saw his softer side was someone very important to him—someone from high school who was always happy and cheery and positive who he had sadly lost contact with.


NAME: Rei Tokieda

AGE: 18 (Third-year student at Tokyo Metropolitan Kokusai; on the soccer team)

ROLE: Employee (Part-time)

APPEARANCE: Approx. 5'9", with light caramel-colored hair tied back into a small ponytail and mahogany-hued eyes. Light skin without any noticeable blemishes, except for some bruises on his legs from sports. Usually smiling.

PERSONALITY: Cheery and curious. He's got good manners, but sometimes his excitement can overtake those manners and make him seem a little too eager. A bit oblivious, but good-natured. Unintentionally flirty (he likes to give compliments and is genuinely nice, but many times he doesn't know that the recipient might not see them as "just something nice to say"), but is no stranger to romantic advances. Calls his sister "aneki" because "nee-san" or "onee-san" always feels way too formal, whilst "nee-chan" just feels weird.

ROMANTIC & SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Panromantic pansexual


NAME: Yuko Tokieda

AGE: 24 (Japanese-English Interpreter for a company that I have not named yet)

ROLE: Occasional customer/doting onee-san.

APPEARANCE: Mature-looking and differs a bit from the picture (because apparently anime girls only range from ages ten to sixteen and almost never have brown eyes). Standing at about 5'7", she's a good bit taller than the average Japanese woman. She has dark brown hair that hangs down to her mid-back, slightly wavy. She has bangs that just pass her eyebrows that she usually brushes to one side, though the left half of her face still has hair hanging over it. She usually leaves her hair loose, complimenting her light skin. Her eyes are a reddish-brown—mahogany, like her brother's, but a little lighter. A sophisticated and elegant face.

PERSONALITY: She comes off a little cold and rather quiet, but she just prefers her own company. She's quite stoic and indifferent to most things, but don't let that fool you—she's a great lover of hedgehogs, snakes, and frogs, and can go on and on about the subject. Nice, but of a cooler, measured kind. Unlike her brother, though, she enjoys lightly flirting with pretty women. Loves to embarrass and relentlessly tease her brother in private, though this side will sometimes come out in public. She is ruthless in her sibling jabs.

ROMANTIC & SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Homoromantic homosexual

"Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with new self-respect, with new power, and with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old."
Ralph Waldo Emerson


[ Name ]
Maarika Virtanen

[ Nicknames ]
Maari, Rika, Veden

[ Date of Birth ]
July 9

[ Age ]

[ Gender ]
Female (Cisgender)

[ Sexual Preference ]

[ Ethnicity/Nationality ]

[ Species/Race ]
Haltija — veden väki (visit Wikipedia, the Trefoil Academy Wiki, or the Demopedia Wiki for more information)

[ Education ]
Up to senior year of high school.


[ Height ]
5'6", or 167.64 cm.

[ Hair ]
Light blue fading to more of a medium-hued blue, her hair is naturally colored that way and usually falls to the tops of her shoulders. Her hair always flops over her face, but it doesn't bother her sight too much.

[ Eyes ]
Her irises are a grayish-blue, surrounded by white scleras and framed by dark lashes. Her eyes are a wide almond shape.

[ Tattoos ]

[ Piercings ]
She has her earlobes pierced, as well as a nose ring in her left nostril.

[Birthmarks/Moles/Scars ]
Maari has a small mole underneath the corner of her lip on the right side of her face. She also has a marking in the inside of her left wrist (it is mistaken as a tattoo by many, but it's actually a natural sort of "birthmark" that appears on every haltija shortly after creation); it depicts an intricate wave that proclaims her affinity as a haltija.


[ Personality ]
Unlike most of her fellow veden väki, Maarika Virtanen is not mild-mannered, smooth, or particularly gentle. To alienate herself further from the rest of her species, she isn't particularly polite, rule-abiding, or shy, either. She is most like vuoren (mountain) or raudan (iron) väki, if any: blunt, brash, cocky, and excitable. Maari is kind and friendly, but quite loud, which tends to scare some shyer people away. She enjoys talking to people and, again, unlike most of her species, isn't one to hold grudges—water under the bridge, you know? She has a strong sense of justice, however, and will not hesitate to protect or help people in need. Maari likes all types of people, usually believing in the best of others, and can be quite gullible because of that. That doesn't mean that she isn't smart, though—it just takes a little digging.

[ Likes ]
Swimming | Meeting new people | Salmiakki | Reindeer sausage | Card games (though she's not good at them) | Exercise | Nature | Fishing

[ Dislikes ]
People who pick on other, defenseless people | Small, dark spaces | Schoolwork (especially mathematics, since she's not good at it) | Alcohol | People going easy on her or babying her | Bland food | Big, sprawling cities with little nature | Sitting still

[ Hobbies ]
Exercising/playing sports

[ Mental/Health Ailments ]
Though she isn't diagnosed (because she's only recently popped up in civilization), Maari likely has ADHD—it's oftentimes hard for her to focus or sit still.


[ Mother & relationship ]
N/A — Haltija are created, not born. It isn't uncommon for young haltija to be mentored by older haltija, though, and some haltija "adopt" others and replicate a family dynamic. Haltija of the same or similar väki may group up and create a community, while others live alone (which is traditional and usually preferred; most haltija take their jobs as guardians very seriousky). In Maari's case, she has no female mentor or mother figure.

[ Father & relationship ]
N/A — See above. Maari was not taken in by a male mentor or father figure, either. While Ahti rules over all veden väki, he had no special connection to her besides briefly meeting her after her creation.

[ Siblings & relationship ]
Ilari, Sulo, and Hilja — While haltija do not have biological, blood-connected siblings in the traditional sense, those created from the same affinity or those who live near each other may bond together and have a sibling-like or very close platonic relationship. Ilari was the former, Sulo was the latter, and Hilja was neither. While Ilari and Hilja have sibling relationships with Maari, Sulo is less close and is more of a best friend.
Ilari is the veden väki of a pond and considered the eldest. He found baby Maarika next to a stream as a child; they ended up creating a sibling bond and started interacting with each other on a daily basis. They are still very, very close.
Sulo is the tulen (fire) väki of a nearby sauna and is the second-youngest (this fact is relentlessly brought up by Maari, even though he was created just a few days after her). After a group of sauna-goers said that there wasn't enough water, he set out to go find some and happened upon Ilari and Maarika along the way. Although they were of opposite affinities, they became friends. He and Maarika are close, but not as close as Ilari is to her.
Hilja is the kalman (death) väki of a faraway graveyard and considered the youngest of the bunch. As a tiny child, she wandered to Ilari's pond by accident and, as he did with Maari, they created a sibling bond. Though she was a haltija, she didn't have a particularly strong connection to her graveyard, so their connection broke and now she is a sort of free haltija. She and Maarika are close, but not as close as Ilari is to Maari. However, they are closer to each other than Maari is to Sulo. They confide in each other often now that Maari has sent her a cell phone.

[ Current Relationship/Status ]

[ Past Relationships ]
N/A — Maari has never dated anyone before.

[ Extras ]
Maari has only very recently come to civilization—up until she was sixteen, she lived in the forest with her friends.
Since she is a haltija, she has sharper canine teeth and slightly pointed ears. Her blue hair would come off as insane and a total alarm-ringer, but since many people dye their hair nowadays, not many people look twice at her hair color until she mentions that it's natural.
Maari, while very social, isn't great at recognizing social cues and will often only fully read a situation after recognizing someone's facial expressions.
Maari sucks at math, but she is an avid reader and excels in literature-related things.
As a veden väki, Maari can:
Manipulate water anywhere from an ocean to tiny droplets.
Turn invisible, which includes clothing that she's wearing but not objects in her hand (i.e. if she's wearing a shirt, it turns invisible, but if she's holding a shirt, it stays visible).
Shapeshift minimally—she can change the shade of her hair and eyes, as well as her height. She can also turn into water or water vapor (i.e. a cloud), but since she is a very young haltija and has not yet reached her first hundred years, she can't really do much regarding shifting. Sometimes, she shifts due to her emotions, but they usually have to be very strong ones to affect her that way.
Heal and make ill with water. She can heal small cuts and bruises quickly and reliably, but regarding big injuries, it's best to see a doctor. Regarding illness, by making water gross and mucky, she can make people sick.
Use telekinesis, though this takes lots of focus that Maari doesn't have, so her telekinesis isn't very reliable. At most, she can lift small things that weigh a few grams with her mind.
Communicate with others in dreams, though it's very faint and oftentimes unintentional.
Cast shields to protect people and/or places. These shields vary in size and strength depending on her stamina and how many shields she puts up.
Gain power and energy via offerings and prayers, though she gets them much less often nowadays.
"Die" if her bound-place is destroyed. In her case, her "bound-place" is her stream.


Full Name: Zeyad Gwyn Nevitt

Nickname(s): Zey

Age: Twelve years old, in both appearance (mostly) and actual biological age

Gender: Male (AMAB), with he/him/his pronouns, though he doesn't really notice or mind if he's addressed with other pronouns

Sexuality: Undecided—life's pretty hectic for him right now, and he doesn't really feel worthy of any romantic love at the moment, either, so he hasn't thought much about this kind of thing. He doesn't give much thought to gender in general, though.


Hair Colour: Pitch black, so dark that light seems to disappear in it.

Eye Colour: Black—not dark brown, but black, like squid ink billowing into the ocean.

Height: ~145 cm, give or take

Body Type: Slim and lithe, but athletic and deceptively strong beneath the layers of childhood softness; rectangular, save for the slightly-flaring line of his shoulders.

Scars: A long, jagged line slices up the back of his left leg, from ankle to knee, and that's about it. Most of his other injuries recover without a wildly noticeable mark.

Tattoos/Piercings: None so far

Domestic Form: Zey appears to be a short boy with a head full of tightly-wound, dark curls that oftentimes fall into his eyes if he doesn't have anything to pin or push them back with. He has tan skin, colored a light brown with ashen undertones that make him look gray under certain (poor) lighting, as well as a faint, sporadic speckling of freckles across his face, arms, and legs. His eyes are rather large, flanked by short lashes and a strange, streaking black smudge across that horizontal eye-line of his face that he never seems to be able to wipe off. Furthermore, he usually smears bright face paint around that area, as well, leaving a large streak of color across his eyes to look more Carnival-appropriate in lieu of the dreary black (even if there's not a lot of people around to see him, it's still important to look nice!). His squishy cheeks and cute face seem to bely the two rows of big, razor-sharp teeth in his mouth, as well as the inane amount of strength and dexterity packed into such a small form. In fact, upon close inspection, much of his body may be considered "mismatched"—he has a stout pair of legs, but a rather lean and limber upper body; his cheeks are well-filled and pinchable, but the cut of his jaw is decidedly sharp; his big eyes are like two cute buttons, but such a dark and absolute black has never been seen before in a human. Overall: a rather normal boy until you look closer.

Feral Form: His "mismatched" body is a bit more clear in his feral form—he's a rather underwhelming size for a fearsome "monster", only about two feet tall standing flat on all six legs, but can greatly increase his height if balancing on his back legs. Was it mentioned that he has six legs? He has six legs: his forelegs are that of a lion's, the middle two are that of a leopard's, and the back two are weirdly disproportionate (yet still strong and quick) hippopotamus legs. Each section of torso is similarly spread so, with the front part holding a fluffy display of lion fur and even a mane that clings onto his crocodile-like head, the middle part patterned like a leopard's fur, and the hindquarters smooth and tough with a small hippo's tail in the back. Inside his maw is, once again, that double-set of teeth, with a large dog's tongue rather than a crocodile's, though a sticky mucus at the roof of his mouth can occasionally be used to stick it inside when snapping his jaws shut. His entire body—save for the whites of his eyes, which are... white—is made up of varying shades of gray, ranging from as black as the night to the color of storm clouds, without a speck of color to be seen. Because of this, he has pretty good camouflage at night, and shadows almost tend to stick and mold to him when he moves, giving a strange streaky optical effect to his form. Since he tries to avoid contact with the Mist, however, and contact with others in general, this form of his isn't seen much.


Positive Traits:
  • Loyal: If you manage to get on his good side—which is, in all honesty, one of the easiest things in the world—you'll find that he'll go to the ends of the Earth to make sure that you're happy and safe. This might mean staying away from you and leaving you gifts with a little note that has a smiley face on it instead of interacting with you more, but that's what's best for the people around him, right?
  • Outwardly Cheery: Zey almost always has a big smile on his face—come one, come all, and all that. He tries his best to keep up a happy atmosphere when he can, and his bright disposition tends to make other people smile, too! He's definitely someone that likes to bring other's joy, and he's pretty good at it, to boot.
  • Open-Minded: Even if you share drastically different ideals and thought processes, Zey will always treat you with respect and kindness—unless you hurt others, but that's really the only exception. He just wants the world to be a better place, and believes that being nice to everyone is a step in the right direction.
Negative Traits:
  • Physically Closed-Off: Weirdly enough, as happy-go-lucky as he presents himself, he's actually the kind of person that tries not to let people get close. Sure, they can be friendly—in fact, that's the general relationship that he'll prefer—but close to the point where they talk very frequently in-person and give each other hugs and all that? That's just a dream for him, sorry. He can't let that happen, as much as he'd love to. He's content with staying on the outskirts and peering in through the gaps if it means the best for everyone's safety.
  • Pacifistic: To an unsafe level. If Zey's being held hostage, or getting a knife or a gun pointed at him... well, he's certainly not fighting back. He doesn't want to hurt anyone. Please don't force him to—if he's pushed to that point, or is somehow manipulated into hurting or killing someone, there's no telling what it'll do to his psyche.
  • Personably Optimistic: In total: he believes in the good of others. Maybe not himself, but certainly in other people. He likes humans, he likes other Children of the Mist, he likes critters and creepy-crawlies and plants of all kinds, but not really himself. He will always believe in the general goodness of everyone around him, even if they're mean. After all, deep down, they're nice, right?
Likes: Sweets, spicy food, soft or squishy things, sports & generally moving around, making people happy, circuses & carnivals, upbeat music, dates, honey.

Dislikes: Bitter food, being alone with someone (it disconcerts him, especially if the person isn't good with self-defense), winter & cold temperatures, eggplant.

Fears: Hurting or killing others, being poked and prodded at by Investigators, the concept of an afterlife.

Motivations: Wanting to 'pay back' his bad deed(s) with good ones, helping others, a sort of way to commit no-longer-alive (or removal of his feral parts) in a productive manner that doesn't particularly worry others.

Brief Personality Description: Zey is just about as sweet as can be—he tries his best to be charitable, kind, friendly, and open-minded. He'll always do his best to bring smiles to others' faces and make sure that they're safe. Of course, this means that he'll be nice from afar; he thinks of himself as a dangerous and deadly wild card, considering his feral form and general 'monstrous' nature, and hates even the possibility that he could do harm. Because of this image of himself, he's also incredibly self-hating and generally considers himself a menace to society, and has little self-worth, putting on a bubbly dispositions for others' sakes. In summary: very nice, but not to himself.


Faction: Currently Carnival; formerly the Aristocrats

Occupation: Does practicing circus acts by himself count? He likes swallowing things that aren't meant to be swallowed (though they might not come back up), doing physically strenuous acts, and trying to advertise! If not, when he's not doing that, he's picking up odd jobs that he knows he can complete reliably and quickly (chopping wood or delivering a letter, for example).

Marital Status: Single (and not really ready to mingle)


  • Nudd Nevitt: His father, whom he was never spectacularly close to but always loved. He's still dear to his heart, but ever since that incident, they haven't even seen each other.
  • Layla Nevitt, née Kamel: His mother, whom he was much closer to and also strongly loved. She is still very much cared about, but much like Zey's father, they haven't seen each other since that fateful incident.
  • Zahra Nevitt: His younger sister, whom he adored and wanted to spend every second with! It's too bad she was the one who found him during the incident—though he still loves her very much, she's probably too scared to even think about him.
Other Relationships:
  • Orrin: The kid he used to play with when he still lived with his parents! He still has some pretty great memories with him. He wonders what he's up to nowadays, and misses being able to talk to him. By extension, he sorta-kinda knows Orrin's parents, but it's more like their parents know each other.
  • Mio: The leader of Carnival that he sorta-kinda attached to. He tries not to bother her too much, but he thinks she's really cool and nice and wants to get to know her better, even though he knows it's better if he doesn't get too close in case the Mist gets to him one night and he gets too aggravated. Most days, he watches her from afar like a socially-distanced cheerleader.
  • Casimeer: A really nice older brother figure that Zey thinks is awesome! He's always working on giving back the nice things that Cas gives him, because that's what you're supposed to do, after all. He mostly leaves them in places where he knows Cas frequents and hopes they aren't stolen.
Background: Born into a relatively wealthy lifestyle, Zeyad Nevitt had a comfortable life among the Aristocrats of the Mist—he was given a nice home, a good education, and a loving family. Though his parents could be overprotective at times, he still treasured them, and tried his best to be an upstanding older brother. He played around with friends when he could, completed his schoolwork on time, and practiced the violin diligently. All-around, he was a good kid... well, save for a few things.

Zey had a bit of an adventurer's mindset, having a tendency of sneaking off and messing around in the greener parts of Gothendale, where his family's house resided near, when he finished all his chores and schoolwork for the day. He liked to explore well past when and where he was supposed to, even when his family and the house staff got suspicious as to why they could never find him when he said he was 'playing outside close to the house', but always made an effort to return home before nightfall—his parents were always strangely adamant about him not being exposed to the Mist, even though they weren't as strict with themselves and his sister. He didn't really know why, but he assumed it was for his own good. After all, they were his parents.

One evening, however, he found himself in a part of town that he didn't recognize. It wasn't too late, yet, so he tried to hurry back home before night fell, but he only succeeded in getting more and more lost, panic creeping into his mind and corrupting his rationality and memory to push him further and further into undiscovered, untraceable territory. Night firmly came, and the Mist encroached on his position like a seeping poison.

His bones creaked and cracked, his skin hardening in some places and sprouting fur in others; his teeth grew and elongated further, and he felt his jaw stretch and gape open into something that could only be described as a maw, slobbering and savage. Zey became... well, a monster. There was no other way to describe him.

By the cruelest chance the universe could have given him, a young girl—smaller than his sister was, and with red hair instead of black—stumbled across his path. He rushed towards her, tried to form words with that new mouth of his: Where am I? Where is my home? How do I go back? Please help me!

With his lack of practice with this sort of transformation, his words only came out as pained screeches and half-formed snarls, all gnarled and guttural from the huge, flopping tongue in the middle of his cavernous mouth. The little girl screamed and tried to run away, but his lion-like paw caught the end of her foot, a claw piercing through her sock and shoe to drag her back towards him. She fell, crying for help, and when his head came down to try and ask her again, his teeth tangled in the curls of her hair as she continued to try and escape.

Zey was scared. He was scared, he was panicked, and, with some sort of uncontrollable itch in the pit of his empty, relentlessly unsatisfied, feral stomach, he was hungry.

By his parents' accounts, he didn't mean to. By his sister's account, he couldn't hold himself back. By his own account, he was plain evil. But by the time day broke and the girl's parents noticed she was gone, there was little more left of her than what remained of her pink dress and a splatter of blood on the ground.

Zey's sister found him curled up near a tree, closer to home than expected, with blood smeared over his mouth and hands and his huddled form shaking, wracked with quiet sobs. She dragged him back home with much difficulty, and upon hearing Zey's recount of the night, their parents resolved to do something.

After paying off a ridiculous amount of people and having many tense discussions with many tense people, Zey's parents sent him off to Carnival to be taken care of. His feral form was far too wild for him to remain in Aristocratic society, even if he tried his hardest to stay away from the Mist. He was fine with this decision, though—at this point, so long as he found a place where he could wait out the Mist at night, he was okay with anything. He didn't want to hurt anyone else.

Nowadays, Zey is shuttled in with the carnies and hides away at night so that if he can't find a place to avoid the Mist, at least there isn't anyone around for him to hurt. He'll restrain himself, lock himself away, hand himself over to the Investigators, even, if it means he doesn't have to live out that nightmare of an incident ever again.


Weapons of Choice: N/A; if Zey ever had to choose between weapons, though, he would reluctantly choose a blunt self-defense weapon, like a baton or long staff. He'd just prefer to never fight.


  • Strong Stomach Acids: Zey can eat basically anything so long as he can get it down his gullet. While this ability is a bit more subdued in his domestic form, he isn't a picky eater regardless of what's given. His stomach acids will dissolve it right up, leaving him with an insatiable appetite and a very quick metabolism. This also means that whenever he vomits, it's a lot more corrosive than the average person's. Be careful when he's got a stomachache!
  • Extreme Strength & Dexterity: He's a lot more naturally athletic than the average person—even by adult standards, he's a strong, quick guy. When in his domestic form, he mostly relies on the physicality he's gained due to frequent activity and his boundless reserves of energy that come with being a sports-loving kid while drawing on a relatively minimal amount of his monstrous strength, but while feral, he's a lot more powerful, and can go toe-to-toe with more intimidating foes than a bouncy ball, though his size may hinder him at times (he's a little smaller than a Great Dane in real life: a good size to eat hearts and small children).
  • Bite Strength: While feral, Zey has the relative bite force of a Nile crocodile of his age and gender; that is, a physically mature Nile crocodile, which is... a lot. While domestic, he has the bite force of a fairly normal human boy of his age, albeit with a lot more sharp teeth.
  • Big Cat Limbs: It should come to no surprise to anyone that lions and leopards are pretty damn vicious. The forelegs of a lion are very powerful, and thanks to the claws attached to both lions' and leopards' paws, Zey can scratch up people pretty badly while in his feral form.
Skills of Note:
  • Athleticism: Zey's an athletic little dude! He likes running around and bouncing off the walls and wants to learn how to do acrobatics-like stuff where he can put some more of his energy to use. He's also a lot stronger than he looks, and tends to busy himself by moving around heavy boxes of supplies to where they're supposed to be. Dexterous, fast, and sturdy, he's your guy if you need any task completed regarding physical labor or speed.
  • Observation: As he's usually trying to separate himself from large crowds of people, he tends to notice things on the outskirts that others might not, like a suspiciously-placed blade or a loose wire. However, this doesn't mean he's perceptive—he might not necessarily know what the wire is for, or why the blade is there.
  • Memorization: Generally, Zey is good at keeping things in his mind—he was sort of the back-up plan for his parents whenever they needed to keep passwords or to-do lists secure, and so knows a strange amount of things regarding the inner workings of his former household and also vaguely how often they needed to buy groceries. He's also good at memorizing directions so long as he can see everything clearly (which, sadly enough for him, was not the case during the foggy night with the girl).
  • Zey's birthday is in the winter!
  • His favorite chocolate is dark chocolate.
  • He knows how to play the violin, though his skill has gone down considerably since he hasn't been able to get his hands on one to practice. He used to be competition-worthy, though!


Full Name:
Inés "Nessa/Nessie" Xochiquetzal Vicario-Huerta—she tends to be called by her nickname more than her actual given name, but that might just be because the person that talks to her most often is her own brother.

Case #:

Twenty-two years old

AFAB female; she/her, but likely won't correct you if you use different pronouns

Nessa is a rather tall and somewhat unnerving-looking young lady—standing at roughly 5'10" (~178 cm) but usually hunched over or slouching and seeming shorter, she has a head full of messy, poorly-taken-care-of black hair that tends to fall over her face and down to her lower shoulders in skewed, loose curls. Her hair texture is roughly 3B-3C, but not as voluminous as it could be, and her bangs come down to her high cheekbones. Her nose is round and flat, complimenting her heart-shaped face. Her eyes are naturally angular in shape, but are usually softened by shyness.

Additionally, the color of her eyes is… peculiar, so to speak, if you could even call it a color—her eyes are almost totally see-through, with only a thin film of reflectiveness that light bounces off of to indicate that she has eyes at all. Otherwise, you can see through her eyes and into the sockets within. Despite this, she has roughly perfect vision. She tends to wear sunglasses when going outside most times, wearing a hood or moving her hair to cover her peripheral vision to make sure that no one peeks at her unnatural features from the side. Perhaps, in a tit-for-tat way, since her peculiarity tends to shut people out, the universe decided to be cruel and quite literally let everyone see in, in return.

She has a slimmer, softer frame, not with much muscle or mass, and jewel-toned brown skin with a clustered smattering of freckles over her face. She tends to wear comfy, baggy clothing, covering up everything from the neck-down, along with her aforementioned sunglasses.

Meek | Fearful | Caring | Soft-hearted | Polite | Pessimistic | Introverted

Nessa can "lock" any given solid object that she touches at will, effectively keeping its shape static and gluing it to its place in the world, even in midair. This works by setting a "password" that can unlock the object upon anyone that can see the object speaking it out loud, with or without intention of actually unlocking it. Because of this, she tends to choose uncommon words.

Peculiar Type:
Nuisance, most likely—she never physically hurts anyone, but she causes trouble.

Sprinting/generally traversing short distances in a pinch | Good with mathematics, physics, chemistry, & vocabulary | Eidetic memory | Quick learner & dedicated to self-improvement

Locked objects are potentially avoidable | Passwords can be attained (even accidentally) in many ways | Gullible | Anxious to the point where she leaves out important information or otherwise obstructs group cooperation

Nesting Grounds:
She's traveled around the US quite a lot, but currently resides in Chicago, Illinois.

Extra Information:
  • She's been dragged into a life of crime by her brother since they were two kids chucking eggs at mean people's houses, except their crimes have escalated to breaking into houses, apartments, banks, stores, and the like to steal and resell valuables. She desperately wants to get out, but she can't just leave Raúl behind, can she?

  • She's pretty sure she's the younger twin? She's not super sure, since their parents never really put much emphasis on the order they came into the world.

  • While she tries her best to hide her peculiar attributes and overall strangeness, her brother just keeps getting into deeper and deeper trouble, and she'll be inevitably pulled down with him.


Full Name:
Raúl Xochipilli Vicario-Huerta

Case #:

Twenty-two years old

AMAB male; he/him

Raúl stands just a little shorter than his sister at 5'8" (~173 cm), with a relaxed but relatively straight posture, his figure rather slim but with a good amount of lean, dry muscle that leaves him suited for many athletic activities. He has glossy black hair that falls to his mid-lower neck in loose 3A curls, usually pushed out of his face or tied up in a small, non-obtrusive ponytail—inevitably, though, a few shorter hairs fly loose and bob in front of his face until he readjusts his hair again; he tries his best to keep his hair in good condition with what he has. He has a heart-shaped face, a strong jaw, and a long, rather wide-ended nose with a slightly downturned arch to its bridge, and it has a single dark beauty mark near it.

His wide eyes are naturally angular (and are usually half-lidded or narrowed with mischievous intent) and colored a warm, dark amber, with a solid ring of permanent black around the waterline that he usually excuses as eyeliner. His dark brown, umber-undertoned skin has patches of slightly lighter color across it, particularly at his neck, shoulders, hips, and thighs. These patches aren't from vitiligo, however, and seem to resemble a jaguar's pelt, like warbly honeycomb, and he tends to call them birthmarks (which, honestly, is not untrue).

Raúl tends to wear stylish yet somewhat functional clothing, like sturdy motorcycle jackets despite not owning or knowing how to drive a motorcycle. He adorns himself with jewelry at times, but they're usually piercings—he's got both ears (which seem a bit pointed and oddly-shaped) well-curated, a septum ring, and a lip frenulum piercing that shows whenever he flashes a sharp-toothed smile at someone.

Confident | Troublemaking | Protective | Stubborn | Dismissive (of "boring people") | Optimistic | Extroverted

Raúl is best described an odd version of the folkloric nagual—he's not actually a nagual in the traditional sense, but he can shapeshift to the form of a long, lean black jaguar at will and "pause" the process or manifest only certain traits whenever he pleases (though some actions might be awkward, like walking if he has one jaguar leg and one human leg, and he can't will away the markings on his skin). He retains his usual intelligence and temperament like this.

Peculiar Type:
A nuisance, for sure; while he rarely actually hurts people, he steals things and plays pranks.

Peak physicality | Charisma and quick wit | Hiding and sneaking around (when he can keep his mouth shut) | Pickpocketing

Distractible | Easily excitable/emotional | Never sticks to the plan | Uncooperative with those he deems "boring" or "assholes"

Nesting Grounds:
He's traveled around the US quite a lot, but currently resides in Chicago, Illinois.

Extra Information:
  • He sort of dragged his sister into a life of crime at a relatively early age—he could never just sit around and wait for life to come to him, could he? No, he always had to go out and chase it, which has gotten himself into a whole lot of trouble over the years.

  • Raúl is actually the younger twin, but doesn't bring that up to his sister because he knows she'll feel guilty about being the "older sister" and not being stronger or more reliable.

  • He makes little to no effort to hide his peculiarity or his inhuman traits—you notice that he transformed his hand to have claws so that he could scratch up something that he didn't like? You get suspicious of his skin markings and the way he oddly prances around at night? Whoops. Moving on.
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2024 and onward character profiles incoming...
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Physical Build

Brown-skinned, brown-eyed, and brown-haired, Amanda seems to be about what you would imagine when you think of a spunky pilot: her expression is always fierce and frequently scrunched into a frustrated frown or scowl, her jaw-length hair textured with the slightest hint of a wave is always messy and fraught with cowlicks, and her voice always projects far louder than what you'd expect from someone her height.

Her skin, eyes, and hair are all different shades of brown, of course: her skin is warm-toned and tawny, prone to tanning more so than burning; her round, upturned eyes are a dark brown, almost black, like espresso; her choppy hair is walnut-colored and a bit bronzy, streaked with a few white stress-strands that she tries to pluck whenever she has time and a mirror. She has a flat nose, defined eyebrows, and full, two-toned lips, with perpetually-dark bags beneath her eyes. There is a beauty mark just beneath the left side of her bottom lip. Her hair tends to fall slightly over her right eye if she doesn't pin it back.

Her physique is ample yet firm, roughly hourglass-shaped; she has a good amount of muscle padded with a healthy portion of fat that makes her a surprisingly-explosive little powerhouse. Her legs and hips are broader and fuller than her upper body, with her thighs being especially bulky. She has very defined arm and leg muscles, while her midriff is softer. She's good at holding strong and keeping steady for long periods of time, as well as making small but fast instinctual movements. She has very powerful hands.

Clothing Style

Utilitarian and protective; dark colors and a great proliferation of pockets. Amanda lives in basic yet comfortable cotton shirts of different sleeve lengths, cargo pants, a sturdy belt, and big, bulky boots. Not much to speak on visually, but all of her clothes are of good quality, since she intends to wear them forever. The only thing that is actually of note in her regular outfits is that she uses a wallet chain, and that she puts an elastic headband on while piloting so her hair doesn't get in her eyes. She has an engagement ring she keeps at home, but it's not hers and she doesn't wear it.



Bisexual, with a preference for women (but she's not opposed to guys—she just doesn't have a history of dating them)


She's going through a messy breakup with a long-term partner, but there's still a lingering wisp of love for her despite their current situation… so, I guess her now-ex-fiancée Calliope is a "crush." She's pushing through it.


Sinagtala Panganiban — mother ("nanay"). A very assertive woman. They argue a lot and have very different opinions on things, but are actually very similar temperamentally and are very close.

Virgilio Caballero — father ("tatay"). He's a very quiet man who gives praise sparingly and disapproving looks frequently. They aren't very close, but they do care for each other.

Teresa Jones — older sister by five years ("ate"). A worrywart. She loves to remind her little sister that her biological clock is ticking and she should hurry up and get married soon so she can have kids, maybe settle into a tamer career. Of course, since she isn't a hypocrite, she, herself, is married with a son and is currently three months pregnant. They've always had an antagonistic relationship, but they love each other.



Rather private and short-tempered, Amanda tries to keep her job and personal life separate. Despite how often she works, she tries not to hang out with coworkers all that much; in her head, all she has to do is make money and make sure no one intentionally leaves her to die if she were to become incapacitated on the job, not share hobbies or send birthday gifts. As a result, she comes off rather curt and even rude at times if certain people approach her too often with "frivolous" topics, prone to snark and sarcasm ramping up to outright hostility depending on the day. All in all: she's not easy to make friends with!

On that note: Amanda's a perfectionist through and through, and loyal as they come—she'll do something a thousand times to get it just right, and if that something is dating someone she's interested in or forging a friendship with a like-minded person, then she'll lock onto them for life. Because of this, she's also very family-oriented and places them above all else. Her competitive spirit flares up when she's with people she likes.

She isn't a warm, welcoming presence by any means, but she does have her soft spots. She's kind to those in crisis; she cares deeply for the environment and animals. She's reliable and a strong, attentive shoulder to cry on, and she can always be trusted to be an honest critic with your best interests in mind—regardless of how much she likes you, she's always capable of a firm respect and politeness on work grounds, so long as you offer the same to her. Amanda is a tough nut to crack, but it's certainly worthwhile to give the effort.


engineering, sweets, beer, Filipino telenovelas, combat sports (esp. kickboxing and BJJ), competition


messy/disorganized spaces, arrogance, being pestered, pranks/practical jokes, bitter foods, being underestimated or ignored regarding her capabilities as a person


Amanda almost always misses the back belt loop of her pants when she puts a belt on, and if she notices it (especially if someone points it out), she will be irritated and will try to find a secluded place and fix it as soon as possible. In non-emergency situations, she tends to point to things with her lips rather than her fingers, especially if her hands are full.


excellent memory, flying in bad conditions, fast reflexes, fast at calculations, observation/perception


stubbornness, short temper, unsympathetic demeanor, overly-private attitude, overly-serious temperament



Born to a steelworker father and a nurse mother, both new immigrants who wanted nothing more than for her to have a safe, quiet, cushy life, Amanda grew up adamantly wanting the opposite. She never felt content sitting idly—she wanted to explore, travel, and dip her toes into dangerous waters.

A strong athlete with a phenomenal track record with STEM-based classes, Amanda blazed through high school with minimal attachment to her classmates and maximal attention towards her studies. She had her eyes set on a college far from home, one where she could test her limits and get some space between herself and her suffocating family.

College in California was freeing: she had new opportunities, fresh experiences. She got a great internship, went to a few parties… even met the love of her life in her junior year. Her first real relationship.

Calliope Page was an arachnophobic, nearsighted, tone-deaf environmental science major, and Amanda fell in love with her hard. She was the sun, the stars, and everything else celestial; Amanda, usually so left-brained, threw logic and rationality out the window when it came to her.

They stayed together after college, with Calliope heading to Idaho for grad school and Amanda being recruited by the NOAA Corps as a hurricane hunter, flying planes straight into the eyes of tropical storms and charting the seas. While she initially only worked on NOAA aircrafts, her tenacity and ambition to fly the skies eventually put her in the cockpit of a Lockheed WP-3D Orion and sent her into the fray.

That ended up being a time where Calliope and Amanda's relationship started to fray, too. Amanda stayed in Florida for much of the year, traveling to the Caribbean frequently to document storms, and wasn't great at keeping contact with her girlfriend most of the time. They still loved each other, of course, but it was hard.

Eventually, though, Calliope had had enough. She'd had a thousand heart attacks worrying over Amanda's safety; she missed her presence at home, cooking breakfast together, watching movies together. She put forth an ultimatum: her or the job. One had to go.

Amanda chose Calliope. She quit being a hurricane hunter, even though she loved it so much, and sought jobs closer to home. Calliope was happy for a while, even though Amanda was floundering a bit trying to find her place without her job. The happiness, like anything else, ran out soon enough.

Amanda did find a new job—in fact, it was a job that shared some of the same forests as Calliope's, who surveyed ecosystems and environments for a nearby research laboratory. To say that Calliope was not pleased when Amanda announced she'd start training to become an aerial firefighter would be an understatement.

But it was a way to a job, and despite the fact that it wasn't nearly as safe as Calliope wanted, it was significantly closer. Besides, it was for a good cause, and Amanda already had experience with flying in dangerous situations. She was suited for the job.

It was evident that their problems weren't solved, though. After Amanda finished training (which once again took her out of state) and joined the Knowlton team, they continued to quarrel: Amanda was still away from home for far longer than Calliope could stand, and friction built up over little things that exploded at random. There was a brief period of peace when Amanda proposed to her, but it was just that: brief. It wasn't enough.

It's been only two years since Amanda started her new life as a firefighter. Calliope's leaving her, the forests still burn, and, damn, does she not know her coworkers.


Theme song/playlist
Most notable song on it is Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive."

Amanda's from Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania.

She graduated from college with a bachelors in aerospace engineering.

Because of her engineering background and love for math, at work, she enjoys talking to the aircraft mechanics at home base the most—they probably know more personal details about her than anyone else.

Besides English, she can speak Tagalog.

She has a very slight Filipino accent to her speech that gets more intense if she's angry/frustrated.

She does not like it when people who aren't close to her call her Mandy.

Blaze It!








Amanda Tadhana Panganiban-Caballero

PC, Mandy

34 years



130 lb

Aerial firefighter (lead plane pilot)

  • Love
Reactions: nikoru
spose can use this as a template with some light remodeling






































full name






