ALWAYS OPEN A Haunted Mansion Rp

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Nights and afternoons usually
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Superhero, fantasy, supernatural, MLP, Disney
Game Masters: Just me I guess. Yeah, I'm it lol!
Accepting New Characters: Only all the time.
Posting Expectations: No pressure or anything just reply whenever you get the chance and are in the mood to do so. But whatever you do please don't ghost me. If for whatever reason you can no longer be in this rp please let me know, so nobody is waiting on you and the rp can continue. If you do disappear for a long period of time without letting me know then your character will likely disappear under 'mysterious circumstances' and never seen again. I'd like for all your posts to be at least a paragraph long. I might write lengthy posts, but I don't expect everyone to do the same. I also would prefer it if we did some sort of posting order to prevent people from accidentally posting over each other.
Rating: I don't expect this to go over PG-13.
Genre: Supernatural; more specifically a haunted house with real ghosts; some good and some evil haunting it.
Timeline: Just present day. So feel free to give your characters cell phones, tablets, I-pods, cars, and the like. Unfortunately, technology is very spotty both inside and on the grounds of the haunted mansion. You will find that the Wifi cuts off at the worst of times and even phone calls get dropped and text messages fail to go through. This is largely due to the place being filled with angry, mischievous spirits who just love to mess with your technology. So please be mindful of this possibility if you ever have your character try to call for help. Might not work.
Basic Plot: So basically the setting is a haunted mansion in present-day Lousinana being haunted by all sorts of spirits: some good, some evil, while others are simply mischievous, and others just want to be left alone and undisturbed. The homeowners are desperate to be rid of all these unwanted ghostly guests and have put an ad in the paper as well as online for anyone brave and daring enough to enter their haunted manor and get rid of all the ghosts for them while they leave to stay in a hotel. I should note that this is unrelated to Disney's Haunted Mansion. It's just a general one not based on anything. So are your characters up for the challenge? Are they daring and brave enough to face all the house has to offer? If you answer yes to any of these then please, don't refrain and join the team of ghost fighters today.
Other: So what is important to note here is my characters are the ones who sort of started the ghost fighting group. They're demons disguised as normal looking humans wearing what they believe is normal ghost hunting gear due to one of them having seen it in movies. Why do demons want to hunt ghosts? Well join and you will see...
What you can join as: Feel free to join in as anything that can fit into a supernatural/haunted mansion type setting. Mostly though I am looking for ghosts so we don't have to rely so much on npc ghosts, fellow ghost hunters, other demons, and the like.
Link to actual rp: ALWAYS OPEN - Who Are You Going To Call? (Always Open)
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Just count me interested. 😂 Sounds fun
Awesome! I fixed my opener. I hope it's better and easier to join now. What were you thinking of joining as?
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Name: Jer
Alias: Jeremiah Silver
Species: Siren
Reason for Being There- The haunted house is in prime waterfront territory, giving him the the space he needs to go swimming and turn into his siren form while catching fish. He wants to buy the property, and is willing to help the ghosthunters get the ghosts out so he can buy the property and live in it.
Awesome! I fixed my opener. I hope it's better and easier to join now. What were you thinking of joining as?
I don't recall getting the notification for this omg. Or I saw it, planned on responding and forgot somehow? I'll add it to my watch list so it doesn't escape again. Is it still going? 😭
It sure is! Feel free to join in! So far I only have one other person, so you should be able to hop in easy enough. Just gotta have your character ring the doorbell.

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Just need to decide on a character really. 😂 I have two different ideas but don't know which one I should go with.
That's fine. I know how hard it can be to choose a character. Heck if you can't decide feel free to play them both; that is if you're up for playing two characters. After you decide who you want to play feel free to post in the thread.

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