MISCELLANEOUS WORLD SHOWCASE WRITING Clover Oath Guild ✦˖*°࿐ [ Classic Spyro AU-Retelling ]

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pine marten with access to a keyboard
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Online Availability
Mon thru Thurs & sometimes early Fri
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Nonbinary
  2. Transgender
  3. Agender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
  5. No Preferences
fantasy (of all stripes; high, low, modern, etc), post-apocalyptic, sci-fi / space opera, pretty much any "-punk" genre (steampunk, mythpunk, cyberpunk, etc.)

hexcodes for decoration; pale purple, purple, yellow, pale yellow.

pixel spyros clover ... ...
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✦ A dragon can only hatch once they've been bonded to a small creature familiar, due to a type of magic that protects their egg from harm. The familiar acts as a sort of "key," that unlocks the egg, as well as the dragon's potential magic. These familiars are referred to as "Sparks."

✦ A dragon's spark serves as a magic reserve, but also as a source of revitalization. Sparks can heal minor to moderate wounds, regenerate magical force, and in rare cases, have even been said to be capable of temporarily gifting any dragon with true-flight.

✧ There is a very minimal pattern in what type of magic comes from certain sparks, but it's unclear why some dragons don't acquire magic at all.

✧ Sparks cannot verbally communicate with dragons, as they do not share a common verbal language. Most all dragons can understand them on a nonverbal level, however.​

✦ In this world, dragonkind (outside of those who possess Horizon Farers magic) cannot fly. They can glide, and give themselves a "boost" via strong wing-flaps, but they do not posses the ability to truly soar like a bird.

✦ Dragons naturally stand, walk, run, and interact as quadrupeds (on all fours), and are hatched as such, but over the generations, some have learned how to walk biped. These days, many dragons choose to primarily go about as biped.

✧ Young dragons often do not have the balance capability to stand upright until their mid-to-late teens.​

✦ Dragons can be of any body shape and type, regardless of their chosen or born community. While the "western" body-type (four legs, two wings) is the most common, "wyvern"-style bodies, with the wings as the front legs, are not unheard of! Same with "eastern"-style bodies (ferret-like build and no wings). Hydra-like bodies, with multiple heads, are much rarer.

✧ As a rule of thumb, the more a body deviates from the typical "western" build, the more uncommon it is.​

✦ Magic is fairly loose in this setting, not following a strict elemental system & being more about concepts given form. Magic is usually sorted/categorized by which draconic community it stems from or fits into. Thus, the only true limits are related to such; a Beast Maker couldn't enchant items, and a Magic Crafter couldn't control beasts.

✦ Magic is kind of like different "branches," with each one stemming from the same source, but all having unique offshoots that only sometimes overlap.

✧ Dragons can learn bits of other magic if it's similar to their own, but need specially enchanted items in order to use magic outside of their "circle."

✧ Dragons with hybrid magic can master more than one branch, or have unique magic due to their multi-community ancestry, but are decently rare.​

✦ Different from magic, breath types are inherent to each individual dragon, and can vary from community to community. Breath types follow a physical elemental system (i.e, fire, cold, acidic, etc), but can rarely have magical properties. Appearance can be all across the board, ranging from shadowy blue fire, to iridescent rainbow acid.

✦ Some dragons have no magic or breath type, others only have magic, and some only have a breath type.
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The Vàdon is a series of diverse, and often vast, floating isles & oceans, its major settled hearthworlds all interconnected by masterwork bridges. Each island holds unique environments & magics, which the dragon residents have adapted to over a number of generations.

While dragons are the primary inhabitants of this realm, there are other creatures living alongside them; such as the Gnorcs and Absconds. Though, neither species is on friendly terms with dragons. The Gnorcish warlords just seem interested in conquering lands, & Absconds make off with just about anything that isn't nailed down — be that treasure, or unhatched dragon eggs.
info about the draconic communities...
different species that inhabit Vadon...
Founded only a handful of months ago (from the story's timeline), the Clover Oath Guild is an up-and-coming exploration and research team. They welcome dragons from all corners of the Realm, eager to sow comradery between stagnating communities.

Their purpose is to not only bring the nine communities closer, but also to explore through a newly awakened portal within the Artisans' keep – one that has been dormant for as long as anyone can remember. No one knew how to actually turn it on, let alone knew that it was a portal to begin with, until the guildleaders discovered it. The guild has kept this under wraps for now, wanting the big reveal of their first expedition to be an event that brings dragonkind together.
  • The guild uses the iconography of a compass shaped like a four-leaf clover, to symbolize how each dragon community is interconnected & how they guide each other.
  • Dragons of older-teenhood (minimum of 16) and onward are allowed to sign up. There is no upper age limit.
  • All members receive a cloak or shawl, and a messenger bag, pack, or knapsack of their choosing. The fasteners on each item are in the shape of the guild's clover compass iconography.

Spearheaded by Nisha, the researcher division of the guild is dedicated to the study and logging of artifacts, landmarks, fauna, flora, and occult-sciences that explorers uncover. They're always equipped with journals, writing or drawing utensils, and rune-readers; a specialized magic item that "reads" what types of magics are present in a given area.

The seeker division, led by Spyro, [ info here ]. Each seeker is given a spyglass, a whistle, and a bundle of fireworks to act as a signal flare.

Quetzus leads the guardian division, showing that casters can be frontliners too. Guardians are the guild's protective force, standing between their guildmates and any hostile creatures. Each guardian receives a set of customized armor, tailored to their combat style — be it offense, defense, stealth, or a mix of styles — as well as either one large weapon or two small weapons of their choice.

The guild's medic division is all about field medicine, being able to patch up your guildmates with whatever you have on-hand and making sure they stay alive in the unknowns. But just because you're a healer doesn't mean you can't defend yourself or an injured guildmate. Division-leader Safeguard makes sure of that by equipping each medic with an alchemical crossbow, which can be loaded with various types of ammo. From sticky-foam to acid-bolts, no medic is ever unarmed.
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