DISCUSSION Day TEN: Subtle pride

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What are some things, ie. plushies/clothes/decor, that can be subtly related to pride of your sexuality and gender?
I'm not sure that I have anything yet 🤔

Since I'm still figuring myself out, I don't think I can adequately represent myself except to say that I just like trying to get things that show my support for my friends to show them I care! I have a little pride flag pin and a sticker on my PS5.
For things more subtle, I do just like rainbows and I like collecting things like pictures and art of the colors of various flags that represent my friends so I can share them with them!
I wear a few bracelets that I can shake my wrist to stim with. One is mostly clear, but has "chakra stones" (I'm sure they're fake) that are rainbow.

Also idk how subtle it is, but my job sent pride lanyards to those who requested it. It's not obvious, bc I keep it dangling from a belt loop with my keys on a utility clip

ALSO- I have the pride care bear but if you didn't know it's for pride, you might not catch on lol

I have a few shirts I've picked up because they had a pansexual-esque color scheme, plus I have a pansexual Pokeball pin that I bought at an anime convention, last year! I slapped it in my ita bag and tote that thing around anywhere I deem appropriate LOL



I don't wear the first one a whole, whole, lot, because it's so big on me. It's like a tent. But, I wear the second one all the time.~


I also have some not-so-subtle pansexual merch. :'3
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i'm a social worker from a southern state, so i sometimes struggle to find ways to present queer. if i'm too out and proud around some of the adults we work with, there's a very high chance to get hate crimed, especially when you already have their kids in custody... and being from the south, there's also the upsetting new narrative about queer folk being predators. so i tend to be subtle.

i have two exceptions! one, i have one horrifically tie-dyed rainbow button up that i wear multiple days in june. it was part of target's pride collection from several years ago and it's so ugly and i love it. i can get away with it in june as just a socially-conscious gen-z that is here to support the gays! or just a social worker that wears bright clothes for kids. i can sell it right depending on the day, lol.

the other way i try to offer subtle pride is by keeping a lot of flags around my office cube. i have one on my weekly calendar, one by my name plate, and one on my corkboard behind me. we don't typically have parents come in the back where our offices are but we do have kids back there from time to time, so i want to make sure that if they ever pass by my desk, queer kids can feel comfortable either a) talking to me as another queer person, or at least someone they see as an ally, or b) know that there is someone in that building that sees them. it's hard being in a state where being trans has been borderline criminalized and being queer is seen as a sin in the eyes of most. so hopefully little things like that help!

(i've had a couple of kids stop dead in their tracks and poke their little heads around my wall and go "you gay?" my favorite response is "don't i look gay?" because it makes them stutter and stammer over their words, lol; there's no good answer to that.)