CHARACTERS Eastern Whispers

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Amira Muharib

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Magical realism, horror, modern fantasy, war, soft and hard espionage, sci-fi, drama, modern, dark (okay, Vantablack) comedy.
NAME: Amira Muharib (currently)

AGE: 34


CURRENT GENDER: Cis female (variable as per Libitine traits)

SEXUALITY: Demisexual lesbian

BIRTHPLACE: Damascus, ash-Sham Province, West Empire

CURRENT CITY: Oria, Southern Cervia

CLASS: Upper class by military resources, middle class by career, lower class by nature.

OCCUPATION: West Imperial Mukhabarat (Military Intelligence, Section G) non-official cover agent/reconnaissance operator.

SPECIES: Werewolf/Libitine Hybrid

POWER: Malleable Anatomy. A Libitine's daughter, it was probably inevitable the Mukhabarat would find special use for the ability to change; and especially the depth at which Amira can. Paired with her werewolf parentage's incredible strength, pain tolerance, and healing ability, she can change herself at remarkable depth.

WEAKNESS: Problem is, she's probably a little too good, too fast, and too apt with it. After twenty years of routine changes, she can't even remember her own face, and has no meaningful attachment to her body, floating half-in and half-out. It's an arguable psychosis and it also means sometimes without a reliable reference or heavy pre-operation condition to keep herself true to the identity she might change overnight or believe she has.

APPEARANCE: You don't want to stare. At least you shouldn't. But the sun is hot and sweat creeps in little ant-lines down your forehead and the girl is beautiful. You do not know her name.

You feel as if you would die if you did.

There's something off about her. It isn't the body; isn't the lean athletic planes, the trim belly, the smooth-muscled shoulders, the tight curves and long legs. Isn't even the hair looking almost girlish, long black wavelets spilling down her shoulders and cradling wide hips. It's the sense she's a beast at rest, the way a tiger only looks soft because it isn't standing on your neck.

It's the face. She's not Latin; doesn't even give off the immigrant whispers of the Lebanese girls at the cafe where she sits, nurses a cup of iced coffee, gazelle's eyes looking bright and wreathed with thick lashes like quills teased out with ink

and lying.

It's like hot metal down the nape of your neck.

The wrong angle and you catch it. The way there's a look that belongs to fairy tales tucked in and shivering with fever, too real, too close, my, what big eyes you have.

Like the smile, lips a little too full looking cruel in peach. The big canines pretty clearly aren't there for show. The skin is dark and tells you stories of sand and sun like an acetylene torch in the yellow sky but there's a hunger

an appetite

it's shaggy fur and loping steps and eyes like mirrored opals in the green dark of the imagination. Except she's here. Muscle flexes a little in her forearm when she scoops up the tall glass clinking with ice and sweating cold.

Suddenly she looks too hard.

Suddenly you're alone in a crowd of thousands and there's nowhere to run.

PERSONALITY/HISTORY: Depends on the woman you're talking to right now. She could be anyone. Charming. Glib. Sincere. Passionate. There are as many lies as there are needs.

The truth is a little harder to know.

Some people say she's about as nice as an anglerfish and half as charming.

Some people would rather fuck a cactus than spend a day with her.

Some people never have forgotten just how much love she's brought to their lives, too.

But in one word? Animal. Exes and colleagues and especially anyone in her gunsights or clutches probably would call her cruel, but that's a little reductive. Wolves don't know cruelty. Well, don't ask the deer that, but it's hard to talk with your throat torn out, anyway.

Problem is, that ain't the truth, either. There's a predatory drive, a lust for the bitter red dripping down the throat like strong drink; a need for a stain of fear in the air. She would will Rotkäppchen to run panting and gulping breath and shedding a bright shock of sweat in the cold dark because there's nothing more delicious than flesh you bring down weeping and tasting the full force of their surrender, the way there's a snap of epiphany when fangs pierce the shoulder, when claws sharpen on the bone. A maiden's scream.

Empathy mostly happens to other people after twenty years of intensive military training and a lousy family besides. She's the product of an Army clan, selective breeding between a Combat Applications Team operator and an accomplished spy; just by serendipity two people dysfunctional enough to find love in each other's scars.

She comes from the union of two mothers, one a cruel werewolf chasing the spoor of blood and battle in memories at the bottom of a bottle and the other a thoroughgoing demisexual perversion of a Libitine, a succubus who can't feed without falling in love or at least a deep passion.

Maybe there's something there keeps her from outright sociopathy. Maybe it's will. Maybe it's Allah. Maybe it's a Christian faith she still tends without a sense of contradiction for all the hypocrisy. She knows she's a beast wallowing in the dark. But Yeshua saves even the most fallen. Maybe.

She's not the type for church. Her worship is spent on her knees with eyes closed, an Odeon scrawling red and black between her ears, jaws tightened to breaking, claws drawing blood, pleading and hoping for something. Anything that will tell her there might be more to life than This. And then she's back on her feet with a knife twisted in some poor motherfucker's neck.

She may not be the fastest, the strongest, even the cleverest, but there's something that sets Amira apart from even her fellow travelers in her deadly work: There is no hesitation.

Maybe the Duke never lived in this time, but the old cliche from The Shootist would've known her truth: It ain't about being the best; it's about being willing.

Training was not an assembly line for compassionate souls. If the average boot can get slapped a little or kicked around or screamed at with the reasoning a non-hacker will lose it on the battlefield when someone really wants to kill you, Military Intel training is premised on the idea- the ideal- that gentleness is weakness and weakness is death and death means the worst betrayal of all: Failure.

Already the product of induction and a selection process slightly less humane than the Spartan agoge, she learned fast what it really means when your daily bread puts other people on an express trip to the Big Guy. The first lesson is the (wo)man is expendable. Only Allah is immortal; even the world will die. Life is a dream between eternities of waking for the soul and if it gets cut short, means about as much as a too-early alarm.

Her first crush, first lust, even first love, first Change, first epiphany about how much she'd inherited from her Libitine mother, that was Drill Instructor Assada, who sure as hell lived up to her name: Werelioness, giant, beautiful, mean as a bullet through the gut and with about half the compassion.

And Amira is in love with women. And women fall in love with her. Maybe not easy but it happens to their misfortune, all the stars cross'd, all the smiles bad-lucky, all the destinies turning up fate instead. It's given her an ambivalence about intimacy; a need and a dread, too. Except her body's a pile of ice chiseled out of a freezer without it.

Life has been a blur of blood and upheaval since then. Truth is, when you start your life damned, absolution doesn't have much magnetism. But there is something heavier than a mountain, more powerful than any fungible politician's cloying words: Duty.

Now she's a stranger in a strange land in a strange time. The hybrid serial slayings in Black City have taken some big men and women from the Western Empire and that means tension; tension after a war means the missiles never quite asleep in their silos are getting twitchy and the politicians want to know the whys and wherefores before a new massacre.

So she's pounding after blood trails that never lead to salvation but might bring someone answers. Who knows. Maybe even her.

EXTRA: An accomplished spy and soldier, Amira's professional talents are substantial and honed over more than two decades. She's an able photojournalist (a standard cover), demolitions hand, masterful athlete, linguist, expert in subterfuge and theater, and knows how to keep a man alive for the kind of interrogation that makes him wish he could will himself dead.

Tactically, she merits the distinction of operator many times over, and is especially skilled in close-quarters battle when the blood mists hot on her face and death grins around every corner.

She's walked out alone from the deep desert and faraway jungles and killing fields with a parliament of ravens as her only friends. Amira has seen- and caused- more death than most people ever will be able to fathom.
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At least Caldwell still leak like a sieve. Thought you'd be interested in what they've dug up on SUNBURN's little liability. You owe me the usual through my tertiary account. Put in an extra 15% because I owe SILVERFISH a premium for cleaning up some of the data degradation. You're welcome.

Subject: hes gettin impatient


dammit when are you gona get me that report on you-know-who's you-know-what.

Subject: Re: hes gettin impatient [sic]


Can't you even try to keep it professional on company time?

Here it is. If you-know-who calls again, tell them to wait in line like everybody else. I don't get paid enough for this and I'm seven cases deep as it is on things more important than a wayward daughter.


Ken Bauerstadt, Field Op Grade 10


SUBJECT NAME: Stephanie Keller

AGE: 17

GENDER: Female




OCCUPATION: Informal sector (suspected dancer at Bellini Lounge, [Bad news. A cross-reference produced reports of known associations with Ardor's Gate Magi cult member Anri Salvatore, codename: FLASH PAPER ~ CASTLE WALL])


HOUSE: Unknown [Ignis. These Caldwell guys are hopeless ~ CASTLE WALL]

MAGIC: Unknown [Rumors say black magic and she's a formally-trained fire mage. If true, this is not good, to say the least. ~ SILVERFISH. Saying "the least" about this sounds like calling the drinks at Bellini's watered-down ~ CASTLE WALL]

SKILL RATING: Student. [Hopeless. Prof we shook down said the girl should be teaching classes. Dr. Priscilla Edelbaum, Civilian ID SABLE WIND, put it at closer to Advanced level. She's a precocious talent- not good ~ CASTLE WALL]

FAMILIAR: Unknown. Mother and father refused to answer. [Hopeless. This is getting tiresome. Document RED EYES (#WX-77Z4-B) indicates a raven named Hestia. ~ CASTLE WALL]

FAMILIAR POWER: As above [Hestia seems able to jam scrying magic without discrimination in an approximately 30 meter radius, according to RED EYES (#WX-77Z4-B). The agency of action is unknown and Hestia has not been studied~ CASTLE WALL]

Height: 63 inches/160.2cm
Weight: 125 pounds/56.7kg
Skin Color: Brown
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color (last known): Black, long, wavy
Body Type: Athletic
Distinctive Traits: Burn scar on left cheek (kept hidden by glamour magic or makeup)

CASTLE WALL Addendum: Hopeless like always, these guys. I'm appending a photo informant SNARE DRUM claims is the girl. It looks like her, at least. Cool tattoo.

[It's not exactly a high-gloss modeling shoot, but you'd be forgiven for the impression. It's a close-up of a street scene, the place a ragged pile, dead sidewalks languishing under a torpid sun giving everything a washed-out white like a badly overexposed photo. But the grimy storefronts, boarded-up windows, and billows of trash all fade against Stephanie.

In one word, she's beautiful. She doesn't look her age by any means; maybe twenty-three, twenty-four, a precocious adulthood in the body even if there's still a kiss of babyfat blurring fine high bones speaking of faraway places under hot sun. The lips are full, maybe a little oversized, the kind of cruel sensuality made to sneer. The teeth are perfect, bright white, square and sure in her red mouth. But the eyes- if you make the mistake of looking into the eyes, you will feel the world bend a little on its axis even through the photo.

They are black- but not the kind of dark chocolate color people usually call that. It's the authentic article, the irises bleeding into the pupils under neatly-manicured squared-off brows. Her hair is long and thick wavelets folding around full hips that kill the light except for a fiery stripe down the right.

She wears makeup, dewy foundation and dark shadow and mascara that make her eyes look like they've been teased out with India ink, but a burn scar on her left cheek in a long thin drop from eye to chin mars perfection like the artistic flaws that turn simple marble into living statuary.

Her breasts are big in a tight trashy gray top hacked off over her lean midriff showing harder muscle than makes sense for a seventeen-year-old, but the sinewy arms say the same. Hers are a dancer's legs, long and athletic in tight black jeans. She's easily an inch or two taller in heavy black leather paratrooper boots.

The makings of a tattoo showing a mushroom cloud phoenix unfolding its great wings in a thermonuclear cleansing across the Magi district's glass and and steel skyline scrawl over her thin belly.]

HISTORY AND PERSONALITY BATTERY: Unknown. [We got her psych profile and family dossier. It'd be a real understatement to say the girl's got problems: Problems with her parents, problems with authority, problems with life. She's been through fifteen shrinks and two in-home hospitalizations in the last eight years, dating back to when she killed her biological mother in her Magus initiation. Says she's prone to serious manic and depressive episodes she self-medicates however she can.

She once tried to burn her stepmother alive (see file BLACK WAVES, #XR-886-R-9), tried to kill her father's familiar, and does about as much in class as I did, except she's got real talent. Girl's a magical genius according to her profs. Any kid with even a sliver of the goods to back up that kind of arrogance is gonna be a nightmare. She put the moves on one of her shrinks- good-looking woman. Or at least she was before the rejection. Hopefully that payoff buys her a new face.

The report says she has classic sociopathy and wide-spectrum antisocial personality disorder. According to Dr. Julius Blackwell, Civilian ID PILLAR CRUST, she "makes friends easily with glib congeniality, a beautiful facade, and the ability to identify quickly people's emotional vulnerabilities with little compunction about using those levers the way most judo practitioners do a toddler's arm." ~ CASTLE WALL]

OTHER REMARKS: None. [Hah. Girl's damn dangerous, it looks like. I think we should elevate the threat profile to BLACK-4, her folks' meddling be damned. ~CASTLE WALL]
Black Rose Chateau Character:

Name: Lucifera "Lucy" Fontaine

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Occupation: Magic academy PhD student

Species: Magi/Ghoul

Powers: Earth magic (advanced) and personal- and highly illegal- studies of necromantic black magic

Limitations: Lucy's magic is anchored by a thoroughly unhealthy mutually codependent relationship with her twin brother, and she finds it almost impossible to practice her darker arts without having had contact with him at least once in an eight-hour period. Even then, she's listless, anxious, and her mind tends to drift with far simpler magic if she hasn't seen him.


If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then peering into Lucy's will make you a voyeur about to regret her fate.

They aren't ugly. Oh, no. Like the face framed in thick hip-length pin-straight hair the color of dead ash in which they're set, they exude an otherworldly beauty. It's the kind of sinister light that washes from the netherworld and leads her flesh into life. They're big, shoaled with thick lashes and traced with the hard black laconic lines of brows inherited from dear old dad. She is tall, fine, the bones limning delicate shapes under skin like glass painted porcelain.

The eyes are blue. But this is not a color that belongs to gemstones, to sentimental shorelines, to out-of-the-box paints. It's a color you've never seen, so pale it's almost empty but so sharp when she focuses muscles snap with animal horror echoing from evolutionary places that only claw themselves higher in the deepest most helpless places in the dark that leave the wrists and base of the tongue cold and the skin wrapped too tight around the bone without the luxury of flesh in between.

Tall. Lissome. A kiss of shape rounds the chest and hips. The legs are long and slender. She burns with a benevolent metabolism under a vaguely consumptive delicacy.

The clothes are always flawless like the smooth unobtrusive makeup, a glint of gilding on a fine lily. She's a being of constancy and that constancy is trim skirts and sleek stockings and low patent leather heels and modest blouses, all in the kind of black that's made to swallow the light and not give it back without a struggle.

The lips look like they're made to kiss until you see the smile. Then you know you'll just be lucky to walk away with everything in the right place when she starts to speak.

Pleasant dreams.

Personality: Schizophrenic.

Alone, there's a remoteness in everything- even a coldness that belongs to a woman emptied out of most will to immerse herself in life's richness. A cruelty, also, lived as if it takes conscious effort to feel empathy's pangs. She will look at a man bleeding to death on the roadside and take measurements and make hypotheses. And maybe worst of all, if you look closely, you will see the belly tighten with breath's intake, a ragged breath claw her throat, an excitement elope through the eyes.

With her twin brother, there's life and fullness, immersed in her body and tasting the world. A smile will pull her lips with sincere enthusiasm and the eyes will soften but another terrible glow will come instead.

Who knows which you'd rather see.

Fears and Phobias: Being separated from her brother, especially by his death. It obsesses her. A little too much.

Health Conditions: Serious undiagnosed mental illness she's kept hidden for years from exposure to the presences that seduce her to necromancy.

Lucy is a necrophile absolutely fixated on death in all its forms, and especially the idea of controlling and eventually conquering it through her black magic. Because of its practice, she's started giving away pieces of her own life energies to her projects when needed, which has left her with what doctors might mistake for incipient anemia.

She also is a hemophile and finds a charge in sadomasochism, physical and emotional.

Her mutual codependency with her twin brother also has reached pathological and controlling extremes, and she's started fixating on his altercation with death after a hate crime as a channel to something sinister.

Brief Background: To say Lucy's birth was ill-starred is to miss the entire constellation. Born to the unlikely pairing of a ghoul mother and aristocratic Earth magus father, she was destined for alienation from before she even breathed her first. The actual family made it clear there were worse things than just being hated by the world.

To say her parents were not totally attentive is an understatement so strong it's practically a negative hyperbole. With mother and father mutually fixated on one another, Rune aloof and Emrys balancing his life between his wife and career and doing as well as he could with two kids without much help from Rune, there wasn't enough time to tend to the weird little girl they'd made and her brother who proved himself as attached to his sister in the dark lonely moments as she became to him.

But it was their mother's odd character blended with her father's magic that opened strange meridians receptive to whispers no child should hear. From an early age, she was fixated on death in all its manifestations- the cloy of rotting flowers, the sickly-sweet putrefaction wafting from carcasses abandoned in the woods. The way the body can be so filled with life in one moment and an empty shell like a broken doll the next.

The whispers were a malignant spark to that kindling inside her. It showed her how life and death are not a neat binary but muddled together like a caged bird illusion, never so far apart they fail to influence one another. And it told her it was her birthright to use her magic for this.

Black magic isn't much of an after-school pastime, but the latchkey kid with barely-there parents and the resources to practice her craft without much supervision made her a tenable avatar for those voices.

Leaving for university with her brother changed her entire world. Freedom in the city meant an end to any precautions at all. Their wealth and station could buy impunity. But it didn't mean an end to pain and ordeal. A hate crime almost took her brother's life against the backdrop of a series of brutal slayings of fellow Hybrids and sent her solidly around the bend so far she doesn't quite remember the way back. Now she lives her life mostly for him- and for death. And wonders if those are so different after all.
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