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agostina vargas—hetalia oc

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    agostina vargas

    february 11th

    the vatican city state

    previously papal state


    agostina possesses a graceful appearance that is often at odds with her bossy demeanor, with a softer complexion and lighter features in comparison to her elder brothers. her light brown eyes are rounded and her long hair is purposefully left down in with her signature hair curl often woven into her scalp and tucked away for the sake of decency. generally speaking, she avoids most makeup and attempts to remain as modest in her presentation as possible. she stands at one hundred and sixty-five centimeters [around 5'4"] which makes her the shortest of her three brothers.

    seldom does agostina wear pontifical vestments or any other dedicated church attire when she is engaged with interfaith interactions outside of her home. she finds it disrespectful in how it would reduce her relationship with christ as a performative measure, as well as run the risk of dirtying an outfit that may very well be as old as she is. because she wants roman catholicism to be accessible to a newer generation, agostina tries to blend currrent fashion tends in italy to her ideology of modest attire. she refuses to wear the military attire associated with her house due to is gaudy appearance; instead, agostina wears blouses and long skirts that end at her ankle with dainty shoes, or a sundress with a shawl or some other kind of modesty cover. on the days that she attended mass or any event in which she would be physically within the church, she is seen wearing a traditional christian veil made of lace.

    Something made with love.

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    agostina was found by her grandfather in a previously inhospitable marshlands a few centuries after the establishment of her brothers, where she was quickly adopted into the italian peninsula due to their grandfather's insistance. due to the topography of the land and her ineptitude as a child, many journals from this time liken her appearance to that of a wet cat and generally commented on how pathetic she appeared. this was a driving factor which caused both of her brothers to take pity on her and tolerate her intrusion into their lives once their grandfather passed and was no longer there to keep them from picking on her.

    it quickly became apparent that agostina was unlike her brothers on account of how terrible the land she represented was by comparison. the wine that she attempted to produce tasted like brine, very few things grew, and her grandfather was reluctant to send troops through the marshlands when he was alive due to how often soldiers perished in the floods. it became an ongoign conversation that her brothers had no idea what to do with agostina, which often led to more tears and thus worse floods within the marshlands as a result.

    it was later by the appointed pontiff that agostina was left as a defacto head of italy until the midst of the fourteenth century, in which she was snatched along with the southern kingdoms of italy to be held under spanish rule. it became abundantly obvious that agostina was more trouble than she was worth for spain, however, and towards the end of the fourteenth century she was returned to italy where she eventually established herself as she grappled with her abandonment and devolved into an unhealthy spiral aided by the pressures of the black death. it became apparent that agostina was the one who inherited her grandfather's lust for blood and grew into a powerful empire that was reluctant to see the unification of italy, as that would mean she had less autonomy and power. her attempts to contest the unification were useless, however, and with the siblings all united in the same house agostina eventually returned to lucidity and devoted herself once again to christ's teachings.

    she pushed for her independence in the years before wwii in hopes that she could dissuade her brothers from their participation in the war, an attempt that remained fruitless as agostina was instead permitted to become independant. she has attempted to stay neutral from that point onward but struggles to juggle her identity as an italian and her newfound identity as her own independant nation. in recent years, agostina has maintained a strong interpersonal relationship with her brothers and many of the other predominantly roman catholic countries in europe. the worst conflict she has in the modern age is that her brothers disapprove of her building another wing to her ambassador's residence because it would block her brother's view of st. peter's basilica, which has fueled many sibling squabbles of agostina insisting that she can do whatever she wants in her own house.

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    agostina and feliciano have a bizarre relationship in that they were never close when she was a little girl which lead to her being uncomfortable with how clingy and insistent feliciano is that they are a family. not only was he their grandfather's favorite but he was also taken away and lived with austria, who she did not meet until after antonio had all but tossed her back to italy. it was far too late to establish a sibling bond at that point and, instead, agostina would cling to the holy father's robes and avoid feliciano's attempts to speak to her when she did visit austria's house to discuss ongoing conflicts. to the present day, agostina does not respect her brother's authority nor does she listen to anything he tells her to do. that said, they are cordial and she does acknowledge feliciano as her brother.

    she thinks he is kind, if a little pretentious, but it is clear that he is not the brother she often runs to for support and is not shy in saying that its because she views him as pathetic. feliciano, meanwhile, thinks that his younger sister means well but is decidedly very mean and bossy. he tends to shrug off her nagging, which only further frustrates her.

    agostina and lovino have the closest relationship as siblings due to their proximity and their shared experiences under spanish rule. their personalities are similar in that they share a haughty attitude and, though this is often the cause for them to butt heads as siblings, neither would deny that the other is their sibling and it is clear that they do care for the other. lovino may refer to her as a crybaby as an homage to her sensitive nature but, aside from the snarky comments and occasional spats, he usually lets agostina do whatever she wants due to his own guilt as her eldest brother. he used to coerce feliciano into picking on their sister with him and, when they were under spanish rule together, lovino used to bully her in spain's house because she was gullible and did whatever her brother told her to do. agostina loves cite this as reason why lovino should let her do whatever she wants, and usually it works like a charm.

    agostina thinks that her oldest brother is the most capable of her family and views him very highly as someone who is hardworking and honest despite his rough exterior, while lovino thinks that agostina is still a little naive but commends her dilligence. as adults, they have remained close.

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    the relationship between antonio and agostina has always been complicated. she viewed her time under spanish rule in a far more positive lens than her brother and often feels hurt that she was sent away rather than being allowed to stay in antonio's house where she felt safe and cared for. antonio was only a little older than agostina so she developed a playground crush on him when she was under his care, which contributed to her being better behaved than her brother. it should be noted that this was relative though. if lovino told her to break something or color on the walls she would do it without question, it was very clear that agostina's loyalty was to her brother long before it went to antonio. the only way in which she was better behaved was that she would at least help antonio clean up the mess lol.

    antonio does not necessarily regret that he had to send agostina away, he was ordered to do so and it was for the best of spain as a nation, but he does feel guilty that he effectively banished a little girl away to what he thought would surely be her death. no one was more surprised than antonio to find that little papal was still alive. they ended up seeing each other on the battlefield several times leading to the unification of italy, which led to their relationship being even more strained as a result, and it wasn't until agostina was effectively independant of her brothers that antonio finally felt more comfortable talking to her as she had finally mellowed out into someone who was more approachable.

    it is very clear that agostina is still hurt about the abandonment from centuries prior, never mind that her dumb little crush on antonio has come back with a vengeance as an adult. antonio speaks highly of agostina but, because he likes to tease her about her previous status as his underling, agostina has a big fear that antonio does not view her as an equal and still views their relationship as ex-underling and boss. she wants to be seen as an equal so she can be seen as a romantic candidate, and to this day she doesn't understand where she stands with antonio. this is not aided by his inability to read the atmosphere or understand why agostina is so frustrated with him.

    their relationship is easily one of the most combative ones. where lovino and feliciano were still under respective rules, it was basically agostina who oversaw the remnants of italian provinces and kingdoms that were not ruled by proxy of those nations which took away her brothers. mateo was one of the nations that she oversaw when she was left in charge, which was relatively contentious because seborga was older than papal and seldom listened to her. they tended to butt heads until the unification of italy, where agostina no longer had to deal with mateo and instead could focus on trying to rebuild her relationships with the brothers that she was closest to.

    mateo thinks that she is a bossy, overbearing helicopter that should spend less time policing others and more time reigning in her own annoying attitude. conversely, agostina thinks that mateo is hypocritical and insincere in his relationship to christ, that he is perpetually jealous of her success as a micronation, and tends to avoid him. they do not acknowledge each other as siblings despite sharing a last name, and agostina does not think of him very often.

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    agostina has never made it easy for other nations to get along with her due to the oppressive airs that surround her. she is just as extroverted as her brothers but lacks the signature italian charms that are necessary to soften the harsh edge of her words, an unfortunate consequence to her close bond with her eldest brother. not only is she haughty and stubborn, but she is incredibly egotistical and genuinely believes that she is a country chosen by god and thus she is always correct in her opinions.

    it is not uncommon for others to assume agostina is the eldest of the italian trio as she handles much of the responsibilities that her brothers shirk and possesses an air of competency that they lack. she has a proclivity to nag on issues, especially ones that pertain to the chuch, and sees no issue in being manipulative for her own benefit. if she does not whine and fuss that her brothers are only catholic in name to coerce them to attend mas, then she will quickly resort to claims that their grandfather would be disappointed or that their lackadasical treatment of religion wil singlehandedly kill their only sister. agostina can be a very bothersome country who sticks her nose where it does not belong, remains a stickler for rules and tradition, and worries incessantly about appearances and judgments as if she is not the most judgmental of all her siblings.

    that said, agostina is not unreasonable nor is she malicious. it may take centuries but eventually she does shift her stance on certain aspects of religion, especially if it pertains to the modern world as her ultimate goal is the continued accessibility of roman catholicism. agostina is passionate about humanitarian work and prioritizes that goal over her own bratty sentiments and selfishness, and is quick to offer forgiveness and compassion most of the time. she is exceptionally sweet and attentive to those she cares about as well, which often makes up for her pushy nature. ultimately, despite being especially vulnerable to rash actions based on misguided intentions, she does want what is ultimately best for the world and tries to pursue that goal despite her reluctance for any change. she is insufferable at times, difficult to deal with, but her heart is large and she cares immensely about the world around her.

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    ✼ agostina commited herself to become close with various different popes that come into office due to their transcient life compared to her immortal one, and is very dedicated in the art of preserving their bodies when they pass. she believes that it is her duty to remain as the sole survivor so that she may preserve the holy text and utilize the insight she'd gained from pontiffs of the past to aid the current in upholding the standards and expectations within the vatican.

    ✼ despite her strict lifestyle, agostina often whines that she was italian long before she was the holy see to justify her taste for the finer things in life. she is aware that it is hypocritical to preach the merits of abstinance while enjoying a glass of wine, but she remains steadfast that if she does it in moderation then it is not a sin. often if agostina gets hung over enough, she will go to confession and swear off drinking altogether...which usually lasts about a month before she's back to socially drinking with her family and friends.

    ✼ agostina is also an occassional smoker though she does not justify this behavior, rather she tends to hide this fact from everyone. she only indulges in a cigarette when she's especially stressed or upset, and prefers to smoke while hiding behind the statue of saint peter to avoid confrontation. she is aware of how hypcritical this is, and feels a great shame around the habit.

    ✼ her favorite dessert is vanilla bean panna cotta

    ✼ she has a phobia of rodents

code by MaryGold
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