CHARACTERS Fandom OC(s) of mine

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Romance, Smut, Comedy, Horror and more.
(A KNY OC by default, though she may be used in crossovers, until the day I decide to make separate OCs for each verse)


Name: Akako

Surname: Ogawa


Sexuality: Greysexual panromantic

Age: In her late 20's, looks like she is in her early 20's, though.

Height: 5'2

Weight: 84 lbs

Race: Human

Personality: Scatterbrained, escapist, lethargic, short–tempered, sarcastic, introverted, shy, antisocial, selfish

Likes: Food, nature, pretty things

Dislikes: Humans (she finds them evil and stupid), demons (she envies them), dogs (she is afraid of them), insects, heights, noise, feeling vulnerable

Occupation: Demon Hunter

Rank: Tsuchinoto

Sword color: Maroon

Additional equipment:
Corset — Akako always wears corset under her uniform to regulate her breathing. Without it, she is incapable of using any breathing techniques; her lungs are very weak because she barely survived asthma as a child.
Arrows — She carries poisoned darts arrows in a small bag, attached to her belt. However, said arrows are not deadly, all they can do is paralyzing enemy for a few seconds, which helps Akako to catch up with enemy's speed. Akako does not have any apothecary skills, she cannot concoct strong poisons, she merely crushes wisteria flowers and soaks her darts arrows in the liquid.

Breathing style and techniques: Mist Breathing, first and third forms only.

Fighting style: Akako is not too weak to decapitate her opponent (when her sword is sharpened enough), but she is still far weaker and slower than an average demon hunter. She depends on her sneaky strategy and reflexes, if it fails.

Appearance: Akako is a short, skinny woman with dark brown eyes and long, wavy, dark brown hair. She has stitched wounds on her face.
She usually wears dark red or black, floral haori over her uniform, to cover her weapons and avoid walking around with visible blood stains.
Her uniform is designed as a trench coat dress with a capelet, she wears it with knee high black boots and white belts. Occasionally, she wears regular uniform too (shirt and pants), especially when weather is cold.

In her free days, she wears modern, foreign clothes or floral kimonos. She usually goes for cherry blossom pattern when she is buying her outfits.

Crow: Grumpy male crow, Shou. He secretly loves playing games, eating treats and getting belly scratches.


Akako's life as a civilian
Akako's father left his family when his daughter was still little. He remarried another woman and never contacted his old family again.
Akako experienced intense emotional abuse daily, mainly coming from her own mother. Despite her miserable living conditions, Akako was not thrilled by the idea of arranged marriage, unlike other women her age. She chose to scare away her suitors and stay with her psychotic mother, until she could afford her own house or meet someone tolerable enough to marry.
Things changed after random female demon invaded their house and killed Akako's mother in front of her. Akako tried her best to help her mother, despite always wishing her death deep down. Akako was not saddened, but she felt intense fear, after stabbing her enemy with a knife multiple times and realizing that she was not a human.
Luckily for Akako, the sun had already risen and her enemy was not wise enough to keep her mouth shut, so Akako realized she could easily kill her by opening curtains.
Few seconds after Akako killed the invader, two young demon hunters stormed in, witnessing the demon's last struggles.

Becoming a demon hunter
Akako did not initiate becoming a demon hunter because she held grudge against demons: She already took down the demon who ate her mother.
She was not the type who sacrifices herself for strangers, either.
Akako initiated becoming a demon hunter, because she was fascinated by the creature she killed: Creature that did not need to fear injuries, sickness, bullying, aging and inevitable death that follows it.
Akako needed to become a demon hunter in order to track down more demons and learn the secret of immortality.

She spent two years experimenting on the weak demons she caught, trying to become one of them, while lying to headquarters that she was researching more weaknesses demons could have, in order to destroy them easier.
Of course their blood was not strong enough to turn anyone, so she never made any progress.
Akako became frustrated after countless failed experiments and gave up on her dream to become immortal, she continued hunting demons though, because she could not find more stable job, besides she felt envious rage when she was thinking about demons: If she could not have eternal life, neither would they.

Forbidden love and execution
Akako came across one of the most powerful demons when she expected it least. She was instantly bewitched by his beauty, however, the demon kept attempting to take her life, naturally.
Noticing Akako's interest in him, he subtly flirted back, in order to distract the opponent and catch her off guard. Somehow, the demon got too carried away with his plan to seduce his opponent and accidentally ended up taking a bit of interest in her.

Eventually, the demon realized she did not really mean threat and could be of use as well, so he agreed to meet her sometimes, if she would accept to become his spy.
The demon's plan was to use his eccentric plaything for his deranged schemes and eat her when he would grow bored of having fun with her. Akako was aware of his malicious intentions, but she allowed him to manipulate her like a marionette, anyway. She could not help doing anything just to be around him.

In the end, it did not go as the demon had planned; instead of getting bored of his puppet, he grew more and more attached to Akako to the point that he began developing feelings for her, despite being in denial.
In public, Akako dated a human guy, who was merely there to drive her to her unlikely ally.

Akako kept meeting her demon lover secretly, until he was killed by other demon hunters. After learning that the man of her dreams was no longer alive, Akako tearfully attacked random demon hunters in a blind rage, revealing all of her secrets. She massacred most of her colleagues around, because they were caught off guard, not expecting attack from their ally. In the end Akako was left to die with multiple fatal injuries, they decided that the disgusting traitor like her did not deserve quick death.
Her body was found by the demon king, after her heart stopped beating, however, her brain was still functioning. He decided to save Akako's life by turning her into a demon, thinking that her vengeful rage could be useful to get rid of their mutual enemies, thus, Ningyou was created.

Coming soon!


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(Pretty much same as the above, but a demon!)

Alias: Ningyou

Birth name: Akako Ogawa


Sexuality: Greysexual panromantic

Chronological age: Unspecified, at least over 28, could be over 90, depends on year.

Biological age: Forever stuck in her late 20's, but she looks few years younger.

Height: 5'2

Weight: 84 lbs

Race: Demon (Specifically, a voodoo demon)

Personality: Quiet, careful, observant, vengeful, jealous, protective, competitive.

Likes: Pretty stuff, chilling, eating mean humans

Dislikes: Daylight, wisteria, hurting innocent people, going outside, socializing, anyone going near her love interest for any reason, children clinging to her because she looks like a life–sized doll

Blood demon art:
Ningyou's only ability, Sacrificial Poppet art is quite handy.

Ningyou only needs a hair strand, which is pulled out while its owner is still alive. Once said hair strand is pinned to her sacrificial poppet, the puppet is activated and its appearance changes accordingly.

Activated puppet works differently on living and dead people:
If Ningyou used a hair of the dead person, taken from them while they were still alive, then said person will immediately resurrect where poppet is placed, causing activated poppet to demolish.
If she used a hair of the living person, nothing happens to the activated poppet, until said person dies. After their death, destroyed poppet appears at the place of demise, meanwhile the person is resurrected where their "poppet twin" was kept.

Either way, resurrected person appears in the exact condition they were in, when that hair strand left their head, with no memories of what happened to them afterwards.

Ningyou can endlessly create new puppets without limits, except for one: She cannot keep more than
six activated poppets at the same time.
If activation fails, because amount of her activated poppets already reached its total number, it shall not take effect after one of the six activated poppets gets destroyed — failed poppet stays failed forever, Ningyou will need to create another puppet for activation, when she has five or less activated poppets. That is not obligatory, but it is safer to use her own hair strand on as many puppets as possible, so she gets resurrected where the nearest poppet is hidden, if she will get killed.

Ningyou cannot feel when her poppet is destroyed. She keeps them hidden in shadowy areas and only visits them when she wants to destroy an old poppet to be able to create new (she does it to update hair strands, so she will not lose important new memories after her death). She always chooses different locations for hiding her poppets, because visiting same place continuously could make her poppets easily detectable.

To check whether or not her poppets are safe, Ningyou just tries creating a new poppet — if it works, at least one of the six poppets was destroyed, if nothing happens, then they are untouched. However, this method does not guarantee her safety — poppets might be merely moved to unsafe area (for example, a small cardboard box under sunlight), where Ningyou will continuously die right after resurrection until her final demise.

Ningyou is well aware of this weakness and she does everything to not have her poppets discovered.

Poppet activation will fail, if:

Ningyou pins the hair strands of two or more people on the same poppet.

Ningyou pins two hair strands of the same person, especially if they did not leave person's head very shortly after each other.

Ningyou uses a hair strand of the dead person, pulled out after their demise.

Appearance: Ningyou is a short, frail female demon. Her skin is mostly white, but top right part of her face is light grey, surrounded by markings that look like stitches. Her hair is black, with white streaks to the right side and red streaks to the left. Ningyou's eyelashes look like seamstress pins, while her eye orbs look like red, mismatched buttons ( x ) ( - )

Ningyou mostly wears maroon, red or monochrome kimonos, mainly with sakura pattern. Occasionally she puts on modern outfits, such as black or white trench coat dress with matching knee high boots or Mary Jane shoes.
After 1990's, she usually prefers Gothic Lolita Fashion, as well as occasional Guro Lolita outfits.

Ningyou adores pretty outfits and she even "forces" her partner to try Steampunk style.

Fighting style and abilities:

Ningyou uses strategy, traps, sneak attacks, manmade weapons and average demon strength in fight, since her Blood Demon Art is not exactly lethal.

She also uses Steam Breathing, only while her partner possesses her and takes control of her body, fusing their consciousness and powers together.
First form: Cloud of Fume Users repeatedly attack their opponent from the above.
Second form: Pollution Users rapidly dash forward, disappearing behind the cloud of dust and attacking opponent from behind.
Third Form: Fumarole Users dash forward, pretending to aim opponent's heart, unexpectedly slide down on the ground and attack from below, catching opponent off guard and cutting unprotected limbs.

They do not fuse often, because it takes too much time to join and divide, besides first few minutes are very painful for Ningyou, let alone their problem with synchronizing their movements. Ningyou also refuses to do it if their opponent is alone, she does not like unfair, 2 VS 1 fight, she believes that's a lowly thing to do (Ningyou is a demon with fairly high morals, or so she likes to think to feel better).

Backstory (Will contain KNY manga spoilers, so read at your own risk).
Ningyou took a while learning "how to demon". She had no idea how to figure out what was her Blood Demon Art (if she had any at all) and how to use it. Luckily she did not realize what she was capable of, until her master was eliminated, or he would definitely kill Ningyou to obtain her resurrection ability.
First thing Ningyou did after learning how to use her power, was resurrecting the demon she fell in love with, when she was still a human.
Until resurrecting her partner, Ningyou was one of three last remaining demons, now their total number is four (including the demon cat). Ningyou is strictly against resurrecting her master, because she hates the idea of a scary guy, bossing her around and always being afraid of accidentally pissing him off and getting killed. Ningyou is actually pretty happy that he died.

Ningyou and her lover live in the house of the wealthy businesswoman, Satoko, after Ningyou resurrected Satoko's recently deceased son. Satoko is aware what they are and what they eat, despite being chronologically younger than Ningyou, she treats the demon like her endearing daughter, Satoko does not trust Ningyou's partner, though.
Ningyou and her partner are not officially married, but they sincerely refer to each other as a spouse.

Extended version
Ningyou's blood demon art allows her to turn into a human temporarily, as long as she can find the hair strand that left her head, while she was still a human.

This is how she had biological son — Thomas (born during Reiwa era) with her partner, when they turned into humans for an year.

None yet.
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Tesha Jager
OCCUPATION ✏ Jackpot Hunter

DATE OF BIRTH ✏ October 15, 1972.

LIKES ✏ Art, reading, writing, games, horror movies, memes, rain, napping, contests.

DISLIKES ✏ Rude people, noise, crowd.


More often than not, Tesha is keeping to herself, not rushing to initiate unnecessary conversations. She is wary around strangers and has difficulty forming bonds, having little to no trust in humanity, after her unsavory life experiences.

She is mostly laid back, prone to observing and analyzing surroundings quietly. It is uncommon for her to show emotion and she rarely feels strongly about anything.

Despite being raised in church, she is rather skeptical regarding spiritual matters, it comes natural to Tesha to question and second guess everything.


Tesha used to live with her widowed mother and a grandmother, who was a Botanical Hunter and although her license was stolen long ago, her job was the only source of income.

Tesha's mother was very strict and always compared her with others, forming her insecure and competitive nature. She was taught a bit of everything from her demanding family members, who expected her to have a bright future due to her talent.

Things began to change since the day her grandmother failed to return alive from the specifically challenging mission. Tesha's mother, being used to luxury, soon wasted away all the money grandmother had saved up and with no additional source of income, soon they had to face poverty. Seeing that she could no longer afford her daughter's education and other expenses, Tessa's mother left her six year old daughter near the borders of Meteor City, with nothing but a small luggage and a birth certificate.

After that, she was raised in church, although she always longed to leave, having the lingering sense of not belonging, once she was older, she left to follow her grandmother's footsteps and become a pro hunter, so she could finally earn enough money to live independently, away from slums.


NEN Type: Conjurer

ABILITY: Art of Macabre — Living Canvas User can manifest an artistic palette along with a brush. Each color of paint has its unique effect which lasts until the paint is washed off the skin, or either the user or the target is killed.

Black — Drains energy and lifespan from the target, transferring it to the user. Each hour spent with the black stain on, target becomes one week older, while the user reverse ages accordingly. Process can be stopped if the black stain is removed or either target or the user dies. This ability is can pose threat to both target and the user, due to its nature. Although if the user accidentally stains herself, nothing will happen, since she will age and deage synchronously.

White — Drains life energy from the user to speed up recovery of the target, increasing target's regeneration ability, deages them and adds to the general life energy, as a result, user grows older and weaker. This ability could pose threat to both target and the user, if it is used too long. As soon as the paint is removed, or either the user or the target dies, energy transferring stops. If the user accidentally gets white paint on her own body, nothing happens, as she receives balanced healing and damage.

Yellow — Once the target is marked with an yellow paint, the user can borrow their memories. Selected information will be temporarily missing from the target. For example, if the user picks to take away target's knowledge of specific language, the target will be unable to speak it, until the yellow paint is removed from their body, or until user is killed. If the target dies or removes the stain, user will no longer be able to use that knowledge. If the user stains herself by the accident, nothing changes, since the knowledge which is taken from her, will be given to her.

Orange — Establishes telepathic connection between the user and the target, functioning like an advanced transmitter until the stain is removed or either target or the user is killed. If orange paint gets on the user, it has no effect, as she is already aware of her current thoughts.

Red — Drops blood pressure, causing opponent to lose consciousness. Loses effect after the very first time the target faints, although they shall need time or help to regain consciousness. If the paint is removed soon, effect shall be neutralized. Same in the case of the user's death. If user accidentally stains herself, she will suffer its effects, unless the stain is cleaned in time.

Purple — Causes target to hallucinate, until the paint is washed off their body, or user dies. If the user accidentally stains herself, she will also suffer its effects, until the paint is removed. This ability can be willingly applied to the user as a form of escapism or lucid dreaming without sleeping.

Blue — Has a calming effect on the user, making it easier for her to endure pain or keep her pulse steady while running on facing a lie detector. However, it slows down her reflexes as her body cannot react immediately to pain. Effects are removed if paint is washed off.

Green — Redirects damage from user to the target. Transferring stops after the paint is removed, or the target is killed (either by the redirected fatal blow user received, or for some other reason). This ability can be extremely dangerous both to the target (which shall die if the user is fatally wounded after marking them) and the user (if she will carelessly get hit, unaware that the target already washed off the paint). However, nothing changes if the user accidentally stains herself.

LIMITATION: Tesha must begin and complete at least one drawing per week. Failure to do so for any reason, shall result in her death.

Basic abilities

Nen ✏ the ability to use the life energy, or aura, of the user for different purposes.

Ten ✏ By forming a shroud of aura around the user's body, they can use it as a basic defense against Nen attacks, though it doesn't protect against physical attacks. Ten also slows down the user's aging process and keep their body from breaking down over time.

Zetsu ✏ Keeps the user's aura from leaking out of their body, making them harder to sense and relieving fatigue, at the cost of leaving them defenseless against Nen attacks.

Ren ✏ Expands the size and intensity of the user's aura to boost their strength and durability.

Gyo ✏ Focuses aura into a single part of the body to increase its strength, at the cost of leaving the rest of the body more vulnerable. Using Gyo on the eyes allows the user to see someone else's aura, or other hidden objects.

In ✏ An advanced form of Zetsu that hides the user's aura without forcing them to shut it off, making it perfect for sneak attacks.

En ✏ Expands the user's aura in a spherical radius around them, letting them sense the shape and movement of anything that enters it.

Shu ✏ Extends the user's aura onto an object that they're holding, enhancing its strength.

Ko ✏ Concentrates all of the user's aura into one part of their body, making it incredibly powerful, at the cost of the rest of the body being completely defenseless.

Ken ✏ A combination of Ten and Ren, using Ren to enhance the user's aura before enveloping themselves with it, providing greater defense than Ten.

Ryu ✏ The real-time use of Gyo, shifting the concentration of aura between two body parts in quick succession.