Gossip's Terrible, No Good, Average Plot [Cryptid, Crack/Comedy, Semi-Guided]

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Mostly Fri-Sun, with chances of Mon-Thu appearances at around 4PM EST
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Seeking playgrounds for my dumb Bois ATM!
I would like to preface this absolute trainwreck of an idea by saying this is all @Diana 's fault for GOADING THE ENTIRE DISCORD INTO RPING MORE WHILE WE WERE ON FULL GREMLIN MODE.

Blame her, not me.

SO! Hi, I'm Gossip. Usually, I'd still be in a self-inflicted RP coma/hiatus but lately, I had plot bunnies assault me, and basically, the cosmic owl was the last straw.

Here's the deal:

  • Do you like SCP stuff? Reality-warping? Blatant HypnoToad references?
  • RPs with a definite end and structure but plenty of room for going wild and improvising/winging it as plot twists come around the bend?
  • Are not too hung on having a definite "ship" or romance at all?
  • Have a comfortable posting rhythm of about one post every other day to a week? Or don't mind waiting?
  • Can post at least a paragraph worth of solid content, with enough 'meat' in it so that it advances the plot at least a little?
  • Are available to talk nonsense that is related to our rp either on discord or in an OOC area (aka brainstorming, mood and reaction sharing and generally being a chill rp partner)?
  • Don't mind either acting out NPCs/minor characters OR accepting being gently nudged as I semi-GM us through some set events?
If so, this idea of mine may interest you~!

Here's what I have in mind:

Meet Joe "Average Joe" McPearson. A Perfectly Ordinary New Client (TM) of your character. They may be looking for a new house, a new job, or even just be part of your character's current tourist group. That's just fine. Your character will be accompanying them for the entire day, you see, and everything is Perfectly Normal... is it? (It's not, and sometimes your character and even the other people around them, will briefly realize that).

Will the day come to a close in an Average Manner, or will the truth about Average Joe be finally uncovered by an unsuspecting guide/agent/good samaritan? Who knows, you can only know if you try, right~?

If you're intrigued or want more info, please feel free to post here, DM me, or holler at me on Iwaku's Discord. Whichever is fine.

Have a good day~
  • Haha
  • Sweet
Reactions: Wordsmith and Diana