INFO Group Brainstorming & RP Search: Rules and Info

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Original poster
Welcome to the Group Brainstorming & RP Search forum! This is where you post and reply to threads for meeting up with fellow roleplayers for future group roleplays, advertise existing group roleplays, or gauge the community's interest in an idea.

If your future roleplay involves smutty scenes, please post the thread instead in the Redstar Group Connections (if you are over 18) or the Bluestar Group Connections (if you are 17 or under). You can also post your requests there if you're only interested in playing with these age groups. Roleplaying sexual content with members outside of your age group is not allowed. For info on why we have these sections, please see this Resource.

All threads in this forum are archived after they have received no new replies for 90 days. If you need a thread revived, you can use the Thread Moderation Request form to ask a mod to bring it back. You can also use this form to request deletion of a post or locking/unlocking a thread.

If you are ready to begin accepting players, you can make a thread in the Group RP Signups forum or request that your existing thread be moved there.

Thread prefixes are colorful tags displayed at the beginning of a thread title. They can be chosen when creating a thread and more than one can be applied. These prefixes show what a thread is for. You can also click on them from the thread listing to display all the threads with that prefix within that forum. Each section has its own prefixes, so make sure to check the info sticky to make sure you're picking the right prefixes and to learn what they mean!

This prefix is applied to threads advertising an existing roleplay that needs new players.


Have a vague concept for a roleplay and need help fleshing it out? Use this prefix to find other people interested in plotting with you!

Have an idea fully formed, but you want to see how much interest it will get or create hype before committing to a signup thread? That's what an Interest Check is for! If you start using a thread for signups, you can get this moved by a mod.

Having trouble finding a group roleplay that fits your interests? Advertise yourself to GMs with this prefix.

This prefix just lets people know that your request is filled and you're not looking for any more groups/players. Changing the prefix (which can be done from within the thread) is a good way to avoid unwanted inquiries.

Tags can be added to threads and used to help find and filter threads related to certain genres, themes, and more. You'll find the Tags line right under the text box when creating a thread. Existing threads can also be tagged; just above the first post you should see a line that starts with "Tags:" and has an edit button you can press.

You can find the full list of available content tags in this Resource, or ask for a new tag to be added in this thread in the Help Desk.

There are a variety of useful guides in the Roleplay Help & Writing Guides area of our Support section, and you can also use this area to ask questions about roleplaying and writing.

If you want to generate a lot of hype, complicated BBCode can help grab attention. If you're not well-versed on using tricky codes, reach out to the BBCode Help thread for assistance and check the Coding Lab for tutorials.

If you like to use fancy colors but you're worried about how they might look on the different color backgrounds Iwaku offers, then look no further than Holmishire's Colour Guide for help in selecting shades that won't burn anyone's eyes.
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