NEW ARRIVAL Hi yall! Just ran over from quotev T - T

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


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Hi there I'm a new member! My name is kai or sleepy! and I came from quotev! :P I love south park and warrior cats and would love to be welcomed onto here!... (Uhh idk what else to write lol)
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Welcome to Iwaku, kai_has_died! Glad to have you here!

Now for my standard commentary to all wonderful new newbies; a super helpful little starter for getting your feet wet, you def should take a look at the Newbie Navigation! (Def worth reading through as it has some great and useful information to get around Iwaku)! If you've got any other questions or thoughts, feel free to shoot a message to the mod's or interns. They have fancy green names [or blue in my case] so they are easily to track down!
Welcome to the site! We're glad to have you!