INTEREST CHECK Idea bouncing

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Looking for Group/Partners
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Online Availability
usually from 4 PM to 9 PM. I can notify if I have a special case on a specific day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Advanced
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Contemporary Fantasy, Cozy Fantasy, Magical Realism, Low fantasy, AU, Action, Adventure, Scifi, Slice of life,
I'm Chara.I have been bored as of late and I would looooooooooove to do some kind of roleplay with people here.
Reply to me if you're interested.
level: intermediate
Fandoms: Rain World, Undertale/Deltarune, Changed, Doodle World, Kaiju Paradise, Super Animal Royale, Cult of the Lamb, Underverse.
I have a good list on a ton of RP plots I want to do.,

My Sanctuary
A is an Empath, meaning they can feel the emotions of the people around them. They've had this ability from a young age and because of it, they sometimes have a hard time separating their own emotions from everyone else and knowing what they themselves are feeling. Large groups and crowds only make it worse. B is A's Anchor. An Anchor is kind of like a buffer for the Empath between them and other people's emotions. The Empath focuses on their Anchor's emotions and it keeps them from getting overwhelmed and overloaded with other people's emotions and also allows them to keep their sanity intact.

When/where am I?
Time traveler or AU Traveler/person-
Character A is going about their normal life until there is a sudden flash of light and they find themselves in a place they don't recognize. It didn't take long for A to realize that they weren't not where they were supposed to be they weren't when they were supposed to be. B see's A's arrival and knows that they don't belong. Neither of them knows how A got there or how to get A back to the right time.

Bond Together
Character A is a human that finds animal on their way home. The animal hurt. Probably neglected and abused. B is a shifter stuck in animal form because they no longer had an owner. They are hesitant when A approaches but they have little choice but to accept A if they want to be human again. A takes B home and cares for them. Bound once again to an owner B turns human. What will A do when they learn that the pet they brought home isn't just an animal?

Military Dogs
Werewolf/Human- Werewolves: a myth that brings equal parts fascination and terror to those who hear of it. But what if it were real? It may soon be. The military is conducting experiments to create their own werewolves, trained to be nigh-invincible super-soldiers. Their first successful subject, the new Alpha of his pack, will be sent on missions that no human would ever dare to face down. Can he lead his pack through them successfully? Will he be a good leader for his people? And what is it about the sight of the moon that seems to invoke such... yearning?

Fight Club Rescue
A is involved in an underground fight club. One night on their way to a fight A heard someone being whimpering in a alley. When A goes down the alley they sees another fighter abusing someone A challenges the other to a fight. Whoever won would get B. The other fighter agreed and they head to the club. A wins and takes the abused person home with him. Now free of their abuser B wants to help A get out of the fight club.

digital to physical

Person A is a sentient desktop assistant who's been in person B's computer for a long time, unattended to and left to do all their digital work. As a celebration on the day Person A was made and given their complete free reign on their computer, Person B ends up making "A" a physical, tech-powered body which B can inhabit, which the two can work together for one another in both realms afterward.

myths & monsters inc.
Two childhood friends grow up together privy to the world of the supernatural. They belong to a subset of humans capable of detecting and utilizing an aura that typically only belongs to mythological creatures. For years, they have been responsible for dealing with paranormal threats that have been running rampant around their hometown. After a certain point, they figured it was about time that they open up their own investigation agency for finding the root cause of seemingly paranormal consequences. Sometimes that means fighting, at other times that means negotiating, but what it always means is an exciting adventure waiting in store for the two.
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just showing off my fandoms as well now, so... yeah