POLL if i changed iwaku's signature color from green to some other color would everyone explode and die

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what if iwaku wasnt green?

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Dang...I definitely didn't think of bbcode or username colors. The only thing I can think of is maybe a static banner behind the username that can change to complement the theme, but still make each username color visible? Like the 'Donating member' and 'Administrator' banners. Or a banner the same color as this gray background we have now. Won't blend into every theme too well, but it's an option. Or a text effect that adds a border or something else to make the username pop with its chosen color.

If that's at all possible...I am by no means a coder lol
something night friendly, so cold tones for me baybee
@Diana is it possible to create usergroup styles for each of the different styles?
🤔 I could prolly do some css over-riding if I got creative!

>:D yeeees, perhaaaaaps
Does this mean that the staff won't be green anymore either? 😮 I mean, I'm neutral either way.
There should be no alternate style choices. Only neon.

Make them embrace the synthwave, Diana. You know you want to.
Heh. You never saw the Monopoly skin that I set up for April Fools one year did you?