OFFICIAL EVENT Iwaku Summer Book Club; Readings, Announcements, & Discussions

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


The Queen
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
In the mornings usually but only during the week. Weekends are devoted to the family.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Modern, Magical, Romance, Medieval, Fantasy, Slice of Life

The books chosen based on popular votes and the planned dates for chapter readings are here! You can open your book, ebook, or audiobook and start right now! @MaryGold and/or I will be posting in this channel every week as a reminder of what chapters the group should be on as well as a reminder for every VC session for live discussion. Mary or I will be hosting one live discussion for each book. The date will be set at least one week before the book is finished. I hope you'll be able to catch at least one!

Even if you are unable to join one of those sessions, know that the Summer Book Club channel is always open on Discord for chatting or feel free to drop thoughts here. All we ask is that you please remember to put any spoilers in spoiler tabs with warnings if the group has not reached that part of the book. Otherwise, we encourage all the activity for it in the channel, book comments, pointed details discovered, memes, etc.

If anyone needs a copy of any of the books, PM myself or Mary and we will be happy to share one you can use on an electronic device.


6/21 - Pages 1-122
6/28- Pages 123-202
7/5- Pages 203-295
7/12- Day 0-3
7/19- Day 4-8
7/26- Day 9-23
8/2- Part 1
8/9- Part 2-3
8/16- Part 4-5
8/23- Part 6-7

Since there has been so much interest in The Guncle, we will be adding it to book club…UNOFFICIALLY.

The Guncle isn't very long so let's divide that over 3 weeks as well. It can easily be read in conjunction with Mort or Blackout.

Week 1: Prologue-Chapter 8
Week 2: Chapter 9-18
Week 3: Chapter 19-31

Because it isn't official I won't attach it to any schedule. Do keep anything about the Guncle in spoilers. Let's say… at least until we start Addie Larue.

Happy Reading bookclubbers!
Week 2 Reading time! This week we will continue Mort and move on to pages 123-202.
How's everyone enjoying the book so far? Remember, if you've read ahead, please use spoilers.