SEXUAL SMUT Jasmine Room

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Remember, Remember, the 5th of November
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female

Ivaylo didn't think much of his letter as it landed in his hand, when it arrived he stared at it, he knew who it was from, the infamous lady Mar'irath… he had only seen it from a distance those envelope, but now it was in his own hands he couldn't help but chuckle at the change. His Owner, His Father used to get them all the time and would go, laughing and coming back humming. Always in a good mood.

He opened it reading the information inside his eyes, tracing the letters carefully, memorizing everything before it turned to flames in his hand leaving 1/3rd a key, which didn't surprise him as he saw two names on his invite informing him of his partners. He sighs softly as he gets up, pulling out his phone to book a plane.The Event being in a different country, thankfully he was given the envelope a few days before the event, he also called a tailor in the city it was held. He wanted to look good at least.

A few days passed somewhat eventfully as he got his outfit ready and explored the city a bit till the day of the event. He trimmed his beard just a bit, and slicked his hair back just right. He wore a black and red three piece suit along with his signature black overcoat that rested over his shoulder to the event. His gloved covered hand leaned into his cane as he walked into the event.

His dress shoes clicked against the tiled floor along with his cane. There was a slight limp to his walk as he moved carefully through the halls of the event, making his way to the Jasmine Room, he had taken a glass of blood. Soon he made it to the door, he leaned against the door resting on his good leg. Bring the glass up to his lip as he waited for his parents of the night to arrive.
「 #Vampir #Kill-Shot-Magdalene-Bay #At-Door @Dusk @peach
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Blaine moved quietly, slinking down the hallway with his hands tucked into the pockets of his dark brown slacks. His dress shoes left a few soft clacks under his steps against the tiled floors, but the noise silenced when he paused in front of the door.

He stared down at the older gentleman, cocking an eyebrow in interest. Good looking man. Good for us. "Jasmine room, too?" Blaine finally spoke up, his voice warm and low. "Looks like we're just waiting for one more tonight." Blaine breathed, taking a seat in the bench next to Ivaylo and leaning back comfortably.

Blaine had done this sort of thing several times before, but never in such a glamorous fashion. He was used to grimy hookups and dipping out, walking home with a few buttons missing off his shirt and a blurred memory of the night before. This… This was lush. He'd definitely still drink, but something about this felt like something he wouldn't end up regretting tomorrow.
Code by Jenamos
Whatever Seeker had done to be chosen for such an event, he couldn't say. He was nobody important or even the most interesting, and as a naga he felt it made him even more of an outlier of a choice. But Seeker wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. It was the kind of debauched event made for someone with his hedonistic inclinations. Seeker wandered the halls in search of his room, The Jamine Room. He swung the third of his key around his fingers as he walked. Intense curiosity about his partners plagued him. He had two, Ivaylo and Blaine, and was eager to meet them, even if only for a night. Seeker was excited. He felt that rise of anticipation in his stomach as he sought out his room for the evening.

The Jasmine Room. Seeker had had more trouble than seemed reasonable finding it, but he found it. The key fragment ceased its motions around his finger as he saw the two men sat on a bench beside the door. He wasn't surprised to be attracted to them. He would've been surprised if he wasn't. One was an older sort, muscled with greying hair. The other man had softer feautures and gorgeous hair. Seeker couldn't wait to run his hands through that. The formality of the older man's clothes caught Seeker's attention. He was dressed to the teeth. He had to be someone rich as fuck. Maybe even a noble. Wasn't that exciting? Seeker himself was plainly dressed. Plain black trousers, russett blouse, and a single ring on his finger. His hair was thrown loosely back.

He stopped in front of the bench and offered a welcoming grin, just tight enough to keep his secrets to himself. "Well, aren't I lucky?" He hummed to himself, not expecting a response. He nudged a shoulder toward the door. "Shall we go in? Save the pillow talk for private?" He then added, without pause, "Or we can skip it and get right to fucking. Either way." Held out his hand with his third of the key in his palm.
Code by wren.
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  • Spicy
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Ivaylo noticed the man walking towards him before he could see him, the steps of his shoes, he glanced to the side towards the man as he walked to the door, his eyes slowly moving upwards, starting to his nice shoes, slacks then chest before reaching his eyes. His piecing blue gazed at him, Ivaylo noticed how young the man look, but looks could be deceiving. He hums gently, as he brings his cup, "Indeed" he says in a low voice, his voice smooth like whisky, he didn't say his name just yet waiting for the second guest of the evening to join them.

It didn't take long after Ivaylo to speak when his 3rd partner for the evening arrived, he turned to the male, finishing his glass. He tilted his head slightly, as he checked the male out, just as handsome as the other. Lady Ma'irath truely knows his taste, and that was a terrifying thought. He couldn't help but let out a low rumble of a laugh.

"Hmmm, brazen. Lady Ma'irath once again reminds me how terrifying she is in a single night," He says placing the glass down on the bench, and moved to grab his cane. Using it to help him stand up, "I think I would at least like to know who is who, I wouldn't want to scream out the wrong name to someone tonight."

He limped towards the door, and pulled out his part of the key from the inside of his coat and tapped the door with it. "I'm Ivaylo Dimitrova, Grimwolf of the Dimitrova Family." he says gently to the two men, and smiles slightly, showing his fangs.

「 #Vampir #Kill-Shot-Magdalene-Bay #At-Door @Dusk @peach
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Blaine chuckled deeply, cocking a brow at the blonde male that arrived to complete their trio for the night. He was cute. Eager too, thankfully. He climbed to his feet, fishing for the room key in pocket to help unlock their room.

"Ivaylo, hm? I'm Blaine." He introduced, his warm eyes flitting between Ivaylo and Seeker. " I don't see why we can't get right to it, if that's what you both want. You'll hear no protests from me, of course." He chuckled, giving a silent prayer of thanks for getting matched with two intensely beautiful men.

"And you?" Blaine questioned flirtatiously, looking back over at Seeker. It was a good thing Blaine had the stamina of an Olympic swim team, by the looks of things, these two would need someone to keep up with.
Code by Jenamos
  • Spicy
Reactions: Dusk
"I'm fine with you screaming any name you want," Seeker hummed with mild amusement in response to the older of the two men. "But whatever you want," he added. It wasn't a big deal for him either way. He had a long record of anonymous sexual exploits, but this was a bit classier than his usual hookup.

"Well, don't you have a fancy name." Seeker responded to Ivaylo's introduction. It wasn't just that he had a fancy name, it was the way he introduced himself as well. Ivaylo was definitely someone of status. Only people with important families named their house like that. The other man, Blaine, introduced himself casually.

"You can call me Seeker," the Naga said in response to Blaine's suggestive question, "but I can be anyone you like." He added playfully. The blond had gone by many names before, and Seeker wouldn't be his last. With introductions out of the way, the three men entered the room.

The room was the most lavish Seeker had ever been in. Opulent was the word which fit best. He felt out of place, a stain against the luxurious surroundings of embroidery and fine wood. He couldn't have even begun to assess the value of the room. As much as it made him feel out of place, he was good at adapting, and soon this fancy ass room would be his fancy ass room.

He noted, also, that there were many portraits of people on the walls and ceiling. "Looks like we have an audience," he said light-heartedly, with a gesture to a painting of a man.

"So 'Grimwolf?'" Seeker asked, running his fingers along the post of the bed as he questioned the older of his companions for the night.
Code by wren.