ALWAYS OPEN PARTNER REQUEST F x F F x NB M x M M x NB kelyn's 1x1 rp search :D

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kelyn | they/them
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
  2. Primarily Nonbinary
i literally just rp aot or fairy tail 😅 maybe game of thrones, one piece and jjk if ur lucky
for fairy tail, i have one oc either paired with another oc or dimaria. for aot i have 3 ocs who's respective love interests are mikasa, eren and pieck :)
hi :D im kelyn (they/them) and i am here from quotev. i will say this first; i have a very strong preference for lgbtq+ pairings and my pairings are always fxf (or nbxf) or mxm (or nbxm). for my ocs who aren't cis, i ask that you respect their pronouns :)

im extremely slow at replying (i take weeks at least, months at most) so i really enjoy plotting and everything. i have a chronic health condition and i am a uni student, i promise its never because im not interested. i literally never shut up about headcanons im so sorry. because i don't reply often, my replies are usually over 1k per side :D i am caught up with all my fandoms too, and they are listed in order of interest! i kinda prefer having multiple rps with the same person so if we have more than one fandom in common plz request all :D i have a writing sample from an old aot rp in my profile (although i strongly prefer s4, i was very proud of this reply so it's still my sample despite the fact it's from 2022 😭) but i can give a more recent one if you'd like! i hope to hear from u soon (honestly i will love u forever if u ask for an snk rp 😭😂)

attack on titan - ocs paired with mikasa ackerman, pieck finger, eren jaeger

fairy tail - ocs paired with dimaria yesta, larcade dragneel

one piece - ocs paired with portgas d. ace, trafalgar d. law, nico robin

game of thrones - ocs paired with jaime lannister, cersei lannister, daenerys targaryen

succession - oc paired with roman roy

jujutsu kaisen - oc paired with itadori yuji

spiderman - plz specify which! for example for, the ps4 games, i have ocs paired with peter parker and felicia hardy

dc - again plz specify! oc paired with harley quinn for the suicide squad movies​
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